Category: Gaming
[musique] dans cet épisode hors-série nous allons résoudre ensemble les énigmes du sanctuaire mayaou mais qui ça et comme vous le voyez il se situe juste en dessous du temple du vent c'est à dire au début des îles de la voie des cieux saut en longueur ça me rappelle des souvenirs de collège ça alors... Read more
Category: Gaming
[음악] [음악] oh h Read more
Category: Gaming
Всем привет с вами денис мейр итак nintendo провела свою презентацию nintendo direct не тот директ который мы ждали но тот который мы заслужили это был партнёрский директ то есть игры от самой nintendo там и не планировалось быть никаких марио зель трои кирби файр эмблемой дов чего угодно того что издаёт... Read more
Category: Gaming
Stick around to learn more about how surfshark lets you browse the web freely and securely plus get four additional months for free when you sign up using offer code skillup at surf forge sl skillup gamers when concord was first revealed i made a flippant offhand joke being like oh let's hope... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey guys if you haven't heard yet the finale of murder jones has just dropped over on the glitch channel this episode concludes murder jones as one complete story and though i'm sad to see it end i really am proud of how this episode turned out the whole glitch team crushed it also to go along with... Read more
Category: Gaming
Bom dia bom dia mesmo a son lançando playstation 5 pro não garante que os jogos serão rodados a 60 frames priorizando alta resolução e menos fps porém a maioria esmagadora dos usuários optam pelo desempenho a 60 esse preço é uma loucura foi vazado que o diablo 4 arrecadou 150 milhões de dólares em microtransações... Read more
Category: Gaming
Dann wäre ich jetzt direkt jetzt die seite gehe das schaffe ich nicht oder doch wie geil so warm und herzlich willkommen zurück zu super mario bottesi wir sind weiterhin im seeland haben aber auch wir uns dieser tod schon sagt ja nein ich will jetzt hier keinen tipp kaufen danke haben aber schon die... Read more
Category: Gaming
One thing that was absolutely lost in the sticker shock of $699 for the playstation 5 pro was some of the other prices for europe in addition to japan and that's what i want to talk about in this video because while it's pretty bad here in the us and in canada which it can be about $1,000 if... Read more
Category: Gaming
E e he [music] Read more
Category: Gaming
Muy buenas beers yo antes de comenzar el vídeo tengo que decir algo claro hoy voy a ir directo al lidl y diréis para qué vas a ir es para esto la verdad es que los de leel seos con una buena promoción para que todos los fans de zelda vayamos allí pero no solo vamos a hablar de las ventas de brezo o... Read more
Category: Gaming
Nintendo is a great company they make amazing games and really cool consoles but they keep making very avoidable mistakes for some of their most important features in products and people hate them for it underpowered hardware shutting down fan tournaments making games and then just removing them i want... Read more
Category: Gaming
You may not believe it every time but i swear i'm honest every time about my feelings on the nintendo direct and that's why today is going to be no different buckle up get ready grab some popcorn because we finally arrived at a nintendo direct that blew my mind what's going on everybody it's zach from... Read more