Berliner Mauerweg, Runde 2, 2024, Tag 2

[Music] for for [Music] all [Music] [Music] all [Music] for the b g for [Music] [Music] SP [Music] h [Music] [Music] k [Music] you say you want to come over tonight yeah you want to make up and make it right when everybody's looking for something else they can do we try to make it work this time we have let go of our doubts let's make it matter cuz we will never ever come down it looks like we made it if you heart should break on the map of my mistake I'm here if you need me just keep on [Applause] beling if the sky should fall I'll give you shelter through we all you better believe [Music] from [Music] bin to beight yeah we had to turn Darkness into light when everything we have done Comes Around Comes undone we try to make it right this time we just got to make up our mind let's make it matter cuz we will never ever slow down this time we will make it if your heart should break on the map of my mistakes I'm here if you me me just keep on [Applause] believeing if this Sky should fall I'll give you shelter through it all you better believe I'm here if you need me cuz it's waiting there for you I'm waiting there for you one love oh [Applause] [Music] we're the best of friends through thick and thin that's what we always said what you believe but I'm wanting more can't help Longing For Your Love time it again you're let down by him then you turn to me to ask my advice and I'm there for you to help you through all the heartache he is causing you I wish you could see just how be for [Music] [Music] [Music] way you'll never love me the way you will always love [Music] you in my dreams I see how you come to me and you look at me the way I see you but then I wake again and we're still just friends oh I want you so I just can't let go why can't you see you will always be the [Music] one I keep on waiting for life to begin for you to love me the way you love [Music] him you'll never love me the way you will always love him [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm still here waiting for life to begin why do I love you the way you love him time goes by adding days to years oh I know this is true you'll never love me the way I [Music] have for [Music] I've heard the rumor I've heard the talk on the town they say you're alone they say that you ain't sound but I don't believe any of that I've got a whole another view yeah I think there's a treasure waiting for someone to prove himself worthy of Truth yeah like a d lion my love St roots for you like a Dy lion my love's going to break right through those concrete floors in so ler walls will all been made to part and my b in love is going to reach your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] like a lion my love SP roots for you like a Dy my loves going to break right through those concrete floors in the soul L walls will all be made toart and my D and Li in love is going to reach your heart [Music] yeah like a lion my love St roots for you like a day the lion my lovees going to break my through yeah like a [Music] and my D Love is going to reach your [Music] heart in my in love is going to reach your heart [Music] where the best of friends through thick and thin that's what we always said and what you believe but I'm one more can't help Longing For Your Love time it again you're let down by him then you turn to me to ask my advice and I'm there for you to help you through all the heartache he is causing you I wish you could see just how good I'd be for you I keep on waiting for life to begin for you to love me the way you love him seasons change but my long days lead me no way you never love me the way you will always love [Music] here in my dreams I see how you come to me and you look at me the way I see you but then I wake again and we're still just friends oh I want you so I just can't let go why can't and you see you will always be the one I keep on waiting for life to begin for you to love me the way you love him seasons change but my long days lead me no way you'll never love me the way you will always love him [Music] I am still here waiting for life to begin [Music] [Music] from [Music] [Music]

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