WEATHER: Torrential rain over Germany! Where you can expect flooding

I have to press down a little bit now. No, with the Germans, I guessed really well with the German team. But of course we have to take Maira into our prayers first. Morning, Maira. Good morning Very good morning. It's about public viewing. We want the best driest weather possible for the game. Unfortunately not. Why are you so cautious? Yesterday you were in a really good mood. Hopefully I'm not the professional oracle on this matter. Yes, because it won't be good at all. Oh man, Maira. We are all looking forward to the game. Yes, I know, but do you know what 's actually just as bad? That we are currently in the dormouse season, whatever the weather on dormouse day may be for another seven weeks. No, of course that is a period of time. But somehow this isn't particularly good either, because showers and thunderstorms unfortunately remain the order of the day. Today the focus is in the east and south. Good morning! Behind a cold front from the low near Iceland, slightly cooler air will temporarily reach our west and north. This at least stabilizes the air there. But over our east and south? Yes, there is still humid and warm thunderstorm air, the weather is active and so today there will be precipitation from the Baltic Sea to the Alps, which can be heavy again in some places. Let's take a look at the precipitation map here. In the western half, on the other hand, it not only remains dry today, but the sun often shines from the North Sea to the Rhine-Main area and also to the Neckar. And as just mentioned, the low near Iceland is temporarily bringing some cooler air to our west and north. Otherwise it will really be oppressively humid in the east and south with temperatures of up to 30 degrees and on Saturday we will be hit with another wave of hot air. And so it goes up to a really unpleasantly humid 35 degrees. And then in the evening strong thunderstorms come from the southwest and hit the charged air above us. And so from the Rhine to Hesse and also North Rhine-Westphalia there is a threat of severe storms with downpours, hail and squalls. Flooding can then occur nationwide. On Sunday the storms will spread to the northwest and then it will rain torrentially there for hours. Fortunately, things will be much quieter in the new week, but also with cooler weather. So yes, I don't even dare to come back. Yes, rightly so, Maira. The weekend is just around the corner. I know you have to take responsibility for this now. In our editorial office. We are all so happy about the game. I know you can also look inside. Thank you, Maira.

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