Ep 546: Week 1 Prediction Show | Stalions Netflix Doc | Preseason Rankings Debate | FSU’s Future

if the uh if the college football calendar is like in the Air Tonight by Phil Collins we are walking towards the drum set we're about to just do like three days away Florida State and Georgia Tech already experienced this the rest of us are right on the prus right on the doorstep of finding out if we're right about everything wrong about everything the JP poll's a a little bit shook right now but don't worry don't worry we're going to make it through it together uh Josh Pat's college football show is live high at top a radiant downtown Nashville Tennessee on this Tuesday night August 27th the year of Our Lord 2024 listen to this you hear that stack of papers hit the ground here we've got a show Almost illegally jam-packed it's prediction night every Tuesday night during the season we take the biggest games and we break them down I'm going tell you what the model thinks about each game we're going to tell you what FanDuel thinks about each game I'm G to pick each game and so it will be tonight the only one I'm going to save till Thursday is LSU USC because it's a Sunday night game I watched yes I watched watched the Conor stallions documentary already on Netflix and in the interest of I'm not doing the whole spoiler alert thing I'm going to be responsible about the way I talked to it tonight but there was really not much that was revealed so I'm not sure spoiler alert is necessarily how we need to label that how bad is it at Florida State right now is it going to be okay at Florida State did I say some things on the other night's show that I have since gone back and deemed to be incorrect I will talk to you about that tonight all that plus a an ongoing raging debate about preseason rankings not just ratings rankings and where they fit and if they fit at all and uh as mimo would say much to do about nothing but yet it's not a lot of you are talking about this right now I've got a very very Evergreen take on that and I we'll serve it up and by the end of tonight's show I'm going to really have fun with you immunity I'll actually tell you what that means they're watching us in blackburg Virginia lafat Alabama not lafay kids Lefay at Alabama Edmund Oklahoma Knoxville Tennessee thank you guys so much uh I'm telling you be sure to follow on the socials Lake kick Josh I'm going to be I'm going to be on the field in Gainesville 3:30 Eastern 2:30 Central this Saturday the the uh whole new Saturday tour is headed down to the swamp and I will be there the iosh will be there with me so there's stuff in that Instagram story on Saturday you only get here all right now listen as I dive into the show tonight I need to tell you we're taking the entire end of tonight's show and we're just going to explain everything about the show so if you don't care that's when you can tune out but for anyone who's ever asked any question about anything I say on this show that makes no sense to you it's going to be explained as best I can at the end of tonight's show bunch of stuff I've never shared with you before it's going to be very swinging I have no clue how colins's going to make a thumbnail for it if we'll even have video during that part of the show but I'm going to explain in its entirety what this show is about because I know a lot of you tens of thousands of you have come here just in the last few months and a lot of this stuff doesn't make sense to you that's okay if you if you wonder why there are random trains over both of my shoulders right now if you wonder why I never change shirts if you wonder what immunity even means what is a JP pole um how does this guy claim to have a tour what kind of tour I will explain everything about this show to you it is your college football show it is America's college football show so you deserve answers all right here we go your thoughts on preseason rankings do you hate them do you love them I think every one of you traffic in them even if you claim you them you traffic in them you can set your clock this time of year to the first upset of the Season happening because it's college football we'll always have upsets and then as soon as the upset happens someone's going to run to the nearest Message Board nearest social media account and they're going to yell this is why we shouldn't have preseason rankings and you can also set your clock to me listening to that and yawning because I think it's kind of dumb they're not dumb remember mimo always taught us smart people can say casual things casual people rarely say smart things so uh it it was that Florida State got beat as a double-digit favorite last Saturday against Georgia Tech and then since some of us had FSU in our preseason top 10 not the esteemed brand and Walker but the rest of us lowly surfs had FSU in our top 10 uh then we got yelled at and we got schooled and we got explained to how preseason rankings are irrelevant we shouldn't have preseason rankings and people the thing about it is they get really worked up about about it and I look and I say Colin show me chuggy give me chuggy right quick we have a new mascot his name is chuggy and I would like for you guys to just walk into the therapy session with me this is chuggy our new mascot here and I want you to take this chuggy doll and I want you to point to me on the chuggy doll where the preseason rankings hurt you point up here down here is that where the pre-season rankings hurt you what did preseason rankings ever do to you if then maybe they didn't do anything for you you but what did they ever do to you the point here is in what world if we had an act of Congress if we had a new executive order handed down from on high if if the letters were written and red and it said you are not to have preseason rankings how would that stop preseason rankings in what world would you ever be stopped from listing teams in order of how good you think they're going to be in your own mind you would do it thought crime in your own mind you would do it and magazines would do it and websites would do it not just because it generates traffic but because it generates traffic but also because it generates interest we are not trying to cure cancer here it's not that serious at the end of the day we're just trying to figure out whether Texas A&M's the top 20 team or not just trying to figure out whether the DOR is going to have Alabama in contention at the end of the year or not um is it an imperfect science yes is it a science at all no but uh Josh it it just influences too much that that's what I always get told cuz my first question is always what's wrong with preseason rankings if you don't like them move on which is not good enough for the haters out there of preseason rankings so like what's wrong with preseason rankings I got a lot of friends who hate these things I've got a lot of buddies who I have lost my voice with arguing about preseason rankings and I always come back to the same thing what's wrong with them what do they hurt and I always get told the same thing they create a narrative in people's minds where certain teams are going to be given benefit of the doubt whereas other teams don't have benefit of the doubt and it's based on nothing because no football games have been played and if you're ranked in the top 10 and you lose a game you're still going to be probably top 25 and if you're outside the top 40 and you win a game you may have to win another one to jump up inside the top 25 and guess what you are probably right and guess what else it shouldn't matter it shouldn't matter because polls don't matter anymore that's not how we Crown national champions We don't even use computers to Crown national champs however what we do have is a committee and that's where it gets a little murky because that's when I get told Josh the committee gets influenced by these things well if you got a committee full of people who are influenced by media rankings then you got the wrong people on the committee so it sounds like misguided anger in my opinion you got anger towards preseason polls when in reality you should get aggravated at the people who are allowing themselves to be influenced by them mind you these are not normal people these are committee members committee members are supposed to be above The Fray so I bring to you a better idea tonight my better idea is when I'm college football commissioner you should feel free to rank teams rank them all you want to rank the top 134 if you want to but also and here's some advice feel comfortable pivoting quickly in week one because if you really think about it a week one game heck the first first half of a week one game should really be worth more in your mind than the previous six months cuz all you had the previous six months are you had spring you had transfer portal you had media days you so you had a lot of words said you had a lot of practice reports read but you didn't see a football game so you could think all you want to about Florida State I can think all I want to about how good Florida state is but if I see Florida State get put on skates if I don't see the heart in that defensive front if I see secondary guys thinking instead of reacting well then it doesn't really matter what I thought and what I read in the spring and the summer respectively so as long as you're willing to do that rank them rank the teams here's the tradeoff if you do rank a team too high and they don't fulfill on your expectation don't be yelling overrated at the coaches don't be yelling overrated at the Players this was this has always been the tradeoff it is rarely adhered to but this has always been the tradeoff that I think should be understood I've watched it happen forever ever since I was a little JP I've always watched preseason rankings sometimes I agree sometimes I don't but then inevitably there's going to be a team and it will happen this year too preseason top 10 team they finish outside the top 20 maybe they finish unranked and here here's what was always wild to me even as a kid the sports Rider who ranked this team top 10 only for that team to lose five games gets to then turn around and blame the coach and the players and called them overrated and no one ever asks the sports Rider well who rated them the players didn't rate themselves the coach didn't rank himself in his team number six you did Mr Sports Rider and Mrs Sports Rider now that's always been the skill that's always been the power behind hiding this thing this is a pen or behind having these things these are Keys you control that kind of so I've always thought it may be one's responsibility that if you overrated a team then call yourself out on it if you underrated a team like I did Washington last year I was wrong on Washington all year I was wrong on Michigan most of the year and then they met in the national title game so I had to get one right at at at some point call yourself out on it I call we had fun with it last year I wore a clown nose on air guys I called myself out on it then there's a whole different fight we got a jam-pack show tonight so I'm about to move on from this but then there's this whole different fight power ratings which which are not rankings as we all know paper Pop um Colin do me a favor show me the JP poll the JP poll is my own power rating also has chuggy on the bottom leand corner there um so here's the thing about power ratings those things are not going to look the same as rankings afterwards I mean surely if I were ranking teams I wouldn't still have Florida State number 20 right now because they're 0 and one they didn't prove anything and Georgia Tech would probably be ranked higher than them because Georgia Tech probably deserves to be ranked higher than them and merit-based world but power rating world is a little bit different and so I put this out the other day and all I'm trying to do with this is gauge neutral field favorability based off this model here in other words these numbers are telling you that even after that game just got played on a neutral field tomorrow the model here would favor Florida State Over Georgia Tech well someone had the audacity to call BS on it but you know what I had the audacity to do I had the audacity to call our friends over at FanDuel Sportsbook and I talked to the Traders over there the ones who set the lines and I say guys do me a favor I'm being thrown under the bus here you run the sports book what would you make this game if Florida State and Georgia Tech played again this week neutral field go over to Ireland for all I care play it again what's the line you know what they said Jesse and Colin FanDuel sports book game played again today neutral field Florida State minus 7 a half over a touchdown favorite against Georgia Tech if they played again today and you know what Geor Tech may win the game again so you'd yell at me see it didn't matter and I'd yell at you that's not what this is about that's not what any of this is about the moment they were favored before the game this power rating was right so my other piece of advice if none of this suffices for you is if you don't like them don't look at them welcome in we are jam-packed we got a huge week coming up we are headed down to Gainesville this Saturday and quick trip is powering our our journey down to G well the whole new Saturday tour is going to be coming to you every Saturday throughout the year I will announce our week tour our week two tour destination this Sunday night after week one is in the books and so Miami at Florida whole new Saturday tour fueled by quick trip we appreciate it we've been giving out free gas and uh unfortunately as as best friends often do as anyone in a relationship often does you fight and uh quick trip and I had it out today and I'm not proud of this but I've got to share it with you uh Quick Trip decided that they were just going to take to the public Airwaves of Social and say you could go to a wedding on a college football Saturday and the world won't end now that of course is advocating for a lifestyle that we don't believe in on this show it's just a moral thing we don't believe in that lifestyle you should be free to live it if you want to but we should not be forced to be drugged to it if we don't want to our friends at Quick Trip differed in their opinion so I asked if we could speak privately about our relationship I have good news as of about 45 minutes ago we did speak privately and they have given me the power to give away free gas all year so I told them are you prepared for me to show favoritism to people who are forced to attend fall weddings this season and favor them in the gas giveaway and they said what can we can't stop you what we've already signed off on it we can't stop you so friends I know some of you are going to be forced into precarious situations at fall weddings on Saturdays this season and uh my heart goes out to you couldn't be me because I work on Saturdays but I know not all of you do you're you're living normal lives out there and so this QR code you can get the Quick Trip app there you can download their app period but I'm telling you right now I've got a lot of gasoline to give away and you show me that you're stuck at a wedding on Saturday you just might get bumped to the front of the line that's all I'm saying I can't confirm it yes I can that's all I'm saying though let's dive into some game predictions it's time to go Tuesday nights in the fall this is how we do it Colin I guess even though we just used that graphic you're about to throw it right back up here in a second Miami at Florida Saturday 3:30 Eastern kick ESPN heat Dome parked over the southeast high pressure has got it intensely hot down here hey if they die they die 3:30 kickoff in the swamp it's going to be a really good good one the whole new Saturday tour in town and uh we've been looking forward to this one for a long time I was pretty much sure we were going to this one in the spring and now we've locked it in so the whole new Saturday tour fueled by quick trip going to be there I'll be on the sidelines for this one copious amounts of sunscreen on the head for obvious reasons this is the number 13 team and number 21 team in the JP poll I don't even know what the AP says it's it's a pressure cooker of a game I think there's a bunch more pressure on Billy Napier than there is Mario Chris I think a lot of this has been painted in the media as boy losers on the hot seat Well Mario's not on the hot seat if he loses this game Billy Napier is and so I think there's a lot more he's got HomeField Advantage here I think there's a lot more pressure I think they've got a lot more to prove at Florida lower expectations for Florida this year as well question for you how effective will this Miami offense be right out of the gate this year week one this is not bethon cookman this is not a tuneup game they got to go into the most hostile environment they'll play in all year uh the most h environment most people on this roster have played in this offense at Miami I think will eventually be effective this year but I can't shake this idea from my mind that they could be clunky out of the gate and that's because this Sports really hard and then you got the whole helmet communication thing and you're trying to take that piece on the road and I listened to Shannon Dawson the other day I have talked to Shannon Dawson about this and they can say all they want to about how well if if Cam Ward can't hear because it sounds like he's surrounded by jet engines in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium if he can't hear we got checks for that we'll be fine no one's ever fine on the road in college football the best you do is manage on the road in college football that's the best you do and the ones who make it look easy are few and far between so you got that you got the whole newness factor of Cam Ward working with a lot of guys working in an offense for the first time ton of skill here ton of skill I think they're surprisingly deep at tailback I think the offense line very very good unit they're going to be a very high level offense and maybe they come out of the gate firing I just think how impractical that is going into this environment in week one so you got you got the crowd and all of those other things and that's why running back depth is important here and Jordan Lyall for example is a true freshman running back I think they flipped him from Ohio State I mean I think in terms of matchup he gives them a really good look on the perimeter get to the perimeter Damen Martinez is a guy they got from Oregon State and he'll be a focal point of the offense who knows three or four Touches for Jordan Lyall may be the difference there we talked about Elijah aroyo a whole lot last year at tight end this year stay healthy every every finger here crossed um that's a guy along with with stpo Sam Brown's a a receiver they got from Houston got good weapons there it's another thing to make sure all those weapons just look like that right out of the gate that's not normal in college football so if you can do that you're the exception to the rule then the second thing I'm focused on in this game same question but for Florida how effective is the Florida offense right out of the gate are there matchups out wide to exploit here Eugene Wilson you can make an argument the most skilled wide receiver in this game either sideline but at the same time I could make the argument Florida's about to see the fiercest pass rush maybe they see all year and this is a team that's going to play a murderer's row of a schedule but that pass rush Miami brings is about as good as anyone's going toh feature this year Aris boardingham at tight end another good option for grah MZ if he has time if he can get the ball out in time if they can give him adequate protection it's one of the great questions around Florida football this year is the offensive line and I the other thing early in the season what do we see all the time in fact in college football in general what do we see we see a lack of the basic skill of tackling in the secondary well can you get your guys on the perimeter can you make defensive backs tackle you instead of of guys who will do it all day long if you let them on the interior and the other thing I was at Florida's opening game last year out in Utah I was there and I stood there and I watched the missed field goal and I watched nine penalties and I watched uh duplicate numbers on the field extend a drive and and that ended up I think in a score and So procedurally Special Teams where's the edge there do we have one cam Ward I mean cam Ward was prone to turn ball over up at Washington State so for everyone who looks at how full the glass could be right out of the gate is it that full also Miami carrying six seven new starters on defense this is an environment that if you don't have everything ratcheted up you don't have every every bolt nut tied really tight it can rattle you and you can come UND dime it's happened to many a team in that building as you can tell I've had a really hard time on this game so Colin let's take a look at what the model thinks and it's really close to what FanDuel thinks right now as we sit here on this Tuesday night Miami is a two and a half Point favorite model agrees we got Miami minus two I am extremely conflicted in this one uh because I I keep going back to thinking there is more desperation on Florida side uh obviously HomeField Advantage how intimidating an environment that can be uh how easily that place rattles you especially if you've got newness on offense and then on the other side I think to myself Miami's pass rush can take over the game and there are probably a few too many um green arrows pointing North I think when I look at that match up both sides for Miami um thought Florida early this morning shifted to Miami this afternoon Man by these slimmest of margins I'm rolling Miami to win and cover I mean because the the line is under a field goal anyway I have no feel on that one you will not have a dime of my money bet on a side however there is something I love here we've actually got a Ramen Noodle Express best bet and I'm going to add it right now pay attention kids this could come at any point during the show under 54 a half I love in this game don't think it gets out of the 40s and so right now we are adding to the ramen noodle Express Miami versus Florida under 542 and that goes in conjunction with Kent State plus 242 we got that one the other night Colorado minus 92 we got that the other night so I just added Florida and Miami under 54 A2 and you know what since we're in Nashville Colin let's go ahead and add Vandy plus 13 and a half as well so just like that we're 20 minutes into the show some people out there on the streets tell you you got to wait till the end of the show but no the ramen noodle Express is powered by FanDuel now so it could be anywhere in the show this gets updated throughout the week and you got to be following on social because frankly a lot of them don't even get revealed on the show they get revealed on social Josh P CFB on Twitter now we're working on the Instagram handle you know how to find me there though so Kent State plus 24 a half Colorado minus 9 and a half Vandy plus 13 A2 and the Miami at Florida under at 54 a half those numbers courtesy of and available at FanDuel all right look um I know a lot of you have tailgating needs I know a lot of you are headed out on the road this weekend and throughout the season season might I not so humbly suggest that you're going to need to make new purchases cuz I know a lot of you don't like storing things and so a lot of you just go buy it new every year and I respect it I I absolutely respect the minimalist lifestyle not to mention this stuff's pretty affordable especially if you head over to Academy Sports and Outdoors um my my dream frankly I've already said it twice tonight Jesse so probably about three or four more frankly baked in here somewhere is just to scan out over the horizon in Gainesville Saturday or fill in the blank next week or fill in the blank the week after that and just see those Academy tents and those Academy chairs and grills that I know were purchased at Academy oh look there goes a little wayward child where are the parents we don't know but look at that bicycle probably purchased at Academy Sports and Outdoors parents not included take care of your children please so academy.com if you cannot get there in person has you set up that's it that's all they have been with us nearly from day one they make this show free to you and we humbly humbly just ask that you check them out for things that I know you're going to purchase anyway back to the show now here's a fun one I mean this game right here is a fun one I'm not going to it because I think neutral site games to kick off the season are evil but it's a fun one you know Clemson plays Georgia to kick off the season this Saturday in um in basically the grave of the Georgia Dome right on top of the grave of the Georgia Dome you may know it as Mercedes Benz Stadium but some of us miss the Georgia Dome it's a noon kickoff Georgia's about a two touchdown favorite here 13 and a half Point favorite do you realize we have the number one and number two active head coaches going at it in terms of win percentage do you realize we have three active head coaches who have won national championships and these are two of them and the other one's m brown do you realize that according to the 247 sports team Talent comp it this is the number two and number five roster in America and do you realize after all that the folks at FanDuel said yeah about a two touchdown gap between these teams um what happened to Clemson football to Warrant such a point spread well it didn't happen overnight did it Georgia is um this is a paper popper of a stat if Georgia wins Saturday that is their 40th straight regular season win that would be the most since the Oklahoma teams of the mid-50s and we all remember how great those teams were some of you actually do Kade kumnick quarterback at Clemson just in general shaky last year but away from home really shaky at home not terrible six- one 37 points per game last year um points per game is not necessarily a quarterback stat I understand that but broad Strokes purposes they scored 37 per game at home and he was 14 to3 touchdown to interception rate on the Road or neutral site three and three win and loss 21.5 points per game 5 to6 touchdown to int suffice it to say a different player and remember it was the Duke game that kicked all this off last year and they turned the ball over Every Which Way imaginable and Mike Elco and Duke beat him and there are few truths in an uncertain world but one of them is the level of competition is going to step up a little bit from duke here all due respect the Duke but it's your two under Garrett Riley you know it's your two with Kate kumnick being the starter here we got Bryant Wesco we got TJ Moore at receiver and I'm not saying that mockingly I expect a lot from those guys it's just that I'm counting on true freshman receivers against georg's secondary so not the most favorable matchup in the world there but if Georgia can't get home if that pass rush can't get home maybe maybe just maybe there's an early spark there combined with the whole year 2 Synergy of quarterback and no se maybe it's not a poverty roster you know a lot of people are painting this as a blowout waiting to happen maybe it is but this is still Clemson football guys I just want to remind you still still a pretty prideful program up there that recruits pretty well dbos swiy man you know it used to be not too long ago actually that they used to find themselves in this spot they relish this spot it was called little old Clemson I always thought it was kind of dumb cuz I I I knew even at the time Clemson doesn't need to be an underdog to much of anyone Dabo 12- one against the spread as a dog of five plus points by the way so he used to find himself in this spot a lot they always covered sometimes they won so uh as for matchups though forget about the past as for the here and now the Georgia offensive line and quarterback situation against Clemson's pass defense is a pretty significant Edge to Georgia a lot of edges to Georgia in this game but Clemson is replacing six of eight on defense especi in the secondary especially and Georgia's deep with weapons there may not be an All-American receiver on this team there may not be an All-American tight end on this team they are deep and talented with guys that can play at a high level collectively it's probably the deepest stable of pass catchers they've had in quite a while I know you think oh they lost Bowers what are they going to do at tight end back fill very effectively with multiple players that's what they're going to do they're going to show you they had guys on the roster last year that would have started anywhere else at that position that's what they're going to do at tight end Georgia also can win running the football you know even if what I just said wasn't true even if they were slightly more one-dimensional they could still win this game running the ball now Clemson folks listen to that and say against our front Okay show it well this may be the best offensive line you face all year at Clemson so really good matchup there ug o line Clemson dline really good matchup I just just I come back to this every time I watch sabin's Bama back in the day Kirby's Georgia uh don't know that I can put anyone else in that category they are not wobbly when they come out of the gate doesn't mean they're not beatable but they're not wobbly they don't hand games over ever they're always prepared so you got to outplay them and hardly anyone ever does period but out of the gate especially you're always like oh we want to get them early no you just don't want to get them you really just don't want to get them CU Georgia also pretty good lately againsts ranked teams 10 and three against the spread in that category so let's just take a look we see what the FanDuel number is we see George's favor by 13 a half the model agrees we are right in line we think these are very tight lines for week one Georgia minus 14 is what our model has and um man I think I think it's probably right I think round two touchdowns is the gap we see here right now I'm taking Georgia to win I'm going to take Clemson to cover I Envision like a 10-point Georgia win in my mind I I look maybe Georgia does to them what they did to Oregon a few years ago that is a still a very talented program at Clemson I got a hard time with all that pressure built up and the way last season ended and how much urgency and how much retrospective has been put on that team and how much of a fine- tooth comb has been run through it by that staff picturing them getting run out of the building in week one is one that's not impossible but it's uncomfortable on the backside if it does happen especially with the way last year started and knowing how imperative a fast start is for them this year something tells me those Folks at Clemson will find a way to keep it close something tells me the overall caliber of athlete on that team's probably being disrespected just a little bit still take Georgia to win though oh by the way how about the Clack collab the other day how about that I've still got a weak voice because Colin you and I stayed here Jesse bailed you and I stayed here till like 9:30 Sunday night central time cuz our buddy Joel clatt clean out on the west coast Sun still out where he was said hey man come on the show let's just chop it up and he um he opened the door and we walked through that was really good it's over on his channel the Joel Joel clat college football show or the Joel clat show I don't think he has college football in there so uh he said something I'm going to reiterate it you know it's a weird thing the way media used to work versus the way it works now oh everyone used to talk about competition and they still do the ones who don't get this space talk about competition most folks who talk about competition don't have the slightest clue how competition works by the way so in the olden days before the on demand World arrived if a guy like clatt had a show and I had a show we would be on radio or TV and there would be no DVR there would be no way to record it and so if he's on it three and I'm on it three every viewer he gets is one I don't get that is the true Cutthroat nature of audience competition nowadays it's on demand most of you who watch this show probably watch his as well there is a Hu we see the data there's a massive Vin diagram overlap of our audiences uh but that's how you grow the space the goal is to grow the space and so I was more than happy to do that we had him on our show um last Christmas or thereabouts and plus cl's a great guy um I mean you know play opinions notwithstanding Joel clatt is a wonderful guy so we I love doing that with him a lot of you have asked us to do more of that I'd be happy to it's just it's got to be the right situation but I'd be happy to but yeah we love doing that so it's over on his Channel right now if you want to check that out oh you know what else is out there moving on in the show here you know what else is out there the Connor stallions documentary came out early this morning on Netflix and I dutifully watched it for you now I would say there going to be some spoilers in this but I don't think it's like a movie this is not like when I talked about Twisters on air and I said no spoilers there's not really anything to spoil guys if you've been paying attention there's not really much in this documentary that you wouldn't have already been aware of I think what you learn is you learn a lot about who Conor stallions is but I'm just telling you I hinted at this several times over the past couple of months I told you everything the NCAA was doing and their timeline was centered around when this doc doumentary was going to come out and I was intentionally guarded in my wording because what I couldn't tell you yet is what I knew I knew the NCAA had interviewed him for several hours I knew that I also knew he recorded the entire thing and that wasn't public knowledge and so I didn't know what was on it I had no clue I it could have been Bombshells it could have been a total firecracker that Fizzles but I knew the NCAA wasn't used to that he was sitting on a piece of information that he was going to probably putting that documentary and sure enough he did and I knew that made them uncomfortable because they didn't know what he was going to run with now as it turns out there wasn't really anything jaw-dropping but you did get to see a zoom meeting you got to be taken behind the curtain on an NCAA investigation and really in general it's every bit as unimpressive as you would expect the NCAA investigation to be uh I'm going to be honest with you it is my working theory that they probably had a lot of footage that could have made the NCAA look a lot worse uh but it didn't serve the purpose of the documentary I'm just telling you these These are you picture an NCAA investigation and your theater of the Mind kicks in and you know you're thinking like a dark room and there's Haze and cigarette smoke and a guy's got his sleeves rolled up and everyone's sweating like it's 93 degrees in the room and there's really dimly lit setting there's one light overhead and there's an ashtray here and and that is not it that is not it it's just a bunch of career bureaucrats fumbling over notes and pre-prepared statements and questions and the minute you throw them off their game it's over that's an NCAA investigation so I mean I don't I don't blame look if Ryan day went and got his brother's private investigation firm to go dig up dirt because the NCAA can't take a leak without getting the front of their pants wet I would have done the same thing was one of the big allegations tossed around in this documentary well you know Ryan day in Ohio State are behind this if they didn't obtain the information illegally I couldn't care less cuz I'm telling you I would have done the same thing cuz if I thought something wrong had been done to me and these jokers in Indianapolis aren't going to do anything I'll go do something uh the other part of this I saw everyone who watched this this morning take to their various feeds to say the same thing oh my goodness Jim Harbaugh knew well of course he knew this is not news it's it's news if he admits it which he's not going to do but of course Jim Harbaugh knew what can you prove probably nothing probably nothing there was nothing that was revealed in this that revealed Jim Harbaugh knew anything other than your common sense kicking in but your common sense should have already kicked in Harbaugh is a smart guy Harbaugh's a very cerebral guy Jim Harbaugh is a guy capable of leading NFL franchises and leading major college football programs to the brink of Super Bowls or to National Championships and's got his hand on everything to ask me to believe Jim Harbaugh didn't know what was going on is to ask me to believe he's stupid Jim Harbaugh is not stupid so long before I pressed play on this documentary my Common Sense had kicked in and pretty well figured out yeah harbon knew what can I prove what can you prove did you um for those of you who haven't watched this uh I want you to pay attention to Dan Wetzel over it I believe wetzel's at Yahoo sports he's included in this there's this little throwaway line I didn't see anyone talking about this afterwards but this is what raised my eyebrows a little bit wetel revealed he filed Freedom of Information Act requests with a number of different entities related to science dealing and and wetle is just there's a nice little audio bed under it you can tell they're about to turn the chapter to the next segment of the documentary and wesle just kind of says yeah you can nail Clemson you can nail Utah you can nail several other programs if you wanted to and dong and it's just move on I'm like H can can someone please hand the mic back to Dan Wetzel what else is he talking about Daniel not canel Daniel wetzell what else do you know sir H which is why I always keep coming back to the same thing as far as what's been presented in the court of public opinion and whatnot as far as what's been presented in media the reason I haven't gotten too terribly worked up about it is not because wrongdoing wasn't done of course it was done I think it was done I mean I I I think that they did things that were against the rules but it doesn't go above and beyond what we hear I hear do you have any idea the kind of rumors Clemson it was good Wetzel pointed it out dude you could write a novel about the rumors that exist about Brent venal when he was at Clemson and what they did in the way of sign stealing and the followup is okay well was it legal was it illegal I'm I don't know cuz I don't know the details I'm just telling you rumors EX exist so what goes above and beyond like like what am I supposed to believe is going to be the bomb that gets dropped on Michigan's head here not answered in this documentary what was answered is you finally got to meet Connor stallions dude sat right there on camera and his mom and his dad and Friends shout out to our buddy Isaiah hle just sat there on camera and answered questions and it's good it was good for Conor stallions that he did that because that's the one thing I wondered and I I assumed he would do I wondered like is he going to introduce people to himself cuz if you've just followed this story you picture Conor stallions as some some clown Pariah loser Fanboy siant that's not him he is a big fan of Michigan but the dude is razor sharp went to the Naval Academy very cerebral guy in his own right um perfectly cut out to exist in that world and uh you know well spoken represented himself well just really passionate and found himself a niche found himself an in into college football extremely intelligent and he applied it and he got himself into a really really as it turns out extremely high level role at the University of Michigan did I get the whole story from Connor stallions it's unlikely Connor stallion loves Michigan therefore that makes him an unmotivated truth tell in other words I don't doubt that I got his story did I get the entire story I probably didn't I think he told a ball face Li on this documentary when he was talking about uh the central Michigan game col Colin by the way do we have the Pate State investigates footage because I'm still contemplating legal action against Netflix this right here is a screenshot I screenshot my screen when I was watching this documentary this morning screenshot is the past tense of screenshot by the way and do you see what they did to your boy here oh they put the screenshot from Twitter so Netflix was fine with doing that they turned me into P not my full name and they what did they make me ex user Josh that's what they made my handle like do we have no dignity and no class in this world is this what Society has come to in the words of Nick Sabin is this what we want college football to be shame on you people you have 24 hours I don't you always give them an ultimatum Kevin Malone rule Michael Scott rule you have 24 hours so yeah there was a lot of a lot of ston thrown at Ryan day I don't care um a lot of stones thrown back at Jim Harbaugh and the Michigan program I do care but I'm going to need to see a whole lot more than what this documentary showed and what's been presented in the media so far my opinion is unchanged on this my opinion is exactly this as it stands right now I think Michigan will be punished punitively and financially I think they'll suffer a big fine from this based on what I've seen so far I am totally open to any additional information that comes out changing my mind but I don't have that in front of me and I cannot go over to bucknuts or 11 Warriors I cannot Wade through all that and treat that as the gospel if it ends up being true it's a it's a slippery slope when you uh scan those Ohio State message boards right now if a fraction of that is true we're talking about a different ball game we're talking about a wrecking ball headed towards the Michigan program I don't know that any of that's true so history has told me if it's true that's probably not where it'll surface it'll probably come out of nowhere you got to bring me more got to bring me more than that it's well worth watching though documentary is well done they did an excellent job producing it it's just um you know it didn't leave a crater in the ground shall I say they're watching us in conjur Georgia someone's watching us in Bangkok Thailand and they said immunity after Bangkok in the chat so they're a real one someone's watching us in Louisville Kentucky and State College Pennsylvania thank you guys so much look what's back tonight Jesse the Chalice of Supremacy is back because it will have use later in the show go welcome back buddy it's time to dive back into these games uh this game that I'm about to get to was runner up for the whole new Saturday tour we almost went to this one and by the way we got a big audience just make sure you're subscribed to the channel that's all I need you to do show is free we never have to put it behind a pay wall it's because you guys do a great job of subscribing to the YouTube channel which we own now it's ours and subscribing to the podcast feed which is ours now thank you cuz you made that possible please just continue to do what you've been doing and recruit five of your friends to do the same so here we go what a week one game in College station Notre Dame at Texas A&M hat tip Notre Dame and anyone who has the stones to schedule big time every every game's out of conference for them but you get what I mean Big Time opponents in week one and to go on the road and do it hat tip Notre Dame all right now how's Notre Dame going to find a way to win this game you're not going to see many folks picking Notre Dame they're a two and a half Point dog and yet it feels like the Clemson Georgia game in terms of looking at you know straight up picks to win this thing Notre Dame paper popper of a stat here maybe six of their last seven games versus the SEC decided by one score A&M 0 and four in one score games last year A&M six and one at home last year 0 and four on the road make of all that what you will Texas A&M's defensive front against Notre Dame's offensive line by 10 miles is the matchup everyone will talk about most coming into this one they should the Notre Dame offensive line get ready to hear this stat all week six combined starts on this offensive line they are plugging a true freshman in in all likelihood at left tackle against Nick scorton um and Kyle Field just just to add insult to injury you get 110,000 and get one of the best Edge rushers in the game and uh you you were in high school four months ago so let's have fun with that the rotation opposite of Nick scorton of just former four and five-star Talent all over the place people have lost their minds if they think Mike Elco is having to rebuild or start over at A&M Shamar Stewart is still here DJ Hicks is still here Shamar Turner Gabriel Brown L dendi these are all former f star guys who will start or play significant minutes for Texas A&M Saturday night against guys who are going to be baptized in the whitest hot of fires imaginable this sport offers doesn't mean they can't win though just means it's going to be really tough there Riley Leonard is the quarterback at Notre Dame now and Riley Leonard was the quarterback at Duke last year his head coach was Mike Elco who is now the head coach at Texas A&M who does that favor I'm going to leave that up to you I will tell you this is the fifth week one quarterback Notre Dame has had in the last five years so not a lot of consistency in that front there are plays to be made against this A&M secondary there are probably plays to be made Chris Mitchell's a transfer receiver they got from FIU thousand yard guy last year do you have time do you are can that offensive line give him any time it won't consistently be there but in a game lowc scoring you see the total here at FanDuel it's 4 6 and a half in a game that figures to be this lowc scoring you know as well as I do what these games look like it looks very plotting and very slow and and three and out three and out three and out and then all of a sudden someone someone hits a slot receiver and he shakes one tackle and gets loose down the sideline boom he's inside the five first and goal gain of 46 and and the game just turned and the p i mean the quarterback was one for his last eight for 12 yards but it doesn't matter because that one play just sprung him got him down in the Red Zone they attack on seven that's the difference in a game that ends 23 to 20 that's the way this game probably plays out so I don't expect a consistent barrage in the passing attack can they hit a few of them and in the process can they avoid turning the ball over him Conor wigman's season man quarterback there for Texas A&M it's Connor wigman's season and it's Conor wigman's season they're taking sort of a running back by committee approach it feels like and at Texas A&M this Notre Dame defensive line and that linebacker core well I'll tell you the secondary as well I I trust them look they can clamp down on Texas A&M as well don't think they can't I I I keep I've heard some people break this game down and just talk about how many insurmountable edges A&M has these are not insurmountable edges you got one that's a big one but look Notre Dame could throw the Crowbar in A&M's offensive bicycle spokes as well so don't think it's impossible to go to the half here W with a nine to six kind of game that's very possible offensive line play last year at A&M was bad in pass Pro so if you got all that fixed and they're well on their way to doing it because they hired the right guys but if you've got all that fixed that's wonderful you're going to have to prove to me that you did that over the course of one spring and summer and fall lengthy drives like I said very unlikely two or three explosive plays I think decide this uh great offensive coordinator match up here Colin Klein Elco went and hired Colin Klein and you notice they went and got a few tight ends out of the transfer portal really good at using those guys and then you got Mike Dem who was last seen winning a Heisman with Jaden Daniels and he's up at Notre Dame now Colin let's take a look at what the model thinks we see FanDuel right now hasm minus two and a half the model has it little tighter than that gotm minus one now I know I just made the case for Notre Dame I didn't make a good enough case I think A&M's going to win the game I think they're going to cover I went on CBS Sports HQ earlier this week and I said I think the winner of this game will make the playoff winner this game may make the playoff guys so if I got Texas A&M winning it and I'm looking at the odds to win the whole thing right now and A&M is kind of sort of up there I'm just saying we're going to learn a lot about A&M come Saturday and I think a lot of people are going to realize the cupboard wasn't nearly as bare as it felt a little shot of CEO a little shot of organization and a shot of newness may have been just what the doctor ordered at Texas A&M Cooper pegna put out the 247 sports team Talent composite the other day A&M 7th seventh most talented roster in the country not a long way off not a long way off at all he immediately upgraded it at Duke immediately because if you've got some of the right ingredients in the kitchen and you've just had a no nothing in there and they hadn't made a good meal sometimes the okay that that threw Jimbo under the bus a little bit too much but if you bring a better Chef in sometimes he can make you a little bit better meal without having to go to the store that's about as mimal as I can get on it let's move right along I have to do um a little bit of soul searching here kind of sort of so Colin show me that FSU tweet for me I I was going to do this the other night but I wanted to let it simmer a little bit more so John hit me up he said what are the expectations for Florida State now following their loss to Georgia Tech lower John lower I feel like this is an eight or a nine- win team I don't feel like they're a playoff team I don't think they'll play for the ACC Championship right now and so that means I've changed my feel on the team but I think I got some of this stuff wrong the other night not necessarily the game we saw the game Florida State lost to Georgia Tech but I think in the aftermath my understanding of what happened and why some of us got misled why the product on the field didn't match what we expected you're going to be honest I think I was a little bit wrong on it so I'm going to remind you what I said on the show the other night and a lot of this particular clip that Colin's going to play in a second it circulated around Twitter and Instagram and apparently some folks took it the wrong way so here's what I said and then I'm going to explain to you why I think some of this may have been a little inaccurate they were just regurgitating Intel that people inside the program gave them now that is a little more alarming because that means folks inside Florida State thought they had the best defensive line in the country folks inside Florida state folks who you know do football for a living those folks thought that they were going to dominate up front those folks thought that line of scrimmage and Run game were going to be their bread and butter here and if DJ's not great if DJ can't stretch the field vertically that's okay we'll just Rock fight this thing early and then we'll we'll give our offense time to round into forum and that is a little more alarming because that paints a picture of a coaching staff that may not have a firm grasp on what the football team was so here's the deal Mike norell does about as good a job as any coach in the country of giving open access to the media to Florida State practices it's like the antithesis of what morio is doing at Miami right now where you have to get a court order to get in there and so uh when I said that the other night a lot of people took that uh to mean I was suggesting people who cover Florida State misled their subscribers or their readers or their viewers not that at all what I was saying was I thought some of the information they had gotten from coaches was bad information they had then passed that on and it was kind of more on the people inside the program that had misled folks in the media well I don't think that's what happened I did a whole lot more digging on this today appreciate some folks reaching out to me both on the media side and the NFL side I think what happened is folks from the media side and folks from the NFL side made their way through Tallahassee throughout the fall and they saw exactly what they saw they saw a ton of talent they saw a ton of speed they saw size they saw length they saw athleticism they saw explosiveness they saw physical traits and the good thing about Talent is you got to have it you got to have talent to win but Talent does not equal a football player there's a lot more that goes into making a good football player than just having a lot of talent and I think what folks saw was the same thing you and I would see if we went to a Florida State practice down there we would have seen freak shows we would have seen aliens we would have seen guys who look like maybe a handful of other programs in the country have and plentiful enough Supply to put him on a one or two deep and we would have said this team right here is going to be serious again this year and we would have thought that because your eyeballs look at humans of that size moving that fast and your eyeballs say who's beating them football players are beating them Florida state has more talented players than Georgia Tech Florida State didn't have better football players than Georgia Tech that's the real problem that that's the real alarming part now if they play it again this week Florida State may win the game but they weren't ready as a football team the football players weren't ready to play football and it's always a concern at any major program Georgia Florida State everywhere do you count on that spear on the helmet to just get rolled out on the field and do the work for you now Georgia they don't deal with that because they got a culture there at Bama at Ohio State at Michigan they don't deal with that I guarantee at Oregon they won't deal with that because there's a culture of competition there where folks understand that's that's not how it works do they have that at Florida State um mixed results right now very mixed results the Mind matters a lot the heart matters a lot Talent matters Talent don't make a football player you mix that talent and you mix that brain and awareness and attentiveness to detail and how you use it and you mix heart in the heart's the hardest part the heart we would never an evaluator at the NFL level would never be able to gauge Heart by just probably going and watching the practice you may get anecdotal stuff here and there but you know what you got to have you got to have third and three over in Ireland against a team full of engineering Majors that's what you need I don't say that prively I say that knowing full well Florida State should have an edge in all those categories Over Georgia Tech and they didn't and it's their fault it's no one else is Georgia Tech hats off for winning the game that's on you Florida State that's on the football players or lack thereof at Florida State now look it doesn't have to be anything other than a lesson like it could be that the team goes on to finish 11 and one and they go to Charlotte and they atone for it all they've still got the requisite talent to get the job done do they have the football players to get the job done so I don't think it was folks down there got misled by Intel as much as folks went to practice and saw with their own eyes how relatively loaded the roster still is but their eyes deceived them because when it came time to play football games uh guys were probably more cut out for the combo buying an Instagram than they were to go win a football game and it's funny I mentioned Instagram cuz half of them have taken their profiles down bunch of Alphas down there in Tallahassee right now let's move on your boy here never criticizes anyone you know so let's move on uh Penn State at West Virginia big noon kickoff Jesse are you nervous you got to go on the road here it's morgant toown Jesse Jesse likes this matchup producer Jesse likes this matchup so let's just say this out loud so the game is down to 8 and a half now Penn State at FanDuel favor by 8 and A2 hats off again out of conference week one game very intriguing we got Gus and Joel on the call here Penn State if we say it out loud extremely hostile environment here new offensive coordinator new defensive coordinator on the road all the makings right all the makings well let's dive in because it feels like a terrible match up for West Virginia once you dive in a little bit last year had a bad hiccup uh not West Virginia they actually had a good year last year I had a bad hiccup there very run-heavy team struggle to throw the ball um Penn State they are very veteran inside on this defensive line they have full grown men there they got a really good pair of edge guys U Zack Frasier was the center in this game last year that gave Penn State some problems he's not there anymore and so I'm sitting there looking and I'm saying I don't think they're going to run it on Penn State can they throw it on them can Garrett green sink up with new receivers these are transfer receivers I mean uh Jaden Bray for example can he sync up with him this was a 54 about a 54 55% completion guy last year they're going to need to throw the ball on Penn State to win it everyone's focused on these new corners at Penn State well first off even if they haven't fully settled in we we think they have but even if they haven't is this the team to expose that now Josh you know Drew Aller didn't throw the ball well last year either well against Ohio State he didn't against Michigan he didn't Drew all threw for 325 and three touchdowns against West Virginia last year so this was the one where he did go off I think it was his first career start too so does that pass game click immediately you know we got Andy cold Nikki in there new offensive coordinator I don't think it's a huge key even if it doesn't maybe they throw the ball well but even if they don't should this not be the game or a game where KRON Allen and Nick Singleton just kind of lean on West Virginia shouldn't they be able to go in there and take that crowd out of the game yes the answer is they should on this paper games were played on this they should will they be able to West Virginia could have something to say about this on third down if they can earn the right to rush the passer first and 10 second and eight third and six if you can get to Third and long obvious passing Downs then you've earned the right to expose whether they've backfilled for Olu fashanu at left tackle he's off to the NFL now so maybe there's a vulnerability there you can take advantage of they led the Big 12 and sacks last year at West Virginia but you got to get there and I think they're going to have a tough time getting them in those situations Penn State wants to run it uh I just this stylistically the strength for West Virginia strength for Penn State they don't match up in a way where it makes me overly confident for West Virginia here so let's take a look at what the model thinks the model is even more bullish this number's come down there's been money that came in on West Virginia because this was Penn State minus 10 a half and now it's down to Penn State minus 8 A2 the model liked where the number was originally we've got Penn State minus 10 I thought about it guys I want to let you know I thought about it but I am going to go with Penn State to win Penn State to cover it's treacherous it's treacherous but let me remind you let me just remind you West Virginia 0 and four against the spread in their last four games against ranked teams and look I don't do that a whole lot the trends I don't really believe in Trends all that much anecdotally I'll throw it out there early in the season because we don't have in season stats to go off of yet all these numbers by the way available courtesy of our friends over at FanDuel because they are the exclusive odds provider of the Josh Pat's college football show and P State University here I mean how about that earlier today just kind of able to toss out a hypothetical number from FanDuel you know what that's going to do for the JP pole this is I would shake hands with this monitor right now if I could so I need to tell you guys a couple of things all right so I'm going to give you a couple of offers right here and then if you are so inclined I'll let you know how to get signed up this is going to take like 30 seconds right now in the odds Market at FanDuel you can go to the playoffs and every one of these big teams you can bet whether they'll make it or they'll miss it just 12 team playoff Georgia will they be in will they not be in you get a 25% profit boost on that so if you bet no and Georgia doesn't make it if you bet yes and they do make it you up your winnings by 25% that expires September 3rd so get that in now also this weekend Notre Dame A&M Clemson Georgia USC LSU Boston College FSU you bet those games 50% profit boost if you win I feel like Santa Claus so that expires it kickoff you got to get those bets in before it kickoff you can sign up right now and let them know we sent you by using this QR code right there or if you're just listening and you don't feel like the QR code fanduel.com CFB promotion that's how you help us that's how they know we sent you obviously if you're already signed up just go have at it and if you don't feel like betting don't bet and please if you can't afford to do it do not bet listen to Uncle Josh here some of us had to learn the hard way back in the day do not bet this has been a good show Show's not over the football part of the show is over so I need to put I need to put my handy dandy lip balm on you guys have been asking me to do what I'm about to do for like two years and I figure this is as good a time as any um please if you're watching make sure you're subscribed if you're listening make sure you're subscribed okay Colin this is going to be rambling incoherence we don't have any other camera shots to go too CU our new studio is not ready yet so just stick on me here this Show's pretty unique there's a lot of inside jokes on this show this show makes no sense if you just walk in off the street so I figured we would take time tonight to explain this show and in the future if you have a buddy or you have any cousin or anything that starts watching the show and they're asking you what does this mean what does that mean you direct them to this segment and this segment alone because I'll explain everything we just changed the name of the show like 24 hours ago it used to be late kick now it is Josh Pat's college football show we did that because I just wrapped up negotiations with CBS they were great about it I'm staying at CBS uh we we have signed an extension there and in turn I own the YouTube channel and I own the podcast feed it is it is now appropriately named Josh Pat's college football show some of you question why change the title it's a legal thing so that's why the show is called what it's called we air Sunday night Tuesday night Thursday night we are as live as live can be I will go over to the live chat right now and I will put in um let's just put a smiley face there you go all right we prove we're live uh we're on the road every week in the fall we uh we have our own tour that we're allowed to do because great Partners like Quick Trip come in and make it possible we had the Renaissance tour in 2021 we had the every given Saturday tour in 2022 the Once Upon a Saturday tour last year and this year we have the whole new Saturday tour we're big fans of Saturday on the show I get to handpick which game we go to and that's really fun uh I wear a white T-shirt for every show that we do on air and I do that because back in the day I was working in local television and I had a big argument with a news director of mine one day because I was doing a college football show and I thought it was really dumb to have to wear a suit to talk about sports on TV he disagreed I was working on his dime and so at the time I told people if I ever make it big I am going to go above and on to prove that people could not care less what you wear and in fact it appeals to them more if you just dress down because we are again we're not talking about neurosurgery here we're talking about Texas A&M versus Notre Dame and whether Notre Dame's offensive line can stand up why would I wear anything more than a t-shirt well now that we got our own show here I just wear the same thing every show and you know what it's the number one college football show in the space anyway so it turns out you guys don't need to see people wear $4,000 suits to talk about football we've got our own power ratings on this show we call them the JP poll it is a Vegas odds making neutral field favorability type poll it's not a ranking I have to explain this every week one of the big inside jokes on the show is no matter how many times I explain it as soon as we post it on social people will lose their minds the people who know the least about it will talk the most about it I can count on you guys to come in and defend me but the running joke is well they're not rankings how can you have FL State ranked above Georgia Tech I don't they're not rankings there is a difference between the two the ramen noodle Express represents our official Best Bets that we release every week now powered by FanDuel the exclusive odds provider of our show and the ramen Express is named what it's named because when I was doing local radio in Columbus Georgia back in 2012 2013 there was a guy who called in one day and I hope he's still with us and I hope he's still solvent and he uh claimed that he needed some betting pics we gave them to him it was only after we gave them to him that he in a very dead serious Harvey upd ass manner told us I hope you guys hit on these uh my children need this they will have to eat ramen noodles this week if you don't he was not joking as it turns out now uh we we did okay that week I cannot vouch for what happened to him pretty sure that child protective services have long since taken care of the children but that is why we call the Best Bets the ramen noodle Express on Friday nights I am on the road this Friday night I will be in a hotel in either Jacksonville or Gainesville about 10 or so I will take this phone which has this little kickstand on the back of it I will prop it up on a nightstand somewhere in a hotel don't worry it's not going south guys you can keep the kids listening and I will do what we call Friday night lines and that's where I will fire Instagram live up @ Lake kick Josh make sure you're following that's the only platform we do this on and I will talk with you guys via the live chat for about 20 or 30 minutes and I will have this computer here pulled up and I will have our model pulled up and we have a number on every college football game that's going to be played most of the games I will not be betting on I'll let you know the ones I am betting on but you guys are interested in them and so I will let you know what the model thinks about the games you're interested in that I didn't cover on the show and that I'm not betting myself Friday night lons is probably some of the most fun content that we produce all year we do it every week it's live it's very unfiltered it's not approved by management it is brought to you by FanDuel and we do it on Friday night and it will premiere for the 2024 season this Friday night I'm really into storm chasing there are a lot of storm chasing themes woven into the show it is my biggest hobby I do it in the spring frequently we have to change the Airing of the show in the spring because I'm on the road chasing tornadoes I have seen 14 of them in person this last spring was particularly active I Love Trains I grew up loving trains I am not a little kid anymore but I still love trains like I did when I was a little kid so when we made our fictitious University we made our mascot the Freights the P State Freights P state if you didn't catch that is the fictitious University we just kind of made up because if we're going to be a college football show and we believe in branding I figured why not have our own fictitious University why not call it P it Rhymes in everything why not get ourselves a mascot why not why not get ourselves a secondary mascot look there's chuggy right there chugg at the bottom of the screen so um our biggest rival is management but lately management has really stuck his neck out for us so it's it's conflicted it's it's kind of a love LoveHate relationship and you know he's he's long since left work he's probably he's probably well deep in uh in penan W by this time of night so I'll send this to him tomorrow morning I'm not sure the signal makes it through the gate down there in his neighborhood anyway but management is um a frequent contributor to the show we don't let him represent himself so I speak for him on the show this is a chalice of Supremacy it is the most sacred thing that we have tangibly on this show I sip a mysterious liquid out of this challus sometimes as such you cannot buy one of those the P state store will be opening up again very very soon but those will not be in there some of you one of you asked me today can I buy a chalice of Supremacy you cannot you can win one you can earn one there are no set rules but if you do something that goes above and beyond to promote this show publicly somehow if you just do something incredible save someone from a burning building Etc I will send you a chalice of Supremacy we've sent out about what Jesse about to 150 chalai which is the plural of Chalice of Supremacy you never know when it's going to happen a couple years ago a bunch of you bombed college game day and you held up P State Signs behind herb Street and Desmond and Reese and whatnot and uh I sent out several chalai you also got us banned from college game day uh paper pop anytime I do this on the air it just means business when we play the Sarah mlin music in the background it is meant for the Sarah mlin special and this Sunday actually for the first time this season we will have the saglin special of the week and the sahagin special of the week is when one of your teams has so thoroughly been splattered or body bagged or had the walls painted with their blood and just flat out put to sleep that it warrants some soft sad somber piano music as I read a stat line maybe even a padlock stat a padlock stat is a stat that if you knew it beforehand would give you a full indicator as to how the game was going to go you hear me say the word Immunity on the show a lot longtime viewers of the office are very familiar with that's what she said jokes it's very sophomoric but we also built ourselves a mechanism in our Social Circle to where if we say the word immunity before we say something like wow that's big you cannot hit us with that's what she said and so I will randomly weave it into every show and um don't apologize for it casuals are people who aren't like us I don't use the word so much anymore because a lot of people started abusing the word casual and misusing the word casual and then it became kind of cringy but the the theory of a casual is the people who the people who think you are what your record says you are uh the people who are totally happy with having Saturday fall weddings and getting mad at you if you think college football is more important than their wedding those are casuals and we don't we don't really roll with them so much um smart people can say casual things sometimes casual people rarely say smart things that is a quote from Mima we lost MIMA in 2005 Mima was a real person MIMA in an axe accident early in her life lost her middle three fingers and she lived the rest of her days riding with just her Pinky and her thumb and it was that way ever since I was born so I always thought that was normal my friends had to to point out that hey you know your memal only has two of her five fingers and she writes with it isn't that kind of weird to you I'm glad you asked no it's not weird at all director Colin's been with me since I first got here the day that I walked into at the time the 247 Sports offices in Nashville I met Colin and I had him walk me over to their Studio that they had and I floated an idea to Colin I said Colin um first off hi I'm Josh secondly you're telling me you know how to work work a tricaster you know how to punch a show like you know that and he said yeah does anyone here know that you know how to do that uh not they don't really ask and so I asked him and so director Colin and I the day I got here launched the idea to do at the time late kick live and we started doing it and then covid set in and we weren't dumb enough to talk about politics or infectious disease on the college football show that we started so we stuck to college football the audacity right and the show skyrocketed immediately and it's never slowed down and so now we kind of get to do whatever we want to CU the show makes a truckload of money for everyone around here and so they kind of stay out of the way and we really appreciate it and they're very Cooperative with us and let us do frankly more than I ever thought would be able to do Friday night lines I already explained to you it happens on the iosh which is just what I call my iPhone there's really not a whole lot to that if it sounds douchy it is and I'm not apologizing for that either the P state store as I said will open up again very soon uh we are extremely well sourced here in through the most atypical means possible as we started the show a lot of people appreciated it because the entire reason we started the show is I didn't think most of the college football shows out there were worth anything I grew up watching some of them I didn't think they were good anymore I thought the NFL had like like 47 different kinds of shows out there and college football is the second biggest sport in this country but it was very underrepresented and so we set out to do a show that wasn't full of debate wasn't really like a hot take show um it wasn't an X's and O's show per se we just wanted to make a show that sounds a lot like what you do when you and your buddies go eat lunch you just talk about college football I know CU I did the same thing when I was working in the fabric Warehouse down in Columbus I go to clear V Barbecue around 12:00 every day and we just talk about college football so what those conversations sounded like at the lunch table is what we try and make this show sound like it's a to a lot of you but you know who else it appealed to players and coaches a lot of them appreciating that the Sport's being represented the way they want it represented and so we've built a network an army of sourcing and now we I can't go an hour of a day without hearing from an offensive coordinator or an agent or someone running a recruiting department or someone in the world of media and all that we do is we take that and we try and build the most informed show we possibly can it is built to serve the audience it will always be built to serve the audience I know we have some fun on here from time to time and it can sound like it's self grandis a little bit I promise you it's the last thing in the world that we try and build this thing to be because there there is nothing special about us there there's something special about the fact that you watch that's what's special about it so we don't take that for granted and we never will also we don't really have many guests on the show I do go out on the road in the spring we sit down with the head coaches pretty much every one of them in the country open the door to their facilities for us and we can go and we can get sit Downs with them but by and large especially in the fall we don't have guests except for Thursday nights because yes coold Cuts will be back this year and our buddy Cole cubic starting about 48 hours will be stopping by and I'm going to do something a little different this year with coold cuts I'm going to look at the live chat when I bring cubic on and we're just going to react to the live chat could be terrible could be great we'll see how it goes uh yeah so that's that's about that's about what I have that's that's about uh as good an explainer as we've ever done for the show any questions I will take them in the comment section but in the meantime we're ready for the season start appreciate you guys so much for director Colin for producer Jesse I'm Josh P take care we'll see you back here same time Thursday night uh actually we're starting an hour early Thursday night so six Central in instead of Seven Central until then take care and God bless for

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