The Best 2025 NFL Quarterback Draft Prospects | The Ryen Russillo Podcast

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:33:02 Category: Sports

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this is a great little treat for us getting ready for the college football season we'll do some NFL stuff as well Daniel Jeremiah NFL Network at move the sticks that is also the podcast of Bucky Brooks so uh there's some things that I want to get to here because I know there's just we don't have the new tape yet right I know you've broken down some of the college guys but before I do that I just spent a long time in the open talking about how often the first round rookie quarterbacks start I mean they they start a lot of these games unless you have outlining circumstances like holes with Alex Smith I think everybody knew when Jordan love Came In Trey Lance as well was more of a developmental guy because he hadn't played a lot in college either I am forever without an answer I I don't know that I'll ever come to a conclusion of the line of hey he's not ready let's let him watch versus the only way you get better at something is by actually doing it and I I know that look I did this quarterback series years ago here at the ringer where I wanted to talk to all of these quarterbacks that it didn't work out for and like what happened and some are just like I'm not good enough others were like bad system bad coordinator all of these different things it really is quarterback specific but again as I continue to explain this to you you know I don't think Mahomes is great because he sat for a year okay I think he would have figured it out I think other guys get thrown of the fire immediately they probably weren't going to work out anywhere is there anything that you've discovered in your years years with this where you feel like this is the way you would want to lean trying to get this guy ready yeah I I've done a lot of the same homework on that over the years and there's two layers to it one is you start with uh like the the mental toughness of the quarterback to survive the failure like you have to start there like okay if we don't have the guys the pieces in place like how mentally tough as this kid you know and that's somewhat nebulous you're not going to have you know 100% answer on that some guys you know like okay hey this guy hasn't played a ton um it's a little more fragile we got to protect this a little bit more and be a little bit more thoughtful and careful with how we go about it so that was the first part of it the other thing is and I've kind of just made this simple which was if you look at young quarterbacks to put him in the in a position to be successful I just looked at the P's it was like okay do I have a play caller do I have protection do I have Playmakers if you're if you're 0 for three on those it's probably best that let's slow the train down here you know I mean so that's like the little simple easy checklist on that one start with are they you know the the mental toughness to be able to handle some adversity which is going to come no matter what and then to me my confidence level whether they throw them out there is going to be dependent on how many of those three PS they hit toughness is an interesting one because I mean do you really know someone's toughness you don't I think I I think but I think like Josh Allen would be my example like I think if you spent time with Josh going through that process he was pretty hardened and tough considering what he played with at Wyoming and who he was playing against and having some failure and then seeming like he came through it okay um I felt like okay he's someone that he'll be able to take his lumps first of all physically he's tough like he can play behind a crappy offensive line you can run him he's you know he's so sturdy and durable that he'll be able to physically survive but then I think just spending a bunch of time with him you're like okay mentally he's he'll be fine too he's a very very confident kid who's had to play with lesser some of these guys the biggest challenge is they've just always played with Superior dudes and now all of a sudden you drop them in there um and now they're they're they're freaking on the short end of the stick talent-wise every single week with who they're playing against that's a major adjustment but guys you know when you when you saw what he was playing with the Wyoming his last year there was no adjustment yeah the Wyoming thing like looking back I wish I had been more Allin on it because there were those games where you just thought he has no chance he has no chance and he's still keeping some of these plays alive but you know whatever I I defaulted to the accuracy thing and I'd say even the first couple years he was in I went I'm like I was listening with Chris long on his podcast and after he threw all those picks against New England I remember watching that game going I don't know man I don't know and then that was actually Allan admits in that interview a turning point where he just realized like okay even though I'm physically capable of doing some of these things I have to stop doing them and look some detractors would say there's still a little bit too much I'll take it all I'll take all of that I I want guys willing to dial up the risk a little bit the reason I was also thinking about this because I just taped with Brock pie we're going to run that next week and I was wondering about perie and granted look he's at Iowa State he's 61 200 plus pounds that's why he goes last in the draft so it's a physical thing first he's not highly recruited coming out of high school in Arizona but when you spend a little time with him I wonder if he actually didn't do well in his interviews because he wasn't selling you on this mental toughness and the reality was is that that's just the efficiency of him like his toughness is not worrying about all of this nonsense like I could see like a big guy like Mitch trabis sitting down with a bunch of front office people making the decision and you're like oh look at this hos you know look at this big tough guy and and maybe a little further down the road you go maybe he just wasn't really there wasn't that much there we wasn't really processing all that much stuff and that actually is the bigger issue even though in the 15 minutes 30 minutes he's old us on like being this tough guy I could see pie interviews people leaving that just from his like his demeanor going I don't know is that guy really gonna be starting for US 17 games a year and the reality is that his demeanor might be better wired even if he doesn't check the cliche toughness boxes yeah he he's one that I've gone back and done some homework on um just trying to figure out okay what did I miss I went back through all my notes and then I didn't have any there was no like we would say a blue trait like there's no like Elite level trait that he possessed so it's just man in the history if you go back and look at guys that don't have Elite either you know size arm strength athleticism um you know I didn't even even like accuracy I thought it was good but I didn't think it was on you know an elite elite level so I'm like well how the heck do I figure out how I screwed this up so I talked to Matt Campbell and I was like you got to help me fill on the gaps here man like what what did I miss what did we all miss on this guy and he kept you know it's kind of a cliche uh answer but I thought it did make some sense and I think if you would have had an opportunity to be around him more like be around him at practice he said he had like he said I would use the term and I wouldn't use it lightly it's a cliche but like competitive greatness when you when you watched him and practice every day every single day every drill he said he is just like an insane competitor um and you wouldn't know that like you said for talking visiting with him for 10 15 minutes even an hour because he's doesn't have a big presence about him he's a little bit softspoken um but he said he was a maniac as a competitor um so I mean that's again I'm like I don't know how I'm going to figure that out for the next Brock pry that comes along but it is something to dive into just in terms of talking to teammates like what's he like in practice like and if you usually they don't have to uh you don't worry about them okay well maybe they just wouldn't tell me like the guys that are the psycho competitors there's going to be stories that are going to emerge if you talk to a bunch of their teammates yeah it's funny funny you said that because we take this part out because you use it in the recruiting stuff that we'll do like a couple times a year but I asked him for his best recruiting story so I'll just share it here with the audience as well as he went to Bama as a preferred walk-on to visit with Sabin he told us that Sabin was like you know here's what you do he's like you're not all that [Laughter] accurate and as Brock was telling the story I'm thinking like okay you know like did you you know did you even want to go to Alabama and he's I just couldn't believe he was saying the stuff about me kind like little like he answered it in a direction what had way more to do with he hasn't gotten over the slight um which kind of speaks to what you're talking about but the thing that you're talking about is also the impossibility of you can have great connections with college coaches and all that stuff you've got to worry about the coach's lying to you uh if the coach dogs one of their prospects to an NFL team and then that makes the rounds and that's going to be used against the staff so you really really have to be like lifelong friends with these people to get truth out of them and even with that if you don't have that kind of access and you're making a decision on the future of your franchise for five years it's just really really hard to think you know the person one of the things that I've I've learned um and it's still hard to do because it's hard like sometimes to get access to this stuff but um teammates have been way more accurate with information on players and sometimes it can be what they don't say versus what they do say uh about guys but there's they they don't have the professional guard up and they don't have skin in the game for anything to get back to them like the coaches do like you just mentioned how that can screw a program so if you talk to enough of him and then the other side of it is it's not it's not you know describe him or you know one to 10 like those that's stupid I want stories like don't don't tell me like he's the toughest guy on the team well how give me an example like give me a couple stories of how tough this kid is it's like oh you know he freaking popped his his shoulder out and then didn't come out of the drive and then blah BL blah blah blah like you get you get those type of stories and that's something that like I go back to Azie Nome and my time around him he was awesome at that because we'd be we'd have an issue with a player and trying to figure out you know and then all of a sudden he'd ask that one give me this give me an example of him you know maybe in the weit room you know tell us about what he does in the weight room and then you'd get specific stories and it would either confirm or or or be in conflict with what the opinion we had in the room yeah that reminds me of like two different stories CU I remember when um when burrow was at LSU and the first game they played was against Miami remember Burrow's first year at LSU was all right LSU was thrilled yeah because it was like oh there's at least a stabling force at the position here and I guess in the pregame there was this altercation with some of the guys from Miami and burrow just ran into the crowd and like slammed his hand in one of the dudes and said take this L and like the defensive guys on LSU were going who the [ __ ] is this guy like what and you know it's it's also tough too because then it's like all right well now we want to try to model our our selections and influence with that it's like okay yeah who's a lunatic on your team you're like okay but I wouldn't want him in my locker room or anything um it's just it's just forever hard all right let's let's start talking about uh this class I was looking at the mocks for 2025 because I just like doing as you get ready for the college football season with everything um is Beck at this point and I know you've really I don't want to put you on the spot here I know that most of your summer Deep dive is kind of the top quarterbacks still very in complet so let's just get that out there um but as far as the work that you have done on him uh where is he now going into this season yeah he'd be the top guy for me number one overall yeah I mean just of the guys I've done all those quart you know those top tier quarterbacks and look those guys so um he's going to have poll position for me coming into the process everything and we talk about okay what are kind of the blue traits he's got the sides he's got plenty of arm strength he's he's really good foundationally like he plays with his feet in the ground he's on balance obviously didn't have to do as much um with what he has there so that's where some of the gaps got to get filled in um but you know he's the Prototype he's a prototypical quarterback and I don't know enough about him yet on the personal side of things in terms of you know leadership you know intelligence all that stuff but just from a pure tape study watching those guys when you look down at your paper and you're like okay I obvious you know you're kind of writing this little summary this little summer uh summary which is pretty basic and generic and I'm like all right where's the bad stuff and and I'm like well it's not a lot I don't have a lot of bad stuff in here from the games that I watch so um I I I'm hoping and the schedule being what it is I think he'll have an opportunity this year to kind of maybe carry a little bit more of that load um in some of those big matchups with the with the realignment but uh yeah everything I saw was really really solid what did you see where I felt like there was there was a couple games in the middle of the Season where I felt like whatever it was the it wasn't a stat thing it was the light went on for him um did did you see that that it just it felt like a guy that was more comfortable more decisive even if the stats wouldn't necessarily back up that he had two different seasons within the same season yeah I mean I'm just kind of going through my notes um I thought he was more I thought he was more decisive and even as a runner um going back through that just seeing opportunities and taking him not playing quite as as cautious or is hesitant um those are some of the things that you know when I'm going through and looking at this stuff um I thought he worked in the middle of the field one of the things you'll see with guys don't have a ton of experience is you'll see they'll live on the edges uh it gets real muddy and real blurry in the middle of the field and that's literally you know that's the NFL game is played in the middle of the field in those crowds you got to be comfortable you got to throw with anticipation um I thought you know as the more he played the more it wasn't just them you know protecting him and Bubbles and perimeter stuff they were letting him function and drive seam balls and he can you know he can do that um but I I think you're you're probably on to something there just with the confidence level the experience I think you saw better as it went along all right who's number two then for that position for me it was ERS and this like I I had no idea the blowback and the like the amount of people that hate viers I maybe Hate's too strong but they're not fans of viewers and surprisingly a lot of them have Longhorn logos in their uh in their profiles and I'm sure this that's a lot of that has to do with Arch you know and them you know that is the the shiny new toy that they're anxious to pack and play with and uh I understand that but when I watched him I'm like man this guy's young um he's got a live arm he's got a lot of Twitch in his body and the comparison I use which then people freak out about of course but I'm like he reminds me of Baker and then I never I never thought this through that like you have okay you already have the dynamic of viewers and he's transferred and then he's got the the star backup quarterback so there's a lot of opinions there and then now you've just taken the Texas quarterback and compared him to the Oklahoma you know all you know Heavenly saint that is B field so literally after posting that Ryan my mentions I I just backed away and it was just it was a it was an Oklahoma Texas you know Battle Royale in in my mentions of how I insulted him and they're using statistics and I'm like I'm not I don't care about the statistics I'm talking about guys who are kind of compact who have a lot of life in their body who play with energy um I think about Baker you know coming into that last year he was not nobody was talking about him as a top 10 pick at that point in time but he had gone into Ohio State and won in hostile territory and had that big win you've got ERS who's gone and beat Alabama um it played well against Bama the year before before he got hurt um so I I think he's got a lot of ability in there I think he's young and I think he's getting better um he not perfect by any stretch but I'm like there's a lot I think there's a lot to work with with that kid okay and you have shador next up yeah shador would be next just just I mean look it's hard because they're so bad up front um but I thought that he just has got to he's gota he's got to play with a faster clock um you know at some point time you have to adjust your surroundings and be like I can't just I can't sink my feet into the ground and gets and just get completely stuck here um so that's stuff that I thought he needed to work on but make every throw um throws a beautiful ball like I mean and mechanically um it's it's pretty like he's got a a beautiful motion U ball comes out nice he can layer the ball he's got touch um he just has to Simply play faster I think again look the guy was at Jackson State it's a different different sport um than what he uh what he found at Colorado so I'm I'm anxious to see if he's made some improvements in that area but he can spin it I felt bad for him last year and I'm not saying he's entirely blameless because you're right as the season continued to get worse and worse you're like dude you got to get the ball out but at the same time it's like okay you know you're old line can't protect um you know they have they had guys that clearly get separations so I don't feel like it was like a Drew Aller situation at Penn State but um you know whether it was the issues with the coaching and I'm not a big play calling guy in the on the Monday after the games but it's like how many times you just going to drop back and and have these long developing routes deep overs right just like hey guess what it's he's not going to have time again guard has no chance against this guy no chance so you're watching it going what what are you guys doing to him but then at the same time it's like all right well you know we're maybe if I mean imagine I can't imagine anyone's running a a power four now not power five conference offense were they're not giving you some kind of release valve yeah with some of the stuff but there was I thought before they made the coordinator change I thought early in the year was the best played yeah you're absolutely right which again adds to another layer of the whole Colorado convers ation of that all of it just looked that much worse like I I thought he was actually decisive in the beginning because they were like setting him up with some of the stuff so you know I don't know that he can play like that again and be considered let me say it this way if he has another season like this where he's just getting his ass handed to him all the time and we don't see a development either you know look the protection has to be better there's a lot of stuff around him has to be better I worry that he could be one of those like preseason top 10 mock draft picks and if it's the same thing again in 24 then I I don't know that he's going to be projected to go as high is that fair yeah I I I will say this there's been times in the past and I think it's better now especially because there's so many people in the space that are that are doing this so there's kind of like some checks and balances with evaluating these guys really really early and I think there's also there's a lot more ways to get connected with NFL sources to get information but I remember I was scouting uh like when Matt Barkley was coming out and it my alltime guy preseason top 10 pick year he was he was uh and I and I I've told Todd this a million times too like I can't imagine having to do a mock draft like the day after the the previous draft like that's insane um to put that on anybody is impossible he hates it trust me exactly and he know and we've talked about this but like Matt Barkley when everybody did their spring scouting was never a first round pick like no nobody once everybody got a chance to watch him and really study him and sure even mock drafts that got put out once people got to really study him he was never that because I just remember people talking about oh guy they use it as an example of guys should come out and and this that and the other I'm like no no no nobody had done their homework on Matt mat and Matt's and in his credit he's maximized his ability he's had a long NFL career as a backup um with kudos to him but he was never When anybody did their full evaluation coming off of the year before he was never a top 10 pick he was never going to be the first overall pick um and so I think sometimes that gets skewed with shadur um talking to people around the league I mean most people thought he thought he was like a second round pick over the summer they thought that's kind of where he you know enters into this this year and this process so I think that's a little bit watered down from maybe some of the expectations of some of the mock drafts but um I think he's you know I I think if he if he improv some things and really more than anything else just speed up his clock I think he could be a first round pick but I don't think he comes into this thing as like man hopefully he doesn't fall in his face he's a top five pick and he could fall out of the first round I I don't think that's the opinion okay uh I like that I mean I I don't think it's as bad as like a Hackenberg thing because I think Hackenberg physically checked all these boxes and then as the season played out you're just like this isn't this isn't I was like waiting there was more like it was like patience with ha like hey this has to happen eventually uh and then it never did okay but maybe one of the maybe one like the the silhouette of a quarterback like if Jerry was like the logo for for the NBA like Hackenberg is like a quarterback prospect silhouette fantastic okay uh I'm gonna throw another Lighty year with that jaw it was a phenomenal phenomenal jaw phenomenal jaw phenomenal uh but he he was also somebody I forget if it yeah I don't I don't forget I actually know exactly what it was I just don't know if I feel bad no because Josh mcau didn't do anything wrong I love Josh maccau huge fan and he was hackenberg's teammate and Josh came up to ESPN to do like a little car wash and I was like what's up with Hackenberg he's like man make all the throws physically off the charts and he just kind of went through the list and that he left and I think I turned forget if it was Van Pelt or Canal at that point and I was like I think he's telling us he can't play that's so funny you know what's so funny about that is I had a training camp tour when uh maau I won't I won't say the team because it'll it'll uh it'll rat him out but he's such a good dude and I got to know him just from just seeing him at training camp tours and he's just such a great dude so they had a new the best and just for the record too like he was talking them up to me didn't say anything in the commercial break you know pounded it out shook hands left and then I was like I think that's him saying nope yeah he was very he I did an interview with him uh and then we sat and talked for 15 20 minutes and it wasn't he wasn't like there's guy are like talking crap and trying to make excuses about surroundings and everything and they had a a new coordinator at this location and I so we finished up and I go so how's it going with the new coordinator he goes oh we have no [Laughter] chance it was totally off the record it was so harmless and it it proved out it was uh he was very accurate wow yeah my other one and cudy write this down in the repeated rilla stories list because this will be the last time I use it was Larry Fedora with trabis Fedora came in did the car wash MH was like what's up with trabis just been drafted second he went through the list everything he's like you know if he's got this this this just start it's like you know if the weather you know yeah I'm kidding but it was just a list of things that you know you do this you're patient yeah you you played it with strengths you know the whole thing and we're like all right thanks and then when he left I was like uh oh yeah what about Brian Kelly with deshun Kaiser remember that uh well he said he should have come back to school remember like I remember that specifically go ahead oh yeah he it was a big story it so as well with uh with Pete said that Mark Mark Sanchez should I remember that one yeah um but I'm curious if we were to go back has a coach ever been wrong on that like because the coaches get destroyed when that when that gets out or when they and that case I think both those guys said it on the record Brian Kelly absolutely said it on the record um but I don't know of any time where I've been like well coach was way wrong on that one I remember Carol specifically talking about the number of starts like that used to be one of the things that we yeah was the parcel's rules yeah yeah right if you have less than this number of starts the history is actually overwhelmingly bad and I think Carol pointed that out was he even sitting next to Sanchez I think it was on when he was announcing was coming out I think they were had a little press conference sitting next to each other on the desk if I remember that correctly and Mark is such a nice dude like Mark's never I don't never recall him ever even really saying anything about it and again obviously his career got off to a great start and he played for a long time and I wouldn't view Mark Sanchez as a you know as a bust he he went to some championship games so I mean it just uh it was I I I don't think that he's you know you know didn't obviously go on to be a a perennial Pro Bower and a Hall of Famer I'm just curious if we were to do that study of a coach who's had something that's maybe at least less than flattering if it's ever been thrown back in that coach's face I'm sure we could find it it just it's tough to remember all this stuff okay uh the other name that I hear in this mix outside of top three because I think so far your three are are fairly you know consensus uh well you know I I guess I I say I've seen Sanders ahead of yours more than than the way that's the most push back I got does Connor work Conor Wegman A&M yeah I haven't done enough on him I I just know he played enough too yeah the one thing I know about that I can tell about that situation is when I talked to guys on that staff last year after he got hurt it was curtains and they knew it I mean that's how much you know they knew he meant to what they were trying to get accomplished there okay is there any other name then we should throw into the first- Round mix um that's I mean that's it for me I mean the I've peaked at Aller um hav done enough work on him to say you know one way or the other but I did not I did not come away from that thing he was going to be a first round pick the guy that is well there's nothing there's nothing from the two big games that would go yeah this is going to be great and I mean I've already referenced the lack of Talent on the outside but I mean I think it got to a point with him where he was just like his confidence was falling apart too on top of everything else so go ahead well you know I'm excited about this South Dakota State kid um again I haven't done any work on him yet Ryan um you have a name can you yep there you go thank you uh again I'll get all these to memory before too long but it that's one that's come up a bunch talking to guys that have done their summer work uh and and Scouts said you're going to have fun watching this kid he's a fun watch He's athletic um and I I think they have Oklahoma State right out to shoot so um that'll be one like if you you ask me ironically like what's the game you're looking forward to watching uh once the uh the game tape rolls in off of this opening weekend that that's going to be one of the first ones I watch just because I'm intrigued to see that kid let's talk Travis Hunter because he really is that Dynamic um is the value in him being a corner or a wide receiver for a draft pick I think I'm on a limb on this one but I I watched a bunch of him over the summer and I liked him better at white out um I just thought he's he's so electric and he can he can go get it he's got uh you know unbelievable ability after the catch as well he moves just like he's kind of got that lean body type and the way he moves remind me of Garrett Wilson um of just like that kind of just wiry explosive you know fluid athlete um when I watched him at corner I mean it was just inconsistent the Stanford game was not good um that that was a rough one but then I go back and look at it and I think I wrote about it he played like 140 snaps or whatever it was and that like an insane amount of snaps um so it's you gotta give him a little bit of a pass on that just because as a corner having having tired legs is going to show up a lot more than it would at white out um but I liked him better I thought this guy's a first round wide receiver who's got like elite elite upside at that position after doing the draft prep draft and then watching the preseason which rookie are you just like I'm right and I'm so excited about it um I'm trying to think I mean there's I I I do the Charger game so I mean I'm like not not like it was the hardest evaluation Al's pretty good he's going to be fine uh turns out out uh he's going to be just fine the whole left tackle to right tackle thing not a big deal um so felt fine about that uh quarterback wise no I mean I think everybody it's I don't know that I came away you know disappointed any of the quarterbacks I think all of them played well um you know I don't think you can really learn anything I've always said preseason is a liar so I don't I try not to take too much uh out of that I would say gosh Bo Knicks maybe uh a little bit better than I thought just the more I see of him the more I'm like okay the arm is better you know some guys that just it's hard to tell that Oregon offense too like they're like okay no the arm is even is a little bit better than I gave him credit for um so that would be one maybe on the other side of things I'm trying to think of is there any I mean it doesn't have to be a quarterback or anything like that um well I mean it's just so hard for the line of scrimmage play like the edge rushers nobody plays very very few teams play their their Frontline offensive line and there's zero depth in this league so like I I'm stoked for Booker because I liked him a lot The Edge rusher from Kansas that went to the Bears who was borderline unblockable I think my my comp was he was a Kirkland brand Max Crosby um you know and he's and Kirkland's a solid brand I mean that's definely Sol brand it's a good golf ball it you know it's fine um paper towels fantastic but he uh he was awesome in the preseason and I'm excited about that because I liked him as a player but then I'm also reluctant to to go all in there because I'm like I don't who who's rushing against here because none of these front line lineman play and there's no offensive line depth in this league I hear the irons test like incredibly well like it's hard to keep get your hands on Kirkland irons yeah I've watched videos on all that stuff and there's a pretty good chance I probably could have saved a lot of money just being like but it's just it's a tough one though it's a tough one you pull out of the bag the one time I got invited to Bel Air I just don't know how it would have gone over like all right like which ones are yours mine are the Kirklands the stiff ones stiff on you know you tell you tells you a lot about your comfort level with the your friends when you're playing golf is when you when you're looking for your ball and you find a Kirkland and you're like do I pocket this thing or do I throw it back uh I feel like all right let me just let's just end here because I went a little bit longer I don't talk a ton of fantasy but I loved your excitement about Landing Brock Bowers because I think I did I went all in I think oddly he's he's almost becoming overlooked because the Bowers especially with the tight end Personnel like we can get into the the mshu oconnell part of this I would be surprised if Bowers doesn't have a few moments his rookie season that that remind us of why he looked like maybe the best football player in all of college a couple years ago so here's here's my visual for you on Bowers I went out there in somit training camp and obviously saw him throughout the whole draft process and loved him this is way I explain it if you went to a Raiders practice right and they put Brock Bowers in uh you know 88 and he lined up at receiver and ran and went through all individual drills with the white outs he looks the part if you put him in 28 and put him in the back field and let him go through individual drills with the running backs you wouldn't you say hey one of those guys is a tight end you're like I don't know I don't know if I can tell you which one like he he's that tight type of an athlete like he just kind of can the just to guess but go ahead I mean yeah that's fair that's fair uh fair enough although I had to if you tell the Chiefs the Chiefs the Chiefs have steal now so they're uh that's a white white running back is uh is making a dent there with Andy Reid there in Kansas City right the Raiders have the the New Hampshire kid too right oh Lobby yeah yeah Lobby yeah so maybe maybe I wouldn't get it right you wouldn't have known it's 50/50 man you got he's got a shot sneaking through there uh but I think you I think I the Bold statement I'll make and I know Devonte Adams obviously everything he's accomplished I think Brock Bowers will be their best offensive player this year whoa that is that's spicy to end this um of course he's hurt so yeah who knows probably get nine balls this year I love your work man and always appreciate the visits again check them out at move the sticks and of course the podcast and all of his work up on thanks man I think you go Kirkland Club but just not the covers you just got to get some throw some throw some tailor made covers on those things I think the next family outing for the Jeremiah is you're going to be at Costco and you're going to be going you're going to start getting your hand you're G to go I like the weight I like I like how this feels I can see it happening might get a deal out of this for you maybe some new grips all right there you go thanks man see you buddy

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You know that ohio state's loaded up as always um and even more so in the portal with caleb ds leaving alabama that's going to sting for bama fans i don't care how well k deor is done at recruiting he's done a great job but ds was just that special as a freshman first freshman the lead bman tackle since... Read more

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Saquon Barkley Stars, Jordan Love Injured as Packers Rue Missed Chances

Category: Sports

[music] this is the upback qb daily you are listening to the review of the green bay packers in the philadelphia eagles in brazil let's get into [music] it well what a way to kick off the season uh the first two games have just been extraordinary to watch it was an attacking fest in in brazil on a field... Read more

✭ Bryan Broaddus and Voch break down the Saints defense || Chase Young, Cam Jordan. thumbnail
✭ Bryan Broaddus and Voch break down the Saints defense || Chase Young, Cam Jordan.

Category: Sports

And we are back brian brers i'm positive i'm positive that you're doing all right i'm doing fine too i got football on the screen up there but we ain't looking at that that's just two a tonga being being worse than dak prescott don't worry about it over here we got some film people don't like when i... Read more

Tom Brady on Chiefs three-peat: ‘there’s a reason why no one’s done it’ | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST thumbnail
Tom Brady on Chiefs three-peat: ‘there’s a reason why no one’s done it’ | NFL | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Category: Sports

Tom brady joined the herd with kh coward and talked about the chief's quest for a threee here's what he said take a listen to win one super bowl is extremely difficult to win two backtack what the chiefs have done i mean as we know in the history of the sport nearly impossible to win three in a row... Read more


Category: Gaming

We're turning this thing back around all right i know the first couple weeks of the season were rough the state of michigan and its entirety blasted us in the ass okay east west middle south north you know up down i don't give a damn every single one of them just tore us a new one okay we got about... Read more

Hammer Broncos 5.5 win total, Caleb Williams best QB in Bears history, Jets roster l BREAKFAST BALL thumbnail
Hammer Broncos 5.5 win total, Caleb Williams best QB in Bears history, Jets roster l BREAKFAST BALL

Category: Sports

Broncos have an over under of five and a half wins this season i know one guy who's hammering the over that's me that is absolutely me i sent a tweet last night in their final preseason game uh don't ever read verbatim what i say on twitter because i voed to tweet which means most of the time it's wrong... Read more

108. September Gutsy Calls, Award Predictions, Cooper Kupp's "Day-to-Day" Hamstring + Embezzlemen... thumbnail
108. September Gutsy Calls, Award Predictions, Cooper Kupp's "Day-to-Day" Hamstring + Embezzlemen...

Category: People & Blogs

[music] this episode of the outback quarterback podcast is brought to you by the stubby club dos now you were saying in the lead up to father's day last week that um well you're hoping to get something from the stubby club you weren't sure whether you're even going to get a gift firstly did you get... Read more

Tom Brady on Dak Prescott's contract extension with the Cowboys | FOX NFL Sunday thumbnail
Tom Brady on Dak Prescott's contract extension with the Cowboys | FOX NFL Sunday

Category: Sports

The one, the only, the goat, tom brady, who joins us right now. hey, tb. the new tb. yes good to see you, kurt. you're still getting to the stadium 3.5 hours before kickoff, right? just casual sunday here. what happened this morning? did anything big happen today in the nfl? lots of news, including... Read more

98. What Now for D-Hop and Jimmy G? Plus: Ranking the Divisions and Muscle Cat Media v Christophe... thumbnail
98. What Now for D-Hop and Jimmy G? Plus: Ranking the Divisions and Muscle Cat Media v Christophe...

Category: People & Blogs

Ready to do it yeah let's do it [music] man well hello everybody and welcome to the outback quarterback podcast for another week here we are gentlemen another thursday episode only two more to go until our little break but never fear we'll give the listeners plenty of content over the break won't we... Read more

Jets reportedly tried to replace Hackett, Fields-Bears QB room "toxic," Jets-49ers on MNF | THE HERD thumbnail
Jets reportedly tried to replace Hackett, Fields-Bears QB room "toxic," Jets-49ers on MNF | THE HERD

Category: Sports

Let's go to albert breer joining us live monday morning quarterback covered the nfl for since 2005 so um i i thought this was kind of interesting story out nathaniel hackett jets look to replace him so the lazard thing didn't work cobs at the end of his career hacket was a miss is that signal anything... Read more

Jaren Hall Cut, Co-Host Devastated thumbnail
Jaren Hall Cut, Co-Host Devastated

Category: People & Blogs

Um some bad news for my co-host chris hall because one of his boys jiren hall and he's his boy only because he shares the same last name there's not much science to it h but jiren hall after a very promising preseason in year two he's been cut he's been cut from minnesota Read more

Tom Brady on today's QBs, Jordan Love's growth, Chiefs 3-peat, joining NFL on FOX | THE HERD thumbnail
Tom Brady on today's QBs, Jordan Love's growth, Chiefs 3-peat, joining NFL on FOX | THE HERD

Category: Sports

Tom brady joining us live now from an undisclosed location i'll just say it's nice and he's got a better studio than i do today all right 23 years seven super bowls five mvps you said something recently uh at michael ruben at michael rubin's place brilliant guy for fanatics in your era you may have... Read more