Category: Entertainment
Hoy se han estrenado los primeros tres episodios de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder y como imagino que la mayoría de espectadores no verán estos tres episodios de golpe sino que tardarán varios días en consumirlos los tres pues he pensado que en lugar de hacer un único análisis de los tres... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Im jahre des herren 2017 kam amazon mit news um die ecke die so manchen tolkin fans die hobbitörchen zucken ließen eine herr der ringe serie im game of thrones style mindestens fünf staffeln for adult audiences wie es heißt soll jeff besos persönlich einen narren an der idee gefressen haben und hat... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Don't what's happened ors was on the way to pagia when they way laid me took everything can you travel look at me we ought to keep moving at least we can do is give him something to eat go bar you should have listened to the girl go get the hole get on go go [music] thank you it's a seal dude remember... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ah [music] sorry sorry sorry i'm so sorry i thought you were an orc it's all right doesn't hurt doesn't hurt of course it hurts i just stabbed you in the thigh could have been worse here let me pull it out no don't you meant to leave it in was i yes whenever you're stabbed you meant to leave it in i've... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Giriş bu sauron'un işi herkese merhaba rings of power 2 sezonuyla karşımızda amazon prime'da 29 ağustos perşembe günü 3 bölüm birden yayınlandı ancak ben bu videoya konu olarak sadece ilk bölümü aldım yarın veya hafta sonu diğer iki bölümle ilgili de inceleme videosu yayınlayacağım sahneleri en başından... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ya he visto el segundo episodio de la segunda temporada de los anillos de poder así que en este vídeo analizaré por completo todo cuanto ocurre relacionado con los libros quiero aprovechar que tan solo llevamos dos episodios de análisis para hacer hincapié en esto en que todos mis análisis tanto si... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Am 29 august also diesen donnerstag geht es mit amazon serie die ringe der macht staffel 2 weiter ebenso wie zu staffel 1 werden wir auch dieses mal zu jeder folge eine analyse veröffentlichen wenn ihr also nichts verpassen wollt dann solltet ihr jetzt unbedingt abonnieren die ausstrahlung der ersten... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Welcome to middle earth a land of elves dwarves and men and a place where 20 magical rings change the fate of the world forever but why were these rings made and what was their purpose let's find out first of all the reason behind there are 20 rings in jrr tolkin middle earth is because sauron had a... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Dünya değişiyor bunu suda hissediyorum orta dünyanın ikinci çağı son ittifak savaşı sona erdi elfler ve insanlar sauronu nihayet mağlup etti sildur sauron'un parmağını kesti ve tek yüzük önüne düştü tek yüzük tüm diğer yüzüklere hükmediyordu ve büyük bir gücü barındırıyordu ancak isildur bu gücü yok... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hi king harold elon carries three rings a means of halting the fading and saving our people we will discuss the rings once you have answered the question elron just informed me your companion this hal brand was not who he claimed yet you chose to withhold this from him and calmor is it true yes who... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I love you i will die waai for don't rush [applause] [music] me hi i'm charlie vickers and i'm charles edwards this is rory caner and this is daniel wayman he's going to play tom bomil and he's the stranger i'm patrick mckay j payne we're the co- show runners of the lord of the rings the rings of power... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Un sauron más joven intentando controlar a los orcos sin embargo no están impresionados con su idea de crear un nuevo orden para cuidar la tierra media ya que implicaría la muerte de muchos orcos hadar engaña a sauron y lo apuñala durante su coronación se desata una pelea donde los orcos lo matan y... Read more