🎙️Who Wants To Have Dinner With The Preachers? (Labor Day Special) | #PreacherTalk Ep. 14

[Music] hey family this is the castle preacher talk and we are getting ready to go into another amazing episode but first we got to tell you about our incredible sponsor the seup brand founder of the hoop triggers Plus app that's what you hear in the background that's why it's so churchy here but gu guess what not only have all of us downloaded but over 1.5 million people around the world have downloaded seup brand apps and that's a good reason why churches and Ministries and platforms all over the world has used this app to enhance their music Ministries if you don't have musicians if you don't have singers if you don't have those things that enhance worship you need poop triggers plus to take you to the next level it is a necessity for you to have it uh for your ministry and your different platforms well it's time to make a decision go and download hoop triggers plus right now on the Google Play store and on the Apple App Store you can't wait go do it right now it's time to do it and you have to do it now because the far-reaching impact of hoop triggers proves it's not just a fun app but it's a necessary serious tool that any Ministry any platform any group can be blessed by so go and download it right now that's right you heard it go get it we all have it you need it it's going to take your music Miner to another level let's go into the episode well this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice I will rejoice and glad glad oh yes it's Monday night at8 and y'all didn't join in fast enough I was join in need Jump Right In Like help we want to jump in with the right key it's Monday night I get that right here preacher talk tonight's going to a little bit different we're not going to be here all night but it's going to be powerful doesn't have to be long to be strong we need you to hit the share button tag some folk invite everybody in that you can because we have some great things to discuss we did something different this week we'll explain it in a moment but first let me tell who I am as we jump over here I am Pastor marmore Jr spirit and TR Church Atlanta Detroit this is Pastor Nathaniel Green senior of Dallas Texas Grace Cathedral Church of God in Christ where everyone has a blessing Grace Grace and then this right here you know who this is this is Bishop Brandon and God and God Jacobs that's right that's right new Z Temple oh yes every and then over here uh we we're going to introduce him but we're doing something different we're letting you all in to our space and into our world so smells good this is different we're going to eat cuz we're hungry wow we we crab legs never happened dinner with the preachers so we want you to have dinner with us there look at this they're sliding the food on table you guys are catching us me so we're I'm afraid of how raw this conversation going to be it's very dinner dinner tablec okay we have a uh Place stop with him I don't know what Chef has prepared for us today we got appeti what those popcorn now what is this bless we going to do a special prayer shrimplets yeah we got to bless the food yeah go ahead pass these father we thank you for this food we ask you Sanctified for the nourishment of our body and that it would be returned to you in service in Jesus name amen amen sorry Lord I got a little confused Lord I thought he was trying to give you poop Lord it did not matter what he's thinking want to make sure that you didn't offend the Lord how returning to you I've never had strength of the food all Apostolic people have the same kind of variation of our blessing Nish for how about strength to our take away all impurities and I love bless the hands that prepared it m Let It Be nourishing and strengthening to our body You' don't know how to pray any differently than how you've been praying your is too diverse for us to be so narrow and how do we close that prayer in what name in Jesus name we know but when you're baptized it better be Jesus said in the name of the father Son and the Holy Ghost that's exactly what they did they followed his instructions whatever acts 238 is a fulfillment of what does the man of God have right here you ain't got to hide you just come on just come on you ain't got to hide what's that what is that what kind of concoction is that is that butter p p for the breast okay that's nice that's very nice very now how these shrimplets are they good shrimplets she said you got to stir it that's good Mark don't put your same fork in there we don't double dip but you have to stir it that preach so it's very good now what's this right here we have to it's a aoli or something going in there it's good okay one dip though are we going to do more eating than talking probably probably so cuz I'm very hungry but I have questions though I know who has to talk before the rest of us talk who we can't start this episode oh wow without this week's clack ladies and gentlemen put your hands together Apostle Brandon CL what you got CL yeah what's going on everybody Brandon clack here I have a phenomenal treat for all of you today for your nostrils I have our very fresh and off the press we're eating season of sense and what this does is that it will mask all bodily functions function and any food Aromas that follow you after you're done having dinner all this requires watch this just close your eyes no no no no you'll be okay all it requires is a Splish Splash and then out of nowhere you you now receive why would you spr hold on you now receive your food tastes like that well it's it also dubs as food enhancement okay smell like Po so that's for the scent that you may carry with you and with your food but what it does is that it enhances your food as well this is called enhance nothing okay this is called the scent enhancer that's strong too strong yeah thank you thank you thank you it's going to follow you and enhance your food it's it's a powerful tool you never have to travel with yesterday's smells thanks to C my broccoli and I'm T like poer no don't do that it's you don't do that thank you CL you're very welcome hope you guys enjoy it's all in my nostrils well in about six or seven minutes you're going to feel it in the food no no don't don't get rid of it don't get rid of it very pent don't get rid of it it is it's going to come back to bless you momentarily very strong oh I can taste mine y thank you Brandon for your enhancements M I can taste mine very good as you can see we're having a very good time tonight MH ding sufficiently as brothers breaking bread yeah but we've opened up the line we've done something we haven't done before we've opened up the line for your questions and you all have responded we have been discussing what we obviously think have been powerful you know subjects and interesting topics you all have seemingly been blessed but we want to make sure that we scratch where it itches and so we want to hear from you on what you want to know okay green I haven't used it I don't know about it I'm just saying testify why don't you call out a couple of names give a shout out to our our faithful followers and uh ask a few safe questions cuz just in case they aren't safe don't say them out loud super all right um green is smacking in the mic I'm sorry it's good um official all do I can't make out the name but they had a good question what is your favorite sermon I guess in our case what was your favorite sermon W you want to go first you go first okay preached or heard right o let's stick with let's say heard okay go ahead wow now I got to think I'mma go that's what I that's why he said it one of my top favorite sermons her was Jack Jackie McCulla sermon that made her famous her first time preaching Aza she preached a message to the heart and I listened to that probably at least once a month well I did I haven't heard it probably in a while but that was one of my sermons I would go to especially if I'm on consecration if I'm fasting I would listen to that sermon it would reground me it would bring me back um it it's it speaks about just having your excuse me this food is doing a work uh I've got some pastries for you prevented to pastri if you need them you be me to it you be me to it you be me to it it really it really grounds my heart for what I do for God and W uh Bishop Jackie McCulla is one of my favorite preachers I love her and uh that sermon which there's several there's 10 thousands of sermons out there that I love but that's a go-to for me on a consistent basis that really brings me back I got one for you uh the late Bishop Jay Delon Ellis MH uh when he preached uh holy con National holy convocation for Church of God in Christ he preached a sermon entitled and this man sat down I remember that sermon forward he talked about the difference between the temple and the synagogue woo boy I remember that sermon oh my God and it really was a in my opinion it was a clinic for preachers of of what effective preaching really looks like he dissected that text in a beautiful way look it up on YouTube if you can oh it great that was good that was good that was good um I'm gonna say so many come to mind I'm GNA say um my pastor Bishop blue preached a message that man can preach too oh man he preached a message about just the necessity of the Holy Ghost and I think it was titled uh be field just just the the that one and then no I'm GNA give another one from him he preached at uh the ccfm meeting next is now good night let me tell you what he just preached that sermon at the Y congregational altars it was good oh my gosh it was about Jacob's Well and yeah it it's yeah what about you I would say when I was a youth pastor the one that sticks out the most was probably spell Breakers Bishop Jak o that's a good one he preached that new birth that is a good one that was a profound message he wore that textt out that was a good yeah and then he had strong demonstration uh Bishop tutor bismar preached a message at The Potter's House the anointing of a thousand times more oh classic yeah I would probably say those two stick out all right here's another question a lot of come in um this is a good one what's the who's the person see you act like these names you say Johnny and Raphael and uh John John Rael these names be like you know toot with a Twist like it's it's never regular names man to with a Twist yes he CJ Stout 21 wow CJ Stout 21 thanks use your name please amen um but good question on you said what what's the toughest book in the Bible to preach slash study and Clarity and context um there are a couple that I can think of personally but one I would say would have to be Revelation and that's because there's so much prophetic symbolism um that that that the Lord led me to teach out of that recently and um it wasn't easy not because it was just hard to dissect scripture but just the amount of time that it took to really study and make sure that I understood uh what the writer was saying and then putting it in context with what's happening in the world today hey friends this is Pastor Nathaniel Green and listen and if ever you are in the Dallas Texas area or anywhere near the Metroplex I want you to plan to join us at Grace Cathedral Church of God in Christ where everyone has a place in Grace We're located at 7615 South Pok Street and you can join us on Sunday mornings either at 8:00 a.m. or at 10:30 a.m. for our morning worship services or you can join us for our midweek worship every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. I promise you your life will never be the same uh Revelation is certainly hard I agree but one of the hardest books to preach to me is job you took it from me really job is problematic job hard in what way it's hard to tell that story without making God mhm almost look like a bully almost look like a there there a lot of layers in job and how you have to you know why I love job love it but I'm it through there it really answers the hard part about God that Christians don't want to embrace a God who will put you through a season for so many different reasons and I really want to dispel the fact that the reward for job was that God gave him double that is not a reward exact you lost children yes sir the the reward for double was that Jo passed the test of Satan Satan said that he will curse you and die God said not this one and job the the the blessing is that job did what go what God believed that he would do wow that job did not defy the name of God God was saying I don't care what I put him through I trust that job is going to stick with me in other words it's almost to say job loves me for real or job is Sav for real job passed that test and that is the the reward is that when God speaks well of you the well that he spoke of you Satan can't defy and I believe that's what Satan wants to do with so many of us he wants to say that if you put them through this they not they're not going to make it through and I think that is that is the reward that he passed that test yeah it's really I agree yeah I agree CL I would probably say um maybe Isaiah in its totality in its context okay uh not necessarily cherry-picking uh some of the uh more classical portions of it but in its context I'd probably say Isaiah that's good so many books come to mind um I think the profits in itself I think we got to understand the Bible uh and I think the best way to understand it is really starting off with the gospels how the gospels are telling one story with with four different perspectives and then understanding the Old Testament especially when you get into Leviticus and Deuteronomy telling telling the telling that the decalog given that in kind of two different perspectives um you know understanding that the Minor Prophets or the prophets within itself are given their different Vantage points of serving different Kings and if you don't really go to the scriptures with a proper interpretation you can really mishandle the text within itself yeah making the text talk to a whole different thing understanding which um which bondage the children of Israel was in was it Egyptian bondage was it Babylonian bondage you know where were they at when you're giving these different perspectives uh talking about the time Zachariah was sent to prophesy to Israel dealing with the time of Ezra and Nehemiah you know and knowing those different perspectives you know so I think when we get a handle on that uh it it really speaks some clarity and I'm going to say a gospel that I think a lot L of many people probably consider easy I think the Gospel of John can really be mishandled and I'm saying that because John's aim is so different than the rest in that John's aim is really to speak to the godness of Jesus the deity of Jesus and these Miracles which are really signs are pointing to that so I've heard preachers mishandle a text not understanding the intention of it you know that this is basically to reveal um you know a portion of Jesus and his assignment in Earth not not only the the absence of the intention of the author but I think it's probably safe to say that there's a real battle over the authority of the scriptures oh yeah where there is now an interpretation that is more feelings based than it is the authority of the word of God coming as the inspired Breath of God that has been written down in Pages yeah and I I think if we're not careful we'll stop we'll start swapping the authority of God for the preferences of our feelings or the the allowances of our flesh my pet thing I'll avoid these particular scriptures in order to make sure that I can protect what I do in the dark you know whatever that may be but I think we have uh a a rather large problem on our hands it's a huge problem I I think this is probably the most and I've been talking about it a lot here lately this is probably one of the most bibl biblical illiterate eras yeah that we have ever seen you used to could be able to say while you're preaching y'all know the story and you just kind of preach the conclusion of it but these days they don't know the story and I think it it becomes incumbent upon us to do a better job I'm making sure people understand the fundamentals of scripture uh people ask me all the time Pastor Green where should I start uh in in studying my Bible should I start at Genesis and I said no don't read it like you just read a regular book right start with the gospels because the gospels give you the best understanding of what the whole scripture reveals and that's Jesus uh Old Testament is Christ concealed New Testament is Christ revealed uh you won't understand Revelation if you start there you reading about a man on a white horse with a tattoo on his thigh you know none of that will make sense to you you're not going to understand you're reading about four different with four faces you won't understand without reading the gospels that those four faces are prophetic of of the gospels you know what I'm saying the the the lion uh represents Matthew who talks about uh him being a king uh the ox represents Mark which talks about him being a servant uh what's the the eagle represents John which reflects him being God uh and Luke has the face of the man representing his Humanity he spoke as a physician would but none of that make sense if you don't start with the gospels I can agree amen another question um oh this is good from who from physician Cuts seriously all right underscore okay can you explain what predestination is oh God why would you this food is so good go go ahead you got it oh no no no go ahead I asked you this is delicious you really should not be don't feel your mouth Jacobs you should not be in charge of the questions why would you do that that's actually a really good question it is a great question that is going to send us into a major theological debate at this table okay I'll take a stab at it I think predestination is when God uses his forn knowledge of future events to work out your deliverance uh to work out your arrival to even work out his will you know he he knows everything that you will that is necessary for you to go through before you go through it what was that keep going what is wrong with you I'm listening I don't know if gas hit you or something I already sprad this took his SP but that is a loaded a loaded to but come on predestination mm I got questions about study habits or what do you do in your free time I I mean only because can't leave that out there like that only because only because I we try hard not to let this table get into Doctrine and I think we're going to jump into major Doctrine I I would I would I would admonish I'm going tell you a text you never you rarely rarely hear preachers deal with and if you do hear preachers deal with they often deal with it out of context what and that's Romans chapter n okay name one sermon you've heard on one Romans chapter n of the top of your head I mean none of us can just pull I'm just saying but guess what I could think of Ro I could think of text out of Romans chapter 8 I can think of text out of Romans chapter 1 I can think of text Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 9 is very rarely dealt with and when it's dealt with I don't think it's dealt with in context because it is so sticky and if you're going to study Romans chapter 78 and9 is a context upon itself and when you get into Romans chapter 8 ROM CH 9 yep and when you get into Romans chapter 8 verse 28 through Romans chapter 9 is going to bring a lot of clarity to predestination and it speaks to it and I hear so many preachers go to that text with an opinion and not with the scripture just speaking clear of itself it is a very so I'm going say this read Romans chapter 8 but you got to start off Romans chapter 28 which so many of us take it out of context all things all things work together for the good of those who love God and for those who are call uh but you got to read that in context and I think he was encouraging them they were they were in trouble and I think that when cuz there's a major question that arises and then when you get into Romans chapter 9 the question is even more clear and it is so clear that you got to back up to Romans chapter 8:28 and you got to walk through that with with a little bit more a little bit more sense but that's what I'm going saying which is why we'll tackle that one in private next I do want us to do T I'm just saying people have these these are real questions that's a good question but I think I'm going say this I think that person should go ask their Pastor hello and because I think we're going to probably hear four different perspectives from it at this table which is safe which is good you know and I think it's good cuz iron sharp and Zion I think they should go ask their pastor and I think um I think they should let their Pastor answer it and and go from there but I think it's a very sticky subject if I if I say something it's predestination Hallelujah Jesus because you dive into salvation Y at that that's the real question that's the real Point behind it I hear you am I not going to heaven was I already excluded that's what they really want to know that's you know cuz we dealt with this little we it it it sent us in the Uproar a couple of weeks ago what's the point about Judas I understand the point if I have no option no agency I know I have no choice am I at fault for what I do wrong MH well to that person I guess you'll get the answer in glory no no no no no living Sav andan if you send a large enough cash at we'll FaceTime you when we talk about Lord no I'm going tell you they need to go talk to their Pastor yeah I think that's a that's a pastorial question that's my opinion give them a few days to research it though I'm telling you now don't expect them to just tell you on the spot what's going on everybody Pastor Brandon here and I am so excited to be announcing to you in this very Mini commercial that Reformation Memphis is the place for you 900 a.m. on Sunday mornings hearts are being transformed and lives are being reformed and I want you to be one in the building with us or watching virtually online I cannot wait to worship with you I'll see you soon all right here's another one would you all ever consider going on Family Feud as a team oh yes we would kill that Mr Harvey give us all the money sign us up somebody call Steve [Music] why do I feel like Mark does not enjoy Steve Harvey no I love Steve I love call us we'll do it we will do it and we will run that table everybody's building projects paid off in Jesus name all right um are the shrimp good M sauce is questionable um this is a lot of stuff in there I don't know what that is you you you particular though something I am very very particular about my food um all right you want me to call names is dot that Christian all right and the question is any advice on not being over dependent on notes when preaching please take a you clean that place don't go no don't Mark Mark just put more food on his PL got a few little nuggets up there but do I not have nuggets on my plate God a nugget of bre licked clean Jesus my God who did you all I see is grease residue and broccoli on here and some mango God it was predestinated that that salmon would be eaten now I'm going to say you need to learn your style in preaching yes um when I first started I started with no manuscript um I was taught uh to write a manuscript learn it and and um and go you know have it in your heart you know and and to flow that way but then one of the things I discovered about myself is so much I wanted to say that I didn't mhm so now what I do is I write out and then I I I I break down all my sermons from a manuscript to a short outline and then to a shorter outline depending on where I am so in my notes depending on where I am I have two out outlines one is one is just to outline my my introduction is to do this my my Transitions and my points M uh with the text um because I really try to let my text be my guide then I have a a longer outline that has my full introduction that really keeps me grounded and safe and I do that uh because I I do I try to use the dialectic approach and I do it with the uh thesis antithesis and synthesis and my by the time I get to my synthesis I'm running into my synthesis is my points so I'm going to question the text and I'm going to let the text become the answer so I'll take that outline which is easier so I I will uh start off with my propositions and my my tensions of the text and and and the issues of the world and all that kind of stuff and then flow into that into my synthesis which is the body of my sermon and the text I'm not a manuscript preacher but I do rely heavily on notes primarily because I always there's always so much meat that I discover on the bone but my memory that's one thing I just hate about myself I don't have the best memory so I Rely heavily on my notes but I often stray from my notes but I'm trained enough to bring it back in that's why of my notes I have my sometime now sometimes I will start out manuscript just with my introduction yeah uh but once I get through that short part I just have my points and my sub points so I'll make my point and I'll expound and carry on that way yep yep I'm very similar um I Rely heavily on the manuscript for my introduction and then my transitional points are going to be uh color coordinated so that each color can tell me the kind of emphasis that I need to put on the transition oh so different colors have different M different colors have different kind of passion and emphasis if I'm trying to still explain through the background of the text and the author then it'll be a lighter color if I'm getting ready to make a hard emphasis maybe either to Celebration or repentance it'll be a darker red yeah um kind of a color and and so I'll work through the themes of each point but I won't write out every exact point cuz I want to still be in what I absorbed from the text and I want to allow space for uh to to walk through it as I'm reading it real time sometimes sometimes par synthetically I'll insert something in bold if I if I need a tag for this particular point cuz I want to drive it home I want to make sure it it makes it inside but I am going to type out that whole sermon yeah reason being I'm going to do my best to type out from A to Z is because especially if the Lord would have me to preach a sermon that is 10 years old to go back and read it through awakens me right and what I find myself doing is that when I go pick up a sermon 10 years old of course I've grown my mind is grown concerning the text I'm going through and I'm I'm I'm removing adding you know maturing the sermon with me but I'm I'm writing out and one of the reasons I'm writing out I'm doing my best to write is so that if if my children preach I want to be able to give my children I want to be able to give my children my mind that's good I want them to be able to go out go back and read my thought process and so a lot of what I'm also doing is trying to put my study in it too see what I was thinking and how I got to where I'm at so that if I if I never can sit with you and and show you I want you to have the cheat code to my my my process you thoroughly articulated your process I try my best so that they can understand it when they or if they read it I try my best to yeah Grace and peace this is Bishop Brandon Jacobs and I would love for you to be a part of New Zion Temple whether you're in Hammond Indiana Indianapolis Indiana or the movement we have with night Philly I want you to come worship with us in Hammond we start at 12:30 a.m. Central Standard Time in Indie we start at 8:30 Eastern Standard Time and I really want you to worship with us or you can meet with meet us at Philly ignite every fourth Sunday uh to worship with us at 700 p.m. you got to come see us because the answer to life is at New Zion Temple and we believe that God's going to do something Supernatural in your life can't wait to see you at news Nan Temple 926 Mor Street or 4407 Lavette Road Indianapolis Indiana God bless that's good I'm I'm combination of what you guys said um manuscript certainly on that intro I think that that introduction is the uh opportunity to really Bond and connect with the people in the pews I think that that is typically more more narrative and you know inviting and intriguing it Peaks interest so definitely definitely definitely notes for the intro but then uh as the sermon gets longer as you continue scrolling or turning Pages uh the notes get shorter um it goes it shifts into more of an outline uh standpoint so good question and something we used to do and I actually I think going into 2025 uh Grace Nation get ready I think we're going to go back to doing connect groups uh we used to shrink the church down in smaller groups and they weren't just meeting for Fellowship they would meet to disc discuss whatever I preach Sunday cuz I've discovered some people they are so consumed with the celebration of Sunday that the word isn't necessarily me it's it's making it to to their excitement but it's not necessarily making it to their heart and I need to make sure that it's it's really resonating so I would have them to go back and discuss what I just taught or what I just preached cuz one of the worst feelings is for people to say Pastor you sure did preach Sunday and I say what did I preach yeah I I don't know but it was show good it was show good no no no no no no no I'm preaching this so that you can live it yeah so I need to make sure that this is really still hanging on the meat hooks of your mind so that you can live off of this later and I'm going tell you in my pastorate what I've learned to do is to not close as much in terms of a hoop and a holler so I've been on a season of Pride and even in exciting moments I've been forcing myself to say nope I'm not getting ready to hoop this out I need this to resonate in our hearts cuz I think that pride is a is a major thing so I've just I've just been on let me we y'all heard you've heard me close a thousand times some of y'all can close with me grab your neigh grab you know and it's like okay but right now I need this to grab your heart I need this to dig and you know I'm going tell you what happens the church is like when you go out and you be preaching on the place you wreck the house and when you come home you be like taking your no because I'm I'm here to Pastor you right huge difference I'm here to lead you I can't be an evangelist on the on the pastor's platform yeah and I think that's a lesson to any Pastor who's called to itinerate Ministry how you preach on Sunday can't always look like what you do on the field I'm out there inspiring on the field but at home I'm fing yep I'll close every night tonight but this morning yeah y'all going to get this teacher yeah yeah we don't we don't let Noah pressure us into his particular meal right it's my job to give you what's best for your development that's good that's real good uh here's another question uh can you all do a platform service a platform service what does that mean you never heard of a platform service different parts of country have different terms so it's like seven last words some call it a bowl like you know it's almost like preach Rama yeah yes yeah yeah they want us to do a platform service didn't we do that once no no we did uh something at marks yeah we sat on chairs something similar yeah yeah keep praying amen somebody said I have my initial sermon coming up any advice who I mean you just said to keep praying yeah keep keep praying keep reading and know that you cannot preach at all your first sermon most initial sermons are very long yeah um I give mine a time limit though I give mine 15 minutes do do do he said a couple of weeks ago make sure that there's more what did you say more Thunder more lightning than thunder more lightning than thunder more Revelation than than than than noise I think that's phenomenal trial sermon advice Hey listen we're going back into the episode but I got to tell you if you are ever in metro Atlanta I would love for you to join us at Spirit and Truth church we are one church with three locations and five Services every Sunday designed to create a god encounter for you if you're on the Southside meet us at 800 or 10 in MCD if you're in Atlanta meet us at 10 or 12 at the temple but if you're in Cobb County on the North side in Marietta meet us every Sunday at 4 p.m. God has something special the information is at the bottom of the screen we would love to see you at the church where you can believe belong and become let's get back into the episode something else don't try to be the pastor oh uh if you're preaching your trial initial sermon really anytime you're in another man's Church um just Inspire and encourage um you know there there may be rebuke uh but don't stand in the position of the pastor that's that's not your place yeah I would suggest resist the urge to impress and perform right don't allow your aunt who doesn't come to church but she's there for that day to make you try all your tricks and I think they're going to be more impressed by your maturity yeah I'm a different kind a pastor I personally believe and I say this to our preachers my job is to make you as strong as I can to stand for your first time I'm not looking for you to stand crippled so I'm I I do my best and my time is allow not allowing me to spend as much time with our preachers as I used to I enjoy training in preaching oh yeah and so I make all of our preachers write out this sermon yeah uh and I make them stand I make them preaching in front of me first I turn the mic on I have Christian come to the church we turn the organ on and I say whatever you going to do to for this trial sermon do it right now wow and I and they preach in front of me and I I critique him from beginning to the end I make them slow down on their Pace yeah I make them if you're going to do all that and I I'm I'm and I tell them get all you can out of me during this time I show them how to study I have them write out for word word for word and what I try to do is to build such a habit that you don't have to call me again right and so I'm big on that um I'm I we buil that sermon from because I'm tell we're going to study this as if I'm studying so we literally start from from beginning to the end and what we what I discover is so many times they go they go to a text with their own perception instead of the allowing the text to build the perception and so we we walk through that and we and we take it and they'll tell you I have ripped up so many sermons and so many of them say but Bishop it's my first one but guess what it's going to be a good one yeah I'm not going to let you say this my first one so you can get up and and just be impressive and no no no no we're going to do this and and when you get up there and I tell the parents and stuff leave me alone if you going if I'm going to help your if I'm going to help these preachers leave me alone don't come in here and say oh my son came home crying and mad leave me alone I'm here to help them I'm here I'm here to help them so I tell them even in that moment cuz they tell you while they preaching I'm screaming at them slow down right uhuh that ain't what we uhuh no what you doing because you're not going you're not going to sit with me for 6 weeks yeah and then get up here and turn 6 weeks into a into a crash yeah no we going to we work through this and yeah and so CU I'm your pastor M and I think I don't think that there are bad preachers I think there's preachers who don't study and preachers who don't listen and I I'm here to help you with that so I think they really need to speak with their pastor I had one preacher uh write out a sermon that was word for word some he heard on YouTube and just so happened I heard it too so I was like up this ain't you this ain't your words don't even sound like you so we going to start we going to start from we going to start over that's really good I have some ministers in my church who've been with me long enough to have picked up on uh how to deliver in the most efficient way yeah and so I trust them uh sometimes even in my absence but then there are some other who are still kind of new and so I likewise I make them share with me you know what are you Desiring to preach most times I would have given them a topic yeah um but I I I need to check this out before you you know take it before the people I'm getting ready to start a session with my preachers where we discuss proper her hermeneutics and homolytic you're reflection of me absolutely I don't want people to hear you and say oh and a reflection you go there who reflection of this house and and I I'm not trying make y'all me you though we talked about this in though there will be bits of you bits of me you know of my character and preaching within you but I want you to be the best you but you're going to be the best you as sound as you can be that's right one of the things that and I think we just recently graduated maybe 30 or 40 preachers from our preaching lab cohort and one of the things that I really hammered on was core doctrinal beliefs mhm I was really concerned not stylistically but was really concerned about their substance and uh I wanted to make sure that we ironed out not the not the um debatable belief systems but I wanted to talk about the core beliefs that you've got to at least know and believe in your heart before you get up and try to communicate it to others that is so important yeah oh yes that they need to be clear on what do we believe yeah it's easy to get up and preach God's going to make a way and and right there green do you believe don't tell me what you can preach what do you believe your I don't want you to become a cast away I'm going to have to give an account for your soul as your Shepherd and I got to make sure you believe this in the times of life's contradictions that you don't just become such an incredible performer that you can preach something that you really don't believe in your heart absolutely and can I tell you something and we've been preaching long enough you can hear a preacher's core belief yes sir and their presentation without them saying it yes sir yes doctr about this earlier Doctrine bleeds through substance it bleeds through a sermon and I could tell you and I can hear a preachers confusion I can hear when a preacher is confused about certain things that that they say especially when they go to try to preach on it you didn't took three different doctrinal statements and you put it into one and and and you're happy with it you don't have a sound Firm Foundation of what you really believe but Jacob's what I would love to tell that preacher is just don't preach it there you go you know in your study you were struggling yep don't try to put this this hinge that the Lord told you to do it no you're interested in wowing your peers of the congregation and he can't tell you to do what you ain't sure of don't know come on man I would love to just don't preach it it's okay leave it alone just leave it alone God can't handle it better than you can leave it alone all right here's another question coming from the Jason dams uh the question is do you prefer topical sermons or expository sermons expository expository expository expository expository absolutely and if you're going to be topical it's more work it is because you don't want to be so topical that you you mishandle portions of the Bible trying to support your thought and Theory yeah right right going to the text trying to make it match or line up with your topic I'd rather just go to the Bible or make it match your core beliefs of what you're really subliminally trying to communicate yeah yeah yeah I agree I agree wholeheartedly I I think I heard this by David Helm I think I'm said please I hope I'm saying that right he made a statement in his book expository preaching that I want to lift and I think it's powerful he says that a lot of preachers use a light post like a drunk man does only to Le like a light use I'm sorry thank you use the Bible like a drunk man uses a light post only to lean on instead of using the Bible or using support than illumination but you know you got to use it for light not support I wonder do guys who do that do they realize they'll have to give an answer for that I don't think we preach with eternity in view God is looking at this man I really don't because I'm going to tell you something these cute little popular and this is why watch this you understand what I'm saying this changed my original doctrinal belief when you go to the Bible for the Bible to give the answer yeah not going to it with a lens of what your denomination good has taught you yeah man when so much of me has developed when I went to the scriptures to let the scriptures be my light and not to support what I've been taught but Jacobs when you let the scriptures be your light you are forced to confront the dark spaces in you he before you preach it that's very good you're forced to if it's going if that's how we're going to use the text absolutely can I tell you really good many times as I went through my study preparing for my sermon I had a wrestling match because it was preaching to me first it better you understand what I'm saying and it's I think that's important because how can you hold the mirror before the people and not hold the mirror before yourself true you know the word should convict you before it convicts them yeah yeah man that was a good question you know what I I think that we got to do this again yeah I know we got to move um but this Q&A thing I think is a winner if you have more questions you can inbox either one of us the media team put our uh social handles up at the intro you silly NE brck amen praise the Lord um but we want you to stay connected subscribe like share this has been another episode of preacher talk we love you we're praying for you we'll see you next time y'all take care peace Grace and peace bye listen it has been another amazing week thank you for your shares thank you for your tags but remember go download hoop triggers plus it is the perfect to win right now win right now win right now even now it's the perfect tool fact P Pastor Green because we've got so much Victory with this app Ju Just sing us out of here sing us out of here oh Victory that's not it it's on a [Music] [Applause] refes well as you can see you need to go download it he won't be coming with the app but go get it anyways we'll see you next time peace we love y'all we out of here [Music]

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