Goff vs Lions Fans, Detroit Sports Winning Records, Giving Your Wife A Hall Pass | Baligian & Bell

[Music] hey what's up with sean belligion what up this is joint bell here on the legion of bail shelf make sure you check us out on the woodward sports network [Music] [Music] so what is up glad you could join us on a monday morning on woodward sports always a pleasure to have this fella in the house they want to kick off the week young man they only terry foster what's up buddy nothing just kicking it off with you that's awesome i love it absolutely love it lots of stuff you know a lot of people are going to catch codes this week you know why because it's 33 in the morning at 38 in the morning then it kind of gets into the 50s and tomorrow's going to be 82 then it's gonna be 50 and then 30 something you know people are just going it is amazing like the the temperature changes i don't get sick very often but you give me a good temperature uh fluctuation i i'm gonna be congested for two three days i mean it's just that's the way it grows yeah it's the way it is uh kendra said good morning hi kendra good morning to you jenna good morning to you as well uh yeah like uh it's funny we were all looking at our weather apps because uh art welcome to the club when you find yourself looking at weather apps you are officially old so uh congratulations art you're officially old um one what let's see one app said 85 tomorrow the other one said 82 mine said 81 it's going to be warm tomorrow that's what we know right it's going to be warm well you know we you have different services and they have different whatever it is and you know weather patterns they look at different things so you know you know what it could be 81 82 and 85 could be it could be because you know in our northern regions it could be 81 in our southern regions it could be 85. do you turn on the air no just same here open the windows open them all up if it gets to 85 it's going to be warm though let's be honest sure even with the windows open and all that it it gets to be a little warm you've got to get that like winter nastiness out of your house like that just like that you know it smells like plaid sweaters and campfire from being stuck inside lighting fighters like you got to get that out of your house all right here here's the problem in michigan when they say 81 it won't feel like 81. it'll feel like 50 we got we got all that dampness and coldness in the ground and it's coming up yep i mean like i fell for the fake yesterday i said i'm going to go for my little walk it's 57. the hell it wasn't 57 it's not like 45. i did the same terry honest to god like i took like a 70-minute walk i was just like i'm gonna go let's go and i honestly got about i would say about 35 nah a little over halfway in i was like okay i'm cold i'm yeah like i'm wearing blows on you oh you're walking through all this damp ground and everything and it seeps up and it gets you yeah no doubt about it so uh no i'm i'm a big fan of art exactly what you said open up the windows it's a lot better to do it when it's like 77.78 because yeah you get in the 80s it gets a little you don't have to raise your hand i know i'm sorry you are so trained dude like you should see him it like honestly even before he starts to do this instinctively the hand just shoots up and terry and i both said listen when joyk's not here you don't have to raise your hand george's got you trained like a seal but here's the problem though is that then i get comfortable and tuesday comes around and joint goes put that hand up when i tell you to no what i was gonna say is am i the only one in this room that when it's 50 even 45 at night i open the window at night and i also have a fan on and i get it as cold as i can in my bedroom yeah you are really my son's the same way though my son dead of winter he needs not only the ceiling fan on but he has like a fan on his desk and for for the life of me i cannot i i don't get it i don't now i'm not a wrap up an 80 blankets guy most of the time i just got a sheet on me but but like you walk in that room it's an arctic blast i mean he he's got two different fans i don't like it that cold but i like a cool room and i have this blanket called big bear and big bear just warms you up it's like having bear fur on you so when you wrap up in that thing i don't care how cold that room is you feel pretty snug you know feeling pretty good with big bear i'm not the only one there there are a few people watching right now that are probably laughing okay you just brought up something this is what happens when you have conversation i have a favorite blanket yes period and and do you know what you call yours big bear you know what mine is blankie and mike that sounds like a kid my friends make fun of me except for mike mike shout out to mike mike appreciates blankie but but like my friends will come over and like there's a real good chance that i'll have blankie kind of dropped around draped around me and they go what are you five and i go yes i'm five i have blanky i feel comfortable uh when blankie is around so now do you have a little dog named pookie i do not i don't do that but yo art yeah it's it's weird we're three grown men that have our favorite blankets mine is like a flower it looks like a 70s couch but like my kids try using it throughout the day like they'll take and i'm like no i you put that down that's dad's blanket you know that might be weird trust me my daughter knows the rule if she wants to wrap up in a blanket she grabs any other blanket but blankie i just said blankie's mine if i ever come to your house i'm not touching blankets now i might talk to it but i'm not going to wrap up in it i love blankie so much it's just that's where we're happy for you one day i'm gonna bring blankie in i just you should you should do the show with blanky right come come to work play yeah it's like say it's a shawl yeah it's a you know what it looked like a vampire or something this is it i i went with the brown uh the brown cape yeah get your snuggie oh blankies gosh i just think about blankie and i miss him he's uh uh kendra let's see tammy said i have my fuzzy blanket on the couch that i cuddle with every night when watching tv uh kendra my favorite is my dad's he use during chemo treatments absolutely everybody's got their favorite blankie you know what we should do we should post pictures like you put put a picture of big bear i love big bear big bear is warm terry you got some great nicknames you've always had some solid i mean you could go to the arctic circle in january with big bear wrapped around you and you're like a polar bear you're like okay what's up i might even jump in the water with that sucker on it's ridiculous good stuff um obviously it's draft week we're going to be talking a lot of draft during the course of the week there's no doubt about that terry brought up a point about jared goff that i can answer uh personally uh because terry i know you asked the question and we'll get to this in a little bit why are so many people down on jared goff i will explain to you why i'm not high on jared goff but first you had a um an interesting point um and you wanted to tie this into college football about the soccer suit soccer super league yes what if we did a ncaa football soccer or not soccer but football super league of 20 teams does michigan and michigan state make it when you look at the last few years michigan state has gone to the final four michigan i believe tied for the division once but then got blown out by ohio state 6239 yes uh people want to fire jim harbaugh uh marc d'antonio left michigan state and shambles and now tucker's trying to get it back together are those teams that you look at our two teams in the state do you look at them as perennial top 20 teams because it's all you have to be to be in a super league because you know they're going to go 20 teams shut everybody else out if they did something like that do they make it i think you you bring up a if if we're having this conversation four years ago i think everybody including michigan fans has to say michigan state belongs you know i mean they they had that run where they finished in the top six you know years running in and everything 13 14 15 won two big ten titles as you mentioned made it to the final four you you can't include them now i think even with the disaster that was last year say what you want about jim harbaugh jim harbaugh's had good teams he wasn't hired to have good teams but he's had good teams terry i would say they're on the outside looking in i would say they're on the outside looking in though do you agree if you're if you're talking about top here's what's looking included though okay the block in yeah there's no doubt means money the block m means okay even if michigan is playing alabama and we're expecting michigan to get their ass kiss kick ass is kicked we're watching people are gonna watch that game people watch michigan and texas a m people watch michigan and georgia people may not watch what they won't watch purdue in texas a m or purdue in alabama or purdue and notre dame except people in indiana so i think when you look at the magic of the block m you would probably include them it cannot be denied the magic of the block and the brand of the block m but i'll tell you what it also goes hand in hand with a problem that i have in in college football today and i think a lot of people around here are guilty of it just absolutely positively living in the past like absolutely are we are so what are we doing are are we awarding or rewarding um teams for success that they've had in the last few years or are we awarding or rewarding uh teams that have been like michigan or texas texas is another perfect example this is the year for texas they're back count on it how many damn years have we had that conversation like and you know used to be like washington used to be like that too did they have oh they're going to kick people's ass and they don't yeah and they show up now and then but um in sports we are slow to react no doubt for instance in major league baseball you know if you ask most people what the big rivalry is in baseball if you ask tv executives what's the big rivalry in baseball you know what they would say still they would say red sox and yankees still no doubt about it but they would ignore dodgers and padres yep who actually fight on the field hate each other you know even brewers and cubs i mean brewers and cubs has turned into a pretty good thing so no terry you are you are preaching to the choir i i think i always and and i'm going gonna give a tip of the cap to our mutual friend the late uh drew sharp okay drew sharp spoke with more validity than anybody wanted to give him credit for anybody wanted to give him credit for and it's funny because i think the national media was late to react to the issues that the big ten had for a while right like we around here realized okay we haven't beaten anybody a consequence for a few years now like nobody in the big ten you know in terms of those big games against highly ranked opponents and then suddenly about three four year years in then everybody like nationally kind of hey wait a second the big ten isn't winning a lot of these big games and everything and everything's been going on since the 70s it was real it was real but you know what we made excuses for the big ten well they lose the rose bowl because they got to go across three time lines and these are practically home games yep but a team like washington that's not a home game they have a three-hour flight to the rose bowl maybe and they're in the same tame same time zombie we used to make excuses for the big ten i'd like to see them come play up here in our backyard i i mean how many times did you hear that excuse you know what who wants to see a football game in january uh in west lafayette or ann arbor nobody does exactly uh we'll we'll continue this conversation when we come back i think it's an interesting conversation i think it's also for getting some good work that some teams have done recently shouldn't teams that got their program up in the last few years get a little bit of credit we'll talk to terry about that and you as well so glad you could join us monday morning right here on woodward sports i'm looking to bring out another hvac tech right now we're recruiting five to ten texts a month we're looking to grow and expand every new tech we hire is from northwestern tech the hands-on training is fantastic they're always my first call we love hiring northwestern tech grads they come out trained and ready to work our program is only ten and a half months and our next classes are starting soon so why wait i'm looking to hire and look into higher higher graduate of northwestern tech northwestern tech northwestern tag northwestern tech [Music] all right welcome back in so glad you could join us terry foster in the house today joyce bell will be back tomorrow i got a hit on this very quickly terry dimitri said uh the problem for the tiger team is they can't score do you guys think that al avila's days as gm are numbered i'm sorry you're talking to the wrong guy uh i was bashing on al avila before it became cool the free pass that this guy's got in this town i i know i've talked to you about it terry long before the season began i i don't get it i don't detroit roots i we've been talking about all these wonderful can't miss prospects to the point that that that they've grown to mythic proportions and and so by this time shouldn't some of these guys actually be here and helping this team out and you take a look at the success of the tigers this year and it isn't from those mythical names that can't miss and everything so uh terry you and i were even joking about it uh earlier today uh about you know if something comes together three years from now somebody's gonna wag their finger at you and say i told you so right and absolutely that's what they do it's the way it goes i think here in this town the fan base is looking alive like all right who is this dude what's he done my thing is i don't think the urgency to win is there with ownership and uh i mean i see uh the tigers are running a lot differently now than they were under mike 1 000 now it's like oh we're gonna wait we're gonna you know gonna build it and and you know you know nobody's going to the games anyway because of covet and everything so i think they're they're going to be too patient but that's the way they're worth the wings let's squeeze another playoff run out even though this team has some issues we're not going to address them and um and they're doing the same thing with the tigers it's just depressing to me because i've gone down this road so many times you you look at his trades what did what did he get in return for trading great players away when he could sign who did he sign so many of those contracts were horrible albatross kind of signings and of course everybody wants to pat him on the back for shocking the cupboard full okay where are the provisions well who's patting them on the back oh a lot of people out there you know on twitter yeah well twitter is not the real world well and you know the the the god bless them the masses of the world guys were right around the corner is not a real person [Laughter] he doesn't count tell me somebody for real who's saying he's giving him a free pass yeah that's well maybe chris zilich i you know what terry point blank i think the media in this town until just recently for whatever reason didn't want to do a deep dig with aloe vela uh our mutual friend in columnist buddy uh bob winowski uh actually today had a nice article where i applaud wojo because i think it's overdue for somebody of wojo stature to ask questions because we've had this conversation on this show a thousand times right and hi steve good morning to you um the easiest thing in the world is to call somebody a hater terry foster's a hater i don't listen to him i am well okay well what what do you hate what do you hate the reality of which terry speaks about or do you hate the reality itself because the question oftentimes is or the answer to that question oftentimes is you don't hate terry you hate the fact that he's speaking truth i mean really and that's what happens and i've dealt with that with michigan football fans is you know terry for many many years and so what i always say is why are you mad at me i i didn't do this you haven't missed her yet right and you have misguided haters yeah it's you you only said it because you hate the team clearly you know no no no factual stuff you know but you know there's people like art they don't want their teams to be criticized not not at all but i think the media is in a tough position now because of covet they're not in the locker room they're not talking to players a lot of times at least when i worked this a lot of times i would come down on management because i was talking to players and you would see their frustration and they would tell you things that are going on and then you would regurgitate it and kind of hang on to it and then you said you know then you had more of a platform to say okay this organization is screwed up and here's why because somebody told you some stuff that usually you don't know about and you throw it out there absolutely now you don't talk to players you don't talk to the manager except on zoom and when a player is on zoom they're not going to tell you the truth that's not you know sitting down next to him in their locker room and said all right dude uh i put the notepad away what's going on right here yeah then they will tell you yep now don't quote them don't quote them because they'll never talk to you and they might smack you in the face but you can use that as your tidbit of information so i i blame all this not mo not all of it but some of the aloe vela getting a pass on covet i can i and i i agree with that terry i i think a lot of times what comes into play truth be told is is laziness i do and and i know you and i had this conversation before but but i'll share it again um you know here's some of the misnomers that i've heard okay well al avila couldn't spend money that's not true but i i have no other way to say it it was a situation where he could spend money because who signed zimmerman who signed palfrey who signed upton who who put these who signed low who put these big contracts out there now understood that was a different ownership at the time okay but the way that i look at it terry is this how did he do when he could spend money it wasn't good how did he do in trading justin verlander jd martinez these i mean studs right what was the return it wasn't good what has he done well he's got a bunch of young players in the system okay how are they helping the team and and that's that's where i get at and it's just like just do a little research i mean it really terry it'd be one thing if this was three years in i would be a jerk if i if i felt this way about al avila three years in considering what he took over i'd be the first guy to say okay may you know like give the guy a little time but he's had signings he's had trades this is you know you're you're talking about almost six years on the job almost six years where are these mythical creatures where is zeus i think what the the reason he's getting this passes because when you read uh you know the scouting reports on their minor league system is it's one of the best in baseball now rather than being the bottom feeder and uh i'm i'm convinced that uh when they had awesomeness and and and avila their job wasn't to make the tigers a winner now we were told they were their job was to stock up the farm system and then the tigers become a winner um but you know we don't care what's going on in toledo we don't care what's going on in erie or lakeland or something let them let them be 50-0 i don't give a damn 100 percent let them let them have dudes back in 400. terry you know and this is this is where i come back to do a little research because when i hear about all these magical names you know what my next point is and i did this once on the year i i pulled up erie and i i read their roster and i said okay we all know the names let's let's talk how's terry foster doing down in erie house yeah how's art doing playing for the west michigan white caps how's adam doing for toledo you know i mean and and that's the the the whole dazz camera thing remember two years ago daz cameron why isn't dad's camera in here you know why he's not here he's not good sorry i would you rather and i know you can relate to the do you want me to lie to you like what do you want you want me to tell you that you have the prettiest unicorn on the block and unfortunately you know we live with that and that's when people say well why are you a hater and what what and it's like no man i'm just doing my job i'm doing my job i would love to talk about happy things here's the thing when you look at the division is cleveland great no they they can't score runs either they can't do it is minnesota great now they had the one year where they had they had like five million home runs now they've settled down to earth is kansas city great nope no this is a time where you if you if you had the right players had the right attitude up front you take this division over again and the white sox the the coronation hasn't happened yet for as much good young talent as they have they're kind of meandering as well let's let's be perfectly honest now obviously one of their big guns and jimenez is out but that's a story for a different day so um interesting conversation appreciate that um i do want to get back to this the the super league thing can we can we do that hey man it's your show i'm just i'm just here just poor guy i derailed it uh but no you know what a good question from our facebook users and i'd love to get out there hey can i tell you about our new friends art can i tell everybody about our new friends and we appreciate you guys being a part of what we do here at woodward sports sun rv resorts has over 160 rv and camping resorts in the u.s and canada guests can enjoy water parks lazy rivers mini golf restaurants bars and even wi-fi if they want to stay connected with locations from the florida keys to myrtle beach to san diego bay to petoskey guests can enjoy the outdoors at a sun rv resort going to talk some college football uh do you want to talk about the draft any well as as well terry has an indecent proposal for you as well don't go anywhere terry foster in on a monday morning we're glad that he's here we're glad that you are here as well on woodward sports hi i'm david hall from hall financial and at hall financial we treat our clients like family and our number one priority is giving each of our clients five star service our passion for five star service combined with our expertise allows us to find the best possible solution for refinancing your home loan we take the time to focus on both the individual and the numbers we're going to walk you through the process and close your loan in half the time of our competition go to davidhallmortgage.com today hey so glad you could join us woodward sports terry foster sean ballegia i love your super league idea terry it's you know it's interesting i don't know if people saw this they're already talking about perhaps perhaps being the key and operative word opening up the college football playoff one of my biggest laughs in all of sports though terry is the guy that is behind the college football playoff now bill hancock right was also the number one enemy of the college football playoff a guy that said it was never coming so to hear him come out and and speak on behalf of the college football playoff and perhaps perhaps um expanding it i it it's kind of like satan's switching sides and being a spokesperson for god true but let me be a very very selfish young man all right i want expansion of the college football players 100 but do it either 8 or 16 teams i don't hear all this [ __ ] about oh let's do 10 and give buys to the top two teams how do you know who the top two teams are in the nation if there's five teams who are 13-0 then you arbitrarily have to decide who is the top dog and you may not know that until you get them on the same field so i want either eight or sixteen i'm willing to go eight for now and uh because you know sixteen is kind of long but you can do it uh the excuses they come up with a real weak oh you know we're worried about the student athletes they might uh get behind on their schoolwork but what about the ncaa basketball tournament where schools are actually in session during the football playoffs most of the time it's christmas break thanksgiving break new year's day break then they're not even in school so you can put that stupid ass lame excuse here's why we don't have an eight team playoff or a 16 team playoff because they're so worried about pissing off orlando or tampa or miami or shreveport port these teams that have a bowl bowls that we don't care about you know the you know the rogers tractor bowl and all that guys we don't care about those games but those cities have been good to the nsa tournament they've given them money it's a vacation spot for fans to go to and they want to keep the sanctity of the bowls the bowls that we as college football fans no longer care about you know what's interesting terry um you you i i was thanking you uh to the lord for for bringing up something because one of the things that has driven me nuts and my broadcast partner joyce bell will agree with this when i hear people with a straight face say it's not fair to the student athletes i i literally laugh because here here's again the cold hard truth okay are you saying that the division one athlete is more important than the division two athlete you you are insinuating that are you that's what they're saying you you can't be insinuating that because in division two the playoffs and you know this terry you went to the championship game the playoffs start in mid-november and there are 24 teams well now it's expanded with buys um but it was 24 teams 10 years ago when when wayne state made that run to the championship and it ended the saturday before christmas but so is is the student athlete less important division two than it is in division one drop the student athlete thing you're not fooling anybody like somebody needs to tell the powers that be you really need to drop the student athlete thing it can work i'm with you i'm not saying jump to 16 right now i'm not i'm i'm fine with eight but can we at least drop the student athlete thing let's just let's just drop that once and forth please yes you should ask joyc uh how far behind in his schoolwork did he get uh when because they were going for five weekends it was crazy they were the road warriors yep it was crazy i mean it was you know and and the strange thing about it terry was the game ends you won hey hooray all right um where are we going next week i guess we have to wait for this game to finish tonight um and let's try to scurry and get the the travel plans together and all that it's not easy to do when you're flying out you know 150 people and everything but they made it work it's possible it happens in division two and i know there are a lot of gliac guys out there that that know that the division two playoffs are awesome it's it's a tremendous they have this new invention i don't know if people know about them they're called airplanes and they go really really high and really really fast so basically what wayne state did for the most part is they left on friday afternoon they were home most the time by saturday night yep and if it was a night game on saturday they were home sunday morning yep really what classes did they miss it was it terry i mean you could set your watch to it early flight friday is when we would fly out we'd get back late saturday maybe early sunday morning depending on where you're flying plus i told my college-aged children don't be dumb asses and take friday classes and they're not athletes no i told them you can go home have a three-day weekend or do whatever you want go to school monday through thursday and you're done isn't that isn't that so funny my son made the critical mistake his first semester and and like he goes and you don't get this very often but he called me one day he was like dad i got to apologize to you about something i was like what's up and he was like i took a friday class and you know i thought it was you know at noon it wasn't it was really dumb and i was like i told you yeah you at the bar by three o'clock on a friday kidding me and if you do take uh class on friday make it at eight o'clock nine o'clock latest yeah absolutely by the way don added the illites seem like they don't care anymore and have been missing deadlines on property that they got from the city of detroit christopher swears that when the time is right he's he's going to spend money that he's going to do the right thing all of that and and i think um at this point in time there are a lot of people out there like don that are taking the i'll believe it when i see it approach because terry i think it's safe to say when christopher took over there was some excitement you know um okay this is a guy that grew up with tiger success grew up albeit not winning a championship uh grew up with a lot of success for the red wings and and he's a big hockey guy if you if you did not know and so we are again five years in and and there are a lot of people out there like don that are asking the question what what's going on what do we do i'm going to pull the art let me raise my hand i'm one of those people who are skeptical because even even small stuff like mike gillage wanted like mike ellidge wanted the statues at the tigers that's not a big deal but he wanted them because he thought it would enhance the ballpark he's mike ellis not only loves sports but he likes art not you art but uh artistic things well the family was fine no no that's gonna cost an extra 200 000 he said well so what yeah this is what i want yeah so i want the tiger's eyes light up or whatever so it was small stuff like that that he was fighting for the family's like nah let's not do this i feel like it brings imagery to the stadium like could you imagine that stadium not there you know that field not there without the big tiger statue people take pictures in front and it's you sure it's 250 grand that's a lot of money but to the illiteracy that's not a whole lot he went overboard with the tigers though like that you know the tigers around the stadium and the glowing eye and the glowing baseball and everything it was uh because terry i kind of heard the same thing that that the family was like pull it back a little bit pull it right and he kept doing more like he kept putting more we should have that everywhere though we should be proud of the city that we come from and we should be proud of the imagery of the tigers and we i mean you know look at lca i feel like that attracts more people to watch red wings games you know maybe the appeal of it is kind of worn off because it's not brand new 100 i feel like you need that as the image of detroit terry and i had a front row seat for ford field and like i love ford field i don't know your thoughts terry just a beautiful field it is but you know what the first few years people would go because it was new maybe they hadn't gone yet but eventually what happened is the product got so bad during the milan regime get people weren't going right we're three four years in and you get that late november game you get that december game i remember i walked around the stadium one time they were playing the bears it was like a december game and i talked to scalpers and they they were like they were despondent they were like you know for a place that's only been here a few years i was like so what are you getting there like nothing and you know you go in there's 30 000 fans in there it's like right right i knew one of the scholars his name was shorty what up charlie took a bath because he couldn't sell his little ticket poor little thing he was a nice little guy and he was just trying i just want to scout my little tickets and no one was going to lying games now to me the appeal of ford field was the warehouse yep now that used to be the hudson's warehouse and one year uh grand mama bought me a new bed and actually not a whole bed but a mattress and i remember them throwing the mattress out out like the sixth floor to what we got and put it on top of the car and went home so that was cool to me so the fact that the there's the lions are playing where i got my little stupid little blanket thrown through to me from the sixth floor that always resonated with me so i always wanted to go there and maybe look at the window where they threw my blanket out or not my blanket with my mattress out and so nobody's throwing a big bear nobody's throwing big bear i won't allow them no no no no i don't think you can throw big beer that thing is so damn heavy all right we're going to talk a little bit about the draft speaking of the lions coming up terry has a question for people out there people like me first i want to tell you about our friends at northwestern tech start a new career in an industry that is always essential the heating and cooling industry learn more today by visiting northwesterntech.edu terry foster in the house on a monday morning so glad he's here glad you're here as well it's woodward sports we are here downtown fenton my favorite bridge street exchange that's right and you want to switch up your wardrobe this summer it's this easy ready joey i'm ready all right you ready [Music] i like it you wanna do it again yeah let's do it again all right [Music] oh brixton nice one more time yes oh i like the hat on this one too you ready do it one more time joey i'm getting tired one last one all right let's change it bro where's your shirt you need to close this summer bridge street exchange in fenton that's where you need to go thank you guys welcome back hi terry foster sean belegion with you woodward sports terry before you ask your question can i ask you a question i'm i'm being sincere okay go ahead you have been as close to this franchise as anybody for a long time this detroit lion franchise okay do you ever remember a time where the lions basically are doing what the lions are doing now they're putting up their hands and this is this is what i'm hearing okay we've sucked we suck right now we have to build because usually what i've heard in the past terry is we're this close or if we get this or we get that what i'm hearing from this franchise right now i don't know if you agree is hey guys like we've been a bad franchise for a long time but we're going to change it and it's not going to be overnight and we're going to get a bunch of draft capital for the next couple of years and this is going to be a process but we're going to build it the right way do you agree with that i've never heard this franchise do that this is the first time i've heard it now be careful be careful young man yes now if they start doing stupid little things like let's sign this 32 year old cornerback because he's good he might get us a couple wins this year then they haven't learned their lesson what you have to do and what's going to happen is the fan base because people like me and i'll take full credit i believe in this franchise for the first time in history and i've been around here for 90 i'm 90 years old now i've never believed in the detroit lions today i believe in them because they're talking about things that other franchises are talking about they seem like a real franchise they talk about taking advantage of other people's weaknesses they talk about drafting to beat the the teams in their division they talk about we bet we're bad oh we bad no no we're bad not not we bad but we're bad and we're gonna do it the right way now what's going to happen is is the fan base is going to say okay you are two and seven we're pissed off now if they start cutting corners and adding you know uh people like damian woody like they did before or reggie bush like they did before just take it you know sometimes it's just best take your ass kicking and then move on yep and i'm fine with art how many times have i said this on this show okay i am absolutely positively fine with the lines going five and twelve this year i really i swear you're not gonna hear me complain i accept it because terry like you said i'm so glad to hear you say it they accept it they accept where they're at it's not bob quinn telling me we're this close it's not fill-in-the-blank saying all we need is this or all we need they are basically telling you and you're always going to get the people out there for lack of a better term let's call them masses you're always going to get the masses out there that say i think you guys are sleeping on this team and i understand this team's not going to be good and it's by design and that's okay but you know what's going to happen and this is where this is where it gets a little tricky people are not going to show up for games because they suck they're not going to buy their little lions hoodie or their lions leather jacket because they stink lion leather that's when panic sets in yep that's when you sign damien woody who's washed up and fat that's when you sign reggie bush who's not as fast as you used to be now if they start doing stuff like that then you know what i'll raise my hand and say i blew it i messed up speaking of raising their hand arthur yeah uh quick question do you think it's that there's so much change happening not only with the roster but the coach's changes as well that we as fans look at it like oh instant gratification we're gonna have an amazing season and if that's the case and if the answer is no we're gonna have a [ __ ] season then how long do we have to wait before we start getting into you know a positive direction there's so many changes being made when do the results of those changes happen do you want one man's opinion three drafts from now plus i was thinking three two now what is happening is fans are forgetting that this is the detroit lions right who have not been a real organization for decades what they're saying is well we'll have a bad year and then we'll go get them we'll be in the pla no you're not you're gonna have at least two bad years possibly three before you start seeing things because this roster is really bad it is and look at it yeah the direction is really and they haven't had coaching in three years so you get a bad roster badly coached badly organized you're not going to turn this right thing in in one year and then people like well you know the dollars co not that but the green bay packers can turn around in a year or two that's the green bay packers this is detroit lions they haven't turned [ __ ] around in decades so it's going to take a while because you not only have to unearth the bad players but you have to unearth the bad organization the bad coaching the bad front office decisions it takes a while because the rest of the nfl is not going to stand pat and just be mediocre most of the teams are going to continue to grow so now you got to catch them i look at two teams and i bring them up all the time but i'm going to say it again okay people thought the arizona cardinals were going to wander the desert for years and they were shrewd they took advantage of a bad general manager they took a chance on a young quarterback that looks pretty damn good the other one terry um the miami dolphins the miami dolphins remember they were openly tanking a couple years ago and guys didn't want to be there because they were actively trying to lose and that was the big thing and and you saw both those teams come this close to making the playoffs and art to answer your question and i'm glad terry you and i are on the same page you've got this draft you have next year's draft with all that capital the extra capital you know that came from the trade and besides whatever brad holmes decides to do you have one draft after that so let's talk two years from now when we are on the eve of the 2023 draft and we can sit back and go you know what i hate to be bob quinn but gosh damn it if if if they address this and they address that this team might surprise us in 2023. but here's my thing though i mean it's like being in a bad relationship like we gotta wait what two more years before we can break up like when can i finally say like we've done everything that we could i've got to move on as a fan i don't want to do that but i'm also one of those you're not moving on and they know you're not moving on i don't believe it you're stuck you can talk that [ __ ] but you're not going anywhere couldn't agree with you more terry i right if if like for instance every time you know and it's never true but there's always rumors you know a team like the lions can move people freak out no no no don't take my lines away that's my team nobody's going anywhere with all due respect to a mutual friend of ours i do not believe in the term lions free i just don't i don't i don't now there might be a few people that i will personally tell i don't know one person now you have to remember me okay um i'm 50 years old my group of friends are obviously all around my age i don't know one person in my life that did what you just said that's it i'm done that now i've had people i've had people threaten it i've had people swear i've had p terry foster calling me up going that's it no you think i'm joking i am not doing this next year i am not going to sit on the phone with you at 4 15 talking about this wretched franchise anymore okay man well i'll miss those conversations and they got you here here's what they say you know i'm going to get rid of my season tickets damn it and then like two years later uh have you been watching the alliance i still got my season tickets because when they're good i want to make sure that i'm right there to see this but if you're not going anywhere i feel like it's it can't get much worse than owen 16 right you know so it's like i know but i've heard people you know say something that uh uh bob quinn did says that's it this is the last straw and i said owen 16 wasn't the people walking downtown where hunting jackets wasn't the last straw uh marty morningweg going 2 and 14 wasn't the last straw them higher in matt millen then giving him a contract extension wasn't the last straw what is the last straw there is no last straw there isn't oh hi look ladies and gentlemen the dude over here sticking guess who's joining the shirt ladies and gentlemen stick i feel like [Laughter] i am and you know i've taken the abuse and i'll continue to take the abuse but you know what this is my team this is my baby and i'm here for them no matter what no matter what they put me through and if they ever took the lions out of detroit i would cry i would literally cry even though they've offered me nothing my entire life except 1991 outside of that i got nothing to really hit you every time i say something bad about the lions guess what he likes me i think he does like me but this [ __ ] wants to take me to the parking lot and kick my ass he does you can see in his eyes it's my family man well it's like it's like when you gotta [ __ ] up as a brother like i can call you a [ __ ] up but i'm not gonna let everybody down don't you dare that's my [ __ ] don't turn that camera off because i got the what are the lions given you in your lifetime absolutely nothing they've given me a football team to root for which i i feel blessed for because a lot of people around this country don't have that you don't know um terry i'm gonna try to you know what i'm going to try to answer your question i i had uh a lot of fun times going with my boys on thanksgiving and then there was that three or four year period where we would go tackle each other on the gravel next to lilly's out at the pontiac silverdome but the reality was it wasn't about the team it was about the camaraderie and the fun that i had with my friends and terry's bringing his world famous ribs oh my gosh tony's mom made homemade italian straight from italy sausage belgian you bring your chili and everything but it had nothing to do with the lions right and still brought some pretzels with the mustard yeah yes but you know i mean other than that one magical year of 1991 where any other fan base would go well that's cute you want a playoff game right but for us that was 91. oh my gosh but here was your other thing you had barry you could see barry sanders run well he was something right that's you just that's the only that's the other thing they brought you you kids you don't get it you don't like you can't you can't understand it like i feel like my dad now because my dad always used to talk up terry i don't know if you remember my dad always used to talk up gale sayers yes and my i mean he was just oh always and at some point in time it was funny because i remember and it wasn't you know old generation like that my dad goes is barry sanders is every bit as good as gayle sayers and i was like say that again bob what did you just say but you couldn't you couldn't help but deny it you know i mean you you had you couldn't deny it anymore you had to confess that it was like that so now you're right about that sean i think sorry to interrupt but i think you brought up a great point it's it's really about the experience and about the memories that come along with it anytime i meet an athlete or anybody who's had that influence in my life that's what i try to thank them for like i ran into rip hamilton uh in fort lauderdale watching a lions game at a bar randomly and i sat there and i watched a football game with rip hamilton and my only thing that i wanted to say to him was just thank you yeah just thank you for the times you say yes sir to you less than i said it to him no i i understand that i have no problems here's where you lose me you lose me when every august and july you said this is the year this is the year they're going to do it then by december they're out of the playoff pictures and then you're going around [ __ ] everybody all pissed off so this is it i'm never going to follow this team again and then by august or april after the draft you're back in again keep going over and over and over again i call august crazy month i i don't know what happens in the month of august around here and i think it gets progressively worse around here in the in the past 10 years but everybody kind of takes a leave of their senses and and where on july 31st you're looking at your teams going all right the lines are probably going to go five and 12. michigan looks like a 500 team maybe michigan state can get to 500. you flip that calendar one day and all of a sudden it's august and you're going 12 and 5 for the lions and the michigan's going to be 10-2 and spartan fans are going this team can win nine games and it's it's something happens in august it's crazy august you should just chill out and stay at the lake yeah maybe just because this is it is august the hottest month of the year is it july i think august is all right go ahead what is it is it august yeah august is always the hottest no kidding yeah i don't know maybe it fries your brain i don't know uh tammy said the memories you made just like the hockey fans of joe lewis arena lions fans sound like our poor wing fans no tammy that's a great analogy joe lewis was a dump it's okay to say that we can both say joe lewis was a dump and also say man was that place rocking there was no place you'd rather be on a friday night but it was a dump it was um hi just want to update art with the facts here he's reporting wrong facts and if i'm sitting in fish's seat i got to get these facts right july in michigan 63.6 degrees august 62.2 that's it yeah no where are you getting your stamps that's that's the low the high is 83.4 so that's the high so yeah 83.4 is our average in july 81.4 is august so july july is the hottest month no all right you know what i have to say though let me just throw this in there okay so my son's birthday is august 31st right it seems like every year there's one day just short of his birthday where it rains and it's like 60 degrees ever i mean every freaking year right before august 31st and the only reason i know that is again because of the close proximity of my son's birthday and this is saying fall is right in there don't go away but listen i want you both to look into the camera and lie to the audience and say that it's hotter in michigan in july than mid-august no maybe end of july going into august but no you guys are crazy okay you know what i'm done with it by august so that's why i thought you were right because maybe it plays on the mental aspect i start thinking about the cider mill and blanky and and you know putting on you know the pullover or whatever to to go outside you know do some yard work and everything and we're still a month and a half away from that but i romanticize about the fall so much that maybe just maybe i've turned august into something that she isn't listen i've been told i'm wrong enough in my life i'm putting my foot down on this fish slash stick is fake news he doesn't know what he's talking about it's always hotter in august in michigan yeah be careful can get rid of the ass though yeah that is true true i wouldn't play too much i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah the weather channel.com is fake news arnold yes it is all right he's terry foster i'm sean belegion terry's got a question about jared goff that i can answer when we come back this is woodward sports hey guys i'm dmac hey guys i'm pilar that was a little slow hi i'm dmac i wasn't ready i was doing this hi i'm dmac hey i'm velar i'm maz you're lit hi i'm d-max we suck you suck catch us monday to friday three to five every day right here on the hook on woodward sports network well hi how you doing everything well fantastic then okay this is not sesame street brother this is the whip with sports network all right my goodness hi guys hi boys and girls welcome how are you today i'm with blankie let's talk sports um no terry you you had a question uh about jared goff and i think i can answer that question are we tired of jared goff and we haven't even seen the dude play this poor guy is you know i understand in in the city of detroit the starting quarterback gets dogged more than anybody except maybe the red wings goalie but this guy has not played the game it's been to a super bowl um it's like we want to get rid of this guy all of a sudden now with the seventh pick do the lions dare draft a quarterback if one is available i mean a good one not what do you want me to answer first what part do you want me to know what's done with jared goff i'm not done with him stick and i have had conversations about this i know what jared goff is jared goff is a bridge if you and i agree and we've established that we do if you and i agree that the lions are looking at this and saying three years from now okay jared goff to me is a bridge to get to where i want to be three years from now i do not think i can't say i'm definitively right but i do not think that jared goff is the quote-unquote franchise quarterback in the quarterback of the future would it be in the lion's best interest if he looked like that guy from 2018 oh absolutely positively i'll be the first guy to say it but terry for the amount of times that people talk about 2018 being a magical season and it was okay look at his numbers look at them going to the super bowl what i also implore people to do is is look at how poorly he performed the last couple years he's been a turnover machine he has been and he's been a turnover machine for a good team that frightens me that's true but if you have a coaching staff or a head coach who doesn't believe in you and may not be giving you the right direction wouldn't that preclude you for being worse than you actually are it's a great question and i think one that we're going to find out right away it could be the truth is somewhere in the middle maybe he wasn't as great as as he showed in 2018 with the coach whispering in his ear um every single down uh and maybe he's not the turnover machine that he has been the last couple years i'm looking at the what have you done for me lately aspect of things because you know better than anybody the national football league is a what have you done for me lately this guy has been a middle of the road quarterback who turns the ball over far too often fantastic for a team that doesn't have any aspirations for winning anytime soon not what i want out of my franchise quarterback the the only thing if he had a lower salary i would be more in tune to jarrett goff but um it's a possibility that if the lions are actually a real franchise like i'm saying they are and shame on me if it for saying that but they are a real franchise then they will have a real team they will have a good defense at some point they will have decent wide receivers they'll have a kick-ass offensive line and then jared goff is not going to be placed in positions where he's got to take chances where he's got to turn the ball over a lot if they are a real franchise like the la rams were by the way made a super bowl um i don't know why we've turned on this guy already i think part of it is because we deep down most people are thinking okay it's gonna be the lions again this this isn't for real the lions will continue to suck he'll get back coaching and he'll still be the turnover machine um the second part of your question is is fascinating to me because the one thing that we don't know and i thank god every night that we don't know and it was funny because in case you guys missed it uh brad holmes had a presser friday and he basically said um yeah we like a lot of things at seven and we've let it be known that we're willing to move out of our pick awesome uh keep everybody guessing keep fan base other teams keep everybody guessing drum up interest in seven but the one thing that we don't know terry is and if you trust brad holmes and it sounds to me like so far you do i do as well i'm trusting then we then we have to take that leap of faith with him what if he and his staff have looked at trey lance and said guys this is the best quarterback prospect we've seen in years screw trevor lawrence trevor lawrence is already at his ceiling we think that trey lance can go like this we don't know the answer to that terry i think that the lions aren't going to go after their franchise quarterback this year they might not even go after him next year i don't know okay but i say i think because i i don't i don't know what they think of justin fields or trey lance you know because if you believe if you believe that that guy is all that then draft him you better be right too 1 000 percent i mean i've i've seen a bunch of dudes who can't miss drafted high and they stink uh jamarcus russell was like that with his fat ass and was just uh and uh was my man from texas um young just oh he convinced john he can pass you know he won the rose bowl and how did his football career turn out i haven't heard much i loved ryan leaf i openly admit it i i was one of those guys going back to that draft year terry i i thought that peyton manning was getting too much love because he was a legacy and the real guy was that guy playing up in washington state yeah i see i didn't like him because now this is this is a bad reason but um i was at that rose bowl when he they played michigan i thought his passes were wobbly and i just that just turned me off dude throw a tight spiral i don't want to see an end over end ball as you're trying to hit people in the end zone he just didn't look right to me yeah no i i get it i he boy he he did some things at washington state but no terry that that's i mean getting back to the lions i mean that that's i love the fact that brad holmes hasn't shown one card i mean it really i mean think about what he's saying well we like the guys at seven but we let everybody know that we can move up we can move down now do i expect them to move up heavens no i i don't i don't think that they're collecting all this draft capital to move up in a draft like this i i don't i could be wrong but i don't think that's the case um could could they move back once twice three times a lady yeah and i think there's a reason that so many people are talking about earlier we were talking about the lions doing things the right way they say okay we stink we understand that we're gonna get draft capital we're going to get players we're going to build it the right way now if they move up it means they have not learned their lesson if they move up they say okay and get our franchise quarterback even though we don't have a defense we sort of have half a offensive line we don't have um disrupters on defense and and by disrupters i always look at defensive ends outside linebackers those are guys that disrupt the opponent's offense so they're gonna get a quarterback if they if they move up to me it's like okay we know we're talking about we suck but we really don't suck we're gonna try to patch this together and we're gonna try to be in the playoffs in two years bad move nope you know what track down i'll i'll go this way though like i said if you love this guy it doesn't matter if you sit him for a year doesn't matter if you sit him for two years you know if that's the guy you really believe in that guy now do i think that's the case i don't think that's the case i i said it before i'll say it again i i couldn't agree with you more though terry because this is you made an effort to get all this extra draft capital and now you're going to give it away to go get somebody that isn't that isn't that kind of counterproductive no you keep that draft capital to use that draft capital to actually build the team through the draft as opposed to you know the kid putting his finger in the dike trying to fill the holes in free agency nfl is a young man's game yep uh you you get that young man in the position of need and you let him grow simple as that now from talking to people in the league here's here's what i'm told how you build a team is you have to attack the opponent's quarterback it doesn't matter if it's aaron rodgers peyton manning in his day or tom brady you got to make that guy worse than he actually is you got to rush him you got to hit his ass you got to make him think uh oh the lions are coming after me there's there's i don't see them right now but they they're coming after me what i see opponents do the quarterback is patting the ball he pats the ball because he's he doesn't know what he wants to do but he's got so many options he's just going to pat the ball and decide what to do then you've got to disrupt the other team's quarterback because that's probably the toughest position in sports quarterback but if you allow a guy you give him three four five six seven seven seconds he'll kill you you give him a second and a half you kill him matt patricia defense shout out give a quarterback time to throw it doesn't matter who it is in this league they're going to light you up yep we saw it terry this goes back to something that we talked about last hour we're creatures of habit we sports fans are creatures of habit and i think it took people some time to come around to this reality because i'm telling you i used to i used to talk this way four or five years ago if people listen to me on the radio or television the nfl is really simple today and terry described half of it what can your quarterback do to the opposition and what can you do to their quarterback that's the national football league today it really is you know i mean honestly how much can you disrupt that guy and can your quarterback dominate their defense that's the nfl or you've got a kick-ass offensive line with a great running back who uh you know you give them the ball they're going to keep it for eight minutes and they don't care if they score or not they've pinned you down at the one-yard line or instead of scoring three touchdowns they've scored one touchdown and and they've kept the ball half you know for half the game on one possession that's the other way in which you that's more difficult to do but if you could do that bam yeah no doubt about it uh yeah draft coming up on uh thursday as a matter of fact it's nice to have stick in here hey dr hey stick what are we doing thursday night at woodward sports chicken wings oh well you could definitely get some chicken wings there but uh we're going to be at the del mar in greek town it's going to be a live broadcast a live watch party uh joyce bell is going to be there you scott bischoff is gonna be down there we invited a whole bunch of uh like social media influencers that are all about the lions and stuff to come down and party with us it's just gonna be a fun watch party um and we did one for the pistons here in the studio the lions obviously draft for them is their super bowl this is our biggest moment each year so come on down you know it's limited to 100 people so if you want to get on that vip list make sure you message any of us here at woodward sports and we'll throw you on that list but it's just going to be awesome they have a huge tv behind us joey's going to dress up like the commissioner uh joyk's going to be joey going to wear a shirt yeah yeah all right thank you we're going to have to dress up like a chippendale uh commissioner just the bow tie in the in the cuffs uh but no jake's going to be playing madden um you know maker's mark is making it all happen with some drink specials down there it's just going to be a yeah it's going to be a fun time that's enough to get me in we got terry now you said maker's mark jerry's coming down to the del mar we're wait yeah i can't wait and as lynn said you know what the the best uh thing to eat on draft night is some [ __ ] hmm i like that every night draft and [ __ ] hand in hand hey uh let me tell you about our friends at eight mile vodka eight mile vodka born in detroit is distilled in single 90 liter batches to allow for optimal quality control and care then carbon filtered aerated and bottled at the perfect time to produce a subtle taste with smooth finish in a character all its own it's an exceptional premium vodka that can be chilled and enjoyed straight or mixed to create an exceptional cocktail try the moscow mule really that's uh my wife my son they swear by it next time you're out ask your bartender for an eight mile vodka or pick up a bottle at meijer and as always drink responsibly my next door neighbor george does a great job with eight mile vodka if anything drink it because george is a great dude all right uh we'll come back terry's got an indecent proposal for you don't go anywhere [Music] hey what is up glad you could join us monday morning afternoon here on woodward sports he's terry foster i'm sean bellegion uh terry i i think i've heard this somewhere before but you have a question remember that movie in the early 90s what was it woody harrelson yes robert redford demi moore yeah he um was a woody harrelson um yeah wanted to be with demi moore yeah for the weekend he took her to hawaii but you know i you know i've been watching stuff and i've been watching some it's not dirty stuff it's just stuff but would you if let's say woody harrelson or whoever yeah offered you a million dollars to be with your wife for a week would you accept that indecent proposal i know you should get a picture see robert redford was still like kind of a handsome dude he wasn't like you know he wasn't creepy robert yeah he um 20 years ago yes today no no why not today because i got the money you got a million bucks in the back i'm money bags i'm daddy warbucks not for a billion dollars no no five million yeah today no so what what what is that there's there there's a there's a point that that that we could win you over what is it five million five million five million not four not four not not four five million yeah have fun is it weird make sure the money gets in the right account here's here's the account make sure the money gets in the right account is it weird that i want to know who it would be like if it's woody harrelson i mean i like the guy i don't know if i like him enough to bang my wife but i just i don't know man it has to be somebody you like yeah like i don't want like a random stranger like hey i'm gonna hang out with your boyfriend no what if it was like uh tom goris [Laughter] what if it's jack nicholson you know but jack art i've been looking at your wife and i gotta tell you see she'd have so much fun with jack nicholson she may not want to come back yeah i mean courtside at the lakers games art darling light of my life you don't need that no here's the thing you know what i don't understand about this is terry likes to ask the questions but we never asked terry the question well here i am so terry for one million dollars i mean to me it all depends on the person like i'm gonna be honest like and i i know that may be a little weird but if it's a random stranger like off the street now if it's a celebrity then i could at least say like my wife got banged by jack nichol like you know because then your stuff could be tainted for the rest of your life yeah see and that you know all jokes aside all jokes aside the you i couldn't do it no way uh-uh no i couldn't no no no i couldn't do it if it was a million in crypto then we could talk and i'm sure joy could say the same no no couldn't do it what if it says not text [Applause] no no it would be you know what all jokes aside when when you said like tainted for life how do you you don't come back from that that's not like something you can just turn off right that's not like if you're dating if you're dating it's like okay big whoops see i think guys can easier than women because we look at sex as kind of like an event something we do women look at sex as an emotional thing so i think more guys could put up you know honey bond for a million and move on dave's comment our buddy dave hubbard from the smoke show of course dave the butcher said i'm all in for one million you're more than welcome for a month and take the kids i'll reconsider for less okay now if you take the kids i can only offer 500 000. dave are you in for 500k uh you could uh really hook up the butchery with a bunch of stuff stick what about you uh well we got a comment in the youtube that made me laugh it's it's by a guy named uh d-town what if it was shaq and your wife you're gonna get a used catcher and it's not gonna fit it's not gonna fit your hand baby she would she would come back to you as a mammoth cave i don't think you want to do that you'll be having lunch in there dinner like just you imagine shaq having his way with your wife for a night see this is see i feel the same way now i'm getting creeped out like it's it's no i no absolutely i want the tiniest dick dude in the land if i'm letting this happen i didn't raise my hand for that i promise no but here's the thing here's where it will bother you late at night okay the week goes by you don't know what they did do they get to tell you i feel like i wouldn't want to know but you're laying in bed next to your wife she's asleep two three o'clock in the morning you know the thoughts the wheels start turning and you start thinking about it no matter who it is i mean it's just yeah but you know what time heals all wounds you let it settle for a month and then you go back at it to get forget everything terry you're telling me that a month later you just poof i just forgot about it i know yeah cause i got my million dollars and i'm buying myself some new outfits i've probably taken her to hawaii maybe around the world paris but is that the money you really want to be spending like you know you're taking her to paris because some other dude [ __ ] her down man well you know are you saying not to spend the money then you wouldn't do that not on you're not going to spend the money no see i've had friends that like they get in the fight they get in fights with their girls and they'll go out and buy things to spite them like i have a buddy who went and bought an expensive car because he got in a fight with his girl want to do something now every time he drives that car what does he think of the fight he had with his girl yeah that was stick that was me that was the most underrated line during that entire dissertation is when when you said i'll spend the money but not on her she did the work that's right you did the work i get the money right yeah i should split it hey if i'm pimping her i'm going to pimp her give him free money you can't take it to paris and have a good time no dave said five hundred thousand dollars bingo take the wife and kids and uh he's doing it oh dave are we gonna we're gonna have a smoke show oh come over well i got it covered at my house back in the day if they were taking the wife and the kids i'd have to pay them yeah that is true uh lynn asked terry would you allow it would you do it i'd do it would you really yes if as long as it's not taxed i feel like if any one of our wives or girlfriends are watching this they're not a piece of meat terry that is a person with feelings wait wait wait wait we're skipping over the most important thing of what terry just said as long as it's not taxed [ __ ] otherwise the taxing is what would be the deal for next you keeping your ass at home i'm not doing it and you're only getting back like 600k you know if it's taxed that's right yeah then it's not worth it yeah probably about yeah 650 sean your wife should be proud of you because you put a higher price tag on her now you know what though all jokes aside i couldn't do it i could i know me i know me i'd be cool for a month i'd be cool for too much but then there would be that day or that night where i'd start thinking about it and i'd be like nah i gotta hang out i got i gotta pull what if you're not getting laid as it is right now then yeah take her i'm getting a million bucks either way like go you know what yeah actually go ahead nah i i sound the exact opposite i would probably think about it the first few nights and then it would just gradually go away how you know another man took your wife i couldn't do it yeah i know but i got my money and we can vacation we can buy a better house we can do a lot of so we live on the lake what if what if she looks you in the ice one day and says i miss him she won't you don't because she'll like me better than him terry what what if she your wife yells out oh shaq and i'll say oh [ __ ] yeah that won't happen see now dave dave said his wife is listening and said she would love the change and so would i money money money money money but you if you both agree you have to have confidence in yourself and you know my confidence is someone else railing my wife for a week for a week for a week for a week a week what if she just like and this is where the confidence part comes in because what if she's just like listen i had a better time with him keep your million i'm out i'm going with shaq to the caribbean she won't say that but if she does no way i'll give myself an ultimate comment the alternative comment dave uh chef dave here it is i wasn't her first so yeah i mean if you look at it in those terms like sure you know she's been with other people i've been with other people but if i'm in the relationship that just when i when i was younger and i was less financially secure i think i would seriously consider it now i no i wouldn't do it what about for a lion's super bowl oh god here's my house it's all yours go ahead uh let me take the truck i can sleep in the in the bed of my truck but other than that everything's flying superbowl nah you ain't touching my woman i don't mean that much to me but you can watch it in paris yeah but i could all right so the flip side to that is if we have that conversation then the question comes up if you got the um vaunted hall pass and i got my hall pass if if you got if you got the hall pass all right i did this so you get a hall pass um who'd you pick all right we'll talk about that when we come back glad you could join us terry foster sean ballegian woodward sports hi i'm david hall from hall financial and at hall financial we treat our clients like family and our number one priority is giving each of our clients five-star service our passion for five-star service combined with our expertise allows us to find the best possible solution for refinancing your home loan we take the time to focus on both the individual and the numbers we're going to walk you through the process and close your loan in half the time of our competition go to davidhallmortgage.com today you know as i've gotten older terry when you pose this question about um hall pass okay not that long ago i i had a list and the list um was a mile long of of celebrities that oh my gosh and everything and so when you pose this question i i thought about it and the list isn't very long now it's weird i i a few years ago the list was this long but the list isn't very long now i i got to be honest with you really as you get older you you're you're used to it uh you're used to sex when you're young it's like damn i got to get sex this weekend yeah i'm going out to the club or i'm going outside i got to get something then when you get older it's like it becomes i'm not saying it becomes old hat but you're not jumping up and down like hey i'm going to get laid today sure yeah yeah i might find a little something something but my wife and i have already talked about this you've had the conversation had the conversation uh i get a hall pass with janet jackson janet jackson before she got you know yeah i was going to say what is jen so you're not talking about 2021 oh she was unbelievable yeah we're talking about rhythm nature she she was unbelievable there's no two ways about that janet back in the day was unbelievable right a little weird if janet from the album if that's yeah that's the janitor we're talking about right as long as she doesn't talk well that's with everybody right and he can't talk all right uh you know what i thought to myself today i mean i'm not joking i was racking my brain this morning and there are a lot of like yesteryear people like you like jennifer love hewitt circa 15 years ago and things like that but i kept it in the context of today and i don't know maybe the kids know who do you know who the english actor lily james is i'm not familiar with i am absolutely totally smitten with her um did you mamma mia two um she's just she's beautiful absolutely she played young donna um he's not the chubby girl is it there she is there she is absolutely she's just i don't know what it is about that girl she destroys me so um she's got that kiss my ass look about her a little bit yeah it's pretty cool it's pretty cool you think shaq did damage your wife wait till i get a hold of you yeah she uh proud of you yeah so i uh lily james i think that's that's where i'd go is there a female athlete you would want to at least inquire about getting a hall pass because that's a little bit tougher because some of them look kind of hard and rough who is that girl on social media who plays softball for oregon do you know who i'm talking about whole team is a smoke show yeah the one girl that plays she's always blind right and and i think she's dating some dude from the brewers she's she's like one of those girls like you're not real she's like that hot right i don't even like watching her videos you know who's back already you guys remember michaela moroney the yes little tumbler for the usa olympics yes she's bad as hell now yeah you you gotta you know they've uh upgraded an lpga they got some smokers on there now they've got some toughers but they got some who are really fine well you know what's crazy i was talking to some golf fans last night as a matter of fact and one of the things that k everybody's taking care of themselves on the tour now like you look at me you don't find the dump trucks anymore there used to be some craig stadler penguin looking dudes everybody's everybody's taking care of themselves yeah they don't wear the little lesbian pants anymore even if you have a figure it just ruins it uh kennedy said yes stunning i'm obsessed kennedy is that about lily james she she's absolutely beautiful i don't like it she just and she's the funny thing is terry she she simultaneously has that look that you described and yet when she smiles she has this beaming smile that just lights up the room she's just she's yeah are you submitting yeah oh yeah absolutely i i openly admit it uh kennedy said sean dump trucks are good now it means you have a fat ass keep up i can't come on i'm 70. i don't know these things no no no no no no things have changed uh a fat ass is an asset now pardon the pun so um still don't like them don't have to tell you except white guys don't like fat ass as much as other dudes truth we like pumpkin pie but i'm still can't get over that that's been in my head for like white guys like pumpkin pie and flat asses we like sweet potato pie and plumper houses all right nothing nothing's wrong with that no no absolutely uh arthur is there yeah i feel like this is gonna get me in trouble because um with with this hall pass she's she's famous but you guys might not recognize her so there's two uh aubry plaza yeah she would be up there and this girl that uh i watch on snapchat every once in a while and not i don't pay for her snapchat she hosts the channel on ign which is a gaming channel her name's sydney goodman um so that would be she she's an attractive young lady yes um so yeah which if i could say just defend myself uh she looks a lot like my wife so you know can i can i share something with you and i hope you don't get mad at me i would never because i loved parks and rec and i absolutely detested her character on parks and rec so i i can't look at aubry plaza for anything other her than her character you want to know what it's her personality like and when she does late night interviews she's just she has like this dry humor that is just like i find very attractive so there you go all right stick no i don't mind my wife already knows who my hall pass is it's natalie portman okay i love me some natalie portman she's smart she's beautiful she's sexy she's like she's ever she's the complete package if you ask me um but my funny hall pass story is when i got married wife and i had this conversation um she picks the dude uh paul walker do you guys know paul walker fast and furious yeah the day paul walker died i ran around the house like i won the super bowl because her hall pass was off the planet baby and there's no going back yeah like that was gonna happen hey it doesn't matter now it's not gonna happen no matter what happens yep he gone he got him so i don't like dudes with blue eyes hey what the hell what what guy what guy i'm sitting right here terry well yeah but his eyes put that picture back what guy with blue eyes is ugly look at that dude like he he literally looks like he could fire like lasers out of his eyes i call that that siberian husky look because they're so blue yeah like it's just like you get lost in their eyes yeah i'm not saying that i get lost in paul walker's eyes i'm not saying that's okay i'm just that's all right it's all right art we're all friends here yeah anyway if you like him it's okay right it can have nothing wrong with that can i tell like can we go around the room real quick and i think we have enough time and do a male celebrity crush because i'll tell you who mine is it's uh tom hardy tom hardy has always been a good looking dude so i just you know i didn't know if you guys wanted to do that or not no we didn't okay that's tough way to convince us that you don't find paul walker attracted by pivoting to another man you know what i don't want you to feel alone colonel harlan sanders [Laughter] all right here's mine burger king i love that guy okay come on come on stick finish strong baby come on fish i've always been a fan of guys with big feet so ronald mcdonald thanks guys really appreciate you clown listen colonel sanders i don't need you to jump in bed with me can you get in the kitchen i swear i won't look at your 11 herbs and spices just make a nice big lunch for me thanks bro be the greatest day ever you kidding me sean there's not a single celebrity dude that you're like man he's a good looking dude come on you know what whenever you know what no we we used to we used to joke colin farrell uh colin farrell back in the day uh irish lad i i would i always used to say this to my wife and she'd rip on me i'd go that is a handsome dude and she'd be like you got a crush on colin farrell and i'd go i think i do he dude look at him i don't have man crushes but i can admit if a dude is good looking but it's not like i'm like hey man no i wish i was you yeah but you also think that steve harvey is funny so i mean come on we're talking about i like steve harvey i don't care what you say steve harvey should host uh jeopardy whoa i think he'd be fun he already ruined family feud do you want to ruin jeopardy too hey i'm your man steve hi got a good one for you tonight i like steve harvey man kennedy said my dad has a crush on the p90x guy then she also added but i didn't say it neither did i i didn't say it either kennedy i i promise uh hey let me tell you about my bookie it's time to start winning with free money from my bookie when you sign up with promo code woodward they have all the games and you can bet any way you want parlay straight against the spreads thousands of lines and prop bets on all games but you have to take the initiative do yourself a favor and sign up today with promo code woodward they'll match your first deposit up to a thousand bucks that is free cash credited to your account instantly on top of your deposit the best part is you always have access to the action whether you're at home or on the go visit the website online or on your phone at mybookie.ag and use promo code woodward to grab yourself a deposit bonus bet anything anytime anywhere with my bookie you guys having a funny conversation about kim kardashian on um on the facebook when we come back i have to tell you my opinion on kim kardashian changed over the years and i'll tell you why this is woodward sports [Music] i'm looking to bring out another hvac tech right now we're recruiting five to ten techs a month we're looking to grow and expand every new tech we hire is from northwestern tech the hands-on training is fantastic they're always my first call we love hiring northwestern tech grads they come out trained and ready to work our program is only 10 and a half months and our next classes are starting soon so why wait i'm looking to hire and look into higher higher graduate of northwestern tech northwestern tech northwestern tag northwestern tech [Music] all right kennedy was making fun of me as she's apt to do for for well being incredibly non-hip and she's not wrong um but we were talking about fat not fat dump truck fat we're talking about phat and there's a difference right and you know the difference i don't know the difference are you kidding me i don't let me start making fun of you okay i don't but but here here okay so somebody brought up kim kardashian right and kennedy said uh stephen uh we know you like that kim k donk steve said not for me too much the ratio is off i have to full disclosure full disclosure my opinion on kim kardashian's hotness change when i saw a particular video there i said it um i don't know if you guys watched that particular video that came out about 10 years ago i don't know even longer than that my opinion on her changed what video are you talking about there was a video of her and uh what was what was it jj jj who ray j j ray ray j yeah brandy's brother one once i saw that video not seen it yeah once i saw that video my opinion of kim changed dramatically as a matter of fact damn so you had to see her doing some dude to turn you on yeah so you're a third party guy i couldn't get past how annoying that whole kardashian thing is i could like i can't i can't get past it like i mean just the whole they have just been god bless them they're great business people they've made so much money off of stupidity god bless america so i couldn't get past all of that and i guess i never really looked at her and once i saw that video um yeah i could just see sean looking at it like game film like he didn't like the prospect until he saw him on the field and now all of a sudden after that performance first round draft pick uh and i need to read she moved into the first she moved into the first round though stick you're absolutely right she she yeah she moved now am i gonna waste a lottery pick on her no but if she if she's there in the first round middle of the first round if i move down and get some draft capital yeah i'd pick kim kardashian for sure there was a certain sex tape that came out recently with a sports guy and the way that he was acting in the video made me so uncomfortable that i can't look at him the same now so the exact opposite reaction of of the kardashian for me would be the uh the portney video i don't know if you've it was in the group chat and when i i don't watch that young people yeah you guys said that was very disturbing right and but i'm not being funny that was disturbing so like you could watch a kardashian film you're like oh you know she uh performs or whatever but that portnoy that creeped me out it creeped me out terry did you hear about that i heard about it yeah it was it was you know that was one of those things that got to be on i watched about two seconds of that and i was like this is really sick sex tape a sick sex sex tape seem pretty normal to me [Laughter] it was he was degrading this female and it was just it was it wasn't i'm not being pc there was nothing no terry i'll be blunt about it he was holding her by a leash and spitting in her mouth yeah it was just that that's not my thing yeah i sorry and what's normal about that tuesdays it's spitting your mouth day sweetheart no i mean some chicks dig that man like you used to famously right put that [ __ ] on a leash it wasn't that one of your quotes he literally put that [ __ ] on a leash nah it said let the [ __ ] walk oh say okay remember no leash away all right get out of my life yeah i mean there's nothing wrong with you know if the chick's cool with it i'm cool with it oh yeah but it's just like for it to be released to the public i was like i don't want to see and now i look at him in a different light i just i'm like dude's an animal like listen what you do in your bedroom is one thing once it's released to a public then kind of people can judge on that i mean we judge on kim kardashian i just felt it was like you know i don't enjoy his shtick period yeah that that's it's just not for me but it added to it didn't it it made it like oh wow i guess yeah yeah oh he really is el presidente you know i know but i i just don't that's not my cup of tea that that nah actually i can ruin all of your days now this thing actually has a name for it but there's some dudes that like to lay down and have a glass plate like four or five inches above their face and have the woman poop on the plate oh a cleveland steamer hot lunch yeah you mean a cleveland steamer yeah i was like you know there's a name for this i don't know what it is this guy here just know oh yeah cleveland's steamer stick didn't have to google that one i think another word i know another word for it is hot lunch um that's different yeah yeah same thing that's sick though man oh when's the last time you did a cleveland scene when was the last time i was in cleveland hello oh my goodness why do you get mad when we're being mean to our local teams maybe maybe we can dive into that a little bit you know i've noticed with terry that if you say anything that is a little bit off he latches on and i respect you for that terry i think that you you you pinpointed me on this what i will say is this the lions as much as they suck as much as they may continue to suck you gotta love and embrace the home team that's all that i'm saying i feel like even on this network uh there's certain people that really beat them down and although i understand that like uh critiquing ways of maybe being a little harsh about it i feel like you have to at the end of the day support where you come from and support your people that are on the front lines can i say this though both things this is a both things can be true situation okay all right one can simultaneously save the lions are the worst franchise in the national football league and i love the lions it is absolutely positively possible to do that let me give you a scenario this weekend uh stick and i were watching ufc 261 and i know that we're going to cover this but i just want to show the picture real quick okay this is uh chris weidman snaps his leg while uh kicking uriah hall the the kick was blocked that's so disgusting i was so upset for chris weidman because i had followed his career okay so when i look at the lions and i see what they've been through as an organization i can't sit here and say afterwards they're the worst i sit here and say i'm still here for you and i still respect you as an organization and i want you to do well i'm not gonna i'm not gonna piss on you while you're down but can i ask you this though this goes back to what we talked about last hour okay why do you get mad at terry or sean or whoever the case may be if they're spitting facts about your team like why why like i don't i i go through that with michigan fans like what what are you mad at me for because i don't want to hear it i know what the facts are i don't want to hear it i don't i want to know that like at the end of the day i could support those people on the field because they're athletes and they do and you still can no matter what terry says no matter what sean says no matter how bad the team is you can still support those teams it's amazing you can say i love my lions now their little subpar that's still my team what's wrong with that i feel like what it is is it's the same thing that terry you had talked about like there's no way i could beat joyc in a fight there's no way stick could handle a tackle from sue they're doing something that we can't now i'm not saying that we can't be a little hard on them you have to be but i feel like that doesn't change the narrative the lines are still going to suck like it's just it's part of life so why would you sit there and continue to be harsh when you could look at they're a resilient team that has continued to come out onto the field well baby i will say this why do they continue to be mediocre thank you why do they continue to lose playoff games not my fault why do they continue to draft tight ends or or defensive backs third in a draft but you can't you can't be the same you can't be the same way when they're great you can't say i knew it all along no no no no no no no you know what this is this this comes back to something that that and terry you probably learned this long before i did this is one thing it took me a few years to figure out in this business it and it's really very simple okay if a team does something good you know what you should do you should say they did something good if a team did something poorly you know what you should say they did something poorly it's not it's not as difficult as people make it because their widow hearts are involved i will give you credit sean because you said if the lions come out and they have a positive season i will sit back and say you know what i was wrong oh first guy i promise you yeah being a realist about this situation though you can't i feel like the years and years that you guys have endured of being you know lions fans and myself included you watch them [ __ ] every single year then it gets to a point to where they're successful i think you see a whole lot of people jump on that bandwagon but those people are so harsh back in the day that they don't deserve to be on that band see and this is my biggest problem and and stick and i had this conversation a couple months ago i cannot stand the glorification that we have over [ __ ] years around here hooray we went nine and seven well who gives a [ __ ] oh god here we go again no no i'm serious i mean shouldn't we oh this is one thing that we should all agree on regardless of who the coaches regardless who the court like like want more this is a franchise that has given us nothing they have given us admittedly given us nothing so for me you know what i'm sorry i'm not gonna celebrate nine and seven around here i'm just not no and i'm not telling you to celebrate mediocrity by any means but i'm just saying the same people that are harsh that are so hard on the lines and oh they're the worst organization ever if they end up making it to the playoffs this year let's be honest it's not going to happen okay or even in the next couple years you can't be the same person that was like yeah i told you all along that's not how it works now i'm not sure i'm going to say finally yeah finally but to me making the playoffs doesn't mean anything no but you bad franchises make the playoffs three out of ten years yep you got to win some playoff games yep i feel like you guys have been so hurt that it's hard to admit that you might be being a little harsh i'm going to be honest no i am harsh and i should be harsh because they suck okay are you now are you talking about define a little harsh are you talking about my feelings about this team right now are you talking about my feelings about this team during my lifetime i feel like sometimes that a lot of people on this network do it and there's nothing wrong you put feelings in front of facts um you know and i could bring up the debate you know that you and stick it had there are some issues of i'm gonna say my quarterback because i'm hurt and he's hurt me but he's better and this and that i just feel as though if you're gonna support a team you need to support them fully that doesn't mean that you can't give constructive criticism but there's a lot of harshest i mean like the bags over the heads we know we suck okay yeah okay let me let me give you full disclosure i do not support the lions and i will never support the lions oh i'm not a lions fan i'm a lions observer so if the lions make the super bowl the only reason i might be on woodward waving a pom-pom is to have fun it's not because i care that the lions are in the super bowl i care about having a good time that day because i know there's going to be a bunch of drunk people out there having a blast no i feel like if you spent the majority of your life hating on something not saying you shouldn't be allowed out there but that's a weird angle to take are you hating on something or are you being realistic about what this franchise has been i feel like there's a very very very good you see it with athletes when they do interviews and someone comes on a little harsh to them they're like listen i'm the one out on the field so there's a very thin line well and it's interesting because in art this goes back to people like terry and i okay now put yourself in people like terry and i's position okay decades of heart no no no no i'm talking about we have been either on the radio or on the television or a newspaper talking about these teams okay and we we are called every name in the book if we say that the 2008 lions are really gonna stink okay and we are bombed and and i don't think you understand terry i know you've talked some of the texts or tweets or emails that come in you you almost sit back and laugh that people are that upset about your stupid words about their teams but you know what the interesting thing is you never and i mean never hear back from these people when the season's over never never never and when i say listen never you never hear back from little art who sent me an email the first week of september and and badmouthed me every single possible way and told me if he ever sees me in pub public i better look over my shoulder so when the year ends when the year ends and the lions go four and twelve or or aloe vela the magic hasn't happened yet you never hear back from those and if you do run into little art he's running the other way because he doesn't want to face you but do you feel it's that we've experienced what championship feels like with the pistons and with the wings and everything like that and i understand harsh criticism but at the same time terry it's almost it's shocking to me that you're like i'm not a lion spin that's crazy to me but i feel like it's because of the years and years and years of just being hurt terry did you not hurt terry i don't care what they do did you grow up a lions fan because i i used to have this conversation with tom kowalski all the time um the the late killer kowalski tom told me at some point in time when he was on the beat he he just he stopped being a fan he looked at his job he stopped being a fan and one thousand percent here's the difference between a guy like tom and i i can't turn off my fandom like completely turn it off i can't i openly admit it what i can do is do my very best to look at a team objectively and i don't think anybody's ever gonna get on me for not bashing on this franchise but were you ever a fan like growing up kid young jerry floyd i mean i still am hurt not anymore but i was hurt by the stupid time dempsey 63-yard field goal it ruined my whole day i was a kid i was going to go out and play and you know i'm going to we're going to play street football and the lions won this game against new orleans then this food kicks a 63-hour field goal ruined my day but when you are in the position i was writing about the team critiquing the team you can't be a fan because if you're a fan you're always going to forgive that team and you're not going to tell the truth yeah so you have to divorce yourself as being observers for instance what do they always say no cheering in the press box so i never cheered and i and i you wouldn't believe how often it happens don't shake your head you wouldn't believe how often it happened how can you not celebrate what you're covering you can't in the press box man you're working [ __ ] though because that's what it makes professional it's professional but that's what makes woodward sports different i will call out a fighter and be like don't gas out in the third round like you did but if he wins i'm gonna celebrate i'm gonna be cheering like we're doing the watch parties okay i can't sit there and say thug roach just got a first round knockout that was incredible no i'm gonna sit there and say [ __ ] yeah i wanted her to win but you have to be there through the ups and downs that's all that i'm saying the harsh criticism sure you can criticize but you have to still support your team to me that's your home team i'm sorry that's for people who are plumbers that's the people who are policemen that's what people who are arts that's for stick that wasn't for me because i was in the press box i was in the locker room and i can't be carrying a pom-pom in there but isn't there a balance isn't there a balance to where like listen i'm admittedly a fan of the lions and but i know when they suck you know but i celebrate when they're 5-0 and i bat like i don't bash them but i i talk ill about them when they're 0-5 like the first video that this network kicked off was me screaming in my car after they blew that first game like it's too early for this i'm not ready for this like it was supposed to be a new season and that's real reporting too right that is true but if you're a guy like art and never criticize them no no matter what they do you support it and if if everybody was like that guess what they're gonna do nothing they're just gonna roll the ball out they'll continue to make bad drafts they don't care if they win or lose because they know they got you you're still gonna buy the sweatshirts and the t-shirts and cheer and show up to the game they don't have to do anything i feel as though i guess with fighting it's different because the people that you're covering could literally beat the [ __ ] out of you so it's a little different so when i criticize jon jones as a person and what he does in his off you know off octagon antics then i'm being a realist and i'm giving that harsh criticism but i feel like what sticks that is right you can criticize and you can give constructive criticism and be harsh but you also at the end of the day can support them for doing something that i personally can't do all right you like mma right yeah what if your favorite mma part is fighters just kicking ass right then he's going out partying raping women and beating up people in public no that's a different don't wouldn't you criticize that yeah absolutely john jones is a great instance but that's to me i could celebrate his in octagon performance but i could dismiss his outside the eye do you know do you i want to get back to something that i have made fun of for literally five years okay i am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the average sports fan wants to be lied to i i'm convinced i that's that is an undeniable truth that i have learned in this business i i'm not being funny they want to be lied to they want to be told look at how pretty my unicorn is look at that is the prettiest rainbow on the block okay and i'll give you an example something i've made fun of for for at least five years the miguel cabrera is in his best shape of his life career it it is it is it's a lie and you know what you have people out there openly willingly peddling this lie creating low-hanging fruit and and what happens is then you have people go did you see those pictures of miguel cabrera and i go what the [ __ ] are you looking at what are you what are you wait a minute in his defense he does look great he hasn't had a beer in three months yeah stop it i'll give you i'll give you one final example uh there's this fighter that i'm obsessed with he was on a 13 fight win streak his name is tony ferguson he's now on a two fight skid and he's got another fight coming up when i report about him and when i get up on stage and we're doing the art of combat i say this hurts my heart to see i don't want to see this guy lose again but if he loses again i'm gonna say what the [ __ ] were you thinking dude you did this wrong this wrong but it's my aren't your opinion because at the end of the day i'm not in that octagon i don't know what it's like to be punched in the face but you're still criticizing them oh yeah but i'm not gonna give harsh criticism because i'm not doing what he's doing that's that's the difference oh okay so we can criticize the lions but we can't be too harsh i feel like there's a thin line because at the end of the day you're not catching that ball and you're not running those plays but i would be a fool to sit here and say that i'm not harsh on the people that i admire and respect as athletes because i do the same thing well what people do whether they want to admit it or not is they they move the goal posts and and things that they said two years ago in their earnestness to want to believe that this is different that they're going to change what their expectations were two years later i mean it's just michigan and jim harbaugh we're you're in year three and you haven't won a damn thing and and everybody was talking about year one winning the big ten well maybe we won't win the big ten in year one but natty in 2016. and so when you point this out you know what people do terry foster you're a hater sean believes and you're a hater wait a second i'm a hater because i'm calling you out for for moving the goalposts let me for changing what your expectations were because they haven't been met it's i'm sorry i think that's loco stuff i'll say this okay you two have covered the sport way longer than i have you've seen the ups and downs of each organization and right now the most part we're in a slump what i'm saying is this though at the end of the day we all represent the city of detroit we all represent these sports teams although you can criticize harshly and you could say they're the worst organization blah blah blah blah at the end of the day we represent that community that's what i'm saying so i don't want to be harsh for something that like i represent every sports team in detroit because i'm a fan i don't understand why this is hard to understand no i i see i feel the exact same way both things are true i can represent detroit i could walk around with a tiger cap on down in the florida keys and when somebody says hey how are the tigers going to be this year they suck and have a clueless general manager how long can you do that and you know what foreign fans the worst sports fans are the ones that let everything slide because you have no expectations you put no demands on the team and here's what the team is going to do we're just going to do the same thing we've been doing because it's cost prohibitive we don't have to make moves we can continue to be mediocre because art is still a loyal fan he bought our sweatshirt our t-shirt and our hat and bought damn season tickets so what do we have to do anything you talk about loyalty teams are not loyal to you what has any of these teams have done for you that is true i will admit that look at sean look at so they were sleeping with somebody else they were and they'll continue to sleep with somebody if you don't say anything let me let me wrap this all the way around if the lions were to offer you this is gonna be bad i know it is if the alliance were to offer you one million dollars to choose another team to be a fan of for the week i know you two would in a heartbeat switch i can't do that no way i can't you're you're wrong about me terry would take you on one you're 100 you're one of your 100 you're one aren't full disclosure i literally tried to quit this team about uh 20 plus years ago and it was a miserable failure i i'm serious it was like i tried that i'm going into the season i'm not i'm not even a watch i'm going to turn on the afc game today wrong you know what i wish i could give you lunch at the chinese buffet i'm out of here stop it take your life exciting terry you asked a question i and honestly for the sake of for the sake of this question i never i never like fact check myself i think i know off the top of my head art screw the last break because we're done in a couple minutes anyway um you said who is the last detroit sports team to have a winning record yes do you know that answer my guess is the 2017 lions you are correct that i swear to god i didn't look it up that is an indictment of how bad things are when was the last time you could say the last winning team was the detroit lions and of course they went on to the playoffs and got their asses well that was the year remember they lost to cincinnati on christmas eve and blew the playoffs yeah so they went 9-7 two years in a row one year got in the playoffs one year missed the playoffs guys that's four years ago right think about that think about that so when i hear people say is this the worst streak we've ever been in yes it is absolutely this is a terrible streak for our team do you feel that these streaks change the city like i feel like it encourages that harsh criticism and it's deservingly so if that's how you what do you think terry you're a perceptive guy do you think yeah absolutely it changes the the city changes the attitude it changes the way people walk around here i mean when everything is going well pistons are in the playoffs challenging for um playoff you know for championships the wings for stanley cup the city's never better and yeah people walking around like bad asses you can't talk to them because they'll they'll kick your ass if you're from another city that's true so we get that attitude now it's like people are like looking over their shoulder like they have nothing to celebrate so yeah it does because this is a sports town not a college basketball town but it's a sports town sure they care go out go out to the west coast and say your team hasn't had a winning record in four years they're like so they don't care yeah i got your ocean i got my mountains i i don't care here you like people freak out it's our dna honestly it's part of our dna i feel like sports is the number one escape like it really is i mean when you think of what can i do to not think about politics my whole life my you know the house could be on fire but the lions are on but i feel like that's that's good and bad because when we do have those 0016 teams like you said it's like a black cloud over the city and that lingers for years and years and years so i understand both of your inputs when it comes to the harsh criticism there was a time you know towards the end of the tiger run like i i always said terry and i were spoiled because we saw a championship there were generations of tiger fans including my son that never got their championship and i wanted them so desperately to get that pay off i'm not joking towards the end of that run it dictated my mood like circa 2013 and that's that series against the red sox there were so many things in that series that happened the series wasn't over with the big poppy grand slam it just wasn't there were so many things that happened after that where i kid you not that that dictated my mood for a few weeks and it's it's kind of sick when you think about something once per generation yeah 68 84 went to the world series in 12 6 and 12. so like every 20 something odd years they do something 13 was the best chance for me and honest to god i mean this i wanted my son to watch a championship like i got a chance when i was a kid i honestly it wasn't even about me it was like give my son one championship this is his favorite of the four teams and of course they didn't so yeah dictated terry you'll be back in on thursday yes yeah 1 000 art thank you stick doing like quadruple duty around here thank you fish we love you hope you're back soon buddy in the meantime have yourself a fantastic day uh we'll see you tomorrow right here on woodward sports you

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