GERMANY: Tornado, heavy rain, thunderstorm! "Explicit warning" Meteorologist now sounds the alarm

Published: Jun 17, 2024 Duration: 00:03:29 Category: News & Politics

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In any case. You can't complain about the atmosphere, under any circumstances. It's just a shame, of course, for Mr. Brandt. Karsten Brandt, connected to me by Donald. It's a shame that the public viewing isn't happening today. There are good reasons for that. Please summarize again. What's brewing tonight? Yes, of course we have severe thunderstorms. Of course it hurts my heart that now we have the European Football Championship and now we have another weather situation today. And of course, safety comes first. We currently have the first thunderstorm cells, strong thunderstorm cells that are moving across the Rhine from Rhineland-Palatinate. That's the case, that the first package that we're currently seeing on the radar, just this minute, touches on a bit of Bonn Rhein-Sieg-Kreis Westerwald and then goes to Siegerland. North of Hesse , in northern Hesse, here north of Gießen, we also have cells, these, these thunderstorm cells, they go further east. That's where it's starting now. Yes, we currently have thunderstorm cells developing in the Ruhr area. There will now be 30 to 40 liters per square meter of heavy rain and violent thunderstorms until the evening. That is the situation until this afternoon. Evening for the west of Germany. I also read that thunderstorms count alongside these severe thunderstorms. It doesn't rain evenly anymore, for whatever reason. There are always these cells. You're 10 meters further and when it's dry and 10 meters before, buckets of water come down. But along with the thunderstorm and the wind, there was also talk of wind gusts of smaller tornadoes. Can you confirm that? Yes, that is of course possible with such thunderstorms, they are basically possible. So tornadoes live from strong being found in thunderstorm cells, then they can form. The only problem is that we can never say exactly where they develop. So you have this potential, let's say, but where exactly it arises is so small and so short-term. But the probability is certainly higher today, so you should be careful. But the thunderstorms themselves, if you don't have a tornado. The thunderstorms themselves are not without their effects and there is also an extension. This morning until this morning, for example, the German Weather Service only warned for the West. So a little bit south, southern Lower Saxony. No, in the course of the morning the whole thing was expanded, then also to Berlin, maybe I'll say that briefly, so Berlin, space, southern Brandenburg, this late afternoon evening. I would also like to expressly warn you that these cells that are now here in the west will then move across the country. So that means southern Lower Saxony, up Lüneburg Heath, partly into southern Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, but also possibly Berlin Brandenburg, the capital in particular subsequently affected with 40 to 50 liters per square meter, with heavy rain also possibly Potsdam. Karsten Brandt was amazing, thank you for the unfortunately pretty bad prospects for this afternoon and evening. There's nothing you can do about it. Thank you very much. No, all the best. Bye.

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