STRACK-ZIMMERMANN: "I find it unspeakable that Mrs Wagenknecht is singing Vladimir Putin's song!"

And Marie Agnes Zimmermann, the FDP's top candidate for the European elections, will be up for election . Welcome here to WELT on this good morning! I greet you very warmly. Ms. Zimmermann, why should I elect you to the European Parliament? That's a question I'm happy to answer. I believe that this European Union, which is the largest peace project, the largest economic project and the rule of law project in recent years. That also has something to do with Ms. von der Leyen, whom you also know as Defense Minister. Has a big problem due to this unimaginable bureaucracy. Insanity is crippling the economy and that is in this geostrategic location. And you also ask me, as Chairman of the Defense Committee, that we are in a situation where Europe has to rediscover itself, where we have to move forward economically, especially between the US and China blocs. And because of the geostrategic situation we are in since Russia attacked Ukraine, we also have to take a new path. This Europe also protects its borders against despots from outside. And I take my expertise with me. And in this respect I am campaigning for the vote for the Free Democrats. Because if you bark at the CDU, you get Ms. von der Leyen. Nothing else happens. If you vote for the FDP, you get arguments. Zimmermann With a great team and then we will change something. Out of the question If you say that, Ms. Zimmermann, I'll try to be a little more specific. What do I have to do? The Commission Presidents, you have just mentioned them, Ms von der Leyen, are hiring. You say that you yourself are a woman who also likes to tattoo ants? Yes, that is indeed a quote from me. Look, this European Union. If they didn't exist, they would have to be invented. It was set up so that 27 states can now live together on an equal footing. And this is about really big ideas. But the thing about Ms. von der Leyen is that she breaks down the rules in such a way. She brought forward the Green Deal and the so-called. And 95% of Green voters celebrate them for it. Only 25% of our own voters definitely see it differently. And that's basically the problem. By the way, she is not running for parliament, she is currently touring Europe to get Ms. Meloni, a post-fascist, elected. This office. And you know, this great idea is being thwarted because of it. I'll talk about the economy again because ultimately the economy we're in today has been so fragmented and chained up by these regulations that ultimately we're no longer a competitor to the American market, there's a lot of protectionism there and also the Chinese market. Because it must be clear to us that China is a system competitor and is now also an economic competitor. And if you want to portray Europe confidently, you have to end this small-scale, this small check. Because we are losing an incredible number of young people and, above all, companies that are leaving Europe because they no longer see any prospects here. Ms. Strack-Zimmermann, according to a Forsa survey, not even half of German citizens think it is right that Ukraine can now use Western weapons to attack targets in the Russian heartland. 44% are explicitly against it. Are you perhaps a bit too forward? They also like to call themselves the Eurofighters. No, I'm not being too forward. Look, we are facing this unspeakably brutal attack on Ukraine in its third year for over two years and Germany is helping enormously. But we're not helping fast enough. And I am very relieved that the Chancellor has given the green light. Because the fact is: We know where the thousands of rockets that kill Ukrainians come from every day. And it is strategically very important that these military positions are destroyed so that no missiles are fired from there. That is, Ukraine, also ammunition. She needs protection from the air, especially when the rockets come. But we also have to take care of it ensure that the rockets are not fired in the first place. And again: I am relieved that the Chancellor has recognized this. Because we stand on the side of Ukraine and I mean between us. What happens if Ukraine loses this war? Putin will continue in Moldova and Georgia, the borders are already being reached. He is already closing the borders to the Baltic states in Lithuania. So the question is asked between the enclave of Kaliningrad and Lithuania. The Russians have taken away the border guards on the river border with Estonia. So these are worrying signals. And if we want to continue living in peace and freedom, then there is no other way than to support Ukraine. And that also includes eliminating these positions. Ms. Stark, let's talk briefly about competitors in this election on Sunday. Many also hold the opinion, and the BSW Sahra Wagenknecht wants to be their voice, that they would not respond to Russia's assurances, which are always said to be that we would like to negotiate, but that is always swept off the table. What do you answer them? You know, I've been on the road since January 6th, 155 days, to really have contact with voters on the streets. And I'm shocked about it. I saw Ms. Wagenknecht on a talk show shortly before Putin attacked, and we were already speculating about what could happen. Then she said Putin doesn't do that, why should he do that? And immediately after the attack, she explains why he does it. And now the story is being reversed from Ukraine. The victim becomes a perpetrator. Ukraine would have provoked. NATO has moved too close to Russia, you know? With respect, this morning. I'm fed up with this misrepresentation of history, Ms. Wagenknecht. By the way, also like the so-called Alternative for Germany. It's more of a nightmare for Germany, rumor has it that Russia just wants to play. And now I will say something about the question of diplomacy. Of course, I'm right to be asked about it. There are of course diplomatic connections, and of course otherwise there would be no prisoner exchange. The first talks will begin in Switzerland in a week at Ukraine's request. Switzerland has invited 160 nations. The first to cancel was Vladimir Putin, saying that for him Switzerland was not neutral. And why should he come just because the West is running out of ammunition? The second one to cancel was China. But what I 'm getting at is that you can only ever talk to someone who wants to talk. Putin has announced that Ukraine will be complete, not just eastern Ukraine. By the way, it is as big as Portugal to annex not just eastern Ukraine, but the entire country. And that's why Putin doesn't want peace, he wants to destroy. And you just have to know that, because we are all cultured and we all long for peace. Above all, it's not about us. It's about Ukraine, which has been at war for over two years and is experiencing terrible things. And I find it really unspeakable that Ms. Wagenknecht sings Vladimir Putin's song. Just like the AfD sings the song. In this respect, these two parties on the right and left of the cosmos are very close together. That's quite something, says the FDP's top candidate for the European elections, Marie Agnes Zimmermann. Thank you for the interview. Thank you.

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