BRITISH Girl assaulted at Nando's Stratford failed by British Police | #REQUESTLINE

so for those of you that don't know I was the girl that got assaulted in the viral video going around that happened in [Music] Nando yo yo ladies and gentlemen you know what time it is it's your boy y sh one and only and today guys we are on the request line okay so I've received some requests in my emails in many places but this one came through to my email I'm not going to read out the person name okay maybe they want to be uh you know Anonymous but the initial is SL he said or she said I don't know hi Shady comment on this placee okay uh the title was he said muslim man slapping Gil okay let's see what this video says guys make sure you smash like subscribe give him some love let's get this one started so for those of you that don't know I was the girl that got assaulted in the viral video going around that happened in Nando um wait let's find the video right the man was with his family he was with a wife and a child and he just chose to slap a waitress like what happened like what would make him just do that like it doesn't it doesn't make sense I mean even if someone gets your order wrong yeah he shouldn't just slap them like that if he say something to you I think you should report them to the supervisor or the manager speak to someone report it but to slap someone like that that is very demeaning really really demeaning trust me yeah that is sad I mean if I was a girl's boyfriend and I see someone a customer slap my my girlfriend like that or my sister or my daughter it's not going to hear the L of hit anyway so for those of you that don't know I was the girl that got assaulted in the viral video going around that happened in Nando look at her she's very pretty as well really pretty she seems really calm um before I get into what actually happened I'd like to thank everyone for all the kind messages and the support I've been receiving and I'd also like to clarify why I'm making a video probably going to be the first and last video I make on this um someone who values my privacy I don't think the situation would have GED as much attention as it has but the support's been overwhelming okay wait wait wait okay let's see the when she was bringing the food the woman just grabbed the plate it has but the support's been overwhelming doesn't make sense to me so with all the attention that the video's gotten and seeing everything in the the news about violence against women violence against young women violence against girls I think it's important to speak up about what actually took place okay lastly before explaining I want to say what's more concerning than the man's behavior was the failure of the Metropolitan Police and their conduct I was grossly let down by them they've reopened the investigation now thanks to all of the support and the attention has been receiving online and for that I'm grateful however I was really disappointed and let down with what happened right the police let her down okay it's getting interesting and at the time with the police which I'll get into okay so the man's come in with the wife I assume and the baby and they were sat down by a new colleague the new colleague didn't give them a high chair usually you're supposed to ask but I think they assumed that they were just going to be given one anyway that's when they got my attention because they were sat right behind me my back was faced towards them they got my attention it was the lady initially and and she already seemed irritated um they asked me for the high chair I started bringing it Midway through me bringing it I realized we're not allowed to put it in that area because that's where we run the food we run the food back and forth in that area and that was my station for that day so Midway through me bringing it I realized we not allowed to put it there I told them I'll double check with a supervisor which I did the supervisor said we're not allowed so so I relayed that information back to the couple at this point the man got quite aggressive with me he started swearing at me saying I'm wasting his effing time to sit him somewhere the F else then at that point I said I'd be happy to sit them in another section but to just give me a second at that point he said you're a little effing girl why the F do you work here sent me the some somewhere the F else so it's then I said let me get my manager involved because I didn't want to deal with that so my manager's come now the guy's still shouting being aggressive arguing the manager has just sat him somewhere else with a baby chair I asked why we're still serving him to the manager I was ignored and that was that some time passes and we noticed that the table is clear now no one's sitting there we all just assumed they left the restaurant the manager asked me where they've gone I said I don't know we've all assumed they've left I'm continuing to do my job and I get a thing on my screen to go to a specific table it was a table in the corner of the restaurant to run their food so as I'm going and on my way to give the food to this table I noticed that there's two police officers already in the restaurant waiting for their food so I've gone to this table now and as I'm approaching this table I noticed that it's a couple with the baby okay as I'm putting the food down I asked them because they have moved basically without telling anyone without informing anyone usually you're supposed to tell someone um at Nando I I place the food down and I ask are you not using the high chair then because they moved by themselves without taking the high chair it's at that point the man has picked up the plate and whacked me on the side of my head with it wait wait wait wait wait wait she was trying to show good customer service like asking for feedback about the chair that they requested for and he got triggered by that are you not using the high chair then because they moved by themselves without taking the high chair it's at that point the man has picked up the plate and whacked me on the side of my head with it and there was Cutlery on the plate too I didn't register what just happened I I remembered that the police were in the restaurant so as you can see in the video that's when I said I'm going to the police I walk off and I go to one of the officers there were two officers present a male and a female officer I first go to the female officer and I said this man's hit me on the head with a plate sorry before that i' just like to also add that at this point the wife is now chasing behind me calling me a fat b word oh oh oh oh oh oh so so now they've ganged up on her it's actually the wife and husband that in on it I thought maybe the wife would try to calm the whole situation down but the wife was adding more fuel to the fire interesting at that at this point the wife is now chasing behind me calling me a fat b word and repeating that as she's chasing me the officer now this man's just hit me on the head she didn't see wait wait wait wait think about it think about it think about how traumatized she would be they're actually chasing her and calling her those words at work do you know how demeaning that can be this is disgusting behind me calling me a fat b word and repeating that as she's chasing me the officer now this man's just hit me on the head she didn't seem bothered she said go speak to my colleague which was the male officer sitting down waiting for his food I go to him and I say this man's assaulted me he's hit me on the head with the plate he said who this fell over here and I said yeah he said okay and he takes the guy outside and my manager takes me to the back office well whil I'm in the office I can see from the CCTV screens that the police let the guy go so the male officer who took him outside basically let him W off without taking any of his details without taking any statements without checking the CCTV and I could see on police officer just let the man off after some reported this what would this man have said to him that scared the police officer shitless officer who took him outside basically let him wander off without taking any of his details without taking any statements without checking the CCTV and I could see on another screen that the female officer was having a laugh with the wife and playing with the baby at this point my managers have seen the CCTV they agree that this man needs to be arrested and they they asked for the police to come in to view the CCTV the police have now viewed the CCTV they realized they made a mistake but the the male officer asked me what I wanted to do I said I wanted to press charges good good the officers are now telling me that I'm not allowed to press charges or that I can't press charges because I'd have to go in front of a jury of 12 to convince them that I was unprovokedly attacked and apparently the man has told the police officer that I threatened to punch him in the face as you can see in the video he's about a 6ot something man F buil I'm just about 5 foot I it doesn't make sense I put point out to the officers that in the CCTV footage you can see that at no point there was there was there was not enough time for me to have even threatened the man before I got assaulted to which the officer replied well there's no audio attached to the CCTV so you can't prove that wait it sounds like the police officer is trying to defend them like am I am I the only one getting this why is the police officer defending them why what is this a police officer needs to be neutral we go around in circles for about an hour or some what felt like 5 hours basically of them telling me what do I want to do I said I want to press charges they I can't and gave me reasons as to why I couldn't invalid reasons I huh wait she needs to also sue them for this sue them for saying this to her okay for trying to to to to deprive her of her rights I filed a complaint against the officers a couple days later their supervisor got back to me and B basically said they're humans and they made a mistake at work the same way you can make a mistake at work and oh stop this wait guys I'm sorry I'm posing stop this stop this even the supervisor is in on it oh my God what has happened to the law enforcement in the UK a complaint against the officers a couple days later their supervisor got back to me and basically said they're humans and they made a mistake at work the same way you can make a mistake at work and the officer the male officer called me back also and basically told me well I couldn't hear or understand what you were saying and that you didn't you didn't tell me that he hit you on the head their supervisor also told me that these officers are very experienced and that due to the commotion and the busyness of the environment that maybe they didn't understand me they also told me nothing could be done about the situation and that the case has to be closed since all of the attention it's gotten online the police have now issued an apology to me and they've opened up an investigation again the man still hasn't been found as of yet but they're looking for him I just like to say this was just a part-time job for me I'm a uni student and this was just supposed to be me being able to be financially independent and it's just a shame that safety in a workplace especially for young women isn't something that's promised and and that police being present also doesn't promise you safety yeah I again want to thank everyone for all the kind messages I've been receiving the support has been overwhelming and it means a lot to me and I appreciate everything and I'm glad the case has been reopened again this is disgusting so when his video was recommended to me he said muslim man slat a girl now I want to say this regardless of the person's Christian Buddhist atheist self- believer whatever believe in your faith doesn't matter everybody should be judged on their Merit okay we don't care where you're from we don't care what you believe in okay what you see is what you get what you do yeah what you do is what you'll be judged by okay you do a thing bear the consequences of the thing you've done if you work hard for Success enjoy your success if you commit a crime enjoy your your punishment it's easy simple okay completely unacceptable okay if you ask if you ask me this is my opinion okay I'm not trying to impose my opinion on anybody else but in my opinion this is unacceptable okay this he should have been charged right there and then after she reported or at least the police officer should have checked the CCTV should have stopped the man and checked the CCTV except if they say maybe they were off duty but if they're in uniform yeah about to have their food then I'm sorry you're you're you're a law enforcement officer uh you're in uniform you have to be ready at all times okay if you're off without if you're off duty we understand that's different okay then you w have a uniform and all go to you she went to the lady and the lady the lady officer just said rep report to my to my uh to my colleague you're not even showing empathy I think one of the uh uh qualities of a police officer should be to have empathy you should be able to have empathy and be decisive as well have good judgment okay be able to know how to prioritize War over War okay you need to know that you have to have good judgment Cod they say you're experienced come on this shows inexperienced this is this is come on look how a young girl um working parttime you know studying and trying you know to you know to just lead a normal life trying to be financially stable okay and then she gets assaulted like this over a very trivial issue and from this from her story the husband and wife were in on it and if you even look at the video like look at the the body language you can tell that something was off with them both and in the way they just like unleash their anger on her come on that's unacceptable I think yeah when people go out to some uh to to restaurant you need to treat the waiters The Waitresses the chefs as your maybe like your friend okay acquaintances give them some rest respect they need some respect because they serve you the food okay just be nice just be a decent normal human being like there's no need to swear at them if like the waitresses are being rude to you okay you can then report them all right but not taking the Law into your hands and just assault someone you think you're in a third world country even in a third world country you do that sh Oh my days you see things like this that people do yeah in the UK and they kind of get away with it you try this things like in a terrible country you're done I mean they not I'm not saying done in the sense that they will kill you but you get roughed up they rough you up proper okay and you wish you you you you you you you were never there okay anyway this is disgusting the police have really let her down okay uh apart from an apology I think she deserves more than that they need she needs a compensation for how the police acted on professionally okay and also the other person whoever he is the assaulted yeah assault is not right I've been assaulted before and I know how that feels okay is is not nice okay as been assaulted at a workplace is the worst one it's the worst one because there's nothing you can do but if you assaulted outside work it's different at least you can try to apply a bit of self-defense and then you report it okay but at the workplace you have to be professional because you can get sacked you can't do anything you try anything you get sack act okay they would say oh that is unethical you've been unprofessional at work you have to be an ambassador of where you work you know what I mean but this is sad really sad and it's a shame that she was let down by the police force yeah it's a big shame yeah big big shame on the police on this one well not on the police uh as a whole unit yeah not not on the police as a whole but on those officers that she reported to it's a big shame on them and they don't deserve to be police officer okay this is wrong this is ridiculous it's a shame anyway Guys these are my thoughts okay not anybody else's thoughts I just feel like things should have been done better because look at her she'll be traumatized not nice what's what's been going on in this country is sad it just feels unreal this shouldn't happen people should be free people should be safe all right to to go about their business and if things happen we should be able to trust the low and for we should be able to trust the police the police should be our friends yeah they should enforce the law but look at look how the police are doing is this how to police I think maybe the police were scared of being called racist if they did anything but look at my gy look at the the lovely girl look at the stunning girl all right if you say you're scared of being co racist okay facts she's not white right she's British she's not right we don't I don't know her faith no one talked about her faith because we don't care about the faith what we care about is you how you act that is it how you act is what matters okay let's stop libeling people saying oh this Faith do this that Faith do this this race did this because then we're going to divide ourselves we don't want divisions okay we want equality and right now from a whole story these people were on the wrong the police officers too were on the wrong in my opinion I'm not a judge okay I might be wrong but my judgment says they were on the wrong okay and they should have handled it better no excuses no excuses yeah like I said maybe they were scared of being called racist but there's nobody anyone call you racist because one is not white the other guy is not white so which race are they going to say you're being racist to you're being racist to him or racist to her now that you guys are not even doing it correctly you're looking racist you know what I mean so let's just leave aside yeah police officers just just do your duty please hi oh I you you are you are the light that shine in my way you are oh I love you more say you are need oh you are the light that shine in my way

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