Category: Sports
What is going on guys it's the m dragon and it's a monday which can mean only one thing on this channel right we're going to be taking a look at the world rankings to see what a shifted up due to those games on the weekend going on in the rugby championship and elsewhere in the world to if any other... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Scott robertson has largely rewarded the work of the team that pummeled the pumers in ockland with just three changes to the side for sunday's clash with the spring box two of those come in the forth pack with captain scott barrett returning to start at lock alongside tupa and former skipper sam kane... Read more
Category: Sports
Hi welcome to vic and vern sports st i'm vern i'm vic and welcome to a look ahead for the spring box against the all blacks go [ __ ] hell man it's the biggest game in rugby it's going to be a walkover it's never a walkover vic it's new zealand it's the best team in the world against to tier two it's... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] welcome back to saas and scriptor episode 120 it is a special one obviously you guys see this on monday morning we filming it on sunday evening but yesterday we had a big game but we had an even bigger event one of the three of us had a birthday bran herbs the guy turned 49 years old today and... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This country like i imagine many other western countries is absolutely obsessed with american politics um and our you know it was like the other day wednesday here in new zealand the country ground to a halt in the afternoon i was trying to do business and ring people i'll ring your back they were all... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] around welcome back to casual bias rugby once again we are joined by the brother cedric let's talk sport i said listen the previous time you were on hopefully i see you next weekend with a smile the guy couldn't make it he had a smile but now he's back in the dumps back in the dubs right for... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Boy look i also say this morning um no poly's on this morning or anything because i think we all needed a break there's been so much going on but one of the most bizarre stories unfolding at the moment is uh the green darling tanner's first expulsion from the greens and now the huge pickle that everyone... Read more
Category: Sports
All right the texts coming in thinking fast already about surely it must be hers now the hellberg award well it's either obviously going to be between lydia co and lisa carrington how do you differentiate between winning three gold medals and winning a major golf championship let us know quickly who... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We often hear about bad countries in this country and we often uh take selective users to which countries are bad and good and we should protest a good example would be gaza um russia and the ukraine would be another uh at bad countries who we like to protest about but you've actually suggested that... Read more
Category: Entertainment
To new zealand heading into yeah it's tight isn't it and there's still the story of both benches power pack as you look at s kisi there talking to his men the spring walks will feel they started getting a bit of momentum towards the end of the second half so they like to up the tempo up the intensity... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Greg martin kicks the show off every single thursday out of brisbane greg bomb show news here um just an hour or so ago leon mcdonald has quit the all blacks mate he's walked away gone how about that whoa uh now uh my suspicious vibes go up and go there he's done something wrong that's normally what... Read more
Category: Sports
[laughter] um it just came out now um i guess paid 17 mil is is and even the the press it's coming from racing okay no they've sh yeah but it's good for us i won't lie to you i won't lie to you it's good for for for sa and what he does on the field and everything else around around the field when he's... Read more