Christian McCaffery Dealing With Injury For the 49ers - September 11: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Stream starts oh there we go good morning chatty house hi everybody good morning congratulations Ramsey Ramsey gets out that's big time good morning y'all oh will Z in the chat to start the show today here we go nice hey yeah how did the chatty house Afterparty go last night good morning Wheezy good morning Spencer Michigan oh there he is Stephen Ken yada Stephen Bryce hey Bryce uh your boy going to Disneyland on Friday what up David what's up Katrina what's up Manny how'd last night go David Katrina what up Spencer what up Michigan tough game this weekend we didn't get to talk about that yet but that was a tough go for for The Maze and blue what up Warren yeah dude hell yeah hello David I think Baker's good where's this video from why is he holding the tiniest microphone ever what up M Mac what's up Greg what up Loki morning Tyler what up Russ dog that's a win for the Cubs last night yoshinobu Yamamoto is so good dude he's so fun to watch all right I'll check it out hang on we got like uh how long's the clip yeah yeah they're not great but that was a nice win last nighty did you see this we have the concepts of a plan yeah solid solid yeah sh is so sick shout out to Japan man cracking out some sick ass baseball players all right here we go The Insiders I've made a mistake already oh no Kyle yeah dude I forgot to put a t-shirt on under my hoodie today oh no because a little it's it's cooling down outside at night and I I like to sleep with the windows open so when I wake up in the morning it's a little chilly so I just grab a hoodie and put it on and then I'll grab a t-shirt as I'm leaving and I'll put the t-shirt on just when I when I get to work just throw it on before I come in and I forgot to do that this morning so I'm just fully committed to the hoodie bit today or shirtless no that's not happening not today you could go raid the closet that's a that's a January move there is a there is a couple of boxes oh that's true I could go get a tea from I have one in my car that's a but see I'm charging my car today oh so it's way over there so I am way over Yonder yeah but you go get yourself a nice classic uh 969 or or 98 think the 969 I think the 969 the Eagle shirt would go great with my hat today uh yeah I think it probably would dark red yeah I I love the uh the 98 Rock te's too I might have to go grab my myself one of those Ramy said go get an ESPN 1320 shirt I don't think we have anymore I never got one really never got one have you asked for one yeah I went over I asked they were already out how does that happen I don't know Joe has I guess I'm not a a very big deal well always like they just dress themselves in like like every day okay well yeah and and Joe should be working here so that makes sense yeah um that's crazy uh but no that's a good idea at the break I'm going to go down to uh I'm gonna go down to Promotions kick the door down and say I need a te I don't care what kind of tea they have this whole back closet there I know I had no idea that was even there until I went to visit complex one day did you ever go to the one in NBC oh no so that was dude I told you and that's James on K we're sponsored by Jiffy Loop this is the Insiders we got a ton of Niner stuff to get to we also have a full segment of Sacramento Kings today yeah yesterday we had like hey here's a here's a little note for you okay no but today you know what there's enough small things going on that we said screw it we built a whole segment that's right we have the concepts of a plan for a king segment at 10:30 um when I worked at NBC I I've I've told you this before this is why we didn't meet mhm I saw you at NBC a ton of times a lot of times we might have even said hey like it like just because I'll say hi yeah yeah but I'm not I I am not like I'm gonna go introduce myself guy especially when I'm a production assistant who runs like the ticker that little that little thing that runs at the bottom of the screen got a rle man I know that I know that but my my goal because I'd never worked in TV before for my goal was like I'm going to put my head down I'm going to do good work and I'm going to try not to bother anybody okay even the other like Pas production assistants the the associate producers the editors I tried not to bother anybody and I you know you eventually start to open up a little bit and you make you make your work friends and you know you start but if it came to Talent or or uh management and asking about like a merch room yeah no no that's a hard no for me I was there less than a year I was not that comfortable yet okay so one of the cool things about working there is that they would every year I would get like two bags of of stuff like I would get a new backpack every year or two but the I would get a bag and in the bag would be like three polos like one or two quarter zips on top of that uh like a ski jacket a a windbreaker yeah a just kick around like like somewhat poofy but not super poofy yeah like down jacket yeah so like my closet I probably have seven jackets from NBC but then on top of that NBC has a room that's like the size of like a large walk-in closet and in that room is every if you're a fan of like the giveaways like every bobblehead every like t-shirt that they were associated with with Giants A's Warriors like the whole room is just filled with merchandise and it's like yeah you want something go ahead like we don't care so before before I work there it's funny you say all that because before I worked there through the 49er the NBCS 49ers account or whatever it is I won some contest okay this is like in 2012 in fact I I'm I'm certain it was 2012 because of where I was located when I won this contest and I was like oh my God this is so cool I won a thing from NBC they sent me a box full of just that kind of stuff t-shirts plastic cups like all this all the and I was like man this is so cool that I got this this is such a neat thing and then you work at a place like that and you realize that those t-shirts are just laying around those plastic cups are just there's there's there's some producer with just a stack of them on their desk like if there's a leak in the bathroom they just threw a couple of t-shirts down Ser seriously and so now so so it was funny once I started working there uh what was the show that they cancelled uh that they would night not night chat sports night Sportsnet live no that wasn't it uh it was like a it was like they would they would drink on the show oh it was like a bar set it wasn't the happy hour the happy hour I think it was the happy hour yeah because uh do do you remember uh the homie Joe Sai of course Big Joe sacky guy when they canceled the happy hour he was like hey do you want all this and I got like sheets of stickers I had coffee mugs I was stocking my my apartment with happy hour coffee mugs yeah um quickly got rid of them but yeah so once I started working there I realized that when I won this contest it wasn't this like big thing like hey we have a winner we need to make sure somebody probably a production assistant maybe an intern CMC's Injury just grabbed the box that the stuff got shipped in went into that closet and just started shoveling things into the box it was not a special thing at all that's amazing yeah um that's James of C we the Insiders we are sponsored by Jiffy L let's talk about real sports stuff now uh Kyle Shanahan spoke with reporters yesterday Tuesday on a conference call as he does after every single game uh typically to provide uh injury updates deeper insight into the game once he's had a chance to rewatch it and because it's it's funny watch a Kyle shanan press conference after the game and they'll say how did you think Dominic Pony played and he'll say something like didn't really notice him and typically the only time you notice an offensive lineman is when they mess up so it's a good thing I didn't notice him but then he ask him the next day and he has a more in-depth answer it is clockwise yeah ask about that player right after the game ask him about the the in the conference call and you're going to get a different answer and that was kind of the case with with Christian McCaffrey's Achilles injury obviously didn't talk about it before the game um but on in the conference call yesterday he mentioned that it was Achilles tendinitis that has been bothering Christian mcaffry since last year and they thought he was going to be good to go it flared up or whatever the exact language he used was and it just was not good to play on Monday which leads me to believe this that this is something the 49ers are going to manage all season long this we're just going to be talking about Christian mcaffry Achilles tendon all year every time he's slow to get up every time he sits out of practice this is just going to come up because this is now just a chronic thing it's not just going to go away he's not going to magically not have achilles tendonitis tomorrow so they're going to have to manage this in game all year because if they're going to hold him out until like yeah hey it's better that's never going to happen it's never a good thing when a team starts talking about that he had this injury back in December that he had this injury like during the NFC championship game or or whenever it was at the first round of the playoffs because now you know like it's something that they just can't figure out mhm like look this is a like I you've seen the workout videos like Christian mcaffrey is like a workout Warrior yes like he his body is a temple he exercises yes he exercises all the time more than you and I Kyle we don't quite understand how much he exercises more than you and I anyway he has uh like he's a guy who can like constantly is in motion for him to have something that he can't shake and that they haven't already been able to send like you know whether it's massage therapists or whether it's somebody with a um you know stem you know Electro uh shock wave treatment whatever it might be that they haven't been able to get this thing to clear up it's a bit concerning and especially when you look at McCaffrey's injury history before the 49ers like look th this is what happens to NBA running NFL running backs it is it's what happens to they they break down and so you're hoping that this isn't something that will linger all season long you hope that one day he wakes up and it's just not that big of an issue anymore but I think it's a big concern because we're talking about an injury that if it happened you know in January uh or even December that why is it not better by now and if it's not better by now how long will it take to get better and and how will playing NFL games and rushing 15 18 times and catch another five to six balls every week like how will that help it and the answer is it won't so you're just wondering like how longterm this is going to be and like look you do you have to be proactive if you're the 49ers you have to you have to do things like hand the ball to somebody else sometimes yes throw the ball to somebody else that seems like the very obvious solution and Kenny asked this yesterday on DLo and Casey which is coming up noon to 4 Kenny asked this yesterday and I have flip-flopped on my answer because sometimes when Jesse leaves I'll just sit the board because I'm a paranoid radio person who doesn't like a show running without somebody behind the board and so I'll sit there and they got into a ners thing and I injected myself into the conversation as I want to do and Kenny asked would you would you put mcaffrey just on IR right now and then you open up a roster spot he's out for a minimum of four weeks M and you bring him back in in October and you ramp him up and that way he's good for the stretch run in the playoffs and my initial answer was no and I think I I think if if you're just talking pure just roster management and strategy it kind of makes sense because you're designated him designating him for a return and if you don't need to put him on IR you only get eight return designations you can only bring eight guys back off ir and the 49ers ran into this a couple years ago where they couldn't bring anyone back off IR by the end of the year yeah they ran out of players they were like strategically having to move guys to they there was a player they could have put on IR but they didn't because they weren't going to be able to bring him back it was a mess so I I get why they would want to avoid that and that's probably the strongest argument against it but it it wouldn't surprise me if Christian mcaffrey is out Sunday and maybe out the following week yeah as they just kind of figure out okay how can we manage this to the point that a limiting his touches in games which he'll get to but B not rushing him back onto the field just for the sake of having him on the field if they go out and kick the holy crap out of the Titans on Sunday which I don't think they're going to I think the Titans uh not the Titans the Vikings uh I think the I think the Vikings are are going to be a decent team I don't think the 49ers are going to Railroad them but um if they do that I just don't think there's and mcaffry doesn't play I don't think there's a a need to push him back into action in September no this is all about January in February yeah I I totally agree Kyle this is you need to buy yourself some time here and make sure that he's right yeah and and I don't know how like if it will if it'll ever be 100% this season that's a problem right especially if you're looking at like seven eight nine 10 months of yeah like rehabing the same injury and you're not getting anywhere um and there isn't like some magical thing that you can do here with this type of injury it's typically an overuse injury and you know again like I've dealt with it with NBA players for forever uh you're I'm just surprised that they haven't been able to get it to cool down by now and that it's still an issue uh and that you know maybe it is that the calf is something that happened again um you know that like the calf strain or whatever it was early in in training camp maybe that was just like hiding a symptom um but uh I'm intrigued to see how this plays out and like look when a guy goes out like Jordan Mason did and and proves that he can you know be a starting level running back at least for you know Phil and Duty like why not change your your sort of Direction here why not uh elevate a young guy and let him sort of become something uh that that gives you another element to your offense yeah man that's that's what I don't I don't want to say I don't understand but it's something I haven't understood the last couple of years is why not give Jordan Mason a handful of carries why not give Elijah Mitchell a handful of carries in a game mhm I went back and looked the only time a player has gotten since Christian mcaffry arrived follow me I've tried to figure out a way to word this where it's not clunky but I I can't since Christian mcaffry arrived the only time another running back has gotten 10 or more carries in a game that wasn't a blowout was in McCaffrey's third game with the team against the Chargers in week whatever that was nine of 20 22 Elijah Mitchell had 18 carries in that in in a 22 to 16 win the only other time a player has gotten 10 plus carries Christian mcaffry either got hurt in the game or the Niners won by 20 points or more yeah like that's that's been that's been kind of it so I I think that's an adjustment the 49ers have to make here is whenever Christian mcaffry does come back maybe it's this week shanan said if it was a playoff game he would have played and that makes sense if they're if they're managing this for the postseason then yeah it makes sense that yeah if it was a play game than than he would have been on the field but whenever he does come back whether it's this week next week the week after or otherwise they have to utilize Jordan Mason yeah it hey he's just good get good players on the field whether you want to do two running backs or and and use mcaffrey as a decoy whether you want to just Line Jordan Mason up and hey he's your short yardage and goal line guy or you want to give Christian mcaffry a handful of plays off because you know what he he's had three carries in a row let's see he's up to to 10 carries and we're halfway through the second quarter yeah we're going to we're going to give him a blow here and we're going to let we're going to let Jordan Mason get on the field they have to do something if they're going to properly manage this because if they're waiting until the perfect time to go okay Chris mcaffry you're gonna get all the touches again it's just not it's it's it's never going to show up that's never gonna that's never going to get here well that and this is modern NFL I mean it's why everyone complains about wide I mean about running backs in fantasy football like there there's just no way to rely on a back for as many carries especially over a 17 week season and we've seen the carries go down for NFL running backs we've seen or they don't and you know they are players that go out and teams burn through them in three or four years and they just use them as like disposable cameras like hey what's up next you know and that happens except disposable cameras have gotten more expensive they have gotten more expens right conclusion to that by the way did not order you didn't did not do it you you might just uh use your phones I don't know yeah no that's what we'll do that that's we just wanted the like the the aesthetic oh yeah of the old it just looks really cool but there's apps you can find that'll make your photos look like that so that's probably that's that's the that's that's how that's how it'll go all right I I know Disneyland used to sell them maybe we'll buy disposable cameras at Disneyland oh uh that'll probably be cheaper yeah um yeah here's here's here's the thing I saw somebody in the chat and and this this dovetails into a conversation I want to have with about Kyle shanan specifically salute to TC who's in the chat today but somebody said do you think this I think it was Greg tabers said does this draw more attention to Shanahan overusing backs uh I would love the evidence that kle Shanahan overuses running backs mhm please provide that evidence to me as soon as you possible yeah because he's again like his father they've always done backs by committee uh and it used to be you a shanan offense you had no idea who was going to bust out one week to the next Christian mcaffry had 339 touches last year that led the league that wasn't even the most car touches he's had in a he had 403 touches in his second year for the Panthers yeah 339 touches is not that many in the scope of of an NFL season historically this is the first time we've ever seen Shanahan really rely on one guy and then the other night with Jordan Mason obviously running it 28 times that was the most carries a player has ever had under Kyle Shanahan and I think Elijah Mitchell had 27 a couple times and and Christian mcaffry might had 26 or 27 a couple of times but it's not Kyle Shanahan overusing running backs like now we're just making up criticism yeah that's ridiculous no I'm with you I if if you want to say say and and I would agree with you that Jordan Mason or or anyone else should have had maybe some more touches last year I I'm I'm totally with you that's what we're arguing right now is hey when Christian mcaffry comes back they need to they need to integrate Jordan Mason more you can you can ju Jordan Mason if he gets eight carries a game that is and that's just carries mhm eight carries a game two per quarter and you could make up most of those in the fourth quarter if you're trying to Salt away the Clock Two Carries per quarter eight per game that is 136 fewer carries for Christian mcaffry over the course of an entire season wow like that that matters come January come February no I totally agree and I think that there's a way that even if you give him a the third Drive of the game you know as long as you're not cooking and everything's you know whatever's happening yeah give him like the third Drive of the game give him the Third Drive of the second half just you'll be able to get those carries right there mhm like barring a bunch of three and outs but I don't see it being a three and out uh situation typically not yeah it just it it feels really really easy and like something that would really help the team especially when you're trying to to manage an injury to your offensive MVP yeah um uh Kyle Shanahan I was thinking about this today and hang on real quick I was waiting for a screen to load um I looked all time at players who had 339 touches or more in a season that's how many Christian mcaffry had last year and we're talking about overuse Walter Payton nine times had that many touches or more in a season leanian Tomlinson eight Curtis Martin eight EMT Smith eight Eder and James 7 Eddie George S there are so many Christian mcaffry has had that twice in his career same amount as saquon Barkley same amount as Le'Veon Bell same amount as Derrik Henry like this is just it's not it's not C say uh Ezekiel Elliott's done it three times Lan McCoy did it three times if you're looking for more contemporary names is i i i the fact that that was a criticism L it against K shahan in the chat kind of speaks to the point that I wanted to make why does it what's the people's deal with Kyle Shanahan I don't I know we we talked a l we talked about the reason I was thinking about this is is because we talked about this yesterday with his with some of his game management yeah and how he plays conservatively he would rather kick a field goal and ensure the other team doesn't get the ball back before the half then score a touchdown or try to score a touchdown and risk the other team getting the ball before the end of the half which I think is uh a a too conservative way to play in the modern NFL but let's the criticism is well he hasn't won a Super Bowl okay that's that that's fair that is a that is a fair criticism mhm they've been to two you can nitpick the play calling you can nitpick this and that but let's let's go to the fourth and one play in overtime against Niners Chiefs in this year Super Bowl fourth and one um Patrick Mahomes read option keeps it goes around the right Edge first down let's say Nick Bosa stays home there instead of diving at the running back syic bosu stays home tackles Patrick Mahomes ball game over that that one play goes differently it suddenly validates everything about Kyle Shanahan now all of it everything is good now yes and because that one play went sideways or pick a different play because because uh the the right side of the offensive line had some injuries and the guys got mixed up with with their communication and they had a free rusher if that doesn't happen and then ERS score a touchdown and get a stop that that kle Shanahan is is suddenly awesome now because that one thing like it is so hard to win a Super Bowl and to Wi a coach's worth down to that like this is if he's if he has this he's good if they don't like Aaron Rodgers can you imagine the the the discourse around Aaron Rogers if Aaron roders did not have a Super Bowl victory oh yeah but he got won 15 years ago yeah it would be a little different right and now everything is awesome Aaron Rogers is amazing uh wow what a guy if he didn't have if he didn't have that that one suit it's it's so silly dude it is so I I I I am not here to say Kyle Shanahan is a perfect coach he's not we tal I have several criticisms of him we talked about it yesterday but in the grand scheme of things the there aren't that many better coaches in the league right now no I certainly don't think there are that many available like look I I think that there there's always a moment where you think okay can this coach win me the big game right can he get us over the hump and the 49ers have got there a couple of times now you know they've been the NFC champions uh a couple of times they've made it to the Super Bowl he hasn't been able to get over the hump there is always going to be a moment where you have to make a decision like is this a guy that can get us over the hump but I also think that you have to look around the league and realize it number one continuity means everything in the league uh number two no one can pat p past Patrick Mahomes and and his head coach and Andy Reid so like Andy Reid took what 20 years for him to win his super first Super Bowl yeah and that's it's because he was up against other great coaches as well so like look I'm not here to like say that I think that shanan right now is a Hall of Fame NFL coach he's not but he has an opportunity to win a couple of championships yeah and that that will put him in the conversation and he has an opportunity because he's getting his team all the way there it's just whether or not they have the one game where they get over the hump I just don't know how you can have the audacity as a 49er fan yeah after watching Chip Kelly and watching Jim tomsula and watching the final year of Jim Harbaugh and then everything that happened before Jim Harbaugh whether it's Dennis Erikson or Mike Nolan or Mike single ter it was a mess dude dude mhm it was a disaster and the 49ers finally have a coach that's worth a damn and you get people like TC who have the audacity to whine about it give it a second because TC bro I I TC is has been rocking with the station forever and I remember when I was appearing as a guest on DLo and KC TC was out on Kyle Shanahan yeah oh he's arrogant okay first of all you don't know the guy does he come across a little bra in the media sometimes like yeah but what coach doesn't Bill bich like famous for that oh yeah that's your that's the critique oh I don't like that he doesn't go for it on fourth down okay that's fair but you want him fired for that he hires good coaches which is a skill that matters in the NFL he hires good coaches he is responsible overall for the roster construction a roster that has been really freaking good for more than half a decade now that's really hard to do in the NFL questionable play calls in some spots yeah for sure yeah I don't I don't think there's a perfect coach and you know again in order to win a Super Bowl a lot of times you have to throw a perfect game and like he hasn't thrown his perfect game yet and that's okay like you want to win championships you want to win Super Bowls I like I would love to have been there to see a 49ers parade downtown sure uh San Francisco and everything else but at the same time I think you have to understand like how good he has been you know it's the same argument I would have made for Mike Brown this last year like hey you just went 16 years without Mak into the playoffs and you you had a coach win 48 and then 46 games he's a really good coach his career path his like his career win percentage everything says he's a really good coach maybe you just need to like calm down and everyone just like back off back away from the everything and just let him figure out how to take the team to the next level cuz he's done before the reason the break intensity is so high is because this coach is now having success and the expectation is now High and the reason the expectation is higher is because that coach is good that's it so I we can we can keep talking about this you mentioned some Mike Brown stuff there that I would love to get into uh in fact we're going to get into the kings in the next segment got a ton of little bit of Kings a ton of small bits of Kings news a ton of little bit we got a ton of small bits of Kings news that that will get get to for you before we get back into the NFL that's James ham I'm Kyle Madson we're sponsored by Jiffy Lu and we're hanging out with you till noon on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sportser I gotta call this guy from Chicago killing me I think he gave us the replacement has like a shorter arm or something hey now what's going on it's to hello everyone good yeah I don't know that you can blame Kyle Shanahan for the collapse of the Falcons just just saying uh as offensive coordinator I mean like the reason they had the big lead right you know and as someone who who has covered the the Kings forever um I I get that fans like are either on or off with like certain players certain coaches they can't stand them they love them they hate them you know um that's that's your right as a fan to kind of be that way uh Miss Mack Devin Carter updates um he won't be we won't have another update until mid January at least I think that's what the the Press is January so um he did have surgery he's just recovering uh we'll talk John poles we'll talk all of this stuff the Jay Crowder stuff in the next segment um somebody else did ask this was a bit wild Maron uh have you ever seen a baseball team do three B in a row yeah the A's just kept bunting um like look sometimes you got to mix it up and and I think the reason why that might have worked was because no one ever buns three times in a row so I thought it was bold and I I like that the a keep fighting Chris AOA the training camp starts it'll be the first week of October it'll be the Monday of the first week of October um that's it at least what they've been doing now I don't think that they're going to push it back um although last year could have been an anomaly because of World Cup or something not um FBA I'm gonna I don't think it'll wait until we might look at uh media day at as September 30th with October 1st being the first day of training camp that would be my guess it's always that whatever that Monday is followed by Tuesday is training camp Monday is the media day um yeah like Devin Carter should be in attendance for everything I think that's what you're asking uh yeah he should be there and he's probably already there working out and doing all kinds of things that he can do it's just the shoulder is going to take time and it's not something you want to rush because you need that thing to heal up right because you don't want to have like dislocation issues um so yeah uh he'll be in attendance for everything he just and and he won't I don't believe he's in a sling that's uh you know he's way past that point um I think he's just he's not going to be able to do it he won't be cleared for contact probably until January he might be cleared for contact late December but I doubt it you have to look at the timeline from Kevin herder which is like six and a half seven months from point of surgery and um you know they'll probably take it easy with him because he's a rookie and and he will have missed all of this stuff okay we go now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 that's James I'm Kyle we're going to put a pin in the NFL for a little bit the NFL's going to dominate this show for a while until we get NBA training camps back up and rolling however we're here in Sacramento love the Sacramento Kings yeah and we got a some some nuggets to get through on the king front there's a bunch of little stuff that's going on so we talked about it yesterday yesterday uh you know they they announced all their coaching changes yeah J Triano of course was elevated to um associate head coach uh Ricardo F uh fo and uh Jim Moren were added to the coaching staff like there's a bunch of little things that are happening um so that's one thing that we'll see and like the month of September is usually where you're just kind of tidying up and doing a lot of like little stuff um and the kings are uh according to our friend on Cunningham um they're s to bring in Jay Crowder for a workout Kings worked out Jae Crowder um yeah can I just hey I know that somebody listening is like applause for Jay Crowder J Crow he's over 63 he doesn't play guard he doesn't play guard uh come on yeah so I mean like look I don't know that the kings are going to sign Jay Crowder uh we're talking about a 34 year old guy who you know basically plays a forward position 66 235 you like to call guys like this a Hos he's a hoss he's a Hos uh he's a guy who doesn't mind mixing it up who who is a veteran leader and uh had a falling out with the Suns like what was it last year the year before ended up playing the last two seasons with um with the Bucks I don't know that he's got like so much left in him that you know you want to sign a guy and play him 20s something minutes a night but you know we're talking about a veteran who can come in and play the three and D type style uh he doesn't get bullied even when he goes to the power forward spot um his stats have have kind of shown like the diminishing returns over the last couple of years uh he's had a little bit of trouble staying healthy um you know he at times have been has been a really good three-point shooter um but his career average is a 34.8 and he's down at he he had 34.9 last season um just your standard 3 and D like Wing that the the Kings have had trouble sort of finding um and it looks like again they're gonna bring him in and give him one of those workouts like they did with Isaiah Thomas Lonnie Walker Tony Bradley and and juano Anderson earlier in the summer um and again th those are just like you're coming in you're going up against uh the guys who are out there playing hard and having a good time and uh you know if you show something maybe the Kings will sit down and have a conversation uh the Kings do have uh they can carry up to 21 guys on the roster during this time of year as of right now I think mightbe it's 16 17 18 uh for as far as regular roster and then your three three ways uh two ways so I think they have one or two spots open um and and this is a player that you might kick the tires on but I would caution everybody the kings are really really up against the NBA electure tax already and it's going to be difficult for them to avoid going over the tax uh this season and I you know again it means a lot if you go over the tax you you not only do you have to pay dollar for dollar for your first five million over the cap but on top of that you lose the the sharing uh of the luxury tax money which is you know 11 or 12 million bucks last year so I don't know that they're willing unless he comes in and they're like okay we see how this works and how he would fit in and we actually think he could be back into the rotation guy for us right now and he would be willing to accept a role like that it's hard to see them going and like you know putting a stamp on this and saying yeah let's bring him in it's possible but you know you have cheaper options sort of deal this is we did a whole thing about guys in theory right like in theory this would be great in theory Jay Crowder would be great the idealized version of Jay Crowder is playing minutes for the Kings for real but at this point Jay Crowder isn't better I I'm if you tell me I need to give 12 minutes A Night to Jay Crowder or Jaylen McDaniels just give him to McDaniels um it's a coin flip for me like I think that there is a way in which Jay Crowder outplays jayen McDaniels and becomes a guy right um because again I when you're looking at Players like this you need to not look at scoring at all it's like do they bring toughness do they bring yeah a good point do they bring defense do they do they help your Ro your defensive rotation so even if they're not blocking shots are getting steals or you know they may at at 34 years old might lack a little bit of lateral quickness like how are they as a Team Defender how much can they help improve your team overall and I think Jake Crowder is a guy who's proven throughout his career that he's a really really good Team Defender he's a tough guy he's a guy that you can't push around and like look if you're looking at this roster right now and you're saying the the Kings have to go up against Kevin Durant in division they've got to go up against LeBron James in division like who exactly on this roster is going to guard those guys and you can say Keegan Murray okay Keegan Murray picks up three fouls in the first half who is going to guard these guys and that's where you start to have problems like that's where the fact that that Harrison Barnes is no longer on this roster actually matters and so I don't know if if Jay Crowder is the right guy but I I at least like the idea of of you know saying hey look look if if he would be willing to come in and play on a veteran minimum you know go ahead take me through real quick because this this take me back through if they let's say they they watch Jay Crowder here and I will say of all the players we've talked about that they brought in for these workouts this summer Jay Crowder is the one that makes the most sense the most sense without question yeah um take me through the minations of of signing him is it a matter of they would just sign him and he'd be the last guy on their roster well I mean yeah maybe but the way that this works though is like he's a if you get him for a veteran minimum right and that's probably what he's playing for now at this point in his career um and especially since it's you know mid-september and he's still not signed with a team um we're talking about a guy who's made a lot of money but last year in in Milwaukee made you know two million bucks right so he took a minimum deal last year so when you're looking at Players once you get uh if you're GNA sign a veteran right and you bring him in and you bring him for the veteran minimum he's going to make like 3.4 million 3.2 million something like that so whatever Alex Len is making is Right 3.2 3.3 million right because he's played however many years yes he he gets a certain dollar amount for years of service right but all veteran minimum contracts like this uh are based off a seconde salary so it his salary W while it you have to pay him the 3.3 or 3.4 million he would only count like 2.1 million 2.2 towards the cap whatever a standard minimum contract is for a seconde player so again I think the easiest way to look this up would be um Colby Jones makes what and and that's what we're talking about so Colby Jones signed a league minimum deal uh this year he'll make 2.12 million that's how much um well around that because years of service so well because of the new NBA salary cap for this year it might be $2.2 million so okay that's what's going to count against the cap and it's as easy as signing him though yeah if he wants to play here and the Kings want to sign him yeah you can sign him and then I mean he's not going to accept a partial guaranteed right contract which is like what Orlando Robinson got a 500,000 partial guarantee on his deal which was a really high number for a guy uh who hasn't who's not just a proven NBA player for just a guy yeah yeah so you would likely give Jay Crowder a full guaranteed contract for the year um and then see how it goes you know and you can always wave him and pay out the money um that that happens if if things go south but for me like this is a type of player that would make sense because you are lean at the forward position he can play the three and the four he can shoot the ball um he knows his role and you would just hope that he would be 100% bought in that this is what we're trying to do here yeah so yeah I if if I would be Pro Jake Crowder I think it's fine I wouldn't move the Kings up where I think they're going to finish in the standings because of it no but you'd feel better about the bench you'd feel better about we talked about this a lot at the end of last year there were so many games at the end of last season where you're looking at the Kings lineups and you're go man they just don't have like the they just don't have enough dudes whereas if you're putting Jay Crowder in as your your ninth guy or your 10th guy or uh you need somebody to throw it like you said LeBron James or Kevin Durant or whoever and just give give you 12 adequate minutes yeah some resistance yeah right yeah I think you feel good about that yeah and I would say too like if you're signing him as your 15th man on your your roster right so Boogie Ellis is is a guy who the Kings have signed um we went through the list yesterday who is the the kid that um they signed a couple of days ago they they brought in another young player uh who's more of a g-league oh here we go Terry Taylor more of a g-league guy right um and they're bringing him in so then that way if you trade for his rights you can give him a little bit of guaranteed money as a two-way player I mean a little bit of money for a training camp invite and then when you wave him you have a contract that says hey you have to stick in the g- league for 60 days before you get your guaranteed money from the NBA so that's why we see a lot of these deals in Camp the Kings did a couple years ago with Sam Merill they did it last year with scal ABC air where they signed scow and waved him same day uh they'll do the same thing with scal this year he's already he's coming back they're gonna sign him they're going to wave him and he'll go back to the g- league and he'll retain his g- League rights um but you're giving a guy a couple hundred thousand bucks or 100, bucks to make sure that uh he sticks around and just to give him a little bit more money to add to his his uh G League salary um they have a spot where I guess my point is this you're if you were to sign Jay Crowder and say he's our 15th guy that we signed he's not your 15th guy he instantly moves above like on oh right 15th roster spot but not number 15 in the rotation yeah exactly and and I think some people will go oh well why are you spending money on a guy who's just at the back end of the bench It's like because Jay Crowder might not be at the back end of the bench Jay Crowder might be a rotational player he might literally be your like backup four yeah there might where and even having a guy like that it could if you need to if you need to start at the four and move Keegan Murray to the three and demaro Rosen to the two it might actually balance out okay right so and I'm not saying start Jay Crowder for 82 games but there's a possibility that Jay Crowder has enough left in the tank that he could help a team and so I think the versatility of him is intriguing at least and and to me it's this isn't a knock on Isaiah Thomas or or you know the other guys that the Tony Bradley's of the world the want Tuscano Anderson like he's just a better fit for this current roster yeah man that's it it's not it's not that it's all fit related yeah it's it's it's total fit related we all know the Kings have guards they got lots of them so many guards they do have lots of them uh Jay Crowder listed at 66 I feel like he plays a lot bigger than that yeah I mean 66 235 though that's a big man that's a big man so um all right Jay Crowder in for a workout per Sean Cunningham of Fox 40 friend of the program the Stockton Kings made an addition as well um can you explain to me the returning player rights for Dexter Dennis and Justin Powell yeah so cards so exactly uh the Kings today in a three-way swap uh were able to pick up Dexter Dennis and Justin Powell uh for the returning player rights of Jaylen noell sure now the way that g-league contracts work is they're they're basically one-year contracts like two-way contracts you can sign for for multiple years you can sign a player to a two-year two-way contract right okay um but g-league contracts basically go year to year and players have their rights with whatever team drafted them or traded for them so these guys can't go play somewhere else uh so the Kings just acquired two guys that they may or may not have like a bunch of use for but um you know you're talking about some some decent little scoring guards uh in Dexter Dennis and Justin pal Justin uh Dexter Dennis is the one that um I think you kind of circle here and go okay he's at least intriguing he put a bunch a bunch of points last year uh playing in Texas and uh so so when they trade for him what this does is if Dexter Dennis and Justin pal want to play in the g-league they now will play for you okay if they don't want to play in the G league and they want to go play overseas don't have official contracts right now and G and g-league contracts are like super super low I I don't know what the the maximum a g- league player makes now but I mean I I think it climbed up to like 90,000 bucks but it's not like some you know huge moneymaker as opposed to a two-way contract which is half of a rookie scale contract in the NBA right so a two-way player makes roughly 550,000 bucks uh for the year these these other players uh they make way less and so you're hoping that you know maybe a guy comes in he looks really good in your camp and you give him an exhibit 10 you bring him into your Camp you let him you give him a little bit more money like what they've done with scal and some of the other players and then you just kind of put him in the g-league and you've got his rights uh same thing like scowl the Kings have scows to a they have his g-league rights as of right now so this was just a one of those moves that they they went out and said hey look I I think we can get more Talent uh at a position and Jaylen noell I believe is on an NBA roster right now and if he makes an NBA roster that g-league team is not gonna get to you know sort of reap the benefits from this what what I guess what's the impetus behind bringing them in is it just to get them into stock in and see what they look like yeah is filling out a g-league roster well that's part of it you're filling out a g-league roster and like you want to build a program here right and program sometimes that means that you go out and you get some of these players that you just want to kick the tires on them and see what they're like in in your Camp um like especially like a guy like um like Dexter Dennis we were talked about he played for three different colleges right so it's one of those players where he's bounced around a ton I'd like to know how many high schools he played for uh I like I don't know but those guys usually um you know there's usually a reason why that happens and you want to get him in your camp and see what that could possibly be uh oh maybe he just played at witcha and in Texas A&M it's it's actually uh Justin Powell who's play who played at three different colleges but guys who bounce around um you want to get them in your system and be like okay who is this guy what what can he do um either way like these are low-risk moves by the Kings uh and you're just trying to build a program you're trying to build a winner at the G League level as well as the the main level in case you you have a guy like Colby Jones and you want to send him down and give him you know a really good opportunity to sort of run a team for a certain amount of time and say okay like look who are you g to be at the g-league level um but you what you don't want to do is take a guy and put him at the g-league level with no Talent around him because that does that's not going to help him right all the focus is going to be on him and he's going to have a really tough time developing so having good talented players having a guy like scal is going to be like 28 or 29 uh down in the G League who you know can get you 20 and 10 yeah that's a good thing to have on you know to help a guy like Colby Jones develop and that's what this is about it's about developing these other guys and you know they've got three two-way players again this year and you want to see how those guys develop speaking of Stockton the Kings have a new g-league head coach Quinton Crawford back with Stockton Kings he was part of the coaching staff in sacrament a few years back been an assistant in the league has moving the needle for you um I really like H he's a good dude uh like this is a guy who I can't remember which regime he was with um because they're all over the board and he's not he wasn't an assistant in Sacramento he was like a video coordinator and a Player Development guy um but I always thought he was a good dude and and he's gone on to uh earn his way into the league playing as you know getting assistant coaching jobs around the league he's been on Frank fogal staff a couple of times and this is a guy who like if you're going to go out there and find sort of the next guy to take your program and and hopefully Elevate the program but also give him like head coaching experience so he can sort of move up the bench on your Pro Club it's I I I like the move again good people and and that's something that you're always looking for like he made an impression when he was here and uh so super happy for Quon to get to get another uh another look here in Sacramento all right Last Kings note here for you as we as we finish up the first hour on the Insiders he's James hamam Kyle Madson Jiffy Lube sponsors the program here on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports leader um dearen Fox is hanging out with Steph Curry in China promoting his new shoes um maybe the savest thing dear and fox has done in his career is attaching himself to Steph Curry right at the point that you're starting to Envision an NBA that doesn't have Steph Curry in it where Steph Curry has 36 he has three years left uh well he has two years left and then just signed an extension so three years left under contract with the Warriors this feels like dearen Fox kind of positioning himself to be uh to take over the curry brand and to be the face of the curry brand post step yeah so when dearen Fox decided to opt out of his Nike deal a couple years ago because everybody comes into the league they're all Nike guys right for the most part if you don't have if you don't have flag yeah if you don't have a brand you're you're a Nike guy sure right um and so Fox early in his career that's he was a Nike guy then he went through this period where number one he's a free agent but there's something that fox did here that I was always intriguing to me he gave all of these shoes a test drive and he as a free agent was able to wear whatever he wanted I think you have to register what you're going to wear from one night to the next and he test drove all the shoes in games in the NBA during the regular season crazy and then finally said you know what the shoe that fits me the best the shoe that works with my ankle braces is the the curries and so that he went with Team Curry I think it's this is also part of him leaving well going to Rich Paul and and being a rich Paul client it's you now have the opportunity to go sign deals like this yeah where you're not just going to be a Steph Curry athlete you get your own signature shoe like dearon Fox is getting a signature shoe and that's why it's always weird how the perception of dear Fox outside of Sacramento is like so quiet like yeah people don't yeah you know we're talking about a guy who finished like eighth in the league in scoring and people don't talk about him as if well even he make the allstar team if you went to let's pick a if you went to Memphis and you pulled Grizzlies fans as they walked in the stadium and said hey who were the top 10 scores in the League last year save for the super duper NBA nerds who know it off the top of their head nobody's gonna say dear and fox yeah and that's because nobody considers it well I think like he averaged more points per game than I don't know Anthony Edwards and Steph Curry and uh Tyrese Maxi like there Jaylen Brown like there's all these players he average more points per game then and he doesn't really get the notoriety and I think this is it's a little bit like the Netflix series for for domas this is giving him a a sort of new opportunity to to become more of a global brand I mean you see him in China with Steph and fans are flocking to these guys he is going to just in this appearance alone will probably help his NBA yes uh ballad big time like he's being recognized right now in China as a curry brand athlete with his own shoe and so I'm super excited for him because again he he's put in the work and gotten better every year and while the notoriety hasn't always been there outside of Sacramento this is kind of like it's you know like the Jerry Maguire rod headwell thing sometimes you gota you got to you got to do the celebration you got to dance yeah and this is fox's way of like becoming more of a global brand yeah so the curry brand is basically the curry brand is to Under Armour what the Jordan brand is to Nike of course so there's no other it's Steph and dearin yeah for NBA that's it on on this Curry brand so this is a this is a really cool opportunity for him and I and I agree with you man um attaching yourself to a player like Steph Curry immediately after the olymp picks where Steph was the hero in the in the semi-final and the final uh is this is a really smart B dearon Fox and I think we're g to see uh we're gonna see his International profile climb significantly here over the next couple of years yeah I also just to add it real quick remember that Team USA really really works with Nike and you could add that to the list of reasons why dearon Fox may not have been in the Olympics this this last year yeah um all right break that's your kings up date for today got a whole segment out of the Kings on uh on September 11th that's a pretty big deal all right uh 11 o' second hour that's what I was looking for here we go second hour coming up next on the Insiders he's James ham I'm KY Madson we're sponsored by Jiffy Lu here on ESPN 1320 Sacramento sports leader voice guy repeat that for mey what's going on everybody [Music] what's up Norm oh Johnny G that's miserable you're just waiting on a zoom meeting with with some attorneys sounds like a blast sorry about that bro well Johnny G you should know that if you're paying for set attorneys I don't know that you are that they have to build in six minute increments so they have to break their billable hours into a tenth of an hour and so watch the clock and don't send emails because they can tag you for those oh there you go oh you're the expert witness that's good okay all right how much time do we have hopefully enough time for two and a half there's Charlie here's Charlie hi everybody we have the luie Saturday morning we've got Alabama at Wisconsin at 9:00 a.m. we also have nickel State at sack State at 6:30 on Sunday we have R Raiders and Ravens at 9:30 immediately following that we have Bengals at Chiefs now for 10 trivia points tell me what city in Louisiana is niichel State located I'm not gonna get that they're located in Tibido Tibido right Tibido Louisiana nice which they may want to get out of Dodge because the the hurricane is headed right there oh that's not great it's going to be mostly rain it's not bad they're used to uh let's see um Brett I'm going to Vegas next week um I think we're leaving Wednesday after the show I'll be gone Thursday Friday next couple of days going to be a little wonky Kyle's going to be out tomorrow Friday and Monday and then next week I'll be out Thursday and Friday lots of Jesse maybe a little bit of Joe lots of football talk to talk about so I don't think with football season we don't really need to do uh James and side dishes especially with being Thursday Friday and we have a game tomorrow night well Kyle's back I'm back oh oh that's funny Warren Full House reference I got you Joey and Jesse Uncle Jesse Uncle Joey here we go hour number two that's James ham I'm Kyle Madson we're sponsored by Jiffy Lube hanging out with you until noon and then we'll hand it off to DLo and Casey here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN at 1320 Charlie has given me that's what he calls it I went through it Alabama Wisconsin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mhm sack State football 6:30 pm. kickoff Saturday the Hornets looking for their first win facing Nicholls State that'll be here in Sacramento um no oh it is you're right Charlie just told us where Nicholl state is located in Louisiana yeah not to be confused with the Nickels state in idah uh I I think it's Tibido that's what he said I think that's what he said yeah anyway what yeah he knew in Louisiana that's where Nichol state is I think that's what he said and Tom Tibido went there no but that's the town oh oh got it okay is it Tibido or tiido I think well Tom Tibido right but I've I've now heard the NBA podcast Community some in the NBA podcast Community calling him thibo and then they say thibs are they just being I don't think so really yeah these are very self-serious people okay did you call them selfs serious yes they take themselves very serious oh I love that self serious people Raiders Ravens of course on Sunday tough one for the Las Vegas Raiders coming up against Baltimore Baltimore looking to bounce back after a tough loss to the Chiefs on Thursday night to open the season coverage begins at 9:30 a.m. kickoff from Baltimore at 10:00 a.m. we have mad props coming up later today we're doing Mad props today because I'm out tomorrow and Friday so we'll have to do those a little bit early we'll do those today the good news about me being out tomorrow on Friday and also Monday uh Joe yeah Joe's gonna be here Joe Joe's gonna be here Jesse I believe is in with you yeah Jesse Topia uh and Jesse gets to just hang out because Joe is going to run the board that's amazing and Joe's goingon to get experience and by the end of it everybody's going to be like wow Joe should just be with the Insiders full time that's right yeah yeah we're not pushing for it or anything but maybe oh I am we're very openly pushing for it we're all in yeah we need everyone to send uh emails to our our uh what do we call him the tribal Chief yeah I don't want to I don't know if I if we should give out his email I don't know I'm not totally sure used to be like how we gave out uh the salesperson's email address yeah uh we do have some breaking news from the Rams have placed wide receiver pukaa yeah offensive lineman St Villa uh and offensive lineman Joe not boom on injured reserve they they will be out a minimum of four weeks that is two starting offensive linemen and a starting wide receiver all out for the Rams for at least four weeks they by the end of week one had one offensive lineman in his normal starter spot that's not ideal Kyle it's really suboptimal yeah um I think Shawn McVey is a good coach and they're going to be able to to get through this the Rams apparently Just Produce good wide receivers the way the 49ers produce good running backs it's like oh pukaa goes down early against the Lions okay here's Tyler Johnson and Demarcus Robinson and then Cooper cup of course gonna get 21 targets yeah because we looked in uh Stafford had 49 passes he led all quarterbacks in pass attempts this week which is crazy um and he broke 300 yards but he only averaged a little over six yards per yeah per attempt yeah behind that offensive line the fact that they scored 20 points and actually had a lead in that game because when when when they had I think it was their third offensive line injury of the game I was watching you're going okay they're not g they just not going to move the ball tonight they have no chance tonight and then they put together 20 points it's why it's why I'm still high on the Rams despite the loss yeah the Rams are a good team I think so too but they're in a tough spot two offensive linemen like you just said and pukaa uh all going on IR they will miss a minimum of four weeks Golden Sky music festival and Golden Sky music and beer festival I was going through this read real quick sorry Golden Sky music and beer festival at Discovery Park October 18th and 20 we're giving away tickets now tickets available at Golden Sky but you can win tickets at ESPN that's two VIP tickets to the Saturday October 19th show VIP tickets to the Saturday October 19th show that is to the Golden Sky music and beer festival might have to get out there Saturday October 19th I'm not doing anything okay I might have to pull up you can win your tickets at ESPN I probably won't make it but that's okay that's okay hey where did my rundown go uh it's right here well I have my own rundown right here I think we're were going to talk MVP Lads yeah yeah we're back to the NFL um an interesting thing to come out of week one for the 49ers was a Jordan Mason's performance B the Christian mcaffry injury stuff which just a quick note on that the NFL according to NBC Sports Bay Area is not going to investigate the 49ers for their handling of the Christian mcaffry injury situation uh not sure 100% why don't know if there was um because if there wasn't an investigation then they didn't go ask but apparently um chrisan mcaffry did practice Friday and Saturday oh so that's why I think the NFL just kind of shrugged its shoulders and whether Jordan Mason got told he's going to start on Friday because the ners could just say well he misund or which is what Kyle Shanahan kind of said after the game or he might say well yeah we told Jordan he was going to 49ers team MVP this season start but Christian was going to play if he could get through warm-ups and he didn't so uh so I it was just there was there was no way the the NFL would have been wasting its time I think yeah I also think that they could have told Jordan Mason hey you probably need to be ready to start on Monday because we're not sure what's going to happen with christianh so just be ready MH because there's a good chance you might start like we hope that he's going to be healthy but yeah there's a good chance that you could start and he took that as oh I was told yeah on Friday yeah yeah so that's the first time it was mentioned to him was Friday yeah so it makes sense the NFL wouldn't waste its time investigating the 49ers on that so um I think going into the season if we had said hey who's the 49ers team MVP we're going to build out what that list looked like would have featured Christian mcaffrey yep Nick Bosa Trent Williams p and probably Fred Warner mhm so I want to adjust this each week we're going to go through and we're going to we're going to run through the 49ers top five players each week okay uh and we're gonna we're going to move this around based on that week's game it's not going to be like per game you know what I'm saying does that make sense yeah so we'll adjust this each week uh number five on our list this week there's a ton of options right yep I Jan Jennings gets some consideration I think the two rushers who did play well Leonard Floyd and Nick Bosa have to get some consideration MH who lands at number five for you um I think this was pretty clear uh what he when the NFC uh special teams player of the week right yep and that is Mr Moody yeah so yeah I think it's it's hard to put a to put a kicker on an MVP list but when he accounts for 18 of your 32 points yeah I guess technically 20 20 because of the two extra points so when he accounts for 20 of your 32 points it's pretty good he has to make the list yeah I mean that he he was very good and I think the other thing is Kyle we were so shaky on him last year and you just didn't know you got all the way to the playoffs and we kept saying man if you lose a playoff game because you have a kicker who's who isn't very accurate and isn't very experienced and has looked shaky throughout the season cost you at least one game maybe two early in the year to have him come out early in this season and establish himself as a big time weapon all right good for you yeah you know that you know again if Kyle shanan is not going to go for it on fourth and one you're gonna need a good kicker and guy goes six for six start the season pretty solid yeah uh number four I feel like I feel like you have to make I feel like Brock P has to be on the list I think so too I think he was good he wasn't great but he was good and his stats would have looked a lot better if he would have had a couple of balls that weren't dropped but yeah yeah we have him here at number four I thought Nick Bosa was good I thought Nick Bosa was really good leard Floyd had a really nice game too I thought Bosa and Floyd if you want to look at them as a tandem I thought they they were good they weren't great uh you know again what do we come up with six pressures for for both five five okay and he only uh I don't he didn't have a sack but I think he only got to the quarterback like hit the quarterback one time I would have liked to have seen more from Bosa this looked for me a lot more like week one through four last year Bosa where he's kind of feeling out the process and you're like okay what's oh man I totally disagree on that I thought I thought last night he looked way better than he did at any point the first few weeks of last year excuse me Monday night yeah yeah I mean he was getting held left and right there was the there was the viral clip of him the left tackle putting him in a choke hold oh yeah like he was he was awesome the the statistical production wasn't there he was really good though but on the other hand um I know the stats weren't there for pie and they're not going to jump off the screen there weren't a ton of wow throws but we talked yesterday about the importance of getting it to the right player MH eliminating negative plays turning negative plays into positive ones I think it's fair to put the quarterback in the top five right now no I think so too he didn't do anything wrong he didn't throw an egregious pick he didn't do he didn't rush things he he kept control balance the team uh the pass to youth check was huge the play getting auk back on the field un comfortable I think was a big deal um he had KD a couple of times uh Jan Jennings you know he went to him in big opportunities so overall I thought it was pretty solid number three to to me the top three are are pretty easy I think so too it's not like again all due respect to the two Edge guys we just talked about all due respect to Jawan Jennings who I thought was really really good it's Fred Warner at three for me yeah because when it feels like you can tell what kind of game the Niners defense is gonna have based on how Fred Warner plays in the first two drives and he was just all over the place he's forcing the fumble uh he's talking all sorts of Alan Lazard had the drop on on the Packers first third down and Warner you know stands over him and he's and he's talking his talk um Fred Warner is such a tone Setter for the Niners and he was really really freaking good on Monday yeah he's just crazy how he he flies to the ball like if he doesn't get the tackle he wipes out two guys that two blockers and allows someone else to get to the ball uh to the ball carrier um yeah he's he's an Absol joy to watch play football and you're watching like he's he's going to be a Hall of Famer I mean it just I don't think for me it's any question week in and week out he's just so dominant yeah yeah um I don't want to this is this is one of those things that's difficult because nobody thinks that Fred Warner is not good at football like ever he's like consensus best off ball linebacker in the league um but I still feel like his importance to their defense gets understated we talk all about the pass rush we talk all about Nick Bosa and you get taleno huanga is an all pro and travarus Ward's an all pro and we're expecting deor Lenor to take this leap this year but the way Fred Warner just controls the middle of the field at all times against the run against the pass it just makes playing defense for the 49ers so much easier when you have a middle linebacker who's just going to eliminate the middle of the field yeah I totally agree so shout out to Fred Warner number two Go Trent Williams give the big gu some love man just walks walks in a month and a half late like hey what's going on I got this no pressures allowed has to go back for an IV after 70 snaps but looked for the most part not not perfect but looked for the most part like Trent Williams yeah and you figure once he gets in a little bit better shape and he gets his football legs under him where he doesn't have to go get an IV after playing all the snaps uh he'll look even better and I I I know that an offensive lineman is never going to win an MVP or an offensive player of the year and that that totally makes sense to me but man if you're talking about 49ers best players or MVPs of the team or players they cannot afford to lose Trent Williams is is that guy for me man yeah so the hardest one to replace I I totally agree you also you had a quarterback uh that you know play he defended The Blind Side of his quarterback uh and your quarterback was upright the whole game I would pry got sacked twice but um but for only negative six yards total uh and so that's big but you also had a running back go crazy in this game and those are things that matter like I don't think they ran behind Trent Williams the whole game uh just you know I thought that they did a lot of like mixing and matching where they're running um but at the same time like you you had a guy go for 147 yards you had a quarterback that got hit only twice like I thought they did a really good job and like the fact that he missed all of training camp and all of preseason and just walked in the door last week and and is able to come out and start all those games at age 36 really really impressive yep no doubt uh shout out to Trent Williams he's number two on our 49ers MVP ladder here on the Insiders James ham Kyle Madson Jiffy lubs a sponsor ONN 1320 Sacramento sports leader number one that's a layup is Jordan Bon right now oh yeah I don't think he's going be there all year I think at some point Christian mcaffry will come back but if I'm guessing right now on Wednesday at 11:19 a.m. I don't think Christian mcaffry is gonna play this week and I think you're going to see Jordan Mason get a ton of touches I think you're going to see Jordan Mason be super productive again and it wouldn't surprise me if coming out of week two we're going yeah Jordan Mason is still the the number one guy for us on our on our MVP ladder here yeah it definitely depends on you know what Minnesota Vikings team shows up because if you got a throw then you know could move a one or two of these guys up whether it be party or whether it be one of the receivers whether it be Kettle um but for me like this is uh the right guy he stepped on the field and played like a season vet he ran so hard uh and just carved up a defense and I thought it was so impressive that you were able to Midway through the game just completely change your game plan and rely on a young back to go crazy and yeah he hit some people so we mentioned yesterday he had the most carries by a running back or any player he had the most carries for a 49ers player under Kyle Shanahan he had 29 touches in the game how many times do you think Christian mcaffrey since joining the 49ers went over what' I say 29 went over 29 touches in a game maybe twice that's my guess two times ever it's probably zero but two times is that your final answer Final Answer yeah you nailed it congratulations he did it twice Christian mcaffry went over went 29 excuse me went 30 touches in the Super Bowl as last year or I guess this year last season 30 touches in the Super Bowl and then week 15 of the 2022 season when the 49ers went into Seattle and won uh he had 32 touches in that game and that game you'll remember was after Brock perie had gotten uh had gotten hurt in his first start I guess no maybe it was week 14 week 15 yeah week whenever it was he had gotten hurt in the previous game I think it was I think it was against Tampa Bay in his first start and he hurt his ribs and then didn't throw like all week and threw in the tunnel before the game and gave it a go in Seattle on a short week that was the game where chrisan mcaffry had 32 touches it was because they had a banged up quarterback who couldn't couldn't really effectively throw the ball downfield yeah I mean like look having mcaffrey is such a luxury to have and that's why you want to put him on ice here make sure that he's right you know I just don't I I kind of wonder what they're going to do or if if mcaffrey doesn't play in week two we were talking about Jordan Mason's workload if mcaffry is not playing in week two I don't think you're going to see Jordan Mason get 29 plus touches again I think he's gonna be effective but you you have to be able to I think they they might plan better to not have mcaffrey where it's not Debo Samuel instead it's Isaac gendo or it's Patrick Taylor giving giving Mason some kind of reprieve you would hope so but I I also think that they're looking at this with you know the mindset that the mcaffry is coming back sooner rather than later so if you do have to you know go out there and give a guy 55 carries over two games then you're okay with that man I guess because it's not mcaffrey who's doing that you got what I'm saying like what's gonna happen next for Jordan Mason if mcaffry is back in week three then maybe he gets his eight carries that we talk about but maybe he gets three maybe he gets five you know so you're not going to worry about all of those carries early in the season but you want them to be healthy just like you want mcaffrey to be healthy yeah dude and it's a short week you're playing Monday night and then Sunday 10: a.m. kickoff yeah it's early in the season he's young he hasn't taken a lot of hits like d but he has he got hit a lot of times oh yeah that's that's that's why that is why if he was a if he was this isn't a great example because Devon Chan hurt all the time but if he was a Devon Chan type of Runner uh Devon Chan for the for the Dolphins where smaller guy doesn't take a ton of hits he's going to run around he's going to run around Defenders he's going to try and get to the sideline he's not he's not putting his shoulder into into Defenders and and finishing runs no that's just not his style really good player not his style Jordan Mason exclusively seeks contact oh yeah and that's that's where my concern comes in with these with these touches it's like man Christian mcaffry same deal he's a a he's a I don't think he runs as physical as as Jordan Mason but I think that's partly because mcaffry is more patient and just a better Runner he avoids contact by just being in the right place and hitting the right hole and following the right blocker but I just I I can't I can't imagine Jordan Mason on a short week is going to turn around and just go right back to 30 touches that's dangerous well it's dangerous but it's like it's not something we haven't seen before I I just feel like this it is though it is we haven't seen that with Kyle Shanahan that would be completely atypical well no no no I I get that I get that because he hasn't done that with mcaffrey but like I still think that this is one of those situations where if he's the number one back he's going to get most of the carries and I don't think Shanahan one week is going to build his confidence in one of these young players and let him go send him out there and potentially fumble or or miss a block look dude and I I don't disagree with you necessarily but a I think if you can plan that you're not going to have Christian mcaffrey and you can get Isaac gendo some work in practice you can get Patrick Taylor some work in practice and you have a handful of things that you know they can do and you you put them in Patrick Taylor did some third down stuff for the Packers last year maybe that's the move but doing something to take some of the onus off Jordan Mason but look here's here's the bigger problem if you're going to draft a run if you're going to trade two picks to move up into the fourth round to draft a running back and you don't feel good about putting that running back on the field you have a this continues to be a massive problem we talked about Kyle Shanahan earlier I'm I am very in the camp that Shanahan is good but when it comes to this this is a place that he continuously fails oh yeah and it's cool that Isaac gendo's on the roster it's cool that he got in for the third preseason game and had the big kick return okay that's all nice but if you're trading two picks to move up to draft this guy you should feel good about being able to play him especially 10 snaps especially week two of the Season like there there has to be a point he's coming out of a pre-season where he should have got a lot of snaps he didn't because of injuries U yeah it's it's a little uh it's a little sketch man yeah yeah so I think they're gonna need to figure that one out maybe it's crazy how different the the conversation is about the ners now though I went from before the season went like man I think nine and eight could be on the table think the Rams are going to win the division now after one game they're lock in for week one leave some points on the field for sure but locked in for week one and I'm like yeah how can they manage mcaffry to make sure he's healthy with the Super Bowl now you're looking like this is probably one of the best three teams in in football that's it that's what I think that that's that's just kind of it I just needed to see it I needed to see how how does this offseason impact them and were they perfect in week one like no by no means but when you look at some of the other performances around the league in week one the 49ers looked really really good mhm and if you take out the that that last drive by the Jets you're looking at a 32 to13 final against a team that a lot of people are picking to go to the Super Bowl yeah that's that's a really impressive way to open your season again it doesn't it doesn't mean you you've punched your ticket but when we always talked about all the bad vibes going into the year I they're gone they it just it doesn't matter anymore they've done they've done everything I I've seen everything I needed to see in week one to think that the 49ers look like the 49ers again no I totally agree is there anyone that uh that Mason reminded you of as far as a runner it like it popped in my head while we were doing the show here he he kind of reminds me of Mary and Barber o that's a really good one yeah yes yeah that really physical um when when he start when players get hands on him it you see the knees get really high yeah starts punishing people's fighting for every yard yeah that's a really that's a really good yeah I like that I like that a lot Mar and Barbara was sick yeah Mari break and barbar is a really good player for the Dallas Cowboys all right we're going to do mad props we want to talk a little bit about the quarterback play because uh one quarterback who wasn't bad this past weekend was the quarterback the 49ers are facing on Sunday we'll talk about him next as well that's James ham I'm Kyle mads we're the Insiders on ESPN 1320 Sacramento Sports Center I forgot that Mari and barber died you did June 1st 2022 at the age of 38 oh my God I don't think I knew that oh man oh he died of heat stroke damn [Music] man wow in his apartment how do you that that's wild he's found dead in his apartment in June died of heat stroke listen as accident wow Dam man that's wild it's just a weird like seriously that's strange what happened on Shannon Sharp's IG live oh my god well never mind not good hey it's a really good thing I watched that before playing it on the air did do something stupid oh sorry what did you say I don't know what Channon sharp did I'm not clicking on any of nope don't oh boy yikes wait what the chatty house is broken we did have a gap there where people weren't talking damn I did not know that about Mary and barara yeah that's tough dude John I did this exact same thing so here's what happened I'm GNA say this and get arrested but it's fine um actually you know what hang on let me do this right this actually happened to a buddy of mine so what happened was he got his mail and you know like the from what I understand I'm not 100% certain on this but you know like the ads that come in the mail yep his jury duty slip had gotten caught in there and then when he went to go throw because you know he has a mail pile just like we all do and when he went to go clean out his mail pile he opened Those ads and outfalls this jury duty slit from like two weeks previous oh no so he calls the number the next day to try and you know yeah get a of or whatever and it says like uh you have to put in your badge number or whatever and he put it in and they said uh your service is no longer you fulfilled your yep requirement um you're free to move about the country yeah Ding and then what happened that was it oh so they just tossed the jury duty slip it might be in his backpack still actually I don't know but um that was that was your friend that was how it went yeah for the homie might be in your friend's backpack still yeah maybe I don't know I'll ask him you and my son are going to be at Disney at the same time I'll tell them to look out for you I'm going to be Disney bounding as um uh Steamboat Willie white shoes black socks white shorts black tea white hat black ears oh wow really fired up about it okay he's going uh Friday Saturday Sunday I'll be there Saturday okay here we go now back to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson brought to you by Jiffy Lube on ESPN 1320 yeah of course the story was anticlimactic saen I said John bu said something in the chatty house and I said this is exactly what happened to me my friend I mean and then I proceeded to explain what happened to my friend that's right which had the same ending as John Bulls oh which was exactly the point I think I've had that same exact scenario because you know there's four of us so someone different can get the mail all the time so that male ends up in different spots sure and it's too much male you know especially now the boys on occasion get mail so now there's more male mail you're like okay this just too much yeah I never I don't think I something they don't prepare you for in life is just how much you will come to despise getting male yeah when you're a kid it's like male for me this is the best thing that's ever happened oh yeah now when I open the mailbox as I'm walking to the mailbox I'm like please no mail please no mail please no mail please God no mail because it's either something bad or I'm throwing it away MH and that's it that's the extent of it except for like birthday cards salute to the fam that still send me birthday cards there you go Le than that like G with you I'm with you uh let's get to Mad props mad props two stats we pick which one's higher The Voice guy with the intro will explain but since I'm not going to be here tomorrow or Friday Jesse Topia will be in for me Joe Brazil who will uh be on this show permanently soon um I'm just manifesting now yeah we'll be uh we'll be running the board very excited for that um they're going to be in Thursday Friday and Monday so we're going to do mad props today okay so fingers crossed nothing happens between now and Sunday that renders any of these uh moot okay okay so because we have no basketball we're doing the Niner game and the Raider game once again I tried to pick different players with different stats and stuff some of them are repeats some of them are not here we go it's time for Mad props two games two props which number will be higher that's for Kyle and James to decide here's mad props all right here we go Raiders and ners Niners visiting the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday 10: a.m. kick the Raiders visiting the Baltimore Ravens for a 10 a.m. kick on Sunday these games will be happening at the same time James let's get started which number will be greater Jordan Mason's carries or Gardner menu's completions oo that's a good one thanks I am going to go I'm going to go Garner menu yeah that's exactly that's exactly what I'm going to do mainly because I think the Raiders are going to have to throw it a lot against Baltimore um I'm not totally sure that Baltimore is going to be able to cover Devonte Adams and jacobe Myers Mad Props and Brock Bowers and I also don't know that the Raiders are going to be able to come up with a ton of stops against a what I think is going to be a pretty good Ravens offense okay so I think we're going to see Gardner minu throw it a ton I think you're going to see plenty of Jordan Mason carries but I think you're going to see a lot fewer than last week yeah I mean I I think we'll probably more be more around like the 22 to 23 24 carries I don't think he'll get up to the high 20s yeah uh the next one number two Debo Samuel targets or Max Crosby pressures quarterback pressures for Max Crosby I am gonna go Max Crosby yeah he might he might cook behind that uh or or in front of that that Ravens offensive line that didn't look particularly good in week one they did not look very good at all I don't know how many sacks will come up with because Lamar Jackson is really really hard to get on the ground yeah he's crafty but I think you're going to see Max cros be spending a lot of time in the Ravens backfield that said I think you're going to see a ton of targets for Debo Samuel oh I don't think you're going to see as many carries but I still think you're going to see a little bit of a limited version of Brandon auk I don't think you're going to see Christian mcaffrey and I don't think you're going to see Debo Samuel running it eight times but they're going to want to get the ball in his hands I think we're going to see upwards of like 10 plus targets for Debo Samuel on Sunday I think Max Crosby has a bunch of pressures too I just think Debo Samu winds up having more fun all right uh the next one Mitch wishnowski punts he punted just once in the 49ers win over the Jets or Trey Tucker receptions Trey Tucker the Speedy wide receiver for the Las Vegas Raiders he is also their punt returner um Mitch owski punts or receptions for Trey Tucker Trey Tucker had two catches on three Targets in the open I'm going to go go Mitch mazowski punts yeah I think he's gonna punt more than once yeah I think it'll be three four times yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go that same route I don't I I think the you're going to see the Raiders lean heavy on on Devonte Adams on Brock powers on their guys they they know are uh they're more reliable targets yeah of course um I think there will be some targets for Trey Tucker but I think they're going to lean lean on on uh the guys I just mentioned uh George KD receiving yards or the Raiders leading rusher receiving yard I mean rushing yards for yes so it might be zamir white it might be um uh Alexander Madison okay maybe it's Gardner MCH I'm gonna go K I think they need him in this game I think he can live in like live in that seam area I think he'll do well I'm not sure how good the Ravens defense is so I'm going to say the Raiders are going to be able to run the ball a little bit okay that's what I'm going with uh I think he might see like 75 rushing yards for the Raiders leading rusher I don't think you're going to see that many receiving yards for George KD uh number five two more to go here Jake Moody total points remember he had 20 in the season opener 20 points for the kicker or tackles for Robert Spain a linebacker for Vegas who was their leading tackler on Sunday I'm going to go and we're doing tackles like overall tackles right yeah total total tackles okay um I'm gonna go with Moody again I think Moody is probably gonna get uh two or three field goals and on top of that uh like three maybe four extra points I think it's going to be more extra points I don't think we're going to see a ton of field goals this week I think when the ners get in the Red Zone I think they're going to go score so I'm going Spain tackles especially because he's going to be doing a lot of tracking down of Derk Henry Lamar Jackson uh I think there's going to be a lot of opportunities for him on uh on Sunday you're probably right there uh last one 49ers takeaways they had two in the opener or Daniel Carlson made field goals he had one against the Chargers ooh I I am going to go 49er takeaways think Sam Don's going to give it up a couple of times I think he's going to give it up a couple of times I also think that what we're seeing right now early in the season with the NFL are the linebackers like Fred Warner punching the ball out and like we saw it all over the place so between maybe one or two gaps for for Sam Darnell and then another couple of plays for wide receivers running backs sure I think there's potential for three turnovers okay very good I'm going to I'm going to lean that same way I think Antonio Pierce is going to see the criticism of his punt in the fourth quarter against San against La that's weird I San Diego Chargers every time to me I don't think I'll ever get over it uh against the Chargers and I think he's going to lean the other way this week I don't think you're going to see him kick a ton of field goals so I think I'm gonna go I'm gonna go with Niners takeaways okay in that one against Sam darnold and the Vikings a quick update on the standings of course weekly total and season total are the same right now from week one you went three and one in week one I went four and oh this week we have three that are the same okay so we'll revisit that on Tuesday I'm here for it on do you want me to uh to involve Jesse and Joe tomorrow and we can have all four of us yeah if you if you want to take the time to write them down and text them to me so I can input them okay but then we're going to have to Loop him in every week oh that seems like too much work well be but then the next week I won't be here on Thursday and Friday so you might have those guys bl by here I it's your world if you want to do that we can do that and we'll just make sure that we're setting up with those guys each and every week okay and then we'll just cancel week one it was preseason I'll leave it up to you okay I'm always down to involve people okay all right very good um speaking of the of the Vikings I don't want to dive too far into into a game preview here but one of the one of the Hallmarks of week one in the NFL was the poor QB play not just from rookies where I think Caleb Williams was was maybe a little bit disappointing I think B Knicks what was he 3.3 yards per attempt uh bonick wasn't great Jaden Daniels had his moments didn't have an outstanding game but you definitely saw the upside for sure but it also went with to uh to Veterans as well and one of the few veteran quarterbacks that looked really good was surprisingly Sam darnold against the Giants and I'm really interested to see this week and this is why going into Sunday I like there's part of me that wants to say well yeah of course the 49ers are going to steamroll Minnesota but Minnesota looked really freaking good against the Giants and I can't tell if that's because hey you know what the Sam darnold corner has been turned Sam darnold has finally F the thing we've been waiting for since he got drafted has finally happened he got a year as a Niners backup and now he's under Kevin oconnell a really good coach for the Vikings and he has figured out how to be an awesome NFL quarterback or is it hey the Giants stink I think the Giants stink or both both both no I I think it's very possible that Sam darnold is just having a moment here where like he's going to be able to prove that he's he's a player I don't know if he's going to prove that he's a long-term starting NFL quarterback but I certainly think that he has the talent to do that and he has so many weapons I mean we all know this is a short-term deal they have a Young quarterback that they that they love who got injured and is going to miss the whole season right JJ McCarthy yeah so like this is a a situation where I think that that Darnell is going to be given every opportunity to show other teams that he can be someone like Gardner menu that he can hopefully better yeah maybe better but I don't think he'll reach you know some lofty uh you know moment where all of a sudden you're you're looking at him as like a baker Mayfield sure maybe but at the same time I think this is a it's a good opportunity because man they have a ton of weapons they do this is a really exciting uh you know offensive team with plenty of depth and you know I don't know that the running back situation is all that great well Aaron Jones isn't bad but Aaron Jones had a good week yeah he did yeah Sam darnold I think he started 12 for 12 and finished 19 of 24 208 yards a couple of touchdowns he did throw a pick we're going to learn a lot about Minnesota this week yeah and we saw the Niners go in and struggle against them last year Kirk Cousins diced them up something fierce you had Chris mcaffry fumbled ear ear in that game Jake Moody missed a field goal uh the ners just did not look prepared to face the Vikings on Monday Night Football and the Vikings took it to him um if they do that again I'm GNA be all in on the Vikings as a playoff team oh okay if they go in and punch the ners in the mouth where they're matching their physicality and Sam darnold's playing really well uh that would that would sell me on Minnesota and I'm not going to write it off as an early season like oh they're just hot to start the season like no man cuz I think the ners are locked in okay I and any team that beats them I think is beating them legitimately I'm with you I just think The Handoff with D-Lo that their division is really tough I think Detroit is going to be a playoff team without any question I think Green Bay you know they they had the big loss of of love going down for what three to six weeks um and and I'm not convinced that Chicago's there yet like it was too rough the quarterback play around the league yeah yeah was really rough but I thought Caleb Williams specifically looked like he was complet overwhelmed and it's his first start so I don't want to get too uh deep into it buty look we have Damien borling again hey one of those days it's all good baby we here that's right tested that mic before the show today yeah yeah because if it didn't work I was gonna let you know well Jonathan actually texted tested it in the um oh you sound good you sound great in the uh first segment of yesterday's show just like no just grab it let's see let's jump it off let's jump it off man what's going on it is so wild because I spent the day at 957 the other day it is so wild how differently that would have gone down at that station it's just like people like just take stuff like so seriously like sometime like it's sometimes mics don't work yeah like sometimes it just happens like hey Jonathan can you text that hey James can you test this hey the computer's not working let sh it's just whatever like you gotta roll with it we just the the thing like sometimes you screw up at work and you know four or five people know sometimes we screw up at work and everybody knows what are we gonna pretend like it's not happening right it's fine it's perfectly fine I'm right there with you I've always leaned in to the to the screw up yeah I mean whether whether it's like talking or whether it's messing up you know a like when James read a press release the other day that beat the hell out of him live on the radio oh I killed that it was hor just it the Press Rel just one word after another kick James in the face yeah what was the word that that that it wasn't a wording it was a phrasing of uh the return to play process the return to play process but when you read it it is a [ __ ] on paper it is like the return to play process what oh the return to play process it's meant to be all said in one more real quick and like what what was I going to do not acknowledge that the most professional guy in the whole building uh just got RKO by a press release you just point it out you laugh you keep moving like it's not like no one knows a microphone isn't working or that something is off just smile have fun with it like Matt nean takes stuff very ser and I understand that there's nothing wrong with that we do not it is just different here we absolutely do well the the best part about that entire thing is I read the entire press release and the only thing I wanted to key in on was the second word the the forward right King forward K forward Kevin herder outside of that and so I kept reading and I'm like oh I'm stuck here I've got to finish the whole thing and then it was like did you catch the word and you guys were laughing and I'm like okay let me read the first line again Kings forward Kevin herder yeah like wait just got stuck in traffic why is he listed as a forward when he started at shooting guard for 146 and when we pointed that out it brings us back to where we're supposed to be when we get back to oh I butchered that thing it was horrible oh it but but it was fantastic it great just sometimes you mess up I wasn't okay here since we're since we're doing this I wasn't gonna talk about this on the radio because nobody cares but since we're here I do these sports updates right that play on the eagle and and 98 Rock and I write them and then record them and the other night I had what you guys were just talking about with James I had this phrasing that I had written that I just could could not say and I recorded it like four times and I get stuck at that part and I was so frustrated I was like wait I wrote this I can just delete it I have the word doc I can just delete it and rewrite it so we did that and we got through it it was great it was fantastic I mean again sometimes this sometimes we make things more difficult than they need to be yeah and I've done that a thousand times I have a segment on on ksfm that airs while we're still here so I I I do I write it the night before because it's mostly in a News segment and I like to have specifics in it and every once in a while I'll write something the night before and record it the next day and be like who wrote this like what sort of garbage is this and then you know you have a different you know maybe maybe I'm writing something you know like during the ksfm show or I'm writing something uh you know in the evening when my my brain is a less Le a little more foggy in the morning I'm clear that's where that's where I do my best work and then I reread it like what who what idiot wrote this I'm the idiot fix it and then you fix it and you keep it moving are you sticking with the with the bearded look I like this for you uh yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm being I'm exercising patience with it I like that um sometimes I'm trying to keep the shap tight there's there's still things I don't like love but it's getting something it's getting a little closer to where okay I might be able to do this yeah okay I'm very insecure about it this is the most I'll say self-conscious about where does the insecurity lie I've never grown facial hair before like ever looks great in my entire life and it is like nine colors there's gray in there there's there's there's like blonde there's black there's Brown and then I I don't know it makes you look distinguished my sister was like do you dye your hair like why does your beard look like that and your hair looks like that and like I don't in fact d my hair so that was a kick in the balls and it's like no that's just the way my facial I don't know what to do like I can't like I I it's just what it looks like yeah I mean I don't dye the hair but my my goatee is white our early James ham Clips with the dark goatee looks so different today like when you go back on like our Instagram and see like guest James ham and that do that goatee is darker and man we we're we're getting older I'm not young right right I have this gray patch in my beard right up front looks good every time every time I sh I'm just like oh yep there it is that was the same deal blondes and reds you know what I I think too is guys with beards look better in hats I read that once the the the one of the designers I I I I love um I love buying from he has a like a you commission no no no that's not no he has a I've never met the guy you just purchase stuff um he has a YouTube channel and he was talking about he sells fedoras Fedora I I got a couple of them it's fantastic he's like you know if you um if you don't have facial hair you kind of wear your hat like this if you have a a good full-size beard you wear your hat like this and I was like wow I don't know if this makes any sense but it sounds incredible sounds right I'm growing a beard because I want to wear my Fedora that way it's amazing I think I think guys Fedora ham knows like yeah exactly exactly they say guys with with with with with like clean shaving you're you're supposed to wear it more at like a kind of like a tilt and have some of your hair out in the front and it just brings out like a different it brings out like a little more um character to the overall look if you have a more full Fuller beard you can you can drop the the Hat a little bit lower whether it's a small brim or a wide Brim drop it a little bit lower and it all the character will be there because you have you have the beard D's fashion tips is going to start being a thing that we do every time you're in here there it is all right down uh DLo and KC coming up next I was gonna talk to you about Sam darnold but uh We're not gonna do that I like Sam darnold all right very good there it is I'll pick up where you didn't leave off we'll talk about that next Dynamite can't wait dowlo and KC coming up to hang out with you till four o'clock right here on ASN 1320 Sacramento sports leader uh I'm off the rest of the week James ham Jesse Topia they'll be taking you uh into the weekend right here on ESP PN 1320 until next time drink water be nice peoplee see chat house appreciate you guys The Insiders ends e e e e e e e hey yo I and now when we flip over at four it's live like he he takes over right away right out the gate ESPN making some money cuz we got some commercials up in here there we go Norm Mustard's out I think H's gonna play yeah Mustard's out and see this why D-Lo & KC I don't play Fantasy he on my fantasy team I try to pick up JK Dobbins they deny my wire [Music] claim K Rex yeah yeah yeah yeah we got him screaming D KC D KC D KC D we got him screaming D we a number one spot we a number one spot for some sports huh got the city going crazy when we work huh we top two but we ain't two we in first huh and when you need the real we is who you search huh d k [Music] KC K we number one spot talk to me baby talk to me baby one time for the good time yes sir it's a the story is out there part two there is a part two to this story there is a part two to the uh the DLo and casy kitten story and I we've had a chance now you know we're we're a little bit different than the wakeup call uh we we we kind of break kayfabe we we we were in here really early on Monday because of the sky River show and because of uh some changes we made over at ksfm KC and I were here at like seven something that morning we recorded what you're going to hear tomorrow on Monday so you know I've had a chance and I don't know if you had the chance yet I had a chance to hear the entire segment like obviously I was there I remember what it sounds like but the way they put it together one is magnificent and if you thought today's story was great with Katie and her her foster kittens named DLo and Casey and the first of all very honored appreciate it thank the very well the and then the very unfortunate death of of I didn't make it of Casey the cat I didn't make it damn it it actually gets better it gets better and the reason it gets better is when Casey's reaction to what happened is just spectacular you have to hear this tomorrow morning 720 uh with the wakeup call it's absolutely excellent and I didn't hear I had never heard the segment that they posted today and I listen to their show every day on podcast form so they were smart with this because this wasn't on their podcast before yeah I had never heard the the the original introduction of D and Casey the cat cats kittens when when when they start talking about the issue that KC has and Gavin goes wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute how did you determine which one was DLo and which one was KC and she says Katie says well one looks like DLo and one looks like KC when Gavin said was one of them wearing designer clothing I fell out because I didn't know which one of us he was talking about you think he was talking about you I'm sorry what what is that brand you're wearing what what are you talk what that got to do with anything what's the brand you're wearing it's just a shirt it's off for the radio a shirt stop it thank you stop what you wearing a pal Angel come on man come on don't do that that's the best part it's like I don't know who Gavin is alluding to with this it's terrific all unbi third party when he said the designer like my mind went to you so that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying went to went to DLo yeah yeah asked you I think you got that status around the building though your mic is low first of all second of all the chat be Googling your close I don't know why they don't goog Kyle Matson discovered you were wearing a $600 shirt one day $600 you're like the remember when the $600 so okay so what are we GNA believe you or the internet me internet be saying crazy stuff all the time what internet said your net worth was like 400 million or 500 million what internet say your net worth was yeah it was a me it it was am meing number compared to yours what what do you hear this man what yours said 500 million or 400 million that's they tripping that we all know that ain't right but we saw the way that the way that Bo that EA game still paying today um so big thanks to the wake up call for that it was a it was it was a lot of fun it was silly and I promise you it's even better uh tomorrow when we're in studio with those guys and I know Kevin recorded it like with a like I I don't know if I don't know if they're editing the video together but um God working with them was a lot of fun Co some good stuff there some good stuff that that show is a I listen to them a lot because like you know you you you talk about um clli and studying the Ops and doing all that different type of stuff Art of War yeah Art of War thank you that's what I was looking for I'm just studying the people I like and that show's been on nothing wrong with that either Show's been on the air 13 years and like listening to them and like you know getting to know I I i' I've make I've I've I've made an effort to get to know all of them I'm going out with with Gavin this weekend or I'm going out on Friday cuz we we really don't know them right like at all we barely see them because of the way things right because of the schedule and all of that and um they're also they're the big dogs here we're the big dogs here and that's always a little yeah it's always a little a little thing well well and and also the other thing and like I like you just said great people we got good but they were the big dogs before it became the big dog yeah right right right that that that Dynamic makes a little different too right right and they're still very much the big dogs like don't don't get it twisted but Katie sent a really nice message the day after the thousandth episode of our show and it was the first time her and I like ever in four years had an extended conversation and I found out we went to the same high school oh so you didn't know that before that conversation no and you know what killed me she did ah I felt like the biggest ass like how did she know that and I didn't were you guys in the same grade same there same we two years apart we were there at the same time I graduated in 98 she graduated in 2000 and I oh he was the big dog I couldn't have felt like a bigger jerk so it was like okay this can't happen anymore like I need to make an effort to know the people like around me and the guy out of all of them that we see the most is Kevin because Kevin's always Kevin Kevin be out there but those other two they've got you know so many other things going on I think Gavin's got three kids I've learned that Katie's got a sorority of of girls she's she's got four and um it's it's been great getting to know them uh recently but it's really been great to study their show like that is a they are a a very well-oiled machine they do it great and I know TC like TC is a fan like TC recognized Gavin when he came in for the thousandth episode and I think zbo watched too so or listen they they they do a they do a phenomenal job and like I said being like far far far on the outside just coming in to this whole industry uh being able to actually know those guys you know what I mean and talk to him and have you know when we were at the the tailgate the other day man we had a good old time with with all three of them man and just hanging out I I I'll give you a little Grace though Kevin might be the funniest dude on the K he he he like leg might be the funniest person on the Hella F he be cracking me up man [ __ ] that's my I just love that dude I absolutely love him [ __ ] no that is hilarious I I will startall you out a little bit with not knowing Katie was you went to school with her you was the big dog I was not no sir no I absolutely was not still you were a junior when she was a freshman senior when she was a sophomore maybe that's maybe a little bit more me come on man only only guys like see I I knew the Freshman I knew the don't do that to me do that the hall well it's not even I should have known you would set me up it's not even just you I mean in general that's how the seniors and juniors do me I'm just a different individual I knew the Freshman I knew some of the sophomores out there and it was love you know what I mean but I'm just speaking in general because not everybody could be like good old k man of the people it's okay it's understandable it's understandable don't beat yourself up for that poor Katie went up to Dame like hey Dam beat it kid oh so okay boy yeah I didn't want to do that CU you were looking hold on hold on you looking over here like you like I was going to be on your side I tell the joke but I had to I I didn't want to but I had to you said two words yesterday and now you coming out to get a little bit more energized today I got a good night of sleep be it kid yeah get get you surround yourself with people like I have this is this is what my crew does threw a towel on her head oh well wait a minute handle this well wait a minute who who threw the towel again who was that and Danny treated Katie like Danny a don't do that don't do that that did not happen that did not happen out to Eagles though man they got they got D they got uh Katie they got Ebro come on man who else got D Lee Derek Lee Dusty no Dusty went to Del Camp no Dusty went to Del Campo it was out there I couldn't even tell yall to get to Al Camino right now yeah we we have a actress um I always forget her damn name we have a we have an actress a good yeah we have we have one of American Idol singers the one that just passed away I think Dam you might be you might be top five in El Camino history I think definitely no I'm not I'm not is Derek Lee is the act Le no Derek Lee and Ebro I well the actress actress Katie k k yeah you're fine that's it you top five what you talking about I you t five I don't think that the uh what what's what's my girl's name she didn't go to mlash but she went to Kennedy um damn I just seen clip the other day my girl from uh Players Club she went to Kennedy the um the mean stripper diamond oh not Diamond that's the oh the mean stripper went where she went to Kennedy oh okay Street set all right what is her name they're gonna say it in the chat in a second I don't remember I don't remember um okay well didn't mean for that to happen but you know it does uh but part two of I think her name was r d and Casey uh the kittens um will will be on the wakeup call at 7:20 tomorrow we'll come back there is some 49ers business to I think itend to and obviously we talked a lot about Christian mcaffrey yesterday gosh after hearing Kyle Shanahan talk I think there might be a little bit more to talk about than we originally thought I don't think what you suggested is going to happen however I'm not sure if we're gonna see Christian mcaffrey anytime soon we'll talk about it we're thrilled that you're here with us it's stean Casey brought to you by Sky River Casino here on sac mental Sports leader ESPN 1320 no it's it just sounds low yeah it just sounds low that's all it sounds it could just be the the Pod I don't know is it facing the wrong way not Jonathan know he probably about sick of us but break still oh no they looked up Kenny caraway's net worth and found Kenny caraway's obituary oh my gosh might be my dad is it I'm not I'm not dead so Kenny was born on February 10th yeah that's my pops February 10th 1957 I'm going guess I don't know and right below that is Nick cattle's debut in Grant ne's old time slot jeez oh come on well there's another obituary for you come on you guys see you guys see Shannon sharp and I quote got hacked no I don't know what happened with SH I didn't see it man it's been it's been a stupid morning man it's been a real stupid morning uh I I didn't see what happened with just say he might have been with a significant other and might have went on Instagram live accidentally oh wait not his significant other whoever he was with today or whoever but he's not married I don't think he's married well it was some lady oh boy I missed dear on first take I missed out it did you see that dear was on first take yeah no I did not see dear on first take if it was on first take I didn't see it damn this is all over the place thear specs uh Tyler um Katie's last name is her maid name is Graham she was in drama she's a performer yeah she's absolutely a performer I was begging her to sing for us the other night she wouldn't she gave a little she gave yeah she gave a little note that I almost passed out over oh my God didn't tell her this sounds like a black woman I was like oh my God ktie Marie that is not what I expected anime man Katie Marie on the w all right well I know he doesn't cuss on this clip we we'll save it and have it ready to go when we talk Kings later yeah it looks like uh looks like dear was dear making some headlines today um you'll hear what demard de rozan said to First Take you'll hear what demard de rozan said to Paul George uh and you'll hear KC's game number 14 and I know you watch this one I did I sure did I didn't I didn't even need to prepare for this one this morning soon as I saw it on the list I was like my God I remember this game by God I got it I got a KC memory when it comes to this CMC Dealing with injury one um so first order of business there's no indication that the 49ers are going to get in any trouble for the handling of Christian McCaffrey's injury as they shouldn't everything on the up and up just like all my teams and more more specifically uh Jordan Mason's uh post game uh flub that he had yeah about Friday and all of that different stuff and of course Christian mcaffry wasn't ruled out until I mean we were in the final minutes of our show at Sky River Casino so it must have been like 350 uh when he was ruled out just about an hour a little over hour and some change before a kickoff which again isn't that's not if Jordan Mason was told he was going to play and start and Christian mcaffry was out on Friday and the 49ers didn't report that that's problematic Kyle Shanahan did a magnificent job of depending on what you believe either cover it up or attempt to explain it I'm not sure which one it was and it doesn't matter because I really don't think it's that big of a deal but we're not in the gambling world and that's what all of this stuff boils down to is gambling it's not competitive Advantage it's none of that it is Las Vegas that's what all of this boils down to uh but it doesn't appear that the 49ers are are in any trouble and I know you kind of anyway well because the number would have went down right and you would have lost though and I know you said this sarcastically oh everything's on the up and up in in the end like it doesn't matter like it it it's really not that big of a deal however I thought what Kyle Shanahan and we got some of the quotes during the show uh but man it felt a little bit different hearing um the the the Press stuff from Kyle Shanahan he said that San Francisco 49ers are going to be careful with Christian mcaffrey moving forward and I it it I think it was I think Ian rap report reported this morning he's already here on Wednesday doubtful for Sunday versus Minnesota and now I'm thinking back to what you said yesterday about hey how realistic is IR it automatically rul him out four weeks we know how good Christian mcaffry could be obviously you had that performance from Jordan Mason we'll see what he looks like again on on on on Sunday uh if it if if if things continue to track the way that it it certainly appears that they're going to I mean the fact that he's doubtful and the fact that Kyle Shanahan just said yesterday they're gonna be careful I wouldn't put a single penny on Christian mcaffrey playing on Sunday um while I don't think IR is real I I well I don't think IR is something that they're considering because that's an automatic four we weeks I do think it's obviously it's unlikely we see him Sunday it wouldn't be surprising to me just Kyle Shanahan's tone yesterday if he doesn't play for another week or two yeah honestly man I wouldn't I wouldn't even chance it I wouldn't even chance it because something like that you want to make sure it is as close to back to 100% as possible and I I don't want to be like this because there is a notion that all that matters for the 49ers is the Super Bowl and while I've said that and I agree I think that there's there's value and there's importance and focusing on this season focusing on these games that you play don't take these games for granted I think that's a lot of times where where where teams get in trouble with trying to repeat and trying to get back up to the mountain top like ah no Trey young here but get bored with the regular season because all that matters is is the Super Bowl no you have to treat the journey with a certain level of respect to be able to get back to that ultimate spot I I'm a True Believer of that I want the I want the 49ers to treat week two as as serious and as special as they did last year or the year before anything like that I say that saying you need Christian mcaffrey in December and January at 100% yeah you don't need to rush him back right now I'm not even saying like you don't need it because you'll beat everybody anyway no you might you might lose some games because you don't have Christian mcaffrey but it's not worth it to have him going through this all season long or worst case scenario out because of something catastrophic trying to push him back out there uh in week two or week one or anything like that so I I after talking to you guys yesterday I don't know if you need to lock yourself into him not playing by putting him on the IR um maybe you take it you do take it week to week but in in the back of Kyle Shanahan's mind maybe he's looking at like we probably ain't gonna use him for the first three weeks or so three four weeks that's one of the [Music] um it's one of the interesting predicaments I guess that's probably not the word I'm looking for and I'm very bad at finding these words in the moment as Casey learned yesterday while we were trying to do something and I just couldn't find the right word but Happ to all of us it it's something that faces teams that have only one expectation right and and and I don't and there's there are there there are a handful of them and I think you brought up the Ravens like if the if the Ravens go to the Super Bowl and fall short yeah it's tough but I don't think they're like they're not like obviously you you lose the championship you're dejected over it but it it doesn't feel like oh my God this is never this is awful this is never going that's not what it feels like if the Ravens lose right that's what it feels like if the 49ers lose and it's a it's a unique form of management because we even asked you know prior to to the to the Jets game could the 49ers look a little bit different in the regular season and still wind up in the same spot um what was it 12 and five last year 12 and five yeah could that become basically a 13 and 14 11 and six could it you know could it become could it become something different where they uh you know are on the road for the divisional round or or or like could the regular season look a little bit different with the idea of ultimately getting to to to to where they want to go and these are the types of situations that you have to manage I'm not sure again not knowing the true severity of Christian McCaffrey's injury I'm not sure if they do this last year you you you know what I mean like I'm I'm not I'm not they know we can we can get back there they did it they just did it yeah I I'm not sure if they make this same move this last year now you you're you're and and even at the time Christian mcaffry still really knew yeah he he finished you know the season prior but you I think you're managing things differently mhm and it's a there's a lot of coaches in the league that would happily trade places with Kyle Shanahan to have this predicament to have this problem this is a tough spot for Kyle Shanahan to be in it it's you you you you certainly don't want to sacrifice wins and losses you don't want to sacrifice what what what what the other guys are doing out there Trent Williams the rest of them but you got to feel a tremendous boost with what Jordan Mason was able to do that to me impossible to say that probably influence even if it's just a little bit that's got to influence their thinking uh moving forward with with with Christian mcaffrey yeah you would think so I mean and as you pointed out yesterday Bobby Turner my boy Uncle Bobby That's my boy he gonna be out there uh out here running for 134 well there you go hey hey 94 before contact it's not impossible but um yeah I I just think the other thing that helps Kyle Shanahan and the 49ers out a little bit is their roster Christian mcaffrey is um he's phenomenal I'm not here to diminish him I'm not here to say what I said with Brandon auk when he was going like I think he's more I'm not here to say any of that but I hope hope you understand what I'm saying they can win 11 to 12 games if Christian mcaffry is not on this roster that's how good the team is that's how good they are sure you know what I mean they're they're loaded at a number of different positions on both sides of the ball so because of that if you're looking at Christian mcaffrey and saying he needs to be out three four weeks or whatever the case may be typically team are looking at that like the the the eagles with saquin or something like that are looking at that like oh man we we just got to hold it down till he comes back you know maybe two and two keep our head above water and all this other stuff ners yeah we won't have uh Christian might start off the season four and0 like they have that level of talent where Kyle doesn't have to look at it as I'm sacrificing games to make sure he's healthy it's I'm just making sure he's healthy yeah we can still win a bunch of game like I don't want to go live in that world like I want him there but we could still win our first six games even if we don't have Christian mcaffrey and that's kind of the luxury that he has with this right now yeah that I mean the roster and the fact that you know again I don't mean to harp on Jordan Mason's performance but it does feel like a an important part of this it might it may maybe it didn't make the decision easier but it sure felt like it would have because it makes so many things easier on Brock p as well when you have a a running back who's a threat the way that he was when you have an offensive line as good as the 49ers were on Monday uh when you have a a a group that performed as a unit I just mentioned the 95 the 94 yards before contact out of the 147 that's not just and and I absolutely don't mean that to to to diminish him in this line that's a a performance of a group that's a performance performance of Jordan Mason and that offensive line working together in that situation to be able to do that like derck Henry has Derrick Henry has almost a want and a desire to hit someone before he does anything else it's almost mandated in the way that he runs but the way that the 49ers offense schemed everything the the the the Vikings for example they're scheming as much for the offensive line as they are for Jordan Mason they were like we we can't give him that space we can't allow them to push us around and again Jordan is a big part of that we've seen running backs succeed with the 49ers we've seen multiple third round picks fail um and then Tom Brady uh first time releases his top three stars of the week oh and right Tom Michael Parsons is in there my boy Baker Mayfield is in there Baker play well and Jordan Mason is in there you getting acknowledgement from the goat first first game of the first game of the year mhm and yo that's gotta that's got to build something moving forward yeah don't give him any more postgame interviews but other than that he's just fine no comment yeah I play I played the fifth um but you know and here's the interesting thing about Jordan Mason I know he burst on the national scene with that Monday night performance but if you watched the 49ers since he's been there he's there's always been a level of intrigue with Jordan Mason like he's kind of a solid guy like I I would I wouldn't have predicted in his first start he's running for 100 whatever but he's a he looked like a good back he looked like a good back a good solid back maybe a change of pace type guy so I say that to say this doesn't seem like a fluke this doesn't seem like we didn't even know who this guy was and all of a sudden he's running for 140 yards or something like that there were signs before Monday of and that guy might be solid and then you saw him with a full workload and you know he performed the way he does and I'm not expecting him to have 147 on Sunday but he's a capable back like he he's capable he has all the the the traits that Kyle Shanahan and Bobby Turner are looking for in a running back and it's a good fit it's a really good fit so he he he may have surprised a lot of people nationally but watching the 49ers I think this is I think he was a work last year might have been his second year last year but however many however long he's been here we've seen this guy and thought that he yeah thought that he was pretty intriguing so I was only confused when they were calling him JP I don't I don't know why he changed when he change I don't think he did because didn't weren't they calling him Jordan on the broadcast yeah but it was the it was your boy and and your other boy who kept calling him JP I was like w I think but I think that was like on his his graphic like oh did it say JP I felt like it was oh I miss I missed that but and that's like in well you watched tce you know better well no no I'm saying in the years past it said JP in the years past I thought it did I don't think so I don't well I'll tell you this I ain't trying to be should I say I ain't trying to be I wasn't listening to them so I wouldn't be getting JP out of nowhere you know what I'm saying like that's a good point so if I'm if I'm thinking JP and you're thinking JP you ain't getting it from them either you must have seen it and all this other stuff Point made Point made Point made um respectfully shout out Michigan Wolverines the person not the team yeah no no the team too still your national champion no we need Michigan needs a better namesake Michigan Wolverines isn't a cheater wow he a Wonder ful individual Michigan Wolverines the school not cheaters as well okay pal stop stop Jesse asked if Brock how they do this weekend have we talked about that who we had no we had talk college at all we talk college at all we a talk college at all okay is it too late to talk College sure what makes you what would make you feel better we could talk about I mean they still this is the new college football they still a potential play no they still alive yeah I think I saw they finalized their coach's deal today too so you mean they could have gotten out of it I saw on the they finalized Moore's deal congrats Kenny that's crazy they had a chance to get out of it this whole time why didn't who knew why didn't they call me actually at some point yeah we should college football was kind of crazy college football this weekend was nut kind of crazy it was it's been such a busy two days well tune in because we'll bury black coaches yesterday Jason Jones joined us we buried all the black coaches in college more black quarterbacks will be we set football back 60 years yesterday on this damn show um Jesse asked if Brock pie did anything to stand out on Monday and I thought that was a funny question cuz we barely mentioned Brock py MH I feel like we barely talked about him at Sky River on Monday I feel like we barely talked about him in the win yesterday and maybe that's because of the performance Jordan Mason had maybe it was because the the sudden absence of Christian mcaffrey uh maybe it was because what Trent Williams did or the drop pass from Brandon auk or just the fact uh it was a a dominant win just uh as as you I thought brilliantly put yesterday just a wo you to sleep um the million dooll dream put him out in the middle of the Ring just slowly wasn't a stunner wasn't an RKO out of nowhere it was you slapped on a submission just waited for them to fall asleep and that's what they did and I realized Rock P was fantastic he's really good and and Kyle Shannon talked yesterday like he he just he was near perfect he didn't make a ton of mistakes when they did get and it didn't happen often when they did get pressure on him he got rid of the ball yeah he didn't um overdo it he wasn't skittish he just like he just looked like a comfortable quarterback against a good defense that did what he had to do for his team to win yeah I thought I thought he was really good on Monday night and you know I'm watching the game with my guy coach JT and and my man dandre and everything and whenever was third down or you know third and three third and four you know some people like man run it run it run it and sometimes that work too I was like no put the ball in PR's hands let him make a decision I have full trust in Brock P full trust in him and he he he he sees the field the right way he's going to make the right decisions more times than not and that's what Monday was about out he wasn't he he played his role he did his job when the chains need to be moved with the pass he made sure he put it where it was supposed to be you know if it was time to keep running the ball or we're close to the end zone then you know we're we're going to pan it into the end zone he made sure that got taken care of yeah you know what I mean like he's he's he's exactly he's exactly what I want a quarterback to be now you have your Mahomes who can make plays Lamar Jack even as much as I like Lamar Jackson you know I love Lamar Jackson That's my boy I don't know if I'd like always trust like not Lamar Jackson but a a quarterback like that's decisionmaking well Josh Allen Josh Allen is perfect example yeah I mean Tony Romo like there's a lot of guys who they want to is this might not be fair prove that they're the guy I I got to make the play right here mhm rather than relying on everybody to make the point exactly yeah no I got you I know exactly what you and Brock Brock does that beautiful he does it beautifully man I I feel 100% comfortable with him and his decision making and yeah man he he's he he was really good on Monday really good on Monday and then and then it becomes one of those things as well where we see it a lot with the 49ers after and Kyle will do this in a heartbeat we have three score at the start of the fourth quarter running the ball pretty much the entire fourth quarter yeah and that's that's what it was there were no passes going on or nothing like that and you know you take the air out of the ball it always reminds me of um uh was it Julius who was the Cowboys running back that was with Mary and Barbara III and they would run was Julius Jones it wasn't Julius Jones no it was he from Arkansas right yeah Fred Jones no no no no no no it was uh Felix Felix Jones no no no no no no it was Julius it Julius Jones or Felix Jones maybe it jul okay maybe it was Julius Jones is the player I don't know Julius Jones is the one I'm thinking of because Mary and Barbara II thiri would they would run Julius for uh two and a three quarters and then in Comes Mary and Barbara the third and the fourth and he's the Derk Henry type and they give him the ball right exactly they give him the the uh they give him the uh the ball the whole quarter and the defense is like this is this is BS who's this dude and before you know it the Cowboys have a seven and a half minute drive to start the fourth quarter right Tony doesn't throw the ball one time and the game which was very much in reach to start the is now suddenly over yeah it's suddenly over no there's another player I remember Felix Jones there there was another player before Felix Jones and I thought it was Julius something Felix Jones him and Darren mcfat at University of Arkansas was was electric some good stuff man Felix Jones was really good for really good two or three seconds Julius Jones went to Arkansas uh uh Oklahoma Julius Jones as Ramsey point out in the Matthews mattress chatty house is Thomas Jones's brother Thomas Jones is in P Valley Thomas Jones was a a good running back for the Bears is that show just two seasons they got a I think they got a new season out and oh they do that second one was a little I I think I got one episode in and was like boy I don't I saw it all the way through and was it tough it wasn't tough it was just there was some moments was like wow oh there's definitely some wow moment moments there was some wild moments in season one for God's sake the show is called P Valley you can figure out what that means for yourself down at the pink was it Miss oh Mississippi because my girl was Mississippi that's my girl oh my God that's my girl Mississippi all right but yeah Thomas Jones uh former NFL running back is in P Valley and that's Julius Jones's brother all right everyone texting Felix Jones It's Not Felix Jones I'm telling you right now it's Julius Jones if y'all don't leave me alone it's Julius Jones I'm pretty positive is I'm looking at the rookie running back Maran right there 2005 got it 2005 that was the year that they did that Mary and Barber got paid off of that yeah he got a huge contract that Mar and the barar didn't live up to it but got paid my mom she was dating this guy who was a big Cowboys fan who used to always talk about Mary and Barbara and he gets so upset with me because you know how I could be talking sometimes like kind of kind of dismissive he be like kitty you see what Mary and the Barbarian did like you guys are just gonna lose oh I hate talking to [Music] you you always start this what what what I say what I say he used to get so upset with yeah Cowboy fans can be defensive I understand what gonna win and then and then uh they lose in the playoffs and you don't hear from them I be like I told you was the next time I see like I told you it was gonna happen it happens every year I talk I talk to him like I talk to Dodger [Music] fans you think about Trista saying she wasn't buying it I'm I I think they're good um I still but I I am with all the week one stuff mhm or excuse me all the things that I felt going into the season week one isn't enough to change anything that I feel it's not it's not so the concerns that I have about the Cowboys are still the concerns I have about the Cowboys but they look they look good in week one the moment they win a playoff game is when I'll buy them there you go all right looks like they'll be on the shelf for a while there's that there is that well most people do overreactions on Monday we don't we do overreactions Tuesday Wednesday sometimes Thursday Saturday I think we might have done them on a Friday once when it turns to NFL reactions yeah reactions indeed but we have week one over reactions coming up next here uh with d Casey on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 I have to uh call just real quick and ask her to need to ask her help for something is two his little brother still the no he's in the CFL I'm going kill the mics for a second everybody hang on she didn't want to talk to me that's fine I went on my NRE dameer frauds rant last week and they lost to what was it who they lost to Northern Illinois northern illino shout out Rockland High School yeah the Thunder yeah they had a break that school had a couple of uh uh couple of kids from Rockland on it that's really cool that was a great moment can you cut that opening segment so we can put it on YouTube and send it to them the about the kittens yeah please can you still not cut till the show's over okay let's try well this will be interesting I feel like oh wow that's not it my bad Jesse hang on Michigan I like him he'll be he'll be with the colts for a while did you see that passing yes that was amazing that was amazing that was one of the best say that's about 70 yards in the air literally all the stuff they us to say about Demarcus Russell is Anthony Richardson it was 65 yards in the air like like off his back foot didn't even like that was insan literally Amed wow wow well that's not Dr David that's not what they said well no actually that's exactly what they said I mean I'm I'm thr my man Dr David out that is actually what they said I wish should tell the whole story that that that is what they said certainly an interesting way to start the morning what's going on come on come on please be there please be there please be there the hell Christian mcaffrey will be limited come on be there there we go all right Jesse it's my bad I got you Jesse it's the uh the company email address and then I'll send you the you all right over there buddy well yeah yeah I I am you know once again I can't remember exactly so I'm gonna say the third annual the third annual D and KC pick them League week one is over um your boy I thought I got a better better more more games right than this I'm in I don't even know what place this is I'm tied with 40 other people with I got 11 right but we've got one two three four five people tied for first place with 14 correct picks in week one we got Chris Herrera we got Josh Montero we got Matt Matt J okay we've and then we've got saurin our guy saurin he's got 14 tied for first place and John bu John bu is tied for first place why you sound so surprised about John bu see I didn't see it happening I didn't see it happening but you know tap in if you want to tap into the league you can you might you might win week behind where are you there's I I couldn't tell I probably my guess is well how many I got 11 there's a gang of people with 13 there's a gang of people with 12 there's a gang of people with 11 know I'm saying but you know it's only a matter of time before you know I make my move and get up to first place Dr David win last year who won last year I don't know it's somebody it's it was somebody in the chat though I think won it was either that or the March Madness League I can't remember J catch shout out to uh to Manny and Katrina Katrina I'm going I'm going to need a little more from you Katrina uh and Kiren kyen I'm going need you to just talk louder um but the debut of the chatty house Afterparty is already the third most watched Radio Show in damn that's crazy Sacramento right behind DLo and KC and the Insiders there's there's the shatty house all right it's a shoot it's oh yeah it is it's easy to look up and see uh I I a't no man I ain't gonna say chilling all right man just chilling I weaking the knees stand up stand up could you imagine could you imagine to the chatty house no nothing that's all I'm saying it's test no no for sure for sure we'll go you but just could you imagine seeing that the blow to Your Ego like like the serial connection beat your ass the first time he turns the microphone on like that's crazy Katrina there drinking wine Kiron with some earbuds in his ear and just just got beat up that's tough man that is tough oh man come on man I'm just oh man I tapped in for a little bit I I I I I I I lost track cuz it was a uh well it was an eventful night on television oh and I I I thought uh speaking of speaking of people getting their ass whooped people people I had arguments that told me differently they were like oh it's crazy oh it was even who you talking to i g say I'll say this I'll say this 15 minutes in I was worried my man was one I thought it was hilarious he never looked at her not one single time he never looked at her he looked forward that when when they were on uh that immigration topic he he couldn't help himself but overdo it but he had everything on his side and it was like all right hey look don't don't get don't do what Hillary did you gotta you got to stay the course and she did and then when she hit him with the seems like he's having a difficult time accepting the results of the he was done he was Furious what he told what she told the people you work with are laughing at you they laughing at you you see the clip where everyone's like I think she was about to call him a [ __ ] look she said this former president like oh god look and I'm only gonna say this because um uh Waltz said the same thing I saw an interview with him he said the same thing and I understand him and I I think I've said it to you I think you Walt said this this this is why this is why I'm feel comfortable saying he said if this wasn't such a serious situation he'd be hilarious he'd be hilarious when he said they're eating dogs I'm not going to lie I run that clip back about like 10 times wait a minute that not even the craziest thing he said the transvesti inmates getting sex changes in jail what that was so bad come it didn't even have what this is a presidential debate wait a minute I did kind of crack up what he this wasn't right either you guys gotta but what he said and then Joe Biden I don't know where he's at they just threw him out like a dog [Music] no you know what part got me you know what part you know when I knew he just he was cooked he was just absolutely cooked is when he was talk it was right around there he's like you guys just threw Joe Biden out oh and he hates you by the way he he hates you I like oh he is pissed he is pissed off he handled the first 15 minutes perfectly the way he was instructed to the way they went over it and then the last next 85 minutes he absolutely lost it what was the what was the other uh talk and then we can move off but he said he said um they said what he say they said what's your plan he said I don't have a plan but I have a construction oh oh amazing concept no I have a concept of a plan and the moderators looked at him like I got to say too for those of you who posted that quotee with Luke Walton Pi that wasn't very nice oh no don't it wasn't very nice Luke ain't bothering anybody Luke is not bothering anybody okay Jesse is right it wasn't nice I love but it was funny oh well that's not that's not what's in question what's the phrase a construct of a plan no it's like um I have I have a concept of a plan a concept of a plan that is going to be the most used phrase of the next six months a concept of a plan but everyone was dropping like out like a dog everyone's dropping like GMS and head coaches I think Robert Salah got one in there no walls walls is so right if it wasn't so serious this would be so funny dude man come on he's a mess and and and we we were in a a group chat that you didn't participate in this morning well there was a lot going on I was just reading and educating myself but I don't think it matters I this this a type yeah I don't think it matter I think it would have mattered if it had gone the other way right right like she she couldn't lose like she had to have that moment that she had um but yeah 15 minutes in I was like oh boy I was still here and I was like I'm getting out of here and then it just slowly started to unravel Davon Mitchell I don't know where he's at you just threw him out like a dog why why are you throwing out dog sir that's not what you're supposed to do Dar Fox sabonis doesn't like you oh my God when he said when he said oh and he hates you oh that was so funny to me like audible laughter funny man but yeah Walt Waltz literally like you know I've said that privately Walt said that last night interview I was like oh yeah I'm not the only one I'm not the only one he he is he is an amazing manipulator like the idea of having an abortion after the B baby is born was one of the most incredible things I have ever heard in my life I think you guys are up to it for nine months H when the baby's out I think they're up to it sir that's not an abortion anymore that's murder what are you talking about he said yeah they just put the baby on the side and figure out what to do what how is this real like how is this real life like what are we living through right now looking at him like what oh my god oh that was that was wild man that was wild but um then the endorsement heard around the world well yeah that stopped everything oh you know what I was so happy about I was so so happy about this she posted that picture and said off F all you hoes turn the comments off oh yeah she I do not care what any of y'all think it don't matter I said what I said and I'm moving on simple as that salute I um let's fact check something okay are they eating dogs no it has nothing does Joe Biden actually hate come on haris had nothing to do with the oh okay what' you fact check well we don't have to go into it just you said something okay what' I say well you were just saluting the chatty house and what you said was accurate well what did you think I made it up no I I thought you like it wasn't totally it was 100% accurate I I was like damn oh you thought I was clowning no I just needed to see it my because that's that's that's crazy it's the third biggest show in the Sacramento Market Sports show in the Sacramento Market shout out to the serial connection serial connection doing its thing Kiren Katrina Big Ups Ramsey was like I'm not doing it I don't even know Ramsey was probably working I don't know Ramsey was last night but I was I was looking forward to seeing him Ramsay would be really good at this he would really believe R like Ramsey knows sports right I was really looking forward to hearing Ramsay and Ramsey you know why Ramsey would also be pretty good because he is so set in his opinions yeah that it would piss people off can you imagine Ramsey taking a call oh oh that's good oh that would be so good just picturing Manny going you know Katrina hates you just hates your guts getting upset cuz like like like like like Ramsey just refuses to to to change his NFL week one overreactions ways someone said Ramsey yeah I think you're wrong because of this this and that this this and that so so bye so bye I don't really care what you got to say going to the San Jose Earthquake GES probably doing that did um so so with the show you you know a little bit more about it than I do I guess is there going to be rotating host uh I think I think I think Manny Manny's always there I think Manny's Manny's a staple I think Kiren might be a staple I'm I'm not 100% sure those guys can can but but but Manny is the one who's who's really been kind of pushing this thing through uh they're going to do it uh every week I believe they're going to do it every Tuesday night nice and um yeah I you know I I you know I don't know if Z's ever gonna jump in or Drew down or I'm I'm not really sure how they're doing that part but I I do I I do know other members of the chatty house will uh will join the show as things kind of go along that is really really cool really awesome great job by Manny and and everybody and I love that um I love that we have the free like like you're on our company's platform and you don't have to do the and I'm not saying this is clowning because we all live through this but you talk openly about this we're not posting it to SoundCloud and you know with with with 10 people listening like all right we we've built something up here you have helped us build build something here so let's take advantage of all this and that's why we love having Kyon I was talking to uh uh Rich from anywhere at the or yeah shout out Rich from from everywhere Rich got a book coming out he was like hey could we do something on the show I was like yeah he was like I didn't really want to ask I was like why we ask you guys to do stuff all the time just tell us what you need and we'll make it work we'll make it work man so we're proud coming out all right I see you I didn't even know that yeah it's a it's a it's a dope group we got here man that's for sure it's a dope group we got here um and we had a a great week one of the NFL season and I think there's a couple of things that we can react to or perhaps overreact to as you're listening to DLo and Casey on kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM CarX qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app simplest one right here the 49ers and the Chiefs Remain the top dogs in the NFL yes that's a that's not an overreaction that's not an overreaction I I I kind of feels easy to be honest with you that kind of feels like cheating yeah I mean they they were they were super impressive um in in in both of their games like the Chiefs game was close but I thought they were impressive you know I mean obviously Patrick Mahomes is is who he is and all this other stuff but I was really impressed with that defense and I remember what that defense did in the Super Bowl and they carried it over uh into into this game against the Ravens so I I think it's just those two I didn't see I think the Ravens are up there as well but I didn't see I didn't see a whole lot in week one I didn't see a whole lot in week one so to say that those two are are still the top two teams I can't go against that can I can I throw in in there real quick as far as like kind of playing off yeah just one one second you you said you didn't see a lot from the league and we oh oh to to put them at that level got you got you got you okay got you is it overreaction to say the Texans are the ones who like like that's the chief's biggest threat a little bit a little bit right like right now today I think that's an overreaction I like it a lot I'mma still go with the Ravens but it's I got my on Houston this year I I see what you're saying I see what you're saying okay let's go the let's go the other direction then the Bengals the Bengals will miss the playoffs if the these I don't know what was going on in them video we will talk about it I guess but if that's a issue and what I'm referring to is there's a lot of video Yeah of Joe burrow throughout the game trying to like mess with his yeah it was clear something was wrong I don't know if it was discomfort or pain or whatever but the rist seems like it's still giving him a little trouble T Higgin not a practice St again yeah and how's jamar's mental state like every feel it feels like this is the perfect combination of bad ingredients yeah like it it feels like everything is going wrong for Cincinnati right now and I don't think that is an overreaction the idea of the Bengals missing the Playoffs I don't think is an overreaction isn't an overreaction especially when you look at like the the the totality of all this it just looks it looks bad trying to think we got one two three four five six seven I love this this is great he's counting we have no idea what he's counting cting playoff teams and I guess I can get to Seven before I get to the Bengals well I think we had them all in and four and four out but like you can easily say probably like the bills will be around see Chargers maybe Patriots are obviously in now after thej go Pats enjoy on um I still got the bills out and when I'm doing that exercise and thinking of the seven teams m i I thought more so about the Steelers being in there okay as opposed out yeah so I think it might come down it might come down to a combination it be a mix of teams though yeah yeah the the Steelers Bengals and uh the Bengals and Browns missing the Playoffs is spectacular I'm so out on the Browns oh I don't blame you did you well we'll get to this we we have some there's already conspiracy theories after week one saw that oh there's a Cleveland Browns one that is a that is a chef's kiss um how about this one this is a dark one this is Jesse this is all Jesse so direct your hate tweets to uh to to JT Celtics 101 jia3 on Twitter the Raiders won't win more than five games that's an overreaction that's an overreaction it was your that's an overreaction to what we saw week one is it I think do we like the running back situation do we like their quarterback situation Devonte Adams doesn't seem like he likes any of the situations well they play the Ravens this week you're gonna start off 0 and2 already you're definitely gonna be on too although was on the injury report well he practiced today oh he practiced today he did yeah yeah yeah yeah he he he was on the injury report I didn't realize he was away from everything yesterday um but yeah he he he's at practice no well Raiders are going to lose I think I gave the Raiders offense honestly a little too much credit because after Devonte Adams I like Brock Bowers after Devonte Adams and Brock Bowers yeah I'm not sure like we lags air white it's like I think Alexander Madison got more touches than him that game so it's like that's different Garner muu like we're not going to talk him up like he's just a journeyman guy like he maybe win you two games or whatever but I think looking at it more like I think Jobe Myers might be their second wide receiver I like him he probably better as three yeah you know what I'm saying so like I like that the defense is fine but it's just I don't know about that offense forgive me I was hung up on Mike McDaniels he had his black hoodie it was very nice it around the collar up here it said Miami different yeah yeah that's a good look that's a good look prob something you what oh proba local some local oh okay okay that's if if it's anything other than local I I haven't heard it but I'm assuming okay I was going to ask is that is that like your I I don't know if it's a I don't think it's a logo but I still some players wearing like a t-t shirt like that too it might be like you know like the maid in 916 brand or people got it I was like is that their Mantra like I it was a nice hoodie but it just it confused me for a minute um I should I should mention this um I had I had misread this one it originally popped up didn't think it was a big deal but given the conversation uh that we've had over the last handful of days it feels like a little bit more important uh to read Nick Wagner uh Ian rap report um all reporting uh from Kyle Shanahan's press conference uh Kyle told reporters that Christian mcaffrey will be limited today he will practice but he will be limited he also said that he Kyle Shanahan also said that Christian mcaffrey is not considered a candidate for IR again he is not considered a candidate for IR I felt important to point that out given we've had several conversations about the uh possibility of an IR stint for Christian mcaffrey just to be safe right Kyle Shanahan at least right now appears to say thanks but no thanks you know and and we talked about a little bit yesterday that's it feels like that's just how Kyle rolls right like he's not going to he's not gonna do anything for the sake of doing anything or being overly cautious like because we talked about the the workload of these players when chrisan mcaffrey is able to play they're saying he's able to play and have the workload Lo of a completely healthy Christ it's not all let's ease him back in and get him 12 snaps you know what I mean like Randon auk and trim William they they did IV on my day he's like you playing you playing simple as that so I say that to say um he's not gonna I'm gonna be super cautious with Christian mcaffrey and put him on the IR I'm gonna be cautious as in I'm not going to put him out there if he's not ready to be 100% Christian mcaffrey but he's still going to be Round We GNA test it out every week so I expecting to play on Sunday yeah I tell you we're talking about injur what the reason I don't play Fantasy Football the reason I absolutely won't I was uh at our we had a little company function on Friday night of course that was the the Eagles and the Packers and still a up a fair number of people might have been some um uh um friendly wages going on uh with some with some uh maybe from the the fantasy the the pocket watching champion of the world well I didn't make any wages I don't know what you're I'm talking about he's not the pocket watching champion and there was there was there was a lot happening and so we we kind of gathered around the TV for the final few minutes obviously this drive is going on Jordan love gets hurt Jordan Love Is On The Ground clearly in significant pain like doing the doing the whole deal someone I won't say who first thing she says whose fantasy team is he on he's not on mine thank God he's not on mine who has Jordan love the man is writhing on the floor who's who's got Jordan love it's sucks to be you pal and I'm looking at her like oh my God you are the reason I don't do this That's cold blooded that is cold blooded man again I won't say who did it um oh man fantasy football I'm still mad they didn't I didn't get JK Dobbins oh put a w waiver claim in for him and got tonight somebody else picked him up that's how waivers work well we shouldn't be doing fantasy football with freaking waivers I he's a free agent I want him he should be on the team you doing waivers like this damn NFL for real stop and it's the first week of the Season who everybody is is is damn near uh winless who was talking about you what you got now now I now I got to go into to week two with rahee moster is my starting running back better look elsewhere too pal in any event speaking of Friday night over reaction what we saw Friday is the worst Jaylen HZ will look this season no it's not the worst to look this season I want to say it's not but I want to say it's an old reaction but I don't think like dude he was throwing the receivers like he was a rookie or throwing def wasn't the best not even the one where he's pointing in the end zone or whatever that pick but there was another one later on in the game where I think whoever was covering AJ Brown was just around the for him basically Jaylen her basally dotting him up but dropped interception the first pick was ridiculous he's thr the triple coverage in the middle of the field Jaylen Herz I don't think Jaylen her's that good I think uh he's a good he's he's a playmaker he's a good runner and he can do some Off Script stuff but if you keep him in the pocket I don't know if he's that but also I I said this year I wanted to see Jaylen I wanted to see I thought we' find out who the real Jaylen Herz is we don't know that after uh after after one game so I don't I don't know I don't know I'm giving it some time but scooter in the chat brings up something too like he said he's looked like that since the middle of last season I was kind of like that was kind of yeah kind of like picked up where we left off I wouldn't say the middle but probably starting week 10 11 got a little got a little dicey after that pretty close he's he's only shown one year of not being that quarterback that type of quarterback even earlier in the season last year like I think about the games and that's why I'm not you know Niners look great week one or whatever the case may be the Eagles won week one too they won uh week two against Minnesota put up 34 points I never thought they looked right now I think the Niners look looked good on Monday um but you know the Eagles were what 10 and one before they played the ners that's right it didn't look right and it went to no no for sure look right so for sure just want to I want to see it yeah you go back and you look at those you look at those look at those first 11 games they're a little suspect let's stay with this real quick because I mean we've got a lot more NFL I talked about conspiracy the theories we could save some of these and and and throw them in there let's let's but let's stick with that Friday game real quick Green Bay backer season is over yes not an overreaction that's an overreaction Jordan love will be sooner back sooner than later Jordan love gonna be back in six seven weeks they could be no if was they would threw him on IR I saw the stuff I've seen they're expect I saw three to six weeks they're expect him closer to three he's not going on IR so because of that I think he's going to be back sooner than later and that's also assuming that they're gonna be good one more we we could talk more one more the NFL's trip to Brazil was a failure overreaction yeah overreaction yeah I don't think it is an overreaction at all I think that's on point I think it was an absolute failure I thought the whole I thought every I the one the field was bad every fan had like a Aaron Rogers or Brett Favre Jersey on like I don't think they cared about football so oh let's talk let's talk okay all right we'll come back we'll come back um uh more more more NFL uh phone lines open 91690 91320 D and KC here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 unneeded and unnecessary for sure you want to try that password real quick Jesse and then um I think that's the right password and then for the break 45 segment just kind of Follow My Lead I haven't decided how I'm going to handle that yet yeah yeah just just I might yeah I don't care if y'all don't agree with my terminology I think it was a f failure I don't even think they cared maybe I'm wrong maybe they did maybe they had the time of their life uh dot Damian dot Barling yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry well that's a good point saen that's all that matters somebody said I need Kim to come back and unlock that damn snack closet yeah get a little ridiculous it is getting I think not sure if I know for sure where she keeps the key but somebody I just want to say something I'm text her bro where's the snack key somebody in the chat that last segment said something you're pretty damn spot on that's all I'm gon say okay well I'll just stay in the dark on that one I'm gonna put it in the group chat I'm G find it and put it in the group chat Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah well yeah it's going to send you to that whenever you put the Odyssey email in so yeah it's the same one h oh I have I I know you guys put the Shannon sharp thing in the Discord I didn't see it yet here it is oh shoot this Discord moves too quick oh it's gone they took it down yeah I saw uh I saw that that boy that boy wild okay thank you good I just got to remember to update you every time I change it Bo Wild whoa good for you David I mean you wasn't talking to me because it's not like I like shoes or anything like that but you know do I have some kobe eights I think I yeah I got Kobe a I like them a lot I like them a lot I like them a lot some some of my favorite shoes favorite my favorites are the Kobe fours um Kobe 5 right after that which one were the fours the first low top ones I still have a couple of those unbelievable unbelievably comfortable I love those need to yeah yeah I still have a couple of those yeah I need to get some of those man that was a time where I had man bring it back I used to have a lot of Kobes I used to have a lot of them white Kobes too like that's all it was was white you didn't have any like black red joints know we had um n nah uh Mystics colored Kobes uh and uh Connecticut Sun colored Kobes that's what I'm talking the first the first WNBA player the hoop and Kobes that's what I'm talking about right there it wasn't in Sacramento oh no it was her last year it was Cara's last year in Sacramento was it like 0708 it was 09 it was the 09 season because we asked Kobe and I guess it's funny now Nico Harrison the the general manager for Dallas used to be he was the point of contact like he was essentially Kobe's guy at Nike and um we asked Kobe like literally on the floor of of Arco Arena can she wear your shoe next season like oh my God yeah Nico and he just Nico just pointed to Cara and she she was the first to wear Kobe that's what's up and that's how it used to I don't know if it's still like that but you like they they you you especially in the W at that time because it's not like it is today you couldn't just wear whatever like you had to get some things cleared especially if he was getting the shoe for free if he was getting customized colors all of that different stuff and man he couldn't have been more accommodating then all of a sudden everybody's wearing low tops you know the funny that's how know Kobe was all about the W because when everyone asked he said yes yeah the funny thing about Kobe in in his shoes is I remember I was living up here in the Kobe 3s route the kind of waffle joints or whatever and I liked them I thought they were dope I had a pair I love that it was like triple black like that like it looked good on the court I thought they were dope but you could you could go easily go get them you know and I was like damn man they not selling I wonder what goingon to happen you know with Co I was living in the Bay Area at the time wasn't really selling like that so I'm just thinking Kobes and and how I see it up there I moved to LA and then the Kobe Forest came out in La I don't know what happened up here I'm assuming it's kind of the same all them kids had Kobes all of them all them kids had Kobes everybody was rushing out to get the Kobes and that's why it's like it's so it's interesting how it works in regions a lot of the times because I remember when Steph was doing uh his thing he first got with Under Armour and I know in the Bay Area everybody had the curries and I would hear like Butch and Bon or some other people talk about yeah man them curries everybody got the Kobes or the curries I'll be like ah y'all sleeping on that Kyrie I don't see nobody with Kyrie on bro all these kids down here have Kyrie like all like the Kyrie are the shoe and I remember that had that same experience with the Kobes I didn't think nobody was really buying them and all them kids down there in Southern California man they all had them had them kobies only thing that killed me about the Kyrie is they were a little a little narrow yeah so the first time I got them first couple times I got there I kept thinking you'll break him in I couldn't break him in and wound up giving him to my godson who was like 11 at the time and outgrew him a year later and I had no one to give him to after that I don't even think it was a year later yeah and but and but father I'm with you I think it's gonna be the same thing as Sacramento with them Fox ones when they shut y that was such a I I get it I kind of get I already understood it but I get it did you see the the footage of fox and Curry lanon in China yeah it's different it's different like and I'm I'm I I kind of I don't know how he feels for real but I looked at Fox coming like trying to get through the crowd I like I ain't never been involved in nothing like this this is crazy y this is different that's why you make that type of move to get associated with that that guy because it's it's different it's a different level of popularity notoriety and all this other stuff it's different I don't I don't I don't I know I know the the shoe game is so uh it's kind of like wrestling like it's a specific audience right and those that like wrestling are really really passionate about it the shoe game is similar those who love the shoe game they're really really passionate about it and a lot like wrestling those that aren't they don't quite get it I don't understand why you guys watch that stuff you know it's fake right on on the on the on the other side why is it such a big deal I don't understand go watch those videos that's why it's a big deal right especially overseas yeah that's why it's a big deal we saw it with Bean you know back in the day uh hell even to a certain level James Harden we see it with him uh seeing Steph though man I wanted and andar I wanted Fox to sign with Nike he's been a Nike guy for you know all through high school and all this other stuff I want him to sign with Nike I got the fox Air Max ones all that other like I wanted that to happen you send everyone into a frenzy when you wear those sh shoes really everyone here well the tribal Chief is very enamored the tribal Chief is very enamored with those shoes tribal Chief did that with like his Bruno San martinos or whatever the shoes are I don't think that's what they're called I don't think that's what they're called but he'll yeah he's like are those two different shoes why are they different colors and well all right I want him to go to Nike but I can imagine the conversation that was had when being part of the curry Brown was on the table and he said trust me we go somewhere you you're gonna want to be a part of this and Nike by itself right now with dear they couldn't do that he had to be they couldn't he couldn't go to China and have that type of reception by himself you get what Curry now and we talk about in wrestling ter you got that Curry rub yeah man opens up a whole another world for you it's it's it's solo joining the bloodline yeah yeah so good at first it's like oh okay okay okay and now it's like oh I get it I get it I Gotta Give me a pair of fox ones man I can't do we have a date no I think they're supposed to be unveiled officially like either today or tomorrow oh so that was a was that a leak or was that little leak you little tease you see what's going on or whatever but the official shoe is supposed to be doing it while they're out in China so okay very good very good good for dearon man that's awesome good for dearon uh we'll talk Kings um because dear's getting talked a lot uh dearen is getting talked about a lot today uh excuse me I apologize Demar de rozan was on first take uh and he was uh with Paul George uh we'll play that sound Mar Rosen got a book that just came out just came out that's you know that's part of what we weren't part of the club that got an advanced copy no not at all going to BR and nobl Shout Out Chris Weber he he gave us his yes uh a couple of more NFL notes here before we get back to the Kings we we got to get to uh top 20 games of the king season number 14 a game I'm very familiar with uh that's on the way um see we talked about the video of J Joe burrow we were we were just talking about the Brazil game and you said it was a failure yeah I think it was an absolute failure I don't think they cared I mean I guess the game sold I guess I guess that's all that really matters I don't think those fans cared that's not their sport D the England fans like I feel like it was the kind of the is like when they go over to England uh I don't think maybe don't care about Jags well that maybe I didn't feel like and maybe maybe I'm projecting maybe I'm just a jerk I didn't feel you're right Europe or London where Wembley wherever they're at they don't care about the no who no one cares about the Jacksonville Jaguars I didn't feel like Brazil cared about football or I didn't feel like Brazil cared about American football I think I think they they were looking around like what the hell is this I think they did but I it's also a situation where I understand you're trying to you're trying to grow the sport so the first time you go somewhere yeah it's not gonna be it's not gonna be they they know everything that's going on or they're gonna be locked in but as much as I hate them going to London and all this other stuff you're you're you're trying to you're trying to like um how do I say it you want a generation to be familiar with your sport so the first time you come there it's not GNA be like the big deal but if you consistently come back over and over and over again there's going to be a 5-year-old who went there Fox & Curry in China the first time you came there and now he's 25 and he locked into the NFL because they come here every year I've been watching my whole life and all this other stuff and I think that's that would be the thought going to Brazil yeah the first time what the hell is this and then but you get that kid that NFL came to and the Eagles came the Eagles came to the to Brazil my when I was five and now I'm an Eagles fan forever and I'm I'm watching them every year and all this other stuff and by the time I'm an adult I've got a a certain level of familiarity with the game if they come back I'm there I'm going to Philadelphia now to go watch the game all this I think that's why I can't call it a failure because it's it's a it's a long game type thing I okay it's fair points Fair points I don't like that they go I hope they do Friday again next year I don't I don't like any of the international games I don't like it at all yeah I don't either I I wish they would stop but I understand what they're doing then the funny thing is I don't know if it's really working like that I feel like the Niners in Mexico City is the one where Niners in Mexico City was a good and that's arguably the most complicated one to pull off right one the field is awful they actually had to move a game because the field was so bad and two you're you're putting someone at an altitude dis like that is a monster that you're dealing with down there Bob baman flew in that altitude back in 1968 Mexico City is that is a good one because I think and and I don't know maybe I'm just paying more attention to it but there were it felt like there were a lot of 49er fans in Mexico City yeah there's fans like they they they get loud for those games so so that was like it was like my 49ers are coming to Mexico City so they they showed up I think the Cowboys would have the same type of um response if they were in a place like Mexico City or anything like that I think Mexico City actually works and it's probably somewhere close enough too where like people out here will fly out there for the game and stuff like that on the flip side RP um you know hey man damn we starting the season in Brazil I'm there you know me Kenny and Sacramento what ners week one in Brazil oh yeah man we gotta go we gotta go could have that you know situ I know a couple people that went to to Brazil who were Packers and Eagles fans and know it's one of those once in a lifetime type deals like man let's go to Brazil and see our team so I don't know okay I think Mexico City is the best option though okay they got a lot of those games this year don't they have like six or seven is it that many wow I think England gets like four usually Germany they're going back to Germany oh that was the other one I was trying to think what was the other place they visited Germany Germany was the one [Music] um it sounds like Justin Fields is starting again for the Pittsburgh Steelers this week um that in of itself I guess is a a little bit of a story The Conspiracy Theory lies within there's speculation that Mike Tomlin is already annoyed with Russell Wilson now the difficulty May Sean Peyton was right well that sentence I'm never gonna utter so you can have that I'm just saying hey you're you're impartial I don't know why I dislike Shawn pton so much but I do um man literally never did anything to me Mike is very like Mike looks the same all the time but I think it's just a certain inflection on Words a certain because it can't be the look on his face his demeanor never changes right but there was a lot of speculation that after yesterday's press conference that Mike Tomlin is about had it with whatever is going on with Russell Wilson so I don't know what that means I don't know maybe he wasn't thrilled with the team's we might be out on full warm-up uh the full uniform warm-up the other day maybe he's not thrilled at the idea of of maybe maybe the doctors are telling them this this injury is moving a little slow I'm not really sure what it I don't even know if any of this is real Justin Fields appears to be starting this sat uh this weekend and this Russell Wilson thing in Pittsburgh may never get off the ground and which creates a really interesting scenario next year so they Russell Wilson has two years left on his deal he doesn't have any oh no I don't think so I the the the because the uh Payton uh the Broncos uhuh cut him that's right they did I could remember if they cut her they ate the money they ate like an absurd amount of money to let go yeah they they they were just like we hate you we will pay tens of millions of dollars to get you out of here that reminds me do you know what uh the Shawn Watson's cap hit is next year next year is it a 100 million it's like 107 Milli yeah yeah which is which well well we'll get to that don't get we we'll get right learned that yesterday I was like wow so they that just happened when they restructure yeah when they restructured his deal the signing bonus the the the money being converted from a salary to a signing bonus changes the cap hit and the cap hit I think this year is like $70 million because of the restructure and next year I knew it was in in the vicinity of $107 million um but Russ makes Brock py money this year you know figuratively yeah and this is this is it like he can he he's making the exact amount of money he was gonna make right with the with the Denver Broncos and he can he can sign anywhere next year D so now that we were here I remember we had this conversation about a week ago now that we're here and there's a possibility he never gets to play it down for the Steelers do you feel differently about maybe we've seen the last of Russell Wilson no no and here's why and this is why I said I think it creates a really interesting scenario next season because there are going to be a lot of football teams looking for a quarterback next season and if you're one of those teams that does the old we just a quarterback away you take the short term risk on Russell Wilson and that would be a massive gamble for anyone but if you're the New York Giants that's right then we did say he was going home yeah well New York well if you're the New York Giants if you're potentially the New York Jets and you look at it like how good are we like could we roll the dice with Russell Wilson one year is Russell Wilson a better option than than than Daniel Jones is he a better option than than this player than that player than this player I was watching that game last night Daniel Jones was awful he's terrible he was awful and then that Dave all might need to go some of the play calls I know he's not the offensive coordinator but they did you know they ran they ran a wildcat with Daniel Jones oh I don't think I saw that yeah they ran a wildcat at like third and one Midfield him and the shotgun they ran the wild cat it was a minus who yards never understood the Daniel Jones hype or even giving him a contract or any of that stuff he's never been good so here's the thing somebody somebody said this um the other day and I agree with it Daniel Jones when he does good things he looks good like it it looks like yeah like he's athletic he does good sometimes when he runs like he's a pretty good athlete he's kind of fast like it makes sense he just doesn't do those things often yeah I was say he does good things maybe every six weeks yeah they well that's about a three- win season so yeah it's hard to it's hard to argue that math for the Steelers at some point this season too I think he does too I was looking at J performance due to Performance there's one point in the game where Justin Fields was like seven of nine for 27 yards so if the offense isn't moving or whatever then they'll throw rest in there Rah mosta ruled out tomorrow and I can't get I can't bench him on my fantasy team this is great this why I love fantasy this is awesome somebody allowed didn't allow me to get JK Dobbins speak up Jeff Wilson so I'll tell you what I tell Jake Gayden in my head every time he says it no one cares no one cares about your stupid ass fantasy team and just out of my own curiosity why can't you bench him because I don't have another run well I do have another running back but he's not going to play I should have put him in there anyway Isaac is my other running back wison I think somebody already got him sounds like you're a bad general manager if you ask me well running back is where I did uh skimp a little bit everything else is kind of is is kind of cool I'm I'm listening to you right now Jesse I'm picking him up as we speak Jeff Wilson you ran the ball pretty good the other day I mean anybody's better than Ry MOS he's not even playing man that's tough Joe burrow missing seven games due to a wrist and that man is on the sideline just shaking his wrist like he's trying to figure out what the hell is going on what could what could so I hope this isn't the case but he looks ridiculous I swear to God he looks like a child he just look oh wow I didn't I didn't see that video this video he couldn't barely pick up the Gatorade yeah that's the one I kept seeing right there ah I need help that I didn't see this one so they get they yeah there there's a Pruder filming so what do you is is it a possibility and I hope not but is it a possibility that um you know the way we think about somebody's shoulder it could be the case with that RIS well I think anytime anytime you have you know some sort of procedure done it's going to take time to recover I I don't know I don't know what the rehab process is for a wrist I do know the shoulder and man that process is slow and if you like if you don't take it slow you're you're in trouble like it is a I mean I put your hand on the wall walk it up how far can you walk without this Comfort how far does until uh it it just feels like your whole arm is getting pulled stop put it down you're done no walk it up to the same spot again over it's a terribly terribly slow process I don't know what the wrist is I think sometimes guys are so how quickly can I get back how quickly can I get back they come back too fast to a detriment to this I'm I'm fearful that's what happened with Cam yeah yeah CA cause CA Andrew Luck was like effing I'm out yeah I'm not doing this the the crazy thing with Joe burrow and and maybe you guys can refresh my memory I've never seen anything like that I've never seen that wrist injury he was literally trying to throw or hold and he all of a sudden had no control couldn't grip it just it's it's off the top of my head I can't remember exactly what the official diagnosis was it's like a nerve thing it felt like M nerve ligament thing I've never seen that before people break their Wrist all this other stuff you just get it back together but nerve ligament all that other stuff I've never seen that before I never so this might be something that lingers for forever it could be um and if it does hey hey hey goodbye I wonder I wonder if the Bengals because this is just another problem on a season that they've had they're starting the season with nothing but problems nothing but problems between t t Higgins Jamar Chase and and and now Joe Joe burrow and get ready for all them stories to pop up on Monday because you see who they playing on Sunday WHo Sunday I got the Chiefs in Kansas City well you see the story that popped up to what I missed everything happened today and I had a crazy morning everything happened sharp dear de rozan what what Andy Reid retired you tell me that Pat Mahomes retired is that what happened everything happened this morning what the hell's going on will you for the love of God settle down it's not that serious all I was gonna ask and clearly the answer is no Jesus forgive me for asking is the Kyler Murray quote no the Kyler Murray quote about Marvin Harrison Jr he said it's not my job to get him open or it's not no no no he said it's not my job toh Force targets to him when he's not open yeah I got it right here he said sometimes the ball goes to him but that's not my job I leave that up to Drew whoever I think this offensive coordinator or whatever last name's pet that's odd response really is for a guy who could potentially make your career it's a odd response as far as I'm concerned KY Murray has no choice as who he gets to throw the football I guess the way he's talking here's the good news about what crazy here's the good news about what Kyler said we always believe and and and and Jordan Mason probably falls into this too guys need media training but don't worry fellas don't worry professional athletes it's not just you that needs media training sometimes when you're the commissioner of a professional sports League like say the WNBA sometimes you need media training too you didn't see that either did that happen this morning do you want to go home I need to like did you I need saw that were you dead this like you said something happened this morning were you dead oh no it's just were you clinically dead the baby was there I had a meeting with a guy for solar um yeah it was it was just a hectic big ball of car don't think that's it might though all right rest of the show is just teaching Kenny about what we got on the rundown today yeah no I everything happened this morning everything no like was it cold this morning too huh said was it cold this morning too no it wasn't cold this morning meetings all over the place barely got to take my shower all right you come in here stinky no I'm gonna do in an effort to not say anything we're going to go to commercial that's what we're going to do cuz my man is going through it and I'm trying to be understanding about it instead of yelling at him so we will come back it's D and casy brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 these Oreos are a mess is Carla Murray the Trey young in the NFL good question good question that's s about right had a spark when you started with not garbage but my man KC how you doing man awesome man how are you good nice to meet you man yeah you too you are right here end Man Gray coming here I'm eating Oreos and everything man come on man oh [Laughter] man here hey that's that's all right got to got to enjoy where's uh G there we go everybody meet my man Greg map training um give me one second there's question I'm G just wait till the show come back on I got sports questions for you wait you get on TR put me in have you heard my background on Sports no save it save it all oh man save it all put me in coach save it all are you from Sacramento I am from uh Boston area originally Boston yeah I've been out here for a while though how you like California I love dude the Winns are just rain no snow I'm good I'm good I've never break been in like a uh East Coast winter or nothing like that last time I went though it was like January it was like super cold it was like an ice storm or whatever they call it was crazy I ain't never been that cold in my life yeah it like hurts your skin Yeah but I and I was in Baltimore but I um my my aunt you know I talked to her over the summer went out there this past summer and I was like you know I like it out here I like I like the DMV area man I'm I'm an East Coast guy you know I love the East Coast like I can see myself I never thought I feel this way but maybe one day you know oh yeah I move move you know out to the east coast she's like she's like you don't want to move out here she's like you don't want to come out here you ain't even even experience a winter you don't want to come out here you don't want to come out to the east coast I mean dude nothing against my East Coasters but I have to remind myself every time I go see my family like people are just a little meaner you know it's not them it's just the personality I remember when I went to New York One Summer and I was like uh we staying in Staten Island we catch the ferry catch a Subway everywhere me and my cousin Ace and you know I was I'm just me I'm kind of I'm a California dude I'm like ah everything's great and after maybe four days of taking the subway and the the humidity and the Heat and people being around you I'll be walking by like get it get off of me you're too close I turned into a New Yorker in like four days I was just rude and mean yeah just build build itself in here we go we're com back all right we're back it's funny I I one I see Greg getting lost in the chat that is a dangerous place to get lost in my friend just word of warning that is a that is an interesting group of it they are the lifeblood of this show but they that is that is an interesting group right there so be careful and I realized I was like looking at Greg like what is it about Greg Greg looks like Trey Wingo to me Greg looks like someone to me who is he he looks like Trey wingle you know who I thought and now I'm looking at Greg a little bit not so much but he had a he got a Maybe I'm Wrong get tell me what I get for it uhuh Oh Marcus Allen uh seven about seven six oh okay little a little six Greg is my man Legend Marcus great I've obviously been talking about you for weeks now uh since we partnered up over at at mapt trining domcom and it was like KC you see he got his water bottle over there that uh help helping him get on track I I hope he doesn't mind me saying this um Zabo who's in the chat our man Isaiah stopped me as we were leaving Sky River and he's you know he's gone to map trition and you know watching different videos and he's getting in the gym for the first time like he's 25 years old getting in the gym for the first time man it be a good time to just have Greg come in here because we talk about you know the supplements the stuff that you put me on that kind of has me that has been able to elevate what I've been doing but a lot of people are are one doing maybe doing something for the first time or haven't done something in a long time and I think one of the most difficult things about getting in shape or making changes or different things like that is getting started so I was like man let's just have G in here and talk uh and figure out what we could do figure out how we can help people what would be the first piece of advice you'd give someone who's like haven't been in the gym ever or haven't been in the gym in a long time yeah I mean you got to go down to like the most basic thing you can think of right and I think it's just literally keep it simple the mistake people make is they go from not working out for 20 years in McDonald's to chicken rice and broccoli in Double Days like please do not do that like something really simple you can start with is strength training no running running will beat you up first day right strength training two three times a week give yourself time to recover and getting your meal plan on track like just start by focusing on how Greg from Map Training much protein you're consuming and that immediately is going to start giving you results so and and that's one of the things that I think about because I have all these starting stops over the course of the last 20 years of being in shape trying to be in shape or whatever and and and there's all there's always like a certain level that I get to the point where like I don't feel right because I was the athlete I played you know all the all these years and if I don't feel like I'm athletic that's always the one where it's like ah I need to I need to get back to doing things so what you talk about with like going slow like I don't have any problem any problem getting in the weight room and getting some 25s and doing some stuff because I I think that's important I'm gonna go out there and just go crazy no yeah I ain't doing that man let me let me work my way back into it when I'm playing basketball or something like that ain't playing no full court games the first month or nothing like that I'mma jaw get my shots up do all this stuff work my body up to a certain level there I was playing in this in this um adult league on Sundays on West Sack and it's not like the super high intense league but I was like I need to get in shape to go play out there yeah you know what I mean because I because I'm thinking of injury at this point I was like I need to get my body in better shape so to help with the potential risk of injury to just go play in some low men's league and stuff like that so I think there there's a lot of virtue and just running your race you don't have to jump into it and do all the crazy stuff the first week two weeks or nothing like that yeah and what you're saying is like you don't need to step on stage anytime soon right but basketball's a lot more fun when you're not winded right you know like you're just trying to enjoy the game I think that's what most people Miss is they think that what they see on Instagram is what they need to do on a day-to-day basis and it's just not that right and one thing that like even I struggle with after feel like I've been pretty serious about my health for 20 plus years at this point I still struggle with supplements and you helped me a lot with that um this partnership with DLo and KC and map trci was very organic like I needed help we were talking about it on the show and then and then uh Greg came along and one thing I love is you formulate all of that stuff yourself like you those supplements you were telling me about you put that stuff together yeah I'm a nutrition nerd it just kind of is what it is but that's a good thing because so many people as I did have questions like why like how does this work explain to me how this works how does this work like we were talking about the uh the thermogenics one the fat burner and it's like yeah no this isn't the hydroxy cut that you're going to like be sweating and your heart's going to be beating you know 100 161 beats per minute while you're doing the show this is something completely different yeah I mean the idea with everything that we've made that we associate with it's to amplify you right because supplements are exactly that they're supposed to be supplemental to the other stuff that you're doing like eating real food and going to the gym so are they the bonus are they the edge that everybody needs absolutely but just taking it is going to like the fat burner perfect example it's thermogenic but it's not raising your heart rate and pumping you full of caffeine it's simply making fat easier to access for your body so just opening up those key doors so you can get more out of what you're doing and it's not sorry Casey it's not like oh take these and you're good it's like take these in addition to your workout in addition to eating right these things all go together it's it's not really wise to pick one and go I'm gonna focus on this I'm gonna focus on this doing them all together is what makes makes it all work totally and there's these you know there's kind of like the minimum stack all the way up to you know really specific goal Stacks but it's picking what you need not everything that's going to fill your shelf maybe you guys literally just said all this but help me explain it a or understand it a little bit more because I'm I'm the type where I've never taken supplements I've never taken none of the nothing you know what I mean I go in there and I hit my weights I do my exercising and I keep it moving and uh if I'm want if I'm trying to do whatever healthy wise my answer is I'mma eat better what do the supplements do for me like why should I take the supplements yeah it's the edge right so let's say because you're not working out super consistently you're eating 2,000 calories a day for you to get the micronutrients that you need like the vitamins and minerals you actually need to be eating 3,000 calories a day but it's not comfortable and it's gonna help you gain weight right so you can easily make your body Happy by taking a multivitamin so you can be in a calorie deficit to you know be as fit as you want to be but you'll still get everything your body needs to function at its best right that's one example um and I go this way because I think everyone in their brother from four years old to 90 years old should take a multivitamin right so I'm super proud of ours the other one that I literally give to everybody is the protein right because one consuming which are Delicious By the way particularly the cinnamon roll one the cinnamon roll one I'm a fat kid at heart man that's uh like for protein right so you're in here eating Oreo I'm calling you out no see man see we they didn't know that on the radio they didn't know that literally everybody knows that will you stop they're talking about lemon Oreos over here I see the chat right so something like that like you're missing out and you're getting Fuller without consuming protein so your muscle is suffering from doing that literally just putting something that's super available and low calorie like a protein powder in your water would change the game so you're going to be more opt to burn fat than lose muscle while you're here on the show compared to or is gota simple gotta the and and protein certainly is a supplement but it feels like that particular sub supplement ties more into the diet and I think the number one question we've got here especially because you're you're you're a nutritionist you have nutritionist you've got a whole setup that we probably haven't done Justice like being at your facility uh in granate Bay was pretty amazing knowing the different things that you do uh with your clients um working out I think people can get a grasp on that supplements they hear you a little Edge everyone struggles with diet and I think one of the biggest reasons everyone struggles with diet is because you probably have to give something up and no one likes that whether it's Oreos or lemon Oreos or it's uh the quick stop at Chick-fil-A how do you how do you navigate the diet part and and I think another component is everyone's different like everyone's body is different how do you uh like if like I I'm looking at David Jackson here in the chat if David Jackson came in you say hey I want to try a couple of things how do you do the diet assessment and meal planning yeah I mean so when we do it because we do this online we do it in house like we write meal plans as a major part of what map training does right and we include the supplements but it's really based on the food if he rolls in he's going to fill out a consultation form and it's going to be like hey what foods do you like do you like protein do you like carbs do you like fat what are your favorites what are your non-negotiables because if he tells me like hey I need a beer every night okay okay cool let's work a beer in you can be fit and drink like I just walked in not knowing the mics were on telling everyone I'm drinking tequila ain't nothing wrong with that yeah fine yeah but I think it's just picking the non-negotiables like if it's your coffee if it's your drink if it's a burger once a week like we can work that in I'm a big supporter of the 8020 and usually what I try to get people started with is rules to live by can you explain that real quick what's that the 8020 yeah so if 80% of your week is dead on your 20% you have room to wiggle you can get away with some of those snacks right um but people think they need to be eating chicken rice and broccoli to get results it's just not the case right so I like to start simple and dial in as we go there's no quicker way to hate a food than thinking it's what you have to do because that meal that you just laid out oh my God the amount of times I ate that for like lunch and dinner when I thought that that was the move in my 20 yeah not good yeah man I don't think I I think that was the main reason I didn't eat chicken for 12 years like I just give up on me this is ridiculous all right and we got company you guys settle down so I apologize G I work with a bunch of children around here I know the feeling but um so like me for instance I understand like I I've never I've never had an issue with uh with weight or anything I've been pretty slim my entire life and that hasn't really changed but right now I'm a little softer than than I have I'm still slim but I'm a little softer and little stuff like like I have coffee every morning so that one one thing that I noticed because my coffee is a little bit more than coffee there's a lot of sugar a lot of cream in there right I was gonna say you're gonna have to explain what your coffee order is I know that question and I would I would find that like if I if I got what I consider too big or too soft I would just kind of stop drinking for about two weeks and I would see a difference yeah is it is there a way where like you mentioned 8020 I can still have that type of coffee and work on my physique work on my health isn't one of those things where I'm it's it's not as simplistic as this but um if I'm not having the coffee you know I get on the pelaton and ride for 40 minutes if I'm having the coffee I probably need to run for f 55 minutes is it that simple or is it a little more intricate than that it's that simple in concept but what you said not quite right because calories in don't equal calories out otherwise I'd live on Big Macs and we'd be sweet right but that's just not the case yeah what you're talking about is how is that Sugar affecting you so if you were to drink that same coffee with no bike ride and add a protein add a protein powder eat an egg on the side it's going to force your body to store less fat than it normally would so you don't have to do that back and forth every couple weeks or you can stack it around your workout so if if you were to uh instead of ride the pelaton go lift weights that sugar is actually going to give you an extra drive and boost hormone levels so that you get better results from the workout so you can stack the sugar in your favor you're just missing one of those two right now Goa you've kind of said something in a different way twice if someone is getting started is it better to lift than do cardio because I think some people think I'm going to go run five miles I'm going go get on the pel I'm just going to burn all these calories but and that's great like burning calories is great being active is great but burning calories through lifting weights is a lot different yeah so two concepts here one when you're doing a lot of cardio first your body's taking a pounding I think it's like nine times your body weight on each knee every step not a big fan of running as a starting point but what they're talking about is if you burn a lot of calories you sweat a lot yeah your weight's going to drop but it's not really dropping your body fat percentag so all it did was make you a little more pain and a little less healthy right but when you strength train you don't burn as many calories in that same time frame right so maybe it's only 200 calories in an hour but over the next four hours while your body's recovering you're burning an additional 200 every hour trying to play catchup that's how you increase that fat burning and that's why someone my size I eat 3,500 calories every day workout or no workout I'm 175 pounds it's just the efficiency that I've built over time it's you know a bonus a curse but hey so so another another um 175 pounds yeah we mean lifting machine how much body got um uh around like 10 or 11 I got I gotta fill out a consultation for I got some things to figure out another thing on my docket that I'm worried about is I I hey man Greg I can't I can't give up the game man I I still I still think I need to be out there getting buckets I still need to think think I need to be out they're playing softball one of the things that always like just scares to death scares me to death is injury at my age you know what I'm saying and and what I'm always trying to um balance out and and kind of minimize the risk of is a risk of injury what are some ways I can do that as a 40y old I guess they call him weekend warrior now like what how can I put myself in the best position possible to not get hurt going out there man you're gonna hate this answer flexibility oh was yeah yeah like literally just touching your toes I mean there's a lot of fancy ways to do it but just touching your toes will save your joints it's lack of mobility in the joints that bites people the most when they're weakend Warriors um but to encourage that like yeah stretching is great but when you go to the gym instead of doing really isolated movements like a bicep curl you're way better off doing the stuff you see on Instagram like that complex where they're driving their knee and standing on one foot like all of those weird movements that create stability that's your jam right now and what's dope and and I said at the beginning of this we probably haven't I haven't done Greg in map trition or map training enough Justice the facility you have in graned Bay is fire I was gonna ask what your favorite sport is but I think I know the answer what do you got is it baseball you know what's funny I'm not a big baseball guy really yeah I built the batting cages cuz I the b c dope like it's so dope I I need to pull up to in cages super fun what is it what is your favorite sport paintball yeah so this is what I was telling you before I own the gyms Dwight shw over here hang on Dwight got nothing on me I was a professional paintball player for 16 years I didn't know that was a thing one of the best in the world traveled all over every continent except Antarctica wow wow I'm a seven time USA World Champ oh yeah what that's crazy come on chat Google me that's crazy I no idea I I literally retired because uh it's a lot of travel I was doing 150,000 Sky miles a year so I have a four-year-old I open the gyms like I just shifted Focus you got like what is it called uh Global what's the what's the what's the uh the level executive plat executive plat that's what it is with the million mile balance and so that's that's like all of Greg's friends are flying free on whatever airline that is gez that's like just a lot of tournaments right or do you guys have a season a league or something like like that how so we have a season here in the US right well every country does but because it's equal opposites right so like when it's winter here it's summer and Australia so my offseason was only about a month because I'd play for my us team I'd play the European series and then I'd basically get hired as a mercenary to go to Asia and Australia wow so I'd play year round wow wow yeah yeah yeah that's amazing really cool so that's where all this came from I apologize there is not a paintball course at at uh at map training but it is an amazing course it has bad en cages I know um when I was there you hadn't put it in yet I've seen since on social media that the golf simulator is in you've got the ice tub you've got uh Turf there to and then of course you've got the you know the weights and the cardio stuff it's a really great facility yeah it's been fantastic man it's one of those like true catchalls like if you like Fitness in any aspect like you can find it there that's what we built it for supposed to want to go to the gym right yeah yeah absolutely I'mma uh I'mma come up there with the uh batting cage bring my son through there yeah oh he'll love it let him get on get him in the cages I got to get in there too though that's what I'm saying like I can't I'm not just I gotta be active I gotta be doing my thing out there too so I gotta get in the cages yeah I'll make you touch your toes before you go in I got you see I gotta I gotta see I gotta stretch before I get to that point totally you know what I'm saying like that's what I'm saying like man I got to get more flexible let me do a two week you did yoga a few times on on the on the app didn't you not that long ago uh no it wasn't yoga it was just a a stretching okay 20 minute stretching or something like that so um you built are in the process of building a landing page for the chatty house and everybody listening right now oh I have it ready to the Rock oh it's ready to go it's ready The Rock okay so this this was dope Greg built something out specifically for y'all like specifically for you to go to and it's um it's built for ESPN 1320 what's the what's the the the website that everybody can go to and start this process need more uh uh uh learn more about this process whether it's fill out the because I think the number one thing we've been getting asked questions about is the food consultation stuff yeah so so the easiest place to go is trainwith map. fitn 1320 okay so that depending on your browser it'll either take you to the scheduler where you can just set up a nutrition consultation with me or it'll take you to the homepage where we actually have a built-in macro calculator so it'll show you exactly based on your weight height and age what I would recommend for your calorie count and you can play with it the percentages of protein percentage of carbs percentage of fat but if you're looking at that and you don't know what to do that's when you should really book an appointment I'll help you design that plan um if you just want to oneof so you can get going awesome happy to help if it's something that you want to jump into something that's more accountability based and you're working with me on a regular basis we have that too excellent train one more time it train trainwith ESPN 1320 ESPN2 well we lost Kenny he's gonna fill out his conf I gotta do what I gotta do man I get it I got you I got you uh man thank you one for for coming in and spending time with us thank you for all of this like this is this is awesome we're we're we want the crew to be healthy we want ourselves to be healthy uh I had been talking about my struggles of not really being able to do the things I want to do feeling like maybe I'm just getting older maybe this this is just my life now uh and then we linked up and a couple of changes here a couple of changes there little extra motivation couple of uh cold tubs and now I feel great um not that things don't occasionally hurt still but still like I I feel like my my my work in the gym over the last month or so since we got together has really been on point and I don't know what's in those Cravings Crushers but those work I'm dead serious like if if you if you really want to try something try CRA Greg's Cravings Crushers because those again I don't even want to know what's in them at this point I just know when I tell I was like why am I not it works this is perfect little little Leprechaun dust just trying to keep you away from the treats doing my best it works I need need some of those I need the protein joints yeah get on the pro I think we both need to have a protein shake just sitting in here with us through this four hour show I think we both to do that he's starving holy Moy yeah well got Oreos and and and and different snacks That's it man but like I said my first step was got my water me me and my wife we drink uh I don't even know what this is this is I don't know it's no I do know I think it's 32 ounces maybe I don't know it's your cup I don't know I fill this up twice and and drink it throughout the day so that's that's the thing so I think it's 32 hour starting there and then you know after a week or two you know up it a little bit more whatever the case may be but like you said earlier I'm all about you just take your break steps I don't need to go from zero to 60 like let me take my steps I'm gonna get there 100% Greg I appreciate you man yeah thank you I love this thank you so much brother um in addition to um trainwith ESPN 1320 of course there's map as well we'll come back more ahead de with KC here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 man that was great man thank you thank you that was awesome came in guns of Blazing that was great awesome that no that's fun stuff great meeting you man I'm come up there too to the facility yeah please do man anytime thank you bro apprciate awesome yeah dude I I was watching the chat and there was like 15 20 people that asked about uh creatine yeah our creatine gummies will be here in less than a week okay so those are about to land text me as soon as they're here and we'll start we'll start pushing them like crazy yeah yeah they they've been into this they've been asking a lot of questions since we started this so that's pretty dope that's awesome yeah we had a few people um obviously go through the supplements and I had one person Reach Out specifically on training like okay life's a mess really want help so I actually have another meeting with him today and we'll see awesome hopefully yeah yeah good stuff cool appreciate you thank thank you yeah that's a that's ay door make sure you don't get lost all right good work chatty house good work good work a this guy just lost is no hitter in the ninth inning on a home run zebra my mom said thank you for the shirt she said thank you thank you thank you so much for right on Katrina right on appreciate that uh what David Jay is asking okay what what it what what exactly are you asking what are those David J might have take a lap G glasses thank you Kenny appreciate it R name who boy I guess everybody well what do we got this weekend is that this weekend or next weekend let's say uh Nicki Minaj okay tune in next week to DN Casey on ESPN 1320 for tickets to Aftershock at least it's 13 no I actually said that wrong oh no wait a minute for real for real no that's a shoot n that's a shoot no there's nothing no it's a big event I I don't know who's that's what I'm saying nah this got to be a typo why what's going on that can't we got our our schedule our giveaway schedule for next week and I saw Nicki Minaj pop up we have Nicki Minaj tickets all weekend on 1025 KC's top 20 Kings games: 14 kfm next week we have tickets to our uh khed concert that we're presenting at the venue on October 5th that's our show that's dope we also have tickets to Aftershock now the verbiage of this is very specific go see Cypress Hill I think Cypress Hill and Tech 9 are both performing at Aftershock okay I'll be I'll I know it's a big show I will be fascinated to see the response for this yeah I will be fascinated in any event I keep it moving here uh big thanks again to Greg uh for coming through um our Partnerships on the ra on this radio station here are obviously like really important to us in the work we do with Greg uh is terrific uh Sky River Casino obviously couldn't ask for for a better partner and then of course uh Matthew's mattress uh who presents the chatty house yes the most important component of all of this and even even though uh Labor day is over the Labor Day mattress price War uh is still going on there are all sorts of things going on over at Matthews mattress where you can head over uh now and pick out a variety of different beds uh with special bonuses like adjustable bases uh everybody gets bamboo pillows uh mattress protectors all of that stuff involved you can get still get special financing even though Labor Day is Gone you can enjoy 36 months special financing with zero interest with no money down on approved credit with equal monthly payments required just go to Matthews and find the location nearest you go in the store tell them dowlo and Casey sent you tell them you're part of the chatty house and man sleep like a king a lot we talk about supplements Food Training oh we spend up to eight hours up to N9 10 hours if you were a really good sleeper in bed right invest in your bed is really really important yeah and with financing options like uh what Matthews mattress has right now it's perfect time to do it you also got the Matthews mattress signature because if you buy by five you can sleep by nine you got that free same day delivery and removal of your old played outet and it is played yeah it is played get it out of here Kenny gonna be sleeping on it in a different room if he don't go get his you don't go get his mattress that's got gota take care of business you got a busted mattress you can sleep on it in uh the East wing of the house there ain't no Wing in the house got to get we're gonna have the butler drop you off over there with your stupid ass mattress Matthews find the location nearest you um let's talk Kings yeah man uh actually oh man I plan this poorly I apologize I just look like there's a lot of King stuff I want to talk about especially with with dear making the rounds because of the book then James joins us might be the only show in the country that's going to focus on the local sports franchise for like two hours during the uh first week of the NBA season uh NFL season my my apologies we do man it's it's a Kings town man it is it is it is but my apologies for the four planning on that um top 20 games of the king season game number 19 this was a familiar one for me well I be hell let you take it away here you the Kentucky connection was on fire in this one I know this because I watched this pretty intently this is the second game on Kenny's list that featured the Sacramento Kings beating the hell out of the Los Angeles Lakers I always a good time when they first made the list I I looked at the wrong game I saw March and I thought oh here we are we right here we cooking it's all good and then you started describing it and I'm like that's not what I watched what what oh they beat their ass a week earlier yeah miss that one I think when you when you realize you watched the wrong game it's when I said Keon Ellis started yeah I was very confused very very confused now now well I'll tell you guys well my number one thing was why didn't he lead with what Malik and dear did I was like he is really bad at this why is he so bad at this like the story is dear and Malik well yeah Kings Lakers March 6 game number 14 yep Kings win 130 to20 in a game that didn't feel that close like it wasn't a 10-point game for the most part in the second half it was around 15 or so LeBron almost died trying to bring the team back and well poor LeBron was completely out of gas getting them to six or something like that but um yeah man great great win by the Kings highlighted Again by the franchise doing what he does Deen Fox 44 points on the night at crypto great performance one of one of the notes that I have here is I don't even think I'm speaking in hyperbole hyperbole I think I'm being 100% spoton when I say this I think when de'arra fox sees Austin Reeves he thinks he turns into Michael Jordan he he's Austin Reeves he's like well it's time for me to make hits 63 in the garden I mean he abuses that guy abuses him and that's kind of what happened yesterday in that second quarter Austin Reeds for whatever reason started guarding Deen Fox and Daren Fox was like oh that happened yesterday well in the game I watch in the game on March 6 that's what happened just just destroyed Austin Reeves Austin Reeves also watching this game he's a good ball player now here he comes he's he's safe to say he's probably the most overrated player in basketball oh there's there's got to be little question about that he is nothing more than was theer eighth ranked in that position yeah he's nothing more than just an okay player that that's all he is yeah he is not signature shoe worthy big three worthy all the no stop like at best he's an average basketball player and I like his I like the skills that he does have I think he's he's cool but he's he's clearly the most overrated player in basketball clearly de destroyed him like he always does and and the thing is listen to the words carefully like he's a good basketball play he's good he's got skills but they talk about him as if he's like an all NBA player right right he is not that make three LeBron Reeves in an ad no no no stop it speaking of ad I mean sabonis just destroys this guy every time he play so ad out there fumbling around falling around doing all this other stuff he was particularly awful this game he was awful and sabonis was just let me get a triple double let me get 20 rebounds on you 16 points 20 rebounds 12 assists for domas in this game um he was phenomenal but you mentioned it the Kentucky connection Malik monk came in cooking 17 first half points 26 on the night eight assists to go along with it that's the one twoo right there he was fantastic at one point in this game let me get let me get to my notes real quick here 32 team assists it was it was Davon Mitchell was having a good game as well at one point with 419 actually we'll go a little later with 140 left in the first quarter the kings were down 37 to 18 they ended the game on a 10 run in that quarter to be down by nine at the end of the quarter they ended up having a 21-2 run in the second quarter in this game and they they didn't really look back after that at one point they were up by 21 early in the third quarter they were up by 21 they were just down by 19 in the first quarter they were up by 21 at one point in the third quarter and it was we said it when we we thought we were watching the say it was a fun game fun game to watch this was a blast this was some good stuff and like I said dear it's a theme when the Lakers beat uh get their ass beat by the Kings this is fun oh it's always good times always good times but but the performance from Malik and dear and then what domas just casually did come on come on and then and then Keon Ellis um he came in and he was part of what I thought was an energy shift in that game he came in put D'Angelo Russell in Hell started locking up hit some open threes ran the break he he played really really well in this game and he was like maybe the second or third person Off the Bench he wasn't six-man type but he came in there you know maybe giving trying to give a spark or they were down May was trying to change some energy and he absolutely did that Keon Ellis was really good in the situation really good I had a couple uh couple notes you know I like to like to take my notes you mentioned Davon he didn't miss no it's cooking like not figurative like like not figuratively like he literally he four four from Beyond The Arc he was cooking he was cooking um let's see some of the notes poor Kevin hder Couldn't Shoot to save his life at this point that was tough couldn't make anything he finished with well well for well forget the forget the shooting percentage the minutes played 12 minutes two points yeah I mean and he was part of the starting group that got off to a terrible start so um vlady and VC were at this game sitting Court of course why wouldn't Vlad be there because yeah PC sitting courtside at this Lakers game just chilling just hanging out I watched the Lakers broadcast I don't know if this was ever brought up on the Kings broadcast or not but I'm just vot and VC just sitting there it's all good not like he didn't fire him well there's speculation that maybe he wasn't fired but I don't know who knows who knows I don't know um he's around and awful lot he is and I'm glad he is I like V deot the player and just the person person for sure stay around look we've moved on just not the executive we've moved well some people haven't moved on because Luca is doing what he does but I've moved on vot you're fine you come to the golden one Center you're getting a standing go you know from your boy don't do that no no from your boy I don't think he gets a standing o he should okay well he doesn't he should I'm telling everybody right now he should body devotes at any how many times he's always there like how many times does he need to get a standing ovation literally no he doesn't Miller does well okay well we know why Brad Miller gets a standing ovation he's high and everybody loves it half the fans walking into the arena past him smoking a joint outside of course they're excited to see Brad Miller I saw Brad Miller out in front of the Sawyer one time strong this stuff just lives in his hair I don't know if he knows this or if he even cares but yeah every time body is in the building he needs a standing ovation that's V dvat here in Sacramento show some respect okay show some respect down will you relax you guys treating him like he buddy Hill no no no one treats Trea him like he Mar Marvin B nobody treats him like he buddy healed and no one even pays attention to Marvin anymore they do not treat Vlad like he's buddy healed they give him a proper right we don't need to clap for you the 41 times that you're here they do it for Brad Miller Brad Brad is high they like Brad because he's high and he might be a smidge bit intoxicated he's probably the most relatable guy down there and he didn't draft Marvin baggley so it's fine body deserves his F you can say it as many every time he comes through the you can say it as many times as you want to follow my lead everybody okay H but yeah Vlad and back for the 27th time this season please welcome vlat deok like all right pal remember when VL was there like it wasn't far after long after he had gotten fired it was like the next season and yeah it was like game two he was there at the game like what the hell hell is he doing here yeah he was not sheered that night like S I don't have no business here um LeBron dunked on Alex Lyn in this game that was interesting oh I must have missed that D on Alex Alex Lyn um Mike Brown won a challenge oh yeah everything went right this game Mike Brown won a challenge and dear Fox raised the roof on them boys halfway through the third quarter he had 30 points and he raised the roof so 44 for dear in this one 26 for Malik you said 17 first half points yeah for Malik yep he was he was lights out one of many victories against the Los Angeles Lakers uh last year stay tuned and see if there if another Kings Laker game is on the top 20 games of the Season we've already had two just my opinion that all four of them should be in there and anytime you beat the Lakers just put it on the list on principal alone the the the day we do some extra ones we'll just throw that one in there too just do some extra ones um we're talking Kings let's hear from the newest Kings hey dear de R roen uh his new book is out if I was a professional I'd have the name there it is my story of chasing Cal that's the name of uh boy he is dressed like a dude from Los Angeles in this clip ain't he oh my goodness he is dressed like someone he just left the popup uh here is uh Demar D Ro from first take this morning conference before you made that decision um one I wanted to challenge I feel like when you when you take on a challenge it brings the best out of you every single night you know um me looking at the Western Conference playing in a western conference before it brings the best out of you you know and I I kind of wanted that challenge like you said I I look forward to playing every single night but I also want that challenge every single night and being able to play with a guy like dear Fox and sabonis with the year that they had before you know even last year before injuries and you know they was a top team in the conference you know I just felt felt like I could be that that that piece that could definitely take him over over over the top and the way they even approached me um they had the utmost belief in me that made it made it feel even you know more than possible two things uh that stand out about dear's recent tour or well one thing this particular clip once the camera zoomed out he was clearly not from uh Compton anymore uh for those that can see the logo on the shirt uh but looks like it came straight out of Kenny's closet but two he clearly uh what's he wanted to be wanted and and and and he you know we we had these reports the the Lakers the Clippers the heat they were all interested I didn't know about the Sixers until Demar said it on Paul George's podcast uh but we knew about the other three and we knew uh and he didn't say this we we heard it was really kind of the Clippers and the Kings there at the very end and then we just started doing math like this doesn't work right it doesn't make sense and based on what we knew about dear what he wanted and what we knew about the Clippers reality but it's the second media appearance major media appearance in the last couple of days the other one being the Paul George podcast where he talked about the Way Sacramento approached him and it's clear the fact that Sacramento wanted Demar that he was he wasn't Plan B he wasn't plan C he wasn't If This falls through we're going to go after him oh come in here could you take a little bit less money the Sacramento Kings want Demar de rozan give us one second we're dealing with Danny a over here we're trying to get this figured out we you are Target one on our list but we've given Danny a deadline on executing this trade once we do that we could get back to this conversation Danny ignores us moving on what can we do the deal happens in a span of just over 24 hours and and one of the the other great things about 4 about uh dear and that that whole process is not only did he want to be wanted not only did the Kings show that they wanted him he I'm I'm pretty sure not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure they approached Demar de rozan and they they came to him saying we want to elevate to a championship level and you're the guy that can help us get us there it's more than just like you said uh the Sixers wanted demorrow the Clippers wanted demor but they're like hey we just want you here there's a difference between we just want you here on this team and we want to be great and we think you're the final piece to us being great that that that's it's a it's a way of saying we want you here but in a lot of ways I think it could be more impactful and I think that's how the Kings approached trying to get Demar de Ros in here saying you're the reason why like we got some other things in place but you're the guy that can get us to a whole another level and it I'm sure it appealed to him I'm sure it appealed to him um Sam I think this is a separate clip no it's the same clip I yeah it's that same stupid ass voice that is not my boy he's probably asking why did you sign with that stupid ass team in Sacramento he um he also said I I could play the clip it's like it's it's it's a Tik Tok video it's like six seconds on said the kings are making the Western Conference Finals I like that he sees things the way I see it well I don't know if they're makeing W finals but I I think they're gon to be a top four team in the league let's run this real quick just just for fun uh Demar D rozen my boldest NBA take for the season uh Kings woron Conference Finals i b this NBA take for the season I'm sorry that microphone is hilarious yeah I'm not sure it's not connected to anything is it yeah there's a string is it oh there it is yeah yeah I was like it runs out no it just Blends in with a shirt did you let Demar d r Roan use that shirt why would you ask me that did you let him borrow it why why would you ask me that didn't I be asking you that there a nice shirt you it look like it looks like the shirt you're wearing the shirt in the picture right behind you isn't that literally the shirt that is not that's literally the shirt look it's the exact same shirt no it's not you wore it for picture day yesterday you guys talking Apparently that is your picture day shirt that is not a that is nowhere near a Louis Vuitton shirt what are you talking about the the Kenny carway is over the part where the Louis Vuitton logos will you stop it that microphone is hilarious though I I'm gonna go demand to Stacy we get a mini ESPN 1320 we don't even have a regular size ESPN 132 but I want a mini um but yeah I'm with that I'm with that Western Conference fin on now he told um I think Sam I don't think I know Sam Amic can you say his name uh no so my apologies to Sam I don't want you to get in trouble for this you say his initials well s a s I'm not I don't that's the one I don't want to say I say it's initi it's s m Amic um Sam and for the people who don't get the bit we love Sam it's it's just a joke um it's contractually not allowed to appear on the show they won't let it happen Sam um talked to Dear as well and there's a lot of great stuff in that article particularly the um his talk about depression remember he was one of the first people who kind of catapulted that conversation in basketball and I think the Tweet was like this depression is getting the best of me or something like that and that garnered a just a huge reaction that Demar acknowledges he was kind of he was kind of thrown by um but he told Sam some of similar things that he told that crew on first take about one of the big things about Sacramento was the Way Sacramento approached him like he looked at the structure of everything he looked at the team the way that they play he looked at their leaders and dearon fox and Damonte sabonis and he took all of that and factored in with they the Kings believed he Demar de R rozan is the piece to put them over the top and as he just noted that meant something to him he told Sam may make the same thing yeah man I mean that's when when when a team a franchise is looking at you as the missing piece into um dreams and aspirations that they have that holds some weight I can imagine you know what I mean I can imagine that holds a holds a lot of weight and um it's it's one of those things where like um to a certain degree it's I feel like it's akin to like how I talk about if the Lakers if I was an NBA player and the Lakers wanted me to to to sign there and the Kings wanted me to sign there hell even the New York Knicks wanted me to sign there if I win a championship in La that's great it's a great moment it's a championship it's always gonna be remembered but if I win a championship in Sacramento I'm a God if I win a championship in New York City for the Knicks I'm it's next level and I think to on a smaller scale that's probably what happened here like I could go somewhere and yeah Philly's thirsty for a championship the Clippers are too but Sacramento is just different I come out to this in the in the summer league at at the Intuit Dome I'm not getting that reception in Philly I'm not getting that reception in the summer league I come into the golden one Center and it's it's one of the biggest moments in the last 10 years for a franchise it's just different man it's different I'm not saying one's better than it but it is different think you saw how things are different um I I'll read this quote from you there's there's there is an audio of this this is Sam's article um again I I strongly I I don't want to dig too much into this the athletic is a pace side I strongly encourage everybody go reads uh Sam's article um it it centers around the book as a lot of the stuff you're seeing over the last couple of days does uh but the last uh paragraph pertaining and there's a couple of paragraphs pertaining to the Sacramento Kings um including when Sacramento got on his radar and so on and so forth uh but the last uh paragraph quote I'm extremely excited just for the opportunity of feeling like I could be the missing piece that they needed me just being a fan of the game I pay attention to everything that comes about in our league and you see the excitement they've had two years ago you see the fan base you see the winning culture that they were fighting towards in anything related to winning when you see it from the outside it lets you know as a competitor as a winner that it's something you want to be a part of even when they had the theme of lighting the beam it just shows you how connected they are to the fans the organization was connected with the players in a sense of doing everything we possibly can to compete at the highest level to win already talking about wi I love that and it's just something I see myself being a part of and feel like I can take it over the top that's deardo Rosen uh to Sam amch over at the athletic he's mentioned the beam a couple of times he did it with uh uh Paul George as well um that beam was more than just a cute little gimmick around Sacramento it got people's attention clearly it got the biggest free agency signing in this organization's history it got his attention yeah and that and finally worked in our favor right A lot of times people would see light it to be oh but that ain't happening tonight ain't we yeah okay he puts a Target on a little B yeah Steph Curry you know game seven all that other stuff so it it got people's attention um it's one of if not the biggest Arena celebration postgame celebration in the NBA today and in this aspect it was something that was appealing to a potential free agent and it worked out in our favor so love that like be it uh it's taking a little getting used to hearing a player talking about like the winning culture and everything they're trying to establish in Sacramento CU like who's who's he talking about oh that's us that's right we aren't goofy we we're a real franchise that's this we're not The Bushwackers anymore like we're a real we're this is a real sports franchise perfect way of putting it this is a real sports franchise so that that's good man I I I love dear I love um what he's bringing to the table with not only you know with the Kings but you know this book man I can't wait to get my hands on the book and read it and and hear about some of the things he's got to say in his journey this is probably going to be an extended conversation but I'll bring it to your attention James ham joins us at the top of the hour we'll bring it to his uh more Hoops hype rankings came out okay where we at here is a well thank you for not throwing a fit about missing it this morning they ranked the top 100 players in the NBA um Malik was 84 kingham was 82 um domas was listed as 20 top 20 player in the league dearon was listed as 24 top 25 player in the leue okay I thought that was interesting because I don't think you often see domas above dearin and stuff like this uh but it was dear at 24 and normally what someone will do to be cheap is they'll put one they'll be one apart so if domas is 20 dear is 21 if dear is 20 domas is 21 but it went dearon Pao was 23 Zion was 22 Dame was 21 and then there was uh domas at at number 20 it's good number real quick something that I I I saw or I was listening to the the the game that we were watching number 14 or whatever and I didn't I didn't realize this I don't know how it ended up or whatever but they were talking about domas on March 6 he had 21 triple doubles on the season joic had 17 Luca had 14 and don't had 21 and this was before the game was over so he ended up with 22 triple doubles at that point that's kind of it's kind of slept on right there 22 triple doubles ahead of a guy like joic ahead of guys like Luca uh and kind of comfortably man I don't know what he ended up with and what the number was at the end of the season but uh Carlton asked a great question I didn't even look I don't know where Demar is my guess I didn't look probably mid-30s that's I think that's a great guess but I completely forgot to look I saw who was number 12 though number 12 I saw who was number 12 and I was like you got to be kidding me why do y'all make us do this 12 you know who he's talking about Kenny oh you have to you have to know who I'm talking about you don't I'm gonna throw some more context to it oh there's context to it well as far as who he's ranked ahead of oh I'm assuming it's Tyrese yeah they got him ahead of LeBron James and Steph Curry this year I didn't want to bring it up but you did did you see Demar I'm looking right now okay all right we'll come back we'll find where Demar ranks on this list we'll talk well okay we've lost Kenny it it bound to happen the way this day is gone we'll come back uh James ham at the top of the hour here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 Draymond team Draymond is an 120 there do a little quick 13th round let's get the timer ready all break right 13th round with your main man Kenny carway Big Ups to the Jordan brand Big Ups to the dope ones and shout out to my man Rampage the barber over at Barber's dream go check him out man he going to make sure you write each and every time you trying to get the beard lined up trying to get a little [ __ ] get a little Caesar whatever the case may be my man got you man go check him out tell him KC sent you over there and uh check out my man Rampage the barber also on Instagram as well it's fight night or fight week excuse me Canelo Alvarez back in action against Edward Edgar bellanger let me get this right Canelo Alvarez back in action against Edgar belanga uh in Las Vegas this Saturday I'm not even gonna get into the whole boxing vers UFC weekend in Vegas I ain't gonna do all that I'm gon leave that alone I'm gonna focus on this card because this card is pretty fire and you look at um the people that are on this card roelly Romero he's still a name he's on the undercard Stephen Folton is back in this in in in an action taking on Carlos C Castro Caleb plant is in action taking on Trevor mccum and Arizona Alanda going up against Danny Garcia that's a good fight right there a lot of names on this card a lot of names on this card when you get to the main event when you talk about Canelo obviously we want him to fight uh David benovitz that's not going to happen I don't think at all but definitely not right now but I do like the ass ECT of Mexico versus Puerto Rico with berlanga I don't think berlanga is going to be able to beat Canelo in anyway but he's a a heavy puncher he's got a puncher's chance but Canelo Alvarez has the best chin we've seen in recent memory in boxing I think berlanga gets knocked out in this fight I'm gonna say Canelo Alvarez ninth round TKO over Edgar Banga and it'll probably beat the UFC and Shan Ali but that's for another day that's for another day that's 13th round may may can you care what we're on the same page I got not um ninth round too yeah banga then White's already kind of conceded that weekend too I think that's crazy the way he's been talking talked all that mess they can't not there yet not there yet fellas yeah I love Canelo we love Canelo we're not trying to take away from it at all John I want to see I want to see what it looks like it looks like it's gonna be fire you know what I want to go see is um you see those is from Michigan Texas those little that's crazy you know what I'm talking about right yeah yeah yeah I don't even know what they're called that is crazy do they have one in La I feel like they should I think they were they're all in Texas right now but I think they said they're building one in LA I'm g go Mara Greg said he fixed the link if it wasn't working earlier yeah I couldn't couldn't get to while I was trying to yeah he fixed it yeah I'll go lower too sou the only other person would be Canelo that didn't I guess Lara got Canelo more than Triple G did I'll say that triple g w the first fight I don't know I I had that as a draw we won the first fight like after the Lura fight I was like oh my gosh Canelo just lost oh straight on uh right on Carlton you're in Dallas right now that's what's up man yeah that thing is fire wow yeah that seems like such a dope experience that is really cool car's in oh I live in D oh wow is it just like a regular bar like restaurant type thing where you show up or do you got to get like tickets like I would assume maybe tickets I would think so that would be my guess and maybe maybe you could try and walk up but it probably wouldn't be advised oh $75 a CD said it's not not I mean that's not is that that thing you were telling us about yeah they did it for Texas and Michigan uh over the weekend it's not that bad it's a little different but at um 32 bruses you got a it's a $50 minimum at them table during the games it's understandable yeah that place was pack 32 Bru was packed for that 49ers game I'd love to be there for like a Sunday yeah yeah I heard I heard it's C on Sunday Greg it would have to be a cheat day be there on a Sunday man and just watch football all day yeah I might go I might no I ain't going this weekend I thought I might there lately the Niners played their early game on uh on Sunday they do yeah early game so they do they do and all the games are in the morning they got three there's a lot yeah yeah yeah so I don't know I was playing in my multi view I was like oh not much planning here it's pretty easy uh let's get Ramsey in here 91690 91320 Ramsey what's up my brother I got a C just a couple quick shout outs before ham comes on first I want to get PR to TBS last night for their baseball coverage outside of the host they had an all they had an all crew for the culture they had Dexter Fowler Jimmy Rollins and Curtis Granderson my whole take on that who says that the culture doesn't watch like or no baseball and my go ahead yeah my my second Z giving flowers to someone unfortunately we lost today in Frankie Beverly I mean Frank those that know it's we call it the Cook House Song Before I Let Go but he's got a but they had a whole bunch of other songs that are quite enjoyable as well for those hav dug in the catalog and I found out today by looking on that the sample website 50 cents Hustler's ambition was a sample from one of the Frankie Beverly may songs okay that's a good find right there a good appreciate you Ramsey as always yeah that was sepsy all right Frankie Beverly man that's legend legend um as far as um baseball TVs I mean we we talked about it for a while that's what they do that's what they that's what they do that's what they and they do a a phenomenal job with it you know usually I think I can't I forgot Ramsey said was just on it but normally it's Granderson Jimmy Rollins J roll and Sheffield and then usually they keep it at three and maybe it's Granderson Rollins and Pedro when Pedro's on there it's always F Pedro is one of my favorites Pedro Pedro is funny and insightful the goat yeah well I mean yeah uh expose Pedro was the go all right chill out chill out chill out struck out 20 with the Red Sox once huh I think he struck out 20 with the Red Sox on I could believe it he was Untouchable man he was phenomenal with the Red Sox but um yeah I I love seeing ped draw on TV he does such a good job uh with those games and I'm I'm ready for the post season you know and seeing TBS they do such a good job with with that postgame show man postseason right around the corner won't involve the Giants again but hey it is what it is what do you think Faron thinks of this season well I I mean it's was a little bit of a tough season you know um it was it was one of those things where the vorp didn't really match up with what we were trying to do now remember when we have these type of teams in these type of Seasons winning is not what we're trying to do we're trying to make sure we have the best absorb and the studies say that if you have the best borb with the best rerg then that means that you'll have enough to get into the playoffs wins alone aren't really important just like when you're playing the game a lot of people think if you have more runs than the other team that's what gets you the win that's not necessarily true so we're not always trying to get the most runs in a game we're trying to get the best bizor thank you faran you get no better Giants coverage than here on 1320 are you proud of yourself yes okay as long as you're proud of yourself every time I get throw the Alle to Casey I'm doing it I'm Blake Griffin out here boy the way he act DeAndre Jordan it's Chris Paul in the other room right there best field goal percentage in the league um back to that Hoops Hypes list yes Tyrese was number 12 that's crazy so Tyrese is 10 12 spots higher what 12 spots higher than dear Fox 12 are you kidding me 12 spots higher than the how do they do this because we always have to sound like the bad guys and we love Tyrese but that's ridiculous found Demar d rozan by the way okay he is 45th behind him is Brandon Ingram at 46 James Harden at 47 ahead of him is Celtics champ christops porzingis and then um Jaylen Williams is 43 yeah you I was wondering what your thoughts on that one jayen Williams not better than not right now not right now yeah that's way too low for Demar I thought when you I think KC said mid-30s that's that's I I thought that was pretty ahead of him J Jackson's ahead of him lamelo Chad um sangun Julius r at 38 now once again we got to give the qualifier because the Hoops hype does these lists projecting a little bit they this is the right criteria right like they end of the year this is what we think is gonna happen so all right I disagree but all right uh yeah dear 44 that's that's interesting Hoops hype is a site I visit daily it's one of the worst in existence oh no between its pop up ads and just like the slow nature in which it moves it's taking a lot right now for me to not pick up this computer and throw it across the room and it's really bad when they make lists because I don't care that Klay Thompson is the hundredth player on this list well I'm trying to move down so there's Tyrese at 12 um Jesse had mentioned Steph is 14 LeBron is 13 uh um and then KD is 11 and just for those that don't know uh wmy is 10 it's cute Anthony Davis is nine Jaylen Brunson is eight that's pretty that's kind of high for jayen I I don't I would take him over ad but maybe ad's a little high too ad's high uh Ant-Man is seven Jason Tatum is six I'm not Dre being dramatic this is how long it takes to scroll Joe is five Joel is five uh Giannis is four Shay is three three in the league wow Shay is three uh and then who's number two number two is yage number clo well obviously you were going to get one of them number two is Luca I thought they were gonna say Luca would be number one and number one is uh Nica I mean there's not much to argue with there but I don't have a problem with one to I don't have a problem with when do you start having a problem I I don't know sh Shay Shay over Tatum huh uh Shay over Giannis huh no man that's that is a problem and once again the disrespect for Yantis anmo needs to stop the top here's what I'll say about Shay the top six guys are the top six guys Shay's not lower than six right like who who was seven uh Ant-Man so Shay's not lower than six right um man these people really don't like Jason Tatum do they guy stinks and and look I know I know Shay's great though like so like yeah I just Shay over Giannis man all right y I was about to I was about to say something one slot but still I was about I'm about to say something and then I'm glad I saw something because I G run that back real quick I looked at I like Victor top 10 like he that dude top 10 and then I looked at his numbers from last year I didn't know they were like this 21 points 10 rebounds 3.9 assists what prob two blocks game three and a half blocks uh three and a half yeah 3.6 uh field goal percentage was 46.5 yeah I knew he was good he was the Rookie of the Year 21 and 10 with three and a half blocks we're keeping it real like if we're being real honest with ourselves oh my gosh he should be above Anthony Davis facts like he should facts like I don't care if it's one slot or not he should be above 8 days it's gonna sound disrespectful I don't mean that he's a better player right now than Anthony d i don't that's not disrespectful he's better than that's not that's not disrespectful at all and I think ad is a little bit better than like what ad do last year 2412 yep three assists still two and a half blocks yep yeah wmy wy's better than ad right today makes 31 million more than wemy does too man I didn't know WB was doing it like that though that's big time Jaylen Brunson at eight he's special Jaylen Brunson 28 287 I think that's the one that' be like I don't agree with that the the the crazy thing about this though you know look at Jaylen Brunson I think about might have put it when be at eight man man it's getting a little stupid who seven oh seven was an man H all right I I'll stop there man I could put wmy know Antman my boy too but we can going to seven we might go to seven man Antman is that dude really is he really is wmy is crazy um Ant-Man crazy too he is he is that's my boy need to stop saying crazy stuff but he crazy anman gonna be Ant-Man well he needs to settle down but yeah um Jaylen Brunson really really good 287 28.7 points per game 6.7 assists tonight number eight player in the league he that much better than dear Fox if he's better at all I that's kind of Daren Fox doesn't have the wins that come with that status that's all it comes down to really because him and Jaylen Brunson really aren't that difficult but brunson's got the more recent stuff I [Music] think Karen De Bagley says we're doing too much he going he going he GNA average about the same this year I don't think that's even remotely true about I don't think he is but even if he did 21 and 10 for a 20 year old with three and a half blocks bro stop trying to see if there's uh people on the list that fox should be ahead of I put I put John mirand he should be ahead of him think of one well I think he should be they do this this isn't us this isn't us they do this to us I think he should be he should be ahead of Tyrese Alberton I think he should be ahead of um John Morant I think where's the other person I saw Tyrese Maxi I think you should be ahead of Tyrese Tyrese was 15 I that that was another one I meant to point out Tyrese was 15 I think I think he should be ahead of James Ham Zion I think he should be ahead of sabonis you know I love I'm sorry I'm sorry man I'm sorry La Dave has checked in wmy over ad question mark question mark l m f AO y'all tripping thank you la day wimy wimy is better than ad today today that's facts that's facts let's bring hammer in here ham what you think about that Victor womman Yama better than Anthony Davis right now today oh man that's tough I mean I don't Midway through the season probably uh the end of the season yeah but today I don't know what does AD do better than wimy today uh he's a better shooter he's a stronger Defender um not a better Defender but it like more versatile because he can handle like different types of players um I think again like probably a better rebounder right now where wiama is is rebounding on just sheer length and athleticism like these are all things that I I think wom Yama will well surpass Anthony Davidson but we have to I don't want to just like write Anthony Davis off right now W wmy uh is lower with Phil Gerson it's 46.5% from the field ad 55.6% from the field but an ice cold 27% from Beyond The Arc where wimy is I'm having the same ho PP issue 32% from from Beyond The Arc yeah I mean look Victor wiama like is going to be like a revolutionary player he's going to be something that that changes the game completely but for right now he still takes a lot of bad shots he still needs to get stronger and like there there are some things that he needs to work on as a player and he will I mean he'll get he'll get there um but like look Anthony Davis like while he gets destroyed by sabonis every time he sees him um he's still a first ballot Hall of Famer and you know his injuries notwithstanding I mean he's still a great player and an all-nba player and like I don't want to take away from what Anthony Davis does um it's just like the Victor women Yama train is coming and it's just a matter of when it gets there and and you know how long he's able to be at the top of his game and all that stuff but I mean he's again I think he'll revolutionize the game and we're not saying cork Moss is better than Anthony Davis we're saying Victor wiama is shot at cork Moss he ain't bothering nobody he he's just sitting there doing nothing and you know who a comparable player is in this conversation if you go back to like when he was 20 it's Anthony Davis Anthony Davis's second year in New Orleans 201 and 10 his uh his his third year when he was 21 24 and 10 I mean it's he he's a he's a Anthony Davis is probably the most comparable player to to to Victor wanyama like Anthony Davis had a lot of hype coming in right it's does he hit does he hit another gear that Anthony Davis and everybody in gu never really hit everybody in the chat talking about ad will put up 40 and 20 on the Spurs and 30 and first of all like do I have to say the uncomfortable thing out loud I don't even know if the guy would play like let's settle down he played 36 to 40 times stop it he played 76 times last year show that man some respect good job wheny played 71 over or under 76 under games really a probably probably 70 plus 70 plus I say he's going to be eligible he'll be eligible for awards or something like that 65 65 is the number but I'm saying he'll be at like 68 or something okay okay I don't know I I could see ad not being eligible like look this season for the Lakers if something happens to LeBron or you know or even for 8 to ad for any extent extended period of time this is like a really high Lottery team like that's not a wellp put together team at all it's the same team they put together last year that wasn't very good and then the only two players that really matter at all just got a year older and a year older where one of them is going to be what 32 and one of them's going to be 39 going on 40 so that's for me if if something happens to LeBron if LeBron has an injy that takes him down for a couple of weeks I don't think ad will get there either and I don't think that that team will be good at all just my opinion TCG asked a great question great way to put it we're just talking about this year not the future nothing like that he said so if ham could have either player for one year this year would you take ad over wimy I'm taking wimy one do this year I'm taking wimy over ad well I mean yeah I think the the one thing you're going to bring up about women Yama chances are well there's a good chance he hasn't shown otherwise that he'll play a huge amount of games so yeah that's going to sway me a little bit but at the same time if it let me let me turn the question around if I have a playoff uh if I looking at the playoffs and I'm starting the playoffs in round one and I have to choose between the two players I'm taking ad followup question is the series against Sacramento because if it does that's got to influence your decision no no that's true that's true I mean you're you're talking about one player against one player that for whatever reason hasn't worked out and um you know it's it's kind of like how the Kings lost they went 0 and six to the Pelicans last year that doesn't make any sense the Pelicans aren't a significantly or even a better team than the Sacramento Kings in my opinion but you you split that series you go 33 and the Kings win 48 49 games you know and because one of the games is a play in um I'm not going to count it as you know a a 49 win season straight up but like there's one team that the Kings couldn't beat and it's that team and so like yeah ad has trouble with sabonis there are other players that have a lot of trouble with sabonis as well and then there are a handful of players that sabonis has a ton of trouble with so and we saw Kevon Looney look in the Matthews matches chatty House La Dave shout out La Dave shout shout out to him he goes the Laker hate is too obvious I hope it is yes we hate the Lakers what are you talking what are you talking about this is Sacramento this ain't ESPN 17 La this is ESPN 1320 in Sacramento yes I hope the Laker hate is obvious I hope it is we don't like them what are you talking about sh out the hell are you talking about Kenny just dabs on Lakers give it to him Kenny um L is too obvious what the hell do you think you're listening to I don't know if it's Laker hater well Laker reality I mean like look this is a team that that wasn't very good last year and they didn't do anything except for fire a coach and again and replace him with a guy who has only coached at the fourth grade level so I mean oh that's come on now when I was watching that game last night did see old Darin on the sideline with that stupid look on his face as the Kings went on a 21-2 run I said oh man time out over there coach no all right play do it pal sounds good sounds uh James you've been covering this team a long time uh how great was it to see Demar D rozan on a variety of national media Outlets promoting his book over the last couple of days talking about the winning culture that the Sacramento Kings are building I mean takes him getting used to doesn't it yeah like okay uh yeah I mean when um Karan Butler was here I think he released uh his team his book tough juice right so we had that uh like during his time um yeah I think it's great that during the offseason you have a player who's written a book and who doesn't mind talking uh standing up and talking about a lot of different issues a and all that um but like look I want to see him in Sacramento I want to see him in a king's Jersey I want to see what the outcome of the first 40 something games are and then I want to see what the season looks like at the end um before I like anoint you know demard de rosan as like the next coming of something here in Sacramento uh I still you know he's a great player and I I think he fits him perfectly and I'm excited to see what it looks like but um yeah I I guess the the the publicity the positive publicity is amazing uh but again like this is a player who has not put on a king's Jersey and played yet so kind of want to see what it all looks like before we start talking about Western Conference finals and all that stuff um that that's just me being realistic and and um and also me being J because I've covered this team for too long it's going to look fantastic I'm I'm very yeah Downer Jesus it's going to look James been ruined by the Luke Walton years you see this wait a minute how did Luke get another sonot Luke wasn't bother nobody why didn't you say the the the Keith smart gears why didn't you say the Tyrone cor why did Luke have to get well those actually those are the same years that's the problem well that and none of those guys had years it was all year what well those those Tyrone Corbin months those those Tmart months Boy that really really mess things up wild um oh man I was gonna ask you something oh he talked about the process he's talked about a couple different times about the process of the Kings courting him so to speak and he he kind of acknowledged like man they they really wanted me here in Sacramento and um made me a priority to to what their vision is do you I know both you guys are like really connected have you heard anything else about that like about like the pitch where they B because I I assume they're basically kind of telling them like we're good right now we want to be great and we think you can make us great and that was the difference one of the differences between the Kings and the Clippers or the Kings and the Sixers or something like that I totally agree it had nothing to do with the uh the amount the check was is being signed um like look I I think that this is a uh a player who is looking for a perfect fit for him I don't think that like out on the open market there were a bunch of teams that were willing to go where the Kings went financially a whether it's like the amount of the the contract or the length of the contract and that's not to take anything away from DeMar D rozan he was a lot more impactful player than James Harden was last year and James Harden got a two-year $70 million deal it just happened to be the circumstance that he was in being with the bulls the bulls not being a great team um and him having like a very unique skill set that doesn't fit in with every team so like again I think this I think D rozan has every opportunity to be a franchise chaining changing player uh for this team and you know so I I don't want it to come off like I'm not excited to see demarta Rosen play on an what it sounds like I am I'm super excited to see twe jamam says Demar sucks that's why we didn't book James ham dot dot dot says Dear rozan dot dot dot sucks James open Up's birthday get like yeah this is nice I mean last year's was better but I'm hopeful this will do the job uh never too high never too low never too like the only way to survive you and that damn Sean Cunningham man I'm telling you the only way to sur survive writing uh 49 or more losing game recaps for uh for 12 years uh the only way to survive is just to not like ride the highs and lows like you you been through it yeah when things are good things are are really good right like but that was very few and far between and we're in a in a in an era where things have really turned the right way and everything's very excited but you still have to like they got to go play the games they they've got to go out there and prove that this was the the move that put them over the top and like again while I think that him uh deciding to join the Kings is like a huge huge deal like I the Kings chased they had multiple like like I don't know uh fires Brewing here they were trying to get a couple of deals done and this is the one that worked out and I think it's a good one and I don't think they gave up as much as like some people on the East Coast believe they did with the pig swap in 2031 but uh Jes yeah I think the only other deal that was real was the Utah one I mean you you could might be able to speak to that better than I could I know that was part of all of this I don't know what was what there was besides that I feel like it was we really want Demar we've got this deadline for Danny like please know we we really want you on this squad we've got to try to get this figured out Danny doesn't even respond and it's like all right let's go let's get this done and that's why it went from yeah no no one's quite sure if this is going anywhere to hey the the Kings and dear is pretty real and then a day and a half later he's on the floor of the golden one Center I think that they were close to something on draft night that didn't like work out and then I also I'm I'm pretty pretty sure that the marketing thing um like it doesn't matter how much the kings were excited and all in on the Markin in Deal um number one they weren't all in because they weren't going to give up Keegan and number two they were dealing with a guy who was never going to trade the player well they were right right and and they if they didn't know that they should have known that he was never going to trade him and even if if he's going to trade him uh like he was going to trade him he'll wait until after this season and trade him then because that's kind of like the value you you rebuild the value with that contract and so I I would be surprised if this thing would have ever worked out at all like I don't think Danny Ang was gonna trade him oh there's no question like it I mean it's Crystal Clear now Danny Ang wasn't gonna trade him well I but but you know how I feel about that I think Danny would have sure I'll trade unless some if someone did something you giving me dearen and Keegan like sure the deal's good but if those things those parameters those players aren't on the table no we're not doing it we're gonna hold out and see if someone does something stupid yeah I mean I think the the kings were hoping that uh that Markin would leverage his way out of Utah and or at least make it so Danny a knew that like look this is uh this is a losing proposition U but it didn't happen and like I've never thought Danny in was goingon to trade him Danny a has done this for so long where it's all of his dirty laundry is out there and and then he just kind of like leaves it on the hanging out there and you're like all right man you gonna clean up all your dirty laundry because it's all over the place like it just that's the way he he does business well gu well I guess James isn't interested in reading dear's book oh jeez oh no I have it coming it should be here tomorrow oh great everybody does yeah this is awesome like I said I'll go to Barnes & Nobles it's all good just order it on Amazon it'll be there by the time you get home I like to go into bar where's where's Barnes & Noble that's still there yeah there's one in Roseville too there's no there is there is it's right by um what's the the chicken place that the new chicken place that everyone loves canes it's right there by canes it's always been there I don't know where that is either it's Best Buy parking lot across from the mall oh okay but on the front corner right before you get on 65 yeah it's still there okay hey man wait what are you oh no what's oh really really this this dude drinks water for two weeks and now he's leaving in the middle of a segment wowo hey your boy a hell of a day this is your boy by the way how is this my boy because he came to the 1320 party with you you're responsible for him let me be clear this I have that's first when I this dude did nothing for the show today and he was late for the handoff and I had to do it and I'm like all right whatever it's fine like I got it we're a team then he comes in he's throwing a fit about everything going no clue what happened all this morning with anything he literally just James hammed us and went to the bathroom and we're like here too we're not at Sky River at the bar he's got a few beers no we're at the comfort of our studio well that was and in my defense that Wasing James yeah you were there was a different circumstance that wasn't 17 minutes into a segment that we had blown through two breaks at that point because I was watching I was like when is the break coming and you were like nope I I'm like okay here's 23 I'm like okay we get to 28 I'm like there's 28 I'm like okay I should be good we get to 43 and I'm like what is happening no poor James just wanted to go to the bathroom and hey I was in a casino which all of us know you can't find a bathroom in they hide those things we all know exactly where Ken's going it's right out the door yeah it's it's tough you can't you can't exactly run there during a commercial break and expect to be back on time it's not our guy really got up in the middle of class and said I got to use the restroom he really did he moved the microphone away I'm like what what is he doing I was thinking the same thing like is he gonna I thought he was about to throw a a flag I'm like gu what I was I was like wait what' he say I did I missed it no my man just ran out of here and went to the bathroom oh this is good look he he knows this was a moment go ahead chalk this down for show number 2000 it's good man look hey I tried I looked at that clock I said man break we got another seven minutes I had to look I had to go before Greg got in here and I was like why didn't you go when we didn't have time and then this last time I was letting you get up I man maybe I can make it pass pass James you see I I stood up for no reason you know you both leave during the break too I was like maybe that'll have maybe that'll help no never stand up come on it ain't gonna help yeah it would have been bad bro I [Laughter] do and now I think we lost your mic dude I swear to God you just killed your M for the love of God your mic just went out M lit you you are having the worst day in history and you are you are more Jesus Christ go to commercial swe commercial we've lost control of the show on James all right I'm just going to hang out here on the show I'm going to put my other hat on and we're going to talk about a happy thing I don't know what they are but C what the hell's going on out there yeah what is going on man what is happening no the mic's might oh oh there it is it's coming back I think we've got Kenny's mic is is coming back around it's it's lit lit up for sure um but this is this has gone completely out of control no because when you when you uh when it unplugs the light goes off it's not I don't even if we're still on commercial break or if we went to commercial break or we're in commercial no we're in commercial we're in commercial the show is so stupid hey man I tried everything I could man I was like bro this is this man runs to the bathroom it's bad bro it's bad this man runs to the bathroom Ken's butt fumble game like Mark Sanchez what is happening I've decided to go Fedor ham the rest of the way here I can't I just I just am envisioning what the radio audience is thinking like you broke like just go to commercial just go to commercial what is happening Kenny are you sure you don't need to get up and go to the bathroom really quick we're on commercial break I think I'm good now man I'm great I'm actually great now I'm great you know what you should have done Kenny you should have just commandeered the show you should have just said you know what I can't wait to talk more about this we'll do it right after the break I could have and we would have been like we at 17 at that point I was like uh oh I almost said something before 13 I was like I know we don't normally do it but come on man uh but then we got to like 15 I was like oh I'm with Brian I do need a drink I don't even need a mix drink I just need a ice an ice cube and some whiskey at this point I don't even know what's happening it's not even Friday yet either right barely even on Wednesday yeah he's been [Laughter] awful H ridiculous who had a worst day Kenny or shine and sharp I still so I still don't know what was going but was Shannon like in the ACT yeah no was no video was audio was audio from his Instagram live he didn't know that he was live how do you not know what are you doing the phone's off to the side on the side table bro all right I just I don't know either I don't even know that's that's even that's even more steps than a regular let me make a video like you have to go to your Instagram uh app maybe shn button technology grade or something no I'm I'm calling a little cap on all this he got he's claiming he was hacked I don't believe him I don't know how you're well I still don't know how you're hacked your phone has to be there like somebody can hack your account but you're going live from your phone maybe the girl did it that's the most logical thing H how long was he uh live going live because if I don't know maybe if he had been live before you got to fix the camera you look like a tiny person over there with here I can I can move back little old Kenny caroway over there hey Our Truth was in there commenting too oh no I think one of them was like this is not PG oh it got a little crazy yeah he was live for like four and a half minutes oh no see some that's not a good sign for him well sometimes just is what it More Ham is I'm real quick real quick I'm saying you just hope like oh was live for just a few seconds or whatever Our Truth was doing like play by play he said he giving her that hot to hang up the phone [Laughter] big Our Truth said oh [ __ ] she said please Our Truth might be the funniest human being alive oh man oh there it is yep no someone got the phone in there in there someone got the phone in their hand yeah I think he I think he did too yeah I think he did too well I'm well all right no no stop stop well all right took three and a half hours we finally got to the Shannon sharp news so there it is we went wild going into the break got Wilder after this has been this we've had a lot of stupid days in the history of this show but man this goes near the top I'm G have to do a postgame press conference coming back from his break though and his mic instantly just cashing out hilarious the whole day started with the dowlo and Casey kittens and it's managed to get weirder since then there's today's Title by the way I don't even know what happened there with the I'm gonna have to go back and look at that with the kittens yeah I don't know what's going on with the kittens like I just saw well you get there's there are there's a well it's a lot it's probably better if Katie tells the story because they talk a little differently on their show Believe It or Not well they they get there are some things even they they would have played that they would have kept playing they would have played the they would have played the Shannon sharp audio on the wakeup call it's just just not not our bag but yes uh Katie had uh two little kittens named ELO and Casey and well oh Casey didn't make it oh no Casey didn't make it yeah he was well he had some problems well some call it problems some well so the funny thing was and I can't remember who it was some don't I can't remember if it was scooter some someone in the Discord when Dr David posted oh no it was Spencer Dr David posted in the Discord uh wow just listened to the dowlo and Casey kitten story so the dowlo kitten was lighter the Casey kitten I'm not reading I'm just not comfortable with that word like I don't I'm just not comfortable with that word but the KC kitten had a problem and the host said they believe Kenny's is okay and then Spencer replied I said earlier the chair humping makes sense now oh come on [Laughter] oh James is drinking this is great this is exactly what we needed today it's only Wednesday James is drinking bourbon on a Wednesday Casey's running out peeing in the middle of the segment you know what let's just go look for Kim snack key locker and just full circle so so I text Kim and asked her for the for the for I was like where are you hiding the key she was like we're all out of stuff I have to order more there's nothing in there bro it didn't even last like a week and a half I told her that was going to happen I'm we got three weeks I think no no I think she's lying I think there's stuff in that in in that room and she just won't tell me where the key is and I think I just saw Stacy leave so if I can I'm gonna find that I'm gonna find out where that key is you just go to the Fortress this natitude it's all still in there oh I forgot we had that we do yeah I checked it earlier too I was like hey ien put phoh roch's in there I'll go back to being the only one to peanut butter just grab a Skippy jar out of there and we're churching up the The Fortress of snack itude uh so we we've got phoh roch's in there we're gonna add some some new things James took Kim's Snack Shack as a personal insult oh it's a battle now it was a battle once that happened but RP a little KC man did your thing dog apparently he did he did he did all he could while he was here I I want people to like if you haven't heard the clip apparently this kitten was constantly erect wow what is happening how did you want me to dance around that what it was what is happening the cat the cat I hate to tell them this but this isn't a story you should tell because chance or he got into something in your house that you shouldn't have had well cat cat took a bad gas station building snap from what we've been told the cat the cat died because it's erction would go down and then the the other thing is he wouldn't eat well all the blood had rushed from he wasn't thinking this is a cautionary tale and so and so we lost St me drinking on the air that's seriously we lost Casey hey man he was trying everything he could man he's trying to live his life I was so confused by what she was telling me I just did not understand yeah see I thought it was I thought it was the other way around I thought it couldn't happen but then they were like no it just always happen no and that's why just always like that and how does that happen the cat was like weeks old like she was bottle feeding the cats came out the womb ready for action you know you gotta hear you you know we get down you got to hear part two tomorrow that's all I can say you gotta hear part two that's that's my my my cat right there boy I see you big dog no pun intended well this is great no Sean Cunningham is listening this is awesome this is exactly what we need I forget there are people listening to this show sometimes Sean I'm sorry sideway it's gone sideways my boy went out he didn't go outside he went out like a so that's what I'm talking about little well he went out though hey so when we go to the how you want to go out he wasn't even smashing though like I asked I was like yo is this cat like what is it doing is it just go ahead the best part is like when we go to the table tonight with our families and stuff we're going to tell them this is what we talked about today huh this is what we did at work re going ask Uncle do call him up all right I'm embarrassed now because Sean's listening so I'm done I think I've been able to fool Sean into believing I was a professional all these years and now he knows it's not oh man Kenny gets up in the middle of the segment and goes to the actually there's three people on the screen right now and only one of us hasn't gotten up to leave a segment Toom good man and I was like it's not it's not going to happen it's gonna be real bad if I don't and and look we know what happens when when people push the limits around here on the radio I don't I want those oh God I I'm I'm gonna go I'm gonna go that's what I'm Hammer you want to touch on this email we just got is this this this this is nothing of substance no no it's it doesn't really seem like that so it's it's a Stockton Kings Trade announcement it doesn't look like it doesn't really have nothing to do with anything yeah they traded Dane Goodwin for someone right what I was gonna ask you because I was I wanted to make sure it wasn't my boy you know who was prominent in that game number 14 that I was watching of the top 20 uh games of the Kings 2023 2024 season didn't play but my boy Mason Jones was all over the place man he was doing his thing he was hyping everybody up is there a chance he's on the big Squad at all this year yeah I mean he's on a two-way contract so that means that he can be up with the the main club for up to uh up to 50 games is he is he in the the Keon Ella situation from last year yeah he's in the Keon Ella situation completely um the the Kings just so people know they they acquired Jace Johnson who is a seven foot tall center um 27 years old out of mission V Vio um yeah so by three years at Utah a year at Marquette um I don't know how what he looked like in the G League um but actually I can look that up although basketball reference is always bad for G League um yeah 6.3 points 8.5 rebounds last year so and and I think they received a second round pick okay in the g-league draft in the g-league draft yes not in the in the main draft and earlier today they they acquired Dexter Dennis the the returning player rights for Dexter Dennis and Justin Powell for uh Jaylen noell yeah and what that means just so people know like returning player rights basically means that if a player decides to return to the g-league then you have their rights if they decide to go play for I don't know uh a team in Europe somewhere then anytime they come back you have the rights to them and you can actually you know sign them it also means that you can sign them to Camp deals to exhibit 10 contracts with uh some sort of guaranteed money or just a a regular NBA contract with some sort of guaranteed money and then wave them and now you can give them more money uh like you you basically can give them a roster bonus for an NBA team and uh make it so if they last 60 days in the g-league then they get that roster bonus okay well that's aw yeah was complicated it I just it totally killed the buzz from Lil Lil Kenny no no Lil Casey 7:20 tomorrow on the rup call um hoop type uh was ranking the top 100 players in the NBA they've been doing a lot of rankings uh this season they had dearen Fox at 24 with Pao at 23 Zion at 22 Dame at 21 then they had domas at 20 and I thought that was interesting Hammer because we don't see domas ranked above dearen very often in this type of stuff and hoopsy while while I I do think dearn is rated a little bit low um it was nice that they acknowledged that domas is a hell of a ball player and what he did last year was pretty amazing yeah I mean he is and what he did last year was was was completely amazing um I'd also point out that if you're looking at like Allstars 24 players make the All-Star team um so like realistically the Aaron foxes is an All-Star level player uh whatever metric you're using um you know he didn't make all NBA or the All-Star team last year but he should he should make those things uh this season I would think I think he'll take a leap um I also think that uh both deonis and dearon are doing the right things right now now to um make themselves more accessible to National and Global audiences uh whether it's the Netflix series for sabonis or it's dearon Fox you know touring China with with Steph Curry these are the things that actually impact these numbers it shouldn't um because they both deserve to make all-star teams in all NBA on their merits as players but I I do think that this will help both of these guys sort of build you know who they are and what they are just like I I think you know a guy like dear de rosan um I haven't read the book yet but I'm assuming the book is gonna you know like present him in a in a good light I think that's going to be another thing that helps him become like the next player what he is going to be after he retires whether that means Hall of Fame whether it means you know you know speaking engagements or television uh you know sort of appearances and stuff like that so all of this is good in my book anytime we're talking about basketball in early September and these guys are relevant and part of the conversation that's good yeah I mean that we were talking about it earlier that video of Daren Fox going to the hotel or whatever he is with Steph Curry and like the people uh in China that they got their first glimpse of they're there for curry but being able to see Fox too I mean that's that's what it's all about if you're dearen Fox that's why you link up with a guy like Steph Curry because that's another level of anything he's probably experienced here in America when he was with Nike or anything else like that it it it just elevates your profile uh being around a guy like Steph Curry and getting um we talked about used the wrestling term getting the Steph Curry rub from his fan base to now they're rocking with you because you're with him yeah I I I totally agree and uh like we talked about this on the Insiders me and earlier and you know like dearon Fox was meticulous in choosing what brand he wanted to be part of right he literally brought in all of the shoes he had shoes made from every company for him to try on and use he was a a sneaker free agent and he chose to go to Under Armour um not just because of Steph but because the shoe was right for him and it worked with his ankle braces and all this stuff the fact that he is sort of he's going to be the torch Bearer for a major brand with a major superstar in front of it right now I think is spectacular I love the fact that dearon fox is getting his own shoe he it's it's totally deserved like we we talk about this all the time where you know he averaged more points per game than Anthony Edwards more points per game than Steph Curry more than uh so many of these players that are like considered Superstar level players and a lot of the reason why he doesn't get the same notoriety is because he plays in Sacramento and because you know one year he gets 22 appearances on national TV and another year he's back down to 12 and the year before that he was at three or two whatever it was like these are things that actually matter for him to actually grow his brand and be part of sort of the the global basketball community so good stuff it grows his brand but I feel like it also grows his level of stardom in even you know not just in the NBA but outside the NBA like this you know we Kenny and I kind of had this conversation earlier being sneaker guys so to speak like this stuff is it's huge like sneakers sneaker culture uh dearra now being a big part of it being the first Steph Curry athlete so to speak in that brand like this is it feels like it's a a a massive win on so many levels James we talked uh when when we reported on dear in clutch and I remember dear told you he he he's leveling up a little bit like getting with clutch you know the perks of being with clutch the benefits of being with a massive agency like that this is one of them the you know negotiating something with Steph Curry and under arour and um you see these two these two meaning Steph and dearon beginning to maximize this to a to a to a to a higher level yeah I I mean this is this is tremendous you know again when you go to an agency like clutch is with the hope that you're going to have an opportunity to be seen like this you know um you know we have a a friend Andrew Rogers who uh like who came here with DeMarcus Cousins right he everyone knows Demarcus is guy right mainly because I think he got thrown out of a game one time who would it oh did he yeah yeah he did someone went into the stands and then he grabbed them grabbed a hold of them and like you don't remember Andrew getting thrown out of a game anyways Andrew's he's a great dude but he's been doing um he's been taking uh Demarcus uh to to different spots overseas whether it's Taiwan or it's uh Japan or it's China and um like the the reception that they get is just Bonkers so I I know that they just had like a a group of I think it was Rondo and Blake Griffin and Demarcus and they're like Beyond Superstars when they walk into the country and I think it's cool for dearon to feel this I I do I think this is like a moment where this is what he how he should be embraced and and I know he's embraced the right way in Sacramento but in the global basketball Community this is how dearon should be embraced and and I hope that like he he gets something out of this adventure yeah yeah I mean it it seem I I just keep going going back to that just that little clip that I saw of of him trying to walk through the crowd and security just the look was like man it's crazy this is wild you know hadn't experienced it but that was a great point that you made though James about dearon getting linked up with Steph Curry damont sabonis doing the the Netflix show and then you got Demar de R rozan like we talked about earlier you know making making the rounds he's got a book and he's doing these different interviews and things of that nature and and it's been a pretty good summer for the Kings as far as a PR getting your brand getting the Kings brand out there um with everybody kind of just being in some type of Limelight it feels like no that's it's a good thing this is what you want for your players I mean you want them to have the notoriety like look when uh Allstar balloting comes around like it's possible that this this gives dearon like a big bump in um you know in All-Star ballad it is like this is a good thing for him to be out there and he he shies away from this a little bit it's not really his Jam he likes he's a home body he likes to be here in Sacramento he likes to be chilling or in Santa Barbara wherever it is you know he is kind of like a quiet introverted dude but these things are realistically it's part of the game and you know I brought this up with Kyle uh earlier it's kind of like everyone saw Jerry Maguire years ago it's kind of like the rod well moment right sometimes you got to get up and dance sometimes you got to make it do something that's uncomfortable for you in order to get that you know the fame and fortune that you deserve and I know that dear's tried to like he's been very clear throughout his career like look if we win I'll get the accolades I'll I'll like all of that stuff will happen when we win and then they won one time and he got all the accolades and then they didn't weren't as successful they lost two more games and all of it went away like super quick and it shouldn't be fleeting with dearon Fox he's too good of a player to get ignored by things like you know All-Star voting and and all of the other thing even all NBA he's just too good of a player um you know how do you just like not acknowledge a guy who averaged what 26.4 or 26.2 points led the league in steals and you just ignore them for all of your postseason uh accolades and it's kind of the world that he lives in because he's in Sacramento and because because he doesn't seek this type of uh like Spotlight throughout his career for for him to be kind of shut out of everything last year with those numbers top 10 in scoring like you said let the league in steals that's kind of ridiculous like to be shut out not saying he should be first team or anything else like that but he didn't make an All-Star team didn't make any all NBAs didn't make any all defense nothing that's just kind of crazy crazy you kind of think about it can't get nothing yeah I I don't get it I mean like look it's tough because there are a lot of good guards in the NBA but I I'll just keep circling back to the all-star game like when the All-Star Game happened the like 18 of the top 19 scorers in the league were in the All-Star Game and dearon fox was number eight in the league he's the one guy out of the top 19 scores any like either eight or nine at the time of the All-Star game that and he's the only one that gets singled out and it's not like the kings were having a horrible season they just weren't a top three seed and if the the criteria for dear and fox or Deon sabonis to get Allstar uh or you know like sort of the accolades that come with that is that not only do they have to be great but they have to be a top three seed like what are we doing that's that's not fair that's not fair to anybody um you know these guys do the work they they've propelled their team to uh something hadn't happened in 16 years like they're very very good NBA players they're I I'm not putting them in Superstar category but they are s they are definitely stars and they're on the cusp of that and I hope that uh that dearon fox isn't a one-time Allstar because he's a much better player than that and his stats say that every single season well listening to you both lay out you know this off season how good it is for everybody in being shut out last year it speaks to like maybe everything is a little Amplified uh you know with the shoe and Steph and then you got the acquisition of Demar the book then you got domas and you got this Netflix series feels like maybe even more so than last year there's going to be a huge importance put on winning and if the Kings fall short this year again dear's GNA going to get the brunt of that well he's going to get the brunt of that and he's going to be on the final year of his contract and that's you know that's not where anyone wants to be so I mean we just saw the contract that Jamal Murray got Jamaal Murray can take that contract because Jamal Murray knows he's not getting all NBA I mean the dude isn't an All-Star let alone an all NBA player he is he great in the playoffs sure uh but did Dean Fox scor like 38 points in his first in his first playoff game so I mean like look the fact that dear hasn't had the opportunity to play multiple playoff series it hurts him for sure um but you see how how much money is there for a player like him and uh he's gonna walk he's got a lot writing on this season you know if he doesn't want to take the extension right now which I guarantee you the Kings have said hey look if you want to talk extension we'll give the extension right now they offered it to him last summer I'm sure they've offered it to him this Summer it's a giant bling check but when you go from uh like the level that he's at right now to all-nba level if he can hit all NBA he's eligible for 35% of the salary cap and that's when it goes up to like what's it at 42 this year 155 next year whatever it is like that's just and it wouldn't even kick in until the year after so you're looking at you know he'd sign a five-year deal put him under contract for six years but that first year would be astronomical and so for a player like him you know it makes sense for him to to go for it this year but I think he knows the pathway isn't just to put up the points and the Steals and the rebounds and the assists and to get better as a three-point shooter it is if you don't win if this team doesn't put up say 50 wins this season he's still going to have a tough time reaching those standards that are required in order to get an all-nba nod and that's tough and that's and that's it's kind of the nature of the Beast too you know that that goes back to what he talks about too like if we win everything will take care of itself and and as as much as last year wasn't like a quote unquote failure or anything they didn't win they didn't get to the playoffs you know and um that's that's going to be the goal this year I think I think they'll clear that pretty convincingly you know be a top four team but you know even if they're not you got to find a way to get back into that postseason yeah I don't want to hear what could have been what should have been all that stuff this is the year what it has to be where you've got to go out there and make it a no doubt season right the there are teams out there like a team like Denver they can Coast to 50 53 wins 50 4 wins like maybe they can't this year but they probably can even like team like Boston they can Coast to 58 wins they don't need to go push for 65 or whatever um the Kings have to prove that they they they have to win every game that they can and that means like they need to win 50 they might need to win more than that for these guys to get the proper due that they that they deserve as players case he said 52 52 is the floor you heard it here first is the ceiling the floor still floor ceiling's the roof ceiling a roof the ceiling is the roof right from from the great Michael Jordan that's right Michael Jeff LeBron James doesn't have a quote like the ceiling is the roof well he might after this Netflix series oh he might LeBron probably gonna be hilarious in that Netflix series gonna be funny yeah I'm so it it it Braun Tatum domas Ant-Man I'm missing one Jimmy Jim Butler Jimmy Butler yeah this will be interesting what's Jimmy's thing again coffee right ladies ladies what I meant James I meant doesn't he have like coffee shops I thought he had a coffee like I thought he had coffee had a coffee brand yeah yeah okay yeah and then one's LeBron ant-man's yeah this this will be fun domas is going to be the most yeah what is it like what I'm I'm dying to see it I want to see if he has the winery going but I also think domos will come across as completely 100% genuine and a and a super Incredible family guy that's how I think he'll come across a great teammate great Family Guy um and then you know outside of that we'll see what else they're kind of pitching here um his parents were here last year right or was that the year before yeah no no they come out every year oh okay okay yeah his dads come out every year they his dad and his mom come out they seeing ever yeah oh oh no he's trem like that is one gigantic dude like he makes domas look like a a normalized human being which is um Jesse is demanding this train wreck of a show come to a apologies to Sean Cunningham if you're still listening sir I I apolog little case and Hey lil KC Lil KC we're riding with you uh if you guys tap in to the wakeup call tomorrow at 7:20 make sure you text them uh at 90910 65 and let them know you're with the chatty house uh and we'll run it back we're gonna relive this next on Sacramento sports leader we'll see you at 10 a.m. with the Insiders tomorrow on ESPN 1320 vamos L KC See you guys tomorrow uh all right y we got a are we cooking over today on Cas time this show fell apart people what in the world happened here oh the show fell apart the second it started the second it started second it started and everything kind of went shout out to Mrs ham for getting the giant ice cube we go did Mrs ham bring you that or did you get up and I was just too busy laughing no that was her pouring yeah I I went with this because it was open so Mak 46 I've got got some other stuff here but this was John Bull's right Kings need to light the beam in honor of kitten carway ah yeah damn care way damn oh you guys are the best man I don't even know what that I'm scared I'm scared to see what this clip is stand by uh oh oh [Music] no you guys are you guys are [ __ ] you fools when when you post out stuff tag me in so I can see it no that that's in the Discord that's in the Discord that's not on Twitter that's not on Twitter that's in the Discord um all right we will uh we love you guys man we'll see you guys tomorrow for and I agree Fedora ham saved the day thank you for

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Category: Sports

[music] welcome back bas football time dave richard cbs sports now i know we had him last year last year was like preseason or last year last week i like preseason i mean he he was in regular season form don't get me wrong but let's be honest this is the week as i just said in the last segment this... Read more

UC Davis football coach says the Aggies want to go undefeated at home this year thumbnail
UC Davis football coach says the Aggies want to go undefeated at home this year

Category: Sports

All right look this is no excuse zone okay i mean cal uc davis uc davis fell to cal over the weekend now i instinctively around be like well come on man it's cal that's a huge no but davis had the lead they were playing well at one point i get it i understand and this it look you know you know what's... Read more

Stingers Up Podcast: Sac State Defense and Special Teams Season Preview thumbnail
Stingers Up Podcast: Sac State Defense and Special Teams Season Preview

Category: Sports

[music] and welcome in we are back it is another edition of the stingers up sacramento state football podcast we've been off obviously for a while but that means football is back we are almost here and the start of the regular season just around the corner for the hornets as they open up on the road... Read more

Will QB Brock Purdy secure the $60 million bag? thumbnail
Will QB Brock Purdy secure the $60 million bag?

Category: Sports

Hello everybody what's up the sports judge and welcome please like and subscribe if it's your first time awesome welcome welcome in brock pie who is somebody that i thought really emerged into this top quarterback a year ago with the 49ers somebody that came on towards the end of the season before last... Read more

ESPN’s Joe Buck Talks NFL’s Monday Night Football 2024 Schedule & More w Rich Eisen | Full Interview thumbnail
ESPN’s Joe Buck Talks NFL’s Monday Night Football 2024 Schedule & More w Rich Eisen | Full Interview

Category: Sports

Enjoyed chatting with him last night on the nfl network schedule release program he is calling monday night football once again and he is back here on the rich eisen show good to see you joe buck how are you joseph good to see you i'm i feel okay i'm looking at my color up is not very good look like... Read more

Joe Buck’s Breakdown of ESPN’s MNF Schedule Quickly Went Off-Script | The Rich Eisen Show thumbnail
Joe Buck’s Breakdown of ESPN’s MNF Schedule Quickly Went Off-Script | The Rich Eisen Show

Category: Sports

The day after now that you got the schedules what's your two cents on it joe what your thoughts on on the schedule it's amazing just like i said last night it's awesome i love it i think it's unbelievable i think we have the best schedule and i think we're the best and i think espn's the best and i... Read more