Big ASTRO BOT Sales FLOP?! & MORE PlayStation 5 Pro Problems...

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:13:01 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: playstation 5 pro
It looks like things have taken a turn for the  worst when it comes to Sony PlayStation and the   Japanese base we've had multiple different price  increases over the last number of years in Japan   the PlayStation 5 Pro was announced recently with  a staggering price point if you want the disc   drive of nearly $1,000 in Japan as well over  $800 here in the US $1,000 in Canada and now   it might be having an effect on some of the games  that are coming out or some of the decisions that   been happening with Sony is greatly affecting  what's happening in Japan which could spread   to other regions if Sony is not careful so we're  going to talk about astrobot potentially flopping   here we're going to go over some of the sales in  addition to some of the stuff that's happening   with Japanese Gamers with the PS5 Pro because  it looks like they're not having it overall but   before we get into all that what's good everyone  OJ here welcome back to another video please make   sure you hit that like button subscribe if you  are someone new and click that notification Bell   to get my videos first let's goad and jump first  into the astral bot sales then we'll get into what   Japanese gamers are saying about the PS5 Pro  cuz they're putting up some pretty interesting   things online so let's first talk about astrobot  because this is the new Big PlayStation game that   came out and honestly I wasn't expecting any type  of massive numbers the comparisons to Mario have   been rampant all over the internet and it's into  different reviews and people playing the game and   that's completely fine but nobody was actually  expecting it to sell like Mario in Japan I know I   wasn't expecting that however it sold far worse  than pretty much anybody thought even all the   PlayStation accounts on Twitter and other places  felt that it do better than it did and they're   desperate for digital sales numbers or whatever  the case is at this point but right now let's just   go over the retail sales in Japan Japan famitsu  it's pretty much the only region that'll give   Us Weekly sales numbers of games that come out  now it's not including digital but you have to   realize that Japan is still more physical with its  games digital sell through ratios for a lot of the   big games that come out is around 20 to 30% or so  based off of information that's out there so you   can't really add too much with digital but you can  add maybe a bit more overall unless a publisher   or developer comes out and says otherwise when  it comes to the digital sales so the fitsu it's   from September 2nd 202 through September 8th  2024 and we have the top 30 sales it's pretty   much dominated by Nintendo switch titles like  always I think about 26 or so of the 30 titles   are Nintendo switch games but astrobot was number  two on the list not bad second bestselling game   but what is actually bad is the amount sold for  a brand new Sony first party title and asot only   sold 12,672 units on the PlayStation 5 which even  with the PS5 not having the biggest install base   in Japan that is still really low a lot of people  felt that was pretty low myself included a lot of   the accounts online you've got big accounts from  PlayStation guys like Mr Poo begging for sales   when it comes to digital or if Sony can say  something because yes 12,000 units for this   quality of game for this good of a game is really  low and that's well underneath what Sony's done   I went back and looked at some of their other  games and all of their other titles for the   most part that have launched in the last number of  years have done better than 12,000 units physical   overall astrobot actually sold underneath about 3  years ago or so Ratchet and Clank are ried apart   in Japan and that was about 14,000 units with a  much smaller installed base now there might be   a better digital sales ratio of astrobot compared  to some of these other games but even if you were   to give it a 100% sales ratio so let's just double  the sales of the physical that's still only about   24,000 or so so many people do feel that that is  incredibly low overall for astrobot now we did get   a little bit of good news when it comes down to it  because in the UK astraal actually sold about 21%   or so higher than Ratchet and Clank arip thearts  debut sales so at first it was a third lower but   then Christopher drink came out and said no it's  21% higher now the install base once again in the   UK is far bigger now at this point than it was  back then and obviously astrobot is a game of   the year quality it's one of the best games that  Sony's put out but of course Ratchet and Clank   definitely has a more bigger audience at least  at first year right ratch and Clank has been   around for 20 years I don't expect Ratchet and  Clank to do way worse than astrobot or anything   so to see that astrobot is a little bit above in  the UK is definitely good what you also have to   realize here is that Ratchet and Clank ripped  apart didn't necessarily set the world on fire   at launch with its sales it did ultimately end  up doing better but it definitely took discounts   and PSN sales and all of that to get to where it  got to so it's not like Ratchet and Clank is like   a big God of War or Spider-Man or Horizon type of  seller it's definitely well underneath those games   and astropop barely did better than it in the UK  with a much bigger install base at this point than   back in 2021 now going back to the Japanese sales  obviously 12,000 units is not very good but there   was no push usually when you have a big brand  new game it helps push the hardware well after   the multiple price increases in Japan the Japanese  Gamers just said we're sick of it we've had enough   the PlayStation 5 only sold 11,817 units with a  brand new big release that launched people are   not buying it with that price increase I think  that people are sick of what's happening with   these price increases Sony's increased the price  multiple different times so I'm analyzing it just   looking at the sales numbers looking at the charts  and what's going down and this has been a little   bit of a trend but this is the lowest sales total  that I've seen for a week for Sony in quite some   time but once again that's right after the price  increase I do feel that the playst 5 Pro which   also was announced obviously this past week and  people have been going crazy about that Japanese   gamers are also on board going crazy about that  making jokes and memes and things about it so one   thing that I wanted to point out from a Japanese  gamer on Twitter they talked about the PlayStation   5 Pro and what you can get if you spent your money  elsewhere on a PS5 Pros so essentially they have   this picture here you can get three PlayStation 4  four Pros for the price of a PlayStation 5 Pro in   Japan you can get four Nintendo switches for the  price of a PlayStation 5 Pro in Japan you can get   six Nintendo switch lights for the same price as  a PlayStation 5 Pro in Japan and I'm not even sure   if they're including the disc drive in there  so it could be a little bit worse but I think   at this point Japan has pretty much disconnected  with Sony you look at the sales numbers you look   at stuff like astrobot and the fact that astrobot  is a franchise or is a character that's on every   PlayStation 5 so you really can't say that people  didn't know about the character but obviously not   everybody that picks up a PS5 is going to boot up  that astrobot game and it's not like Sony went out   there and marketed the heck out of astrobot and  everything they were marketing freaking Concord   and all that they were marketing that game cuz  they thought that was going to be the new hotness   and sell play PlayStations and make them a lot of  money and it ended up completely flopping overall   so I do think that that could have had a trickle  effect but I think that overall in Japan with the   price increases with the Concord flop with the  situation that's been happening it might have   taken a toll on astrobot it might have and I  think that the PlayStation 5 Pro announcement   isn't really going to help either as some  Gamers just might be fed up and just once   again just stick with Nintendo or maybe even go to  PC heck you might even see them just say man I'm   just going to go back and play old school games  you have some people that are doing that so I do   feel that that's what's happening here and that's  why we're seeing it's just like a combination of   things that why we're seeing the low sales for  games in Japan with the PlayStation 5 and with   the astrobot game I think that it just kind of all  kind of connects together with the price increases   with the outrageous price PlayStation 5 Pro people  are saying wait a minute we can get better deals   doing some something else overall Nintendo still  has pretty good deals with the switch light and   with the switch switch OLED and all of the games  as you can see 20 something plus games 26 games or   so Nintendo switch titles on the top 30 so it's  going to be interesting to see what's going on   here but I also want to point out this and I think  that this one for me kind of hits right there in   the fields because if you go back and look at  Gravity Rush 2 this was Sony Japan Studio their   first first party studio for Sony that Sony did  shut down Gravity Rush 2 actually opened up at   77,000 unit sold now obviously it was probably a  higher price title to make than astrobot I'm not   really sure how much compared to each other but  at the same time I saw a lot of people saying that   Japan Studio they can't sell games it's better  that it's teamobi they did a better job with it   but looks like Gravity Rush 2 is definitely going  to be a better seller right now at this point now   longterm astrobot could but I still feel that Sony  Japan Studios should have had an opportunity to   make a game on PlayStation 5 Sony Japan Studio  would be perfect for them right now to put out   that midsize SL big type of game maybe it doesn't  have that huge massive five sixe development cycle   like a lot of son's games are having down and it  provide a lot of variety and that's the biggest   thing that people are saying with astrobot the  biggest thing that I love about astrobot like I   said I beat the game rolled the credits beat  all the stuff in the game and it's fantastic   but the biggest thing is that it provides a  breath of fresh air for what we usually get   from Sony so the fact that Sony Japan studi is not  around to capitalize on the PlayStation 5 and what   that system can do with the haptics and everything  it's just really really a shame at this point but   there's really not anything that we can do about  that but yeah it definitely seems like astrobot   flopped here in Japan so I don't know what the  next step is for Sony if they're going to talk   about sales numbers or anything like that I'm  guessing that the numbers are probably a bit soft   and weak in most parts of the world but we still  need to get the digital right we still need to   actually see what's happening in the US I do think  that it's sold considerably better here in the US   and maybe North America than it did in Japan I  don't think it sold only 12,000 units but how   much more did it do that's the interesting thing  that I'm not sure if Sony's ever going to announce   usually Sony will announce sales numbers of  their games if they've done like Blockbuster   units within the first number of days or weeks but  this probably hasn't done that so I don't think   Sony's really going to announce anything or say  anything but yeah definitely seems like Japan is   pretty much done with Sony at this point because  letting astrobot flop one of the best games that   they've released this generation I think one  of the best games they've released of all time   overall to let it kind of flop like this in Japan  and to essentially have PlayStation 5 sales kind   of Flatline a bit here whereas the Nintendo switch  sold over 67,000 units as a system in its eighth   calendar year I mean that's just crazy I've never  seen anything like that when it comes to the sales   of this system in Japan people just said yeah  we're good and maybe shifted their sales over   to the Nintendo switch people just saying I'm not  going to buy PS5 in Japan I'm just going to go buy   Nintendo switch because of the price increases  and because of just some of the situations with   the games maybe Sony Japan Studio being shut down  not getting a little bit more variety in terms of   things I'm not really sure it's just interesting  to look and analyze but what are your thoughts on   this guys when it comes to astrobot in Japan how  do you guys feel about the game and of course the   sales numbers here let me know in the comment  section below all right guys that wraps it up   for this video here thank you so much for watching  I do appreciate it please make sure you hit that   like button subscribe if you're someone new click  that notification Bell and check out my other   videos right here on screen thank you for watching  and we'll catch you guys till the next one peace

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