Category: Sports
Characterize maybe what you saw out of the scrimmage today i felt like the defense came out with a lot of energy today we had a we had a bad start last week uh so our biggest thing going into the day was really just flipping the script uh changing the tone of the scrimmage and keep it in our hands and... Read more
Category: Sports
Good when you want okay well hello guys we um decided to go to still water play oklahoma state have a ton of respect for coach gundy and going into 20 years now at uh oklahoma state university and just has done a phenomenal job i have a lot of respect for him and the way he handles his program uh 17... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] hello everybody happy wednesday welcome into another edition of ptn extra i'm evan camoo that's mike irwin mike it's a big week week two week one arkansas football if you didn't know we're talking football i bet you all could have guessed at home arkansas football 70 to zero win last weekend... Read more
Category: Sports
All right hello everybody thank you for being here today with us um we are going to talk about the opening weekend for volleyball um with the w pig invitational but we will start um maybe coach just uh do a little synopsis of opening weekend uh little opening statement and then we'll open it up to questions... Read more
Category: Sports
Maybe not ready yeah hey eric um yeah i was just wondering about um wondering about uh colin clay on the other side you came in with him back in 2019 i didn't know if you guys still keep in touch if you talked to brun said to ask you about him so i don't know if you talked to braon about him at all... Read more
Category: Sports
Congratulations oklahoma state they found a way to win um well coached we saw it last year against byu byu had put a made a nice run on them half and in the third quarter and then lost late um obviously we're disappointed because we had the statistics were way in our favor i thought our defense played... Read more
Category: Sports
Brad you had a pretty big play last year with the 85 yard pick six um what do you remember about that play and you feel like maybe that was kind of like your your introduction as a razer back man i just remember the crowd going crazy i mean that was like kind of my first game in college so that was... Read more
Category: Sports
Jackson up t just walk us through that uh that crazy rushing touchdown there in the second quarter right before halftime what did you see and uh when you took off did you did you feel like you could get to the end zone did you know that was kind of going to be the end of the play um at first you know... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back into the pig trail show and welcome into another arkansas football recruiting report that's otis kirk i'm jacob morris and otis some big time recording news another recruiting win for the hogs this week kevin otis a defensive lineman from mississippi commits to the hogs a fourstar kid top... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] welcome in btn extra courtney mims alongside mike irwin here and mike there's a lot of people out there that go wait i wish you did ask mike more often well guess what this is kind of like ask mike part two today we're going to be doing some extra questions about fall camp and mainly about offensive... Read more
Category: Sports
Yeah just uh first off uh for all you guys just how the first couple days of practice been uh nice to be inside today what was yesterday like out in the heat um i'd say the first two days have been really good we still got a lot to work on but i feel like you can tell this year that our team is more... Read more
Category: Sports
A quinnon uh i guess probably disappointed a little bit not to be able to to work in the scrimmage yesterday um how you feeling i'm cool i'm good i'm uh taking a day at a time i'm straight um you guys are cycling back through install right now how's that going um and what do you think of your camp so... Read more