The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm: Victims of a Serial Killer Seek Revenge

The Haunting of Fox Hollow Farm found in the quiet Countryside of Westfield Indiana there's a property that hides a very evil past we're talking about Fox Hollow Farm a once peaceful Retreat that has become a very chilling Ground Zero of unexplained phenomena as well as Relentless hauntings now the new owners Rob and Vicky Graves much like many that we have covered and featured in this very podcast they was only looking for one thing a fresh start now unfortunately they encountered a series of events that would make even the bravest of souls run and hide everything from strange Shadows to Eerie Whispers the feeling of always being watched now late at night they would hear footsteps that would echo through the halls and cold spots that would appear out of nowhere the couple found themselves in a grip of something that was unexplainable something to defied logic but as they dug deeper into the history of their home a chilling connection was found you see the previous owner was her bomb Meister a man with a very dark and twisted past and he left behind far more than just memories you see the rumors of his heinous ax The Whispers of countless lives lost they all seem to bleed from the very walls of the fox Hol of farm was her bomb meister's malevolent Spirit behind the hauntings or perhaps maybe it was the Restless spirits of the victim Seeking Justice and peace tonight we unravel the spine tingling taale of fox hall of farm as well as the family's battle with the unknown you just found yourself in another episode of retraced echo before we dive deeper into the dark history of Fox Hollow Farm a quick reminder make sure to subscribe to our podcast to stay updated on our latest episodes you can find us on all major social media platforms everything from Twitter Instagram Tik Tok and Facebook follow us for behind the-scenes content updates and more and don't forget to visit our website at www. retraced to submit your own stories and connect with fellow listeners now back to Bert and the secret behind Fox Holo Farm now anyone that knows me knows that I have a saying and that saying is to understand the haunting you have to Unraveling the Dark Past of Herb Baumeister understand the past now that's no different with this story so what we're going to have to do is rewind the clock back in time a little bit we're going back to the mid90s we're at a bar and there's a man that is somewhat out of place he's looking at a missing person's poster the man on the poster Roger Allen goodlet now there's another man in the bar his name is Tony Harris and he finds it very odd the fixation that this man has on this poster so he approaches and kind of gives a nod says hey do you know him the man denied it but Tony could tell that he was lying the man said his name was Brian smart and he was all about starting up a conversation with Tony you see Tony seemed to have that look that Brian was interested in now even though Brian looked concerned while reading the poster Tony knew that something was off now a little bit of time goes by and Brian invites Tony back to his boss's home for a swim in the old indoor pool Tony agreed but then Brian suggested something that was very odd he said let's drive separately you can just follow behind me in your car now Tony he started feeling as though maybe something was up something didn't seem to make sense he insisted that his car Strange Occurrences at the Graves' New Home stays at the bar you see there was a man that was on a missing person's poster it was a friend of his someone that Tony knew and he was not about to become the next and in the events that he did come up missing at least the police would have a place to start with his car being at the bar so Tony jumped into Brian's car and they drove North leaving the bright lights of the city behind now eventually they would turn off of Highway 31 and they'd find themselves on a two-lane road now that two-lane road was just Farm after Farm after farm and they soon came to a driveway marked with a sign that Tony just couldn't make out it was just too dark outside all he could really see was something something Farm they drove down a long and winding path when they finally arrived at a large house Tony would later call it a a mansion around this Mansion there was several dogs that was just roaming around the property and Tony was told do not H them the house it was completely dark and Brian claimed the power was off upstairs but it was still on in the basement down below where the pool was they entered through the garage door and made their way down to the basement and just as promised there was the pool now the weird thing was there was mannequins that were dressed in party outfits that was just kind of lining around the entire area now Brian when end up pointing over to a room that Tony could go and change and the very moment that Tony came out guessed who was waiting for him in the pool it was Brian now the water was extremely warm and all the patio doors was open allowing the cold air in it was causing almost like this like this fog effect over top of the water kind of an eerie sight if you think about it especially with all the mannequins around now as Tony slid into the water Ryan would ask a very ominous question you want to see a neat little trick he began by explaining that if you cut off the blood flow during strangulation that it can cause a very intense pleasure now Tony was both intrigued as well as a little nervous but he did agree now Brian would go and get a pool noodle which he would bring back and he'd wrap it around Tony's neck Tony started feeling that pressure increase more and more his vision blurred and he started seeing red dots in front of his eyes he started thinking to himself am I about to become the next victim am I going to be the next one that'll be on a poster and someone will be searching for me Brian would continue to tighten that pool noodle more and more until Tony finally pretended to lose Consciousness now Tony's arms and legs they went just kind of limp and he slid backwards into the pool Brian's grip and finally loosened the world stopped spinning and for Brian he didn't have a whole lot of time to Delight in his actions Tony opened his eyes Tony looked right at Brian and said it's you Brian you're hurting people these people are missing because of you but of course Brian denied it he claimed that no one would believe someone like Tony anyway Tony had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was going to go wrong his only chance was to make sure that he got out of the situation ation alive and how does he do that his only option was to try to keep Brian happy so the two men partied all night long until Brian eventually passed out the next morning Brian drove Tony back to the bar to get his car the promise was that in a couple of days they would catch back up and party again as soon as Tony got back to his car he went straight to the Indianapolis Police Department to report the encounter though the biggest problem was there was a lack of detail he didn't know the name of the mansion He didn't know the name of the farm he just knew that it was a farm to be completely transparent the police wasn't all that interested in hearing a tale they needed proof and that is exactly what all of these things are you see to the police when they looked up Brian Smart they found there was no Curious Visitors and the Notorious History of Fox Hollow Farm Brian smart and the sign as I said earlier that was something something Farm there was a ton of farms that was in this area that was no help now what the police did not know was the Brian Smart was actually Herbert's Herb Bomb Meister a 47-year-old businessman from Westfield Indiana he was married he had three kids he owned a couple of somewhat successful thrift stores named savealot herb was also an odd character even as a child as a boy herb had a series of very bizarre obsessions many of which is way too deep and too dark to cover on this podcast many of you know that I'll kind of dance around certain words or certain things these are so bad that there's not even an easy way for me to tiptoe around them now herb was also considered somewhat of the weird child it's probably the nice way to put it to kind of give you an example of all of this one day herb was on his way to school he was a teenager he saw a dead crow on the side of the road he would pick up the dead crow and put it in his pocket later he would throw it on his teach's desk when she wasn't looking it was this kind of Disturbing Behavior that would prompt his father who was a very highly respected anesthesiologist to seek some type of psychiatric help for him he would later be diagnosed as a schizophrenic but he would never receive any form of treatment now herb he would drift through life with his father's help getting various different jobs at one point he worked for the Indianapolis St newspaper but it was just for a short amount of time now those that worked with him remember that he was always extremely well-dressed he just had a tough time fitting in which is not uncommon whenever you get a new job sometimes it takes a little while to find a click or the people that you become friends with now herb he once offered to drive his co-workers to a college football game he's trying to impress them this probably I'm saying probably would have won him a few points had he not shown up in a hearse complete with a chauffeur's outfit and a chauffeur hat he was driving with the lights flashing as though he's leading a funeral procession he thought it was so funny the way the cars would move out of the way so he could make it through the traffic now while working at the BMV Herb's Behavior it still continued and it was still as weird as ever one Christmas he sent out a card featuring him and another man in draft he would urinate on his boss's desk and even a letter that was addressed to the governor of Indiana actions that ultimately got him fired in November of 1971 herb would marry Julie sder she was completely attracted to him he was slim 6' three he had light hair he had the same political views as her and her family which was Republican they both wanted to own their own companies she did not know about his weird Behavior at work though that was something that she wouldn't find out until years later in 1988 after having three children the bomb meisters they opened their first Save A Lot thrift store thanks to a $4,000 loan that herb had gotten from his very wealthy now widowed mother in the story it was a complete success it allowed herb to move his family to the wealthy suburbs in the year 1991 he purchased an 18 acre estate called Fox of farms a beautiful English style Manor with an indoor swimming pool I think we know a few things about that as to the outside world looking in this was the American dream but herb he had a very dark secret his Mar's of Julie was completely a lie in fact on their wedding night he would sit there and read a magazine instead of hanging out with her in the 25 years they would be married after that they would have relations six times with her but never allowing Julie to seem naked he would change in the bathroom and he'd come back to bed with Pajamas married life became extremely difficult for Julie and the children they would often times spend their summer up north in their Grandma's condo 150 Mi North of Indianapolis now that would leave herb bone to tend to the business now many will say when the cat's away the mouse will play with his family away herb would oftentimes visit the bars luring men back to his massive murder house but in 1994 he made a very critical mistake while playing in the backyard with his son Eric Eric stumbled across a half buried human skeleton but of course herb already had an excuse he said that it was one of his father's old dissection skeletons that he found it while cleaning out the garage he thought it deserved a proper burial but this was no dissection skeleton it was the first of eight bodies discovered on Foxhall farm and judging by the bones it was likely a fresh kill now let's move the story back to Tony for a few now Tony had gave all the information about Brian Smart to the police but the police didn't have a Briant Smart in their database the fact that it was a farm there's a lot of farms in those areas they told Tony they would need more information if you want us to search into this case if you want us to search into this guy we need more info Tony said well what kind of info do you need we need the tag number get us the tag number with a tag number we'll be able to go and figure out who this guy is what he's got going on but Brian Brian as Tony would know him he would not reappear at least not for a while by the end of 1994 Herb's life was unraveling Save A Lot it was collapsing often times herb would wkak of alcohol and as once tidy stores they'd become trash heaps bills were piling up and he was on the verge of losing his home in a desperate attempt to blow off some steam her became Brian smart one final time it was August 29th of 1995 and Tony spotted herb walking into the Varsity Lounge Bar Tony jumped up on top of the table and shouted that guy's a serial killer somebody get his license plate number when herb fled they would follow out the door and they would write down his tag number Tony would take those plate numbers right back to the police department it would be given to detective Mary Wilson who traced the plates back to a Herbert bomb Meister of Westfield Indiana when they looked at where he lived he lived lived at Fox Hollow Farm it fit exactly what Tony had said it was an English style home with a basement that had a pool wasting no time the very next day her and her Lieutenant they confronted her but his work they told him that they thought that he was a suspect and they demanded to search his home but he refused he called Julie and said do not let the police on the property even after learning that the police had suspected Ed herb of murder Julie also refused the search perhaps the truth was just too painful for her to accept we are talking about her husband and the father of her three children and the thought that he may be a cold-blooded killer now you might wonder why wouldn't they just get a search warrant unfortunately Westfield it was outside of Mary's jurisdiction in the court of Hamilton County they ston waterer at every single turn now life with herb had become somewhat unbearable for Julie he had constant mood swings and made things very difficult so she filed for divorce now something else very interesting she kept detective Mary Wilson's phone number handy on June 24th of 1996 herb and Eric they were away at the at the lake Julie finally called the detective and told her the story about how her son had been playing out in the backyard when he came across this skeleton the excuse that herbed gave about the skeleton and that she thought that maybe Mary and some experts should come to the farm and so they did Julie LED them right to the spot on the patio where Eric had found those bones and as they kicked around a few pebbles in some Tall Grass they discovered a burn foot long bone the horr set in when they realized the Pebbles the ones that they had been kicking around those were actually teeth and Bone fragments they were standing on a field of death now even then the county officials believ that these were probably not even human bones that was until a forensic anthropologist from the University of Indiana confirmed yep these are definitely human they're definitely recent and somebody burned him within 24 hours the bomb Meister home it was swarming with police fearing that herb might do something to Eric if he found out Julie sent officers to the lake to bring her boy home now herb he didn't even put up a fight he thought maybe the police was there because of the divorce so he let them take Eric this would be the last time that he ever saw his son now back at foxhollow Farm 60 volunteers began the very difficult task of digging up the estate within the first few days they discovered 5,500 bones teeth and Bone fragments and their search it only just begun now neighbors were also discovering Bones on their property and that was because herb he was dumping bodies inside the ditches now these ditches the water was taking them down and they was getting into the neighbor's yard now there was so many bones from ribs and spines and vertebrae that was coming right out of the mud that one officer would say they're literally everywhere now by the time they had finished the police had enough bones and fragments to reconstruct at least 11 bodies eight were identified including Roger goodlet and Alan Brossard while three others remained John Do's to this very day word of the discovery finally reached her at the lake he fled North into C Canada calling his brother Brad for money along the way now Brad he would bag herb to Just Surrender but herb dened any involvement he said he had no clue what was going on at the farm and none of it was true When Brad would ask herbal then why are you going up north he claimed it was a business trip and he just needed some cash for that very business trip now police in Ontario they believe that her crossed from the border of Michigan into Canada in June of 1996 he spent several days in Ontario before heading north to Grand Bend on the evening of July 3rd 1996 herb arrived at a park that overlooked Lake hiron there he pressed a 357 Magnum against his forehead he pulled the trigger a three-page note he blamed everything that had gone bad in his life including a failing business and a broken marriage as the reason why he did the ACT he didn't mention anything about the skeletons that was on the farm he ended the note by saying that he was about to eat a peanut butter sandwich and go to sleep now the night before his death a Canadian officer they found herb sleeping in his car he claimed that he was just a tourist taking a nap but the officer he noticed that there was luggage and a pile of videotape in the back seat Virgil often times Wonder Virgil was one of the police officers that had worked this entire case he often times wondered if those tapes those were possibly the videos of murders that had happened at Fox Hollow Farm but he'll never know it's assumed that her possibly disposed of them in the lake before he took his own life now we're going to move our story along to 2006 with Rob and with Vicky Graves they had two teenage sons and they was tired of living in the city they wanted to find a quiet property somewhere in the country of Indiana now they did not need to look very long their search Led them to an enormous estate called Fox Hollow Farms and it was at a very unbelievably low price curious but cautious they contacted a real estate agent that confirmed that it was definitely up for sale and guess what it was owned by an investor and they were very eager to sell open-minded yet a little bit intrigued the gr's family decided that they wanted to take a tour and at first glance it was a dream home it was a mansion with an indoor pole it had numerous bedrooms and bathrooms but as they started to look around they noticed that the paint was peeling there was something signs of neglect now surely someone would not take this absolutely beautiful house and kind of let it fall into disrepair what's going on Rob would asked the realtor why is nobody living here now the realtor he hesitated do you remember back in let's say around 1996 there was all these different news stories going around about a guy who would pick up men and bars and he would kill them Rob would nod extremely slowly well this place this is where he brought him back to now Andy that was the realtor he was watching their reaction extremely close now Rob's first instinct was to leave immediately he had absolutely no desire but for Vicky she was a woman of science who cares what the past was she would say hey Rob you know we're here we might as well look around as they stepped inside they was met with like a musty like an organic odor now their thought was it was probably just some raccoons up in the attic that kind of made it their home and the house was empty some of the drywall that was up on the Upper Floor it was collapsing and the house is condition it was fair at best but when they looked around they kind of got a like a sense of the home the woodwork the custom features hinted at something that was magnificent at one point I mean it was built in 1977 by a doctor now as they would explore they would learn that the chandeliers that came from Venice Italy that the fireplace mantels they were antique the custom stained glass windows and the solid oak paneling it was all kind of proof that there was a lot of tender love and care that went into this home the original owners they wanted to try to create something that was magnificent but despite the beauty the house it clearly required a significant amount of time as well as money to restore it back to some facet of being livable after they thanked Andy the family left to kind of discuss their options I mean the house had a very dark past and it weighed heavily on their minds could they actually live in a house where numerous people had been murdered now the upkeep of an 18.5 acre property in over 2 miles of horse fence it was going to be a very daunting task and let's be honest it's very dark past made the decision way more complex the property it had sat empty for years its market value had pretty much plummeted all the way down mostly because of the infamous history now to despite these challenges the gr's family they saw potential in something that might be special they decided to make an offer of course significantly lower than the asking price now those negotiations they went on and off for months and that turned into years until finally in 2008 the owner they was desperate to sell and the only person that was really interested was the Great leaves now after some negotiation they finally agreed to a price of just the land's value ensuring that if anything if they want to sell quickly they wouldn't suffer financially now the owner accepted and the gry's family they became the new residents of the Fox Hollow Farm unaware of the dark presence that awaited them now a few weeks later robbed Vicki and their sons they moved into the house and the boys boy they love that indoor pool they would often times find themselves running from the outside inside the house and tracking mud as well as gravel in the pool area now Rob and Vicki they was quick to learn that when you live at a house like Fox Hollow Farm and the history that goes with that that sometimes you get unwanted guests if they would forget to close the gate at the end of the drive people sometimes would just kind of wander onto the property they would venture down and into the house even they would look around and when they would be called out on it they would say oh man I thought this was vacant I'm sorry it was mostly because they had some sense of morbid curiosity I mean again this was a house that a serial killer had killed multiple people allegedly and living in such a notorious house meant that they was going to be dealing with these kind of strangers from time to time and this is going to become very important in our story here in the very near future now everyone is always curious what's the First Ghostly encounter what's the first thing that anybody noticed well that's an easy one it was with Vicky while in the middle of vacuuming the pool because again the boys like to track all this gravel and all this mud from the outside Vicky noticed that as she vacuumed the vacuum would just shut off she would look down there there was no reason for this to happen she would look over at the wall and it was just the plug the plug had fell out so she would walk back over and plug the plug back in she would start vacuuming yet again Strange Occurrences at Fox Hollow Farm but much like earlier the vacuum would turn off again now this time when she looked over the cord was pulled out it was about a foot away from the wall almost as though it was yanked out now confused Vicki started kind of checking around was it there an obstacle that maybe the cord was getting hung up on just didn't make sense she would make her way back over to the cord and plug it back in and she would continue vacuuming but this time keeping an eye on the plug she wanted to try to figure out what was causing it to pull out as she watched the cord yet again would jump out of the wall almost as though again pulled out by force now this startled Vicki she dropped the vacuum her heart racing what could possibly cause this it doesn't make any kind of sense was it a surge of electricity or something far more Sinister at play The Once Serene atmosphere of fox The Chilling Presence in the Home hall Farm it began to shift in the Grace Family it began to discover the chilling presence that was lurking within their home now when we talk about outside the home Rob would go to work he worked for a car dealership and one of his employees his name was Joe he was Notorious for being late he was late all the time and this frustrated Rob he end up pulling Joe to the side and going hey why are you late all the time Joe would explain that he lived over an hour away and he struggled to arrive on time his idea was the only way that he'd be able to make it on time is if he lived a little bit closer he needed to find a place now Rob had the perfect solution see Rob had a a residence with an apartment he would say hey I have an apartment that's attached to Fox Hollow Farm and no one's staying there you could rent it from me it's just right down the road now for Joe he was Joe Moves into the Apartment intrigued and he quickly agreed his thought was it's going to be a much faster route getting back and forth to work and heck he's going to be living with a friend of his the rent was going to be easy so a few days later robbed helped Joe move into the apartment they spent the entire day transporting boxes and furniture and by evening Joe was exhausted he decided is going to crash for the night just he and his dog Fred he laid down and he fell asleep almost immediately now that night Joe had a very Vivid dream in his dream he's being chased by something that he couldn't see it was something unknown and the weird thing was Joe was not known for sleepwalking well this night he was sleep running halfway asleep he jumped out of bed and he ran trying to escape whatever this was that was behind him in his disoriented State he collided with the door frame he fell to the ground and that shattered a glass which cut his hand extremely badly once he regained Consciousness Joe found himself on the floor he was confused and he was bleeding he thought to himself what in the world was that see he had never had a dream like that before maybe it was just a dream or perhaps it was a premonition of things to come now a few days later Vicki came home to find Rob Sightings of a Semi-Transparent Figure painting the side of the house and as she would walk up they would both kind of pause and admire how beautiful it was when he was done now out the corner of Vicky's eye she saw something that was kind of unsettling it was right there at the Forest right at the edge of their property it was a shadow that was moving amongst the trees as she would stand there and kind of stare it would come into Focus was a young man in a red t-shirt with jeans kind of standing motionless with his back to Vicki almost as though he was taken in the glory of the woods now Vicki as she was looking at him again they was dealing with strangers that was just coming on their property all the time she's kind of sick of it she's debating on yelling at him but as she looked a little bit closer something was a little off she started noticing that those genes that she had seen they were semi-transparent that didn't make any sense Vicki was a person of science she had so many thoughts that was going on in her mind what was going on from the thighs down there was just nothing she would tell Rob hey there's a guy I think but he's kind of semi-transparent now for Rob hearing this kind of sound kind of foolish his main concern was that there was a a stranger that was in the woods that's not very far from the home and people were known for coming to the property so he s he headed straight to the spot where Vicki had seen the young man disappear he thought maybe instead of her seeing him disappear maybe it was just him walking into the forest you know from a distance sometimes things can look semi-transparent but just could be the light or the way that walking into things and the shadowing that's possible he also reasoned that Vicki just came home from work maybe she was exhausted maybe it was her eyes that was playing tricks he searched the entire Woods Investigating the Ghostly Sightings making his way all the way to the fence line and there was no sign of anyone especially a man that was supposedly wearing a bright red shirt now as Rob walked back he would look at Vicki and say looks like you've seen a ghost He said a kind of half joke but Vicki looked troubled and rightfully so her scientific background it made it hard for her to believe in Things That Go Bump in the night and if we're being completely honest it did for Rob too his background said that it didn't make any kind of sense but Fox Hollow Farm it was beginning to change the way that they both looked at their surroundings as it would for many others through the years and if we're being completely honest as it still does to this very day I know what I saw Vicki insisted as they made their way back to the house she's trying to process the thoughts of what she thought she saw struggling to find a non paranormal explanation of seeing a nearly lagless figure disappear in broad daylight she was at a loss to explain it away and so was Rob now later on that very night Joe was in his apartment he's washing dishes it was probably like 10 or 11:00 at night all of a sudden he heard a knock at the door his hands was still wet he turned off the water and he called out just a second now the knocking it grew louder and more aggressive hold on I'm drawing off my hands he would yell assuming that it was probably just Vicki or possibly Rob as he approached the door the knocking it got louder it became more persistent Relentless he pulled the door open swiftly but there was no one there it was as if the knocking it didn't just stop when he opened the door I mean as he continued to pull it was still knocking as the door was opening he was immediately on guard Joe looked around the area thinking that someone must be hiding nearby he stepped out onto the front steps and he listened but the night was silent there was no one there he returned into the apartment Joe shut the door and he bolted it and out the corner of his eye he caught the glimpse of a figure it was a man walking right past the door frame right into his bedroom now this scared him half to death his dog Fred was now starting to growl its eyes fixated on the bedroom door Joe cautiously approached flipping on all the lights only to find that no one was in the room now this would not be the only moment that Joe would experience something in fact after dinner a lot of times Joe would like to take Fred on a walk right down the driveway it was kind of a chance for him to enjoy the cool night air and stretch his legs now Joe had been staying at the farm for about a month and unfortunately for him that's when he would encounter the unknown yet again as he and Fred was walking down the driveway heard something moving in the trees to their left now that's not in common it's the woods it's probably some Critter out there but for Fred he stopped dead in his tracks his ears perked up staring straight at the tree line growling what's out there boy Joe would ask without warning Fred burst into a Sprint right towards the trees barking very excitedly that's when Joe saw him the figure of a man walking right into the tree line wearing a bright red shirt and blue jeans just like Vicki had sided the figure's legs they were transparent Joe realized that he was looking at a ghost when the man vanished in thin air without even going further into the woods Fred come here boy Joe called but Fred kept running he grabbed his flashlight and Joe started venturing into the woods heart pounding who in their right mind would walk right toward a ghost in the Haunted Woods where so many young men had died Joe's sense of unease it grew with every single step swinging the flashlight beam around he nearly jumped out of his skin standing no more than 20 Paces away looking right at him was the young man in the red shirt overcome with Terror Joe fled back to the house Fred was close behind they burst inside and slammed the door shut and boled it for the rest of the night Joe sat in teor replaying the encounter in his mind the next day Vicky and Joe they kind of compared notes on their sightings their descriptions of The Apparition it matched exactly right down to the missing legs when they returned to the woods they had realized that they had both seen the ghost in the same exact area right near the three large trees at the side of the house spot where he vanished was identical in both cases and for them that was all that they needed to know that foxhollow farm was indeed haunted it was just a few nights later Joe was asleep in his bed yet again in the apartment all of a sudden there was a knocking at the door Joe woke up Fred was at the foot of the bed he began to kind of growl and look in the direction of the of the door Joe would call out who's there but no one would answer kind of scared him but in the same regard it kind of made him mad he Knocking at Joe's Door knew that it wouldn't be Vicki it wouldn't be Rob they wouldn't do something like that especially after he told him how bad it scared him on the the last thing that happened the more Joe sat there and heard it the more mad he got so he got out of bed he made his way towards the door and the entire way he was going he was verbally challenging the Unseen knocker with every single step and in response the knocking it began to become faster and more intense now despite his fear Joe he got more and more Angry someone had Disturbed his sleep and now they was trying to intimida him in his own home enough was enough as he reached for the handle Joe saw the door shaking with every single impact it was rattling right on his hinges he flung the door open but of course there was no one there then Joe noticed the door knocker it was standing straight up was Defying Gravity the only way they could be held up like that was if there was a hand that was holding it it was as if the metal bar was just stuck in that position and right before his very eyes the knocker wrapped sharply against the door determined to not be harassed Joe looked around for any kind of Flesh and Blood Intruder but there was no sign of anyone the lights at the main house they were off so he knew that Rob and Vicki were asleep and besides the sounds of crickets the sounds of Fox Hollow Farm they were as quiet as a graveyard now part of him wanted to kind of step out and get a better look but for some reason he had the intense feeling that someone was watching him was someone toying with him trying to scare him what Joe didn't realize was that playing games and scaring young men was her bomb meister's favorite thing to do he decide the best thing for him to do was to just go back to bed so he closed the door as he walked into his bedroom he saw Fred cowering underneath the bed growling and staring kind of behind Joe as though seeing something that his master couldn't then came the last sound that Joe expected to hear or that he even wanted to hear the door knob it was slowly turning the Sinister Screech echoing through the room somebody was trying to get into the apartment Joe got to his feet ready to fight or to flee he watched the door knob twist first one way and then the other suddenly the door flung backwards onto his hinges slamming to the frame with enough Force to shake it a gust of cold air blew and the leaves and the wood chips come right into the living room up until that point the night it had become still and [Music] calm looking right at Fred was a man Encounter in the Woods appearing out of nowhere he suddenly materialized form from the darkness behind Joe who now stood in the open doorway the young man different from the red shirted Apparition that Joe and Vicki had seen in the woods he wore an expression of absolute tear it was almost like he was fleeing for his own life and after taking a few run running steps The Apparition vanished leaving Joe and his dog with many unanswered questions reflecting back on the incident Joe recalled the Vivid dream of being chased through the woods was it possible that the spirits of her bomb meister's victims was reliving their final moments needless to say it was a long time before Joe slept in that room soundly again with a little bit of time both Joe and Vicky was determined to uncover the truth that kind of started delving into the backstory of the killings and the investigation they spent countless hours pouring over the case documents and watching every scrap of film and video available The Surreal realization that their home was once the scene of such heinous crimes it weighed heavily in their minds one night it was Joe Vicky and Rob he sat in front of the TV watching it News segment on a videotape the faces of Herb's victims looking back at them from the screen each one reminding of the lives that was seemingly cut short at this very home as they was watching Joe suddenly leapt from his chair his face was pale with shock he hit the pause button on the remote control freezing on the image of a young man's face are you all right Joe Vicky would ask concerned Joe could only stare at the TV his voice trembling that's him he would say pointing at the image that's the guy I saw in my room that night are you sure Rob would ask he was 100% certain that the man on his screen was the same man that he had seen fleing his apartment just a few days before it was a face that he would never forget as long as he had lived the realization that they're not alone that the spirits of her bomb meister's victims still linger it sent chills right down their spines you see fox hall of farms it's not just a home it's not just a house it's a place where the past refused to rest and a place where the Echoes of the Unspeakable Horrors continue to haunt The Living to this day now despite the House's dark The Haunting Continues history there'd be times that some of these thoughts would kind of dissipate there'd be room for fun and the boys did love the pool again it was in the basement it was a luxury pool it was one evening the boys they were swimming and Joe had a friend of his over and they were both swimming the atmosphere was very light-hearted nobody was thinking about any form of a ghost or ghost stories or huntings or any of the things that had been happening in the house house so Joe kind of started heading Terrifying Experience in the Pool towards the deep end he started going underneath the water when he surfaced he kind of leaned against the side was catching his breath and without warning he s he kind of felt a set of fingers closing around the sides of his neck these were coming from behind him these hands they were man-sized they were ice cold way too big to be any of the boys he was startled he spun around he thought it was probably just his friend maybe pulling a prank but his friend was 20 ft away at the other end of the pool and so was the boys there was no way that any of them could have covered that kind of distance in that Split Second so he pushed away to the side made his way to the middle of the pool his mind racing trying to understand what had just happened suddenly the hands were back and it was locking around his throat almost like a vice he was pulling him underneath the water he's trying to hold his breath he was struggling he's thrashing he was kicking he's trying to prize whatever these hands was but he couldn't he couldn't grab anything it none of it made any kind of sense and as quickly as it all started they stopped hands was gone Joe surface gasping for air his friends and the boys was looking at him they thought maybe he's kind of just Clowning Around Joe was known to have a sense of humor but Joe the terror was real he climbed out of the pool he yelled for everyone to get out of the water immediately in this Panic tone there was no room for doubt something truly terrifying had just happened to him in that pool to this day Joe has never been so frightened the first touch of the Unseen hand was almost like a teasing Crest second sheer brutality foxhollow Farm holds more more than just memories held the grip of Fear it was ever ready to drag the living into its dark past now after Joe's terrifying encounter in the swimming pool things kind of settled down for a while the ghost sightings they stopped and though he heard the occasional footsteps late at night the late night knocking at his door thank goodness had stopped if anything he hoped that all of this would was kind of dying down Strange Occurrences in Joe's Apartment but alas it was only temporary it was one evening Joe was sitting at his computer desk and all of a sudden he started hearing like a scraping noise it was coming from the kitchenet so he went to go investigate and he found that once he got there that the knives had been taken out the storage block and they were neatly laid out on the sink he knew that no one had entered his apartment there's no way someone or perhaps something was clearly trying to scare him and they were succeeding now as he turned Joe kind of noticed something new a series of gouges in the wall as though someone had taken one of those knives and was like slashing it carving these different scrapes into the wall now has had those marks always been there were they knew to be honest either answer was unsettling at that moment he worried that maybe that young man that he'd seen running through his apartment maybe he was actually stabbed to death right there rather than living in fear Joe decided to confront the activity he retrieved a voice recorder and conducted a EVP session all on his own after turning off all the mechanical and electronical devices to prevent any any kind of noise contamination he began to ask a series of questions he would talk around different sections of the apartment minutes passed and there was no response but all of a sudden he noticed that Fred began to growl kind of staring into space feeling no longer alone Joe stopped the recording and listened back his voice asking if anyone was there all of a sudden in his recording he would hear Footsteps in the kitchen to his shock a male voice answered the married one now none of Herb's victims was known to be married but herb himself was Joe concluded that the house was possibly haunted by the ghost of Herb Bomb Meister Joe remains convinced to this day that the the force that attacked him in the pool and the presence that haunts his apartment were none other than her bomb Meister himself it wasn't the victims at all Fox Hollow Farm it held more than just memories it was now for him the lingering spirits of the most notorious inhabitants refusing to let go of their grip of the living there's so many different options when we look at the story is it possible that these are the victims of her bomb Meister and perhaps The Lingering Spirits of Fox Hollow Farm her bomb Meister himself maybe he's keeping the spirits at Bay not allowing them to move on what says you in the comments down below who do you believe these Spirits are do you believe there's more to the story unfortunately we may never know make sure to subscribe to our podcast and stay updated on all our latest episodes you can find us on all major social media platforms Twitter Instagram Tik Tok and Facebook follow us for behind the-scenes content updates and more and don't forget to visit our website to submit your own stories and connect with fellow listeners your support helps us keep the chills coming also if you're a fan of Unsolved Mysteries and deep dives into the unknown be sure to check out deceptive reality a podcast Bert co-hosts with his buddy Nick every Friday they take on a different unsolved mystery exploring every twist and turn in detail from missing persons to Paranormal phenomena de of reality brings you the most perplexing cases inviting you to join them in unraveling the Mysteries don't miss out subscribe today and dive into the unknown every week and that brings us to another spine tingling episode of retraced Echoes as you Ponder the mysteries of fox hall of farms and the Restless spirits that call it home please remember to keep your doors locked your lights on and your imagination open until next time keep questioning the shadows and remember the truth is out there waiting to be retraced sweet dreams if you can until I see you in the next podcast goodbye [Music]

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