PlayStation 5 Pro Controversy Gets WORSE...

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:12:59 Category: Gaming

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One thing that was absolutely lost in the sticker  shock of $699 for the PlayStation 5 Pro was some   of the other prices for Europe in addition to  Japan and that's what I want to talk about in this   video because while it's pretty bad here in the US  and in Canada which it can be about $1,000 if you   include the disc drive which should be included  in the system Japan is probably the biggest and   most interesting price for this and it absolutely  shows that Sony has completely given up on Japan   and that the PlayStation 5 and the PlayStation 5  Pro is going to be DOA in that country a country   where Sony used to do incredibly well now I want  to talk about that and a number of other things   little bit of a followup in the video that I had  some of the comments that I did read but before   we get into all that what's good everyone OJ here  welcome back to another video please make sure you   hit that like button subscribe if you are someone  new and click that notification Bell to get my   videos first and let's go Ahad and jump right into  this because I find this to be fascinating the   PlayStation 5 Pro in Japan is going to be 119,900  180 Yen that averages out to a staggering $841 us   and that's without the disc drive which should be  included that's not an optional thing it should   be included and the optional stand now Sony has  raised the price of the PlayStation 5 the bass   we're not even talking about the pro the base  multiple times in four years they've had pretty   much a price increase per a year on the system and  while this is not new talking about this the fact   that Sony did shut down Sony Japan their first  development Studio it seemed like to me they were   cutting off the potential lifeblood the start the  beginning it's historic they're cutting that off   they're severing the ties that I think that they  felt was holding them back from greater things but   it also seems like at this point with a game like  astrobot made from team aobi that maybe you gave   up a bit too quickly and if you look at what's  going on right now look at the Flop that was   Concord $100 million $200 million you absolutely  could have saved Sony Japan Studios and giving   them a legitimate shot on the PlayStation 5 with  that money let's just be real here a legitimate   new IP from Sony Japan Studios on PlayStation  5 a legitimate Gravity Rush or something along   the lines of that would have absolutely been  better than something like Concord overall and   yes I said it was a bad idea back then I said  live service has been a bad idea back then I   didn't like their plan and I wanted them to stick  with Sony Japan so it's not like I have hindsight   being 2020 here this is something that I've been  saying for a number of years now and obviously   it's proven to be true with how much of a success  that astrobot is with some of the former staffers   of Sony Japan studio and of course team Asobi and  it demolishing Concord in sales very quickly now   I do want to get to another thing here and I want  to talk about how this kind of affects the overall   shift because it's not just the PlayStation 5 Pro  the PlayStation 5 in Jaan but also the Nintendo   switch the market and the upcoming switch 2 now if  you look at this year guys the 7-year-old Nintendo   switch is routinely outselling the PlayStation 5  despite not having a lot of the major RPGs that   come out for the platform now even if you look at  the top 30 Sellers and this is all tying back into   how PlayStation looks like it's going to be done  in Japan if you look at the top 30 sellers most of   them are Nintendo switch game so this pretty  much further AIDS what I've been saying here   now switch is already the bestselling platform of  all time in Japan and I think that that momentum   is going to continue for the Nintendo switch  2 as a hybrid platform and if you're looking   at the pricing here 119,000 Yen the switch to  should probably be significantly cheaper than   that and I saw a lot of interesting things that  people were saying online that Nintendo's going   to come out and make a $300 Nintendo switch 2 or  that Nintendo should easily be able to price the   system at that and I'm thinking to myself these  people have no idea about the components in terms   of manufacturing and pricing for what this is  going to do Heck if you look at something like   steam deck for example the base level model of  that is $399 if you want an OLED version that   is $550 there's no way Nintendo's going to be  able to price that for $300 but I do feel that   the price will be below the PlayStation 5 disc  version which is $499 and the PlayStation 5 Pro   which is $6.99 without a disc drive and with  a disc drive is going to be well over $800 if   you include tax which is just absolutely nuts  in my opinion overall and if you look at what   potentially we've been seeing rumored for the  Nintendo switch 2 I do believe that we are going   to get a lot of these major RPGs like metaphor  ref fantasio and potentially even Elden ring and   other games that are going to be on the Nintendo  switch 2 or announced pretty soon here within the   next year or so now let's talk a little bit more  about this optional disc drive thing because I   think this really puts the nail in the coffin for  the PlayStation 5 Pro in Japan for the rest of the   world for example yes I know I'm very well aware  that physical games are not as popular as they   used to be and a lot of people buy more digital  but just because a lot of people buy more digital   and this is one of the things that people kept on  telling me as if I don't already know just because   more people buy digital doesn't mean a standard  featur like a disc drive should be removed from   a premium system when I bought a PlayStation 4  Pro that's a premium system I think some people   were still buying digital more then even at that  point although physical was more prevalent that   doesn't mean that you remove it something like  an ethernet port more people use Wi-Fi than an   ethernet port because they don't want wires  running around their house and everything yet   they don't remove the ethernet port it's not an  optional thing on there it should be included   an ethernet port should be included a disc drive  should be included and the biggest thing here is   that Sony has convinced people that a disc drive  is a $100 difference or an $80 difference between   the PlayStation 5 digital and the PlayStation 5  disc version there's a $100 difference and that's   essentially just a trick what they're trying  to do is get more profits off you because they   make more money off of digital sales so they're  able to subsidize that cost and say yes it's $100   less for the same exact Hardware but we'll make  that back off of you only being able to buy from   us which is very different from PC which people  are also trying to throw in there saying oh well   what about PCS they cost this much well PCS have  multiple storefronts PCS have free online play   compared to $80 a month for ps+ PCs have multiple  different controllers that you can use PCS have   mods and customization PCS have so many different  things to save you money here or there or in other   places there is no comparison overall to a Clos  device console where it's more restricted and   closed down so when people try to bring that up  I find that to be absolutely silly but once again   the death nail here for it is that there's not  going to be that disc drive in there that you   have to tack on the extra price which the system  is already $841 converted out in Japan and now no   disc drive where physical is still a big part in  Japan but overall a lot of people when it comes   to Major games the big stuff like for example  Hunter and big games like Final Fantasy those   still have a very healthy split in Japan when it  comes to physical game sales a lot of people still   like to buy those physical and not including that  disc drive in this Pro System pretty much kills   any chance of people just saying okay let me just  goad and get it so I can experience Final Fantasy   7 rebirth at its best or anything I think it  kills that with the price in addition to the   gouging with the disc drive add-ons I'll also say  this having digital and physical and the option   is overall better for both consumers even if you  don't fully consume one or the other or even if   you're a hybrid and you do digital and physical  games let me give you a perfect example of this   on PSN right now at this point you can get Ratchet  and Clank ripped apart get that for 70 bucks guess   how much it is physical well it's $20 sometimes  they've had sales as well on PSN where it was full   price on physical so you want to be able to have  that option and some sometimes they even lower   the price of the game to match what they see  physical or vice versa to get the upper hand   in competition overall so that's what you want you  want the best prices for things you want there to   be competition and when you have physical and  digital it allows that instead of just letting   Sony route everything to PSN and not have any type  of competition for pricing at all on the games so   I feel if you look at a number of these different  things that we've discussed here it pretty much   shows that Sony is just saying yeah skip Japan  we're going to try to lose as little as possible   charge as much as possible and make the economics  work as we make money off the back end of raising   the price of everything like for example ps+ in  addition to the controllers that got a $5 price   increase stuff like Concord flopping they have to  make it up in various different places and they're   looking to do that and squeeze every single last  bit of savings they can out even if it is to the   detriment of the consumer with a disc drive  should be included and I still have not seen   any evidence that a disc drive cost $80 to $100 to  manufacture and put into a system that is a price   markup that is a gouge to an Nth Degree so like  I said I'm not trying to hear that because a disc   drive should not be an optional thing as this is a  midgen premium refresh which it should be superior   to the before system and every single way which  would include a disc drive in there which should   include a disc drive in there for 700 I do feel  that that price does cover that cost but Sony is   looking to make as much profit as possible even if  it's going to be a number of dollars that they can   do it by pushing that on to the consumer so it's  just very disappointing overall but I think that   if you factoring everything that we've talked  about here I mean this system is pretty much   done and I feel that the Nintendo switch 2 is  essentially going to have a free reign in Japan   when you start seeing stuff like Mario Kart and  you start seeing Zelda you start seeing some of   these other bigger RPGs I think that games like  Monster Hunter are going to come over because   these prices just aren't going to Jive well with  the Japanese market with the inflation with what's   going on it's just not happening because they're  not happening right now with the PlayStation 5   that's being outsold so I don't see it happening  with the PlayStation 5 Pro which once again   people aren't really talking about the Japanese  Market in that type of way because most people   are making content and seeing content from the  western territories but I thought that I'd bring   it up because it's very interesting in addition  to addressing some of the things that I saw in   my video that I did before so if you haven't seen  that initial video talking about the PlayStation   5 Pro make sure you check that one out but what  do you guys think overall when it comes to the   PlayStation 5 Pro and what's going on in Japan and  of course in other places I mean I know Europe the   price is crazy and also Canada the price is crazy  $11,000 pretty much if you want that disc drive it   should be included in there but it's just crazy  how Sony is jacking up these prices but I think   one of the biggest things here that I also saw  people talking about is that Sony's also Preparing   People for like that $800 Next Generation system  or maybe even more if a PlayStation 5 Pro without   a disc drive is $700 with the disc drive is  pretty much $800 plus then some how much are   they going to charge for this next system so it's  very interesting to see what Sony's going to do   next but I'll be honest here guys like yeah they  don't have a ton of direct competition with like   Microsoft like they used to have but I'm telling  you when you get really confident and Arrogant   with certain things I think Nintendo is going to  have a big push here with this next system so I   absolutely think things could slow down for Sony  if they're not careful here with some of these   pricings and what they're doing overall so we'll  see what happens in the future so what are your   thoughts overall guys let me know in the comment  section below all right that wraps it up for this   video here thank you so much for watching I do  appreciate it please make sure you hit that like   button subscribe if you're someone new click  that notification Bell and check out my other   videos right here on screen thanks for watching  we'll catch you guys for the next one peace

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