Equipped for the Battles | Pastor Don Johnson

[Music] to the word of God to the word of God 1 Samuel chapter number 17 1 Samuel chapter number 17 I want to read it from The Message Bible I love the King James Bible that's where I get all of my Revelation from but this this is unique for me I want to read it from The Message Bible 1st Samuel chapter 17 starting at verse number 38 then Saul outfitted David as a soldier in the Army he put his bronze helmet on his head and his belt his sword over his Armory David tried to walk but he couldn't hardly budge David told Saul I can't even move with all this stuff on I'm not used to this and he took it all off then David took his Shepherd staff he selected five smooth stones from the brook he put them in his the pocket of his Shepherd's pack and with with that slingshot in his hand he ran toward Goliath indulge me today as we dive into what some may seem to be an elementary passage of scripture as a matter of fact this is probably the most famous story told historically not just biblically so while I have you for the next few moments I want to talk from this particular subject equipped for the battles equipped for the battles you can take your seats equipped for equipped for ah the battles equipped for the battles one thing I can guarantee in this house online that you fall into one of these three categories I don't care who you are I don't care if you're Democrat I don't care if you're a Republican I don't care if you're black I don't care if you're white I don't care if you're Asian Hispanic you fall in one of these three categories you're in a battle you're getting ready for a battle or you're coming out of one you're in a battle somebody said I'm in one right now Pastor I'm getting ready for a battle or I'm coming out of a battle but here's what I found out with battles they don't all work together I can be coming out of a battle with my health while getting ready to go into a battle with my finances I've learned that they don't work simultaneously I can be absolutely happy in one area and in another area of my life catching hell like I've lost my mind that is the fight that is the battle that we got to deal with because somewhere along the line I'm trying to figure out God what in the world is going on because you need to be equipped for every phase of the battle you need you need to be equipped somebody shout I need to be equipped as a matter of fact it is it is it is in the writing where he says I will not have you ignorant of the devices of the enemy so God wants you to know the devil's tools but he will keep him ignorant of your tools God will hide the tools that you have from the devil so you can become a better you I can prove it to you 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 8 they said if they had known what would happen for them crucifying Jesus they wouldn't have done it and then it says eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God has revealed to our spirit but by the spirit of God which means who Jesus was going to become was hidden from the enemy I can pause right there and just shout all by myself sometimes God will protect you by hiding you and you're mad because you're trying to figure out God I want to come out like everybody else God said no no no no baby let me take you through a season of hiding you because there are some tools in your life that I have to bring out of you and that now that's now become the most frustrating thing is what do I do because I'm equipped with so much and what do I do with this because this is a Divine moment this this is this is this is David and Goliath y'all we know doubt David wins the battle this is this is David this is Goliath this is David this is more than David and Goliath wait a minute this is a Divine moment this we spend so much time talking about David and Goliath and divine moment not realizing that this is a process that David has to go through to become king this this now is the process that David can become the king cess this because in a moment David was anointed the king but it takes him years to become the king okay I'mma say it again he was anointed the king in a moment but he didn't become the king until years later okay let me let me make it make sense for you let me let me make it make sense for you you can get married on June 3rd that don't make you a husband and wife when you get married it takes you years before you become a husband okay okay okay you think because you got married you became the perfect husband I can make it even plainer because you gave birth on whatever date your child was born you think I became a mother no your birthing made you a mother but you didn't become a mother until years and years and years and years and years and years later see y'all got to help me right here here's why I got a problem when people come tell me they got a new baby I wouldn't have did that to my kids child you got a newborn you ain't went through nothing but some diapers don't tell me until your child get 16 17 years old when you got to figure out is he coming home tonight is he going crazy don't don't don't don't talk to me about how to raise my child you ain't even have no children okay okay okay okay because I thought once my boys were born oh I'm a Daddy now oh I I realized hold on hold on hold on it was years later I became that but I had to walk through the process of becoming it so please don't confuse the fact that God anointed you to do something that you're supposed to be doing it right now okay okay okay okay okay okay see see we get we get confused we think oh because he's anointed the king so I got to start walking in kingship no no no no once you get anointed to King go back and take care of them sheep it cuz God gives David a promise he gives him a promise and for some of you in here God gave you a promise he anointed it for you he said it belongs to you you're happy it belongs to you as a matter of fact if I turn to play that organ we'll shout cuz God got a promise for me if I start telling you right now God's going to deliver the promise watch this y'all the same God of the promise is the same God of the process so if you can shout over a promise you should be able to shout over a process God no matter what I got to go through I'm not concerned about the promise make everything you need to make out of me if I got to go through something if I have to deal with something whatever you need God cuz I understand these light afflictions are but for a moment which carries a fall wait we got to figure out wait a minute the same God of the promise is the same God of the process which means there's a process before you can get to the promise and maybe it's going to take some time so C this we spend so much time talking about David and Goliath church that's not the only battle in this text there's more than one battle that's happening in the scripture so if you only think David and Goliath is the fight you miss the process of becoming who he is as a matter of fact 1 Samuel let's walk the text 1 Samuel chap 17 verse number 17 says this it talks about his he says David 1 Samuel 17- 17 one day Jesse told David his son take these crack of wheat take these 10 loaves of bread take these 10 blocks of cheese I what the text say that's my paraphrasing take these 10 blocks of cheese take the bread to the soul just take the cheese to the captain here it is and he says and tell me what's happening and we would think David is doing just wonderful because he's doing what his father told him but catch this here's battle number one in the text he's battling to serve after being rejected we're happy because David is obeying Jesse but do you know Jesse rejected David there's a historical event that you know of that takes place in the house Samuel comes and say there's a king in your house Jesse bring me all your sons Jesse brings all the sons but David and the only person that has ears in the house is Samuel and the oil Samuel said your first son come iLab nothing's happening cuz the oil ain't listening nothing a happen he said is this all you have Jesse said well I do have one more he out serving park right there for just one second he's not in the house doing nothing he's outside serving God says you might be see as seem as though you're going under the radar but baby keep on serving cuz I'm about to call you into the house I'm going to let you bypass everybody else the [Music] text the text says s you say we going to sit right here until you bring the one you ejected into the house David walks in the house catch this cuz you got to go with me the law of gravity David walks into the house Saul says God say I mean Samuel says this is the one this this is the one he turns the horn upside down and the oil flows hold on hold on when he turned around the other times why did it never Flow oil will only flow when you in the in the right position or I don't care about your title or I don't care how good you look or I say when you get in the right place I'll pour it all on you that's why I ain't got to prove nobody be validated by nobody all I have to do is being the right place there's something about being in the right place C this catch this y'all it's about being in the right place it's not being under the right title cuz you could be under a title in the wrong place and the oil says when the rejected walks in he's accepted when the one that everybody looked over walked in he's accepted but let me make sure I get that same shout when I make this next statement because in verse 17 the Bible says David serves Jesse in spite of what happened to [Applause] him can you still serve when the leader don't call your name can you still serve Church hurt baby I don't care about no church hurt maybe God is trying to tell you you need to serve in spite of people talking about you cuz I don't care what they say about me I'mma keep on serving I'm keep on serving they talk about me so what I'mma keep on serving they say they don't like me I don't care that's their problem not mine I'mma keep on serving they going to reject me I don't care I'mma keep on serving cuz watch this God's going to validate me in front of the people who rejected me and some of you are wasting your time trying to prove to people you successful for now baby just let the oil flow just let the oil flow just let the oil flow after told my wife told me this one day and I told her she is so arrogant I couldn't believe she said that she was so arrogant I said what I said what you going to do when you walk in the room said what do you mean she said when I walk in the room I take over a room I said with your old arrogant self what is you talking about she talking about what are you talking about watch this my aura my oil say I don't have to be like everybody else catch this oh that's G to make me shout catch this y'all and she said this this blew my mind and she said my oil don't take another lady oil away but when I know who I am but when you know who you are you don't let no devil in hell stop you [Music] from there's a battle that's happening if you think this is just about David and Goliath you're missing the battle battle number one you got to fight past rejection and still serve that's enough to preach all by itself can you fight past the fact that people got a problem with you they got a problem with you they got have you ever been in a place in your life you don't even know why they don't like you can I can I be eonic I ain't eat much did nothing to you oh you know you don't like me now cuz of what I got baby wait till God really give me what he got promised for me you don't like me now wait till the oil starts showing baby you don't like me when I'm a Shepherd wait till I become [Music] the it is it is it is for us to understand y sit down somebody behind you can't see sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down somebody can't see it is it is the understanding that this is not the only battle that's happening with David and Goliath there's another battle that's happening that if you're not careful you'll miss it verse number 28 I'm still in chapter 17 I have not left from chapter 17 of 1st Samuel the Bible says iLab his older brother heard David franzinger and said what are you doing here why aren't you minding your own business tending to that little flock of sheep you got I know what you want to do here you coming down here trying to see what's happening wait a minute wait a minute this this is iLab this is the same iLab that saw me get anointed this the same iLab that saw what God did for me and the Bible says David replied and said all I did was ask you a question but here's what's C then the Bible says he ignores his brother turns to somebody else and he asked them the same question to get an answer here's battle number two you got to battle the opinion of others David is battling the opinion of his brother and so much so he pended he said if it had been somebody else I could have bore it but it was you the one who I let in my car it was you when you ain't have no money I let you ride with me it was you when you didn't have nothing I let you borrow some money and now all of a sudden you turn your back on me and it is you it is a battle getting past the opinion of others I know I know I know we don't want to talk about it because my brother should have been supportive they should have been supportive but here's here's the generational curse here's the generational curse here's what elab does he tries to resurrect the spirit of inadequacy your father thought you was nothing he didn't invite you in so now the brother repeats the father's business why you down here you don't have no business down here that sound like Daddy again why you in this house you don't have no business in this house why why are you down here here's what's crazy he repeats what his father does but he does it in a whole another way this is one of the most frustrating things in the world trying to help people who want to tear you down okay okay okay here here's what here's why I say it's frustrating it's not frustrating help the person because the person wants to tear you down that's fine I have no problem with that that's your own idiosyncrasy your problem with God that's that's between you you can try to tell me down I this is my problem my problem is why you think God got to subtract from me to add to you God does not have to subtract from me to add to you he's the god of more than enough if he did it for me he'll do the same thing for you so why in the world are you trying to tear me down so you can become a step and step on me and I am tired of people thinking God has to take away from me to add to you knowing that the god that we serve says I'll give for you I'll bless you I'll bless you I'll bless you and God said I still won't run out because our father own the cattle upon a thousand heels Church you don't have to talk somebody down to build you up come on online come on no no no you we we got to be through it that season you got to tear other people down and think God got to add to you it doesn't happen that way God says okay you think I'm deficient you don't think I'm more than enough to bless your neighbor you don't think I'm more than enough to bless everybody on your roow as a matter of fact I am declaring that God's going to bless everybody on your roow I am declaring God's going to bless everybody that's watching this broadcast and I don't care if somebody get mad they don't deserve to get blessed that's your problem not mine because God is not taking away from me to add to you somebody touch somebody tell them add add add add God is adding to you God God is adding to you God God is it's it's he's adding to you but it's but it's frustrating because they're trying to tear you down and here's what iLab does iLab does the first thing that people do typically who don't understand you now he reminds him of what he used to do why are you not back there taking care of them sheep you don't you don't see who I am right now you you you are so caught up in 1990 you are so caught up in 2000 you so caught up that you don't know what I evolved to be that the only thing you see is what I used to be I don't know who I'm talking to today but God said you need to find you a new Circle if all they do is remind you of what you used to do don't remind matter of fact move on what are we doing move on why why are we still here yeah we had a good time yeah we were stupid why are we still having that conversation if all you got to talk about is yesterday you need to stay stuck in yesterday baby but I walk in the future me and since I know there's a better me that's ahead you stay back there with who I used to be don't you don't you see the opportunity in front of you you don't you don't see the opportunity in front of you you missing it you you elab you miss listen it but here's what I love I love I love what David does d David does what I want to anoint all of you to do don't argue with fools I I I don't mean that in a negative way but can I can I can I make this statement H stop arguing with fools cuz they'll bring you to their level and be you down with experience a fool will bring you to their level and then beat you down with experience and you wondering why you so frustrated who is I talking to today who took my energy today was I talking to somebody I shouldn't have been talking to who should I ignore in this new season of my life what phone call should I not have picked up cuz I've been dealing with too much why am I so tired no no no no no I've been arguing was somebody who see there's more than one battle that's happening here this is not about David and Goliath I told you you got to B learn how to battle how do you serve after being rejected the other one is how do you serve or how do you battle dealing with the opinion of others but I'm not done cuz even in battle number two there's something that's happening that I want all y'all to realize David says he looks at his brother and he turns from him the text says he ignores him he didn't respond properly so he ignores him I'm not arguing with you he he ignores him but then I thought about David David is from the lion from the tribe of Judah David is a lion David is a lion and lions don't respond to dogs barking when I know who I am baby you can bark at me all you want to because you ain't got nothing to do with where God is trying to take me and I'm not wasting my Roar on you I'm not wasting my voice on you I ain't wasting my RO as a matter of fact byebye click byebye click delete delete because I'm not I'm not wasting you know how much it cost me to waste my Roar what does it look like when a lion is roaring at a dog you're not even a threat to my future as a matter of fact woe unto me for wasting my Roar on you when I should have just kept on walking and I'm talking to somebody today God says I anoint you to keep on walking I don't care cuz they barking at you I don't care cuz they think baby please I get get out of here yeah yeah get get get get get get out of here cuz your B can't do nothing to me you know who I am I'm from the lion from the tribe of Judah baby my praise is my Roar my walk is my Roar there's something on the inside of me [Music] oh I'm a roarer [Music] want to I want to show you something when a dog barks it may be heard at the next house when a dog barks you may hear it on the next block but when a lion opens his mouth when she opens her mouth and Roar it said it can be heard two miles away what if I told you the roar that you make today God is sending into the future and said I have not seen Ro okay okay I got a roar I got a Roar on the inside I can't respond to dog barking there's a Roar on I got to get through this I think I just gave you a revelation of the importance of your [Music] voice their bark is insignificant the Bible says David turns and know person what would happen in your life if the people you thought should have been helping you you just turn and ignore them it's not because they're not family it's just because you can't help my future look at I got to show you I got to show you I got to show you I got to show you come on come on cuz this is not the only battle not only do you have to battle with being rejected not only you have to battle the opinion of others there's another battle that's in here and I know I'm talking to some roers in here text says in verse number 34 Bible says David said I've been a Shepherd tending the Sheep but my father whenever a lion or a bear comes to take my flock to take what I've been covering I go after [Music] it I told you I think I'm talking to some lion he said I'm somebody shout I'm going after it he says I would go after it I would knock it down to rescue the lamb and when it turned on me I'll grab it by the throat I'll ring his neck and I'll kill it catch this ling a bear it don't make no difference it the diff it doesn't matter he says I'll kill it and I'll do the same thing to this filistini pig who is taunting the troths of God alive catch this there's another battle the battle to get past opposition there's a battle to get past opposition the opposition is this the opposition isn't the Lon of the bear the opposition is he has to convince the king that I can fight this fight I know you're looking at the outward me but don't confuse the outward me with the inward me don't don't confuse don't don't get it twisted I know some of you look at the size I am now don't get it twisted that's a bigger me on the inside there's something else on the inside of me and he says I know King you looking at the outside but let me give you my resume let me let me give you my resume but here's here here's the opposition God created a problem and he created David to solve it the problem so God will create a problem that's only designed for you to solve see see I don't think they got it you got it God will create a problem that you crying about and God says you crying about what I created you to kill somebody shout kill it put it in the comment kill it it he said I created this I know it's an opposition but you got to fight past the opposition because really what's happening is really an opportunity in Disguise yes he says this is an opportunity in Disguise this is this is a little Antiquated for some of you and for some of you seas and mothers and fathers you know what I'm getting ready to say God is getting ready to reward you publicly for what you did privately okay see that's that's that's a little old school right there see cuz everybody want Public public make make my name say my name tell me what no no no no no God says I'm looking for somebody who did something privately and I'm about to reward you publicly here it is somebody shout prove it Pastor there is no audience when David kills the lion in The Bear there is no audience the only thing David has to prove that he did it is a dead body he has a corcus he said I didn't need to do that in front of everybody cuz God says I'm trying to build you privately before I expose you publicly so you got to learn how to battle past the opposition and think nobody don't like me nobody don't see me I go home by myself I eat by myself no maybe God is building you by yourself so when it's time for you to come out you don't need the approval of others so God can prove who you should be matter of fact to all my single women God let me help you right here stop waiting on a man to take you out baby take yourself out go to your own finest restaurant watch this cuz here's what you do you created a standard for yourself so when you create a standard for yourself you know what you won't accept and what you will accept cuz David now knows he says I can beat this Philistine because of my private battles and I didn't need an audience I don't need nobody tell me what I did I am so thankful for people telling me they love my preaching I thank you for that I am so thankful for I God bless you but I bet you one thing I was doing this to empty seats when I had seven people in Jacksonville Florida believe in God God filled the room he said preach to an empty seat cuz one day you going to stand in a place but baby that nobody knew and nobody will get credit [Music] but do it with no audience so when the audience come you don't stop what you already doing I haven't changed how I preach I was doing this to an empty room that's why I love my spiritual father I was doing this when nobody was there and I was jumping around they were like Pastor you at like the room full I say it is cuz you don't see what I see cuz I know where God is taking me and I'm not preaching to my present I'm preaching to my future so but but now um can I be real with y'all can I BR somebody sh be real in the comments put be real uh I gave you three battles but there's also something in this battle for David see some of y'all thinking that David is fighting cuz he's just killing Goliath that's fine he trying to kill Goliath in verse 38 but in verse 25 the text says he says the king says whoever kills this giant I'm going to give him riches he's going to marry my daughter and I'mma set him family free from debt in Israel okay okay okay you missed it I missed it too I know see we read pass that we go to the slingshot in the Rock hold on one second no no no no oh no no no see y'all better realize it's something in this battle that's coming out of this I ain't fighting for nothing something God is about to give me something for what I've been fighting over God's about to show me something cuz he says I'm going to show you in the text the text says he says I'mma give you riches he changes his finances in one battle yes sir he changed watch this he didn't change his finances in one night thought Oscar he changed it in one fight and the truth be told he didn't change it in order for it to be a fight there had to be blowone he really didn't change it in one fight he changed it in one rock okay okay okay okay okay it didn't even take all five it only took one I want to stop right here and tell somebody today God said it going to take all five you need he say it's going to take one praise and just going to take one Victory it's just going to take one and things are going to change in your favor it's just going to take one thing and it's somebody shout just one put it in the comment just one hold on hold on that's not it he says you going to marry my daughter hold on y'all wait a minute let's get this the king says you going to marry my daughter that's Covenant which means if anything happens to the king I'm probably next in line so God says I'm bringing you into Covenant after this one battle I'm bringing you into covenants after this next fight I'm bringing you into Covenant he said wait minut that's not it he said that's all I'm going to give you he says and I'm going set your house free from the debt of Israel okay okay I missed it the first time too uh he said I'mma set your house free okay okay that is a generational curse being broken oh I'm about to shout on this stage all by myself he said after this next Victory your family bloodline is going to be set free after this next shout your family Bloodline with the Enemy made for evil God is planing it for [Music] them Pastor Robinson and then it hit me I got it Goliath was fighting for property David was fighting for purpose and some of you are fighting fighting for stuff and God said you better start fighting for purpose there better be something that's it as a matter of fact it this my declaration to the devil if it ain't nothing in it for me I ain't fighting you what what me me fighting you what I'm going to get from it a headache no you keep that brother no no you keep that you keep wait a minute wait a minute if I whoop you you going to bless my family okay let's fight let's go let's let's let's get it in cat this because all of this is a battle this is not just about David and Goliath this is the process that we run from cuz remember I told you the god of the promise is the same God of the process so David is fighting for something but y'all there's another battle that's in this text that often times that we're not careful we'll miss it in verse number 38 now I'm in verse number 38 that was my introduction verse 38 says then Saul outfitted David as a soldier in the Army he put his bronze helmet on his head a belt of his sword around his armor David tried to walk but couldn't hardly budge this is a battle so I'm getting ready to tell you that most people lose you got to learn to fight the Battle of comparison the Battle of comparison it's in the scripture there a battle of comparison cuz here's what happened Saul said well since you going to fight let me compare you to my other soldiers let me give you what they need and the problem with comparison yourself to others somebody will give you what they need but it ain't what you need the Bible says David he puts it on he said but I can't I can't move my question to you is who has put something on you that you can't move you can't even walk in the fullness your anointing because you just had to date him you can't walk into what God told you because you wanted to date her so bad because you made the decision and the decision you make because who puts on your outfit determines your outcome so sa put something on me that make me stuck Church chur what has you stuck David identifies the problem he says don't compare me to what you used to because I know you're the king but King what you gave me I can't move where are you in your head and what year are you stuck what did they do to you that has you stuck I'm not saying it didn't happen I'm telling you it happened I'm telling you it's wrong for happening I'm telling you what happened to you when you were a little girl when you little I'm telling you it's wrong but it's also wrong for keeping you stuck David said I can't wear it guess this cuz where I'm going it's going to hold me down and where you going if you weigh the abuse of what they did on you I'm not telling you it didn't happen I'm telling you that it was a preventative measure to try to keep you from moving on from what God has in store for you you cannot compare yourself and please let me say this stop using social media as a barometer of [Applause] success stop looking at social media and say they are successful God make me like them what you essentially saying is God make me like a clip that may not even be real that's been edited so what you're saying is God I want the edited version instead of God make me who I am no matter what hell I got to go through I'm not wearing this heavy stuff anymore my life it's going crazy and I'm trying to figure this out because what I don't want is I don't want to carry yesterday's Warfare It's about tomorrow's Victory okay okay I got to hurry up I got to get out of here there's another battle there's another battle and we can stay right there verse number 39 verse number 39 the Bible says and David tried to walk but couldn't hardly budge so David told Saul man I can't even move with all this stuff on me I can't move with all this on me I'm not used to this this is the battle where I think everybody can be set free the Battle of Shake It Off kiss this kiss this kiss this this in the text he says I can't wear this I can't move then he shakes it off David said what you gave me is not for me that don't belongs to me I know you're only used to one caliber Warfare but I can't use this so I got to shake it off boy can you imagine when you implement that in your life I know they work for you last season but I'm in the season of my life now yeah we were friends yeah we were cool last year yeah you were all right with me but guess what guess this me shaking you off don't make you demonic me moving on don't make you evil that just mean where God is trying to take me I can't wear last season the quick me for what God is trying to do in my life and I'm declaring see see Church uh the problem with the problem with some of us is we still trying to wear it can you imagine still trying to wear it still trying to put that on can you imagine still trying to be around fruitless people you know they ain't produce no fruit but you still that's my friend that's my homeboy that's it listen I tell you what let your homeboy be your homeboy this is what I tell my homeboy listen we cool now I'mma go off let me get myself together and then I'mma come back and get you cuz what I'm not going to do is keep all of us here stuck together and your assignment was to say my assignment is to go my my assignment is is to move on this C this okay uh I I got to tell you here's why da here's why I argue with God cuz God you will seem as though he supposed to wear that armor cuz that's that's that's what you wear to Warfare until I read the scripture again wait a minute David didn't use armor against the bear the text ISS he used his hands he used not what was manmade he used what was God made and I want to say something to somebody today God say stop taking man-made ideas to spiritual battles because what I'm getting ready to do in the next season of your life you going to need spiritual warfare take something okay the text say I got to ball this the text the text says he uses his hands he us he uses he uses his hands but I'm reading I'm thinking wait a minute wait wait a minute he's shaking it off he uses his hands God said what I don't want is I don't want you to be hindered using what somebody else use for victory cuz that's not going to work for you so please forgive me if I don't shout like everybody else shout please forgive me if every now and then you may see me hop up or you may see me dance because you don't know you have no idea what it took for me to stand right here and give God worship as a matter of fact you've heard it said I said before somebody may tell you it don't take all of that I'm sorry boo it may not take all of that for you but as for me it's going to take all of that and then something cuz if you think I'm bothering you now give me about 10 more seconds and I'm about to get you out of my seats because when I think about what God is doing in my life oh I'm about to got oh got her okay okay okay I got to get got to get I got to get out of here I told you it's more than one battle here it's more it's more than one battle can I can I introduce you to the last battle see my last battle is not David and Goliath my last battle not David and Goliath my last battle is in verse number 40 verse number 40 the Bible says then David took his staff selected five smooth Stones he put the stones in his Shepherd pack he took his sling and he took off toward Goliath this is my battle this is my last battle see I told you you got to deal with rejection you got to deal with opposition you got to deal with shaking it off you got to deal but the last battle lady is something that's going to probably make you shout too this is the last battle for all y'all this is the battle to pick right I'mma say it again the battle to pick [Laughter] right because I'm not gonna bother this I'm going just throw this out here because if you've ever picked wrong there's a season in your life that you just can't get back so that's the battle catch this and for those who think I'm just talking about relationship I'm not talking about relationships David fights the battle even though relationship does mean something you better make sure you pick right fellas you better get that you better be here Saturday for breakfast you better you better pick right watch this cuz when you pick right she'll be a help mate okay okay I'm not going there I'm not going there I'm not going now here here's why you have to pick right cuz the Bible says he grabs his Shepherd staff yes sir he grabs his pack yes sir and the text says he grabs five smooth Stones okay I'm I'm I'm confused he you you wait a minute you you grab your Shepherd stick you grab your bag you grab your five smooth Stones you grab your slingshot I'm confused I'm confused because you defeated the lion and the bear with your hands why can't you defeat Goliath with your hands catch this you better get out of my message God said baby this is a brand new battle you can't use old equipment for a new battle your hands work last season but you got to pick right for this SE okay okay all right the text says he grabbed five smooth stones let's not run past this I'm not even talking about David beating Goliath five smooth stones but he grabs them out of a brook in the valley wait a minute so God puts a river in the middle of a valley and what you need is in the water okay okay okay I'm not I'm not going to bother that here I'm not going bother that because if I start telling you what you need is in the water uh I'll get past my point when the text says he he picks five smooth Stones which using the adjective smooth which means there were other type of rocks that was available rocks don't get smooth overnight it takes time for the rough edges to come off it don't happen overnight wait a minute is it possible that these rocks were getting [Applause] prepared even before David was even born can I can I share this with you hearing online God is preparing your weapon and you have no idea that he's working come here season Saints this why I firmly believe you don't have to wait till the battle is over you can shout right now here's why I can shout now cuz I know God is working on something I can't see it I haven't made it to it yet but what I do know is when I show up in the valley he going to provide rivers in the middle of a de he says you cannot take yesterday's equipment that's right until tomorrow's battle Yeah m so young man I was asking God didn't help me he said he put the five Smooths on and he got the slingshot my question is David where the sling shot come from remember I told you in the beginning his daddy told him take this basket of five 10 loes of bread 10 blocks of cheese and cracked wheat take this to to serve is it possible that David had a slingshot the entire time just in case something happened that he wasn't prepared for can I talk to somebody today you better carry praise with you just in case something happened that you wasn't prepared for you better carry worship with you just in case okay okay here here here it is and I'm done here it is I'm done here's why you don't think you can take you with you can I use this anaphorically a metaphor metaphor uh if it is the case the Bible says he takes the slingshot puts a rock in the slingshot whips it and throws it that's the story you know but anti foror if I can use a metaphor what if your mouth is representation yes sir of a slingshot yeah and God put a rock on the inside of you and he says every time you throw the Rock at something that's bigger than you okay okay you you you you missed it out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water baby my mouth is my sling shot and every time I open it there's a rock that's coming [Music] do me a favor somebody shout throw your rock rock touch everybody around you can't say throw your rock throw throw your rock paper throw throw your rock throw throw throw throw your rock you have something on the inside of you throw you every time I open my mouth stay right there stay right there catch this the problem with some of us is we throwing our Rock in the wrong direction oh I wish I had time to deal with this if you looked at what the armor that Saul had on I'm sorry that Goliath had on Sir if you look if you knew what he was dressed in sir there was only one place that was vulnerable he had a sword watch this he even had a man that ran before him with a shield so Goliath didn't even carry his own Shield I can stop right there by itself what happened when the enemy thought he had a shield that was going to block your rock there was only one place that was made available and it was his forehead it was the only open spot that he could hit him I wish for your next praise you had what I like to call pinpoint accuracy so this next praise this next Rock I throw this isn't a general sling yeah I'm throwing this rock at the head of what's been trying to break my family down I'm throwing this rock at every generational curse that tried to say my family wasn't going to make it I'm throwing this rock at every single thing that tried to tell me I was not going to be anything oh I'm throwing this rock [Music] at throw it baby throw it when you get to work tomorrow and somebody go to acting stupid just do this they ain't going to have no idea what you talking about but what I'm not going to do I'm not going to waste my rock on somebody that's not a Goliath [Applause] I'm not going to waste my rock do do me a favor don't do me a favor do yourself a favor if I have any lions in here that's ready to throw their rocks into the next season of their life can I get all my rock throwers to run down to this Altar and give God the best praise like I'm throwing my rock at my future I'm throwing my rock at it everything I've been dealing with all the hell I've been cing [Music] baby throw it throw it throw it [Music]

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