THIS is Why Dominic Lovett Will be a GAME-CHANGER for Georgia Football in 2024

Intro by all accounts Dominic love it had a very strong first year in Athens in 2023 but at the same time we also barely began to scratch the surface of the type of impact that love it can have in the Georgia office but with both BR hours and lad mcon still in Athens love it was relegated to more of a supporting role a year ago however with Bowers and mcon both moving on to the NFL love it has an opportunity to ascend to a featured role in the Georgia offense in 2024 so with that in mind let's go to the tape to explore how Georgia can expand its usage of love it and unleash number six on the college football World in 2024 we just stepped on their face with a hot nail Boot and broke their nose we just crushed their face what's up guys Dominic Lovett I'm Tyler and this is the glory ug podcast a film session edition of The Glory ug podcast I'm very excited about today's episode this is really what I love to do guys breaking down tape diving into the x's and O so I hope you guys enjoy it and if you do make sure to subscribe to this Channel right now so you can get more content just like this upload directly to your YouTube feed Mak convenient for yourself easy for yourself you don't to search around for for the videos it's right there for you like comment and of course make sure you check out the glory u.j podcast wherever you get your podcast for a lot more content just like this leing up to the 2024 season and of course throughout the totality of Georgia's 2024 football season all right let's talk about Dominic love it a really solid first year for Dom as a Georgia Bulldog in 2023 54 receptions 63 yards four touchdowns inside the top 20 in the SEC and receiving barely right at number 20 but still nonetheless inside the top 20 and receiving in the league but those are also not numbers that exactly blow you away 54 receptions 63 yards those aren't numbers that screw number one wide receiver a top option in a in a passing game for a team that has aspirations to win a National Championship but that's exactly what I believe that Dominic love it can be for Georgia in 2024 and quite frankly with Brock Bowers and lad mccon both moving on no longer on this roster a full year in our system where he's not having to make that adjustment that is exactly what I expect Dominic love it to be in the Georgia offense and we started to see signs of that late last year when when both uh makoni and Bowers were banged up late in the year uh throughout spring practice we were hearing rave reviews about the steps that Dominic Lev was taking within the Georgia offense and what we got to see of him I know it's a small sample size but at gday we were feeding the guy the ball and we were getting him the ball in a variety of ways so that is exactly what I expect Dominic love it to be I expect him to be the number one option in the Georgia passing game this year but for that to actually happen for L to actually become the number one option for the Georgia passing game the Bulldogs gonna have to expand the way in which they used love it a year ago now to illustrate this I I first want to examine how did Georgia utilize Dominic LoveIt a year ago I I think it's pretty clear guys the plan last year for Dominic love coming to the year when you have Brock bers you have L mccon Le you think you have those guys coming to the year the plan for love it last year in the Georgia offense was pretty clear from the jump get the guy the ball in space and let him go to work with the ball in his hands try to create explosive plays that way where that's the screen game whether that's the RPO game where where he was heavily utilized whether that's just the short passing game get the ball to the guy in space let him go to work that's what we were trying to do for the most part with Don mcloven in 2023 and his 11.35 yards per catch they are indicative of that right I mean though that's not really where you want to be like that's not an explosive receiver 11.35 yards per catch in fact that was the second fewest yards per catch amongst SEC wide receivers with at least 40 receptions last year the only guy that had fewer than 11.35 yards per catch that love it had last year that had at least 40 catches was Trey Wilson for four the true freshman they really only Ed utilized him in the the short passing game the RPO game you saw them do that to us in that first drive against four last year in Jacksonville but the reality is love it was largely use as an underneath option in the Georgia offense that can make plays after the catch now that's really how we were trying to get him involved really that's what it was and he was relegated to that role because Bowers and mcon were the guys that we were going to when we were trying to create explosive play those were the top options right those are guys that when you could count on could lean on that had a history in the George offense of creating explosive plays and those are guys that delivered quite frankly when they were out there and when they were healthy so it's it's one thing though for me to tell you how Dominic love it was utilized in the Georgia offens yearo I can sit here and tell you that all day long but it's another thing I think a far more effective thing to actually show you how Dominic love it was used in the Georgia offense a year ago so let's do it let's go to the tape and illustrate how love it was largely utilized in the Georgia offense in 20123 Screen Game all right guys so I went through all of Dominic loveit's targets a year ago in 2023 his first year at Georgia and I pulled out a lot of clips of him being used in the short game whether it's a screen game RPO game just the Quick Pass game and I try to organize these for you so this first set of Clips here these are primarily going to be plays where Dom was used in the screen game there's going to be some rpos that are kind of thrown in here as well but primarily screen stuff so let's go ahead and roll the tape and uh let's see exactly what I'm talking about here all right so we got dime right here this is a classic jailbreak screen something that we used a lot with Don glove you'll see I got a lot of Clips with the jail Bak screen and this is what I'm talking about guys we're just trying to get the ball in his hands in space and let the guy go to work that was pretty much the idea now here he's in coming or orbit motion this one I would classify as an RPO the reason I'm classifying this as an RPO is watch the lineman right here all right these dudes are firing out as though it's a Run Blade and that's the classic tail guys if you're trying to figure out is this an RPO is it a c screen what is it just watch the lineman if they're block and run and we throw the ball it's an RPO 100 times out of 100 it's that simple so you see the lineman they're block and run here Carson is reading uh looks in this one honestly look like a pre- snap read a lot of these rpos to love it or pre- snap reads he's just looking at what the the defensive coverage looks like look how look how far these guys are playing off the line of scrimmage right look at that space all right yeah it's it's two on two those aren't bad numbers when they're playing that far the line of scrimmage that's easy access those are easy automatic gimme yards you just take it that's an auto throw you just take this come in orbit motion here cars read that pre- snap he likes the numbers he likes situation he sees we're going to get easy yards this is his first down so we're just going to take what he gives us right there take what the team gives us so this one is something we saw a lot we saw a lot of these pre- snap reads but boom orbit motion just get out there get the ball in space let him pick up four or five yards same thing here all right this one this is an auto throw you saw this over and over and over again last last year with Dominic love not just Dom but certainly a lot with him this is an auto throw this is a pre-nap check by Carson Beck when you okay you got two receivers one two right here two Defenders one two so you got even numbers all right you'll take those cuz you got one guy to block this dude right here now you got Dom love it this electric Dynamic receiver that you like to get the ball in space you'd like to believe he can make one guy Miss right that's all it's got to do make one guy Miss and again when they're giving you that much space this is an auto throw it's an auto check we did this time and time again and Dominic GL was the beneficiary of this quite a bit last year see a play out here Auto throw boom and you can see like this is kind of an RPO but this is cars just making a check at the line of scrimmage because you can watch right here what's cedra van like he's out here man like he's all the way out there that is 100% a called Run play that Carson just says all right I like my numbers out there we're try to throw the ball all right this one this one looks like a a called screen all right now you can say all right well look man like we love the numbers out here and you do you have to like the numbers so you got one two you got one two and two is all the way over here and now we're motioning out Oscar W some tight end motion out here so now you're going to have three on two maybe this guy can get over in the play if he wants to if he wants to spread out with the tight in motion but you love those numbers you can see watch the lineman down here they are not firing out they not blocking run so this looks like a clear just screen call we like the numbers out there look Oscar for a minute there doesn't have anybody to block right they're playing so if any did this all game while they're playing so far off our guys and it's just easy access a first down easy first down right there you can see this is this is a true RPO we're blocking power here right so you can see let's go back and watch this from the jump all right so we've got HB back right we got looks like I think we're going to pull the guard here on this we're running either power running counter at least that's the that's the that's the call play in the Huddle right or at the line of scrimmage but you have an RPO tag to it again look at the numbers look at the space it's too Ting you cannot pass that up you take that 10 times out of 10 so Carson sees it you see the line blocking run so it's an RPO but Carson I mean look at that space again this is Auto first down they're just giving you first downs 100% you take now this is another just straight up jailbreak screen we love the jailbreak screen with dom love it last year and I imagine we use that a lot with him again this year was effective it's one of the most effective screens that we ran with him here's another jailbreak screen again we love the jailbreak with dom it was effective get get the guy the ball in space and let him go to work now the this next set of clipse these are all rpos all right there was a few rpos thr there with the screens but these are all straight up rpos you got Dom coming in motion right here here's number six coming in motion and we are you're going to see this right here there's just this is a precept you know that's what I told you earlier a lot of these rpos that we threw to Dominic love and not just Dom but all of our receivers especially to Dom Dom was heavily utilized in the RPO game early in the season when we were targeting him more often than not it was either screen game or RPO game that's what we were doing this guy and then later in the season as guys got hurt you know Brock goes down we start to use him a little bit more in different ways but early in the season it was heavily in the RPO game just get the guy the ball in space let him go to work and you can see the lines blocking here block and run all right it's a dead giveaway but Carson watch this is quick man he is not reading anything post Snap he this is purely pre- snap stuff and Carson's very good at diagnosing both pre- snap and post Snap he's a master man Carson has an answer for everything and it's just look at it guys first off you got the numbers out here all right it's two on two you've got all this cushion Carson sees that and you're going to take look it's second and five they're playing like two yards behind the sticks it's like an auto first down they're just giving it to you so yeah you're going to take that that's the smart move you don't take that I'm going to Vince you so see here motion I mean they got no chance it's an auto first down just giving it to you now this one is All About Numbers okay so this is an RPO here watch The Box okay so here we've got one 2 3 four five six blockers in the box they've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm going to count him essentially in the box that's seven right there okay we do not like those numbers you don't really want to run into into into that box let's what do we have over here well now we have we line Dominic love it up in the back field initially we're going to send him out in motion so now we're going to have once he gets out there three on two oh yeah that's what we call a numbers Advantage we like those numbers you're going to take that 100 times out of 100 again this is a preep watch how quickly Carson gets this ball out of his hands he's not anyone post Snap he sees this right away before the ball snap he knows exactly where he's going the football and again look how much cushion they are giving us there this is auto it's auto boom right there numbers Advantage it's second and one I mean why in the world are you playing that far off on second and one that's crazy that's why you're South Carolina yeah I mean yeah sure we'll take it and he almost houses this one almost houses this one now this next one beautiful right here so let's Floss look at where domic love his line up look we got of snuck him in here kind of like in an h-back roll it's domic love it's like a slot receiver now this is a position and a play that we would utilize Brock Bowers with all the time and I I showed you this when we were when we did the the film study video the film session video on Benjamin OSI and why I think he's going to be a perfect fit in the Georgia offense can do a lot of the same things that Brock Bowers does and if you missed that go check that video out guys I think you really enjoy that one and we I also Plan before the season starts to do a full on breakdown on that video with Benjamin Ras I I briefly talked about the twin plays of Toothpick and flaw so those are really tight our Premier our top tight end rpos but I want to go into more depth of that but we are putting one of our speedier shiftier receivers in basically the tight end role here he's playing h-back right here right kind of hiding him and he's running what we call Floss which is where he's just at the snap he's just going to Dart out here into the flat this is a it's an RPO car is reading you typically you're going to read on the end man on line en scriage sometimes it can be a second it can be a second level read just kind of depends on how we're calling that and also their defensive alignment how they're lined up but you're going to see Dominic love it is going to go and the purpose behind floss again we'll get into this more later on in the offseason is you were trying it's it's just another way to hold the backside in it's it's a way to slow down the linebacker flow against the run and to make it and to help you out when you maybe don't have the numbers in the box that you like so you are going to see either a handoff here that's going to come around this way usually a zone or you're going to see us toss ball here in the Flat On The Floss route to Dom M love it which is exactly what we're going to do here on this play Brock ran this a ton and last year Bobo kind of put his own little twist on it you got this blocker here because look the reason he can block is this ball this ball is thrown behind line of scrimmage watch ball is thrown behind line of scrimmage it's caught behind the line of scrimmage monin didn't do this as like monin really introduced floss and TI and toothpick to us but he didn't always have the blocker out there there that's something that bobo kind of put his own little twist on it and something he added to it and it was really really effective when you get a ball the ball out there to Brock Bowers or in this case domic love you got a blocker out there now he truly is legit one-on-one with this guy right there right so that is something that again if you think that Dominic love is dynamic with the ball in his hands and face which he is that is what you're trying to do he doesn't really quite make a Miss there but had a chance there now this one is another example of just of Carson Beck pre- snap liking the numbers watch Carson here guys watch him this dude is not even thinking about handing the ball off he's not reading anyone not post Snap that's a purely pre- snap RPO now again I know it's RPO watch the line the line's blocking run this is just a case of Georgia Carson backck pre- snap liking the numbers all right so you got this dude he's going to come running out here cuz you got Dominic love it that's he's kind of going in motion here uh pre- snap but really we had one you got safety back here so you got two on kind of two this guy I mean this is an outside line there he does not have the speed to catch Dominic L on the perimeter so Carson realizes that he understands it he sees the numbers he he likes what he sees to the field here and he's just going to take that yardage that they're giving us again free access yards give me yards you're going to take it see he does not have the speed to get out there Dominus runs past him and since first and you get now second and one right now this one again pre- snap watch Carson Carson is he reading anybody postn watch how quickly just looks at at Dom and gets the ball out there this is purely pre- snap because look at what he's seeing all right all right so let's look we're going to run power again or counter so you're going to pull a tight end or the HB back you're going to pull the guard they're going to pull around right and you got some lead blockers there right little Gap scheme stuff for you but let's look at what we have so we have one two we have six blockers they have 1 2 3 four five six seven guys in the Box nope we do not have the number Edge they have the number advantage of the box I'm not saying we can't have success against Vandy running into a loaded box like that but if you have two receivers out here on Two on Two uh Defenders to the field and one of the Defenders is playing 10 yards off the line as scrimmage basically playing at the sticks you're just going to take that priest snap and Carson was a master at this Carson I mean like you want to talk about a going through progressions and mean a decision maker going through progressions postn yeah that's really important but often times just as important is what you're doing pre- snap the decisions you're making pre-nap as a quarterback and Carson Beck does a great job with this that's how you get your completion percentage like 72 and a half percent though right that's how you do that and same thing here another one you're going to see in this next play pre- snap same literally the same exact thing same exact play right we got HB right here we're going to run counter this way lines blocking run this is an RPO this is even more add Advantage look at this gu like this could easily have been a touchdown so Carson you're going to see him just turn and throw the ball he's not reading anybody post Snap he sees his presap he got two receivers out here this time you really got one Defender right because they're trying to play with a two high safety shell here they're trying to because a couple times we beat them Deep by this point and uh I'll show you that a little bit later on but now now they're they don't want to get beat deep so they're going to keep that two high safety shell well fine you do that I mean you're giving us a first down you're giving us 10 15 maybe even 20 yards so Carson sees this and like you have to take this guys I know it's not sexy but eventually if you keep doing this it's death by a th000 paper cuts the defense The Defenders they're going to have to come up right they're going to have to change your coverage they're have to get out of this two high safety shell because you're just getting first down after first down after first down they can't let you do that all the way down the field and then once they bring the safeties up and and you got a one one high safety shell out there you got man coverage on the outside now you hit them deep right so the way you create those explosive verle shots down the field is by taking these plays if you try to force a vertical shots in these situations you're just hurting yourself take what they give you force them to adapt to it and then you have them where you want them and you can hit those explosive plays those vertical shots down the field but Carson doing exactly what you got to do here you got to take these plays it's just easy money baby getting first down just got to take it okay here we're just going to go to some of the short game stuff this is a lot of just defens is sitting in zones and love it finding the soft spot in the zone sitting down turning his numbers to the quarterback and just getting the ball in space and go make him plays you see that against Auburn right there there another play against Auburn very similar to con he's trying to slant right there nothing huge but just you know get some yards very similar concept you just saw there against Auburn this is just a inside slant against the Zone ver and 16 now you're back second and 10 second and manageable right that's not quite stick because you don't have anybody in the flat but he what what he's doing here is he just sees where the safety is playing right he knows he's this safety's got man coverage on him right this dude right here has got man coverage on Dom well when he's playing 10 yards off of you you don't want to run to him you you stop where he's not right so you pull it up here you run a quick a little sticker out and you got minimum five yards there second nine so you get yourself in a third and short at worst and might even be able to break a tackle get get a first down and pick up even more yards after the catch so that's just smart football right there he does he breaks a tackle boom first down get you 10 15 yards same exact thing right here right he sees that this safety coming down the Box a little bit pre- snap late late right before the snap he sees gu he's got a man coverage he's still kind of playing off of him a little bit not as much as the last snap but he's just going to sit right there and it's it's a smart man it's second and five what do you do you find where the sticks are you sit down you get the first down you move the chains that's a veteran football player right there well coached football player gotta love that so as you saw there yes Dominic levet was a regular part of the George offense really from day one no one's arguing that he wasn't what I'm arguing what I'm trying to show you guys is that Dominic love it was utilized in a very limited way within the Georgia offense a year ago he was rarely utilized as a vertical threat in the passing game within the Georgia offense especially when Brock Bowers Andor lad mcon were both healthy and in the lineup and that is exactly where Georgia can improve and expand its usage of love it in 2024 and the truth is guys I'm more than Mike booba guy I think the average Georgia fan is but I'll be honest with you guys the truth is Mike bubo in the offensive staff really didn't maximize what love has to offer the Georgia offense in 2024 for whatever reason again there there's context there we had other legit options like first round guys to throw the ball to but we really didn't maximize what love it brings the table I mean look yes he is dynamic in space I get the thought process behind wanting to get him the ball in space and allowing the guy to go to work with the ball in his hands I get that he can do those things he is effective in that role but the thing is he can do far more than just that he can be an explosive vertical threat in the slot that can get on top of defenses and create big game-changing plays for the Georgia offense and for proof of that all you have to do is look back to what he did in the Missouri offense back in 2022 a season in which he led the Tigers in receiving with nearly 900 yards receiving he averaged over 15 yards per catch which is significantly higher than the 11.34 or so yards per catch that he averaged in the Georgia offense a year ago in in that Missouri offense in 20122 he burned defense after defense with slot Fades and other vertical Concepts so let's go to the tape once again to examine how Missouri used love it in 2022 to get some ideas to get some clues about how Georgia can you lies love it and make him more of a weapon in the Georgia offense in 2024 so let's contrast how Missouri used Lovett in the Slot Dominic love it back in 2022 when he was their leading receiver compared to how Georgia used him last year which we've already gone over so you're going to see Dom glov lined up down here in the slot and you're going to see just how much more they pushed the ball down the field verdict Dominic glov and allowed him opportuni to create those explosive plays down the field especially with the slot fade as you will see right here you going see he's got man coverage he sees that Bray cook sees that this is this is also before Brady cook was like the Brady cook we saw last year Brady cook coming in 2023 after this season what had a very tenous hold in that job they brought in a couple of guys to try to compete with him but you're going to see right here you see a single high safety who's playing to the field so there's no one over here in all this space you got this other safety m up towards line of scrimmage he's man he's man on man here with dom love it this is an obious it might even be a check I don't know what Missouri is doing but it's an slot fade right here and all you got to do is put the ball out there this is against abene Christian because do was going to beat that guy oneon-one and he does and uh huge game and you'll see this over and over again guys over the next next few Clips no chance absolutely no chance touchdown put six on the board all right this next next play same exact thing right just against a power five opponent this is against Tennessee slot fade baby they murdered people with the slot fate Dominic love it in 2022 now this safety right here they're showing a two high safety shell pre- snap but it's not really a too high safety shell to trying to disguise it this guy is going to roll down right before the snap you can see right now he's already starting to move down a little bit he's coming down the box right they're trying to get numbers of the boxes we we saw missou last year they run that outside Zone over and over and over again and they were hurting Tennessee a little bit with that and so they're going to try to get this extra body down the Box well Brady Cook's going to see that they're going to run play action I think that's Cody Trader back there and now you got Dom love it oneon-one no safety help over the top slot fade right here to great effect and just watch this guys frustrates me that we did not do this more with him last year and you're you're going to see with all these clips when they run this lot fade when they get man coverage out there with a single high safety look it was I again I don't I don't know Missouri's offense as well as I know Georgia's offense it looks like was almost like an auto check for them like we're we're just going to throw the SLA Fe to Don because they did it over and over and over again so there's two examples right there and here's another this time against South Carolina and the other Columbia let's watch it again here all right so he sees this dude right here this see this pre- snap this safy sneaking up he's giving it away he's giving away that he's got man coverage on love it right here and again when they get man coverage especially Dom love it man coverage with a safety they're running that slot fade which they do right here yet again and though single High s tried to get over the top but he still couldn't could not get over the top now on this play yet again another slot fade this one against another sec opponent this one's against Arkansas got Dom right here rsr right there I had it right the first time so he is the second receiver he is this dude right here in this alignment and they see straight up you see across the board Arkansas is not even trying to disguise it one two three they this is man coverage one two three across the board even Bray cook SE SE that in 2022 and he knows when they get man coverage like that he knows where he's going the football once again Dom love it slot fade and they kill people with it now Missouri wasn't great in 2022 but Dom love was explosive in that offense in 2022 now here this is not a slot fade but it's still an opportunity to get the ball ver down the field this is a wheel rra he's running the the rail route running the rail up the sideline but still the concept Remains the Same they're trying to get the ball vertically down the field to Dom GL because that's what he can do he's an explosive playmaker here is another slot fade once get against Auburn they see the single high safety and that is a like auto check for them that single high safety is not getting over the top quick enough and they almost beat Al that that Year guys they actually they should have beat they blew that game badly in Jordan Air now this is against Kansas State same thing I mean I know it's like a broken record but that's the point here guys I'm trying to s a broken record because they did this over and over again and they were creating explosive play after explosive play with Dominic Le back in 2022 and we just weren't doing it nearly as much as missoury did it in 2022 look at that guys I mean how often do we see that last year here's one more now this is a deep cross so not I mean I guess it's not a vertical route per say but it is a deeper route down the field and you're given a chance to create explosive plays big explosive plays in the past UT Martin Example game now in the interest of fairness here I have to be honest with you it's not that we never push the ball vertically down the field with dom CL we never did some of the things that Missouri did with him we just didn't do them near as much as Missouri did in 2022 in my opinion not nearly enough so here is an example this is what first game of the year last year against UT Martin UT Martin runs they run yeah they run that funky 335 defense they're going to have three down line you can see them right here one two three you ENT your three linebackers one two three and then you've got your five DBS one two three four five right so one of the benefits of run 335 is it's easier to disguise what you're doing from a coverage standpoint but Carson Beck is a tough guy to fool so he sees what they're doing here and he sees that Dom MC L right here is going to have man coverage and uh what he's also going to see he's got you got BR B right here all right so Carson's reading this all right so we're right right before half time right so he's he's gone through a couple Series against this defense and kind of gotten the Rhythm with it and he he's not an idiot he understands that okay Brock Bowers is Brock Bowers and he's going to draw a lot of attention as he did in the first part of that game so Brock is basically going to be bracketed here by these two guys so if these two guys have to take away Brock Bowers that's going to leave these two dudes man coverage on the outside receivers domic love is going to have an easy release here from the slot fade and we actually hit it we actually hit it here didn't hit many of them didn't try many of them but when we did he throws the back shoulder cuz this the that DB is playing over the top good read by Carson not touchdown but I mean right there where that ball needs to be all right this next play this is actually not a slot fade this is four verts okay we're going to have four Missouri Example veral routes so we we got 2 by two here so we're going to have vertical route vertical route here's D love it by the way vertical route Oscar Delp I think that's lad right down there ver so this is this is four vers that's all this is and U he's going to see right here that Dom MC love it is going to have a favorable look is look I mean you've got this safety of the top so you know you're not going over here right because you've got three Defenders two receivers you're not going over there well what do you have here well you got two receivers on two Defenders so you know you're going here and he likes the match up with dom love it there and he is going to hit him but once again like you know great but we didn't didn't do it enough and this is actually so what he's doing here this guy's actually playing a robber this safety right here he's gonna Rob right here and you're GNA have this linebacker that's G to cover that's going to carry this vertical and that's just not a matchup that V's gonna win like V's not even their DB is probably G to win the match up V linebacker on on Dom love it when you got this safety robbing right here trying to take away the middle of the field I mean you take that all day and Carson you know great quarterback he sees this he probably saw this in film they're gonna run the robber here out of this look and he knows that he's gonna have Dom matched up right there and I mean just gave over which it is B play right there all right and then this is against Tech now this is the most Missouri likee look that we got last year Dom love right so I showed you all those clips of Dominic love at Missouri in 2022 running slot fade after slot fade after s fade well this is like the one clip guys again I went through every single Target last year every single reception and this is like the one legit slot fade look I guess you can say that first against UT Mar but like this is the one that looks a lot like what you saw at Missouri where there where Carson seeing this free snap all right he's he's he's surveying the field he sees a single High coverage what does that tell you mean it's either cover three or cover one right if it's cover three okay you you can you can diagnose that post Snap if it's cover one then these guys are all manned up and that's what this is so just like with Missouri in 2022 where was almost like an auto check for them when they got this look we get this look and Carson's like I know where I'm going I'm going to domic love it here now let's also think about the context here who was not playing in this game no Brock Bowers no lad mcon was it a coincidence that when we get this look without those guys in the game that this is what we go to what we saw time and time again from Missouri in 2022 with Dominic levet is this potentially foreshadowing what we're going to see with Dominic LoveIt in the Georgia offense in 2024 without Brock Bard without La mccon when he's going to take on what I believe is going to be as I've been saying much more of a feature role in the George offense I think yes I think the answer is yes look at this guys like look at the end result here that's a walk I mean he got three steps on him it is like a walk in touchdown right there just easy easy easy stuff so Conclusion when I say that Georgia barely scratched the surface of what dominic love can do within its offense and that there's a lot of meat left on that bone in 2024 that is exactly what I am talking about and that is exactly how Georgia can evolve in its usage of love it in 2024 give the guy not only opportunities to make plays in space with a ball in his hands but give the man opportunities to create gamechanging explosive plays in the vertical passing game Alla what we saw from Missouri in 2022 and if the end of last season when Brock Bowers and Lan makoni were both banged up and what we saw at gday is any indication Mike Bobo and the Georgia offensive staff fully plan on featuring Dominic lovet in the Georgia offense in 2024 and unleashing number six on the college football world but all right guys thank you for checking out this video I appre appreciate you being here with me today again if you like this video make sure to subscribe to this Channel right now like the video comment and definitely check out the glor UJ podcast wherever you get your podcast for a lot a lot more content just like this designed for you guys most Die Hard Georgia fans out there on planet Earth but I'm Tyler and as always the dogs man there are going to be some property destroyed tonight 26 to 21 dogs on top

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