Brandon Smith Benefits Of The Faith

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 01:30:54 Category: Nonprofits & Activism

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Hallelujah come on the Lord is all powerful amen he's worthy of all the praise amen nobody's done what God has done and nobody can do what God has done amen how many know he is a deliverer amen I wish I could sing that song chain breaker amen because God is a chain breaker praise God hallelujah hallelujah the devil is no match for what God can do amen praise the Lord I am not afraid of what the devil can do because of the power of the Holy Ghost that is in me amen do you have the Holy Ghost tonight are you sure do you know you got the Holy Ghost amen with that Holy Ghost comes certain power absolute power and authority amen the devil is afraid of that power and that Authority all right amen I'm going to tell you again the devil is afraid of that power and that Authority Hallelujah the only thing he can do is convince you to not be subject or subjugated to God Amen that's the only way he can keep from running from your Holy Ghost is if you're not submitted to the will of God praise God if the devil ain't running they something up praise the Lord I believe God wants to do something in this house tonight all right all right anybody here afraid of the devil come on I want you to be careful when you answer that praise God we're not challenging the devil here tonight because we're strong and mighty amen praise God he's no joke especially if you don't don't have the Holy Ghost that's right praise the Lord I'm telling you right now you better not fool with it amen if you're not full of the Holy Ghost but if you are full of the Holy Ghost and you understand the power that lies in you there's no reason to be afraid of the enemy praise God the devil goes to get nervous when we line up to the will of God all right Hallelujah you know what there's been I'm I got a message tonight a matter of fact if you first John chapter 5 is where we're going to go to tonight but we're not going there yet amen because I'm going to do what I feel in the Holy Ghost tonight just for a little while amen praise God the devil gets nervous when we line up to the will and the power of God because he knows there's nothing he can do about it all right Hallelujah there's no scheme there's no device there's no trick amen you know what the Bible says we are not ignorant of the devil's devices oh if I can convince you of anything get the Holy Ghost and submit your life to God hallelujah come on there have been times in my life where things didn't go right come on things began to fall apart I had the Holy Ghost ghost I read the Bible I knew what I was supposed to be doing but I couldn't figure out why everything seemed to fall apart oh Hallelujah come on and then I began to pray about it God why is all these things happening to me why am I going through all of this and God began to reveal to me if you'll just line up right here if you'll just submit right here oh god I've had a problem with that for a long time I don't care how long you've had a problem with it you asked me and now I'm telling you if you'll just line up right here everything else is in line except one little Cog and you know what Jesus said until you get that one little he said I ain't doing the thing want to talk about finances God I'm broke I need help Holy Ghost help me you know what you're supposed to be doing right I'm just giving you examples of my life when I had trouble yeah is this all right yes sir this message ain't what I'm I'm bringing to the table tonight ain't about tithe and offering or finances tonight I'm just giving you examples on Amen I was struggling financially yeah I didn't have any money all I have was a jar of peanut butter and one spoon to my name well praise God y'all see these shoes I'm wearing anybody that's ever bought me a pair of shoes knows I'll wear the toes of them out you can probably look right now and see they're starting to wear my toes began to stick out of them God I got to go to church like this and I ain't got no money buy another pair of shoes finally I got rid of my pride I went up to the pastor brother Pastor can you help me sure what's going on I see my toes I need some shoes oh brother Smith that ain't no problem we'll get you a pair of shoes and wow well I'm at it why don't I help you with that little gas bill you got of $35 [Music] Lord when you help you really help hallelujah thank you Jesus I can take that $35 now and buy me a loaf of bread and some sandwich meat and some cheese well wo man it was fixing to get a whole lot better for me you know what the man of God said but before I do help you I want show you why you're having problems for the past three months I not seen a one one little bit of tither offering from you God why would a Preacher Man that's got all these other TI pays in the church come after my little old government check well ain't that how we think when we're broke that old man up there he all he wants is money coming after little all the all the elderly folk on fixed income and the disabled on fixed income they AR not even at you know what he wasn't asking you know what he did he took me to the scripture and the scripture said here's where it's at he said right here he pointed to the scripture this is what you've not been doing yeah yeah there wasn't nothing in the scripture that said anybody on social security or SSI or disability there wasn't anything in there about the elderly on a fixed income well praise God I was under conviction I was having three or four months of problems all right man I got it lined up and I well I'm telling you what I paid tithe and I knew I couldn't afford to pay tithe but I finally figured out I couldn't afford not to and before the week was up come on God help me with more money than I ever had in my life before the week was up not only that did he help me with my finances sister Wendy he gave me three new Suits come on that I knew I couldn't afford oh Hallelujah they were hand me- downs but I don't care all right woo Lord so let me get back to it you're doing everything right except one little yeah you're going to have problems I don't care what else you doing right God said hey you're not you're not right Hallelujah you know what we got to do Lord show me show me what you want every day Lord there's some things in my life that you have purposely left alone because I wasn't able to handle it then I'm praying about it right now God oh God I want to be in line with you I want to be in tune with you come on there' had been some things God's left alone in your life because your mindset was set you're so stubborn you wouldn't budge but I'm telling you right now God's talking to us tonight amen get rid of the stubbornness get rid of that highminded amen I know what I'm doing attitude oh Hallelujah I've read the Bible I know what it says yeah well everybody's read the Bible and everybody knows what it says amen but I'm telling you right now when you submit to the will of God the windows of Heaven open up and I tell you something else the devil goes to get nervous when some Saint is submitted to the will of God and the power of God begins to flow and it begins to work yeah come on come on ain't no mountain tall enough ain't no valley wide enough come on somebody get a hold of what I'm saying there's power in prayer but there's power in somebody that's [Applause] submitted so I'm not afraid of the devil tonight the devil is going to be right there sitting next to you saying when you get perfect you can handle me when you get everything just right you can handle me that ain't what I said I said submit to God cuz God's going to work on you until you're perfect right but he can't do a thing unless you're submitted have your way Lord have your way oh come on now some people afraid to pray that prayer Lord do what you want to do God as long as it don't upset me have your way Lord have your way it ain't going to happen oh I got plenty of time I got plenty of time you don't know what you got cuz you ain't focused on the right thing you don't know what you got oh I got energy I got strength I got youth I got years you don't know what you got praise him thank you Jesus come on this church is going this church is on a power powerful path Hallelujah there's miracles in this church hallelujah hallelujah come on there are Works in this church that God is wanting to do Hallelujah come on somebody get your mind on Jesus let's have church get your mind on Jesus let's have church come on get your mind on the Holy Ghost and what God wants to do uh and we'll have Miracles we'll have delivering come on well praise God we have healings praise Lord I Praise You Jesus I Praise You Jesus you know what you get a life that's got the devil's hands all over it and that life is a messed up life it it might be an ugly life a problematic life on come on Twisted minds and God begins to peel the devil's fingers back and loosen it I'm telling you set that life free I don't care how ugly they've been I don't care how bad they've been I don't care how negative they've been I don't care how bound they've been I don't care how sour they've been I'm telling you what when the Holy Ghost gets involved come on there's a Beautiful Soul inside hallelujah hallelujah well Glory Hallelujah you know what there was a man of God so full of the power of God Amen in his lifetime brother James that when he died they buried him in a tomb amen and sometime later they was taking another dead body to the grave and they didn't intend to put him in the Tomb with the man of God but they was enemy coming over the hill and they said whoop we got to go and they dumped that body in the Tomb of the man of God and because that man of God had power because that man of God was full of Faith amen that young man was raised from the dead hallu Hallelujah Hallelujah Jesus Christ said Lazarus come forth did it not Jesus said Lazarus come forth Hallelujah maybe I'm tooo loud in here tonight brother James you may turn me down I'm louder than they are at other churches all right yeah well I'm Bolder too come on Amen you ain't going to get a thing from God all right not one single thing not one prayer answered well Hallelujah until we line up have your way in Me God your lord well I I like what you say in the word God I love the word of God I just don't agree with that preacher on well you sat there in that attitude and you'll never have church that's right you'll never get what you need from God yeah well he thinks he's smart no I'm just anointed amen ah he thinks he's something no I'm just called of God hallelujah hallelujah the minute God gets done with me I'm going to tell you right now he'll put the blessing on someone else right Hallelujah you listen to me I'm telling you right now if God told me to tell you Amen to go paint your car blue you better go paint it blue I don't care if you know how to paint or you don't amen the man of God has a director from the spirit of God hallelujah I don't care how dumb it's going to look amen there's somebody some there's some reason why God wanted that car painted blue hey it don't make a leak of sense to nobody else and it may not make any sense to the man of God but the man of God's job is to come tell you hey you better paint that car blue oh it's just a silly example but let me give you some real time examples and then people go to get nervous come on now oh let the preacher get away from the silliness and get right where I'm at and then I'm ready to go out that door oh preach brother but don't get right where I'm at on now don't get to that submission that I need in my life don't get on Pride brother Smith don't get on arrogancy brother Smith don't get on laziness brother Smith come on now hallelujah hallelujah well where do you want to be where do you want to be where do you want to be I want to be in the will of God does anybody have any prayers that you've been praying to God don't don't just make it up and say Amen cuz somebody needs you need the preacher needs to hear an amen I'm serious have you got prayers you've been praying is there any reason why any one of these prayers can't be answered tonight well brother Smith the way you've been preaching around here I might want to go submit it may not happen tonight cuz I ain't that can happen in a matter of seconds all all you got to do is quit doing you you just got to quit doing this start doing in Lord Here I Am to Worship here I am to bow down I might not even be singing it right it don't matter amen if you know how to sing it sing it sing it the right way if you know but I'm telling you right now come on all I want to do is yield to the Holy Ghost all I want to do is yield to the Holy Ghost come on church if we'll just yield to the Holy Ghost amen things will begin to happen in our lives and in our our families and in our homes hallelujah hallelujah you know what God just told me somebody's trying to figure out who I'm talking to I'm going to tell you you better stop that right I'm talking to you why oh you you everybody in here God saying if they submission Hallelujah come on submission Hallelujah well praise God I want you to do what you want in my life God the devil ain't got no power when somebody submitted to the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah come on church if you're on fire for God if you're getting with me amen we're going to see the miraculous happen in this place and I believe we can see it tonight before we leave this place amen I had you to ask yourself if you had a prayer and I did it on purpose because we're going to pray about it tonight amen we're going to let God Work hallelujah oh God now I'm nervous I always knew you could do it but Lord I did something about being in the spotlight I I Spotlight I don't I don't know anybody need a job anybody need a healing anybody need Deliverance Are You Afraid Of The Devil if you're if you're not submitted to God I wouldn't even try him you going to get a hurt praise God well brother Smith I don't know exactly what are you asking me to do you well you begin to meditate on the Lord he'll show you exactly praise God Come On th I I know this is just a little church amen there ain't a whole lot of people to hide behind and stuff to get behind amen this church is small enough that most everybody knows a little bit about everybody probably knows too much about everybody Hallelujah come on if you're W to hide this church ain't a place to hide it ain't big enough Hallelujah well praise the Lord more but I have been praying here lately God you show me what to do about that Soul right there God you show me God what to say God you begin to deal with me Hallelujah well do you want a man of God that's going to pray that way or not Hallelujah come on this one's troubled and that one's been troubled for a long time God and this one over here is troubled God and they've been troubled for a wow God you tell me what to do you tell me what to say God how can I pray about them Lord what do I need to preach God come on church amen and I expect you're praying for you man of God we preached about it the other night you need prayer I know you do but I need prayer just like you Hallelujah come on and then when we're all pulling together amen I I'm telling you right now the Holy Ghost wants to work he wants to do things in our lives but he wants to do it right here in this church and he wants you to witness it he wants you to see it for yourself with your own eyes the devil's cast out the healings happen the miracles happen hallelujah praise God first order of business submit to God submit to his plan oh brother Smith this sounds like a Power Trip that's cuz you're carnal that's cuz you're carnal I'm on I told you when I first came here I don't own anybody you are bought with a price but not with my money oh come on the scripture says you've been bought with a price it was paid in Calvary you belong to the Lord let's yield to the Holy Ghost come on let's yield to what God wants in our lives come on somebody needs to start praying God you show me where you want me to be you show me how you want me to walk God you show me how you want me to talk Lord you show me who you want to me to hang out with come on I'm telling you right now God wants the control of your life how many know the Bible says God's a jealous God yeah that's because he wants you all to himself he don't want you trusting anybody else anything else any other entity praise God well Hallelujah praise God so let's get ready to obey God let's get ready for the miraculous amen church I can't deliver you but God can I can't give you the Holy Ghost but God can I can't heal your body but God can Hallelujah come on I'm telling you what the spirit of Truth has got to lead you hallelujah hallelujah I'm going to answer that I'm going to answer one more question and I'm going to go into my message brother brother Joy is going to take up the offering here brother Smith what makes you think your interpretation of the scripture is right and mine is wrong well first of all God called me to be a pastor Hallelujah you go somewhere else and they may have a different interpretation of that very same scripture but you're not somewhere else you're here hallelujah I don't care how silly it sound to you there ain't a thing wrong with cotton candy or root beer but the Holy Ghost Hallelujah if the Holy Ghost said hey get rid of the cotton candy and root beer for a whole month oh that church garbage ain't going there they come up with dumb things I'm just telling you if the Holy Ghost said it he called for a fast said y'all better repent God's going to destroy the whole city Nineveh you're going down you know what it got to the king's ears and the King said what do we do I tell you what we do we reach out out to God I tell you what else we're going to do we're going to fast not just me but everybody man woman child amen it didn't matter babies babies babies I tell you what it was so strong a Commandment that he said not even the animals they're not going to eat or drink now how would you like to go to that church ain't no man going to tell me me I can't feed my baby that's just silly I'm calling the government I'll call CPS or DHS or whatever they're called nowadays I'm just telling you you know what you got you got an arrogant Spirit you ain't submitted to God praise the Lord if God wants you to do it do it you're going to come out blessed on the other side because they did it brother James the city was spared there was no destruction Hallelujah I tell you what God had to work on the man of God afterward because he got his Spirit crossed up well Hallelujah but everybody went ahead and done what they had to do which was repent and get right with God and settle some things and fast and pray praise the Lord hallelujah so let's submit to the will of God let's submit to the will of God Amen whatever you want me to do God I'm willing to do it even if it goes against the grains that I'm used to hallelujah amen praise God praise God brother Joy help us just for a minute amen let's take up the offering amen I feel like God wants to help somebody tonight hallelujah amen you know why the devil got kicked out of heaven because he was rebellious you know why Cain you know why Cain was rejected was his sacrifice wasn't what God wanted Cain had a problem with that I'm just as good as the next guy I tell you what God accepted his sacrifice let's see what happens next time I'll just get rid of him and then I'll be the only one with a sacrifice that's what he thought wasn't it you know what it was it was Rebellion when God said if thou doest well I'm telling you there re I'm I'm telling you right now God don't play around with Rebellion hallelujah praise God God don't play around when it comes to Rebellion Hallelujah well praise the Lord you can tell the difference in your child when it's a mistake and when it's rebellion and I promise you you'll treat them both different amen when that child is unlearned about a certain thing you're more apt to teach it you're more apt to be patient with it but when that child knows and he's rebellious all of a sudden daddy mama get a different attitude praise God it's those ones that say oh this he'll be all right let it go that's the ones they have trouble with later you ought to have a problem with Rebellion coming up against you God has a problem with Rebellion this is why he said submit yourself therefore to God resist the the devil and he'll flee from you the devil's not going to flee if you're not submitted to God can we pray right now I feel the Holy Ghost Hallelujah God I'm asking you God God reveal it right now holy ghost oh thank you Jesus come on I don't care what you think about me tonight and how I'm operating tonight I just want you to get a hold of God oh come on I I am I'm not up here trying to scare somebody that's not what it's all about if I have to scare you into being right with God you're still not you're still not right with God hallelujah well praise the Lord God we love you Jesus come on we love you Jesus we love you Jesus come on there are foul spirits that we have to deal with and we need I'm telling you right now we've got to be submitted to God praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah some of you just this week have been bombarded by foul Spirits coming against you and coming against your walk with god well Hallelujah I'm telling you the truth but God is is on your side and he's looking he's looking right at you oh come on come on Church Hallelujah my my my my my Lord we love you Jesus we praise you tonight God we need your help tonight God Lord I'm asking God for your spirit to come into this place uh Lord where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty amen praise God I'm telling you Church you you got to listen to me now when when when the man of God begins to preach amen and starts getting in getting on that spirit and starts rebuking it and starts preaching the word amen those Spirits begin to fight back and they get antsy and they get they get they they can't sit still and they cause problems amen you you just got church you're going to have to pray with me you're going to have to help me dig praise God don't just stand around staring like what in the world is he doing if you know how to pray you pray right I said if you don't know what else to do begin to pray hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God praise God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus amen I'm going to leave it alone just for a minute we'll get right back to it here in a minute amen I want to preach the benefits the benefits Hallelujah anybody know there's benefits there's Ben benefits of the faith praise God hallelujah benefits of the faith you've heard me say it many times there's two types of faith faith for a healing brother James and then there's a Creed or a faith or a Doctrine we call it faith if I said to you what faith are you of you'd say I'm Pentecostal I'm of the Pentecostal Faith you're saying I am of the Pentecostal Doctrine or Creed I'm Apostolic that means I follow the doctrine of the Apostles that's how we get the word Apostolic or Apostolic as we say that is the faith that we are of now if you're sick in bed and you lift those hands and say God heal me right now I got faith that you're going to heal me and touch me right now amen that's also Faith but it's a different kind of Faith praise the Lord and so tonight I want to talk about the benefits of the faith or the benefits of Walking with God in this Doctrine or in this Creed or in this way however you want to interpret it amen that's the faith I'm talking talking about tonight and one of the benefits of the faith is is that God would automatically give you power and authority over sickness all right amen praise God well we better get started 1 John chapter 5 verse one amen 1 John 5 verse one hallelujah how many feel like you've been to church already amen 1 John chapter 5 verse1 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ uh excuse me whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ born of God and everyone that loveth him that begot loveth him also that is begotten of him you got to read that slower it'll tangle up amen by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not Grievious for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world it's automatic and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith can I put Doctrine right there praise the Lord Creed right there way amen belief even our faith amen uh verse five who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God and uh before we go on any further I want to reiterate amen and I can prove it over and over and over again what I'm about to say when you see the words [Music] son it's talking about flesh when you see the word Spirit or father it's talking about spirit amen so let me give you an example if we reread it who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Flesh of God right amen that is exactly what he's saying right here I can prove this by many other scriptures praise God all right I'm going to leave that alone let's pray right now God we love you Jesus thank you God for the Holy Ghost and the anointing that we feel in this place and the power of God that's walking up and down these aisles God we ask you God to help us tonight ask you to bless each and every person Lord let the anointing flow and God set at Liberty them that are captive tonight God God and we praise you God we give you glory honor and praise thank you Lord for the Sweet Holy Ghost In Jesus wonderful name amen there are some you can be seated some wonderfully awesome things that come with believing the truth of God or the truths that we have amen Concepts praise God hallelujah we can receive anything we ask of God long as it's in his will you ain't going to ask somebody kill so and so and he going to do it for you that just ain't that ain't that ain't we don't pray about things like that Lord I want to be a billionaire in a month from now probably not going to happen not saying it can't but probably ain't amen so be careful what you pray because the devil will have you pray something that you he already knows it ain't in the will of God just to show you later that God's not answering your prayers see haha that preacher lied to you and said God would answer any prayer so be careful we can have he the we can have healings of the spirit and of the flesh sometimes our spirit's broken things happen and we're spiritually uh uh uh needing help amen just by Walking with God these are the benefits some things that automatically come with the power of the Holy Ghost amen healing for our bodies and for our spirit amen uh with The Walking In Truth we automatically have obviously our souls are saved and automat aut atically Heaven is our reward praise God now I know everything's going to be a okay and perfect up in heaven there'll be no tears there'll be no sorrow there'll be no death there'll be no sickness amen but on this side of heaven we still have some promises of God Amen that he can heal our bodies that he can deliver our souls from evil spirits matter of fact he can keep us from being bothered by evil spirits it's not the will of God for you to be tormented day in and day out by an evil spirit well praise God you don't have to walk this life in in spiritual handcuffs praise God so let's talk about some of these things the benefits of Walking with God God can take a life that that's so out of order and so messed up and so upside down and he can set it right side up and bring everything back together amen and put all the pieces back in place and make it a beautiful life that's what God can do amen God has done it so many times matter of fact there's people in this building tonight that have testimonies of just that sort of thing that happened in their life now some of you children have had the Holy Ghost amen and and hopefully you'll walk with the Holy Ghost the rest of your life you'll have a testimony that you wasn't uh you know uh uh you weren't delivered from alcohol or you weren't delivered from drugs prise Lord but don't you let that go to your head you were still delivered from sin that's right you still had to repent to get the Holy Ghost amen Jesus said in John 14 14 and 10 believest thou not that I am in the father and the father in me amen now you remember what I said about the word Father and Son spirit and flesh amen the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth The Works amen believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very Works sake verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also that's a benefit amen and Greater Works than these shall he do because I go unto my father Amen in other words Jesus said I'm not always going to walk down on this earth and the flesh I came to this Earth for one purpose Jesus didn't come come here to to live out his life and get old and gray-headed and go by the way of the Grave how many know Jesus didn't go by the way of the Grave oh he went he passed through it ah he's the only one that could raise himself from the dead Ain't No Grave well praise God first uh uh The Book of John chapter 14 amen and uh verses 10 through1 13 uh 14 verse 13 says and whatsoever you shall ask in my name what's his name whatsoever you ask in jesus' name Jesus said that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son let me reread that with the words that I'm telling you what this is how it is interpreted amen that that the spirit may be glorified In the Flesh if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it do you realize that's a promise this is a benefit of Walking With Jesus anything I ask sister Wendy God's going to do it Hallelujah come on as long as we're submitted to God this is what I spent another good 30 minutes before I began this message talking about submission we got to be submitted to God Amen praise God hallelujah how many know Jonah wasn't in the will of God till he got in that boat he said well I go the other way I go to tarous he wasn't in the will of God till they got till he got in that well God said you going to I'm telling you what I want you to do God was merciful he sent him a wh how many didn't know he would have destroyed that whole boat that storm would have destroyed everybody in it but Jonah said I know what I need to do guys hey it's me y'all quit worrying about quit throwing things over it's me God got a hold of him this is what I'm saying we got to have God get a hold of us you know who you know what I'm talking about you know who I'm talking to tonight amen God wants you to walk with him I said God wants you to walk with him if you ask anything in my name I will do it a benefit a benefit well how come God hadn't been answering my prayers are your prayers in the will of God are you submitted to God are you doing everything that God's asking you to do praise the Lord now we know that there are some things that God has a time and a place for and if it ain't the time or the place you got to wait until it's time amen hallelujah 1 John chapter 2 verse one my little children these things write I unto you that you sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father comma Jesus Jesus Christ the righteous uhoh I think we explained this scripture a few Services ago did we not if any man sin we have an advocate with Jesus Christ the righteous oh excuse me we have an advocate with the Father which is Jesus Christ amen I know Jesus is the father I know Jesus is the son I know Jesus is the Holy Ghost and all these three are oneise I can prove it over and over and over the word advocate means a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous amen first John 2 and 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his Commandments no Commandments kept you don't really know he that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but who so keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected hereby know we that we are in him he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as he walked are you writing these scriptures down amen I'm talking about the benefits of the faith praise the Lord Isaiah 53 and5 but he was wounded for our transgressions that's Jesus he was bruised for our iniquities that's Jesus the chastisement of our peace was upon Him Jesus and by his stripes we are healed amen amen in the New Testament Peter said you were healed amen he's not trying to misquote the scripture here amen but from the moment Jesus took that strip whatever category of disease you got it fits in it's covered by the stripe amen what a benefit what a benefit amen I I regret to tell you here tonight that we spend a whole lot of our time having faith in the medicine bottles I'm not preaching against doctors or medicines or things like that but I am telling you we it has made it so much easier for us to trust in that than this scripture says by his stripes you were healed or are healed amen well if that convicts you let conviction rest on you amen oh I love Jesus brother Smith but I got to have my bottle of ibuprofen ain't nothing you can say or do because there's nothing wrong with it okay fine I'm not I that's not what I'm getting at tonight what I am saying is be careful you'll start trusting in all of that and not even go to God In Prayer how many has had oh my arm it's starting to hurt you go to rubbing it oh it's a heart attack oh get me to the hospital I I know cuz I did this yeah oh God everybody told me the symptoms that arm gets hurting it's a heart attack only problem was I got all worked up just to Su because it's a wrong arm doctor says son your heart's okay it's strong you'll live to be 99 at least well what's going on over here you said I don't know it was the devil what if I had have taken two aspirins brother James you know because when you have a heart you got to get that that blood pressure is real high that means something's clogged up it's thick right take that aspirin it'll save you from a heart attack how many's heard this that bear aspirin huh what if I had have taken that and there was a thing wrong but my fear that's what it was it was fear I'm I'll preach to myself if I can't preach to anybody else here God hates the spirit of fear I got on it the other night and I'm going to get on it tonight as well God hates it when we fall to pieces and can't oh God all right God that's fair God hates it amen what are we going to do oh God the whole world falling apart why because you lost your keys somebody get out of the car at the parking lot and you bump the car next to you oh God why I get the insurance card out all the people find out who this is oh lord it's going to be bad get them out there and say what's wrong sir what's wrong ma'am I I bumped your car right there uh ma'am you heard that I I put that scratch on there you're fine praise God but we had a spill didn't we well we lost it brother Spence you're getting all my business and I don't like it I don't care what you don't like I'm talking about spirit of fear and you don't need it well holy ghost help me you're going to have a heart attack when you don't need one all right oh yeah you stressing out over things you're not stress out so what if the devil's raising a cane against you it don't matter all right well praise God anyhow Hallelujah so what Joseph you're in a pit it don't matter you may not Joseph but you're not going to be in there very long all you can see is the darkness all you can see is the Scorpions all you know is problem problem problem but you don't know what God knows yeah Hallelujah rest easy put your head on the Rock and go to sleep I may have gotten in this cave but I'm not going to stay here well from there it's slavery yeah but it beats being in a bottomless pit would y'all rather sleep with the snakes and scorpions well I'm just mad I had everything at Daddy's house and he had to go ask me to see how the boys were doing well go ahead and have a pity you poor little thing life's just miserable to you you should have just ended did your life back there at the pit yeah you sorry thing God don't love you nobody loved you look at you now you're a slave yeah but you're not in a pit no more all right yeah you don't know this but you're not going to be a slave very long all right Joseph didn't know none of this did he we only know it because we've already skipped over ahead in chapters How many read the back of the book and we win amen how many read the back of the book and we win how many has read the back of the book and we win and we win I don't care if I know I'm going to win or not I still got to go to Pieces when something bad happens oh I got to have a nervous breakdown and go to the hospital they might put you in a straight jacket because you're nutting out on well praise God yeah well y'all don't like this kind of preaching go somewhere else where they're softer they're not as loud I'm telling you what God don't like spirit of fear yeah you you ask the folks around my house Oh Daddy gets sideways when that Fierce ask them ain't that right boys girls mama ain't this right I don't like it we hold it together I don't care if the banker calls I don't care if a lawyer calls I don't care if a cop shows up oh now brother Smith you just told us about you thought you was having a heart attack yeah I did and the Lord got a hold of me you know what I did I went and got refilled with the Holy Ghost I'm not saying I'll never have problems again but I'm telling you right now we are not have this kind of problem praise the Lord i' Got a Feeling everything's going to be all [Music] right got to feel it everything's going to be all right well praise God I believe the sun's going to shine tomorrow I'm not worried about a meteor hitting the Earth I'm not worried about the the bank's collapsing you know why brother maybe it's cuz I don't have much in there but it don't really matter to me amen you know what I I tell you what if my house burns down I you know what hey it's going to have to burn down on long as my children and my wife's not in there and my dog amen good old ready if my house burned down I'm without ain't I but I know a God who can provide yeah I tell you what sister Sue could I come spend night with you my what about you brother James yeah could I sleep on your couch yeah well I'll be right over soon as I get done with my nervous breakdown brother James sister Hannah could y'all kind of help us out just a little bit but just wait till I'm done falling to pieces is this all right I guess I'm almost done preaching cuz I done left my notes and everything and I y'all this is just how I do it around here I'm telling you right now let's have faith in God let's let's just trust God let's just trust God for everything all right how many be honest with me you had a little pain here or there somewhere and how many the devil said that might be cancer you go getting dizzy oh that might be diabetes your feet start tingling oh God it is diabetes huh and and you how many be honest with me and no sooner you feel them feet tangling you'll start noticing your fingers tangling you go to the doctor everything's fine what what what in the world you go to the chiropractor and they put you back in line you tangling goes away but not before you was convinced that it was cancer diabetes a and an ingrown toenail how many how many know what I'm talking about the truth baby do we got enough insurance to cover this kind of surgery what what what are we talking about well I don't know but it's going to be bad I just know it is hello hey I'm just I'm telling you what I feel in the Holy Ghost we got to get rid of that my God is more than enough he will supply all my needs what's the rest of it he is my elai yeah he also what he looks after me man I tell you what brother God taking care of you sister Anna God taking care of you I don't care what the devil says come on we just got to trust in [Applause] it and I tell you what else when you start getting close to the Holy Ghost the devil ain't going to like it I'm saying the devil ain't going to like it when you start getting close to the Holy Ghost can I just preach off the back row for a little while it's all right come on we just going to love God around here and we going going to be full of faith and power and the devil don't have any power I said the devil don't have any power he's a liar and the truth's not in him he don't have power the devil don't have any power Are You Afraid Of The Devil no because you got the Holy Ghost wo let me preach off the front row here for a minute I'll go from one side to the other it's all right there's benefits there's benefits with Walking with God somebody get for me Psalms one Hallelujah Psalms 1 who's got it Hallelujah anybody nobody brother James you're there all right y'all going to love this y'all ain't read this yet but you're going to love it maybe you have read it verse one yep blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly oh yeah nor standeth in the way of Sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful yeah nor sit in the seat of the scornful y but his Delight light is in the law of the Lord in the law of the Lord and his law doth the meditate day and night day and night and and he shall be like a tree I like a tree planted by the rivers of water come on that bringeth forth his fruit in his season yeah his Leaf also shall not wither now that's sounding pretty good and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper whatever whatsoever whatsoever he doth shall prosper you know why I'm blessed because I'm walking with God you know why I'm blessed I'm not sitting in the seat of the scornful right I don't have a scornful bone in my body right I'm not standing in the way of Sinners all right right yeah in the way in the faith in the Creed yeah in the doctrine of come on that's the way yeah not in the way of I'm blocking your path come on yeah come on but his Delight I tell you where my happiness come from woo what does God want me to do Lord I I don't know which way the path's going to take I don't know if it's going to curve left or curve right or go downhill or go up but I so am glad I'm walking it with you yeah Lord I tell you what I'm like a tree yeah that's planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season you know what it might not be your season right now brother James but but your season's coming because you're planted like a tree right the Lord there's benefits in Walking with God yes sir woo how many know today you can do today what you couldn't do 10 years ago because God has blessed you how many will own up to that and say that is the truth yes 10 years ago today I could not do and be what I am right now but you kept on walking you kept on loving well Hallelujah I'm gonna get personal right right here real quick Amen brother James how long you been on your job Elder I good to 10 brother James how long you've been on your job current job eight nine years sister Harington how long you've been working in the position you're at about 10 years eight I mean since you graduated with whatever degree you have eight years well I hit 10 years right on it didn't I huh that was the Holy Ghost you know what God wanted you to do 10 years ago he wanted you to get started that's good he wants you to get started yeah and look where you are 10 years later yeah now you may not be right where you want to be but that's all right yes sir cuz you're walking come on because you're walking with God am just how's it going to be in another five years where you going to be at in another five years Lord got a feeling one of these days I'm going be able to sing that song all the way through young people where are you going to be in 10 years brother Jo what were you doing 10 years ago wasn't what you're doing tonight is it huh Hallelujah I gotta quit I gotta go I gotta I gotta let y'all out of here y'all gonna be there's benefits to Walking with God there's benefits of the faith that we live I'm telling you right now God can fix any problem he can heal any disease fix deliver save set free come on are you willing to let God do what he wants to do in your life amen Isaiah 53 and5 said by his stripes we are healed 1 Peter 2 and 24 said who his own self bear our sins in his own body in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose Stripes ye were healed amen Mark chapter 16 verse1 15 he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to Every Creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned he Revelations 3 and 5 he that overcometh the same name shall be clothed in white rment and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels amen talking about the spirit of God Revelations 20 and 12 and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books Accord according to their Works verse 15 and whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire Amen Let me close my book get ready to close this out here tonight amen you better be written in the Lamb's Book of Life your name needs to be there in that book amen if you don't know for sure whether you're name is written down in the Lamb's Book of Life tonight you need to make sure it is amen I read to you verba word for word that if your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life there is a lake of fire that awaits you amen well brother Smith I've prayed before brother Smith I've got the Holy Ghost before yeah but let's get back to the the beginning of this service are you in line with the will of God are you in tune with what God wants oh I love God but I'm going to do my thing for a little bit Yeah well your thing is going to wind you up in a lake of fire let's line up to the word of God let's get in there and get do it with all of our heart God where do you want me God what do you want me to do God how do you want me to act how should I behave God which way should I go who should I I talk to who should I avoid there's some people to avoid there's some activities you ought not to be a part of right well praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah you know what if somebody wants to take a picture of me I had somebody take a picture of me clowning around just to poke fun I didn't realize my surroundings but ever since then I try to look around I I was sitting at uh what is that I believe it was Applebee's sitting in the bench waiting for us to seat somebody sna the picture right above my head was bar preachers waiting at the bar I know it was silly and fun in games and I've laughed about it but you know what there's some pictures I don't want to be in oh praise God come on I I don't want to be associated with certain things Hallelujah well praise God come on come on come on I want my names I want my name written in the Lamb's Book of Life I know I'm probably going to make mistakes before we get there but sister Sue I'm doing my dead level best to pray about it God where do you want me how do you want me to look how do you want me to act how do you want me to dress how do you want me to sound what kind of conversations do you want me to have all right what conversations do you want me to stay away from I was riding down the road just yesterday with somebody and he said said you know what my whole childhood I tried to walk the straight and narrow I never in my teenage years partying I never done none of that never drank a beer never smoked a cigarette said matter of fact I didn't even smoke uh or anything like that I didn't even he said I didn't even say a curse word until I was you know already out of school not one curse word he said matter of fact I tell you what I've only been married to one person and we waited till we got married it's been that way that's how I live my life praise God he said you know what my daddy told me and Daddy's passed away few years back he said son he said I don't want you getting involved in them filthy magazines praise the Lord he said son that will mess up your mind it will cause you to think in ways you it'll mess you up what do you mean Daddy it'll mess you up that that now and you he said you go out and about people let are all into that mess and addicted they'll look at somebody and it'll be there perversion perversion you can't see anybody without because your mind is messed up Twisted you need the Holy Ghost to help praise God you know what just stay away from it just stay away from it come on young men stay away from it young ladies stay away from it well I'm getting all over everything to tonight amen benefits of Walking With Jesus the benefits of the faith amen and one of them is for sure that when you're walking with God the devil has no power and authority over you hallelujah amen let's stand and love the Lord tonight God We Praise You Lord come on he said you ask anything in my name I will do it come on does anybody have faith here t tonight are you willing to trust God are you willing to walk with him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on I'm I'm warning someone here tonight that knows how to walk with God come on if you're not going to walk with God Amen you're headed for trouble that I'm not going to be able to help you out of Hallelujah but there are benefits amen absolute wonderful benefits of walking with Jesus and walking in this Faith amen and getting this Creed and this Doctrine in our hearts amen hallelujah I'm not trying to bend you to my will I'm trying to bend you Amen to God's will Lord hallelujah hallelujah you can go and do whatever you want but I hope by the preaching of the word tonight that you decide that you want Jesus Hallelujah Hallelujah there's benefits and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper hallelujah hallelujah amen praise God his Delight his Delight I'm going to close your eyes with me right now I don't want nobody looking around let's begin to pray come on let's begin to pray every Church help me pray right now I'm going to ask you tonight where is your Delight Hallelujah come on young person come on young man come on young lady Hallelujah ma'am sir whoever you are where where is your Delight what are you wanting amen what is your desires right now Hallelujah come on are you waiting are you Desiring for this service to be over amen are you desirous to be out there doing something come on are you are you what where where's your delight at amen praise God oh Lord we love you Jesus we love you Jesus come on let's pray amen these altars are open amen if you want to come pray we'll pray with you amen come on I'll pray for you I'll pray with you amen hallelujah maybe someone else will pray with you too if you want somebody to pray with you I'm telling you right now God wants your heart he wants your mind amen he wants everything about you amen cuz he wants to bless you come on like a tree planted by the rivers of water oh Hallelujah that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his Leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper amen let God lead you let God Walk with You amen I'm telling you right now if you don't walk with God you will walk with Satan amen if you don't hold God's hand you're going to take a hold of the devil's hand and he he going to lead you in places you wish you'd never been oh and you're going to remember this night when the preacher was preaching about the wonderful benefits of a life living for God of a soul Walking In step and in tune with the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh Lord we praise you God you don't scare me preacher I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to get you to wake up uh I'm trying to get you to understand amen there is a will of God for your life there is certain blessings in your life amen Jesus said it amen in the Old Testament amen God said if you do these things are going to happen but if you don't these things are going to happen Deuteronomy amen 32 you go read it for yourself amen there's a whole list of blessings and a whole list of curses amen if you do and if you don't amen there's benefits benefits to living for God hallelujah hallelujah praise God sister Anna if you can come play softly amen I'm not asking you to sing but if you will just play softly amen God we love you Jesus come on don't sit down on me folks God's not done here tonight amen we need to give somebody the the opportunity to get close to God hallelujah God wants to deliver somebody tonight God wants to set someone free tonight hallelujah hallelujah God We Praise You Lord I love you Jesus come on get your mind on the Lord tonight let him deliver let him save let him talk to you I praise you God I praise you God come on young people begin to pray begin to talk to God I love you Jesus you Jesus I love you Lord I praise you God come on young man reach out to the Lord make sure you're ready make sure you're ready make sure you're right with God hallelujah you just never know when the Lord is ready to call you home come on young ladies reach out to God sir ma'am mama daddy Grandpa Grandma whoever you are reach out to the Lord make sure you're ready hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus that's it that's it that's it come on oh lift him up lift him up I see you praying all over this place amen my object is not to make someone feel uncomfortable per se but I'm telling you right now if conviction is what you need I'm preaching it down lord touch them Jesus Lord let it happen tonight God I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus I love you Jesus God I Praise You Lord I praise you God hallelujah hallelujah Lord I Praise You Jesus I Praise You Jesus I love you Lord I love you Jesus I praise you God I Praise You Lord I love you Jesus I love you Jesus Lord I praise you God I magnify you Lord I love you Jesus I praise you you God I Praise You Lord hallelujah Hallelujah Lord I magnify you God Mighty God Mighty God Mighty God Hallelujah Lord we praise you oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus amen praise God sister Diane would you come up here I want to pray for you Lord church will you help me pray she had she has a need amen and I'm want God to help her tonight God In The Name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord I praise you y'all gather around help me pray God I praise you I know you're able God hallelujah lah hallelujah hallelujah come on you take the word of the Lord home with you [Music] tonight I believe there's delivering power in Jesus name right now God I Praise You Lord I praise you God right now holy ghost you see the problems God you see the enemy's hand God God I rebuke the devil in Jesus name God we praise you right now God we're asking you God to help in this situation deliver God by a mighty hand God he a very present help in the time of need God God as we submit to your will God and your desires and designs for our lives God God with that comes Authority and power in the name of Jesus Jesus in the name of Jesus I bind every Spirit of hell that would come against her and this family in Jesus name in Jesus name in the name of the Lord Church let's Rejoice let's pray let's strengthen her oh yes God we love you Lord we praise you God we praise you God oh it's going to be all right God is a very present help amen the name of the Lord is a strong tower that the righteous run into and is safe Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord does anybody else need prayer tonight come on does anybody need prayer tonight hallelujah oh yes come on we talked about healing amen God Is A Healer amen amen if you have a desire if you have a need if you have a prayer amen God wants to work in your life tonight God wants to answer God wants to prove come on I didn't preach this message in vain tonight our God God is able our God is able amen everybody help me pray with sister the Hanah tonight Lord right now God I rebuke this sickness I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus by your stripes we are healed in Jesus name that is the word of God and it is final I love you Jesus I thank you for it uh I have faith uh I leave it in Jesus name in Jesus name Lord in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord hallelujah Jesus name amen amen sister Anna needs healing in her body let's pray God right now Lord we're asking you God to touch her right now God we we rebuke this sickness in Jesus name God I command you to stop right here right now in the name of Jesus Christ by the authority of your word God we believe it right now body be healed in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus sister Harrington I want to pray for you the Lord's had you on my mind amen God right now in the name of Jesus God you know every thought God you know the heart God you know the prayers God you know the Warfare and the battles and God we put it in your hands right now God you know every bit of the confusion and the the author of it God and God we trust in you God that you're going to deliver that you're going to answer the prayers right now and God going to you're going to solve these issues my you are the solution in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the devil's a liar and the truth is not in him hey God we trust in you in Jesus name come on Church help me pray right now God we believe it we believe it God we trust in you God oh we magnify you Lord we praise you God we praise you God we praise you God we praise you God hallelujah hallelujah amen sister Su need's prayer amen I'm I'm believing God for you Hallelujah God right yes God right now in the name of Jesus God you see these prayers God you see these concerns God you see the issue God that she's been dealing with for weeks and weeks now God and we're asking you God to answer God and answer speedily God and go we know you're a God of mercy God but you're also a God that answers speedily in the name of Jesus Christ God you know your will God and you know the desires and the designs in Jesus name do the work Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord in the name the Lord oh come on somebody needs to go to the throne of grace boldly I'm boldly approach the thr throne of grace I'm boldly coming to God it's a benefit it's a benefit hallelujah hallelujah I praise you God in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you need prayer brother yes let's pray for brother James God right now right now in the name of the Lord in Jesus name Hallelujah for healing yes all right he needs healing right now by his stripes you were healed in the name of Jesus God we've seen you work so many times before God we've seen it with our own eyes God we've heard testimony after testimony and you are a Healer God I I command this body to be healed in Jesus name by the authority of your word God that you've granted to us by simply walking with you being full of the Holy Ghost God being submitted to your will God do the work right now in Jesus name I feel the Holy Ghost right now doing the work in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah oh let's Rejoice right now Church let's Rejoice right now Church in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord I believe it I believe it I believe it I believe it

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