Category: Gaming
[musique] dans cet épisode hors-série nous allons résoudre ensemble les énigmes du sanctuaire mayaou mais qui ça et comme vous le voyez il se situe juste en dessous du temple du vent c'est à dire au début des îles de la voie des cieux saut en longueur ça me rappelle des souvenirs de collège ça alors... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro hey everyone we got an exciting video for today we got some brand new echo of wisdom footage of the elden volcano area and on top of that we have a preview of tears of the kingdom masterworks that's coming out this week we'll have a link down in the description so you can pre-order and buy tears... Read more
Category: Gaming
Or steht direkt vor uns wir haben alle st bis auf eines wir werden uns jetzt hochhalten um das letzte rauszufen die lage des letzten ja und damit willkommen zurück zu maria 2 die legende von mor das finale steht wahrscheinlich kurz bevor also ja und das sterngewel ist na komm schon ist dasass mich nicht... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hallo herz willkommen zurück bei einer neuen folge von aria jetzt muss ich sachen sammeln und in der letzten folge habe ich rausgefunden d sachen sammel soll ja seit ich das letzte mal aufgenommen habe ist jetzt eine woche her oder so ich habe nämlich zwischendurch meine pceecke ein bisschen gemacht... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right here we go astrobot play it all right we we start restart weart [music] weart that's [laughter] pretty teamas soi sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm like digging it i'm like it's it's okay all right all right okay chat you can't feel this but i can i you cannot feel it but dude the the the the the... Read more
Category: Gaming
This is amazing commander you cleared out most of germany and now you've got the invaders on the run so let's keep the pressure on the invaders have massed on the edge of burn switzerland we don't know why but looks like a last stand to me if they want to fight i say give them everything we got let's... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
This jump right out he is much more impressive than the hog i f previously dude i'm standing right here you're a colorful buch we don't want [music] to that's amazing oh god oh oh that's cool i like that run yes yeah that sonic adventure running i can't believe i'm saying wow yeah he's on the motorcycle... Read more
Category: Gaming
I wanted to talk about today is as they say in spain myanos that's right my birthday i'm 18 today these are my girls on the san romero cheer squad Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro hello everybody and welcome to another list video on the channel and the last in this second chance series we've done guardian seeker rogue and mystic and we're here on survivor survivor is a pretty weird one to find for five cards that you should give a second chance and this is actually probably... Read more
Category: Gaming
Parti euh bonjour youtube j'espère que tu vas bien on vient de parler de choses très joyeuses en stream des sujets de discussion dont tu n'auras pas les échos puisque j'ai foutu la moitié du chat en pls mais après c'est mavant brigader dedans aussi parce que vous avez répondu et il y a eu la discussion... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] one two three asml listen listen listen booty chick wrangler i can't walk in here you're nasty just exclamation good thing he didn't pull the street yo larry larry did you hear this but that man infinitely clap sheets no i'm not me that people do eat styrofoam though no one has tea bagged me... Read more
Category: Gaming
Previously on the legend of heroes trails in the sky i'm the only one who knows how to operate the device so i'm going with you but we just got to press this one button here okay never mind you should probably handle it and now back to rapidly approaching your location sne go be back with some more... Read more