Why Georgia Football's 2024 WR Unit Will Be It's BEST EVER (UGA 2024 Depth Chart Preview)

The Long college football off season is mercifully nearing its end as the Georgia Bulldogs are set to kick off their 2024 fall camp on August 1st so for us that means it's time to kick our preview of Georgia's 2024 season into overdrive so today I am kicking off a series that will run daily all the way up to next Thursday when Georgia does kick off his fall camp where I will break down the debt chart and the Outlook at every single position on the Georgia roster in a nice concise but very much indepth package for you guys so this channel guys is going to be a onstop shop for all of you diar Georgia fans out there looking to get fully prepared and fully up to speed on georg's 2024 season which is very much just around the corner up first is what I believe is the most intriguing and honestly most wideopen position on georg's entire roster heading into the season and that is the wide receivers so let's get after it we just stepped on their face with a hot nail Boot and broke their nose we just crushed their face what's up guys I'm Tyler and this is Glory ug plus where I bring you a small sample of what we've got going on for you on the glory ug podcast this video as all of our videos is brought to you by our great friends at Alumni Hall so make sure to check them out when you're picking up your 2024 Georgia game day gear and guys I'm telling you this channel is going to be your One-Stop shop to get prepared for an up to speed on Georgia's 2024 football season as I said at the outset today I'm kicking off a series a daily Series where I'm going to preview a different position on Georgia's roster every day leading up to next Thursday which is when Georgia does kick off it's fall camp on August 1st we're going to have a different position preview every single day guys so make sure if you're not already subscribed to this Channel and you're a Die Hard Georgia fan you're going to want to get subscribed so subscribe right now like the videos comment and definitely probably more than anything check out the glory ug podcast wherever you get your podcast for a lot more Georgia Sports Georgia football content like this so check that out guys I think you will enjoy what you find on our podcast but all right let's dive into this Georgia wide room and man what a fascinating room this is I mean think about the the the guys that we have in this wide receiver guys I know lad mcon he's gone Marcus J me Jackson he's gone all right well who do we have left well we'll go into a lot more detail but just off the top here we've got a couple of guys who have been the guy elsewhere like been the leading receiver on other power five teams but haven't done it at Georgia yet got a couple I think lowrisk High reward transfers an enigma who is looking to finally make a Big Splash in his fifth year I think you probably know what I'm talking about Aran Smith got a couple of Dynamic youngsters looking to find a way to carve out a role in this wide receiver room we got jack of all trades and Dylan Bell who yeah is a wide receiver but also kind of isn't always a wide receiver so this room does guys it has a little bit of everything I think that makes this room as a whole one of the if not the most intriguing and fascinating positions on Georgia's entire roster heading into this season so it's cool man I'm excited about about this season I'm excited about this wide receiver room and if you think about this wide receiver room on top of all the different guys we have and all these different bodies and all these these different skill sets that they have I think we maybe have one player that you can point to and definitively say yeah his spot is secure right he's got a spot that spot is locked in I think there's one guy probably that you can say that definitively about so I think that's probably the best place to start here let's start with the headliners and if you're talking about Headliners in this Georgia wide receiver room at least based off what we know coming into this 2024 season we've got to start with Dominic LoveIt who is not new to this team you guys know Dom love it he was new last year transferred in for Missouri where again he did lead the Missouri tires in receiving back in 2022 we about a couple times in fact we did a full breakdown of what we did with Dominic love last year how we used in our offense and how that maybe different from how Missouri used him and maybe some things that we can do to maximize his skill set and adjust how we use expand how we use do love so make sure to check that video out for a lot more on Dominic Lov if you haven't checked that out but really quickly here on Dominic Lev 54 receptions last year 63 yards four touchdowns solid numbers but also like you know not number one wide receiver type numbers modest enough but as I said in the video last week I don't think the numbers alone if you're just stat watching what dominic love from last year I don't think the numbers alone do full Justice to exactly what dominic LoveIt is really capable of within the Georgia offense as I said lastek week we truly barely scratched the surface with what we can do with Dominic love it in our offense a year ago we really we really just kind of use him in a complimentary role I mean that that's that was his role guys I mean you have Brock Bowers I know he's not a receiver but kind of operated as one more or less was a major factor the major factor in our passing game I know L mcon was banged up for large portions of the Year missed about half the year all in all with injuries but you got that guy got Brock Bowers too like and we know Brock was a first round guy lad Easley could have been a first round guy probably should have been a first- round drapping so you have those two guys they're going to be your feature guys like they they've done that for Georgia right so Dom L coming in last year his role is be more of a complimentary type role to those two Dynamic players that we already knew about coming to last year but while that was how he was used last year guys like let's not kid ourselves Dominic love is more than capable fully capable of operating in a featured role in the Georgia offense again we saw him do that in two in 2022 with Missouri was a little under 900 yards receiving for Missouri that year and he was an explosive Dynamic playmaker in that Missouri Alvin if you look back to last year with with the 2023 Georgia team like no he wasn't the feature guy but also I don't think there's any coincidence that Dominic loveit's three biggest games last year in terms of receptions came in games where either there was no lad and or Brock Bowers right so either those were games either only one of those guys was playing the full game I know Vanderbilt was one of his bigger games Brock started that game and he goes down right and then after Brock went down what did we do oh yeah we start to to find a way to get the ball to domic L it a lot more so I think that's pretty telling about what we're going to do with Dominic love it heading into this season right I mean again like when Brock Bowers Loni weren't in the lineup or weren't fully healthy who did we go to last year more often than not it was Dominic love it those guys are gone this year so that's why I think at least coming in the season based off what we know and G is another indicator I mean we were trying to feed that guy the ball in the spring game and I know it's a spring game I understand that guys but if you go back and look what he did at Missouri you look at the fact that we don't have Brock Bowers no le makoni when those guys weren't fully healthy and weren't in the game last year it was really love it who picked up the slack more than anybody else on the in the offense certainly in the receiver room and now he's gonna be in his second year in the Georgia system I think all signs along with the fact that he was really certainly featured at G I think all signs are pointing to Dom G being the guy being the guy that we plan on featuring coming in the season the guy that we have the most confidence in coming in the season so I I feel very confident saying that guy is entering we'll see what happens during the season but entering the 2024 season which is all we're talk about right now I feel very confident saying that Dominic glov is going to be the guy for Georgia at receiver now he's primarily a slot guy who don't move around too much could he play a little Z yeah he probably could but he's more of a slot guy than anything but he is still very much going to be the guy a receiver entering this 2024 season but that doesn't mean that Dominic Lov is the only guy for George at receiver in 2024 that'd be a problem if he was the only guy because I mean it's much easier to take somebody away a receiver when they are the only significant option that you have that's not the case for this Georgia wide receiver unit there are actually a couple other guys that I think have the potential to maybe take that title of the guy to take that title from domic Lov at some point in the season and the two guys I'm looking at here are the guys that in a battle right now to be the starter at The X receiver position which are rra Thomas and Kobe young two transfers now Rah like Dominic love it transferred to Georgia ahead of the 2023 season didn't have immediate success you know he dealt with some off the field issues missed most of spring practice that set him back a little bit and he was adjusting going from like Mike leech's Aid offense to a much more Pro style attack with the Georgia offense and there's certainly an adjustment period there so right off the bat he was an impact player but as we got you know four five six games in the season all of a sudden you see ra Rod Thomas start to take some strides Man start to make some big plays have that crazy ridiculous catch in Kentucky for a touchdown that I if I remember correctly wasn't initially called touchdown upon review it was definitely a touchdown and was just a fantastic catch was making had a big a big catch against Old Miss was doing some really good things in the Georgia offense really starting to come on had a big catch in the Auburn game as well that uh that helped us stay in that game gave us a chance to win down the stretch so it's really starting to come along but unfortunately late in the year suffered an injury that knocked him out for the last couple games of the year so I mean on the front end wasn't great had to adjust back end injured but what we saw in the middle of the season from raat Thomas was really encouraging and this is a lot like Dominic love it this is a guy that we have proof of concept with not proof of concept in the Georgia offense necessarily I know it was a different offense back in the a with Mike Leech but he was the leading receiver at Mississippi State in 2022 that's an SEC program guys we're not talking about a group of five program like that translates okay it was just a matter of him getting up to speed in our offense and learning what to do because the adjustment for him coming into our offense last year was a was a lot more difficult than it was for Dom love I'm not saying Dom love didn't have some issues with that you know it's a different offense but what he was doing at Missouri was far closer to what we do at Georgia than what Mississippi state was doing with h with ra Rod Thomas under Mike Lee that was just entirely different universe so there's an adjustment period there but now coming into his second year in the system there's a really strong chance with a fully healthy offseason getting all those reps or mostly healthy offseason getting those reps not dealing with off the field issues there's a really strong chance that Rob Ro thas could break out and be a big time I'm talking like eight n00 who knows thousand I know we've only had one thousand yard receiver in Georgia history which is still one of the most insane things to ever say out loud but it's still true maybe he could be that guy I mean again we saw him do it at an SEC school not thousand yards but was a leading receiver at an SEC school so he's certainly a guy that could potentially become the guy I wouldn't pinpoint him as the guy entering the season but he's got that type of talent that type of potential and we've seen flashes of it now Kobe young is a brand new player coming over from Miami was not necessarily the featured guy at Miami but you have to understand the context of what was going in Miami so Kobe young is a big Target and so was RA Rod Thomas ra Rod 62 200 uh Kobe young 63 215 and he is a contested catch master I mean that's what this guy specializ specializes at that's not all he can do me in Miami you go back and watch a tap I mean they're running screens with this guy so he's a really good athlete at that size but you throw the ball in the air 50-50 ball especially in the Red Zone I mean the guy is going to make a play I mean at the very least I think Kobe young is gonna be a big- Time Red Zone Target for Georgia this year but I don't want to limit him to just that I think this guy could be a legit Alpha number one wide receiver and all of you that have been with me for past couple however many years and heard me talk about Kobe young certainly in this off season you know I've said that you know like this is not new I told you guys that as soon as we we we got news that he was transferring to Georgia because I'm a c junkie I obviously Georg is like my number one passion in life and yes that's why I know better than anybody but I just love college football and I watch a ton of college football and I'd watched a fair amount of Miami over the past couple years and so when when we got news that Kobe young was coming to Georgia I was like oh yeah let's go because I know what he's capable I know the potential this guy has now the numbers if you're just stat watching you're gonna say like okay like whatever but guys you gota look beyond the stats you can consider the context of what he was working with at Miami their quarterback situation last year guys was a disaster okay Tyler van djk was okay at times early in the year but then he just completely fell apart yes he doing some injuries that certain did not help and then you're starting a freshman emry Williams if I remember remember correctly was his name who was I was a true freshman the guy just wasn't ready he wasn't ready and what he did is he leaned on their slot receiver he was more like a security blanket which was Xavier RPO and so he was just kind of feeding him in the short intermediate range and allowing him to kind of go work in space and he wasn't really throwing the ball out to the numbers that much he was kind of focusing inside the numbers which is where your slot receiver or stpo is going to operate so Kobe y didn't get as many Target because the Corbat situation but he has the ability guys I'm telling you he has the ability to be a legit like number one one of the best receivers in the SEC now will he live up to that potential this year coming to a brand new offense I don't know I can't guarantee that all I can tell you is physically speaking he's got the goods man he's got the he's got the athleticism he's got the size he's got the contested catchability he's got everything that you would want a wide receiv receiv to have to be a big- time playmaker in a pro style offense he's got that stuff so I think he can be will he do it I don't know and that's gonna be a fascinating battle watch at that xot between raah R Thomas and Kobe young if I had to handicap it right now I'd probably lean ra R Thomas because he has been in the system for an extra year but I I don't know man like I just have this feeling the more the season goes on the more opportunities that Kobe young gets I think he's just gonna make plays I think he make it really hard for us to not have him on the field look both guys are gonna play Ra R is gonna play Kobe young is gonna play at X it's just a matter of like who starts and does that even really matter I don't know you know how we rotate our receivers all those guys a lot of reps I think both those guys are capable of making big time plays for us at The X receiver position all right so that's the X spot well what about the other side what about the Z position there I think it's there's really two guys at the top there with this position B I think it's Dylan Bell who played a lot for us as a truth fresh when when uh ad Mitchell went out for the year with a sprained ankle essentially out for this the entire regular season with the last 10 games of the year with a spray ankle what was true freshman Dylan Bell who stepped up and filled that void and started a bunch of games for us played a lot for us as a true freshman he was still a true freshman made some solid plays showed some signs showed flashes but wasn't consistent because he's a true freshman right so he got that experience there but then last year you know we have all these injuries at running back coming to the season and we're just like it's a mass unit back there we need bodies we need somebody that can run the football and Dylan Bell looks like a running back I mean he's he's six foot one 210 but he's a thick 210 man like he looks like a back out there so what do we do well we need somebody to carry the ball let's hand him the ball so you I got about 25 touches last year about 155 yards rushing two touchdowns did some things there but what that did is it took him out of the wide receiver room he wasn't a full-time wide receiver last year but once we got healthier at running back he moved back to more of a full-time wide receiver role and really started to come on later in the season again I like Dominic love it especially when Brock Bowers and L makoni were were either not playing or basically playing on one leg Dylan Bell started to to emerge to some degree late last year and show you what that guy can do as a receiver which is really what he projects to be I mean I think a play running back if he wanted to but I think in our offense he's going to project more as a wide receiver so right now coming to the season based off what we saw from at the end of last year and now that he is working full-time as a wide receiver I think there's a really good chance we see a big jump from Dylan Bell in year three in Athens so I'm really excited about Dylan Bell he's a physical receiver he's not the most explosive receiver out there but he has got plenty of explosive ability he's also really physical so getting off press coverage getting off line of scrimmage that is really where he excels I I've heard people this offseason complain about him not being able to create separation I don't agree with that I is he going to pull away from somebody the way that Aran Smith is like no he's not going to run past somebody like that but he's a really strong route Runner and that's for a guy who wasn't even again a full-time wide receiver and that ability to get out the line exion get off press coverage that's creating separation too I I don't have any issue with deal about creating separation I think he's gonna be a really good receiver for us at that Z Spot and here's the other guy I just mentioned him Aran Smith I I think it's it's one of those two going to be the the primary guy at that Z receiver a lot like X was going to be rotational both play but guys Aran Smith might just be the biggest X Factor on this entire team I did a video of the top five x factors on this Georgia team about two weeks ago so make sure you check that out and I talked about Aran Smith on that video guys look Aran Smith does not have a ton of receptions in his Georgia Career all right but the ones he does have have been very memorable right you got Alabama game last year a big long catch wasn't a touchdown should have been a touchdown of Carson threw it out in front of him a little bit there but hey still a big play set up a score for US helped us get back in that game we all know what happened against Ohio State in that Peach Bowl a year or so ago just I mean that was an explosive play that reignited the crowd got us right back in the game and gave us a chance to win actually another huge catch in that game as well so there's not a ton of catches and yards in Aran Smith's career at Georgia but there are some very memorable ones and some some plays where we've seen this guy flashes and he just it's a tantalizing Talent that's what this guy is he is a a track level I mean a I don't say I hear people say world class track guy I don't know if I go world class but he is crazy fast a verified 10 100 meter as a freshman by the way at Georgia when he was running track also uh was part of the 4 by1 relay team with Matthew bowling that holds that finished second in the SEC and holds the Georgia record so this guy he's a legit track athlete no doubt about it gave up track he's got that kind of speed I mean I know he's not a 99 speed on EA Sports college football 25 like come on he's got to be a 99 speed but the problem with Aran as I've said many times is he was so Raw coming to high school and then deal with so many injuries early in his career it just stunted his growth he needed those reps badly more so than your average receiver coming out of high school because he was so raw as a receiver much more of a trap guy just just a raw fast guy just some Putty out there that you that you're like we got we gotta sign this guy because like that speed I can't teach that can teach him to play receiver but teaching to play receiver was more deal with the maybe we anticipated because he was injured so much and wasn't getting the Reps up practice but now he's going to his second year being fully healthy right and I know last year de with some drops I understand that but Arian Smith still has something that nobody else on our team has that type of speed one of the if not the fastest players in all college football like legitimately guys he is right up there that small handful of the fastest guys in the country he has that type of speed that is not only gamechanging but it forces defensive coordinators to game play around that guy when he's on the field all right he's got the type of speed where legit you just he just runs past it doesn't matter what your coverage is he can run through the coverage it doesn't matter so if he can finally take the steps and learn more of the nuances of how to play the wide receiver position and he begins to really kind of capitalize on the immense potential he has with his physical tools this guy could be a big time difference maker for Georgia so that's why I think he's the one of the if not the biggest X factors on our entire team so I think this will be a battle between those two guys at the top for that Z position and like I don't know who's going to win it I would right now probably project Dylan Bell because I've seen I've seen more of a complete game from him at I receiver even though he wasn't playing that fulltime than I have from Aran Smith but guys AR I'm just telling you this guy from people I trust took some really big strides during this off season all right doing some really good things during fall during spring practice we didn't see as much of it during gday but another thing I can tell you about Aran Smith guys is that the team loves him everybody around him loves him I don't know the guy but all I've ever heard about him is people just Rave about how good of a guy he is how hard he works it's not one of these things where he's just not doing what he's got to do no not the case people are rooting for him inside that butts smar building and I know all of us outside the building are certainly rooting for him so I think this has a chance to be a breakout year for Aran Smith and then who are some other guys that might fit in that picture as well okay well we got a couple of transfers Michael Jackson the third come from USC I don't exactly know to think about him all right so at USC in three years at USC Michael Jackson I third had under 500 yards receiv receiving okay and he's he's got some positional versatility six foot about 200 pounds so not super tall but thicker as a wide receiver I think he fits best as a slot guy which doesn't bode well for him because we do have Dominic L there and he is going to be the guy at slot the very least but he also can play some Z like he they mooved around a little bit at USC and and he did some good things at USC but he was just never the feature guy not really close to it and there's really no shame in that when you consider some of the weapons that they've had USC receiver me you have Jordan addon who was a bloff award winner you have some big time guys there okay you have brenen rice some Big Time Players the receiver position he was just always behind those guys so he transfers out maybe a a a new looks some new scenery new team new offense can Revitalize him and give him a chance I can tell you if you go and watch his highlights you watch the guy play when he got opportunities in USC he made the most of him like he's a good football player like he's not a scrub I think he will be in the rotation this year I just don't expect him to really contend to be like a a primary option in the Georgia offense and I think the same might be true of the Vanderbilt transfer London humph who is coming to a second year at College who was a freshman at barbil last year a bigger guy 62 about 200 pounds and guys London humph can fly the guy I mean that size speed combination 62200 I I mean I I don't have verified numbers I'd say watch him play though he's a 4-4 guy and those are big- time physical tools okay had nearly 450 yards receiving as a freshman at vable last year with that quarterback situation so I think within the Georgia offense this guy will eventually develop into a very very good receiver for us will it happen this year I would lean towards no again a lot like Michael Jackson thirdd I think that he will contend for reps we rotate our receivers a lot we have a pretty liberal rotation there so I imagine that he will be in that picture in that rotation but I just don't really see him as a feature guy in year one I could be wrong though because again the tools are there the size the speed the combination all there but you got all these guys in front of you you're new this offense we saw it took ra Thomas it took Dom GL a year or so at least a couple games or so to get up to speed in the Georgia offense it didn't happen right away for them so I think the same could probably true for ly humph but I do like him long term think be a really good player and could certainly be a nice debt piece for us in this Georgia receiver all right let's talk about a couple sleepers here some guys I have not mentioned that I think could be just Dynamite players for this Georgia offense maybe as early as this year but if not this year certainly in the next year or two the first guy I have to mention is Anthony Evans okay a lot of Georgia fans didn't even know who this guy was until the SEC Championship game where we sneak him on the field for that punt late in the game against Alabama and he almost breaks it right and then the next game against Flor state in the Orange Bowl has a slot fade touchdown and you see the electricity this guy brings to this team and he brings to the wide receiver position now he's a smaller guy all right he's 51 out 165 pounds he's a slot receiver all the way and a lot like Michael Jackson I third the the problem for for Anthony EV is Dom mlov all right I mean that that's the issue here Don mlov is going to be that guy at slot again the very least he's probably G to be the the guy in our entire receiv receiver room but certainly at that slot position he'll be the starter and Anthony Evans is going to back him up okay but when Anthony Evans gets opportunities and I have to believe with the athleticism and the speed he brings the table he's not quite Aran Smith level fast Aran Smith's 10 100 meter fast Anthony Evans as a high school football player track runner was 10 to 700 meters so he ain't that far off guys I mean we're talking like look legit track speed here okay he is an explosive play waiting to happen I think he'll probably be one of our primary returners this year whether it's kick returner or punt returner he certainly be in that conversation get some long looks there and he's going to make plays for Georgia this year guys I'm telling you he's too explosive too Dynamic to not make play sports I just don't think that he'll have as many opportunities as some of these other guys because of Dom lov's Presence at that slot receiver position and the Evans will play he's going to play there's be rotation there he'll got opportunities and one way or another he is going to help Georgia win football games this year the other guy that I think could be a sleeper for this Georgia offense and I probably would not have said this a week ago but we got about sovi white guys we got it's time we talk about sovi white so a very I say lowly rated but underrated player in Georgia's 2024 recruiting class I think one of the you know five or six lowest rated players in Georgia's class he was a a three star guy at a Cass High School here in the state of Georgia just wasn't a high-profile receiver he's one of those guys you know the George's issues recruiting receivers in recent years is very well documented so when we when you get a guy like that sign like that there's people like rolling SM here we go again just another three star watch the tape guys watch the tape turn the tape is scov white as a high school player and what you see is a straight up football player he's just a football player that's the way I describe him to people he just knows how to make plays he's tough he's physical he's athletic he's fast he's got strong hands he's a good route Runner he does everything you want him to do and he is like you know Aran Smith was really raw coming out of high school soobe white not so much however I still wouldn't have said before last week that sovi might be a name that we need to mention in the wide receiver room this year because I thought there's you know there so many guys ahead of him I just don't know where his opportunities are going to come in but then fast forward SEC media days last week and Kirby Smart when he's asked about this number one 2024 recruiting class who's some of the guys that that made some strides in Spring practice you think can really help you this year he says well very unsurprisingly KJ bold number one duh we know that and then sovi white lowly three star sovi white I didn't see that one coming again not that I don't think sovi is a good player I think sov I I thought you know give him a year or two would be a really good player for us I just didn't see it this year because I thought we had so many options ahead of him he'd have a really tough time cracking the lineup cracking the rotation but apparently that's more of a possibility than than than I thought because guys I'm telling you Kirby Smart doesn't just heat praise like that in those situations he always defers or Demmer and answers you know kind of an round about Coach speak but when he answerers that question that directly and you're throwing another different position you're throwing sovi white in the same conversation with KJ Balden I I'm listening Kirby Smart doesn't say those kinds of things about true freshman he just does he doesn't want to put the expectations on them so when he throws your name out I gotta listen I gotta pay attention he's got to be on this show today got talk about scob white a little bit so again I don't I don't think like like Anthony Evans I don't expect be like a major part of the Georgia wide receiver room this year but I think there's a shot now that he does work his way in the rotation to some degree and as the season goes on he get more and more comfortable in the offense if he makes plays and he does get opportunities maybe that role does start to expand we'll see you never know that the SEC guys we deal with injuries saw glad mcon last year Brock Bowers somebody goes down maybe sov white can be a guy that can step up and look he he also is a guy that has some positional versatility could play slot for sure but is big enough strong enough to play I don't think he's more of he can really he could play X if he wanted to but probably more of a z guy but he's got POS positional versatility which will allow him more opportunities to get on the field earlier in his career so just another little sleeper name to watch there along with Anthony Evans and finally guys got one big question for this Georgia wide receiver so we're GNA do this for each of the positions that we preview over the next week every day have a big question one big question for each unit and the big question for the wide receivers I mean it's pretty simple guys for me will this be the best wide receiver room in Georgia history and that's not hyperbole guys I don't say that to be a homer I know I run a Georgia podcast you're sitting there rolling your eyes oh my God yeah here we go to Georgia Homer you lose L mccon gonna call this the best receiver room in Georgia history I mean well think about what we're talking about here guys we have two wide receivers as I mentioned and robod Thomas and domic love it who have already LED previous teams that they played for in the SEC by the way in receiving we have a physical freak in kobby young who has serious breakout potential we have a guy that has proven to be a playmaker in limited opportunities even when he wasn't playing receiver full-time and Dylan Bell you got Aran Smith who could be the ultimate exactor not just for Georgia maybe the entire SEC if that guy can turn it on because he has something you just can't teach in that kind of speed you have a couple really promising young options with Anthony Evans and sovi white got some interesting transfers that could certainly be good solid Dept pieces for you do we have one player that is gonna be like the best receiver in Georgia history in this group no I don't think so if there was one I would say like in terms of like potential maybe you would throw out Kobe young like if he reaches that poent I think his ceiling is higher than everybody else's I just don't know how close he'll get to that ceiling this year but I don't think we have like an AJ Green type guy we don't have one of these guys that you could like legitimately say is one of the like the best receiver in Georgia history but that doesn't like you don't you don't have to have a one guy like that to say this is the best wide receiver room in Georgia history as a group when you look at all the options guys I mean I think if you look at this receiver room we we have I would say three to four legitimate breakout candidates three to four legitimate guys I mean I think Dominic Lov is already that guy for us I I wouldn't qualify him as a breakout candid because he led Miss receiving two years ago so that's not a breakout candidate to me but maybe ra Rod Thomas to some degree certainly Kobe young maybe Arian Smith maybe Dylan Bell like all four of those guys could be braak break out candidates in the entire SEC right and the thing is like we don't need all of them we don't need all three or four of those guys to be breakout stars for George reive this year we just need one or two of them to hit to go along with Dominic love it to kind of be a cometary piece of Dominic love it that's all we need if that happens along with the other guys that their ceilings made to be seen guys like London humph Michael Jackson the third Anthony Evans but I think at the very least have very high floors I think absolutely I lean towards yes right now I lean towards the Andre being yes that this wide receiver room as a whole will end up being the best wide receiver room that George's had in the history of the program right now I think that's more likely to happen than not will I be right we'll see what happens but right now heading into fall Camp that's kind of how I see this wide receiver room so I hope you guys enjoyed this a lot more coming in we're gonna have a daily episode daily video for you guys every day all the way up to August 1st when fall Camp starts previewing every single position on the Georgia roster just like this will give you the breakdown with the with the depbt chart the Outlook the sleepers the biggest questions all of those things so make sure to check out all those videos guys again if you haven't already subscribe to this channel for your One-Stop shop to get prepared for Georgia's 2024 football season and make sure to check out the glor UJ podcast wherever you get your podcast for a lot more Georgia football content just like this for you guys all the Die Hard Georgia fans out there but I'm Tyler appreciate you guys and as always go dogs man there are going to be some property destroyed tonight 26-21 dogs on top

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With georgia's second scrimmage of the fall taking place inside sanord stadium over the weekend here in the classic city the bulldog's 2024 fall camp is officially in the rear viiew so it's time to take stock of everything we learned about this georgia team during fall camp with one final debt chart... Read more

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Why the RB Position is Georgia Football's WEAKEST UNIT in 2024 (UGA Position Unit Preview)

Category: Sports

Over the years the georgia football program has produced a story line of running backs with players like hersel walker and garrison hz noa mareno todd gurley nick chub sony michelle deandre swift and the list goes on and on with players like that spinning their college careers playing between the hedges... Read more

THIS is Why Dominic Lovett Will be a GAME-CHANGER for Georgia Football in 2024 thumbnail
THIS is Why Dominic Lovett Will be a GAME-CHANGER for Georgia Football in 2024

Category: Sports

Intro by all accounts dominic love it had a very strong first year in athens in 2023 but at the same time we also barely began to scratch the surface of the type of impact that love it can have in the georgia office but with both br hours and lad mcon still in athens love it was relegated to more of... Read more

Georgia is the "bully on the playground" thumbnail
Georgia is the "bully on the playground"

Category: Sports

No exitement uh yeah really pleased with um pleased with the effort hated losing hated losing 48 to3 grateful to coach smart we had a conversation uh midway through the third quarter through some people about um just taking care of the kids keeping them healthy so grateful to coach smart for that how... Read more

Tennessee Tech players following 48-3 loss to Georgia thumbnail
Tennessee Tech players following 48-3 loss to Georgia

Category: Sports

I guys first off i guess what we're all coming out of this game most proud of obviously the goals to win but what were some like either team goals or personal goals yall have for each other just to play hard you know um i think the biggest thing uh looking from fbs to fcs even sec and not even that... Read more

Georgia Football Position Battle Predictions | UGA Football 2024 thumbnail
Georgia Football Position Battle Predictions | UGA Football 2024

Category: Sports

Welcome back to another episode of rock boys football this georgia program throughout fall camp for me personally has been one of the more fun programs to kind of read the fall cam practice notes read the scrimmage intel there's a lot of different position battles that you're kind of seeing unfold on... Read more

Lawson Luckie reveals Brock Bower's best play thumbnail
Lawson Luckie reveals Brock Bower's best play

Category: Sports

Talk about your big catch last week austin you had that big catch on saturday just walk me through what you saw on that play and and just being able to help the team like you did um yeah so that's just one of the plays we've been practicing all week and um we hit it a bunch of times coming into the... Read more

Clemson's postgame comments after losing to UGA thumbnail
Clemson's postgame comments after losing to UGA

Category: Sports

Coach sw will have some opening comments we will then go to questions in the room and if time permits we'll go to questions virtually after that so coach whenever you're ready go ahead all right u first of all congrats to georgia um you know it was a um good first half tough hardfought first half uh... Read more

Kirby Smart's postgame comments thumbnail
Kirby Smart's postgame comments

Category: Sports

Coach you can start with a opening statement yeah i always open with um thanking our fans but i also want to thank um afflac um as a title sponsor for this event what an incredible venue atmosphere um anytime you play in atlanta in this facility and it's part of a title sponsor game where you're playing... Read more

Kirby Smart's postgame news thumbnail
Kirby Smart's postgame news

Category: Sports

Um came out with good energy good passion to be able to play at home in front of our our crowd which you don't get many chances you know i think we average six maybe home games a year and um that was one of them so we took advantage of it guys played hard um i thought we had es and flows that were really... Read more

CJ Allen on UGA's defensive performance vs. Tennessee Tech thumbnail
CJ Allen on UGA's defensive performance vs. Tennessee Tech

Category: Sports

They every day in work car so it feels good to see get there not getting get his first tou oh it's definitely it's definitely good seeing him get his first touch as a dog also he one of the guys too work working so hard throughout the summer the winter you know so it was exciting to see him get his... Read more

STANDOUT PLAYERS From Georgia Football's Fall Camp (So Far) thumbnail
STANDOUT PLAYERS From Georgia Football's Fall Camp (So Far)

Category: Sports

The georgia bulldogs opened their 2024 fall camp last week and now with a week and a half of practices under their belt and the first false scrimmage in the books the buzz has started to build around certain names that have emerged as standout players through the early stages of fall camp so right here... Read more