Category: Entertainment
♪ ♪>> stephen: hey, everybody, we are back with john dickerson from cbs news. quickly before we go onto the debate itself, president trump in a podcast the other day said that he was beaten by a whisker in the 2020 -- he admitted defeat by a whisker and said it a couple times. then tonight david muir... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Wait it's my turn no me Read more
Category: Music
[ __ ] hello hello everybody doing a video today as important news came up in the community of alternativ um those of you who remember warp tour sadly you know disbanded not so many years ago but uh long enough it seems like it's been forever well we had some news today and i had a double take to make... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I am so incredibly grateful for uh the ability that this state has done what the he claps too much and spews welcome to wacko walls greatest hits hey patriots and welcome back to another edition of wacko walls' greatest hits tampon timmy came up from the van down by the river to give a speech in eerie... Read more
Category: Comedy
-i mean, fantastic. welcome to the show. you look fantastic. thank you so much for being here. -thank you for letting me borrow this outfit. -no problem. just give it back for the weekend. i need it for the weekend. uh, your career is currently exploding right now. uh, everyone's talking about chappell... Read more
Category: Entertainment
>> stephen: welcome back to "the late show." back with the star of "the old man," jeff bridges pager in the second season of "the old man," premieres tonight. a lot has changed since the first season of the show. including a significant health scare that you had. would you mind expanding to the people... Read more
Category: Comedy
[music] dana i think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed my values have not changed let's be clear my values have not changed tell me something i don't [music] know we were going to s we were sitting down to to do... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] and a thousand times i've seen this road a thousand times i've got no roots but my home was never on the ground i've got no roots but my home was never on the ground i've got no roots i've got no root i got the roots but my home was never on the ground i've got no roots but my home was never... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] so there is no doubt that the momentum is on kla harris's side right now but i've been talking to a lot of pollsters and i just i and i know how we feel about the polls they say this we live in such an era of polarization that she's running a flawless campaign she could ride out a pegasus with... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] e [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh wow that's just not going well again it there we go there we go oh boy i do i do like the mishaps at the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Intro - welcome back. henry golding is with us, everybody. (audience cheers) and you might know our next guest from florida georgia line, but since, he's gone solo and he's had songs go platinum and double platinum, two number one hits, and a current top five hit with "back then right now". he's killing... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
You need to watch this if you're a true 49ers fan the team just secured a vital piece of their roster puzzle trent williams the powerhouse left tackle ends his hold out and resigns with the 49ers for a jaw-dropping $ 82.6 million after some nail-biting negotiations williams will be protecting the quarterback... Read more