2024 Utah State Championships - Round 2 Part 2 - Shepherd, Kim, Thorsness, Martin

[Music] welcome back to beautiful Salt Lake Utah from the Utah State Championship presented by MVP disc Sports I am Ian Anderson joined by my man Cory murl we got the back nine coming up talk about the scores oh it's been great man Creekside Park home to Walter Frederick Morrison disc golf course the inventor of the Frisbee so Salt Lake City has a long awesome history of disc golf this course installed in 1983 so show some love for a 41-year-old course D it's got you by almost a decade Cory it's honestly chasing you down this course could play Masters I totally could what's our what's our play here on tank Cory H 310 ft um you're looking for something that's going to break pretty aggressively left to right so if you've got that kind of big Power sidearm you can play it out long left and have it drop back into this tree line uh something to note though the creek off to that right side is out of bounds so if you're playing that turnover backand or maybe too spiky of a sidearm definitely something that could come into play pretty good though no very getable 310 ft you know it's more about the angle from the te like you really have to draw it pretty far back into the right to get onto the green so it is getable but it's not necessarily like your traditional hole shape uh for the for the length can see what you're saying after the kai Kim Drive mhm and it's a congested green you know you could have stuff in your way Martin going to the big turnover with something slow this is in I'm shocked to see him not throw the left side of the T on this hole they said you could throw left or right at the tead if you weren't feeling the grip yeah and he went he went right side with a turnover which just kind of increased the angle that he needed yeah I see that Shephard can you make this Bend enough o he's trying yeah it's out there yep a little bit more height couple degrees of angle maybe Dess still looking for that first birdie of the day tough spot to be trying to find it from there Shephard throwing two that works for three Kim has a look at the birdie that's no way oh did that get wet Cory no way it did it get caught rolled right up in there a it looked like a tree and came back up the hill and then went back into the creek you did essentially it did like a little twizzle twizle straight into the drink man and and honestly where it went in it kind of twizzle behind a bush so it's not a lie don't love that for him can Martin grab a stroke on the card oh oh nice job dodging that Brian well done Mr G coming out of the creek is Kim for the bogey [Music] lovely yes good putt Kai That's clutch man it's so frustrating you know he got aggressive off the on the putt paid the price so important to come back and just capitalize her yeah I honestly didn't think he got too aggressive on the putt it had nice Pace you know he lost it you know yeah yeah I feel like it got just a little unlucky there Martin to clean up par Kesler don't miss those no that was firm man confident put MH thorness also cleaning [Music] upart Lucas thorness holding it down for laramy Wyoming one of the better players out there definitely has some distance yeah definitely shephard a drop inar gosh 310 but like you mentioned Cory that is a tough shape to get all the way to the pin isn't it it is like the distance isn't going to kill you it's not overly dangerous but it I think it's just a weird angle to like play the skip off of the hillside down into that congested green there were not a ton of birdies there that put from Kim tried to jump out but the rim kept it in look an 11 what are we doing here Cory H one of the I would say one of the signature t- shots here at uh Creekside Park 400 ft just your gentle downhill the whole way um as you're throwing the disc hit one of these gaps either the left side of the trees there or the right side where the Drone is flying and then just bleed it right back to the pin um obviously you got some trees down here by the green so you could find yourself in tricky lie even if you're you know within the circle but overall pretty much a point and shoot classic downhill glider of a hole Martin up first you can see the construction project that's getting to be done going to be a lot of improvements like this one nice Martin unfortunately finds one of the fa way to finding trees Shepherd leaking quite a bit here Merl yeah it finds the other Fair way to finding tree yeah thorness door open to grab a stroke he needs one definitely wants to get uh back in Action here well above par for the round but he's got the juice ah rough tree kick it's there though he's got to look it's there yeah Kim tough on a lefty this hole I think one of the you know more difficult it's just like it's so naturally set up to hang it off to the right and draw it back in yeah he finds a way through and he's going to have a circle two look mhm Martin caught an earlyish tree throwing his second going with one of those color glow pigs I believe Shepherd a long look at birdie as well oh I was ready for that one to go in I know D every single time he lines one of those up it feels like it's going in Kim his long look at birdie does not connect either and get thorus grab one on the card you'd love to see it for him those are the ones that suck your soul out dude so close man oh no what was that Martin buddy was that an air ball that was a slight Rift in the SpaceTime continuum back to our regularly scheduled program there we go there he is grabs the bogey Shepherd for par it's it's kind of wild dude you know like we drone the course we we played around when we first got into town here and it's one of those courses where like if your game is dialed you could score on all these holes but there are so many opportunities to just have like one little kick and all of a sudden it's a double it's a single it's a triple like we saw I I was a little surprised to see the scores maybe not quite as hot as I had in my mind going into the tournament you know mhm that tournament pressure though Cory 100% I mean listen dude you get the big dogs of Central Coast out here filming the tournament it's like hey it's the big leagues if you make a mistake people are going to see it you know they're not just going to hear about it whole 12 what are we doing uh we are bending one left to right to start and then hoping that it has some late stability to bend back this is a temp pin that they really only use for the tournament you could see the normal pin short left of the Drone there this is the extendo all the way into this grass field ends up playing a little bit uh congested with whole three so hopefully there won't be any casuals playing but uh overall it's like throw something up get it bending right and then if it has some late stability great if not you got yourself like a 80 five flitter fair enough that's what looks like what Brock will have yep it's tough to get it up into the green like into the circle without the big backand thorness this is a different line speaking speaking of big backand he went for it we were talking about Brian and I were kind of discussing the laramy scene and how there's essentially like no tunnels no gaps and that type of shot is like you train for that type of shot in laramy gotcha Kim finds a tree about halfway down the Fairway Martin looking to bounce back off the bogey on the last I like this it's going to fade though still good though yeah not bad honestly maybe a little more turn would have been great but he's in what C2 yeah Kim kicked to an open second here it is not bad not great yeah Shephard long look at to come on Brock dial one of these in yeah definitely went more of like a jump lofty rather than that like low spinner thorsness for birdie let's go dude yes on the board off the Shide goes Lucas thorness you love to see it love it dude sick putt man big jump or big stepper I mean absolutely Martin also a biry look almost got back that bogey on the last not to be though Kim this is forar good po almost snuck through there it did yeah Martin up par man kind of feels like Kai Kim could be somebody Merl you know I was dude seriously like he's only I mean a junior in college I believe moved here two years ago for college so still still young still kind of you know locking in the game but you're not wrong dude the form the I think the mindset everything's there yeah the put 475 on a Hiser mhm thorsness though making the Highlight here the big step getting on the board you love to see it see it taking a quick break we'll be back in just a few I think the black hole Pro is uh the best practice basket I ever had at home I think the black hole Pro is a great practice basket I think the black hole Pro is one of the best teaching tool putting baskets that there is what I love most about this basket is that it catches really well its chains are very solid for catching they have a good heft to them it's pretty lightweight you can put it in the back of your car easily if you're looking for a great solution for a practice basket and you don't want to break the bank black Old Pro we're you and a brewing company and we've been brewing beer in Salt Lake City for three decades every day our passionate team pulls on their boots and gets down to business making Utah's favorite craft beer focus on quality and consistency so you know when you pack the U the right choice for the occasion [Music] back to the action in Salt Lake looking at 13 what are we doing we are first chilling with a nice lime pilsner from wi Brewing they have a delicious beers that they were so nice to give us a few six pack of so we've been sipping on those um but as far as the play on the course we are just throwing a pretty intermediate flat shot with a baby Heiser finish definitely one of the easier holes on the course the only real Nuance here is that there is an OB line maybe like 8 ft long of the basket um essentially it just turns it into a drop in par so it's like not the worst thing to happen but with a hole this short you're kind of kicking yourself by falling into that OB thorsness like that that would be it that was that's exactly wow that is real close Cory oh my goodness it's real close and the reason being is that is separating two holes so the next hole we play that'll also be a what's labeled as a Mando line I it doesn't that not a real thing but um it's essentially an OB line gotcha a gem from Brock Kim looks too high definitely too high got a little fortunate filtered through the trees in position how about that Martin I like this play with the pig you know Lucas went with the Fairway driver and uh Brock went with the rock so I I do like the shorter you know slower play here Kim for [Music] birdie yes putts feeling confident again man you could tell in the middle of the round maybe a little hesitant but I think things are falling in nicely for him Shephard matches that birdie from Kim nicely one more birdie putt coming this from Martin tricky Li man really the lead the bush is like the one thing no problem for Kessler there but the bush is like that one thing to avoid on the green mhm but the knee putt Works nicely and Thor should clean up par here in a hot second I bet you that's the shortest par put he's ever had after OB B Drive yeah yeah 3p from 6 feet from Bullseye Edge Kim these putts don't just go in Cory they're they're great no they're really good I I love the wrist extension the Palm up to the sky after the putt releases really focusing on getting that clean release solid spin what is our Pro play on 14 sir ah this one's tricky It's a combination of two holes so it's really like the definition of two placement shots for your birdie 480 ft not too long but your T-shirt shot essentially is looking to get right where the Drone is flying now right in front of that other short pad for the hole double Mando is in play so you really want to line yourself up nicely with The Gap from there though it's a pretty routine maybe 220 ft putter approach shot or sidearm if you've got it um just like that does the disc almost hits us thank you local salt Lakers but um pretty easy and I think one of the holes that a lot of the field is hoping to birdie Brock is he throwing a rock again or is this even a putter oh he's he's rocking the Brock for sure right here I think it's a great call like a mid-range seems to be the play nice and easy Kim flexing forehand Martin did that get far enough for Kai Cory not really to be honest with you um far enough to make the double but not far enough to like have a nice little window into the green um Kessler though similar to Kai he is going to be short of that double Mando forcing maybe a sidearm turnover this is looking a little bit more powerful though love that that is a gem out of Lucas Kim short of the Mando having to get a little tricky not bad he's all right yeah 50 60 feet maybe yeah and Martin he's got enough angle to make this work no no this is like a this is like a mi shot all day I'm stoked with that lie you know just like come over on the sidearm draw it in mhm he does that pretty nicely he's in the circle thorness oh no having the best drive by far oh he almost missed the Mando line coming back to the restricted plane but he is going to be safe oh good news there shepher oh yeah yeah that's nice loving that Thors is now throwing three [Music] no he's not loving that shot he's going to have you know just about this butt too yeah Kim for birdie had the want on it he he never is out a lack for want that is for sure th this cannot clean up far will drop in bogy after being CTP off the te Martin a birdie put man it is close to the top too you see that five down six down six down you know nobody really running away with this thing ooh I'm going to call that the first big mistake on the putting green we've seen from Kim yeah I was going to say that's like the first real proper miss you know mhm yep Martin makes the comebacker at least no k for bogey dropping a stroke is that going to give Martin the solo lead yes it will so should be noted we had Joey klovski on the card great great biry there by Brock um round one kind of had a off round he is in the clubhouse at this point with a six under for the round so he's sitting at8 down overall that's kind of the number that we're looking at as we're finishing this round gotcha Brock joining the lead with that birdie he and Martin tied at six two off of that Mark at eight looking at 15 o love this hole man do you have the stones to throw it over the creek that is the question here uh we're at Creekside Park so feels obligatory that you might have to um but there's two options you could go with a a pretty tight sidearm line off of the te but then it opens up to a pretty safe landing zone or you could go 280 ft carrying OB the entire way and trying to dunk this thing right on the green dealer's Choice options we'll see what they do Shephard up first this is so surprising for me like he's so good at throwing those rock Shots it feels like just a glider right over the water would have worked but he he's played here enough I'm sure he has you know decision making down he's done the math on this one you know Martin going with the slower disc the pig makes it across at least but he's in not ideal spot Kim you'd love a bounce back birdie after the last that got through clean it did dude how somehow wow thorsness he would he'd take some of that luck right now I mean that that's like if that kicks in the water that's too almost three stroke swing there you know oh thorus does get it as well you love that Shard has a long bid one of these are due to drop going with the Halo Sonic I think with the Halo PCAT that might have actually been in you're such a PCAT Homer Martin has nothing from 20 feet yeah you could see it's just so scary I mean even anything Landing there like that's a that's a horror show I was very worried that was going to get wet yeah thorness has a crowded look at two but it's pretty short yeah that's good his his putt is so like straight line vertical you know I feel like he that wasn't hurting him so much you know he's kind of tightly packed in there but had a clean line got the arm moving Kim takes advantage of that kick grabs a birdie and it looks like he also grabs a sh the lead we got a three-way tie again isn't that where we started dude number the Beast Man 666 that's wild we just need Thors this at four I believe to lock it up to to bring it back to where we are yeah mhm yeah look at that man of nature from the woods Lucas Thors nicely done good putt though yeah quality stroke man I feel like when this guys when he's playing on I bet you his putt is just Dynamite yep feel that what are we doing on 16 cor 340 ft this is an extended tead you can see the normal tead here to the left we are throwing off the sidewalk bit of a tunnel off the tea and a roped state of Utah as a hazard island or an island where everything else plays as Hazard if that makes sense okay um so play it at where it lies if you're off of the island plus one stroke but you can see you know one of the they they love this hole they always put little state of Utah there and uh just some Hometown flare you know nice man nice shades of the DMC they had uh yes Iowa 100% yeah I kind of love it you know yeah yeah Kim pull it a little it's fighting oh my good dude he has had a multiple of that exact situation you know yeah uhhuh guess you throw it hard enough good things happen right yeah not wrong thorsness nice controlled good stick yeah that's a jum Shepherd good pull good pull sticky oh I was worried that didn't have quite enough to find the fat part of the green Martin yeah I like the draw on this one mhm oh this is lovely from cast tin give the man a dollar drop that in Shephard for par good [Applause] save no one rattles around but does drive home Brock grabs the three limiting the damage to just one stroke to the card thorsness for two yeah he knew it out of his hand yeah Kim casual work on birdie there playing well man stacking him up as he's finishing the one obviously the silly miss that he would love to have back for the bogey but three birdies last four holes he's he's putting a charge on m thorsness in for par this is a drop in Deuce Martin maintain a share of the lead with Kim Shephard now one off any hole you putt with the same disc you drive with that's a good hole have you ever ask Ken Kimo his favorite putter that's my driver yeah exactly that's hilarious looking at 17 what are we doing sir yeah 17 and 18 kind of plays as a little bit of a there and back situation both pretty far and I would consider them plus birdies uh 385 ft not an overwhelming amount of distance on this one but it's more the ceiling that you're dealing with and the line that you have to take to get it there a big Power sidearm is definitely advantageous on this one um has a little bit of a left to right action when we get into the green but you know righty backhand Lefty backhand it it all plays as long as you throw it hard and low this guy throws hard Kai Kim on the te boom [Music] boom Oh Oh my he almost at that thing he did almost a that whoa Martin does he like this no no it's just a little too turned I I think with like 2 3° less angle it fights back out of it and he does like it but at least you can see go ahead up and down yeah yeah oh oh oh no I did not see that one up there Cory did you little ninja Bridge no no and and it's you know I think Lucas does like to play these high lines you know at laramy that's like the play on a lot of holes and there's just a ceiling on pretty much every one of these shots so it's tough chef with a nice skip Lake gets into the circle for a birdie look love that dude he's throwing one of those Anton bosses I think the newer one not the Destroyers with the bosses yeah thorness going over the top with his second and oh finds another tree yeah throwing three now you got to get up and down from here he's done that Cory yeah good shot good recovery Martin has a long look at two it's a low percentage make from there yeah but it was shaping Kim grabs the solo lead with a big birdie great putt Kai Kim he's loving it he's chuckling yeah man when he's smiling and grooving he's plays well Shephard to match that b birdie does that he's going to stay one behind Kim now tied with Kesler in second I guess we got Kowski in the clubhouse at eight exactly so Eight's the number I think some of these guys had looked at the scorecard late they knew it was eight um that's who they're chasing down so Kim has a chance to pass that on 18 need four straight birdies to get off the course to do it though yeah an 18 not a hole that people are going to be chalking up for birdie as Kai you can see look at he's got like a pistol grip love this pump you love it good pot [Music] 18 H 424 ft uh two Mand off of the te effectively doesn't change the shot it really just doesn't allow you to throw the big left side out and around at the parking lot U but really you're trying to thread this Gap that the Drone is flying through with a baby finish at the end so if you're Lefty you know pull it over and you want that late Flex to get the distance but you know not a lot of guys are throwing over the top on this one it's pretty much 420 4 ft of like straight line barreling distance must be nice to have that yeah it's not for me no I'm calling C you can get here Cory Kim can you get yeah I could birdy it but I don't know if I'm parking it that's he had the distance just leaked a little right Shephard wanted more flip on this Cory yeah you want more flip obviously you need you just need it to like really hold that line forever the whole play is even a little longer I think than 424 just cuz with the trees mhm Martin this is doing something decent it's about out there with with Kim thorness finally with a little bit of ceiling to play with you know wow really takes advantage of it huh crushed it he sure did Shephard another long look at birdie this hole is is one of the holes ah good bid that maybe could use some work 88% pars yeah which is just not really what you're looking for from a hole yeah yeah especially a ho like a little scoring separation happening oh Kai wow that was for the solo lead heading into the final round it looks like it'll be tied to the top with Kowski foress cannot make it work there Martin for par therey go good finish the Martin will be one off the lead one round to go Kim tied for it Thors in firstar Creek Side playing tough today man one down two down three down on your lead card there was not a bunch of like smok and hot scores tough gets a lot of tough lines a lot of you know really punishing OB it's a you got to golf this one Cory you know true man there's a lot of mistakes to be had there's areas that will stack up quickly I mean we had to survive whole eight um but yeah bunch of good golf bunch of good guys and stoked for the final round yeah there are your scores on the card let's check out our top 10 here momentarily with a whole eight man o whole eight oof man and it's just so fun to have a tournament that plays on two drastically different courses as this one does um you see our lead card essentially the same as the round two but that Joseph KLOS just leapfrogging everyone with that six under par jumping into the ti for lead stoked to get back on the mountain tomorrow it should be a fun watch thanks everybody for watching round two we'll catch you tomorrow for round three

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