“Aliens In The Mind” with Vincent Price and Peter Cushing | Old-Time Radio Marathon EPISODE 0206

ads heard during the podcast that are not in my voice are placed by third party agencies outside of my control and should not imply an endorsement by weird Darkness or myself the black Museum Affiliated stations present Escape all of fantasy inner sanctum lights out murder at midnight the sealed book present suspense I am the Whistler welcome weirdos I'm darn maror and this is weird Darkness retro radio here I have the privilege of bringing you some of the best dark creepy and maob oldtime radio shows ever created and tonight I bring you a special radio serial starring two horror legends Vincent Price and Peter Cushing it's a six-part radio serial called aliens in the mind aliens in the mind originated from an initial concept for the television series Doctor Who conceived by the show's script editor Robert Holmes while not selected for production within the series Holmes was tasked with refining the concept for Radio 4 due to prior commitments the scripts were ultimately penned by someone else drawing from holm's original concept the six-part drama unfolds on a secluded Scottish Island where a community of human mutants possessing telepathic abilities is discovered a sinister plot emerges to manipulate these individuals in an attempt to influence the British government allies Curtis Lark played by Vincent Price and Hugh Baxter portrayed by Peter Cushing unite to thwart this malevolent scheme it originally aired on BBC Radio 4 in 1977 if you're new here welcome to the show while you're listening be sure to check out weird darkness.com for merchandise to sign up for my free newsletter connect with me on social media listen to free audio books I've narrated plus you can visit the Hope in the darkness page if you're struggling with depression dark thoughts or addiction you can find all of that and more at weird darkness.com now bolt your doors lock your windows turn off your lights and come with me into weird Darkness retro radio aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Professor Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius for as much as it ha pleased almighty God to take unto himself the soul of our brother H we commit his body to the ground Earth to Earth ashes to ashes in the sure hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ amen okay that's that then well we'll be missing him doie the doctor 20 years he's been with us do you know that fellow at the grave site I've never seen him before Oh I don't doubt we'll know him soon enough I the ministers await him already Old Donald schooler does not want to let a stranger pass his gate part one Island Genesis good day to you sir I'm Donald schoer the minister here and you'd be John Cornelius uhuh a relative of the doctors maybe no just a friend a very old friend and have you traveled far from London I had hoped to be here for the inquest and that was this morning accidental death of course tragic yes could you tell me how he I mean I I read that he fell from a cliff I last Friday night H there was a heavy fog over the island we get a lot of it coming in from the sea at this time of the year it seems he wandered off the cliff path he was found at the foot of D aead 460 ft I see you uh know there's no boat back to the mainland until tomorrow oh yes but I'm told there's an inn Oh Oh no you're welcome to stay at the mans well that's that's very kind of you not at all I insist well thank you I Mary my housekeeper will be glad to see a new face around the place Mary is that you Minister we have a guest Mary Mr Cornelius I'm glad to meet you an old friend of the doctors that's a sad day sir he was such a a fine man Mr Cornelius can have the front guest room M can he not I is that all you have with you just the one we bag it's quite adequate I sure you we'll leave it with Mary Mr Cornelius thank you I'll uh H way up and uh give the room an airing know you'll take a weed Ram just to warm you a little whiskey would be most welcome thank you oh sit yourself down Mr Cornelius make yourself at home that's most kind thank you was it uh long since you'd seen him the doctor we must be three or four years I suppose we wrote occasionally and kept promising to meet but with the distance and pressure of work well you know how it is I I I can well imagine I here thank you and here to help you God bless and had you been uh corresponding lately with the doctor no I haven't heard from him for quite a while Ah that's better and he was your oldest friend you see one of them we were inseparable in the old days who and I and a man called Curtis lar Curtis slark that's rather a quaint name rather a quaint man I suppose American of course the three of us were together at the same Hospital you're not free from aircraft noise even up here Mr schooler oh a helicopter from the naval training station it's not usual for them to fly so low uh since you were at the same hospital I take it you are also a medical man yes should I not be addressing you as Doctor Cornelius then no I'm a surgeon ah You' be a a specialist of some sort oh yes I'm a brain surgeon didn't you have a housekeeper Molly Kyle I oh a fine woman I she was at the service do you think she'd mind if I went out to the house I'm sure she'd expect it why not now before uh before it gets dark i' be glad to walk you over there myself oh that's very kind of you minister come along then Mr Cornelius oh uh if you could just wait a moment I better tell Mary we're going out certainly I'll be outside stretching my legs half past to minut it slow what the devil oh no oh please no my poor child what is the matter she's calling them she's calling them again calling who my dear the fellowship she's calling them away from the fire who stop her stop her all they'll die too who will die who will die you will come here my dear what is your name Lord Laura come and Sh at once oh no Minister I'm all right I'm not hearing her voice I'm not I'm not I'm sorry Mr Cornelius I hope Laura wasn't bothering you this seems to be one of her bad days what's wrong with her sick in the head I'm afraid mental disorientation the doctor called it is she receiving any treatment prayer and faith in the Lord is the best possible treatment Mr Cornelius many of the young folk on luig come here troubled in spirit and within a year or so they're completely cured that's why their parents send them to me really are you a faith healer then no Mr Cornelius I am just the shepherd to my flock now shall we walk across to the doctor's house please it's just a few minutes over the headland this is Dr aead Mr Cornelius was it here that you fell ah down on those rocks seems rather a long way to array from the path 24 ft according to the coroner he must have walked this way hundreds of times and You' have thought it was quite a fog we had that night even so the path here is warn to the bare rock but the moment you stray towards the edge it's all grass thick grass he was drunk Mr Cornelius wasn't said at the endest of course but everyone here is of the opinion that poor Dr Dexter had taken a drop too much that night that doesn't sound a bit like you wait what's that what where down there on the beach you see oh yes there is someone down there ah he's taking the cliff path up towards the Doctor's house come along we'll no doubt run into him further along ah here we are much bigger than I expected H this was his surgery dispensary and the living quarters as well oh hello Minister hello Molly oh this is Mrs Kyle good afternoon Mrs Kyle good afternoon H this is Mr Cornelius Molly he was a friend of the doctors oh I hello there what who is this now good lord it's Curtis L where on Earth did he spring from hello John how are you I'm fine but how did you get here ah by Passenger Jet private Charter plane and finally by one of your Royal Navy's helicopters am I in time not for Hugh's funeral if that's what you mean well I did try but I was in wildest Borneo when I got the news ah oh I'm sorry let me introduce you Professor Curtis lar the minister the Reverend Donald schooler professor and Mrs Kyle Hughes house will you not come inside gentlemen thank you after you John go Street into the study if you would if you would excuse me Molly he you'll be wanting to get back for the fellowship meeting Fellowship The Fellowship of the Kirk oh I'll see you later then Minister I back at the mans good day to you Professor abanto Minister H early Edwardian Walnut hardly used taste I would have thought if it's the furniture you're talking about he bought it with the practice it used to belong to Old Dr mingis before uh there's a picture over here that you'll maybe recognize oh yes the class photograph I think you both there on it somewhere second row left with h standing between us I could still remember the day when it was taken oh was it really 20 years ago no it was nearly 30 oh my goodness all things considered we still look remarkable young All Things Considered Curtis you probably need glasses oh when none of us getting any younger sir um Mrs Kyle did you I mean did the doctor ever wear glasses I they had a pair made last year just for reading you know what time was it when the doctor went out last Friday I wasn't here that night sir I was over to the mainland to visit relatives oh I see so you wouldn't know if he had been drinking at all no sir I'm afraid not uhhuh can I get your gentleman something to eat oh that's an excellent idea I had breakfast somewhere but I've quite forgotten where or even when it was you must be starved Alo way to see to it now oh thank you you're most kind oh dear dear John I can't tell you how glad I am to see you again my dear fellow I'm glad to see you too and surprise surprised I'm astonished it's less than a week since Hugh's death was announced it's quite incredible that you managed to get here from where was it the Wilds of Borneo John I I wasn't in Borneo oh no that was just for The Minister's benefit ah I'd left Borneo two days before on my way here and when I heard the news of Hugh's death I was actually making a stop over in Sydney Australia you see I received this letter from Hugh look you'd better read it here thank you my dear Curtis please read this Scribble indulgently because it's extremely difficult for an island vegetable like me to keep a steady Leaf between lines hey but it doesn't make sense oh yes it does don't you remember that silly code we devised when we suspected that horse-faced matron of opening our mail oh good lord yes let me see now um first two wasn't it right first two and last two words in every sentence that's right now you try it again ah I know please read and the last two between lines right a terrible danger here you must help me message ends a terrible danger here it's as though he knew he was going to die and who was going to kill him you can't be serious well he obviously thought his male was being intercepted you can't suspect the postman I don't even know the postman well then and hardly know Mrs Kyle any better well no that's preposterous well someone was checking Hugh's mail it doesn't follow that they killed him or indeed that anyone killed him John I found this pair of glasses on the beach sure to you they're reading glasses I can see that but they're not necessarily hu they were just about where his body would have been well surely they would have been in a case you said certainly had a case for them John look it's right there on the desk empty and it still doesn't prove anything not in a court of law perhaps but it's proof enough for me you can't really believe that H or anyone else for that matter would walk along a dangerous clifftop at night in thick fog with a pair of reading glasses stuck on his nose it's just not possible according to the minister The General opin is that he was drunk that night John that's not possible either why well he swore off liquor the night his wife died besides I've seen the autopsy report when I made a courtesy call on the coroner earlier today before I arranged for the helicopter to bring me over but that's not allow I know I know I think perhaps he was overwhelmed by my medical reputation I'm amazed perhaps we could come to the point Curtis the point my dear John is that according to the autopsy report there was absolutely no trace of alcohol in the body not in the stomach not in the blood not in the urine none whatsoever curiouser and curiouser gosh if we could only if we could only find something positive what did you have in mind oh I don't know some notes a diary a letter he never dared send anything but where do we start to look well presumably where no one else would think of looking you think he hid something I certainly hope so I would have done it in his place oh yes I'm sure you would but don't just stand there John try those filing cabinets oh very well there's nothing much in the desk I'll try these cupboards over here just medical reports here what you'd expect really hey there's a cassette recorder in here I thought Hugh was a high-f five man well he was I can't imagine what sort of music had oh Scottish folk music SE chatties the Boston Pops never oh no definitely not isene if he had wanted Light Relief he would have chosen Vivaldi or Scaletti and certainly not on a cassette he was too much of a purist let's move it on a bit oh no not far enough yet I've recorded this mage for John Cornelius consultant surgeon to the London ellic Hospital or for Professor Curtis lar of the New York Institute of paranormal phenomena I must admit from the start that all my research records disappeared when my study was burgled earlier in the year construe that how you will all that now remains is a notebook of my observations which I have lodged for safekeeping with our old friend Ward lock who sh do you know anyone named lock I don't the only lock I know had The Misfortune to be an encyclopedia what are you talking about warlock's medical encyclopedia John you're a genius an unsung genius yes but we tend not to sing about it on this side of the Atlantic you know lock lock lock lock that black tone Dear Boy over on the left there aha here it is lock medical encyclopedia do open it Curtis it won't bite you well look at that a hollow's been cut into the center of the pages yes but what's inside his notebook what else ah I just returned M lock to as you would say his appointed place in the order of things yes but you better let me have that notebook you're always losing things I'll put it in my pocket damn it I've even lost the playback button on this infer machine all right all right there we are if you can find time to contact Ward loock you will see that my observations have led me to believe that this island is in the throws of giving birth to a new race a mutant species physically they are human but my eegs suggest that their brain is quite different from ours I know for a fact that they are capable of some form of telepathy it is the development of this telepathic power during early adolescence that is directly responsible for the high incidence of mental disorientation among the younger people on the island almost invariably the clinical symptoms in these cases seem to disappear within about a year schoolers prayer and faith in the Lord what's that supposed to mean the minister cures them or so he claims the island of sickness he calls it what Hughes describing sounds more like an an island in Genesis yes I know look switch it on again all right the single exception to this rule is a girl whose development seems to have been arrested in the middle of her own personal metamorphosis as it were so that she retains all the disorientation symptoms logically one would have expected a complimentary arrest in the development of her brain but her EEG suggests that her brain May in fact be better developed than anyone else's she has proved able on occasions to disrupt the telepathic communication of other mutants and this is what frightens me to implant her own thoughts in their minds it is my belief that she may be a second phase mutant the Prototype of a genetically selected Master race her name is Flora Kiri K good pray God she is only the Prototype if there are others like her the whole future of mankind as we know it could be threatened my god well at least we know why you died doct Dex Mrs Kyle I thought I heard the doctor well you did Mrs Kyle but it was only a tape recording sit down Mrs Kyle thank you thank you very much well I can understand it it must have given you quite a turn look you'd better drink this H thank you what a nasty taste it shouldn't be it said pure malt on the label go on drink it up oh my heart still pounding I I just wasn't expecting it you know you asked for the moment you'll soon feel better yes now look this will help you to relax I'm feeling quite dizzy no no no don't get up don't get up just rest there the poor woman's fainted it must be the shock don't be an ass John I slipped her what is euphemistically known as a Mickey fin a Mickey there no smell what on Earth was it it was a curari derivative out in Borneo there's a tribe of Head Hunters who use it as a local anesthetic very interesting John but hardly relevant unless you intend taking Mrs Kyle's head as a trophy no but she may intend taking mine or yours for that matter let's be quite clear about our situation John Hugh was killed presumably by mutants because he knew too much about them if they discover how much we know we won't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting off this island alive but you surely don't suspect Mrs kyl of being a mutant until such time as we learn how to disting mutants from non- mutants I intend in the interest of self-preservation to suspect everyone on this island of being a mutant Curtis I met a girl called Flora earlier today at the mens The Minister's house she was about 18 I should think well past the age of puberty anyway and she had all the symptoms of the case that you spoke of the second phase mutant it could be where you off to now to the mans of course that girl is our only lead what about Mrs Kyle oh she'll sleep it off in about a half hour or so are you coming just collecting the cassette uh very good thinking my dear John thank you right now let's go I'm coming look Curtis something's going on in the church the lights are on must be some sort of service the fellowship meeting yes that's right the minister mentioned it so did Flora she said something about calling them away from the fire what fire I don't know well then I think it's time we found out come on are we all gathered I've called you all to the house of God because it has always been our refuge in times of trouble John give me a leg up I want to do a little stitious Eaves dropping steady John steady you're overweight damn it all those hot dogs stop it well let me down a greatest of pleasure there are rows and rows of them in there just sitting there like so many zombies listen servant of the devil his work is Satan's handywork it should be cast into outer Darkness all unto Everlasting Hell Fire those people make the Spanish Inquisition sound like a parlor game well if the devil's handywork were consumed in eternal hell fires and I would not move from the house of God to save it and the ashes should be cast cou there's a fire up there on on the hill what a fire it looks like the whole house has gone up in Flames Hugh's house yes I've just remembered something when I talked to Flora she said that if I didn't stop her calling them away from the fire I die too you I didn't understand at the time but I do now they wanted us to be in that house and they would just sit there in their church and let us quietly burn to death what who's who's Flora what are you doing here waiting for her to die Mrs Kyle she's up there in that Inferno probably still unconscious no she's awake now Flora what's going on in the church she is calling them calling them to the fire oh my God shut everywhere we must go no stay where you are Stay Stay Stay Stay we must let it bur let it bur no no I'm com do not move do not move we must the long un inocent is funning it is over but she was calling them why didn't they go because I was telling them to stay why Flora why because now L is mine L is mine so Mrs K was a second phase mutant too you realize what that means yes it it means that Flora isn't just a prototype Hugh so-call Master race has has been with us for at least 50 years 50 years three generations and God said go forth and multiply that was part one of aliens in the mind co-staring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Henry Stamper as Donald schoola Sandra Clark Flora kiry Shirley Dixon Mrs Kyle Irene sliff Mary and Fraser car Dr Hugh Dexter aliens in the mind was written by Rene Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes production by John Das remember remember staying up late at night while growing up watching your local TV stations horror host presenting a terrible bee horror movie or so bad it's good sci-fi flick from the 1950s that's what the Monster Channel at weird darkness. TV has to offer all day every day you can visit weird dark.tv and immediately be entertained by a horror host and horrible movie you can even invite your friends to watch with you and use the chat feature to talk about what you're watching and our monthly weirdo watch party takes place there as well get your Frights and funnies 247365 at weird darkness. TV aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter cushen as John Cornelius on the remote Scottish aisle of Lou lar and Cornelius are convinced that the death of their friend Dr Hugh Dexter was no accident from his research notes they diagnosed the island sickness as early symptoms of a strange genetic mutation affecting many of the Island's inhabitants turning them into zombies blindly obeying orders from an unknown source the key to the mystery seems to be an apparently simple-minded 18-year-old girl Flora curri who saves them from burning to death in a fire that destroys Dr Dexter's house and with it the housekeeper mik kle let itun itun com out do not do not Mo we must move the exping UN inocent ising it's is over but she was calling them why didn't they go because I was telling them to stay why Flora why because now L is mine lck is mine part two hded Exodus come in morning John you still in bed where else should one be at this une Earthly hour can I distinctly say it four minutes look at it damn thing's raw well you know in some parts of the world raw egg is considered quite a delicacy well not here it isn't did you discover anything of value in h notes oh just bits and pieces it's it's like a jigsaw puzzle with most of the pieces missing and that's more than we expected we'll have to put together our own picture and then see how Hugh's pieces fit in well now let's see what have we got so far I've got a slight feeling of nausea from this revolting egg perfidious album oh no please not at this time of day look pour me some coffee will you sure it's my pleasure ah now thanks now what have we got so far the fact that there occurred on this island a mutation of the human species brought about by some genetic transformation of the brain which enables it to receive some form of telepathic communication only to receive now what about transmitting telepathic messages well that's not proven is it no we can be certain of only two cases Molly Kyle who is now dead presumably and FL oriri who at best is an in perfect example of a different more highly developed mutation what he was pleased to call the master race controllers would be a more accurate description of those two bizarre ladies they both seem to have this power of implanting their own thoughts their own will in the minds of other mutants and so what ultimately look like ordinary human beings become in fact extensions of the mind of the controller without even being aware of it that's terrifying think what Hitler or Stalin might have done with power like that think what they did without it according to Hugh's notes in the 20 years he was on the island there were 120 cases of mental disorientation mutant metamorphosis what you will which gives us 120 mutants under the age of say 33 and at least as many over that age mhm 250 all told and all totally indistinct isable from the rest of the inhabitant except for Flora Yes except for Flora we've got to get that girl to London is the only way oh now wait a minute hang on that could be a pretty tall order we must do it somehow we need to run tests on her medical checks and do all the other things that Hugh Dexter tried to do precisely and got himself murdered for you know that Blaze last night at Hugh's place was no accident John it was meant for us someone out here just doesn't like us no going too much that's why we have to get Flor away from here surely you see well I can see the sense in it but what I can't see is how to go about it we'll start with the minister I'd like our chances a lot better if I disliked him a little less that man really Spooks me now John about the ministry there's no doubt that he's a mutant well he is a mutant isn't he almost certainly on the the evidence we have but he's not a controller I would say it's unlikely you know once Flora realized Mrs Kyle was dead she said luig was hers I don't believe she would have dared say that if the minister was also a controller no and when I first met her yesterday she seemed completely overall by him mind you he is a trifle overbearing not to mention unpleasant he's much too sinister for my taste a Sinister Minister oh c still this little visit of ours should Dent his sanctimonious composure how so and I feel sure he hoped perhaps he even prayed that we died last night well we'll soon find out the next few minutes could be quite interesting oh Mr Cornelius whatever is the matter Mary come come in well thank you you look as though you'd seen a ghost hey well we we thought you must be dead what made you think that you're on fire up at the Doctor's house last night we had gone by them yes fortunate wasn't it I but uh Mr Cornelius said he'd be staying here for the night and and when he didn't come back B is entirely mine Mary I I persuaded him to keep me company at the Inn hey well all is well I suppose I'll I'll get the minister Minister yes Mary could I trouble you they're coming well what is it Mary there's the two visitors to see Mr Cornelius and uh Professor lar Professor lar returned from the dead Minister what you did managed to escape we left before the fire broke out ah you were fortunate we feared the worst for you that will be all Mary Yes Yes Minister what about Mrs Kyle there's the real tragedy for you such a fine woman a real Pillar of Strength in the community she is dead then I they brought down the body this morning or what was left of it I strange that they should have found her in the doctor's study why not she should have she was usually out and about in the garden at that time of the day well maybe maybe she was uh looking for something do they know what caused the fire no and I doubt they ever will frankly when will you be returning to London we'll get the boat back this afternoon most probably I I very wise and we'd like to take Flora with us flora and what would you want to do a thing like that for she is ill Minister a she has the is on sickness we don't need a brain surgeon to tell us that Minister I suspect that she has a t Tor a tumor on the brain she has all the classic symptoms and it's the most likely explanation why she has not return to normal like everyone else has done oh I see I see and I suppose you will be wanting to operate on her yourself Mr high and mighty Cornelius only if my first diagnosis proves correct well I'm not committing that poor we lassi to having her brain meddled with I have no right anyway you don't need one she has a perfect right of her own she's of age but she is not compos menus is she not all the time certainly but some of the time her mentis is so Compass it's almost out of sight and what's that supposed to mean it's just a manner of speaking Minister well Mary what is the matter have you have you seen Flora this morning Minister no why her uh her bed's not been slept and she could not have come back last night when was the last time you saw her Mary uh when when she went out last year good evening we better start looking for her well I'm going straight down to the police station the police station we can't let that GLE roam round loose on the island we've got to find her before she does some harm to herself my court Mary if you would Yes Yes Minister I'll come with you Minister and what about you Professor no no I I think to's company I'll just wander up to Hugh's house and poke around in the ashes you won't find much in there what oh yeah you're right Officer sergeant if you don't mind sir Sergeant MCB okay Sergeant did the minister send you yes sir what to uh keep an eye on me to help you sir if you want nice of you it's only 2 minutes on the bike um what are we looking for by the way I really don't know some of Dr Dexter's research papers perhaps though I don't think much could have survived this is one of the most comprehensive fires I've ever seen just as well if you ask me some of the Church Fellowship took great exception to Dr Dexter's researches now why would they do that well sir over the past few years those researches as you call them seem to be aimed exclusively at the fellowship oh come on now and to no one else practically every single member of the fellowship had been investigated by Dr Dexter at some time or another investigated Sergeant oh that's police language you mean examined no sir I mean investigated Professor brain pictures blood samples and the like he even went into our family backrounds our ancestry it was an investigation right enough did he ever investigate you Sergeant yeah he sir he said it was for the influenza that was just last year so you're a member of the fellowship too well I don't think you're going to find anything here Professor no guess you're right I'll I'll walk you back to the mans see if there's any news what of young Flora so you know about that yes yes I was there when they found out H well hold on I'll I'll just fetch my bike okay I um I wonder what makes a girl like that run off you mean Flora yeah well I hear you're wanting to operate on her head and she might not want to see it opened up like a can of beans it is her head after all but no one's told her about that yet maybe she doesn't need to be told oh de go are you ready now sir yeah okay I'm coming this is the Beach Road around the head it's a wee bit further than the path over the top but it's easier for me with the bike and all is that uh Dr the head I sir straight up above you a long way to fall poor Hugh it was an open and shut case Professor not open enough sergeant and shut too damn quick there someone up there H you couldn't see them from here even if there was nobody goes too near the edge it's in danger of giving way as it is there's someone up there now no there are always we pebles falling it's the wind and the rain that does it look out come on S the whole cff coming down run run for your life good Lord what was that no it's nothing it's just a cliff there's been a lot of rain recently must have weakened the overhang it's fortunate that there was no one underneath but there was look hi hi there's two of them that looks like Sergeant MCNY come on we' best he that all right Curtis are you hurt oh I never felt better but what happened that that damn Cliff tried to fall down on us and it near succeeded too one man another dro the heads a pretty dangerous place especially the foreigners what are you all doing here anyway there's been news of Flora oh well apparently she's been seen near old bar which bar is this old McKenzie's Place one of your men brought the news not 5 minutes since we have just on our way over there I wondered what put it into her head to come out here why did florus stay with you in the first place Minister our parents s because she was troubled in spirit and the trouble stayed with her more is the pity but about her parents Minister were they members of the fellowship her mother was but her father was an ungodly man they were happy for Florida to stay with you her father wasn't old Ki kicked up a fuss about it isn't that right Minister I I right enough why is everyone talking about them in the past tense as though they were dead they are dead they died about four years ago a terrible accident not a fire by any chance hey it's it was a fire oh Professor you must be fa and this island must be very inflammable that's the barn up ahead now are you sure this is the right place Minister it seems odd for elassi to come here it was one of your own men who told us it seems ridiculous coming all the way up here it's a wild ghose Chase if you ask me you think perhaps we ought to turn back Sergeant there's no point in going into a place like that stop your bling man stay out she's not there I tell you that's easily proved Sergeant stay out of that bar why don't argue with him John I'm ordering you to stay out and I am telling you I'm going in there keep out I tell you keep him out he mustn't come in take your hands off my P look out Minister come on down leave them at him out he must not come in must what was all that about the police Sergeant a mutant didn't you see his eyes then why is he fighting the minister of all people you're right it doesn't make sense unless the minister isn't a mutant which knocks ouri on the head I can't work that one out at least not now come on Flora must be in here keep them out keep him out over here in the corner keep him out keep him out it's all right Flora it's all over now there's nothing to be frightened of here blow your nose on there Flora can you make the policeman go home what about the minister oh the minister oh keep him away Minister's not here Flora honestly at least he's taking no further interest in the proceedings I I think the sergeant hit him with his night stick Tren Tren The Minister's asleep Flora he'll never find out about your being here unless Sergeant mbin tells him so I want Sergeant MC bin to go away don't you oh yes I want I want Sergeant MCB I want Sergeant MC Vinnie to go to go away from here here wish hard Flor wish Sergeant nebin away from here I wish Sergeant mcin away from here he's going he just turned and he's walking away like a Sleep Walker bye-bye Sergeant MCB bye-bye I hate breaking things up John but I think it's time we were moving out that boat leaves in an hour right now Flora I thought it might be rather fun to go on a boat have you ever been on one no the minister always forbat me well we won't let the minister know we'll just sneak on board without telling him come on then take my hand Uncle Cornelius is in charge now uncle Cornelius you can forget all about that horrid old Minister uncle uncle Cornelius hey wait for me Uncle Cornelius welcome aboard sir may I have your tickets please yes there three of us thank you very much sir where are the cabins well they're both after sir one on the port side the other on the starbard how this is a cabinet after on the port side sir come on John Flora after you Flora my dear thank you the cabin is aft on the port side wherever that is straight ahead on this side cabinet here we are hey your cabin awaits you Uncle Cornelius do I have to go in there not you don't want to my dear I want to stay outside and look at all the people all right you do that ctis we must keep an eye on her the least little thing could set her off again you whoo Mary you stay with her John you're doing just fine I'll see if I can get some drinks brought up to the cabin huh Flora would you like something to drink oh what can I have anything you like uh could I have some wine wine well why not she's overage wine it should be my lady w't take me a minute oh look look there's Mary down there where down there by the gang way oh yes I wish Mary could come she'd love a boat right oh I shouldn't think she'd want to come she'd want to if I wanted her to oh yes well I'm sure she would well then I do want her to come Flora no come on little Mary come for a boat Tri no Flor she doesn't want to come she hasn't got time I want her to come she will come she has to welcome [ __ ] Madam I must go on board may I have your ticket please I must go on board John your I've uh had the drinks put in the cabin the wine glass is heard yes Curtis thank goodness you're back what the hell's going on she's trying to call Mary on board now Flora they won't let her on without a ticket be reasonable why don't you come and have a glass of wine with St to celebrate no I want Mary to come well she can then I'm not coming I don't want a boat trip we can't get off now Flora it's too late get her into the cabin in here Flor now come along no I W your C there get in there oh uh perser how long before we sail any moment now sir but what was all that oh it's nothing py just a rather spoiled child who doesn't want go back home to London I don't blame her he wouldn't get me going into a big city for all at tea and China help help no good shouting Flora you'll just stay there now until we sail help help take me off help help your tickets please sir take me off your tickets Please look here take me off take me off right off you go then there where you just came from none of that come here I warned you John let me in let me in for goodnesses John do something she must be calling every mutant on the island there'll be a riot if we don't get her under control the only way to do that is to knock her out yeah exactly any suggestions mhm just two these two pop them in her wine glass and make her drink it that should do the trick I hope you know what you're doing trust me John anyway I can't stay here chatting with you I've got an invasion to repel now don't forget to lock the door after me all right all rightone of that here take me off take me off it's lock perer take me off oh my God not you just stop taking that door down John for PE they Switcher off will you oh no you don't come oh you don't come off okay what what are you doing I Pi your paron I'm awfully sorry sir that's quite all right person what what happened well I thought you were going to fall so I I just grabbed you thank you thank you very much sir you feeling all right now yes yes thank you sir I wonder what came over me anyway if you'll excuse me sir we'll be sailing almost immediately I must attend to my duties John open up John it's me Curtis come in what have you been doing oh I've been swapping bedtime stories with the purer where's that drink J I think I've earned it here you are Dear Boy Scott as usual oh boy I hope you don't mind we started without you didn't we Flora yes we did Uncle Cornelius oh it's lovely oh say you like the wine Flora oh yes he never let me drink wine who didn't the minister n well he'll have to let you now won't he I long as you don't tell him catch up ready and waiting sir what was it your famous Mickey Finn again yes sir double measure it's very good isn't it it is the best what was all that commotion outside the cabin oh my dear John I was repelling Borders or trying to quite apart from the little army of mutants down in the dock our friendly neighborhood perser decided to join in the fun and kick the door down Great Scott the perser how did you stop him well I interposed my body between him and the cabin door clever and he kicked me on the ankle damn him mind you he wasn't really himself at the time but when he came to his senses he apologized and went about his duties like a good little purer extraordinary the purs is an unexpected complication is oh yes he was a real Shaker I just wasn't prepared for a mutant here on the boat but it's a normal enough job for an Islander plying back and forth to the mainland yeah but I wonder how many mutants have used the boat to get off the island altogether and whether they went of their own free will or under ordance that was part two of aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Henry Stamper as Donald G Sandra Clark Flor Kiri Fraser car police Sergeant iren stiff Mary and Andrew Seer the perser aliens in the mind was written by renie Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes production by John D do you keep a journal or diary if not maybe you should consider it it's been shown that journaling can help you reduce stress help relieve depression builds self-confidence it boosts your emotional intelligence helps with achieving goals inspires creativity and More in fact my friend SN lenise has created a weird Darkness themed Journal Just For You full of blank pages for you to use as a diary make notes for class or office meetings jot down ideas for that novel you want to write use it for keeping a mileage log if you travel for business whatever you want in fact she has numerous styles of journals to choose from along with the weird Darkness Journal there's one for dealing with grief for teachers notes for medical residencies keeping track of your meds or health routine and several other journals make a great gift for others but it's also a great gift for yourself and your own mental health no matter what you might want a journal for my friend an has it and you can see all of our journals including the one for weird Darkness on the sponsors and friends page at weird darkness.com aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius convinced that the Apparently simple-minded Flora Kiri must be the key to the mysterious genetic mutation affecting the inhabitants of luig lar and Cornelius persuade her to leave the island and come with them to London but no sooner have they got her on board the boat to the mainland than Flora changes her mind I don't want a boat trip we can't get off now Flora it's too late get her into the cabin in here Flor now come along no I won't you can't make me in there get in there oh uh perser how long before we sail any moment now sir but what was all that oh it's nothing P just a rather spoiled child who does want to go back home to London I don't blame her he wouldn't get me going into a big city for all at tea and China help help no good shouting Flora you'll just stay there now until we sail help help take me off help help your tickets please sir take me off your tickets Please look here take me off take me off right off you go then there ready I just came from me off none of that come here I warned John let me in let me in oh for goodness it's John do something she must be calling every mutant on the island there'll be a riot if we don't get her under control the only way to do that is to knock her out yeah exactly any suggestions mhm just two these two pop them in her wine glass and make her drink it that should do the trick I hope you know what you're doing trust me John anyway I can't stay here chatting with you I've got an invasion to repel now don't forget to lock the door after me all right all right of that take me off take me off it's locked perer take me off my God not you stop taking that door down John for PE her off will you oh no you don't come no you don't come off get no what what are you doing I Pi your pardon I'm awfully sorry sir that's quite all right pers what what happened well I thought you were going to fall so I I just grabbed you thank you thank you very much sir you feeling all right now yes yes thank you sir I wonder what came over me anyway if you'll excuse me sir we'll be sailing almost immediately I must attend to my duties John open up John it's me Curtis come in what have you been doing oh I've been swapping bedtime stories with the perser quite apart from the little army of mutants down in the dock our friendly neighborhood perser decided to join in the fun and kick the door down Great Scott the purer how did you stop him well I interposed my body between him and the cabin door clever and he kicked me on the ankle Dam him mind you he wasn't really himself at the time but when he came to his senses he apologized and went about his duties like a good little person extraordinary the purse was an unexpected complication oh yes he was a real Shaker I just wasn't prepared for a mutant here on the boat but it's a normal enough job for an Islander plying back and forth to the mainland yeah but I wonder how many mutants have used the boat to get off the island altogether and whether they went of their own free will or under ORD pop three unexpected visitations chedy no prefer Scotch say when Boop help yourself to water dear fell you are thanks what about you no thanks I'll have a small man's a you know John I I really Envy you this apartment wish I could afford a place like it I wish I could afford three wives oh but you don't envy me my three wives oh no oh not all three of them whereas I do Envy you your apartment well these were my Consulting rooms originally yeah I noticed all the equipment most of it's pretty out of date these days now that's why I insisted on taking Flora to the hospital we can do every test you can think of there is that where she is now yes in the radio isotope laboratory I want to put her under the gamma camera where do you expect to find John some sort of brain lesion well if the rain has undergone any physical change it's proberbly the best chance we have of finding it have you considered that there might be no physical abnormality involved just an intensified refinement of some particular sense or sensitivity after all telepathy is nothing new this is not telepathy as much as thought transference the so-called controllers transferring their thoughts to other mutants look John whatever form this mutation takes in Flora's case it's somehow gone a skew most of the time she behaves like a Mally [ __ ] child when in fact she's really as much a mutant controller as as Mrs Kyle was oh yes but with Flora that power only manifests itself when she's frightened or disturbed in some way emotionally disturbed that's what I'm getting at John the point is why I have no idea no but she has or at least she may have some traumatic emotional experience her parents dying in that fire for instance could have the same effect at puberty as it does at the menopause it's certainly possible there must be ways of finding out it it could be the key to the whole case yes it could hey you know I know just the man Kalman barame a Persian why do all your friends have to live on the other side of the world you'll be glad to know that this one doesn't he lives on the other side of Regent Park careful florid it's quite a big step down I'll take care of this where do I owe you uh it'll be uh 85p please sir all right here you are keep the change oh thank you sir what do you think John nice location isn't it right opposite the zoo very therapeutic can we go and see the animals later Flor when we've seen Mr Dr B BC he's on the second floor I think witley Hazel oh here we are bar me oh please let's go and see the animals later Flora that's a promise Flora who is it a Curtis Lark come up to the second floor please in we go Flora come in Curtis it's good to see you again oh it's been a long time calman may I introduce my good friend John Cornelius Dr B how do you do and this is Miss Flora Kiri ah so you are Flora I'm very pleased to meet you hello make yourself comfortable please thank you now can I get you something to drink a cup of tea perhaps that would be most welcome Johan yes do uh Joan I think we'd all like some tea and perhaps you could tempt the palet of this young lady this is Flora Kiri hello I'm Joanne Harington perhaps you could come and choose something you like not really come on we've got all sorts of goodies hidden away in here Mr Cornelius may I ask you if you retain a professional interest in this case I mean as a brain surgeon no only a personal one at least for the moment well my own View is that there is some block some psychological block that inhibits her development uh not a physical one not as far as we can ascertain it is all quite possible what would you try kman hypnosis I think so from what you told me on the telephone her subconscious will make much more sense than her conscious when will you attempt it now Johan has already started we asked the patient to look at some kaleidoscopic pattern placed in front of a small light when we rolve this pattern it creates a rhythmic pulsation on the retina isn't this something to do with some research they did with helicopter Pilots just a few years back that's right the helicopter blades were stropping across the Pilot's vision and inducing almost instant drowsiness I think I'd better go in now I'll call you when I've got the girl in hand how long will that be a few minutes only no more how is it going dran quite well doctor well now this one couldn't we look at this pattern a little longer I've seen that one okay then let's look at that one Javan just a moment Flora you keep looking at this picture coming doctor we've got problems I think what problems she won't give it long enough as soon as she seems to be relaxing she snaps out of it and asks for a new one I see Flora yes what do you want I want to play a little game with this pattern can you see a red spot a tiny tiny red spot just above the middle of the pattern oh yes the one that keeps going on and off that's the one now watch it carefully and tell me every time you see it come on just say now every time you see it now now that's good very good now now excellent Flora no no no more tea oh no thanks I'm fine like this he said a few minutes it's over an hour now what's happening I'm afraid she's proving rather a difficult subject well I suppose we should have expected it danan do you think you could keep an eye on her of course doctor let her lie down on the couch in there the girl's exhausted I'll get a blanket well tell us what happened Kalman nothing you were unable to hypnotize her let us say rather that she successfully resisted all my efforts Curtis when you briefed me about this case you told me that she had shown signs of extraordinary mental power yes that's right by extraordinary did you mean extra sensory that's what we suspect we have indications but no proof no positive proof nothing we could submit a scientific evidence unless you've discovered something cman yes I felt something it was as though she had some sort of antenna the energy the mental energy she was generating was quite extraordinary what do you do now we have to find ways of reducing her resistance you mean drugs of course h h a daan should suffice it will bring her to that drowsy Twilight Zone between waking and sleeping it's very much like a hypnotic TR anyway when do you propose to use the dasan that depends on whether you want me to Mr Cornelius why it's not dangerous is it no no of course not but the girl doesn't want me to continue subconsciously her resistance is almost fanatical well it's in her own interest to continue kman no is it's in our interests it may be in hers if we're lucky well either way we have to go on right John I suppose so then I suggest that you should both return in about an hour or so I think we should let Flora rest that long well it looks like we've got an hour to kill so what will you do I think we should go and see the monkeys at the zoo now whatever for why not I always find them very therapeutic precisely okay let's go to the zoo fascinating creatures I suppose so what do you mean you suppose so all human nature is there in that cage yet when Darwin first propounded his theory of evolution he was laugh right out of court only because no one wanted to believe him and no one will want to believe us John telepathy is a a musical act not on this scale it isn't what scale John this is London not the aisle of luig all we have is Flora Curtis you said she might be the key to this whole case I happen to agree with you yes but supposing Kalman does succeed in straightening her out what then I mean does she become just another Molly KY if you Ally a controller's Powers with any sort of real ambition the consequences are unimaginable oh come on Curtis that's a bit far-fetched isn't it one of the reasons for bringing her to London was that there's no one here she can use those part oh isn't there now I know I'm only a poor ignorant Foreigner but I understood that there had been an almost continuous migration from the Western a for the last 150 years that may be true and isn't it also true that not so long ago this country had a prime minister who was the grandson of a Scottish crofter oh yes but he he went to eaten first don't be silly that's not the point no but it does make a difference well it might have made one hell of a difference if that crofter had come from leig well that's a bit of Star Spangled imagination If Ever I heard one there you see even you don't want to believe it well damn it all we can't go marching up to the police and announce that the Prime Minister may be a mutant and a menace to society but who can we go marching up to oh do be serious Curtis please I am serious there have been at least three generations of mutants on leig some of them must have migrated South and there descendants could by now have risen to positions of immense power and influence then if you're right Curtis presumably the mutant powers or susceptibilities would have Lain dormant and will continue to do so unless there are any controllers around John can you really believe it's safe to assume that there are no controllers around are they still wouldn't believe us Curtis we have to build up an unshakable case supported by refutable scientific evidence well we could only do that by going back to luig and even that could take years yes I know that's why Flora must be the key to this case should oh look I I think it's time we were getting back to her oh Professor Lo Mr Cornelius thank God you've come what's happened it's Dr BC where is he in here kman are you all right more or less a little sore between the ears perhaps thought he'd killed him you thought what that man that that that Maniac nurse now come over here and sit down and relax a minute and then tell us what happened from the start now take it slowly and try not to leave anything out well it was um not more than 10 minutes ago I I just looked at floor she was Restless very restless I was telling Dr barch when there was a ring at the door not the street door the door of this apartment am I expecting someone Joan would you have no appointment I wonder who let them in from the street perhaps it's the ker I'll go and see all right all right I'm coming can I help he where do you think you're going come back doctor look you just can't go Bing in look out doctor he's a raing lunatic sit down won't you I'd rather you sat down and told me about itop I think it's all right thank you Dan you can't go in there no stop you can't stop I tell you kill him INF you killed him away from me we can go now doctor I'm ready Dr bar are you all right doctor oh my God bye-bye doctor Flora I'm going now this nice man's taking me away from here but Flora what about Professor lock Flora you just can't walk out on them like that but she did walk out just like that yes without coercion they went out hand in hand like a couple of young lovers how old was this man mid-40s I suppose you know graying at the temple quite distinguished looking really and a very distinguished from walking cane eony by the F of it oh poor kman I I am sorry about that I'm sorry about the girl do you want me to get the police in oh if you could bear not to Common i' I'd be very grateful I thought that might be the case Dr wanted to phone them earlier we should report that she's missing just missing austr but not stolen definitely not stolen not yet where's the phone you can use the one in the office here I'll show you thank you there are a 100 questions Curtis yes I know old friend and so few answers so very few when Joan was recounted what happened just now it dawned upon me that that man was behaving in much the same way as a person under Direction yes I know the question is my dear Carman under whose direction oh John what did the police have to say they've already found her oh good she was seen wandering about the streets in her days what about the men they didn't mention him they've taken Flor straight round to my flat I didn't want to involve you Dr Bame thank you it was a kind thought but perhaps you could allow me to involve myself well as long as you're coming you might as well bring that sedative with you what was it da a pan oh yeah well you better bring some we might need it I'll go Curtis Mr Cornelius yes I've brought back Flora thank heavens you're safe we were so worried about you hello Curtis it is Flora you must be exhausted Child come along take her into the sitting room Curtis all right come on Flora what happened to you thank thank you so much officer come in weren't you oh thank you sir I can't tell you how relieved we are to have Flora back glad to have been of service sir she is uh all right isn't she sir how do you mean well she was just wandering around in the middle of the road all over the place she was and the way she talked well at first we thought she was on a trip a trip you know drugged acid oh LSD oh no nothing nothing like that now she was probably just disorientated she's lived all her life in a remote Scottish Island I think she was just overwhelmed by the noise and bustle of London it happens sometimes usually with old people though that's right Officer anyway thank you once more all part of the service sir goodbye but I still don't understand John why cman didn't want to give the injection himself he thought it was better for me to do it she doesn't trust him you see oh I see yes well she seems to be fully under now do you think it safe to call him in yes if you'll be so kind Curtis then we can make a start all right come and you can come in now I think she's nearly ready John gave her the injection I'm sure I was right to keep out of the way even now the sound of my voice might upset her so could I suggest that you also carry out the questioning yourself either of you or both if you like I'll just watch and keep an eye on things okay then you ready John ready de and willing well let's not keep the lady waiting Flora Flora can you hear me yes where were you born Flora I was born at luck on the aisle of luck and now luig is yours isn't it yes luig is mine why Flora why is luig yours because they have to do what I tell them how do you tell them Flor I tell them confuse her she doesn't know and the fellowship does what you tell them I not what the minister tells them no never he just tells Molly Kyle what to tell them so that was the setup I never did like that sanctimonious but Molly Kyle is dead Flora I Molly Kyle's dead and there's no one else that can tell them what to do not now there's only me well that's a relief Flora why did you let Molly Kyle die careful because because she killed my mother I wanted to pay her back the way she paid back my mother PID her back for what Flora make her tell us about it tell us about it Flora good take your time and tell us about it very good she found out Kiri was not my father so she she punished my mother punished her for begetting me in sin she burned her burned her in Hell Fire she told her her legs were paralyzed and my mother thought she couldn't walk and she just lay there screaming and screaming for help and the Flames came nearer and nearer and I kept willing her to walk but Molly Kyle was too strong she was willing my mother to keep struggling and screaming so that when Ki came in to rescue her she wouldn't let him move her and then it was too late that they were burned in Hell Fire and mother was still screaming for help help help oh help me somebody oh for God's sake I'm all right all right I'm bur I'm bur hold her down hold her down for hold her down can't we stop her Micky fin Curtis your head hunters gr I wouldn't dare not on top of the other it's all right Flora it's all right get some water John right there you are what's that what's going on sounds like somebody's breaking down your door I better go and find out hey here what do you think you're doing I said look out I here oh it's him the same man as this afternoon St him no no no keep still come on but it's him I know I know but just look at him it's as though he were hypnotized he doesn't even know we're here for God's sake Curtis are you just going to let him pick up the girl and walk out with her but there's no way of stopping him where is he taking her didn't either of you recognize him recognize him why should we it's Ian Sanderson but who's he he's an MP the opposition spokesman on defense matters oh my God is anybody going to follow him well you can do but I think you'll find it only taking her across the road what makes you say that because he lives there but I just don't understand it I think I do what was a subject for scientific research has suddenly become a question of National Security that was part three of aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis Lark and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Sandra Clark as Flora cirri Steve pus calman barch Joan mat Joanne and Andrew Seer as the police Constable aliens in the mind was written by renie Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes production by by John Das no matter the time of day or season sometimes you need to find a way to rid yourself of those ghostly chills that bring raised hairs and goosebumps to your skin other times you're looking for those ghostly chills either way it sounds like you need a mug of weird dark roast coffee weird dark roast coffee has deep notes of cocoa caramel and a touch of sinister sweetness that will send shivers down your taste buds this is an exclusive coffee that I selected specifically for you my weirdo family weird dark roast is not available in stores coffee houses mad scientist labs or even the dark web but you can find it and weird darkness.com coffee weird dark roast coffee fresh roasted to order so it's as fresh as it can be when it lands on your doorstep and knocks three times grab yours now at weird darkness.com Cofe that's weird darkness.com coffee weird dark roast coffee does not actually knock on your door because it doesn't have arms or hands so if you hear knocks at the door and no one answers when you ask who it is it's probably paranormal and you should just leave the door shut and locked aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis Lark and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius lar and Cornelius take Flora kirri away from the remote aisle of luig with its frightening colony of mutants and bring her to London where they hope to investigate her mysterious Powers as a controller under hypnosis Flora unwittingly exposes more of the mutants nearer to home Flora why did you let Mary Kyle die careful because she found out Kiri was not my father so she she punished my mother punished her for forgetting me in sin she burned her burned her in Hell Fire she told her her legs were paralyzed and my mother thought she couldn't walk and she just lay there screaming and screaming for help and the Flames came nearer and nearer and and then it was too late that they were burned in Hellfire and mother was still screaming for help help help help me somebody oh for God's sake I'm bur right all right I'm bur I'm bur hold her down hold her down for God sake hold her down can't we stop her it's all right Flora it's all right there you are what's that what's going on hey here what do you think you're doing I said look out I st no no no keep still come for God's sake Curtis are you just going to let him pick up the girl and walk out with her but there's no way of stabbing him where's she taking her didn't either of you recognize him recognize him why should we it's Ian Sanderson but who's he he's an MP the opposition spokesman on defense Mees oh my God but I just don't understand it wait I think I do what was a subject for scientific research has suddenly become a question of National Security part four official intercessions would you mind just filling that in pleas sir certainly you two pleaser what is it a security parer what do they keep in here on the Crown Jewel this is the home office not the Tower of London well what do they keep here I sometimes wonder there thank you thank you sir your appoints with Colonel Galler is it sir that's right yes he'd be in room uh yes here we are room 517 517 yes so follow that Corridor down to the end and then take the lift to the fifth floor sir if you turn right when you get out you'll find 517 almost facing you thank you very much come along Curtis boy I'm coming you can't miss it sir the room are clearly numbered John you know what I don't understand is if this Gulliver is a colonel what's he doing in the home office huh well Harry Galler's ex Army actually something to do with security Now bit tight lipped on the surface but he's not a bad sort when you get to know anyway you sometimes have Generals in the White House don't you oh yes and we usually end up regretting what do they want CER I have no idea sir not yet oh damn it man I would have thought you'd have enough any your play without inviting coach so or civilians to come poking their noses in the security cabinet I suppose you know what you're doing excuse me oh good day to you sir good day to you sir ah there you are Cornelius sorry about that Colonel may I introduce Professor Curtis loar Colonel galliver a pleased to meet you Professor hello Colonel um who who was that that just went out Brier Sherman my head of Department like the tank you know a blimp really um take a PE AR you oh thank you thank you so much well now what's all this about you tell it John me yeah you won't embroider it as much as I would oh very well it's all started on the aisle of luig where the hell is that luig oh it's one of the outer Hees Professor lar and I had gone up there to attend the funeral of a mutual friend now let me get this straight Cornelius you're telling me that up on this Scottish Island um whatever it's called the Isle of luig yes yes there are these people these um uh mutants didn't you call them that's right uh who can be manipulated simply by having thoughts put into their heads by these um um controllers without the mutants being aware of it that's the point Colonel they have no recollection of having been manipulated in this way and it's it's all done by telepathy almost certainly well it all sounds a bit like science fiction I must say telepathy and mutants and all that I mean it sounds more like um more like um HG Wells who wasn't it Wells who wrote in the country of the blind the oneeyed man is King very clever well you must admit it it sounds rather unbelievable anyway I I really can't see why you should come to me with this fairy tale we found one of these controllers as we call them a girl about 19 years old called Flora Kiri and we managed to get her to London for various tests how they might prove something or other uhuh well that sounds more promising indeed but somebody walked off with her last night walked off stole kidnapped abducted is the word Curtis oh thank you yes someone abducted her Colonel and have you informed the police of this um abduction that won't be necessary we know who the man is and why he did it and why did he do it because she told him to she just put the thought in his head ah you mean this fellow was a was a one of these mutants is one of them Colonel he is also a member of parliament is that meant to be some sort of joke Cornelius oh you haven't heard the payoff line yet what does he mean Cornelius why can't the damn fellow speak English in my friends have enacted you ain't heard nothing yet come to the point damn it uh mutant MP is one of the opposition spokesman on defense matters oh no now do you see why we came to you with this uh fairy tale Colonel one way or another I think we put that over rather well John you know we'd make quite a good double act on the hall Saints preserve us personally I felt we were Hamming like man don't we always speak for yourself TR of your parties gentlemen yes of course they are okay here you go thank you good day to you good day Oh Boy Fresh Air at M yes it was a bit stuffy in there I think old galliver got the message in the end yes but will he do anything about it I doubt it he can't move openly against someone like Sanderson without definite proof and we've no proof without Flora no that's the next step isn't it yes but what can we do we can't just walk up and ask for her back what what did you just say I said we can't just walk up serson had asked him to give Flora back to us but that's exactly what we can do in fact it's the only way it is my dear Curtis who really do had the most uning nose for these things oh I don't know it's quite an ordinary nose really Chic perhaps Patrician even soon after that yes John Cornelius I telephoned earlier oh yes Mr Cornelius and this must be Professor Curtis Lo indeed do come in Mr Sanderson is expecting you thank you if you would care to wait here for a moment I'll inform Mr Sanderson of your arrival thank you if you'd excuse me a real oldw world English butler isn't he just adorable down ctis down this way if you please Mr Cornelius Professor Loa ah uh thank you gwent do come in won't you this is Professor locker and I how do you do know H sit yourselves down won't you thank you so much oh I know you both by name of course and in your case Mr Canal is by reputation but uh I can't pretend to understand the uh the reason for this visit I'll come straight to the point Mrs hondon we've just returned from the aisle of luig luig good Heavens I was born there so we understand oh it's such a beautiful place marvelous place to grow in it has many many happy associations for me you were saying about luig when we came back we brought with us a young lady who showed all the classic symptoms of what could prove to be a brain tumor we wanted to run a series of medical checks on her she's been living in John's Apartment just across the road until uh yesterday evening when she disappeared yes her name is Flora Kiri yes I know oh strange isn't it so many years later not knowing what she was or where she was or what she looked like and then suddenly waking as from a dream and finding she had come from Nowhere To Hold Your Hand and ask to be taken home for tea and you suddenly realize that all her life she will just stay a child and never do anything but hold your hand and ask to be take Tak home for tea uh I'm sorry I I I don't quite follow oh you've brought me hope Mr cornelus a small hope but something that I can hang on to that I I can at least begin to understand and for that I thank you both for myself and my daughter your what Flora Kiri is my daughter Professor my natural daughter holy mackerel never profane the mackerel my dear Curtis it is the most underrated fish well smoked and washed down with a little mus it is to the more Discerning pallet eminently preferable to the more esteemed and popular trout joh mhm it was I who suggested the mackerel did you and the muscade really then I commend you my dear Curtis your pallet is obviously improving could we get back to cases do you think oh by all means you obviously doubt santon's claim to be Flora's father Yes frankly I do John I I honestly do it's all too Pat too glib well he seems to believe it and I think that was genuine yes but who's to say that she didn't put the idea into his head she desperately needs affection security someone to lean on she only had to think of him as her father and he would have accepted it as fact agreed but at least the dates matched and I really don't think she could have put all that background detail into his head well you could be right I can't see how she could have known all that stuff either no I'm sure all she knew was that her mother was murdered for what did she call it be getting her in sin yes yes it all comes back to the Reverend Donald schooler doesn't it that man's got an awful lot to answer for and since the Reverend schooler is the only person able to verify sanderson's story we have no option but to accept it at face value at least for the moment well does that mean we have to leave Flora in sanderson's care I really don't see what else we can do she'll be well looked after and we have complete access to her besides besides what well what will we do with Laura when we finished all our tests and checks send her back to Louie into the Reverend School I's tender clutches Over My Dead Body quite right sanderson's claimed to be her father could shoot us very well very well indeed could it John or could it be risking Flora's life Curtis melodrama does not become you it sits badly on your accent look now honestly seriously there there must be a controller behind Sanderson it doesn't necessarily follow just because Sanderson is a mutant no but it's possible and you know it I mean otherwise you would never have suggested going to someone like Gull all right Curtis point taken good then no fully fledged controller is going to take kindly to a a butterfly mind like Flores fouling up the works no no I would think that might well be true on the other hand one could argue that if there is another controller Flora's butterfly mind might be just the thing that flush him out into the open you make it sound more like a Sprat to catch a mackerel how about appropriate C more wine dear fellow thanks well John once we get back to the flat what's our next step going to be H to amuse Flora poor Sanderson seems most anxious for us to maintain our professional interest in the girl yeah and we certainly want to keep her under observation absolutely well so it might be a nice gesture if if you were to invite Flora to do a little sightseeing me why me oh why not it's much more likely that you would want to see the sights than I would after all you are a foreigner xenophobia ill becomes you John though it does sit well enough on that accent I thought The Changing of the Guard might be appropriate Buckingham Palace no horse guard's parade then I thought we might perhaps pop in for morning coffee with Colonel gall his office is quite close by and here I was thinking mackiei was dead oh aren't the horses lovely they're beautiful why aren't all the soldiers wearing red because they're from two different regiments the ones in red are the lifeguards the ones in blue are the Royal Horse guards or is it the other way around Curtis why ask me they you're soldiers CH oh no what's the matter Flora someone's looking for me oh come on Flora relax look at the soldiers they're so pretty I think striking would be more AP I want to go home but we've only just arrived someone's looking for me nonsense Flora I'm frightened I want to go home oh no come along Flora don't be so silly you're imagining things that doesn't reassure me one Whit please John why don't you take Flora go see our friend guler huh and what do you propose doing well I'll hang around here and make sure that no one is following her following oh come on Curtis oh please I must go home you know John as well as I do that Flora has an unfortunate habit of being right about these things anyway it might even be the first of your mackerel please do as I suggest please John take Flora to see gullia if anyone is following her there's no way he can cross a street as wide as whiteall without showing himself if he does well then I'll follow him of course oh oh very well come along then Flora oh thank you there's no one following us yet he's still looking for me well I wish he'd show himself if he's going to oh so do I I wish he'd show himself I wish he'd show himself oh I'm fright there there Florida there's nothing to be frightened I'll your cite safe enough with me I promise you oh there he is poor devil slight concussion contusions on the face and arms nothing serious Colonel where is he now in the hospital presumably they took him off in an ambulance and you think he was following you following Flora Colonel I'm sure of it he was looking for me he was the one well he wasn't one of my men his name was MCB how do you know that well we checked his identity before they put him in the ambulance well I don't have anyone of that name on my stuff the police on the aisle of luig have a sergeant by that name this wasn't the same man though no but there's lots of MC bines on luig Miss K is there any reason any reason at all why anyone from luig should be looking for you to take me back laora listen to me did you want that man MC Binny did you want him to cross the road no I wanted him to show himself I didn't mean to hurt him I wanted him to show himself it's all right Flora really it is there you said you wanted him to show himself so I concentrated and welled him to I didn't know he'd get hurt stop this silly Shard I don't believe a word of it it's all some damn fool prank I'm surprised did you Cornelius a man in your position and you young lady I don't know what you hope to gain from all this nonsense I want to go home n I'm sure you do but you're not going take me home you're not going anywhere till we've got to the bottom of this tissue of ludicrous lies take me home sit down steady on Colonel there's no need to adopt that tone I shall adopt whatever damn tone I please take me home and you can stop that sniveling oh come on now Flora be a good girl and keep quiet take me home I want to go away from me yes I know Flora just leave it to Old Uncle corne he's going to talk our way out of this aren't you am I well you've certainly got some explaining to do than you dear Sherman take what can I do for you sir but sir forget it colonel there's nothing you can do but watch we can go home we can go home please we can go home we can go home we can go home where's he taking her home by the sound of it we' better go after them you go John you might be able to Sweet Talker into switching off and you I'd better stay here I've got some explaining to do do your best okay would you mind f BR me in what what exactly is going on around here well to put it simply Flora's been sending out telepathic distress signals and your Gallant Brigadier answered them you mean I do and it couldn't happen to a nicer man the the Brigadier the head of the department well in that case Colonel the Department's got quite a headache you should have seen poor Gulliver's face John it was a picture an absolute good picture so was Sherman's he was halfway down the corridor when I caught up with him and he couldn't understand what he was doing there he was terribly concerned about himself anyway it's an ill wind is this house Street yes your father's house is just down there on the left oh where the ambulances ambulance she's right there is an ambulance and the police stop here driver very good sir now you stay with Uncle Cornus and I'll just go and see what's going on huh all right all right stand back there please come on move along if you would there's nothing more to see what happened officer and that's what we're trying to find out sir but why are the ambulance because someone went and got themselves shot didn't they now come along now it's all over but who officer who's been shot well they're bringing him out now sir let us know if he's a friend of yours w't you now come along now stand back if you please let the man breathe a little oh my God it's it's gwin gwin who's he saunderson's Butler what now you understand why I was hustling you and Flora away from there yes well I couldn't say much in front of her no no of course course it could have set the whole Clockwork Orange ticking all over again my word yes it's a rum business is you can say that again well Cheers Cheers where's Flora now staring out of her bedroom window waiting for her father for Sanderson to come back it shouldn't be long now apparently he went down to the police station to make a formal statement those things can drag on for hours wonder if Galler's heard the news do the left hand ever knoweth what the right hand doeth no it doesn't that's the British definition of security i' better go and phone him you do just that oh hello Flora hello Uncle Cornelius go on in I'll be with you in a second just have to make a phone call hello Flora hello professor your daddy not back yet huh he came back just now oh good that'll make you happy yes he he came in a big car there were two other men with him oh yes there were two were they were just policemen probably policemen only to look after him your daddy's a very important man you know oh yes anyway let's go to tell Mr Cornelius the good news huh and then we'll take you home I'd be most grateful if you would tell him that bye well he wasn't there well saunderson's just got back oh damn I thought I'd just walk her across right her John Cornelius uh Ian Sanderson speaking is Florida with you oh yes she is hold on Curtis she was um just about to leave well I I'd rather she didn't um no not just at the moment the place isn't a bit of a shambles yes I imagine it would be I don't want her to see it like this it it might upset her I can understand that don't concern yourself about her perhaps you'll let us know when you'd like her to come back yes yes I will thank you not at all by the way yes there are two men on their way over to you now policeman oh they want to talk to Flora about the business here this afternoon someone broke into my flat you know damn near killed my butler yeah yes so I heard but Flora knows nothing about it she was she was with us all the afternoon yes I told them that but they insist they seem to think Flora was the intended victim not gwin Cornelius they could very well be right Mr serson they could very well be right I'll ring you later goodbye goodbye that's odd what is it John something Anders said there's a couple of policemen on their way over to talk to Flora so it must be them already well I suppose I better let them in no what no don't let them in but they're only policemen Flor don't be silly no don't let them in don't let them in keep them out keep them out she's putting the chain on the door Flor they're going to kill me they're going to kill me turn she means it quick thr Gulliver I did he's not there well we mustn't let those men in they're going to kill me they're going to kill me calm down Flora calm down and concentrate they're going to kill me now listen listen to me Flora they they can't kill you if you want them to go away now will them to go away I can't make them go away Flora come on you can do it if you want to a again a again I won't go for a try try I am trying come on Flora it's not working come on it's not working they're going to kill me get down Flora get down keep down Flora don't move Flora Flora are are you all right Flora what Flora is dead I can't believe it such a waste yes John but now you have to believe that there there is another controller right here in London that was part four of aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis Lark and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Sandra Clark as Flora Kiri Fraser Carr Ian saunderson William edel guliver Clifford Norgate Brigadier Sherman and Michael Harbor as gwin aliens in the mind was written by renie Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes production by Das if you or someone you know is struggling with depression dark thoughts or addiction please visit the hope inthe Darkness page at weird darkness.com there I've gathered numerous resources to find Hope and solutions for those suffering from thoughts of suicide or self harm there's the suicide and crisis Lifeline as well as the crisis text line both of trained counselors at all hours to help those in need and the page even includes text numbers for those in the US Canada United Kingdom and Ireland those struggling with depression can get help through the 7even cups website and app and there's information for anyone to read more about what depression TR truly is and how to identify it through our friends at i.org there are resources for those who battle addictions be it drugs alcohol or self-destructive Behavior along with help for those related to addicts the page has links to help you find a therapist or counselor to find help for those who have a family member with Alzheimer's or denta help for those in a crisis pregnancy and more these resources are always there when you or someone you love needs them on the hope the darkness page at weird darkness.com aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius lar and Cornelius have established L the existence of another colony of mutants this time in the heart of London Flora Kiri unwittingly identifies two of them the Brigadier in charge of security at the home office and an MP Ian Sanderson who later admits to being Flora's real father but a new group of mutants surely means another controller and lar and cornelus hope that with Flora's help they can uncover him instead Flora is murdered no what no don't let them in but they're only policemen Flor don't be silly no don't let them in don't let them in keep them out keep them out she's putting the chain on the door Flor they're going to kill me they're going to kill me calm down Flora calm down and concentrate they're going to kill me now listen listen to me Flora they they can't kill you if you want them to go away now will them to go away I can make them go away Flora oh come on you can do it if you want to I can again I won't go Flora try try I am trying come on Flora it's not working come on it's not working they're going to kill me get down Flora get down keep down Flora don't move Flora Flora are are you all right Flora what Flora is dead I can't believe it such a waste yes John but now you have to believe that there there is another controller right here in London part five genetic Revelations for as much as it has pleased almighty God in his great Mercy to take unto himself the soul of our sister Flora here departed we therefore commit her body to the ground Earth to Earth ashes to ashes dust to dust in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ amen amen amen amen poor Flora I feel sorry for Sanderson to discover his daughter one week and bury her the next if she really was his daughter John Curtis he's coming over oh thank you both very much for being here it would have been pretty lonely without you well it was the least we could do she had no other friends here in London not much of a send off was it just the three of us it would have been different on L yes she really belonged to that Island poor Flora she didn't even know why she died did she or did she well I well damn it have a right to know and you both know more than you've ever let on Ian why don't you come back to my place and have a drink with us I I all right I will refill I yeah thank you Curtis no thanks I'm fine for the moment so it looks as if Flora murder was not the first what you're saying is that her mother was murdered too yes I'm afraid so and you're convinced that the shock of that event was sufficient to unhinge the poor girl yes and but for that she would have become aware of her own power over these so-called mutants on luck yes that's right but we know now it's not limited to luck quite a number of them are established here in London with a controller behind them an unknown controller once more it seems incredible to me are you sure really sure are your F positively do you know the names of these mutants well I we're looking at one right now you me you mean I we're sorry truly sorry you're crazy out of your minds both of you can you explain why else you would walk into a pych Consulting room and just lead Flora away me yes you knocked him unconscious with your walking can and and you manhandled his assistant and then you just left Flora in the street as if she were a total stranger it's not true it's it's just not possible I'm afraid it is in that same psychiatrist was here with us in this very apartment when you did the whole thing over again we saw you but I've no recollection of doing any other was things absolutely none that's par for the course they were actions motivated not by your own thought processes but by floras that's why you don't remember them you see you simply obey them blindly but why was I the only one why didn't any of the other mutants respond to her signals well you were probably the only one within range we think a mile is a limit this par can carry at least that's been our experience I wouldn't mind another Scotch now John may I oh please help yourself oh thank you I feel dirty somehow it's as though my mind had been raped it's not a nice feeling not being able to call your mind your own we had to tell you oh I yeah I realized that but well it's ruined my career of course wiped out everything I'd ever hoped to achieve oh no that may not necessarily be true Ian you see you are the first mutant to know that he's a mutant I'm sorry to you use that word but there's no other way to put it is there no go on well now you know what is being done to you you may at least be aware of the actions you have taken and be able to counter them in some way it is possible Ian I well I hope you're both right and it could be of immense value to us you see we don't know who your controller is the one who ordered Flora's death yes and we must uncover him I don't think we can do that without your help I I should like to uncover him I should like that very much indeed good the net start by asking if you are really quite sure that Flora was your daughter yes of course aren't you are you positive Flora didn't put the idea into your head quite literally the thought never crossed my mind it's going to take me a little while to grasp the full potential of this phenomenon I can see yes it is rather frightening I must admit did Flora put the idea into my mind it's an engine idea Curtis but no definitely no no I knew Flora Kiri was my child before she was even born it was the reason that I had to stop seeing her mother I had to let Flora be passed off as Angus K's daughter the people on the island are pretty straight laced even today and any sort of Scandal would have been enough for them to resin scholarship to the university for who to resend the scholarship The Fellowship of the church and leou uhuh what's the matter Curtis well I don't know what you're going to say to this but well Ian every member of that Fellowship is a mutant except the minister Donald skuller H and for some reason we haven't yet fathomed he was in cahoots with Molly Kyle LG's controller Molly Kyle the controller are you sure oh yes she was a great friend of my parents they were both members of the the fellowship it's snowballing even as we talk about it tell us about that scholarship of yours Ian well it's straightforward enough it's a a simple trust set up to pay for the further education of the brighter children on the island normally they're sent away to school in the mainland and then on through University all expenses paid were they many any such scholarships three or four a year on average boys and girls I can you remember any of their names of course do you know who their parents were don't you mean can I remember if their parents were members of the fellowship yes that's exactly what he means in a roundabout way he well I can easily check that up and let you know oh that's excellent excuse me I'm just about to see who that is you know Ian I can't help asking myself self if all those brighter children who received scholarships were were were like you you mean mutants yes and are they all holding down important jobs like you ctis are you saying that there is a conspiracy to take over the country I don't know I just don't know it's odd what is John there are two of G's men at the door huhuh they want us to accompany them to the home office but who says they're glier's men can you be sure I mean have you had them checked well their papers are all in order but they want you to bring your passport with you my passport what the hell for but apparently there have been formal complaints laid against us what by who by a certain Member of Parliament by you Ian it is my duty to inform you Professor Lar that as a result of formal complaints laid against you Her Majesty's government regrets that it has no alternative but to invite you to leave the country within 72 hours what I must ask you to surrender your passport it will of course be returned to at your Point of Departure when you finally leave the country I must protest sir I protest in the strongest possible terms you are in no position to protest Mr Cornelius your own activities appear to have brought you perilously close to Breaking the official Secrets act as it is official Secrets act not to mention your own code of medical practice or do you call it medical ethics these days ethics what what on Earth are you talking about man in your particular case Mr Cornelius I would have thought it unethical in the extreme for a brain surgeon to publicize the name of a patient in the national press especially when that patient is a senior government official holding a politically sensitive appointment you can't mean Ian Sanderson I mean Brigadier Sherman sir who oh you remember John that gold braided blimp who came blundering into glier's office oh him well in that case sir I can State without fear of contradiction that Brigadier Sherman is not repeat not one of my patients and never has been that only compounds the situation as far as I can see but I don't even know the man only lady only once in my life oh forget it John forget it they've got the drop on us your passport Professor lar if you please all right there take it thank you here's your receipt this is preposterous I warn you sir I intend to take this matter to the highest possible Authority I assure you Mr Cornelius this matter has already been to the highest possible Authority and we've been well and truly set up John we've just got a grim and Bar I don't know whether you gentlemen were hoping to perpetrate some sort of political hoax but I'm bound to advise you that the allegations you've made against Mr Ian Sanderson are so vicious as to invite legal action on the most stringent terms where they not so outrageous so impossible as to read like something well like um science fiction precisely not so long ago they were saying the same thing about getting a man to the Moon I'll get May Manson to see you out yes sir oh Manson uh perhaps you'll be good enough to escort these gentlemen safely out of the building certainly sir this way gentlemen thank you thank you 72 hours Professor that's all and please be so kind as to advis us of your time and place of departure pompous idiot cool it John your burst a blood vessel well I ask you this way Colonel gulli like a few words with you good I've got a few Choice words I'd like to say to him coffee strong and black there you are thank you Cornelius same for me if you please sugar please yes I'm sorry about all that you damn well should be thanks well what else can I do once Ian sanderson's complaint came in the fat was in the fire I find it a little surprising to say the least this morning I felt sure he was on our side I think he may well be he phoned as soon as you'd been picked up I don't know where he got my name from from us he almost certainly heard John say it was your men at the door anyway he told me he hadn't laid a complained against either of you he suggested the whole thing was either a mistake or at least a misunderstanding well we still can't afford to take in for granted John he may want to be on our side but he's still a mutant you think he might have been under orders to make that complaint almost certainly the interesting part is that he seems to have pieced it all together when we were picked up and reacted accordingly just as you hoped he would well at least it's a hopeful sign yes now what about this ridiculous newspaper story Colonel that really has put the cat among the pigeons yes I'm sorry about that too I'll be lucky if I'm not holding up before the BMA for that little nonsense what about me being booted out of the country like an enemy alien well that that was something I hadn't foreseen I must admit do I understand you correctly Colonel I should think so Professor you nobody's fool it was you who gave that story to the Press yes but why quite simply because I happen to believe your story 100% I also believe that the two men who killed Flora were almost certainly mutants acting under orders under whose orders that's the point isn't it Professor but before I could come to with that I had to deal with another problem much closer to home Brigadier Sherman yes Sherman is the head of this department and my immediate Superior and a mutant undeniably and quite possibly acting under orders even here in this building if this investigation was to get anywhere I had to get rid of the Brigadier I don't see how leaking the story to the Press can help well it brings the investigation out into the open curses into what is called public domain more than that it pinpoints Sherman as the key figure in what could be a very embarrassing front page and how have your Lords and Masters reacted so far to this levious scheme of yours Brigadier Sherman even now is on route for the south of France for a period of indefinite leave pending a full investigation and I'm in charge of that investigation congratulations and I am to be deported more congratulations relax Professor I've already made application for that order to be rescinded do I get my passport back not until I've completed my inquiries I'm afraid I just can't allow you to leave the country and to think Britain used to be called the crazy of democracy that was Greece dear boy oh I'm glad to get out of that place it was beginning to feel like sing sing at one stage I've never been there but I think I know the feeling oh there's a news stand over the road oh you want to read about what they said uh about Sherman huh no I want to make sure they've kept my name out of it otherwise we'll be up to our ears and reporters for the next few days I won't be a minute okay John look out John John are are you all right it's my arm is it broken no no I don't think so oh that damn driver could have killed me oh well that was almost certainly his intention oh you serious Deo you bet I'm serious me in America and you in the hospital are worse no doubt about it John somebody's marked our card with a Vengeance come in morning John good morning curs how's the arm oh it's as well as can be expected if I make Co of well maybe this will cheer you up huh look there 4minute egg I remembered coffee orange juice toast and marmalade the lot just like mother used to make shall I feed you oh no no no thanks I think I can cope you what have you got there oh uh this it's from saunderson he must have pushed it through the letter box first thing this morning it's a list of all those he can remember as having been educated by the trust it's an interesting little collection of names plus details of parentage of course all very comprehensive here um see for yourself Colonel guliver should read this he may be able to check these people down yes and find out what they're doing now I was checking Hugh's observations against these facts that saunderson has given us and what did you find nothing it's as though I had a key in my hand and couldn't find a lock to fit it I wonder if I've got the answer what's that I couldn't sleep much last night this wretched arm kept me awake and the strange thing was I couldn't get Flora's mother out of my mind Flora's mother but why huh well according to Flora her mother was murdered by Molly Kyle because she had begotten Flora in sin as she put it yeah with the young Ian Sanderson yeah well now why would Molly Kyle suddenly punish a mutant for something they had done 13 or 14 years before perap she'd only just found out but how and who could have told her only Ian Sanderson and Flora's mother knew the secret he had left the island and she would never have risked breaking up her marriage not after 13 years certainly then the answer must have been Flora herself exactly and when Flora suddenly started developing into her controller he must have given our Molly one hell of a shock put it mildly and what's more Molly would have known instantly how it had happened yeah what do you know about Flora's assumed father Angus Kiri well he wasn't a mutant but his father was ah where does Sanderson say that he doesn't h i marked all the passages in Hugh's notebook that refer to Flora here look see ahuh good H then what about Flora's mother well just a minute let's see uh no both her parents were mutants and so were saunderson he told us that himself all right right so we have a working hypothesis a controller is born out of the Union of two mutants and the parents of both of them must be mutants too oh we may have to go back even further than that John we we can't be sure I know but is enough to be getting on with surely okay there are half a dozen names on this list who have two Mutant parents and a lot of their grandparents will be dead by now so we can't check them out exactly so any one of these could be a controller John supposing none of them were controllers oh come on Curtis there must be two whole Generations here the has to be at least one controller if not where else do we find him that's the big question John and the answer gives me a feeling like hairy-legged spiders crawling over my scalp as in this country we call that dandruff uhoh you know for a so-called upright Englishman you spend an awful lot of your time burbling on your backside well I have a poorly arm and I had to enjoy this delicious breakfast which you prepared for me with such Loving Care well you finished it now so you've absolutely no excuse for staying in bed any longer come on now get up all right and let's go over to saunderson's place it's important John come on can I offer you something tea coffee not for me thank you I've had breakfast in bed well uh what is it that brings you here in such hurry we want some information from you about this educational trust oh I yeah where was it administered on l Of Course Curtis by the fellowship no no no no that's where the beneficiaries are where the scholarships are awarded we want to know where the money is it can't just be suspended in space I mean someone has to be responsible for it for its investment for collecting and distributing the interest if we could find out who does that we'll be getting much closer to the truth I well uh it's administered here in London by a small Merchant Bank I should know because I'm a member of its board of directors you are what are we waiting for well if it'll help I'll um I'll make an appointment for you to meet the bank's chairman fine on our way we might as well drop in at the home office and leave that list of names with Colonel guler oh uh by the by if you'd care to come and look out of the window look don't there see that man in a dark jacket and pinstriped rosers and what about him well uh he's been there for 2 and a half hours I just thought it rather strange ah it might be one of Galla's men on the other hand it might not anyway if he follows us to the bank I think we'd be justified in asking him for his account number if you wouldn't mind waiting in here for a few moments gentlemen sir Graham mcladden has someone with him at the moment but he ought to be free directly thank you thanks I hate having this floor to seeming glass all around so do I makes me feel like a goldfish in a bowl or a germ under a microscope oh really Curtis you have an uncanny neck of luring the tone of any conversation well it can often be quite beneficial to get back to Basics oh dear you're obviously about to expound another of your extraordinary theories oh Wy Uncle Cornel get on with it then you know it just dawned on me that we've been looking at this education trust as something which has developed quite naturally out of the situation on Leck I thought we would all agreed on that what from one tiny Island a few hundred simple hardworking God-fearing Crafters organizing this this Fellowship this education Trust oh it's all too much John it's far too much what's the alternative that luig may have started as an accident of nature but it has been deliberately built up exploited for the sole purpose of producing mutants who can be groomed for high office like Ian here or or Brigadier Sherman and half the names on Ian's list I shouldn't be surprised you mean it's been set up like a sort of mutant breeder unit more like a stud Farm oh it's horrible yes especially when you think of Molly Kyle and the Reverend Donald schoolar as the farmers F managers more likely now if you're right then the real villains the masterminds of this business are hiding behind the facade of this Merchant Bank all this plate glass opulence around us excuse me gentlemen sir Graham is free to see you now if you'd kindly care to step this way oh uh just a minute who was that who just came out that was Sir Graham's last appointment sir the Reverend Donal schooler there he is now sir just going towards the main door do you know him by any chance oh yes we know him all right and the man he's talking to now oh do you sir that's sir Graham's chauffeur but he's the man who's been waiting outside my flat for 2 and a half hours I'm sure as hell he wasn't waiting for a bus that was part five of aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis Lark and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Fraser Carr as Ian Sanderson William eidle galliver James Thomasson home office official and Andrew Seer as Manson aliens in the mind was written by renie Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes production by John Das this episode is dedicated to the men and women of our armed forces and First Responders whether you are currently serving or have served in the past you are appreciated it is because of your courage and sacrifice that we enjoy the freedoms and liberties we hold dear and I for one appreciate every single one of you for protecting what many of us take for granted so thank you aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent Price As Curtis lar and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius when Flora cirri is murdered lar and Cornelius decide to tell her father the MP Ian Sanderson that he is himself a mutant able to be manipulated by the unidentified controller the same person who ordered his daughter's death shocked and horrified serson agrees to help them trace the organization back to its s s their search finally leads them to an educational trust with headquarters at a merchant bank in the city we've been looking at this education trust as something which has developed quite naturally out of the situation on luck I thought we were all agreed on that what from one tiny Island a few hundred simple hardworking God-fearing crofters organizing this this Fellowship this education trust what's the alternative that luig may have started as an accident of nature but it has been deliberately built up exploited for the sole purpose of producing mutants who can be groomed for high office like Ian here or or Brigadier Sherman and half the names on Ian's list I shouldn't be surprised you mean it's been set up like a sort of mutant breeder unit more like a stud Farm oh it's horrible yes especially when you think of Molly Kyle and the Reverend Don schoar as the farmers Farm managers more likely now if you're right then the real villains the masterminds of this business are hiding behind the facade of this Merchant Bank all this plate glass opulence around us excuse me gentlemen sir Graham is free to see you now just a minute who was that who just came out that was Sir Graham's last appointment sir the Reverend Donal schooler there he is now sir just going towards the main door do do you know him by any chance oh yes we know him all right and the man he's talking to now oh do you sir that's sir Graham's chauffeur but he's the man who's been waiting outside my flat for 2 and a half hours and sure as hell he wasn't waiting for a bus part six final tribulations come in if you please gentlemen sir Graham will see you now thank you caminian it's nice to see you again you seem to have been away for ages gam may I introduce John Cornelius the eminent brain surgeon Mr Cornelius it's good of you to see us sir gr and Professor Curtis Lark uh Professor wello sir nice office you have here s Graham must be a good working environment perfect but then luxury always is yes won't you sit down gentlemen thank you thank you now what Rings Two such unlik L visitors through the hallowed portals of a merchant bank money what else sir grahe well at least you've come to the right man we sincerely hope so well tell me all about it what's your problem we've just returned from the aisle of luig you know the a of L well of course I do I was born there what a coincidence what Oh you mean because of I not really were you also educated on the islands of to start with of course but then my family immigrated to Canada oh but that was was years and years ago gram was the luig educational trust in existence in those days of course not Ian that wasn't until just before the War uh 1938 or 9 could you tell us who established the trust I did it's always been very much my own private um benefaction yes something like that in gratitude for all the favors received and in Lively expectation of further favors to come that's a nice turn of phrase you have Professor well it's not original I'm afraid indeed not I believe it was her said of King John oh you know everything so Graham do you know anything about the island sickness Island sick what island sickness on Lou gram oh that oh that's nothing much nothing much do you realize that the incidence of mental disorientation in the young is high on this one tiny island with a population of a few hundred than it is in the rest of the United Kingdom you call that nothing much sir grah it's the biggest nothing much I've ever heard of put like that Professor I might agree it sounds horribly impressive but as I understand it this uh sickness is no more than a a passing phase like growing pains the point is griam that whatever this sickness is it didn't turn out to be a passing phase with my daughter you I did didn't even know you had a daughter no I think I'd almost forgotten it myself until last week well what happened last week my daughter was murdered murdered my poor Ian I have no idea oh but this is awful terrible I can't tell you how appalled I am don't you want to know who did it h oh yes uh yes of course I do so do we it was two complete strangers strangers to us that is but why Ian in God's name why we hoped you might Hazard a guess sir Graham I don't know why you should think that don't you anyway the the point is that I'd like to make some sort of lasting Memorial to her of course you would what I had in mind was some sort of Grant to allow proper Research into the causes of this island sickness and Le where else it sounds a marvelous idea we thought you'd like it and I was wondering if you'd be prepared to let the trust sponsor it the trust now why not s gr isn't the aim of the trust to improve conditions for the Islanders uh well yes yes in a way I suppose well believe me this would improve their lot a lot oh uh excuse me a moment yes Charles uh lady mclen has arrived said Graham oh ask her to wait just a few no no no on second thoughts ask her to come straight up very good s gram I hope you don't mind gentlemen I'm meant to be taking my wife to lunch oh it's ages since I saw her last is your wife also a native of Lu oh no no no she was born in Canada actually that's where I first met her but she does take a great interest in Affairs on the island oh yes indeed she'll want to know a great deal about this suggestion of yours oh oh I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to no no no it's quite all right dear come on in well if you're sure you uh you know Ian of course of course it's been so long I'm in danger of forgetting what you look like here now let me introduce you to Mr John Cornelius the brain surgeon Mr Cornelius how you do lady I'm Professor Curtis lar you're not Curtis lar the author are you well I do write the art book or two ma'am yes I've just read one of them well thank you I'm gratified to find I'm not my only reader no seriously I find your predictions of the future use of telepathy and telekinesis quite fascinating yes it is a fascinating subject and not a little frightening oh forgive me I've obviously broken up something terribly important on the contrary your arrival could be quite opportune yeah sit down my dear here thank you we hope you might be able to persuade sir Graham to support our scheme it's a modest medical research Grant well that seems a worthy enough cause what you intend to research mental illness lady mclen on a tiny Scottish island called luig LG but there's no mental illness on lck oh but there is I assure you the so-called Island sickness is almost approaching an epidemic they want the trust to uh sponsor the idea if they're see I is why not it sounds a marvelous idea that's what your husband said exactly what your husband said word for word of course we'd have to put it to the other trustees Oh I thought it was a private trust Graham did say that he set up the trust oh he did as agent for the trustees could we approach them well I don't see why not when when what well when could we put it to them tonight if you like well Graham and I are both trustees and the chief executive is dining with us three gies a quarum well then you'd better come to dinner you can put your proposition all mass what all three of us why not the more the merrier well but a splendid idea we'd love to come wouldn't we yes I guess we would at that I'll make it 8 for 8:30 then we'll send a car for you then you won't have to worry about driving home that is most aw kind of you drink no thanks I want to have that Wide Awake feeling all evening you have a Suspicious Mind dear boy I don't expect it'll be anything but a perfectly ordinary dinner party yes except that we could find ourselves playing footsie with a controller you think it's mclen don't you well I don't know but it's not a bad position for a controller to be in now is it I mean head of a merchant bank finger in every pie pulling every string sounds awfully messy it sounds terribly legitimate what better front could a controller have you're right about that every snippet of information in the right hands could be worth a million dollars don't you have pounds over here anymore oh yes yes but they're not the same as those we used to know and love how does my bow tie look terrible and tired why did you buy a clip on like mine oh that's most uncivilized besides I'd be terrified of it falling into the soup well it might improve the taste now who on Earth that want me to get it no no no no I'll go all right all right I'm coming oh major Manson may I come in yes of course go straight through to the the smell of camper it's major Manson good evening Professor oh good evening major will you join me in a drink Scotch straight a little walk please okay I thought you weren't going to drink tonight Curtis well I changed my mind this monkey suit of mine smells so much of moth balls is making my eyes water you should get that jacket a good brush does that get rid of the smell no but it scares the hell out of the mall I say I say I say never mind us major you are major here's to you cheers why don't you take the weight off your feet and tell us the news well you've certainly stirred up a hornet's nest Colonel G with the Home Secretary now well I'm glad to see someone's taking us seriously he's taking the whole show very seriously indeed regards it as a full-scale attempt to subvert the government of this country but the question is who by perhaps we'll find out at dinner tonight choose me find out what who's behind it all John Cornelius here oh it's Ian Sanderson here oh hello hi I've Just Seen sir Graham's car pull up outside your door but I think the chauffer's coming to you first so I'll be down in a couple of minutes oh well thank you see you in a few moments then I fine bye bye that's all it's very odd something come up John no well at least what oh that was serson he rang to say mladen chaer is on his way up for us H simple courtesy surely well I don't know he he warned us once before didn't he Cur yes you're right when Flora got killed you think he's trying to warn you again it's possible hello the trouble is once a mutant always a mutant we can never be sure here goes John yes be ready for anything Mr Cornelius keep your body right behind the front door all the time don't worry I will what about me you Professor keep clear of this doorway okay where the Cornelius yes we won't keep your minute just about ready stay out the way Professor look how Johnny's got to die out of the way John are you all right I I'm still in one piece I think but I I'm shaking like a jelly well that's probably just the reaction what about him what about him have you ever seen him before yes he was watching sanderson's apartment this morning and then we saw him talking to skoola at the bank schoola yes the preacher fellow from your Island yeah that's the one now I wonder what brings him to town well that's something else we may learn during dinner this dinner party where's it meant to be taking place well that's a that's a gr mluton mluton you mean the merchant Banker is he involved oh boy and how well his chauffer certainly was and you're determined to go through with this uh dinner quite determined in spite of all that's happened because of all that's happened you know you could be putting your head in the lion's mouth well let's hope it doesn't suffer from helosis oh I like that J yeah you're better uh do you mind if I use your phone oh help yourself what are you going to do you'll require transport won't you but where's sir gra chauffeur oh what's happened to him why don't you tell us we were actually ready when you phoned and then we stood around waiting for nearly half an hour that's strange very especially as the car was still parked in the street I presume it was Graham's car oh I am sure of that I can't think of any place the chauffeur go without his car perhaps he couldn't take it with him oh the mcls won't think it very funny either I would already half an our late as it is Mr Ian Sanderson Mr John Cornelius and Professor Curtis Lark Oh I thought you were never coming we were in weren't well what happened did the car not arrive in time oh no the car arrived but the chauffeur didn't oh well perhaps he ran out of petrol now why couldn't we have thought of that let me introduce you to the chief executive good evening Professor you Reverend schooler Mr Cornelius of course you know my cousin Donald don't you cousin I had no idea you were relateded oh a long way removed I'm afraid I'm B to say I am surprised to see you again Professor yes I can imagine do you think we could all go through to dinner now I think they're ready to serve so what's this nonsense I hear about you wanting the trust to sponsor some new fangled scheme on the island again oh it's hardly a nonsense Minister I want to set up a research Grant as a memorial to my daughter Flora I heard about that very distressing that must have been more than you can know mind that girl would have been alive today if she had been left with us on the island where she was safe and well cared for Flora needed treatment Minister she was ill I she had the island sickness there have been many that had it before you came poking your nose in and none of them seem any of the worse for it please don't all Mr Cornelius is a guest it's a fair point though my dear I mean I suffered from it and and I came through all right so did he end and so did J Butler I believe Joshua yes I think he did also apparently the entire Fellowship on Lu what makes you say that it was the price of the ticket what he means that was the reason for joining the fellowship how do you know that from the things Flora said and from what santon has told us Ian yes and from Hugh Dexter's notebook of course what notebook we found no no what Minister I'm just surprised that anything could have survived that fire at Dr Dexter's house it didn't we had the notebook in our pocket by then and it told us everything he had discovered before he was so rudely taken from us Joshua serve some more wine if you please very well my lady what was it that this uh Dex fellow discovered H well he discovered that going to some strange genetic mutation of the brain many of the Islanders myself included could be controlled the way a robot can be controlled but anyone with the ability to transmit instructions telepathically Ian what's got into you Ian listen to me a man in your position must have and must keep the confidence of the general public whatever you believe or think you believe you cannot afford to talk like that even in private I can't afford to be a slave to somebody else's Ambitions a politician must be his own master sir gram that was extremely well said well I'm only a banker I may be a bit naive about these things but if Ian and others like him have been turned into slaves who are you accusing of being the Masters Flora k for one Ian's daughter oh but that's prep ous yeah we keep coming back to that poor we Lassie don't we and we're going to keep coming right on back to her she was the only flaw in the pattern wasn't she I must say Professor this is even more intriguing than your book and a damn sight more farfetched oh no sir Gran you see we've discovered the exact genetic combination that will produce a muant child a slave as you call it what we don't know is the exact genetic combination that produces an infant controller one of your Masters we were hoping one of you would Enlighten us why us well I suggest you direct that question to someone who breeds thorough breads it's not so far removed s Graham we're talking about another form of selective breeding very selective to the point of not pairing people who might produce unwanted controllers like floriri only her mother ruined everything by having an affair with Ian ah I've never heard such nonsense I told you it's not nonsense and you both know it in the end it was the reason Flora had to be killed wasn't it sir gram what you had one controller too many didn't you I and now we've got a pair of meddling buy bodies that's enough Donald there's no point in abusing our guests they're intelligent men after all they must realize their predicament by now what predicament oh of course Curtis I'm sorry I should have realized you should indeed Mr Cornelius with all your fancy training and you could now work out that it might be another woman if there's still any doubt in your minds just watch listen to me concentrate concentrate look around you gentlemen Ian Sanderson my husband the butler I and a whole house full of servants besides look at them carefully don't you notice something strange they're blank looks not one of them has a thought in his head except to carry out my instructions lady mlen who' have thought it well you should have done especially after flora and my sister your sister Molly Kyle mol Kyle was your sister what were you try to do Minister keep it in the family I something like that professor and you were just riding on her coattails powered by proxy it figures py you didn't figure it earlier then that was your big mistake Professor what do you intend to do with us lady mluton well I have only to will that you should be taken out and killed and you will be with a chorus of zombies chanting kill them kill them no they don't have to chant you can have it in complete silence if you like could we have them praying for our Eternal Souls just to keep the minister happy the time for the Wise Cracks is well passed Professor outside now and please let's not have any unpleasantness it would be such a Pity to ruin such a delightful un informative evening oh yes of course and blood stains are so rough on the carpets precisely Professor I knew you would understand perhaps you would proceed us into the garden please just to the edge of the lawn if you would that's far enough what now now we wait for the helicopter it shouldn't be more than a few minutes the bank own an air taxi service sir gram often uses it to get him to the airport is that where we're going yes Professor we booked a flight to New York for you and Cornelius and Sanderson were going to see you up were going to see me off yes unfortunately the helicopter crashed killing all the passengers what about the crew the Pilot's one of my mutants he'll do what I will him to you mean he'll just kill himself like some kamikazi pilot if I want him to right on time it's no goodl looking round profor there's no way out nowhere to run even if I did run lady mcladden I have no doubt you could will a whole Army of zombies into catching up with me that's right Professor how many zombies do you control anyway all right lady mclen stand quite still the part's over Manson and about time kill him kill him careful Manson be careful she's the controller call him up lady MCL kill him kill him pull him off kill him kill him kill him kill him kill kill him where am I what's been happening Mr Cornelius Professor are you all right fine Manson fine you left it rather late yes I'm sorry about that my wife my wife what's happened to her Caroline is dead gram they have killed her what oh no Caroline my dear damn you L come your interfering eyes I half expected he would have a gun rather hoped he would actually what about lady mclen she was unarmed why should she bother with the gun when she had a whole Army of instant zombies at her command that's what I was thinking well I suppose that's the end of this business is it except for picking up the pieces on l i mean perhaps you'd allow me to look after that you obviously I can't continue in politics I'm too big a security risk to ever achieve High office and that's what it's really all about can't you stay on the back bench oh no no no I don't think so I'd keep remembering my ambitions it had hurt too much no I'd rather do something useful back home and luig for a while until I can think it's over what about Sir Graham poor man I don't think he understands what's going on ah not surprised it'll take quite a lot of explaining believe me yes I and you might be the best person to do it I I'll try now what about you John what will you do return to surgery before I lose my touch and you Curtis oh I shouldn't be surprised if I've got quite a lot of traveling to do what back to Borneo all over the place I don't believe we've seen the end of this business oh surely C no seriously I mean lady mluton came from Canada the next controller could come from anywhere on Earth they could spring up like mushrooms oh no don't start that again Curtis please start what anything my dear John I think it's started already that was the final episode of aliens in the mind co-starring Vincent price as Curtis Lark and Peter Cushing as John Cornelius with Richard hearle as s Graham mclen Joan Benham lady mclen Fraser Carr Ian serson Henry Stamper Donald schoolar and Andrew Seer as Manson electronic effects for the series were by Chris Jenkins aliens in the mind was written by Rene basilo from an idea by Robert Holmes production by John D thanks for listening if you like what you heard be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes if you like the show please share it with someone you know who loves oldtime radio or the Paranormal or strange stories true crime monsters or Unsolved Mysteries like you do you can email me and follow me on social media through the weird Darkness website weird darkness.com is also where you can listen to free audiobooks I've narrated get the email newsletter visit the store for creepy and cool weird Darkness merchandise you can find other podcasts that I host plus it's where you can find the Hope in the darkness page if you or someone you know is struggling with depression addiction or thoughts of harming yourself or others you can find all of that and more at weird darkness.com I'm Darren Marler thanks for joining me for this episode of weird darknesses retro radio

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