GERMANY: The series of storms continues! Heavy damage caused by thunderstorms, hail and flooding

So. Then we come back to Germany. Completely different topics. Not Biden, not Trump, but the weather. Namely, it was really quite severe in parts of Germany with hail, storms and heavy rain. These have again led to fire brigade operations and traffic disruptions in large parts of the country . In Hamburg, for example, trees fell, parking garages and lots of cellars were full. It also rained in Berlin, but not so heavily. But due to heavy rain in some parts of Germany, even the railway line between Bremen and Hamburg had to be temporarily closed. And in many regions, roads and highways also became impassable. The result: long traffic jams and many detours. This Mercedes driver's nerves are on edge and everything spills over. Although it is his own fault that he drove into the flooded street in Hamburg, the fact that there doesn't seem to be a great willingness to help here is the last straw for him. In the end, a passerby helps him push the cart. Severe storms have led to fire brigade operations and traffic disruptions in large parts of Germany. Hamburg was particularly affected. The fire brigade had to be deployed 700 times here . These residents found out how deep an underground car park is. Cars in the deeper part got even more water. There's not much left to see of some of the bodies. There are 50 to 60 vehicles here and that is of course immense damage. People are now worried about insurance claims. This kind of story definitely couldn't be done here without the fire department. It stormed, hailed, flashed and thundered in a wide strip from the south to the very north. Several railway lines had to be closed. There are still a lot of delays, especially around Hamburg. Even highways were not spared from the floods. And the series of storms doesn't stop. According to calculations, the worst could come on Saturday. Then especially in the southwest up to North Rhine-Westphalia. Extremely dangerous thunderstorms are forecast. And that, of all things, during the two round of 16 games.

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