Brandon Smith Dry Bones

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:59:39 Category: Nonprofits & Activism

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uh Ezekiel 37 Hallelujah so so glad for what the Lord's been doing this week and and last weekend and this weekend amen verse number one the hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of Bones and caused me to pass by them round about and behold there were very many in the open Valley and lo they were very dry and he said unto me son of man can these bones live and I answered oh Lord God thou knowest he said unto me again he said unto me prophesy upon these bones and say unto them oh ye Dry Bones he the word of the Lord thus said the Lord God unto these bones behold I will cause breath in enter into you and you shall live and I will lay senu upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the Lord so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone yeah and when I beheld loow the Senus and the flesh come upon them and and the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy son of man and say to the wind thus sayith the Lord God come from the Four Winds of oh breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live so I prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they lived and stood up on their feet an exceeding great Army then said unto me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel behold they say our bones are dried our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts therefore prophesy and say unto them thus sayeth the Lord God behold oh my people I will open your Graves and cause you to come up out of your Graves and bring you into the land of Israel and you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your Graves oh my people and brought you up up out of your Graves and shall put my spirit in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land then shall you know that I the Lord have spoken it and performed it saith the Lord amen my good I know I've read a lot here tonight amen will you help me pray yes Lord before we're seated God we sure do need your help tonight Lord I need the anointing in help me God flow through me God lord we're asking you God right now to bless each and every person God let the anointing flow to them God let them see and understand the message tonight the word of the Lord coming to their heart and ears God we praise you for it right now God we thank you for strength we thank you for help God we love you Jesus in Jesus Wonderful Name Hallelujah you may be seated tonight I Praise You Jesus well glory to God hallelujah hallelujah my my very familiar set of scripture here tonight this is the one that all of Pentecost loves to hear preached amen because it is a wonderful story amen of uh bringing back to life something that is dead amen doring amen the flesh upon the skin of Bones long since dried up amen I want to bring your attention to a few things here tonight one is is that God took this man up in the spirit he wasn't carinal he wasn't down at the local you know he he he he wasn't he wasn't down there playing cards right he wasn't at the restaurant he wasn't hanging out with the boys come on come on man he was doing what it took to get in the spirit the spirit of the Lord took him up amen and brought him over into a valley where there was a great many people that had died there amen and the spirit of the Lord took him round about all around he surveyed it amen and he finally he said son of man can these bones live hallelujah it's a question that God asks you tonight come on can you live again can you come up out of your situation can you be helped tonight can you be restored can you be blessed can you be healed come on well praise God and the questions can keep coming on and on and on praise God and God is asking again here man but then he said the man said oh Lord thou knowest praise God again he said unto me the man of God said prophesy unto these bones the Lord said this to the man of God prophesy under these bones and say unto them oh ye Dry Bones hear the word of the Lord I'm telling you here tonight again God can do anything at any time at any place no matter the circumstance because our God is in allmighty God our God is a powerful God our God is a Creator praise Lord hallelujah he's absolute he's absolutely powerful yes amen so God can do whatever he wants in a twinkling of an eye amen but he asked the question son of man can they live oh you know and so the word of the Lord came to the man of God again prophesy unto these bones and say unto them hear ye the word of the Lord you're not going to get anywhere with god without the wonderful word of the Lord [Music] somebody's got to tell you what thus sayeth the Lord I'm telling you that valley of dry bones would have stayed a valley of dry bones if there hadn't been a prophet there to prophesy all right amen listen to me tonight you cannot just go through life living for God on your own you can't just have church anywhere you want to I know you can have church in the car I know you can have church at the grocery store if you wanted to I understand you can get in the spirit of God just about anywhere in this world but I'm telling you here tonight God only operates and he only works through the word of God which is preached by man of God Amen help me church tonight we've got to establish some things if I'm going to get anywhere with God I've got to have a man of God in my life amen there might be some dead things in my life there might be some dried up bones in my life there might be needing something with they might need a breath in it amen there's got to be somebody that will preach to me prophesy to me yes God Hallelujah Hallelujah Jesus Hallelujah you cannot make it without a man of God right you can read the Bible through and through over and over again right you can study every topic there is to study when it comes to the scripture you can learn all about love and you can learn all about the gifts of the Spirit and you can learn about the doctrines over and over and over the Bible will show you how to dress it'll show you how to talk it'll show you where to walk it'll show you who to hang out with and who to avoid it'll show you what to eat and what not to eat it'll show you what you can drink and what you should not drink and on and on and on and on you can study it until you know it through and through and through but you still can't go to heaven without a preacher in your life saying thus sayeth the Lord well help me somebody you got to have a man of God there's going to be a valley that you walk through there's going to be a time when you DED up there's going to be a time when you have no breath in you right well praise God Jesus what are you going to do when you find yourself piling up with others all right that are also dry going away amen are you listening to me today yes yes woo I want all the children listen to me today amen Focus your mind on what I'm saying tonight listen to me good amen well praise God praise Lord hallelujah come on we can do tic tac toe later right we can become an artist later amen that's right we can well praise the Lord sister Wendy we can work on our stories later that's right amen she you know Hallelujah I don't know what you have to write but write it later amen the preachers preaching right now oh yeah yeah yeah now if you're writing scriptures down taking notes that's wonderful keep on Hallelujah well glory to God hallelujah you got to have a man of God God in your [Music] life God did you know God loves you yeah this wheny I I can't go around God you can't go around God no God made W water wet you just can't change that right man he he made the grass green you you can't change it right oh you can that men have come up with ways to try to change a whole lot of things but it ain't working that's right it never works when when man gets done with it man as right now trying to figure out a way to make it work where a a a woman can be changed into a man and a man can be changed into a woman without there being problems and complications but it ain't happened yet and it ain't going to happen well praise the Lord all right oh thank you Jesus you know what because man doesn't have the ability to change one's DNA right Hallelujah true well praise God God made Adam and then he made Eve amen two totally different individuals that's right the only thing that they're categorized together in is that they're both human right but they are too distinct different oh I don't know why I'm getting on this today I'm going to get on it because I don't want it I don't want that controversy being in this church amen ah Hallelujah you got X chromosomes and you got Y chromosomes come on and well praise God and and I'm not I'm not sure exactly how they're matched up together but but somehow or another you got X and Y and you got x and x and right yeah you can't you can't change a man into a woman no because you can't rewrite their DNA no that's right you can mess up their DNA uhhuh but you can't rewrite it no amen amen hallelujah so let me get back to it we can't get around God no God established the church amen the church didn't establish itself that's right and the men of old the men of God the prophets and the disciples and the apostles amen you read about it every day in the Bible they actually laid down the the groundwork for the governing bodies of the churches and Paul said you don't do this and you don't do that and you must do this and you must do that and if there's going to be any order or cohesion around we got to get along and this is how we do it right amen the spirit itself come on you got to be led by the Holy Ghost if a church ain't led by the spirit of the lord it's a church full of chaos and problems Hallelujah this is why it's important for Saints to get on their knees and not only pray for their needs and their desires but pray for their men of God because the word of God comes from the Lord through the man of God and that man of God needs to be con connected he needs to be powerful in the spirit yeah Hallelujah you can't afford it for me to miss God that's right you don't want that I don't want that we can't afford to miss God come on we can't afford to be caral I don't want you to be caral but you know good well that I don't need to be caral come on we got to be a spirit Le we got to be full of the Holy Ghost any everybody listening to me today you can't make it without a man of God that's right hallu somebody said well what are you saying brother Smith we got to come to you and ask you every little thing I don't care what you eat when you eat it I don't care what you drink when you drink it long as it ain't a sin right amen amen can I just can I borrow somebody's kid today yeah brother Joey you're grown I can't say nothing about it now listen I'm not poking at anybody here today Jo Howard are you 21 22 well you're going to be 21 till I remember that you're not 21 no more amen he's 22 he'll be 31 how old are you 21 amen now listen if I see him come into this church with his sleeve rolled halfway up and just out of the bottom of that sleeve I start seeing some green ink what do we call that yeah tattoo now listen how these people every everywhere nowadays got tattoos right they got crosses they got fish they got scriptures they got Mama right amen amen now listen I'm I'm sure there's going to be hundreds of people come through here in this church that have tattoos right but you know what it's my job as a man of God to take and say to this young man right here who's who done hadn't gotten started down that path to say hey you know what Deuteronomy says that's a book in the Old Testament it says not to put any ink upon your body amen amen now all these other that came through here that got tattoos they obviously didn't know that's what the scripture said and we can't hold it against them and we're sure not going to try to burn it off of them right Hallelujah but you know what they might have also drank a beer and done some meth and cocaine and all kind of things but you know what when they start living for God some preachers got to get a hold of them say hey now listen brother we can't do no drinking anymore we don't need that MTH anymore I don't care what you've done come on hey I know you got tattoos on your body but let's not put any more on there that's right this is what the scripture says not to put any ink upon your body you got to have a man of God to say that yeah hu Hallelujah come on you know what God will wake a man up in the middle of the night uhhuh hey here's the [Music] scripture in the Old Testament and it's in the New Testament as well yeah you might put a scripture on your now God why did you give me that scripture because he's fixing a deal with something all right amen come on he's fixing this deal he's W to help somebody with something oh Hallelujah Jus somebody might be interested in all that artwork on their body you know what they might be interested in it but let me tell you what the scripture says come on if you want to follow God God is willing will to help you and God is willing to give you a clean slate and a brand new start in life but I'm telling you right now if you want to go on in God you got to head that direction and not get entangled again with the former things I don't care if it's a cross or a scripture you're want to print amen God himself said do not put any markings upon your body and he actually used the word ink I'm telling you right now in the modern world we know that as a tattoo I'm telling you tonight not to preach on standards and all the dos and the don'ts but I'm giving you examples that somebody's going to need to hear that and it's going to come by the way of a man of God yes it is it's good preaching when a man of God SE [Music] thanks you know what I get frustrated at people that say oh preacher you you just preaching that cuz that's what you saw or you just preach that cuz you heard something well let me I can give you a scripture in the Bible where Paul said it's been named among you that's right somebody got in this ear well y'all a a giving we ain't give we're not giving Paul the same treatment oh brother Smith it's got to come from God can't nobody tell you because then it won't be from God come on then you figure out how Paul did it and got away with it yeah somebody told him what was going on in the Corinthian Church good teaching yeah I take care of the scripture and show it to you amen and so when I come in here and I see something going on oh you know we can't do that come on don't don't say those kind of things don't don't don't tell those kind of jokes God Don't Laugh at those kind of jokes don't get entangled up with that yeah I I'm I'm going to move on here tonight but you got to you got to have a man of God yes you got to have a man of God Amen what do I do what do I say how do I come come on if if it if you got something to bring if you don't know what to bring to me or what not to bring to me just bring it and I'll tell you hey you know what I don't have to worry about that I'll keep it back I'll let you know I'll let you know if you're doing too much right I'll let you know if you're involving me in too many of your decisions on right I don't care if you're right with red ink or blue ink or black ink it don't matter you don't have to ask that oh brother Smith that's silly but you'll be surprised how many silly things come through the office in the counseling sister H give me an amen she's been there before she knows I tell you what you come across some some things that are just uh and some of it is brother some of it is that people wanting attention right A lot of it is oh but if we just dip into this message a little deeper here tonight Them Bones didn't do a single thing until the prophecy came when God said you speak to these bones and you tell them hear ye what thus sayth the word of the Lord then not when he got them all gathered up and bone came to their bone and now they're just laying there dead bodies basically just skeletons amen he said now prophesy and and the skin and all the tissue came home and now they're they're just laying their lifeless bodies and he said prophesy again prophesy to the wind this time and I and I'm telling you what we read it earlier the Breath of Life came into them yes Hallelujah each and every time it was by commandment of the Lord to prophesy amen I'm using this scripture here tonight to let you you know we got to be preached to amen amen how you going to know what's holy and what ain't ameny god well first of all get full of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost to make you feel o I better not do that that's right I better not go there that's right this is making me uncomfortable maybe this the Lord telling me that I shouldn't do that or this amen did you know the Holy Ghost will help you know what sin is and what ain't yes it will you see the world let me get back to the to the gender thing real quick the world right now thinks it's absolutely okay to change things and be whatever you want be married to whoever you want yeah it's not a sin to them but let one of them get the Holy Ghost and then they'll feel just wrong about doing it right there's some things that nature itself will teach you praise God that's right praise God yes but all the while God instituted the the the precept the concept of him speaking to a man of God you got to have a man of God another point that I want to bring out in this message is not just the prophecies not just the preaching amen but the prophecy comes but for what reason not because God needed an army not because God wanted to show a man that there was miraculous power but what was the reason that the children of Israel may know that I am the Lord right and that I have spoken Hallelujah somebody needs to get it in their heart preach to me preacher let me hear what thus sayth the Lord I got to know that the voice of the Lord is dealing with me don't you understand when the preachers preaching to you and God is putting conviction in the house that is something to be thankful for right oh I would hate to know that a preacher didn't want to talk to me anymore that he didn't want to address my situations anymore that he didn't want to deal with me [Music] anymore oh I'm thankful that God sends messages that put conviction on me yeah come on Church you got to appreciate the convicted power of the Lord amen oh hallelujah hallelujah come on you know what people really start praying when it really gets heavy right and you feel that oo I don't know what's about to happen people go to praying amen we don't pray for our babies like we do when they're sick that's right amen we don't get concerned about the healing power of Jesus till we really need it come on you know why cuz that pressure is on us that burden is on us that need is great amen hallelujah I want to know that when God speaks amen when when God uses the preaching to get to me I'm going to know that it is the power of God when the man of God does speak and you know you hadn't said it to nobody nobody there ain't no possible way he could know it you then realize what what God said that the children of Israel may know that I am the Lord and that I have spoken it Hallelujah and there's no preacher that I know of that's really a preacher called of God oh there's lots of them out there but not a true child of God called man of God that likes to rub people the wrong way right amen you think David didn't tell his son no because he hated him that he wanted him to wind up being hung from a tree by his hair now the scripture tells us amen Proverbs and Psalms absolutely if you don't correct your child you don't love them that's that's Bible that's Bible right amen but we understand and we know that there is some uh there is a aspect of love nobody wants to see their child hurt or damaged in some way but that ability to say no causes awkwardness it causes feelings right this is what keeps us from I I I I know I shouldn't give you that sucker because the dentist is saying that I'll be coming to see him but I can't tell him no right now he's so cute and cuddly thenn it said don't give them all that juice oh but juice is so good and it and it quietens them down satisfies them yep now you're going to have problems amen amen it's the same principle all right it's the same thing Hallelujah you know how many doctors have told me if I don't lay off the bread lay off the sugar I'm going to be a diabetic that's anybody right yes you're going to have problems drugs alcohol meth that's not the number one killer in the world no nearly every disease there is has contributed to the consumption of sugar you can take it or leave it right amen and you know when that disease gets started somewhere when Sally is this tall and that body can handle it that body can handle it that body can handle it until now we're in our 40s and 50s and it's just getting to where it can't handle it no more amen yeah in the whole lifetime somebody's saying don't do that better stay away from that you better get off of that come on you better right somebody's preaching to you ever had somebody preach to you about you well Hallelujah it's the same principle yeah come on we got to have our we got to make sure our soul is Right With God all right Hallelujah visiting with somebody the other day hey pray for me doctor says my liver is shot what in the world what's wrong with your liver well it's all those years of drinking and smoking you you you didn't know this was going to happen to you yeah but you know just life got away and now now it's coming back to come on same thing spiritually speaking come on you need a man of God to say hey don't do certain things don't do this don't do that amen but not only does he have to preach it to you but there's got to be some subjection to the word of God come on my man of God don't want me dressing like that my man of God come on has preached the word of God that I shouldn't be looking at that or reading that or or enjoying or enjoying myself to this or that it's not because I'm trying to control every little thing about you I'm not trying to tell you where you can and can't go but there are some places you shouldn't go amen that if you're going to be a Christian if you're going to walk with God you just can't go amen I refuse to drink a root beer sitting on a bar stool at the local bar right amen amen I praise God well Hallelujah come on it's just not a place to be that's right amen and so preachers going to to preach they out of the bars that's right amen and so a preacher going to preach ma'am girl daughter if you wear that come on it's going to cause you problems Hallelujah you need a man of God that'll warn you of the problems to come out of said actions if you go through with it come on come on this is why I'm saying hey I might not be your daddy I might not be your boss I may not own you or be a part of your household but I'm telling you here today when God drops it in my spirit hey that girl don't need to date that guy or that guy don't need to talk to that girl it's because there is a situation that nobody's aware of at the time except for God and he drops it in the spirit of the man of God and gives him a warning praise the Lord somebody that's carinal will think well they're just trying to be in my business I guess then the only time you want someone to be in your business is when you need them at the hospital M or you need them at the local jail all right or you need them at the courtroom amen or you need them at the utility place to help you with a bill yeah on the gas station that's the only time you need them come on I'm preaching to you tonight we've got to have a man of God in our life come on there are dry bones that God wants to raise up come on there are there are skeletons amen that's been dead so long and God wants to Breathe new life into them put the skin back on them amen there is a standing army waiting if somebody will hear what thus sayth the Lord if a man of God will prophesy thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Mighty God hallelujah it's those people that have heard the man of God say you shouldn't be seeing that on YouTube and yet they go and continue to see that on YouTube that years later they have problems now because they saw that on YouTube right right had a young man come to me and said oh not not anybody here don't start looking around for who it is man I if I never saw that first picture of that magazine that's the one that haunts me if I'd have just never seen it yeah and here you was 10 11 12 years old on the Pew not worried about any of that and the man of God is preaching to the other young people other young men don't do it don't do it you heard it but you forgot to take heed to it amen come on if the bones are going to rise up it's because they got to hear the word of the Lord and they're not going to hear it if the prophecy don't come forth and the prophecy is not going to come forth if it a been mandated by the Lord amen hallelujah hallelujah I'm here today I wish everybody was here tonight to hear this preaching tonight you've got to have a man of God in your life and you've got to accept Direction amen amen praise God I know we all pray I know we all have the Holy Ghost I know we're all living for God but you got to have a man of God amen amen and sometimes those messages are going to be oh so sweet and powerful and just what I need and I pick me uper oh and so refreshing but sometimes those messages are hey I see danger coming down the path I I think you need to ve right looks like you're leaning left but I think you need to go to the right path there's going be messages amen does everybody understand there going to be messages that none of us are comfortable with right anybody anybody ever got upset at someone because they said you need to go pray that's the last thing a lot of people want to hear right you didn't go pray on it don't feel good but you know what it might be just just right yeah Hallelujah I've literally asked people in the office that have come to me have you prayed about this no I was just going to see what you thought well you you we need to pray about it I'm telling you if you'll just pray about it come on God will put it in your heart what to do amen and then he's going to confirm it by the word that's right God will always confirm his Direction by this book yes amen anything God wants you to do he will confirm it through his word hallelujah oh I feel what I'm saying here tonight amen I tell you what Lord the Lord is able to give strength he's able to heal he's able to deliver come on I've said it over and over I've said it so much that it's lost its luster amen but it's true and God has a plan and that plan starts amen after you come up out of that altar get in the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus name and now it's time to start hearing the word what does God want prise what does God desire praise the lord it's time to get a Bible and start reading it yes saying God show me show me come on some of you you that have Bibles it's time to get them down off the shelf and start reading it right I want you to go home and read this very chapter said God I want to make sure I got it I want to make sure I got it all tonight all right amen not not just the prophecy not just the moving of the spirit but I I want to make sure that I know that you're God praise the Lord and that God is in what I'm doing amen how would you feel if you went all the way on your journey thinking Paul that you were in the will of God and you got to Damascus nearly and God had to set you down off that horse M and you found out all this time you were actually fighting against the very God you thought you were serving what a sick feeling right how would you feel tonight church if you thought you were in the will of God and then all of a sudden God got a hold of you and you realized hey these decisions I've been making or about to make they're not they're not in the will of God Amen so this is one of those messages that is is hard to preach because I I'm your man of God right it's hard for the kids come up to me my kids well why do we got to do that well first of all because I said so that that's a hard anybody any parent ever said that yeah because I told you to do that that's what and then later on you do you do need to explain to them if they truly don't know know most time they probably already know amen why do I have to clean up my room well because I said so but here's the reason why amen you don't want to be outside of the will of God Amen and in order for you to be in the will of God there has to be a man of God in your life amen amen praise the lord well Hallelujah let's stand here tonight praise God praise God it's not all about me me me me me I'm not trying to lift myself up amen remember the other night when I said if you have a need and you don't come forth for prayer it's on you yeah the reason for that being I'm not God I I can't see I can't read your mind right when the Bible says there any sick among you let him pray and then what let them call for the elders if you don't come forth you missing out amen even if the song Ain't ain't fasting loud right amen so I said it the other night if you don't come forth amen you're it's on you amen well I need a man of God that just can follow the be sensitive to the spirit oh he is but he's not sensitive to your every need amen I want to be sensitive to the spirit amen but at the certain time s there may be a spiritual need greater than yours right amen well Hallelujah we've got to have a man of God let's pray would y'all pray for me that I Bey God Mighty God full of faith and power and the anointing amen because I've got to lead you I don't want to lead you wrong right I sure don't want you to be in trouble with God because I preached something that wasn't right or refuse to pre reach something that I knew I needed to amen oh Hallelujah come on uh somebody needs to pray godess give him strength Lord that he can preach what he needs to preach God put it in his countenance amen Lord in his in his Hallelujah God we don't want him to be worried about our feelings come on God we don't want him to be worried about our feelings because he might miss it Hallelujah and then we'll both be lost in Hell undone without you speak the word God I don't want him to be pressured by my attitude or my facial expressions Hallelujah come on you got to pray for your man of God that he'll do right Praise You Lord thank you Jesus amen come on folks God may need me to preach on baptism but I might have it in my mind to preach about the Oneness of God I'm telling you what we got to have it in our mind to follow the spirit of the Lord I don't want you to think it odd or strange if brother Smith's up here saying hey let's reach for the Lord come on let's reach out for the Lord hallelujah oh he don't have a message he's trying to search you better believe I'm trying to search because I've got all kind of messages in me I have literally preached hundreds of thousands of messages I got I got a whole list of them I can preach any one of them amen but I want you to understand as a church we need to be searching and we need to be sensitive to the spirit of God Amen we need to be sensitive to what God wants Hallelujah God may not want a message for that night he may want a healing service come on there may be a service where God wants to deliver people from Devils amen and we got to be sensitive to it and man of God's got to know come on the vein of the spirit Hallelujah not every service is going to be about songs and preaching amen but I'm telling you we've got to understand that God has a perfect will for every service hallelujah hallelujah come on God we need you Jesus Hallelujah glory to you Hallelujah Hall glory to you God to you God does anybody know the names of the two men that set that Stood Beside Moses held up his arms huh y'all remember them and as long as his hands were held up the battle was in their favor yeah but as he got tired and had to rest the the battle they began to lose the war and then no no no no we're not going to let hey he gets tired we're going to hold him up for it God you know what that did that took the pressure off of the man of God yes hallelujah thank you Jesus it's all right for you to take the pressure I'm telling you this is hard to preach tonight mighty God because I'm dealing with myself and my relation to you but it's got to be preached thank God it's all right for you to take the burden yes come on it's all right for you to do the praying all right all right oh come on it's all right for you to be sensitive to the Holy Ghost God Hallelujah Lord need a man of God but you need his hands raised hallelujah hallelujah come on there's Victory when his hands are lifted upy Gody God hallelujah yeah hallelujah thank you Jesus amen I'm going to be the first one to tell you I'm not the greatest preacher I'm not the deepest when it comes to the scripture I'm not scholarly at all amen verbal being said and I'm definitely not trying to be verbal being but he said very sister Anthony said very rarely did I come to the pull pit with a message because I was so worried about what God wanted to do that I wanted to find out and many a times some of the greatest messages I preached he said was when God dropped a scripture in my mind right there at the pull pit and I just began to preach praise the Lord he said now that's not a that's not a a mean means for me to go home and be lazy about studying right or fasting amen but I'm telling you what I think Pentecost has become so cut and dry yeah all right three services and offering a testimony service 45 minutes of preaching and 3 minutes of praying at the altar all right that's good let's go home before it gets out good on I'm not rebuking anybody's mindset I'm just telling you right now that we've got to let God do some work do it Lord we have come to the place in society and I promise you I'm about to let you go amen that is now awkward for a man of God to say Hey you come up here I want to pray for you right all right that's awkward that's putting me on the spot yeah but you got to understand God's want to heal you of your disease come on [Music] up it ain't always a rebuke when you got to come up Hallelujah all right come on well thank you Jesus I'm talking about 2024 where our hands are so we're worried about getting on somebody's nerve how many are y'all wanting a man of God that is not afraid to operate amen hallelujah thank you Jesus well I could just go on and on and on we're not going to do that will you help me pray one more time that God will begin to reveal to you amen through prayer and through fasting the direction amen that he wants to go with this church amen come on God you show me the heart of the man of God God I want to get with him and his desire amen I know he's trying to follow you God but God I want to be on the same page with my man of God come on I want to be right there on Queue with the man of God hallelujah come on Church you got to understand I'm not trying to build a cult here I'm not trying to be called fshh here tonight but I am trying to tell you that God instituted the church and he put it in a certain order amen and there certain direction Hallelujah I want to be Moses said come on y'all decide today I'm drawing a line in this s if you want to be with cor you go over there if you want to be with me you stand over here God put that in motion God said to do that Praise You Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen praise God and now that you've prayed God help me to be behind my man of God yeah when you go home tonight you pray God be sure that you're leading him God I want to make sure that I prayed tonight that you you lead him yes God you be sure and talk to him about me God God you be sure and tell him Jesus Oh hallelujah amen well this is what I've delivered to you from my heart God put it in my spirit the other night in prayer walking up and down the pipe fence in my house praying I prayed for you I prayed for this church I prayed for your healings amen and this is what God put on the heart you got that I wish I wish sister Cynthia could be here tonight to pre hear this amen everybody in there you must leave here understanding you've got to have me in your life amen amen amen oh I wish sister Diane could be here tonight she needs a man of God in her life yeah but she's got to understand it's necessary amen right praise God God God I'm just being personal here tonight maybe that's not etiquette I don't know but I'm telling you tonight if the Puerto Rican family had just had a man of God in their life one one man of God not five or six they'd be here full of the Holy Ghost they'd have a house they'd have jobs they'd have well praise God all right amen God wants your life be to be put together and successful amen I'm I'm sorry I I'm I'm trying to close amen I know this I know this this is what God is telling me God wants you to be prosperous amen amen I would to God that you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers amen God wants certain things for you amen praise God all right what is today Sunday night amen we're going to have prayer meeting here tomorrow night and the prayers prayer meetings have been good amen and I want to keep it up let's keep praying like we know how to pray and if you're not praying like you know how to pray please start it's going to continue this revival yes amen amen amen how many expected the people that came this morning to be here yeah on ain't nobody knew it did they I'm telling you there's a man two blocks over wants to be here well Hallelujah Hallelujah let's get in the spirit let's get the the Holy Ghost leading us amen all right prayer meeting tomorrow that's 7:00 amen is there any announcements I need to make that I'm not making I told sister Wendy and I even told my wife I said you're going to have to make me y'all got to help me I for I forget to let the kids sing their songs on Sunday morning so we're going to get that fixed you're going to help me you're going to help me quit making all these mistakes amen hallelujah I asked brother Levi if he's ready help me preach this morning I tell him if he's ready I give him a microphone he said what amen hallelujah Alec will help me where's he at not he has a lot to say is he lay is he laying before the Lord there he is over there amen you ain't getting them girls in trouble are you amen he don't even know I'm talking to you God bless you amen we'll let you be dismissed in Jesus Jesus name come back tomorrow expecting wonderful things in prayer meeting let's oh let's remember to pray for my wife it's oh you need prayer he needs prayer amen he needs prayer right now the y'all come help me pray Mighty God while we're praying for him let's pray for my wife Mighty God and my daughter and this sickness stuff's got to go it's got to leave our houseen I don't want it go to house but it's God to leave my house amen praise God Mighty God Mighty Gody Hallelujah Lord I'm asking you God to touch his body right now I rebuke this sickness God hallelu God I command it to go right now I'm asking you Lord to touch him God by the authority of your word God you are a Healer God and we put it in your hands right now to do this work before our very eyes God God break this thing up I rebuke it in your name Jesus you are all powerful God and we praise you for it we love you for it God God we magnify you God in Jesus name in Jesus name Jesus name Jesus name amen praise God let's pray for Cynthia she'd had to fly to uh Missouri tonight for a a specific need amen a situ ation in her life don't want to get into the details she hasn't made it known and open and all of these things hey you know when people come in they've got things in their life that they got to deal with yeah and we're going to pray with them and we're going to help them amen but I want you to pray for her in the situation but I also want you to pray that the Lord will bless her with a good job she's needing a good job also sister Anna is needing prayer in that area amen and we're going to believe we're going to pray amen and uh so and then I I want us to be in prayer for uh just Robbie and mea and Ethan yes that God will continue to work things out for them and for her we want you to be blessed yes praise Lord I mean blessed and bubbling over with bless I wanted to be so blessed that people are jealous God give me some old blessings all right then I'll preach against jealousy yeah amen God bless you you're dismissed in Jesus name

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