#MadNewYorker #BrianCashman #Yankees #CollegeFootball 2024 Schedule

welcome to sports scope the most influential Sports Talk Show in the nation [Music] stay tuned for updates and great Sports content hello everybody Welcome to sports scope I'm your host Robert Butler on the seventh day Friday uh July the 7th here uh 2024 Now list 23 I don't know what I'm thinking here I got a great show on tonight Carlos Madden New Yorker Chavez and uh backstage gonna bring him on gonna ask his thoughts about David Cook possibly being interested in going to the New York Jets the women Yana Britney Spears uh situation there also uh Brian Cashman has he run his course at 25 years as the Yankees general manager and more we'll be back here in 49 seconds and hit the ground running here on Sports scope hello Sports Go followers the program has seen tremendous growth since going five days a week I just wanted to thank everybody for your cash contributions and sharing the program uh with friends and families just a reminder if you want to contribute to the program go to the 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this thing or nothing but it got to be like 91 degrees in April 2002 is one of the hottest aprils ever man and I had to get me a window unit man and it was crazy hot up there because when it gets hot up there it really gets hot you got all those buildings you got steam coming off cars my man you was living in a in a shoe box my man you had to get yourself man I was dying but uh we got it squared away I was uh really hot under the collar that day more ways than one um good to have you on the program tonight now listen uh you know I didn't realize that Brian Cashman the general manager of the Yankees 25-year general manager been there very long time the great Bill Walsh the orchestrator West Coast offense San Francisco 49ers head coach says you know I never want to be anywhere over 10 years rather to be a head coach or an executive uh he says people uh employees management players you name it all seem to tune me out 10 years is my rule more than double that practically triple for Brian Cashman uh you know the pitch in the Yankees is not what it was during those championship years they've got a huge payroll I think about Carlos Giancarlo Stanton and I think about Aaron judge basically the same guy they're 10 at the ARA or their 10th and saves uh they're in the top ten in their array but the pigeon's not quite Championship ready do you think Cashman may be the problem with the Yankees right now no the biggest problem is the fact that they have to get those High high-end players at the high-end contracts that's the problem that's not his fault necessarily uh and then also he's when he gets these these rookies that come in under under the minor league contracts um you know trying to keep them in the system as long as he can and try to use them um he's just a um you know he's just a product of what what it takes to be the top Bryce and Yankees in Yankee land right um you know here's the thing baseball is different from football right because baseball takes a lot more um it takes a lot more you know getting people under you to to help you you can't just pick players you know where you can DM you you have a scout team and all that stuff and but then again you know these kids are going to college for a little bit longer and baseball is different you're getting kids sometimes at the age of 15 16 years old with a 16 year old draft nowadays you know so it's a different it's a different animal so maybe 25 years is like 10 years if you think about it if you want to put it like you know you want to put the gauge on it yeah um is Cashman done I mean the Yankees have been in the playoffs since he's been there right they've only missed it well you know how the Yankees they have a high bar you know 2008 was it the last World Series yeah yeah and then but another thing too is that um he's also been through the the death of the big GM right of of um Daddy Yankee uh not the rapper um but the um but you know um so you know he I I don't I I feel like people fans are getting tired of him because they hear his name but if they see what he's been able to do and what he you know has been trying to do like you know today's the first day that Carlos Rendon is coming back from an injury that he's pitching okay that's the contract that they signed last year that they was hoping to get uh you know some some high quality starts from him and he he hasn't been able to because of his injury so now today's the first day he's out there pitching but um you know injuries happen uh players you know they Peak sometimes they fall um players come and go you know the rookies are in and out of the system um you know if I were to give him any kind of any kind of grading um like and you compare him to like the other teams in Major League Baseball he gets a B minus a b a b minor slash B plus b plus B minus like he's not bad um his players just haven't played up to Conor but that's like that feels like the NBA today like we're playing them through the contract right I mean um yeah and you can't oh Stanton I love Carlos Stan don't get me wrong he is well about Talent man but you know if he got him and judge on big contracts I would say maybe think about moving one of them for uh two or three relief pitchers uh it's just you know I mean we're fans we can't say just move this guy just move that guy like it's easy right well it's got to be food for thought I understand like you said it's it's easier said than done especially it's not like the NFL where you can cut people yeah you gotta pay those contracts out or you gotta find somebody to pay those contracts to find them they might be the only team that can afford it maybe other than yeah across the river there I think the biggest hindrance for cashmen to get back to him is the fact that he is a GM of the New York Yankees I think that's the biggest hindrance but if you look at it through the decades and cashman's been through two decades this has been two decades of pretty decent baseball pretty good baseball and if you compare that to other teams man um again he might for me he might just get a B plus slash B minus but you can't you know there are a lot of GMS have come and gone um from other teams uh one one guy specifically is um the one who put that Cubs team together and and in the Boston team together yeah he's not even the GM right now you know so um you know you can't who you comparing the Boston and the Cubs together yeah the OS yeah absolutely yeah who are you comparing Cashman to and what grade are you giving that guy not Theo FC for instance but anybody else who who's been in you know who's been doing this right yeah and I would have to look around and see uh other Scouts and stuff and and but you know Yankees you got the Yes Network Got Deep Pockets now dad has been dead for quite a few years maybe the people you know are you like your father I mean shouldn't we we should be a reflection of our father slash better a better version right that's the goal for our fathers oh you don't want uh of 78 uh hiring people to uh look after Reggie Jackson and uh uh private investigators and all that yeah I mean the old man won though it's a different time plus you're talking about George Steinbrenner I don't know why I couldn't think of his first name we live in different times the Yankees are a different team they're billion dollar team now you know they're in the billions uh the value is up the the empty and the values up on them so that TV media all that makes a difference fine this guy's in the middle of everything he's done a great job to keep us cool he's not enough he's not in a media like everybody Compares Houston whoever runs Houston I wouldn't compare them to them maybe Houston just got new ownership not too a few years ago though but look look okay you know like I say this like I think as fans because they want a championship every single year like because of supposedly the best team in baseball supposedly because they're supposed to be I think that's when that's that's another jab Adam but man I wouldn't to be honest with you I don't think I want another kind of person in there to be doing what he does for the Yankees I just pressure I've talked to Corey about this but it's a pressure cooking job you're the general manager of New York Yankees I mean you are on the hot seat every day and I commend him for it but it just seems like that pitching just not what it you he seemed like he's kind of going more offensive lenients versus that kind of pitching and obviously they didn't they they don't have a generational guy like Amari or Rivera so I understand that one side of it too when they got cold they they replaced um they were replacing uh CC right yeah okay and that's not that hasn't been bad for them I mean he's he's done pretty good I'm I don't want to be defending the guy because sometimes he gets on my nerves with some of the moves that he's made but again they might irritate me but for the Yankees on the money level on the fact that they're the best team of baseball on the fact that they're still going into the playoffs and they're more of a hitting team than a pitching team as a fan they still they still competitive like yeah you know and it's like even if they're not terrible pitching what they're still top 10 and era yeah 10th and saves but that that's a big deal though if you're 10th and say you they you want to be closer to you know fifth eight games up or seven games up in the in their divisions I mean come on I don't know there's eight games back in their division what are you talking about well I'm saying like oh I mean you mean the wild card they're still in they're still in the hunt that's what I'm saying look I mean yeah oh look all I can say is this for for what it's worth and for the guy being there for 25 years if you want to throw him in the fire throw them in the fire but I mean no I think I think I think it's a Sports Talk uh topic I'm not sure if I'm ready to put the ax on him but I do I kind of realize that they're they're pitching it seems to be an ongoing thing it's just not quite it's it seems like they could could have done more in the off season would they get beat 13-4 the other night 14 I mean no listen but but ran that up on them everybody's big thing right now everybody is suffering right now all the teams are suffering now because of pitching it's not just the Yankees right the problem the problem with the Yankees and Mets is that their pitching is doing terrible and they're hitting is terrible as well so they they're gonna be in the mix of this media and this nonsense about well we we deserve better as fans and yeah we we should get the best but at the end of the day we can you don't play the game we're not we're not on the field we're not making you know well the Mets haven't lost the game this month yet have they it's it's been a short month so far so six games six games pause on the brakes on that but I mean we got to be realistic at the end of the day you know and another thing too is this is baseball it's not like techno or RBI Baseball this is like you know and that's one of my favorites you know so you know it's your high expectations we all have high expectations I mean I have high expectations but and I'm not trying to defend it like and I'm not trying to defend anybody but I'm just being realistic and saying who do you compare cashmere to that has done a better job and it's been at the game and with one team the other side of that argument is who's consistently had the amount of resources that cashman's had uh you know they're one of the first few teams to have their own network the Yes Network they have a lot more Revenue than other teams I mean you're really competing with who the Dodgers you're only really competing I mean as far as Revenue I mean obviously the crosstown team with the newly you know you got Steve Cohen but I mean you're not really competing with anybody uh uh money-wise you know other than those teams I just mentioned that's that I mean it's my little Devil's Advocate a little bit yeah a little bit no it knows height those High contracts aren't aren't coming back to to the Yankees and and making them a better team I mean but they have that Donaldson contract that's kind of killing them they they need to move him eventually yeah um they were trying to save money getting him um they have uh the main the Mayhew contract um he might have to go to um he had that toe injury and never recovered uh gleber Torres they they had him as a high prospect that he's been playing uh he's that they're not getting what they want out of him uh you know so these are players that either peaked or not peaking like that's not a Cashman issue he got he finally got rid of he finally got rid of um some of the players a little bit last year and and gave judge a bigger contract and defense screen I was a fan saying you can move drugs that's okay you need more players in pitching I was okay with that but everybody else was screaming you know you need keep him he's a he's a he's a captain of the team they made him the captain the Yankee fans should be happy because they got what they asked for they got judged in the contract and they made him the captain of the team I mean you you can't buy a World Series you have to play for that but had the Yankees been able to buy a World Series that's you know maybe come to fruition but you know you you can't have your cake and eat it too man you gotta they got to cut that up into slices and enjoy every little bit they've always had those big Power hitters and with the Yankees you know they still got back cashman's whole his whole remember he's the one that okay uh obviously ownership but you know giving A-Rod a second contract when he wasn't doing anything in the playoffs I mean you guys the only team that could really or not you I mean the Yankees only team that could really really handle that A-Rod contract at the time and then they turned around and gave him five million more and extended him you know they were probably bidding against themselves but that that's uh that's provisionist history they did that too with Cece and Matthew remember everybody was like oh he's cooked he's cooked and oh yeah and she's getting so big you know yeah and she she proves everybody's out there well she's yeah I mean CeCe Sabetha look he was overweight he got that World Series yeah he he had a he had a personal issue yeah um well I don't know people know about it but yeah you know he got cleaned up he lost weight he got stronger and he he did two more years on the contract um and he and he did it well but I think it's pitching I mean yeah it's bad but I'm saying this that Sabathia did that for himself to do that because he was on the contract not not every player comes back and says I'm gonna go 100 get you know fix myself and try better you know it's just every every you hope he's one of the biggest free agents of all time man I think that yeah I think the Mets should go after him I like I know that the Yankees and the Mets are going to go after Otani for sure yeah that's not a question the only question is that does Otani want to be on the east coast and I don't think he does and I don't blame him if he doesn't come to New York for any team um and and I'll tell you why it's a shorter flight to Japan from California than it is right to New York I've been to L.A a couple times and it's it's it looks like Japan out there sometimes you know they're nice people though yeah no no no and you know they have a lot of a a good Asian pop uh yeah remember him yeah yeah they got a little Japan here in Brooklyn like but it's not about it's not just about what New York has to offer ohtani it's what ohtani wants yo you know these guys nowadays they get what they want and um I don't think he can handle the media here in New York the way he's handling in La um I think it's like a different vibe right um it's gonna have to be sold to them and maybe 40 more billion dollars got it I'll tell you something the way judge handled his deal and he actually won he said he wanted to stay in New York and he actually meant it because he's here now and and he rebuffed San Francisco right he said I'm not taking the higher I'm not taking the higher pay yes you know I guess he's going to retire there but he wants to be here you know he he likes the whole legend thing of the being the Yankees and and he likes the fact that everybody wants I did like the fact that he have and plus you know California taxes are a little bad worse than uh than New York too so it might have not been that much difference really is very expensive you've got to live in New Jersey that's it I mean like that's everybody else well I mean he could probably get a penthouse up there in Manhattan somewhere um Derek Jeter had like his own floors in an apartment building man man it must be nice living like that I lived in a freaking shoe box man had to walk you should have just talked to Jeter he would have let her he would have rented you his closet which is better than the apartment you have man 100 square foot of 63rd and Amsterdam next to Juilliard and there were some projects close by and you know to be honest I think his closet was like 300 square foot it was like a quarter of the floor yeah yeah well I I couldn't believe we made it man but my roommate he worked day shift that I worked second shift so we didn't have to deal with each other that works out that's what you got it was all right you know I mean it was hard to get any lady friends to hang out they were claustrophobic up in there um hey man last couple weeks I've been meaning to talk to you about this uh college football next year man can you imagine 20 years ago when we were in college that if you would have said in 2024 there's going to be a 12 team playoff in Oklahoma and Texas are going to be playing in the SEC I will say you are crazy we'll be lucky to get plus one now we're going to get 12 teams next year that you said you got a copy of that Florida schedule is that the hardest schedule in the history of college football next year right so everybody's talking about that although all the Medias you know bring them to Hype but here's the thing as much as it's a hard schedule is the Florida team up to the hype are they are they going to be ready I think Billy Mayfair if he don't get fired this year he'll get fired next year man you're not look Florida is not Georgia and Florida's not Alabama I mean they were struggling last year with the with the schedule they had no I I that yeah Miami's supposed to be better at Florida State LSU to Turkey yeah all those things at Texas Texas is potentially a national championship Contender man with the recruiting oh so so tell me something what is your you look at this schedule right first three weeks are they one in three right well I mean I think they can beat UCF but that won't be a picnic they might be I could guarantee they'll probably beat Samford they'll probably beat Mississippi State look you're not looking at it like the way I'm looking at it Miami's gonna give them a headache yeah they probably not gonna win they're probably not gonna win that game to be honest with you yeah right right and if there's no order yet on this schedule so we don't know like who they're playing after about week and all that stuff don't get me wrong but it's still very difficult there's I've never seen a schedule like this but the thing is that even if you put those teams UCF which is not a cup like you said it's not a picnic and then Sanford a team that might be hungry if you if you put them on one of those schedules where they have to play the Florida State or Georgia or whenever one of those teams before they have to play Samford and they get injuries they might have a tough time playing in Stanford and let's see yeah let's say they beat Samford uh 21 to 14. they still got to come back and beat a top-rated team right right right so they might win that game but the the week after that is you know it's not going to be no easy task you know Kentucky beat him this past year I've looked you know I'm missing Mississippi state's supposed to be better this year too yeah yeah I mean you're talking Lane Kiff and Mark Stoops uh uh Georgia who's got the number one class in the country again coming into 24. uh obviously they play them every year Texas A M with all their recruits uh Texas at Tech Texas is just loaded Archie Manning could be the starting quarterback there you schedule what you sent me is that the way it's going to be set up for the year or the those teams well it's just a random schedule for next year with the new two with Oklahoma and Texas added into the SEC I don't know man there's no way this team makes the player even in the 12th team playoff I don't think they're going to make a 12 team playoffs I'm gonna tell you something though and not for nothing and this is bad for Tennessee at the end of the day because remember Tennessee would like you were looking for either either Kentucky or Ole Miss or even a Vanderbilt to pick up actually two or three games right yeah um when you're top rated not all the time don't don't be don't get my words Twisted when Tennessee is a top-rated team they was looking for those other teams to be like on the down right yeah because they were on the up and it didn't mean that they were guaranteed wins anyways so they still had to get those wins um they're looking for maybe a Ole Miss Mississippi State Kentucky and Vanderbilt let's say those four teams um we're always up and down when they were up the other teams are down if not at the same time right so that schedule was very competitive that was the tough schedule for the SEC already right that's the SEC East was already tough yeah now Florida's got just imagine what Tennessee schedule looked like yeah well I people were talking about this story about three weeks ago there was a joke that it's like the hardest schedule I mean usually back in the day you fall to Florida for a long time like I have when they had Miami on the schedule and Florida State plus the SEC that was rough enough but now you got Texas who is really good and then you've got Texas A M who's got a lot of money Ole Miss has got a legit coach there and like the coach is so much better you know it's so much better now for uh for Ole Miss LSU's a guy think about the championship coaches here uh Brian Kelly's played in the National Championship uh uh uh the coach for uh Georgia's got two national championships Jimbo Fisher with Texas A M he's won a national championship opal you have the coach for Tennessee oh yeah yeah yeah hypo hypo yeah I'm sorry he's he's been in a few bowl games yeah he's really good I mean this is like I said uh so what's your thoughts on uh Oklahoma Texas coming to the SEC next year uh I don't know how good Texas going I think Texas could be a sleeper to win it all this year hey Robert I think Oklahoma is going to get their coach probably fired what you hear that that's ringing Urban Meyer might be coming back to Florida I thought I was having sound problems they they need they needed they need they're gonna need something they do need Urban Meyer back I don't care about all his past I mean I don't know man like to be honest with you all these kids want to you know transfer portal and all that I don't know who wants to be playing in Florida that's because that's a it's not that you're trying to look for the best school and the easiest this will be a hard schedule for Alabama and they're the safest team in the league it's about time for all you SEC fans out there you know you're gonna have to like you're gonna have to Buck up and don't be so excited because this year is going to be yeah crazy like well I know I'm not even looking at this year's schedule but I'm just so hyped up about next year with with uh the Texas fans and it's gonna be interesting man it's really going to be interesting now that you got a m and Texas in there uh and Oklahoma but Oklahoma is going to go coach shopping Oklahoma will move off their coach probably in a year or two and so will Florida in my opinion maybe Texas they don't live up to the hype that just seems like a you know again it won't just be it won't just be the players jumping into the port I'll be the coaches too because they're gonna yeah it's not gonna be here's here's food for thought they might go after uh Dion Sanders I think Dion's gonna have a pretty good year this year with Colorado Colorado yeah he would love to go to Florida love that even though he went to Florida State I I tell you what if if Deion Sanders is smart I he would stay three to five years in Colorado just to just to not be part of that whole beginning of what's happening in the SEC with the adding the addition of those universities because you want you want to you want to have stability you want to have you want to know who you're you know who you're playing and that is just like putting a um that's just like my monkey wrench man in a lifetime bro it's it's all those Trends I think Connor I think he is one and done there man you think so yeah no he's gonna win about eight games and he's gonna be like okay I'll turn the 111 team down to to eight and four or whatever and bye bye come on Florida here's the thing what I like about that situation in Colorado and I and I feel like that's one reason but Colorado doesn't know it's like for Dion is that Dion's gonna do a Dion wants to do and he's gonna do it how he wants to do it and he Dion ain't never been one of those guys to be like you know I did it one time I and that's it he's always been if you see what he did with Atlanta he was with Atlanta for a few years before he asked to be traded because he was like yo I played on the worst team and I still had the stats then he went to San Francisco he wanted us you know and you know you know he was in the playoffs he did what he did and he told people he wasn't old and he didn't Peak and then he went to then he went to Dallas and he did the same thing like he likes to prove people wrong but he does it his way and he never does it like in a year turnover and says he's gone like he did he's not that guy he said he said God uh picked him to uh told him to go coach for Jackson State and that was for three years so I mean but at least he was there three years right I mean he that is true that is he puts time and commitment to his craft and whatever it is that he's doing and I swear I like the bottom it's really honest too he he said he would have been there forever if they would have just paid him but they can't and he said that he he wants to move up and out like he wasn't like just trying to be a token coach you know what I'm saying yeah I know how I know how Dion is I just think uh yeah so so John says God's the best agent you know it must be a Colorado fan he said Dion said that he's he's leaving Jackson State so he wants to get his staff paid so he spun it really well yeah I mean you can't you can't blame a man for being honest and trying to and trying to make money at the same time this is a hard thing to do and like you said he could spend it out or say what he said Dion Dion has a skill and and people and he's a leader and kids follow him he's he does his son you know he's done stuff for his kid his own kids and his you know his sons and his daughters so like you know you got respect him for being for for being honest and being true to himself and he's been doing it with his family like keeping his family all you know all together that's not an easy thing for some of these coaches um you know a lot of coaching leads to a lot of you know unrest in family and sometimes breaks up families or what Dion's been able to do how again he chooses what he wants to do how he does it and it's been working out for him and I don't feel like he's gonna be in Colorado for one year I think he wants to prove to how long how long does he stay in Colorado I you know what I I give him two plus years maybe three years okay me because the thing is that everybody's gonna be like well that was your first year so then that you know that's a proven you know he has he has to do like a proven type tracking right he might I mean he might stay there for three years and then move on to the NFL who knows yeah everybody says he don't want to fool with the NFL I I think there's a good chance he that he might he may look at this Florida job if Billy Napier survives this year I know he won't survive 24. here's a here's the thing and and what I like about Diana he's not he's no dummy and he knows what he's wanted and he knows where he's people are just gonna have a stray on hold on him and that's why he didn't end up in any school in Florida even though he's from Florida is either the school wanted to control him or they they just want to throw away there wasn't any big openings last year in Florida well that's another Florida State still got no Veil Miami still got um well they just signed Cristobal Miami just signed crystal ball I like crystal ball I think they have a big bounce back here too by the way yeah I don't I don't know bounce back I don't know because crystal ball though some of those games last year I was like they were they weren't even in the game and they were on the field so I don't know if they've been lost six games this first year at Alabama oh man why you always bring up other people ain't got nothing to do with them hey he's a good recruiter man really good recruiter so uh let's see okay you mentioned you mentioned the Jets interested in Dalvin cook what are your thoughts on that I think if Bruce Hall is is a hundred percent I probably stay with Reese but you know I don't know maybe he's not that was a pretty rough injury last year when I heard that I just started shaking my head like this is what the Jets do and it's just bothersome it's like okay you not you got a quarterback you have a pretty decent running back who was kind of trying to prove to you that he's a good quarterback he got hurt that happens who's protecting these guys who who are you gonna throw out there a guy that you weren't sure about and now you're telling him to protect the best quarterback that's ever played in in this decade for this team anyways well it don't matter what Aaron Rodgers did in Green Bay doesn't matter for the Jets right now yeah all that matters is what he's gonna do and he somebody's got to protect him and they gotta they got a first round 37 year old left tackle and Dwayne Brown I think yeah but that's one guy I mean you know I'm a little concerned I'm concerned about the line yes that's yeah that's my only concern but you know that's the concern that everybody and anybody should have it's like you guys 39 years old like that I mean you know uh we'll see 38 I can't remember well here's another problem they brought him in which is okay you need stability you need influence you but you got Makai beckton who who you was trying to throw under the bus last year look what and what and I'm glad that they they learned something from last year that they they've not been in his face with the media right they've been kind of Sheltering him which is good but now you're gonna throw them out there and be like go guard the best quarterback that's ever played this game in the last 10 years um come on man he he could barely keep his weight last year like this is a guy that you gotta move up through the system if you see he has a mental or emotional issue then you you deal with that and then but you don't just throw him out to the wall now you're gonna throw him out to the wolves and be like well he was a first round pick yeah he was the first round pick last year but like a couple years ago but don't mean that he's gonna play to that potential yet like they haven't give him in the situation they haven't put him in the situation he hasn't played enough to be like okay now I'm ready to guard somebody and I'm ready to be in the game the big game they don't know what they have in him so now they're gonna just go Mountain the wolf and how is Aaron Rodgers gonna feel about that I tell you what the third snap if he gets grass on his on his pants because he got slammed Makai back then gets benched and when and in the mid season he's gonna either get dropped from the team or they're gonna move because yeah this is this is what about what about Alvin cook man did they bring in cook or do they not don't bring nobody in and bring in the old lineman don't worry about all that jazz you the New York Jets you gotta you got I'm starting to think they probably shouldn't have went defensive end in the first round of the draft they probably should have added yeah you you and every other Jets fan is like man we we now we got Aaron Rodgers because he finally committed who gonna that I've been asking that before he committed okay it's very Tucker's move to guard oh yeah right but yeah Beckham's been moved to right tackle and Dwayne Brown that's your left tackle that's the most important position he's got some age on him you hope he can hold up I know that uh Whitworth from uh the Realms he was that age he held up they won a Super Bowl but we'll see how that goes Whitworth is older yeah but that okay so here's this then again I think it was Nate Boone at the end they found a way to get it done against Cincinnati and they got their Super Bowl win does that does this put the head coach in hot water if this jet team don't make the playoffs this year he's been in hot water for the last two seasons listen he's only been there two seasons here's the thing like but that's that's what he that's Woody Johnson for you they got a new OC as well they also got a new ocean yeah I don't know bro like well it was Roger's uh it was Roger's quarterback coach with Green Bay that's the thought behind it oh yeah and look how great he was as a head coach for for Denver he was terrible for Denver yeah come on I mean I don't look I'm sorry but and I feel the same way about the Giants too so I'm not excited I'm just I'm just ready for the season to start and end to be honest with you um yeah I haven't made my mind up on this jet team I want to look more into this offensive line I want to look into the injury the practice reports on Micaiah becton on the Wayne Brown I mean just just had opportunities to move these kids but they they didn't I don't know whatever well that goes to your personality your head coaches that are defensive minded they poo-poo the offensive line here lately and you could see we haven't had a lot of defensive minor head coaches win the Super Bowls in the last four or five years either I mean I like playing defense but man you know already running the Shanahan system so you know those decent tight ends they have are going to be overworked because they don't have an online I know you're a big Shanahan fan like you're a Tom Thibodeau fan with the Knicks uh uh I I I like you said I don't know if they really need Dalvin cook right now I think cook would be a better fit probably with Miami the scheme and everything will help him better there oh my gosh that's what I'm saying I think it'll be great for Miami the biggest issue that Miami had was having a quarterback consistently in a running back that is true yeah I I well it's allowing us clicking John the Jets win that game if that line is um so so Buffalo beats that's gonna be a huge game huge game right off the bat maybe the biggest game of the first week of the season is that Jets Buffalo game because of the star power ah man I don't they both gonna poo poo it because the first five games of the Season look are junk anyway and I'm not high Buffalo because of the digs the digs uh Saga I told you I keep telling you about Buffalo robber and you don't and you just well you might be right about Buffalo this time around um but anyways it's food for thought and more important stories uh who who what's your thoughts about this um Britney Spears uh women Yama I saw the video man what's she up there walking up to a guy like that like she's a fan I think her egos hurt more than her physical uh uh being pushed out of the way or you want to say slap by the security guy she just ran up she didn't say nothing he just put his hand out to stop her I mean she only five four five five two five well that's the guy the guy's only 19 years old Britney's 40 something he probably they pray they didn't recognize her where's this guy at that he needs a bodyguard anyways that's what I want to know like what is well he's in Vegas they're in there for the spring games no no I'm just kidding like I mean you know that is true 7-3 what do you need a bodyguard for like all you got to do is just like walk around people any thoughts on that the situation is like you know I think you know Britney's claiming she's a fan and she just wanted to like you know show some support and just want you know a little bit of like you know reaction from him but the security guard was um like beast mode right well I guess he felt like he was doing the job she was very aggressive she didn't she didn't say hey I'm Britney Spears or see that tells you how pretty that's that pretty girl yeah but Robert 20 years ago there's no problem she could do it now it's like who are you lady and I think she's hurt by that no no I don't think so I think the whole situation just every Everybody all like both sides of situation are just like too much it's flown out of proportion yeah proportion like but Robert you went around and said it was Tom Cruise because you're about his height you think people would stop and be like is that Tom Cruise you know don't just say who you are like you have to study that that accent I did like top good did you like top gun Maverick I thought it was pretty good I didn't think you already caught that I've been on the on the on the Marvel and DC Comics oh okay so uh well I've got Amazon that's the only reason I saw it I wouldn't have ordered it it's on Amazon now it's on Amazon yeah okay I'll check it out no but um I've been looking for it but like um I'll tell you what if you're Britney Spears um or anybody else you know on any level of celebrity from a to to D I mean all you got to do is get a hold of this guy's agent and I'm sure he's like 19 years old I'm sure he'd like make time to like do something with you you know like right he's from France first of all so he's gonna be inundated in Vegas if somebody called me or my agent I've been like hey Carlos this guy want to meet you in New York I'll be like I have a cup of coffee at Starbucks with him like you know something's like you don't got to go out and be like yeah we're gonna meet at Parkside you know restaurant at 60 bucks a plate you know no he'd be like yeah he'll have a cup of coffee I think I think once her ego heals up [ __ ] she'll she'll be fine I think dude and you're right that's probably what he'll do and he's probably don't even ever heard of her you know it's like hardly hot you know that's Taylor Swift now that's different Taylor Swift would have been like first of all she would have never done that I don't think no no not at all I don't mean remember Kesha remember when Kesha went up to uh Jerry Seinfeld and she kept trying to hug him and Jerry sounds like no I don't know I'm good who is that girl you know he said like a few times under his breath he's like you know I'm married like like don't touch me like there's a lot of cameras around I'm a married man like you know she's like 25 at the time you know bro oh my gosh like yeah your day's Coming Robert don't be don't don't be you know well I just like to see women get this like we do it's guys you know it happens this is most of the time there isn't a camera around that that is true um okay now I was having a little fun with that hey man what what's your thoughts about I didn't get a chance to ask you this and I don't want to put words in your mouth uh I didn't get asked you just said today uh Draymond Green 100 million dollar contract to stay with with golden state we mentioned Chris Paul a little bit but is this is this another championship team the way they're assembled like um so people always question whether the whether it was coaching or whether it's the players right okay I'd have to say that uh the coaching Style fit the players in the moment and I'd have to say now that the coaching Style has run its course and the players have run their course and it's a mismatch yeah um they got old quick man um you know they were wanting to repeat all those championships and and that was the thought in the in the management and ownership's mind and coaching and you know if you don't get two in a row it's okay because it's not easy to get two in a row but you wanted three four championships you know like that that was a warm up that was a more difficult feat to accomplish and once they didn't get the third in the time frame that they wanted yeah they should have just been pulled like pull two or three players out and make and got younger you could have always kept stuff but yeah um they did wrong by keeping Draymond the first time up this contract and then they came back and upped up uh Clay Thompson then clay got hurt but then clay got hurt not because it's just playing but you know he's older now so it's like you know um they just didn't manage that whole situation and they still haven't managed it right and now Steph's sitting there with the team that they'll probably do good during the season but when it comes on postseason are they gonna have enough horses man you know I'm like you you got a little more faith than me I I'm thinking the league is so much better in the west now around them you know yeah during the season you can you can like kind of go in circles and win a few games on on when the team is having to have a better road record without Jordan pool because of the the issue last year between him and Draymond to be honest with you I think the biggest issue was the other player Wiseman right well yeah he's another big I think maybe they was prematurely gave up on him I mean they don't have any bigs now I mean they got rid of him I think Looney don't get that many minutes for what they're trying to do and they they had a nice little a nice little run with younger players and just gave up on them yeah only ones they're keeping is Peyton and and uh uh who's the other guy Wiggins of course you think they would lean more in the Wiggins and and maybe that's what it is they're going to lean more into Wiggins during the regular season to make him more Center Point I feel like with Wiggins though um they should have if anything they should have moved him and got some more youth out of that you know draft picks or some younger guys maybe bring up some people from the J from the G League because the thing is with your core you you have and you're coaching you have enough presence there to [Music] to build up that team to to do what it what you wanted to do and that's the younger guys who have the speed to run right yeah um let's see I'm looking at it like the way basketball's played today which is why I was not I'm not a fan of tibs right because he has all these young guards and all these young players yeah when he was just depending on his older guys and it's like no you gotta go you know you all the guys are going to be there no matter what but you that young those young guys have to be in the game that's you play who you play with what you got yeah I heard I heard you earlier today I say so play you play who's playing well you don't play young guys just to play young guys I mean you're paid to win games no no because because if you believe if you have a if you have that structure and you have that game plan you believe in what you're putting out there your young guys are gonna score they're gonna run up and down the the and take I'm not saying totally bench them I just wouldn't you know I wouldn't I would give them extra minutes over my over my my money guys if my money guys had a better plus minus I'm gonna get my money guys in there and and work and work these guys until I feel like they're ready to to make that the numbers okay saying that how did that work out for for Damian Lillard and Chris Paul and all these guys in the playoffs who don't don't have legs and and can't get nothing and get hurt because they're just too tired in the playoffs well that's more of a load management type so now now it's a low management right they have the younger guys making some noise yeah I mean so it's we'll see how that I did hear about that and I think they drafted another guard too opportunity to move the young players in but they didn't take the opportunity to move Draymond and and I would have went for Dylan Brooks over Draymond he's seven years younger man I I don't know they're about the same player both get a lot of texts you know bouncer type of guys I mean very similar stats you know when that what was that contract that uh that he got in Houston yeah he got a pretty good contract in Houston yeah yeah I don't think Golden State would have given that kind of money yeah I I just I don't know I mean it goes back to Bob Meyer they Bob Meyer did not want to make those tough decisions and you got to take the emotion out of it yeah and let guys know this is this is a business we're doing it for the betterment of the organization and uh he didn't want to do that it could be some other reasons but maybe he didn't want to do it ownership didn't want to you never know we'll never know the real truth I don't think and then even though the players himself then I don't want to play with somebody different right right right you know I don't know man you know Charles Oakley golden state is probably not gonna beat Sacramento more than two times Sacramento will probably get better uh I know I know Memphis is going to get better I do I really think Memphis will get better Golden State will have to clean we'll have to like play harder and get those games to make sure that they're not the in the in the bottom end of that playoff if not they're going to get wrecked yeah I think they're a play in team at best yeah that's what I'm saying to you that's how I mentioned it to you they might get to a playoff but that's about it they're not going to go anywhere yeah they're one and done this year now unless they make a blockbuster trade for a young player you know yeah and and here's the thing Golden State fans they might not even be a one and done they might not get to the playoffs and when your main guy's 36 and then your parent you're depending on two 34 year olds some are saying that they may do something else they gotta do they got to make some other moves yeah yeah that somebody some some are saying that do you got anything else you need to uh to plug there it looks like um by the way it was on the uh John orstano show earlier uh spitball and sports come check those guys out every night on Fridays at uh 6 p.m Eastern uh looking for that on the what is it the uh talk play against Sports and of course the spitballing just look for spitball and sports podcasts it's gold and black really good John's very good yeah you guys got a lot of good good content listen um and speaking of content I I went back on the video and I commented that I made a mistake about Latrell Sprewell yeah he went to Alabama yeah but he was on the he was on a good Alabama team he played with Robert or worry yeah yeah man Big Shot Bob yeah he played Robert Rory Casio Robert Orr played for Alabama I said wow okay Joe Johnson played for Arkansas um Al Horford played for Florida I mean there's there's been some good players like uh was cordless Williams and all those guys on that team but who did what Arkansas Willis remember him who did he play for Arkansas oh okay they did I want to say they won in 94. they won the National Championship in 94. so they're not a obviously Kentucky's had a lot of great players I mean Jamal Murray went to Kentucky Rex Chapman chat oh yeah yeah that guy jeez that's one you'd like to forget Tony Delk uh just a lot of Chan that's why people were so annoyed my friend Donnie from Kentucky he's so annoyed that they haven't won more you know you got guys like Anthony Davis DeMarcus Cousins John Wall uh they got another great class coming in this year and you and I told him I said well Calipari doesn't have enough time to mold them if they had two or three years he would probably have about four championships by now now the same thing happens with the Duke in in North Carolina I mean there's they've had some teams and then they don't show up in the playoffs it's been nice to have Kyrie for three years with Duke uh Tatum Tatum went to Duke yeah so uh Duke really got some high-end guys there at the end that were that trans you know for better in the NBA actually then Christian Laettner oh great Hill was good before his injury Christian lehner was good he wasn't you know Dave Williams was really good he got he got in a bad motorcycle accident yeah a lot of guys forget about uh um Mr uh Mr Memphis Grizzly Battier shambattier man who's your Daddy Daddy hey who's your daddy daddy Memphis has had opportunities with the Grizzlies to be in in a few playoffs Memphis took him with like the fourth pick I was so hyped about that pick at the time because that's when Memphis became Memphis remember they were the they used to be the Vancouver Grizzlies yeah that was a great team 2001 Duke Blue Devils Carlos Boozer Jay Williams and Shane Battier come back 25 points down in the semifinal against Maryland in 2001 one of the best comebacks ever to go on and win a National Championship I don't know if you remember that team yeah no of course and then Jay Williams gets drafted by Chicago and has that motorcycle accident he was money in that championship game or that that semi-final game yeah man he was like that look I mean that was a team that was a they they knew each other man that was a team that when they're on the court they knew where everybody was going to be um they had a good they never panicked right good basketball Acumen for sure and that that Maryland team was so good with a guy named Juan Dixon that came back the very next year and won the national championship oh yeah yeah I want to say they're only national championship no that's right Juan Dixon man what a player one I don't know how these names that's what I was living up there in New York yeah only only only really bad annoying thing that happened to me when I was watching the Kings get beat by that Laker team um that was the one that I thought that was rigged and of course that was the Tim Donaghey series that was a great series that year I remember that stuff but Chris Webber uh what's his name Mike baby Mike Bibby that was a good team that was a good team yeah Christy I think yeah no Christy yep yep yep they all wanted to fight Kobe uh who oh body was on that team yeah it's the flopster body divots yeah speaking of uh of Kobe and then we'll talk about flopping real quick um yeah he's the king of that crap Kobe's gonna they're gonna Nike's gonna re-release the Kobe line they're going to release some of those shoes re-release some of those shoes and then on the flopping thing I mean yeah they have to make it a rule do they have to make it a rule can't they just just yeah I don't like actually I'm on I'm on board with the I don't like players doing that man yeah but it's just getting my technical foul why does it have to be a rule like I don't know I'm glad that they're addressing flopping that that that's time consuming man stopping the clock taking free throws bring it back to the 80s what's more what's more annoying the the walk slash Euro Step the three-step Euro Step or the flopping that's a good question I'm not I I always took traveling uh 24 on the yeah core he loves NBA 2K you're hyped about that more than anything ain't you Corey yeah I've been back into playing video games I've got the the remastered Sega and and the Nintendo and I'm thinking about just selling them both and going out and getting the PS5 or whatever and getting mad and getting back in the NBA 2K hey they brought it back and Macy's they got Toys R Us on the third floor son Corey he hiked on that NBA 2K no but like I'm I'm over that that uh the carrying and the extra the extra step in the Euro Step that's not I mean it is kind of annoying but the flopping's the most annoying thing ever dude I don't know because you you see when they do the turnaround they carry the ball they dribble it take an extra step I'm like bro have we been able to do that we've been Superstar we've been like that's a good point that is a very good point my dad always used to Hound me about double dribbling walking Jordan used to get away with palmen all the time yeah then you had the Jordan rules and air quote remember Allen Iverson man do I he's located yeah that's a good yeah yeah that's the Euro Step is that LeBron made a career out of that you know with this Powerhouse dunks taking walking a mile but flopping I think they need to bring back hand checking and do it white will flopping and just kind of make it more physical I think that would be nice man check it out imagine LeBron did what he did with the Euro Step and Sean Kent was just straight up jumping in front of people and just dunking in front of people right Sean Kemp when I'm on swole The Rainmaker son you know that that's my favorite so uh New Jersey Drive soundtrack Queen Latifah New Jersey I can't forget she's like Shawn Kemp when I'm on swole my baby sister when and I thought man that is nice nice little beat man uh New Jersey Drive soundtrack uh Queen Latifah I had the little Sean kempsh I had the the uh the uh uh the Sean Kemp shoes the Reeboks with the uh uh camera flights uh Seattle uh Supersonics they're a little heavy a little floppy but they were Sean Kemps you know yeah it was it wasn't heavy for Sean Kim Chad kiss John Morant carries John Moran carries like nobody's business he played at the FedEx building man he's allowed to carry hey that's a good that's a good note to leave the uh leave it on I'll see you next week man yeah and uh I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about here enjoy your weekend guys keep watching the games Vegas I'm gonna try to get on that baseball this week man and see what's going on you're gonna get on some of those preseason Vegas matches with woman I've recorded uh the Brandon Miller match up actually so I'm gonna watch that one and they're gonna play Charlotte I think they're playing they've already played about an hour ago we'll check it out yeah all right man appreciate it thank you

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