"The Legend of Comma Pepperer: Ocarina of Thyme" - PART 211 - Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

[Music] [Applause] [Music] ah welcome back to the blind Zone yes marug we being uh yay there we go I hope that like would this count as a Goron in a hot spring it can't right I mean yes well this counts I figured relaxing in Hot Springs like lounging oh God damn it this the d-pad yep uh and that's Rick that's Peter and this is the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom tears of Rick tears of tears of Rick because he discounted this Goron cuz he looked too happy not relaxed enough he just working it didn't I didn't think that would count I'm working working on the hot spring we can do this we can drop off both of our pictures and then all of the Stables will be done I don't think there's any like full that's a full frog suit right or oh no we already got that oh okay we haven't powered it up all the way but we do have the full frogs this is actually usually where we go to Power stuff up so it's going to be a frog suit themed guider Glide clock a frog glider yeah yeah that that's got to be it that's what it's that's what it oh you're a cc person M Go's treasure looks like you overheard me yep hidden caves throughout the land caves of Elden are practically bursting with treasure bursting with lava okay ah okay I don't think there's any new real information there oh look at this empty frame oh my God you still have your eye on that you haven't been here in months but you still like it hang on I got to get over there anyway you still like it oh I don't like his face that's really that's really threatening of a of a gaze definitely got like a villainous slant to his uh demeanor it's like a cubric stair he's just kind of like leaning down into it a little bit you're like ah yeah you're like trying to make your brow Ridge more pronounced yeah oh don't like it this is such a weird it's exactly the picture I asked for what a weird picture to have in a in a horse stable you know just some people in a hot spring just standing around I was just going to paint some randos oh God no ew that first wet sound is always like really disconcerting especially with this guy's face It's A Feast for the eyes what i' a big part of what is unsettling about his face is his like mustache with the middle third missing yes the UN Hitler the the huntler UN hler the hler the hler but it's just like oh God like two small caterpillars resting on either you know hanging out of each nostril yeah going sell some stuff to Beetle real quick oh my God hey beetle look what I got uh I want to get a couple quick you know what opal is actually one I'm willing to part with a bunch of these for there you go let's do 15 of them oh actually wait a minute no we have 149 they sell for 30 each I misread that as we have 30 and they sell for 149 each no I'm also willing to toart with a shitload of these anyway so let's do 79 sure remaining 70 yep which is so many more than we will ever need sure so there we go I just want to have cash some spending cash for upgrades yeah I figure we're here I it didn't even occur to me that we're right next to it but because we're here we may as well yeah uh just drop it see what you yeah I may not need anything but then I've just got spending cash so that's always good to have we'll head to the other stable we'll drop that off we'll head to the tyo ruins and then I think we're heading to Lookout Landing at that point I don't think there's anything else to really uh slow us down from there yeah I'm sure we could find things oh I'm sure we could find things and I'm sure that if if there's any like solo episodes coming up then there'll be a bunch of uh uh depths diving but Rick likes to hide underground when he's on his own I do I'm scared very scared of the outside world which is funny cuz it's more dangerous underground it's but it's too dark to see so it's not scary it's not as scary it's not as scary cuz I can't see it this is the military training camp yeah I think it's supposed to be for the hyru military but it's been abandoned for a long time and monsters kind of moved in yeah that's funny all right so uh Yep this one seems good chuch yellow Chuchu Jillian Vault fruit and let's just make sure that those aren't needed for other things the answer appears to be no for the things that I care about all right so let's get that up to its second star I don't even have the third piece for that but when I do I think I think if you have all three pieces you are electri to electricity damage something like that yeah does that mean that you can wield metal weapons in the brain probably yeah I think it makes you shock proof which means that yeah you can be literally struck by lightning and it doesn't matter that would be great yeah it's that be great because then you could bait lightning yes which is an area of effect uh-huh just like murder Monsters by being near them uh yeah just be near them and just like I'm sorry I just wanted to just back door my way to the lightning bolt spell oh this is interesting Soldier construct horn these take these take zonai construct Parts yeah o also these which interesting too that's potentially expensive but means a good reason to go farm some constructs yeah I'm assuming it's different parts for different levels too cuz like lowle the problem is the basic construct horns are ones I don't really see anymore right I need three piece of I need five zonite and I don't have it whoops that's hilarious uh we can do hight tail lizards for those I don't have anything else that I really care about doing this for I could use the rest of my star fragments to make this better but I why like uh I am curious I guess I'll do snow boots we're probably not going to be in the sand anymore right and if we are it's going to be during streams and things so let's do it High Till lizard and 10 bucks right it is nice to have just a little more defense for it right cuz you have to sacrifice a item spot for oh I can actually get that done also I won't be able to get them both to two stars but Swift car and octar rock tentacles okay unless they diverge a little bit in terms of what they need that's true they might as you get farther up that would be kind of nice if so although it is the same effect o a bunch of Rush rooms and none of those items seem to be very um Elemental yeah they seem to be more about the like stick ativity yeah yeah the suction friction the frickative forces oh no that uses a gibdo bone instead so we actually do have oh and use a swift carrot instead of the other one what what do the other one use was also a swift carrot but maybe not no cuz you had eight of the carrot you needed yeah might have been an endur carot or something yeah I think it was all right oh I can keep going there's a special bonus is there a full set of sand gear I don't think there is I think the boots are on their own I think that might be just a generic thing she says when you have uh oh that's interesting this one only takes 10 Rush room this one takes 20 Rush room but it doesn't require molduga fins which are harder to come by right very interesting these are so weird like how they work sometimes because I so I guess they did diverge I wonder if I can get it to four stars it actually will make for a pretty good defensive gear if I can get it to four yeah no I need muga guts and Swift violets okay those are a little bit trickier to come by Swift violets are a little bit sparse you just kind of have to find them on Cliff walls yeah or throw your tracker on yeah I don't know if these do anything other than give you defense but also I've got a [ __ ] load of Amber and Flint so I'm not feeling too precious about it not against finding out just for the sake of yeah like do they get an effect at more stars is it just Amber and Flint I will happily burn a lot of Amber and Flint just to Max these out for the hell of it just an experiment right like again like I guess I'm I'm losing money by spending them but also like yeah a bunch of money but also I I've got thousands of rupees that I'm basically not going to touch right now and right well I mean you got those by selling items too yeah exactly I've been losing items already so can I get to four I can't 28 holy [ __ ] that's actually pretty godamn good for defense yeah that's actually a straight defense item though right like not anything else about it yeah no elements to it but honestly 28 defense on my head is it might be the best headgear I've got right now yeah I think it is by like a a good margin too yeah well cuz most of the armor ends up on the body right yeah I mean there's there's head there's head gear in general but usually the headgear I think just tends to be less strong right that's what I mean like the the the chest pieces tend to carry most of the heavy lifting for where your armor points are supposed to end up if you look at the distribution in one set mhm so let's do yeah that's that's our strongest one for our head 28 amazing uh then body stuff we got a 20 right here we also have I mean this doesn't do anything so this just gives me slip resistance for free on top of that right we got 20 20 that doesn't do anything so this is our our best set of gear gets a 68 defense so all right cool um the one remaining thing that I want to do was the tyo ruins which are right here I was like where the [ __ ] are those oh wait no actually I want to go drop off the other uh the other picture yeah which I think is this one here so let's do that first then we'll go to the tyer ruins we'll finally solve that one that's been just sitting there for a long time and they do count as individual uh quests too okay each of the stones counts as a separate Quest Quest and I think the whole thing also counts as one so that's five Quests for tyo so that's pretty cool I keep saying tyo it's spelled with an H I don't know if it's just an unstressed H or if it is supposed to be thyo but it certainly feels like tyo in terms of like cyclone and typhoon right cuz I think tyo was the name of one of the frogs from the Wind Waker I think there's precedent for th still going to yeah words being a pretty obvious one yeah as in the Ocarina of Time as we all know yeah yeah I have just a picture I sure did no you cannot see it pay me first I have not watermarked it the Ocarina of Time the parsley leaf that you use to blow sand out of your way yep The Parsley hourglass as we all remember um the sages will sages yeah where we've got all these sages around and Princess Rosemary yeah exactly uh my favorite season in uh The Legend of Zelda uh Oracle of Seasons was spring uh pepper what do we do for pepper your favorite season oh my favorite season oh god I didn't even I didn't even realize with that one Oracle of Seasons yeah that would be great rework it as four herbs and spices yeah I think sprig would or 11 yeah I think sprig would have to stay for one of those for sure yeah what's a good one for [Music] summer uh oh I I forgot that I actually died here you died I forgot how long ago that was I want to go for summer fall or autumn I mean there are there are sort of flavors that are indicative of there of those things but I don't know that there are word yeah I'm going more the word play I think word play options like if you want to go yeah you can there's a lot that fit for Autumn you do [ __ ] pumpkin spice would be perfectly valid for that even sure well that is a blend it is a blend yeah the power of sage of lightning at the end of The Long Dragon that protects the mountain of death the end of the long M dragon that yeah [Music] okay I mean what do you think the mountain of death means it's not like uh if only someone could find the thing that is pointing at the Tower of Eiffel yes that Tower built by that gentleman iel oh my god let's go up here just cuz it does help to have the view though it always seems to [ __ ] rain when we get over here what a beautiful view it says that it's clear out so I think it is just that it has programmed rain in that space yeah forever rain in the Ty flow I think this is where we want to go I could swear that there's a dragon head that's in there that we haven't been able to touch yet but long dragon that protects the the mountain of death could be an awful lot of things but I assume could also be something that's like over here somewhere but let's start with our blue marker and we'll kind of go off of that looking for a dragon somewhere in the ruins yeah facing or protecting guarding the Death Mountain you're probably facing away from Death Mountain yeah a [Music] tower all right so yeah there's oh God I picked up terrible spot to look oh my God yeah the rain is not doing me any favors right now so that one's got three dragon situation going on what is that oh I think it's a silent Princess um oh Jesus yeah that does look like it's multiple heads that might actually be the end of all of this stuff too Long Dragon might be this one looks like a pretty long Dragon to me yes it does uh there you [Music] are let's look at that again real quick display the power of the sage of lightning at the end of The Long Dragon that protects the mountain of death could be the other end perhaps perhaps is that the end that protects the mountain I mean this would seem this would strike me as being the one that protects is that even a face it's so hard to tell with some of these statues let's run along it for a second here cuz yeah maybe we do want to go to like the other side or something where it's busted through the runes what's that it's busted through the ruins yeah that one also looks kind of face likee it does double face Dragon it's uh Twin Dragons Okie do that lit a fire oh just just caught just incidentally yeah yeah uh Long Dragon now if you look towards the mountain of death which I think is basically just yeah which is this way is there a a dragon that you can see from here wa is there like a thing that would be shaped like a dragon you shoot across the way or something cuz that one's got some range to it so hard to [ __ ] tell with all this rain could that be a thing uh trying to see if there's anything on here that looks a long Dragon yeah I know that guy's there oh this the stuff that goes underground there maybe actually wait a second is this a okay hang on I'm not going to waste this entirely but at least get it started with that uh yeah you there we go okay sweet get some pieces nice uh this is a long Dragon protecting the whole Coast so where's its head I think its head was over here so unless this is the tail which it also might be cuz there is this I could have to strike that let's try striking this if not we're going to have to follow it the long way around where is she there she is okay cool I was like please please you did the thing hooray here here is a chest I think there's supposed to be a final thing too once we have all four of these and this should be bunch of topaz all of them have given you a handful of the elemental uh thing oh I can't move so something's about to happen uh a cut scene where is that looks like it's in front of the tower yep is that another chest or no it's a catacombs a doorway down a whole dungeon a whole ruins be great if it's just like an entire ass dungeon so I want to be I think that's it right there nope should be right around here though it's not that's one of the prize yeah this was a priz one I think it's in closer to the door to the tower right might be yeah I thought it was [Music] uh thought it was in front of it that way but it's so hard to see around here I thought it was like in a this way direction from it but I may be wrong it is honestly super hard to tell yeah I mean they didn't exactly like they cut away to some angle and show you a shot and then cut back to you yeah so they don't even like pan from where you were yeah the pan would really make a big difference okay maybe we saw it from the side of the tower not the front of the Tower yeah that is my suspicion which would make it more o that was a weird texture jump let's just get up for a second here uh cuz there a bunch of little Stone chunky bits nearby in the ground like little square holes but not seeing those it might be they're throwing rocks oh yeah if you don't have a weapon then they will just start throwing rocks it wasn't this okay hang on a second here maybe we can okay cuz I thought that I saw this or something like this there so is it possible that it's just further this way I might go talk to the guy and see if he's got some insight there's something over there but it's kind of hard to tell that might be it also might just be we could have maybe just been right next to it and not realize too like is this just it right here oh that looks like one that went up a second level yeah God damn it yep yeah it is [ __ ] okay it's all right it's all right oh it's not calling this a cave or anything let's read to read oh and something is down here hey oh hi oh were you about to try to read that thing I'm going to interrupt yeah right you found another monolith was hid way down here is almost certainly something important written upon it oh my heartest pound shall we read it dare we we dare here allow me let's get to it then a monument to loyalty hyru owes its peace today to the gift that King roro gave unto us in his Noble feat of imprisoning the demon king oh are we getting like a unique item here King rahu imprisoning The Demon King is named in Legend as the first king of Hyrule and this mention of imprisoning the Demon King this monolith is no doubt a Chronicle of the imprisoning war all rightone stop pounding let's read on everybody is getting into history all at once yeah The Great Battle ended with a seal began with support from the sages each of whom bore a shining secret Stone among these were four I wonder if this is actually a full Quest thing and we would have needed to come here for like a secret Sage stone or something uh they're the pride of the people to Hyrule the stone monument is dedicated to the Loyalty that will echo through time okay turn is dedicated to the sages who fought with roru the first king of Hyrule was built by hens afterward okay explains why there was hyuan text on the monolith we found yes sure I'm s to find so profound a secret hidden a secret hidden in these long buried ruins so full of mystery okay I know that grammatically it doesn't need the comma for it to be a proper sentence but sometimes it's nice to have a hey you should probably take a pause here comma I know y yep I'm a comma pepper sometimes just a just get it in there for phrasing yeah to see the looks on their faces aha oh this is going to be great a oh okay we're getting a separate reward too great Oh goodie okay interesting oh okay all right there we go now we're talking please enjoy the Zona artifacts I discovered motos to remind you of our time working together since we'll be sticking around while you can come back if you ever like to talk ruins and Relics okay but also what is this oh interesting that I believe it says holy luster it's the holy sword it looks like the sword of the sages from Twilight Princess which ironically is featured more as a weapon of Ganondorf in that game than anything else uh yeah yeah uh but let's also put it on the ground this might not have a picture to it oh I can also oh no it does I can also delete a few more of these things let's also delete that and that and that oh that's actually a picture of the molduga surprisingly enough we'll go with seven seven's fine the dusk Claymore sweet awesome doesn't seem like it's got any particular effects as far as we can tell no but it is a good sword it is a good two-handed weapon uh let's attach something to it I'm tempted to put one of these on there but honestly the gudo things are so good with those attached that I don't want to waste them sure uh I can do a blue a blue uh saber horn 33 seems pretty nice yeah Jesus Christ yeah 65 and a fantasy weapon absurd yeah whose sword does that look like that looks like like this looks like uh the Soul Caliber yeah that's what it is yeah I I'm nightmare right now I am become nightmare Jesus Christ uh okay so I think we got we got that one done I'm trying to think if there were any other like side quest that we wanted to mess with I don't want to do that oh the ice house is still in the desert I think I'll leave that one alone and the wells are pain you found 30 of the Wells we got more than half of them I think we can live with that for now yeah um I think we should head to Lookout Landing and at least see what's going to happen when we get there we got just enough time to do this as we close out for the day and I uh and to kick off the week I think this is a Monday episode oh boy uh so let's let's dive on in and see what we got here kick off I guess the Final Chapter right like this is this is going to initiate whatever's left of the game yeah the four major things are done yeah so there's either one or two parts left yeah and in either regard it's It's the Final Act sort of situation well so what is your what is your your bet between ring ruins of kaka Rico the zonai factory underground or the zonai ruins in the sky I think those are the three pieces that we know of that are left well given that there are three things left it might even be that it's all three all three simultaneously there's a thing in the sky a thing on the ground and a thing underground there's a lot of repetition of the the number seven as a power number as one of the you know magic primes that they're using a lot yeah and with four sages and three remaining things to get to that seven we might have to deal with all of them yeah and honestly it wouldn't even be all that ridiculous for them to give us all three at once as well we've got these three layers we got our Triforce style thing going on yeah three layers of the sky y three pieces of Triforce three things remaining to do maybe they each have a piece of the Triforce like literally yeah maybe that'd be an interesting when was the last time that came up uh Skyward Sword I think or or as far as three different Gathering the three pieces kind of situation the TR the the one and only time that we uh that we've ever uh physically truly brought the Triforce together was Skyward Sword mhm M where there's a Temple that is in skyloft that you uh I forget how you get access to it it's a it's a an end game thing that lets you get there and most of the rest of the time it's that link Zelda and Ganondorf are the three yeah they each wield a piece yeah but in this case it is I actually don't know are they oh they were probably upstairs that's what it was I was like why does it seem like we're getting put into a weird position well I was up while I was on top and it seemed like it was leading me into nothing there but I didn't even think about the fact there's like a second floor to yeah it's going to be in that house yeah yeah in sky in in Skyward Sword you do you have a dungeon that is a sliding numbers puzzle style thing okay and when you complete it or not when you complete it you actually cannot have it be there's no way to complete it in a way where you can go through the whole thing in one go but uh when you like as you go through there you do collect the only Treasures is there a ladder oh there is the only Treasures in that in that Temple are the three Tri uh piece of the Triforce and then another ladder and so you use the Triforce to bring skyloft down from the skies and crush the uh the oh no we're going to find out that they've gone somewhere stairway leading deep underneath hro Castle has been discovered even Princess Zelda didn't know about it say seems safe to assume it's a secret removed even from Royal Legend we confirmed that Gloom emanates from that location meaning something down there must must be causing it I appointed Princess Zelda and Link to investigate actually more accurate to say that Princess Zelda volunteered for the job before I had the chance I know beyond a doubt there was no team more qualified for such a task and yet I can't escape this feeling of dread I decided to store this diary in four volumes that way if a nosy someone reads it they'll only have a quarter of it such a as the fruits of Genius as for the first one I think I'll entrust it to I think we've actually read this before because it's going to tell us the other two locations and I think we've also seen those too right um this is the description of the opening of the game yeah yeah yeah okay so what is that marker leading us to if not that's why I'm so [ __ ] confused right now uh on the roof to the roof yeah I guess I can just Ascend up there too I keep it's still not a Natural Choice For me even now you don't like to just slip through the ceiling ah yep there's more up oh hi hello sorry about that how you doing surprise can I take a picture of your umbrella do you count as a thing to take a picture of no okay yeah I heard what happened the major cold front that descended upon the reto the marbled Rock roast that the Gorn couldn't get enough of and there was the sludge contaminating the zor's water and finally the gudo menaced by gibdos in a sand shroud yes those are the four things yes they were you faced some serious challenges and you overcame all of them well done link now here's three more things yeah pres resembling britz Zelda was behind the scenes for all the phenomena as you discovered Yep this has to be related to the upheaval somehow yes and have something important to share as well H are we going to look at the the Gloom emanating from under the castle oh it's the middle of the day though very haunting for it to be that Vivid in the middle of the day welcome to um Castlevania Blood Stained ritual of the night uh Major's mask yeah you have three days to live oh is the blood moon not going to go away now huh that would be very interesting if one Panic music for the rest of the game right isn't that oh boy it's voice acted it's a big thing yeah look at this quickly quick look at my Periscope oh boy is it the dead eyy Zelda hard to tell to be dead honest your highness but I mean it has to be feels kind of like it's not like she uh oh but there is just that lingering Gloom energy there yeah okay huh did you see that that was the princess wasn't it I was going to share that I saw a figure that looked an awful like Princess Zelda at holl Castle I wasn't sure at first but now I am thought she'd left the castle entirely but she was inside we have to hurry and rescue her no solders I can't reach hyal Castle as it is now you might be the only one who can do it it's not her interesting we've been to hyru Castle we've explored basically the entirety of it right so I'll be very curious I assume the idea is that we're okay the regional phenomena complete good crisis at Hyrule castle princess Elda suddenly appeared at the floating hyru Castle alongside a red moon much is still unclear but you should go to hyru Castle to check things out I mean it can't be done this cannot be the end I think the idea is that they're kind of leading you to feel that way but the Zone ice storm the construct Factory downstairs like those are too big to not mean anything right uh they're all post game they could be I suppose it would just feel real strange yeah do I I actually don't know if I have enough uh cores here for it to oh I have a lot actually I have just barely enough for five more Wells sweet well well Wells turning cells to Wells now you only need 13 more Wells to get a full double bar I think so I think I think we have 13 of them left so 1300 uh crystallized [Music] charges Yeah Bang nice sweet all right well I guess when we come back next time we're going back into the castle yes see you then have fun storming the castle [Music]

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