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Related Transcripts
Carlos Alcaraz La Energía del Público en los Grandes Estadios de Tenis Novak Djokovic - obviously you've had success on that stadium before but it's one of the biggest stadiums in tennis if not the biggest stadium what is the adjustment like preparing to be on a court that is so much bigger than the average and all the energy that you'r...
Carlos Alcaraz Disfrutando el Fútbol Mi Experiencia en el Atlético Novak Djokovic - a huge honor is a privilege that I can still play on the on the arur r every time that I that I play matches uh on on on ass I try to enjoy as much as I can because it's a it's a unique feeling uh playing in this amazing core you know from an electri...
Carlos Alcaraz Cómo el golf Mejora Tu Rendimiento en Tenis Novak Djokovic - saw online that you and and Casper had a had a golf game in in New York I'm curious what what got got you into golf and are there any aspects of he plays unbelievable uh and uh yeah we we talked a lot about uh you know how much you you have to um to ...
Carlos Alcaraz Concentración Total Preparándose para Jugar Contra Zabalov Novak Djokovic - sé que es un jugador muy peligroso eh tiene grandes grandes tiros eh obviamente él estaba en un momento bastante bastante bueno quizás este último año o estos últimos meses no no ha estado jugando a a su mejor a su mejor tenis eh se ha visto Claro en...
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CARLOS ALCARAZ NO FLAMENGO! #carlosalcaraz#flamengo#mercadodabola#shorts#premierleague#gols - é meu amigo finalmente Acabou a novela o carajos meu Deus já tenho uns 400 vídeos aqui e agora ele foi anunciado Vamos retomar como é que foi os moldes dessa negociação por girando Vários valores o Flamengo no final das contas chegou na oferta de 20 ...
Flamengo dá as boas vindas à Carlos Alcaraz. Alcaraz é do Mengão. Direto da Premier League. - essa contratação é do meu e caubói tu tá com s alança caubói o que baita negócio de eu falei essa é a contratação do alcaraz o alcaraz é do malvadão Esse alcaraz é do não senhor de novo não caubói Fala nessa h
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CARLOS ALCARAZ É DO MENGÃO - F aquí Charlie esto contento de estar porar a rero conocerlos yar pronto AB to chegou então já vão se acostumando Pois é Carlos alcaraz aí anunciado pelo o Flamengo por 20 milhões de dólar T aí mais ou menos de 120 milhões deais só por 80% detalhe vi...
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FLAMENGO FECHA COM CARLOS ALCARAZ E ALEX SANDRO - Flamengo fecha duas contratações logo de cara Alexandro e Carlos alcaraz do sou Hampton além de antos ter fechado com um robozinho o
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Carlos Alcaraz - Carlos alcaras Carlos alcaraz's 15 match winning streak at Grand Slams is over the Spaniard suffered a straight sets defeat to Dutchman bodic Vandy anul in New York
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Carlos Alcaraz dumps out of US Open 2024😳 - Dutch man BK wind the Z SH pulled off an epsod for the ages beating us open title favorite Carlos zaras in front of a packed arthura Stadium on Thursday night August 29th the defeat brought an end to alaras incredible 15 match winning streak at Grand...
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PRIMEIRO DIA DE CARLOS ALCARAZ NO FLAMENGO NINHO DO URUBU 30/08/2024 - Hola nasao Estoy aquí vamos juntos vamos meng Sí la verdad que estoy muy contento de aquí de llegar a Río ya estoy con muchas ganas de ir al maracaná de conocer a la gente de flamengo que es una gente muy buena muy loca como como en Argentina también...
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OS TREINOS DE PÊNALTIS #Alcaraz CONTRA #Rossi NO #Flamengo PROMETEM. #CRF #Shorts #IssoAquiéFlamengo - le va a pegar al caraz contra Rossi va al caraz al cará gol la metió en el ángulo un golazo ina en Francia 98 en Sant etién octavo de final entró en el ángulo esa pelota
CONFIRMADO, ALCARAZ É DO MENGÃO!! #mengão #mercadodaboladoflamengo #futebolbrasileiro #flamengo - o Carlos alcaraz ele assinou com o Flamengo o contrato de 5 anos ou seja até agosto de 2029 jogador tem 21 anos foi a maior contratação da história do Flamengo chegando a 20 milhões de euros e na negociação do Carlos alcaraz ficou acordado De que o F...
CARLOS ALCARAZ E NOVO REFORÇO DO FLAMENGO. - eu só quero fazer uma ressalva além da contratação do mei Campista argentino de 21 anos Carlos alcaraz O flamengo pode oficializar a contratação dele Gonzalo Plata que estava cotado para seu reforço do Corinthians e o Flamengo foi na frente e deu aqu...
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✅ FLAMENGO ANUNCIA CARLOS ALCARAZ, INTER SONDA VITOR CARVALHO, GUSTAVO NUNES E+ | MERCADO DA BOLA - últimas notícias do mercado da bola o Flamengo oficializou o meia Carlos alcará de 21 anos até 2029 o argentino deixou souf Hampton por 18 milhões de euros o meia Vittor Hugo foi envolvido no negócio onde será emprestado o gostp clube do mesmo grupo ...
EL REINADO DE ALCARAZ - igual al caraj va a gobernar pero de manera autoritaria el tenis actual O sea no tiene nada que ver la generación actual de tenistas con la de Nadal Bueno el el el Big F no o el Big 3 como quieras llamar federel Nadal jokovic Murray no tiene nada que...
FLAMENGO CONSEGUE ANTECIPAR CONTRATAÇÃO DE CARLOS ALCARAZ #flamengo #carlosalcaraz - o Flamengo conseguiu antecipar a contratação de Carlos alcaraz que já está a caminho do Brasil para se apresentar ao clube e ficar disponível para o técnico tit o meio-campista argentino contratado junto ao southampton poderá estrear rapidamente pelo...
FLAMENGO anuncia ALCARAZ + GREMIO vende GUSTAVINHO. #flamengo #alcaraz #mercadodabola #gremio #fy - o Flamengo anunciou a contratação de Carlos alcaraz meio-campista argentino de 21 anos como seu terceiro reforço desta janela de transferências o clube vai desembolsar 20 milhões de dólares pela contratação o jogador atuava no southampton e é formado...
CRAQUE NETO SE RENDEU AO FLAMENGO "CARLOS ALCARAZ É ANUNCIADO OFICIALMENTE" SAIU A ESCALAÇÃO DO FLA - Então fala galera muito bem-vinda a mais um vídeo aqui no canal né PR gente começar o vídeo nos apoi deixando seu like inscrevendo no canal e ativando o Sininho para não perder no vídeo e sempre ser notificado aqui no canal Então galera vamos fazer a...
SÃO PAULO ESPERA DESFECHO POSITIVO POR SANTIAGO COLOMBATTO! DETALHES DE CHARLY ALCARAZ NO FLAMENGO! - 3 2 1 Bora gravar hein falar sobre Santiago colombat jogador de 27 anos volante que o São Paulo já tá na segunda proposta na verdade fez um ajuste na primeira proposta que foi feita e agora espera um final feliz um desfecho positivo para essa negocia...
VEJA O QUE O CARLOS ALCARAZ FALOU SOBRE O ALEX SANDRO!!! #flamengo #carlosalcaraz #alexsandro #viral - veja o que colo solas fal sobre Alex Sandro de compañero solo tuve a alexandro que la verdad es una gran persona en Juventus me ayudó mucho y la verdad que antes de de cerrar aquí en flamengo él me habló yo hablé con él y y me me ha dicho que que ven...
Alcaraz Stunned by Botic & Notebook Dump From Opening Rounds | US Open 2024 - Intro welcome everyone to Monday match analysis from New York day five at the US Open recording Friday morning powered by bet us uh this is going to be a little bit different than uh normal because working for us open radio I have uh been at the US O...
Alcaraz manda recado ao Tite. #fy #futebol #fypシ゚viral - e o alcaraz que chegou no Flamengo já mandando recado para o tit galera o alcaraz aí ó já chegou mostrando personalidade pode ter sido visto aí por alguns como uma atitude ruim né que pode quebrar o elenco Mas uma coisa é certa ele tem personalidade ...
What Led To Carlos Alcaraz's Failure At The US Open? | First Sports With Rupha Ramani - Carlos alcara suffered a shock defeat at the US Open losing in straight sets to Dutchman bik fand Zan hope with this he has made a shocking exit exit in the second round itself now it has been one of the most difficult hardcat seasons for the young S...
IMPRENSA VAI A LOUCURA COM AS CHEGADAS DE ALCARAZ, ALEX SANDRO, E PLATA NO FLAMENGO! - salve nação saudações rubro negras vídeo top em dose dupla temos aqui dois cortes um corte do programa Jogo Aberto da Band e um corte da ESPN Brasil falando sobre os nossos reforços já chegaram alcaraz Alexandro E também o Gonzalo Plata vamos ver o q...
Alcaraz est exténué mentalement ! #tennis #usopen #alcaraz #carlosalcaraz #atp #atptour - al cars éliminé c'est pas une surprise c'est un séisme surtout dès le deuxième tour de l'US Open et sans même gagner un seul set contre 22 ans de scolp 74e mondial qui avait plus battu un top 100 depuis 4 mois ni même aligné deux victoires d'affilé d...
What is The Reason Behind Carlos Alcaraz's US Open Exit? | First Sports With Rupha Ramani - Carlos Alara suffered a shock defeat at the US Open losing in straight sets to Dutchman bik fand Zan hope with this he has made a shocking exit exit in the second round itself now it has been one of the most difficult hardcat seasons for the young Sp...
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Alcaraz Knocked Out of US Open 2nd Rd by Van de Zandschulp - instead of getting stronger mentally I took some steps back in that aspect this is what Carlos Alara said after losing in the second round of the 2024 US Open to btic Fan desan sculp how is it possible that someone that wins Roland garos and Wimbledo...
Alcaraz surprised by loss to van de Zandschulp at US Open - here's the translated text the surprising defeat of Carlos alcaras at the US Open against botic van desan schul has left many shocked the Spanish tennis Superstar Carlos alcaras suffered an unexpected loss at the US Open exiting in the third set agai...
Alcaraz surprised by loss to van de Zandschulp at 2024 US Open - Carlos alcaraz suffers a shocking defeat at the 2024 US Open against BK vanzan shul surprising defeat for Carlos alcaras at the 2024 US Open the Spanish tennis star Carlos alcaras has faced an unexpected loss against Dutch player BK vanandel at the 2...
Botic van de Zandschulp teaches Emma Raducanu huge lesson after beating Carlos Alcaraz - bodic Vana xan Shel taught Emma raduka new a valuable lesson after His stunning victory over Carlos alcaras at the US Open the Dutchman a significant Underdog defeated alar 6-1 7-5 6-4 showcasing an impressive performance Vana zanel attributed his su...
Botic van de zandschulp forehand compared to a 5.0 tennis player! - botic van desan Shop's forehand the guy who just beat acz his forehand compared to a five tennis player first his forehand prep starts with his racket facing forward instead of back next during his forward swing his torso twist first and then the res...
Carlos Alcaraz stunned by Botic van de Zandschulp at US Open - this is why you need to watch the US Open Carlos alcaraz's incredible run has just come to a shocking halt Carlos alcarez the reigning French Open and Wimbledon champion faced a stunning defeat in the second round of the US Open his 15 match Grand Sl...
IMPACTANTES DECLARACIONES de ALCARAZ tras su DERROTA con Botic van de Zandschulp - hi David LA from the tennis podcast what how were you feeling out there today did you did you not feel 100% I don't know what to say right now uh I mean uh first of all I think he he played great uh he played a really good tennis I thought he was goi...
Carlos Alcaraz vs Botic Van De Zandschulp - US Open - REACCIONAMOS EN VIVO - Dr tenis el juego se enciende Andrea vers siempre sorprende con estilo y pasión todo domina mancando las transmisiones femeninas [Música] brilla Andrea en la cancha siempre [Música] maravilla reina de la trinchera su nombre resuena Andrea versay y su...
A Stunning Win for Botic van de Zandschulp | 2024 US Open - it's been an incredible evening here uh first time for me night session on Ares crowd was amazing so thank you for that and yeah unbelievable night I think from point one I believed here today that I that I could make a chance and uh yeah you see how...
Meet Botic van de Zanschulp The man who stunned Carlos Alcaraz at US Open 2024 - e [Music] o [Music]
Alcaraz vs Van De Zandschulp Live Streaming | Us Open 2024 | Van De Zandschulp vs Alcaraz Live - hello everyone welcome to the channel so we are back with another live streaming here we talk about some details of today match follow CH SLI and very interesting match today to win today comment down and like the video subscribe to the channel [Appl...
Live army testing , wheelchair basketball paralympics , johnny gaudreau , artem chigvintsev - he
Taylor Fritz tops Alexander Zverev at US Open to reach 1st Slam semi - subscribe our channel to get daily Entertainment News Taylor Fritz tops Alexander vev at US Open to reach first slam semi as he watched one last errand forehand from his number four ranked US Open opponent land wide Taylor Fritz dropped his neon colo...
¿PUEDE GANAR EL US OPEN TAYLOR FRITZ? #usopen #fritz #zverev #tennis #apuestas #apuestasdeportivas - es que si si a rune le hubiera tocado una ronda accesible en cuenta de nakashima tienes a a Walton Pues hostias tienes musetti por tu lado y rune puede meterle mano a musetti o jugarselo con un es y ver otro bonito partido pero tal y como tiene anima...
ENCORE !? 😳 Zverev SE LIQUÉFIE contre Fritz, la fin déchirante de Dimitrov ! | US Open #7 - Sommaire 27 ans 10 saisons sur le circuit et toujours aucun grand chlem pour Alexander VF mais que se passe-t-il concrètement avec l'abominable saucisse germanique c'est la grande question de cette vidéo la blessure tragique de Dimitrov et mon grand ...
Taylor Fritz crée l'exploit et bat Zverev à l'US Open ! - à 26 ans Taylor fredz a atteint sa première demi-finale en grand schlem en battant alexanderverf en 4-7 à l'US Open Taylor Fritz a atteint sa première demi-finale en grandanchlem quelques heures après sa compatriote Emma Navaro à 26 ans il surmonte s...
Taylor Fritz's girlfriend celebrates Alexander Zverev win after Wimbledon controversy - Taylor Fritz's partner Morgan riddle once again posted on social media after the American beat Alexander V of. Taylor Fritz's girlfriend Morgan riddle once again boasted on social media after the American defeated Alexander ziv at the US Open riddle ...
Zverev scheitert im Viertelfinale der US Open gegen Fritz - US Open Viertelfinale Alexander zwerev scheitert an Fritz in einem mit Spannung erwarteten Viertelfinale der US Open kam es zu einem Aufeinandertreffen zwischen dem Deutschen Tennisprofi Alexander zwev und dem amerikanischen Spieler Taylor Fritz die ...
Nach Zverev-Aus! Mischa Zverev unmittelbar nach dem Match im Interview | US Open 2024 | SDTV - direkt von der Box zu uns Micha ZF das muss man erstmal sacken lassen wie war es für dich schmerzhaft das war wirklich nicht einfach vor allem ich finde sascha ist wenn man jetzt Fritz und Sascha vergleicht Sascha der bessere Spieler egal welchen Bel...
"Sascha wird immer erwachsener & souveräner" Mischa Zverev nach Runde 4 | US Open 2024 | SDTV - Alexander ZF schlägt Brandon Nakashima in vier Sätzen und gerade nach dem ersten Satz Micha ZF sah das richtig richtig gut aus ja wie auch vorher gesagt ich habe gesagt drei maximal vier Sätze es wurde am Ende vi aber die letzten drei waren auch ziem...
"Wir nennen es die New Yorker Plastiktüte!" Mischa Zverev vor Saschas Match | US Open 2024 | SDTV - Sascha zwerev gegen Nakashima natürlich müssen wir darüber sprechen mit mcha zwerf mcha danke für deine Zeit du kommst gerade vom Platz vom einspielen wie lange habt ihr euch eingespielt und wie lief's 40 Minuten eingespielt meine Performance mittelm...
Little known facts about Alexander Zverev - Alexander Zev born April 20th 1997 is a German professional tennis player and the current world number four he has been ranked by the ADP as high as world number two Z of singles career highlights include a gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and t...
Nach Training mit Bruder Sascha: Mischa Zverev über Runde 3 | US Open 2024 | SDTV - vierter Tag der US Open 2024 und wir stehen hier mit mcha zwer wir haben uns mal ein bisschen die Leute gemischt gute Stimmung ja also zum Laufen ist es nicht einfach hier ist richtig voll aber so muss es auch sein bei den US deswegen macht s auch so...
Mischa Zverev interviewt Alexander Zverev bei den US Open 2024 | SDTV - ah US Open 2024 Alexander ZF oder kann ich dich auch Sascha und Bruder nennen wie geht's dir wie wie fühlst du dich in New York wie waren die letzten Wochen auch vor New York auf dem Hartplatz hier in Amerika ja gemischt ne ich fühle mich gut ich gla...
Terra Wortmann Open 2024: Interview mit Mischa Zverev - OBO Bettermann - herzlich willkommen Micha schön dass du dich zur Verfügung stellst für unser Interview für unsere OBO Social Media Kanäle und ich habe mal so ein paar unbequeme Fragen vorbereitet wie vorstellen K des auch ein Schläger wenn die zu unbequem sind dann ...
OnCourt Mischa Zverev 15.06.2024 | Terra Wortmann Open 2024 - [Musik] zweimal im Finale gestanden du kennst natürlich Halle ist deine Westentasche du kennst ja alles du kennst alle Wege wie ist es wenn du als Spieler jetzt noch mal hier auf KT ein zurückkommst zum ersten Mal hier mit 14 Jahren gespielt jetzt bi...
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Tennis-Training mit Mischa Zverev: Judith Williams probiert den Aufschlag | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - . Meine wunderbare Frau Judith
feiert heute ihren Geburtstag. Wir als Familie
hatten die besondere Idee für eine Trainerstunde
mit Tennisprofi Mischa Zverev. Judith ist bei mir trainings-
technisch in allerbesten Händen. Ja? Was hast du alles mit ihr...
MISCHA ZVEREV VS HERBERT MOSELLE OPEN 2017 - [Musica] [Applauso] [Musica] [Musica] [Musica] [Applauso] [Musica] [Applauso] [Musica] [Applauso] [Musica] [Musica] [Applauso] [Applauso] [Musica] esemplare in risposta facile i soliti incidenti stradali incidere il suo primo set [Applauso] [Musica] ...
Tennisprofi Mischa Zverev begeistert Fans in Groß-Gerau - [Musik] [Musik] wir wollten diese Tour machen um Tennis an die Menschen zu bringen nicht immer die Menschen zum Turnieren zum Beispiel zu den French Open da will man da kann nicht jeder hin deswegen habe ich mir überlegt ich möchte Tennis an die Mens...
Tennis Zverev - [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] also herzlich willkommen alle zusammen zum Jubiläum 60 hier ist Bestehen des Tennisclub Niedernhausen guten Morgen von meiner Seite ich würde gerne noch für heute veranstalten das ist quasi in Kooperation des Tennisclubs und d...
Mischa Zverev vs Kei Nishikori 錦織 圭 Highlights ᴴᴰ GENEVA OPEN 2017 - foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] foreign what's up Nishikori has been getting better all right [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how many we see already [Music] thank you Jessica [Music] [Applause] [Musi...
ZVEREV CRAZIEST Volley ! 🔥💯 - [موسيقى]
Mischa Zverev Interview vor Tennis Spiel in Berlin mit Marc-Kevin Goellner im Club SCC - Davis Cup der Generationen doch warum wir eigentlich heute hier sind warum nicht nur uns besucht hat einen anderen Hintergrund und Micha dazu kannst uns ja ein bisschen was erzählen und zwar geht es um die Alexander zvere Foundation hier im letzten J...
See fun way Morgan Riddle and friends killed time before US Open - [Music] come on ladies and gentlemen can we begin as your collec your dral soaking and dance starting with the dripping about the drum the base you Bill speed you can become a number one in the race f it from my head down to the chip of my toe and I ...
Taylor Fritz's girlfriend Morgan Riddle celebrates US Open win over Alexander Zverev - Welcome to our Channel Taylor Fritz's girlfriend Morgan riddle celebrates US Open win over Alexander's ver on social media after Wimbledon controversy Morgan riddle took to social media to celebrate after boyfriend Taylor Fritz beat Alexander Zev in ...
Wimbledon Day 8 - Djokovic booed at Wimbledon OstaPENKO POWER is back, Morgan Riddle vs Zverev - why we are globally recognized as as as tennis players is because of the fans because of the interest that they uh put into watching tennis matches paying tickets queuing to come and you know so I I respect that I try to acknowledge that and I said o...
Crowd erupt after Taylor Fritz stunner | Wimbledon 2024 - [Applause] oh two phenomenal points to begin this game Zev will feel that Fritz had no business winning them both not even one to be honest but that's the moment that you get a ball over a man 6 and 1/2t Tall with to deal with the forand volley didn'...
Wimbledon:Die Freundin Taylor Fritz hat auf dem Feld etwas Verrücktes getan: "Zverev ausgeschieden" - es wird ein Gefühl sein Alexander ZF 27 hat tatsächlich die Chance wimelden zu gewinnen obwohl Rasen nicht seine lieblingsoberfläche ist manchmal fühle ich mich auf Gras wie eine Kuh auf Eis am Montag ab 16:30 Uhr live auf primim Video wird er gegen ...
Taylor Fritz's Girlfriend Reacts to Zendaya's Press Looks for 'Challengers' Movie! - hey everyone welcome back to our entertainment update today we're talking about American tennis player Taylor Fritz's girlfriend Morgan riddle who recently made some interesting comments about the upcoming film challenges and actress Zenia in a surpr...
“A bet’s a bet” 🤝 | Taylor Fritz will be making sure that his girlfriend completes the challenge 😂😬 - if Taylor Wins again I'm going to eat a jar of Veggie M on Instagram live that's a big jar that is a big jar a big jar but a BET's a bet yeah this a big jar but yeah it's going to be on Instagram live are you going to join in or you just going to wat...
When Taylor Fritz (ATP No10) has no mercy for @moorrgs, his girlfriend 😅 - how much have I improved a lot actually there's some yeah out of 10 I mean your improvements like an like an eight but like the actual less than itself I'd say like a six oh okay you just don't listen sometimes what
Taylor Fritz Gushes Relationship with Girlfriend Morgan Riddle - wait for me [Music] wait for me [Music] foreign [Music]