2024 PDGA Pro Worlds | MPO FINALF9 | Robinson, Anttila, Heimburg, Taylor | Jomez Disc Golf

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:48:21 Category: Sports

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Start [Music] at the end all we have is our memories tracing the rings of life we relive the challenges and triumphs the world offers this week is no different life was here long before dis Golf and we'll continue on after we depart how you live while you walk this Earth is all that matters as we approach our final day of competition remember Champions will rise and fall but their impact carries on returning life back to the community that built them while shaping the lines of the future [Music] [Music] the 2024 pdj professional disc golf world championships ends now [Music] hello and welcome to the final round of the 2024 PDGA proor championships you're watching Jes Pro on commentators Christmas it is I'm Nate seon and this is Jeremy coing and this is the best day of the dis golfing year I came dressed for it we got our uh world's teas tanks don't forget about te these bucket caps that we got for sale I think we've restocked these things twice already just want to go ahead and throw that out there real quick just because that's going on right now but more importantly today bust a bucket baby oh yeah oh nice Isaac Robinson is out here he means PLAYER PROFILES business trying to be one of the few players in disc golf history to go wire to wire if that were to happen Isaac Robinson would be a two-time world champion currently he is sitting on a three- shot lead over a very determined Nikas anela this is a player who's finished multiple times in the second place position at Majors can he finally rewrite history and be the first International Male World Champion in the N division Calvin heimberg can he finally get off the snide and win his first major championship and Luke tayor my goodness his play this week has been incredible really the first time we've gotten to see him and he's been here all week huge drives big putts the moments yesterday HOLE 1 on 14 and 15 back toback Unforgettable for this world championships so many story lines are going to take place today in these next 18 holes can't wait to get into it ho one par 4 758 downhill you've been watching it with us we hope through the week you got to get your drive down and safe left is better than right as you don't have a low ceiling to contend with on your way up but as always you got a tight green wrapped with out of bounds I really do think that's basically always the case out here at Ivy Hill world champion and at 32 under par he's your leader from Lawrenceville Georgia Isaac [Applause] Robinson wider today than yesterday as long as it misses that tree it'll be just fine good adjustment from yesterday's drive from Finland nichas Angel n yesterday with a seven under front nine he's going to need fireworks today if he wants to put any pressure on your leader we've only really seen six or seven shaky holes in from Isaac and it was the early stretch yesterday at this very course and they've already played 90 that's pretty incredible and we've seen every shot he's thrown all week start off on the lead card they will play 90 by the end of today oh 90 that's right 72 but still five out of 72 is pretty dang impressive this is nice and wide for Calvin reminds me of uh Paul mcbeth's performance at the Crown Point worlds in 2013 believe P MC Beth only had one bogey all week wow on route to winning his second world title I believe that was a three putt okay all four drives in a very similar position in a great position nice and wide for Luke good trust oh great shot 16 ft away a little bit tighter to the right side not a bad shot at [Applause] all can see how being outle just gives you all the air space you could ever want to get up this hill mhm right side is the safer side to Miss on so ncla just making sure that that thing swings back in bounds he's going to have about 20 to 25 ft Isaac going full turnover and just doing what he's been doing all week he's been an absolute Force so far through this tournament the approaches on this hole specifically have all been incredible now Calvin from C1 Edge actually outside the circle by a couple steps oh beautiful I talked to Calvin after round four he was lamenting the fact that he just hadn't had that clean round yet I don't know honestly if a truly clean round is even possible at Ivy Hill but Calvin is in that make all the putts type of mode today it has to be if he wants to realize his dreams at this world championship and N Claus look at that not 2025 he's fully outside the circle but that was a very wow perfectly placed pck that rhythm is so smooth looks so easy oh no not sure if that's just a little bit too far left if that's caused from the nerves or It's just sometimes you miss him but I would not I mean I I can excuse him for being nervous sure it's a situation very few people have ever been on League card last round in the world championship oh this is trouble from Ganon Burr as we check in with his performance oh see his starting score 24 there are a few players at that score eight back of the leader these guys Eagle McMahon I believe Ricky Waki also in that that 24 Mark they're going to have to play the round of their life today it's a decent shot similar to where we just saw n Los make his putt real really wide for Ricky but good [Applause] height much safer this time he's going to have a lengthy putt I would think yeah good start for eagle going to need a lot of that [Applause] today and I don't I don't really think there's anything you can do in the next 17 holes if you're gain a burst starting off with a double bogey that can get you back into contention at this point 10 back yeah the way that Isaac's been playing I regretfully agree with you because I would love to say that he has an opportunity to go on fire fire and get back into it but I just don't see how that's possible with the class of players and the number of players that are ahead of him at this point that dude's going to win some World titles don't you worry Ganon and Ganon fans there will be a 1X and a 2X probably next to his name in the next five years Ricky yeah about 27 ft maybe less I can't have that slightly left well Eagle certainly doing what he needs to do early that is going to be a deflating Miss from short range for Ricky getting that flat to get the big skill yeah yeah getting it down to Flat just gives you the skip that's all distance no fear of flaring left and testing the OB taking advantage of that Short Grass I don't love this though no that's oh no heading for a Sandy Landing Okay small errors are acceptable but again it's got to you if you're Eagle you got a shoot course record today sit that'll help yeah I think course record by multiple Strokes is probably what's required to actually be in with a Chance time will tell certainly yeah I think uh the number I think the number to be in conten would be 13 to 14 yeah that makes sense to me something like that I mean and and once you're starting to breathe down his neck from Chase card and he feels that energy and that pressure coming from a great player like eagle or whoever else is going to be charging today making a push maybe he feels the pressure but the obviously the most likely scenario is HOLE 2 going to be NEOS or Calvin or Luke if he can step up up and make some putts after that short Miss on one hold two Par 3 327 we just saw it low or high Hiser honestly with the right hand just want to bring it in with a little bit of speed make sure if it does contact the out of- bounds area it's got enough Pace to skip if you're going high spiky angle probably your friend here to get it to stop before moving too far left of the basket that's too easy you just don't have the luxury of missing holes like hole two on this card if you want to have anything to say about this title it's just I know it's just one stroke it's just one hole but you got to get the birdies and this course gets so tough in places that the easy ones like this have to be routine and it's looking pretty routine right now for the [Applause] card fast skip okay does stop but just outside the [Applause] circle I bet you that if that hits grass first before the walk I bet you it's only 20 ft away again High left and just like that Luke is now eight [Applause] backed it's a tall task not impossible KN CLA matching stroke for stroke to start as will [Applause] Calvin at least it's not any Bogies for Luke a little bit of a shaky start but plenty of time he's been the breakout star of this tournament you know in terms of a guy that I would say was not a household name at all in dis golf been HOLE 3 a joy to watch him and I hope he can kind of steady things and protect this opportunity that he's built for himself cuz he's in such a fantastic spot to finish great he's silently having an incredible season he's had some great top 10 finishes throughout the year it's just not a guy that's been on our lead card coverage so it's like hard to really see that and always check who's getting eighth place sure Luke Taylor is one of those guys oh he's a great player but he's finally breaking out here in front of our very eyes in front of the biggest audience of the year I think going to be great great future for him definitely making some new fans with his exciting play Isaac nice height here nice width nothing but the middle of the Fairway waiting for this one [Applause] [Applause] great shot from nichlas as well plenty of speed behind this right up to the ob line skipping back that's so big that's beautiful I'm not sure that there's much of a a preference to being left or right on this hole okay distance most important I guess I could see maybe the left side being a little advantageous because there are a couple branches it's funny you mentioned that I was just thinking that myself with the difference between nichas and Isaac and Calvin n being tighter on that right side back there about 80 ft short of Luke's big drive if he's planning on going backhand which I think he is he's going to have to move this from left to right because there are branches that swing out over OB on that right side basically just going to go dead straight little bit of Swing slow down no that sand strikes again Isaac intentionally playing this one a bit short because he's found the bunker a couple rounds in a row that's the miss that we like but how close is he and you wonder as well you know I think he certainly wants to play short but also oh hold on hang on here ah yep that's out of bounds you start to kind of get that little bit of a match play feel when you're front running like this and he's going to be in a situation where he's seen the yellow flag for NCL and now it's like oh well 30-footer for birdie doesn't sound too bad I know he's guaranteed par like an opportunity right make sure I don't make a mistake yep give myself an opportunity that I as Isaac Robinson make about 97% of and just give myself an opportunity to have a nice clean stroke and walk away with another stroke in the back pocket well he has the luxur look at that he's laying right right up okay so he's a little farther back than I thought he has the luxury of playing defensive offense right now and until they find a hole where they can make up some Strokes on him he can can do that for the rest of the round how far do you think he was there oh oh there it is there it is that's the guy we've been used to seeing good save I think he was somewhere in the 45 to 50 range and a miss putt on that left side can find its way in the bunker so quick quickly sure and there's just really no reason to take an unnecessary bogey when you're not going to lose any Strokes to the guy that's closest to you that being said Calvin also close putting fur birdie and that's the non-nonsense Calvin putting that we love to see that was direct started off in the middle of the pole perfect only Birdie on the car [Applause] my [Applause] right let's get back here to the Chase card Eagle McMahon you know he's going to go big on five oh boy all the way on the flat oh pass it pass it that's perfect position for this shot right here going up and over that's crazy nice and wide lots of height sit yes absolutely perfect and it's hard to really describe how difficult what you just saw was it's well it's easy yeah difficult's the wrong word difficult's the wrong word rare how rare yeah that skill set is maybe it's very very easy if you have that skill set but so few people do even in the sport where you have the best of the best only a few of the best of the best can do it Eagle made that look too easy [Music] [Music] HOLE 4 hole four par 3 392 very treacherous down hill shot here Hazard area everywhere in front of the hay bales everything outside of that that's short or long or right is out of bounds from there you're going to have to go to a drop zone so you would much prefer to land in the hazard and have at least the opportunity of that saving parut if you don't find the green this is one of the quicker two-stroke swing holes you're going to see very very dangerous Calvin very wide does it have enough to get over the Bales oh jumps up but just doesn't and I think I'm going to put that outside Circle one judging by what I just saw where that landed I don't think it got all the way to the hay bale so if you get all the way to the hay bals you're still like just barely inside the circle so yeah I think you're absolutely right going to be kind of a big putt with the penalty Isaac come on man flies it perfectly give this man a [Applause] challenge such good angle and speed control coming in there on a very scary green just makes it look not scary At All by going with that blunter edge and just setting it down very soft KN clo this looks a little short as well oh boy gosh lead's getting bigger guaranteed yes could be getting a lot bigger and that's driven nicely around on the outside yes doesn't even have to deal with the Bales at all now needs to sit down don't you dare thank you goodness oh these Stakes are just another couple of feet past that that's what I'm talking about best behavior world's final come on spotters and Spectators have been doing a great job so far oh NE Los good effort costly though two stroke swing coming oh big putt catch a little bit of the top feel good about that par there is the first birdie of the day for Luke and he is under [Applause] par Isaac's lead is about to go to Five Strokes with neos's Splash out right side but we still have 14 two stroke swing holes to play that must have been a great feeling for Isaac Robinson to see that disappear behind the hay bells know that he had HOLE 5 parked a very difficult hole pick up two shots on NAS widen the Gap just a little bit I don't think he's going to want to have anything to do with this hole right here it takes topnotch distance to get to this top shelf from there it's a big Hiser but everyone else is going to play some kind of shot to the bottom to that next pinch and then pitch up to the top here and walk away with your par hopefully I would expect Luke and Calvin to attack for birdie I'm not sure nass will even in the position that yeah he finds find himself in losing a couple shots I would expect Robinson and Antilla to play this for par but seeing this t-shot Calvin and Luke no best thing Isaac can take here is a par so there is a door opening potentially this guy's drives on this hole this week have been full on Boom daddies and that is a camera Turner right there Luke well done that's a point that's a JZ point you get to redeem that on our website got a great forehand angle from where he just landed potentially also has the up and over available but I think you'd like to swing a little more left if that is the player yeah trying to draww up potentially that I'm not quite sure what Calvin's footing is going to look like but that's that's far I think he's going to be fine and he's just typically not bothered by uphill run-ups this will be telling let's see how much tries to bite off it's the par play absolutely nichas has got big power but the uphill power is a different type he can manipulate a disc to go very far far but he doesn't have that insane 80 plus arm speed 80 mph arm speed and I think that's what you need to get up to the top who do you think takes a distance contest Robinson or antila I F I think of them as fairly close that's a really good question probably in the mid fives both of them in terms of where what they're going to be able to hit on average very very powerful players right but not tier one yep well this is all the way to the top in a great spot for Calvin that's a bit low oh no your options are very wide or very high and you just kind of didn't pick either that's a huge mistake instant bogey can he save the bogey I think so this one's sailing oh this is way left oh no oh no opportunity to save the par at least all the way up there but the two big drives are in danger of actually losing Strokes to the par play I was almost thinking that on the te when you were saying oh you know Opportunity Knocks for these guys because they're announcing their play as being par at bestm I would almost argue with the class of players we have here they're announcing par it's not just par at best they're making a if they make that here what's going to happen I'm going to throw four times and that can put another kind of pressure on the aggressive player because it's like oh I could birdie but I mean I have to I have to take risks and when they're playing for that par I mean Nicholas anela Isaac Robinson if they lay up for par on this hole it's happening if there's not some kind of catastrophic error crazy wind spit out like you know they're going to they're going to make that happen and now they're going to come away taking Strokes off Calvin and pending this putt on from Luke we'll see what happens he can save the par right here now pulls it right with the extra power that Calvin and Luke have it comes with great responsibility you have to pick and choose those spots and you have to execute properly and unfortunately for them they're going to fall another stroke behind our leader and our second place oh no way not what you'd expect from Eagle that's an instant Bogi after a great start and again I just don't see him shooting a 12 13 under if you're not burning seven one of the easiest holes on the course and it's not just not a birdie it's a little worse than that it's a it's the red number uh-huh somehow the percentage went from 81 with the full field and with a cut it went down to 69% for Birdie on 7 little windier today in times I suppose but still kind of surprising my bad ho six Par 3 341 going downhill with Obie everywhere looks kind of downhill and then when you get to the pin it really goes downhill right behind it I've seen a lot of players sort of thinking about this whole like just throw up an ace shun and you're probably going to go out of bounds anyway so just make sure it's near the pin you'll be in the circle very very difficult hole to get close to and this is really where things broke down for Isaac yesterday and gave the biggest opportunity for the field to get back in it and he has made the correction inbounds 28 ft away game plan executed one of the better shots we've seen I don't feel like we've really seen anyone slide it up par not that we've seen it's sort of an insane thing to try to do absolutely because it probably means you're out of bounds till the very last the only way I think someone could park it is if they threw heer flip putter at it and that's a very scary thing to do you're ve you're I mean you're likely OB the entire flight and then you've just got to take the gentest fade right at the end that's saving you from Bo a certain bogey maybe worse these are good shots though to start that's going to be a a do ey putt but I'm sure he's going to go after it probably 40 feet I don't know about this one that's very high it's going to have to put the brakes on now and it's not gonna fairly close for the par putt I don't think it was a layup I think it was just a a nervous run I mean and not not nervous in any way that would put a knock on Luke a healthy amount of nerves when you're putting right towards OB down a hill good save from Calvin that putts Looking Good Very crisp today agreed good Pace oh ncla unable to put the pressure on Isaac here an opportunity to wind the lead even more oh this is you just can't dream start to this round for Isaac Robinson you know I I doubt if he had a a great night of sleep last night with the opportunity that's waiting for him and this is just such a sigh of relief type of start for him to have widened his lead this much this early doesn't look like these guys are putting the pressure on yet no one has grabbed a stroke and he's really dictating everything right now six shots over second 7even over third my buddies and I just helped grow the global Disc Golf Community check it out we got our favorite shirts at quirky goodies and percentage of the sales proceeds go to the Paul McBeth Foundation they build great disc golf courses all around the world I picked up three shirts for myself this one's my favorite hey if you're like me and you're always looking for a discount code use this one Jes Pro 15 that'll give you 15% off quy goodies.com buy a shirt make a HOLE 7 difference on to whole 7 Par 3 403 island green if you find any out of bounds you're going to that drop zone where we just saw you McMahon it's probably a 90 footer not likely to make that save happen we're seeing that low wide backhand uh be really really successful here Isaac starts it off plenty wide and stays in bounds on seven so he is going to be making up five Strokes on these two holes alone with six and seven from yesterday there's like no opportunities right now for these guys to close in this Gap at all well and if you're Isaac Robinson in command with the T box that one comes out of your hand and in your head you're going there goes another one of your opportunities boys mhm cuz I'm making this birdie so clock clock is ticking No Cap there brother oh sit okay very direct from heimberg perfect shot Bullseye hit trying to do trying to make gen Z lingo sound Not Cool by just saying it as a 38-year-old adult I think it's working the mirror is my intention just this is what you sound like good birdie for Luke and a starf frame coming first one today good opportunity on one but unfortunately Luke's putt fell out [Applause] left these guys are [Applause] busing all right I'm done I'm sorry check in with Simon here on thir just took wow oh boy so wide how much distance does this have all of it did it hit the path green flag okay his angle is going to be incredibly easy can have that oh yeah just low ceiling he could even run this if he wants to not really even a low ceiling from that far up that's perfectly done birdie coming for Simon all the way up into fifth place right now so Simon is now nine under with the bogey through 13 holes perhaps saving his best last it's HOLE 8 a good strategy I think uh certainly ho 8 par 4 671 going up the hill we've seen some great turnover drives from these guys throwing that big backand eating up distance and then just settling towards the middle of the Fairway that's what you would love to do a little bit left is probably ideal because then you're going to take that single Fairway tree out of play give yourself an unobstructed Lane up to the basket to collect that 33 plenty of [Music] turn plenty of turn plenty of distance yeah I think that's exactly where he wants it to land Isaac hasn't really made a mistake in any way whatsoever the approach on three coming up short was a position play with Nikas already being in the bunker he's playing ho five for par everything else he's thrown has been perfect at this point in the round it's just ideal [Applause] start really the best these other guys can do is just match them shot for shot it's a great turnover for [Applause] Luke you have a good Lane on the right side of the tree coming at this point Calvin's the only player to take even a single stroke off of Isaac going all the way back to Hole three wow probably effectively about 400 feet away here in terms of how much power it's going to take to climb this hill yeah Calvin gets it pin High good approach nichas going to start this off to the right side this is looking really nice oo that push that right side a little bit more than I thought at first but inbound safely with a great chance to make birdie this is just going to be perfect where do you find the cracks in the game like how can you expose or cut into this lead if he's going to continue throwing shots like that not possible great approaches by everybody great p i mean at least they're hanging around you know I think there are good opportunities for two strokes SS or at least one stroke swings on 9 and 10 coming up it's possible there's a lot of out of bounds it's they're long par fours there's a there's a ton of OB on every hole I mean we're not even close to done here but they're running out of daylight the way that this guy's playing but not even close to a this thing having this thing settled with the difficulty and the treacherous designs coming up I mean just think about 17 waiting like that that is such a tricky hole and then so many of these other ones I mean what what even do you think is the basket that is the farthest from OB how far away is it from OB like 33 ft I know round one out here I had four OB shots that were all inside the circle and that I just found those randomly on that round so there's at least four I mean I HOLE 9 would say the farthest from OB is probably it could be 18 basket and it's probably like 35 ft maybe you're not every single shot has that pressure of losing two strokes in an instant hole 9 one of the tougher holes out here I would say par 4 834 pretty narrow you'd like to get at least 400 done off the drive ideally more like 430 and leave yourself in the 400 neighborhood up into the green you can't really go for a lot more than 430 though because there's kind of a choke point in the middle of this Fairway that oh my of a call I don't it looked out to me but did it touch safe that's kind of a big call if he's going to be able to advance yeah for sure this is needing a Skip and gets it oh goes through the wickets gets it how many times this week has that shot hit one of the stakes and stayed out man those Stakes are driven in the ground they have been brutal so many times looks good wow leaving quite a bit for the second but he's got quite an arm so maybe it's not as big of a deal but I would expect that to be at least 425 perhaps as much as 445 short of the basket and this should be just fine for Calvin soft check coming similar location all right well it took nine holes to see the first air from Isaac and it looks like he is getting the distance okay riding the OB line over here starting to swing that's beautifully done yes it is but a long way to go to save the [Applause] par big opportunity coming up here for everyone throwing their second shot uh yeah just no problem a long distance into the pin it just gives him more opportunity to throw cooler shot it looked like a it looked like a half swing that was so good to get all that distance and perfect accuracy as well oh it gets it to Flap flip up flat that is going to be so good NLOS needs to join that party with a important approach here love the look of it so far oh this is dialed this is absolutely dialed okay so the card's going to be grabbing some Strokes how many that was clutch all three of those guys an opportunity was there for them they all did so well not even putts of any kind of consequence left Isaac to save it okay two strokes for Luke two for Calvin and two for nichas to finish the front nine but if you're Isaac you did what you needed to do in the front and you've got nine holes more of this stressful holding off the the charge but five Strokes actually four over Nicholas now PDGA LEADERBOARD CHECK-IN with that two-stroke swing but five over Calvin and Luke Taylor is back in the mix we have the same four at the top as we started the round yeah and it doesn't look to me like the Chase card is putting up numbers that are going to do anything Ezra Robinson is but he's a few cards back 15 9 under great round he's putting together but I think it's going to come down to these leaders to decide this title there nine more holes remain in the world championship who's going to have the best day of their life we'll come back we'll find out see you there [Music] FOUNDERS CLUB LIST he [Applause] a [Music]

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