Category: News & Politics
That was a bit of levity here in our studio, just before the director comes in. i think he listens to the song on a loop all day, usually the direction is on a loop and the guys are in a good mood. like i said, that was the easy part. now we come to the weather and unfortunately things get a little... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In any case. you can't complain about the atmosphere, under any circumstances. it's just a shame, of course, for mr. brandt. karsten brandt, connected to me by donald. it's a shame that the public viewing isn't happening today. there are good reasons for that. please summarize again. what's brewing... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Tja und vom schlechten wetter haben sich diese fans auch nicht abschrecken lassen weil das muss man ganz klar sagen das wetter spielt noch nicht mit bei dieser em überflutete straßen gestrandete bahnreisende und eben auch geschlossene em fanzonen ja das war die lage in vielen regionen deutschlands in... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So. then we come back to germany. completely different topics. not biden, not trump, but the weather. namely, it was really quite severe in parts of germany with hail, storms and heavy rain. these have again led to fire brigade operations and traffic disruptions in large parts of the country . in hamburg,... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[musik] heftige unwetter haben die einsatzkräfte in süd und westdeutschland auf trab gehalten vollgelaufene keller überflutete straßen und in baden-württemberg gab es sogar eine überschwemmte altstadt der ukrainische vorstoß auf russischem gebiet geht weiter nach eigenen angaben hat die armee inzwischen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
There are still around two and a half months until the state elections in the east. and that was an important topic. also at the meeting between the eastern prime ministers and the federal chancellor. above all, it was about coming to terms with the afd's success in the eastern german federal states... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Let's see what happens next. with me now is meteorologist alexander hildebrand. hello alex, where are the storms going now? new thunderstorms have already formed again. there was also a first peak yesterday, for example 55 liters per square meter within one hour, measured locally in the cloppenburg... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Germany and neighboring countries are preparing for, in some cases, severe flooding due to the expected heavy rainfall. affected are the oder and danube, but also the elbe, where the rubble of the collapsed carola bridge could further hinder the flow of rain. record amounts of up to 400 liters of rain... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In the usa, a fourth bird flu infection has been recorded in humans after contact with cows . a worker at a dairy farm in the us state of colorado was affected. the affected person was treated and has now recovered, it is said. the cows were probably infected by wild birds. the h5n1 bird flu virus has... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die bezahlkarte für asylbewerber statt bargeld bekommt immer mehr aufwind auch berlin will zusammen mit anderen bundesländern diese karte nun einführen und damit würden 14 der 16 bundesländer sich daran beteiligen im thüringischen greiz werden bereits die sozialleistungen für asylbewerber per bezahlkarte... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It is a true swansong for the traffic light coalition. the co-chair of the green party, omid nouripour, describes the alliance of the spd, the greens and the fdp as an obsolete model. these statements come just before the three important state elections in saxony, thuringia and brandenburg and a good... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Nach der gruppenvergewaltigung eines flüchtlings am samstagabend in einem ehemaligen brauereigebäude in isaloh im sauerland gehen die ermittlungen der polizei weiter opfer ist nach angaben der staatsanwaltschaft ein 30 jahre alter mann aus dem iran die polizei schließt einen politischen hintergrund... Read more