STANDOUT PLAYERS From Georgia Football's Fall Camp (So Far)

the Georgia Bulldogs opened their 2024 fall Camp last week and now with a week and a half of practices under their belt and the first false scrimmage in the books The Buzz has started to build around certain names that have emerged as standout players through the early stages of fall Camp so right here today on Glory ug plus I will tell you who those players are and what their strong start to Camp means for Georgia's 2024 team we just stepped on the face with a hot nailed Boot and broke their nose we just crushed their face what's up guys I'm Tyler and this is Glory UJ plus brought to you by our great friends at my bookie if you enjoyed today's video make sure to subscribe this Channel right now like the video comment and most importantly check out the glory ug podcast wherever you get your podcast for a lot more coverage of Georgia football just like this designed for you guys the most Die Hard George fans on planet Earth but with that let's dive into today's episode and look guys I know most of you do not keep full tabs on the University of Georgia's academic calendar so for those of you who are unaware ug's fall semester begins on Wednesday that's when classes officially start now why am I bringing that up here on a on an episode ostensibly about Georgia football well for Georgia football that means for all practical purposes fall Camp is over like the fall Camp portion of fall practice really is just the week we can add to two weeks leading up to the star of classes which is going to be on Wednesday and during that time the players are fully immersed in football activities they stay at the Georgia Center which is right across the street from the football facilities and pretty much all day every day they're either doing meetings uh workouts practice itself treatment uh eating meals all the above they are just fully 100% in on football pretty much every waking hour of the day and that officially ends Tuesday which will effectively as far as I as as I know be the last practice of camp now obviously preparation for the 2024 football season that will continue for the next couple of weeks leading up to week one against Clemson we that game kicks off on August 31st but now we are going to be as a program like every other program at least if they started classes we will now be subject to the 20h hour rule that the Ina mandates and that is something that every program has to deal with what that means is we have 20 hours to work with our players during the week a maximum of 4 hours a day so yeah we can still do a a lot with them we just don't have full access to them like their entire day can't block up their entire day for football like we have been for the past week or two so Camp is effectively over that's what I'm saying here so with that in mind it's time to look back at the players who generate the biggest buzz and stood out the most during fall camp now I'm basing this on a couple of things guys I'm basing on what I've seen myself with my own two eyes at practice uh I haven't been to every practice so a lot of this also is based on what people that I trust here in Athens have have passed Al me also just you know there's a lot of publicized reports out there from be writers and various Outlets so it's a combination of all those things so let's dive into this list the first player that I got to start with because this is the guy when I was at practice last weekend he was the player and I mentioned this I I believe on the recap episode last Sunday like a week ago today this is the guy that stood out to me more than anybody he caught my eye more than anybody on the field and I wasn't really expecting that and that's true fresh running back Nate Frasier this guy I told you last week was just Dynamic man like he was just making play after play now they weren't in full pads last week when I saw them at practice but they were still they were in shelves and they were doing enough that you could see this guy was just different man he just has a different gear look our our running backs at large really impress me we'll look to them in a minute here but Frasier out of the entire group or the entire team was the one that flashed more to me and just made me stand and say wow okay uh that guy is real he's legit and he's the total packager running back I've been saying this since we we've signed this guy and now we're seeing it here in Athens for real in high school at M day out in California by the way he was number two running back in the country so it's not this guy's off the radar he just wasn't here for spring practice I wish he was but unfortunately was not so and here's the crazy thing about naate Frasier he's still like in his first week week and a half of practice at Georgia he's still very much in the process of learning what to do that learning phase of his development and he's still out there making the plays that he's doing that he's making and standing out the way that he has through the first week and a half or so of fall camp and the reason for that like wow he's still certainly learning things he's just a A Gifted player with the ball in his hands he's just different uh he's a guy that you get him in space he is as Twitchy and Elusive of a running back as we've had since I would say DeAndre Swift it's been yeah about that long and this guy also is you look at him out there you're like he's not the biggest guy but the man runs possessed he runs a 100,000 miles an hour he runs angry and I love that in my running backs so you couple that with his insane athleticism and his top end home run caliber speed by far certainly the fastest running back in that room Trevor et's very fast in his own right Fraser's a different gear guys he's just a different gear and he's powerful he'll put his shoulder down he'll run through you this guy is legit it's just a matter of him getting up to speed learning the offense mastering all the plays out there really and also pass protection that's a big part of playing running back for any team certainly a Kirby Smart coach Georgia football team so it's a little things that he's got to show up on but in terms of just sheer ability and running the football this guy is off the charts he is going to be a feature bat for Georgia probably sooner rather than later I don't think it will be this year because you do have Trevor etn and Branson Robinson also ryer Robinson who's had a really good fall Camp as well those guys are still here on this team as well and they're all going to play a fair amount as well probably a lot so where does Nate Frasier get snaps how many snaps does he get that is certainly SL up in the air but man like when I watch this guy play you you see a guy like man it's just going to be very difficult to keep this guy off the field you have to imagine that our coaching staff is going to find ways to get this guy on the field and put him in a position to make plays that will help us win football games now when I left practice again I was just wowed by this guy but you also have to be cautious you know and it's not make too much out of one small sample size so you have to be you have to be weary of that but as the week has gone on everything else I've heard about this guy beyond what I just saw my with my own two eyes maybe it's just the best days ever had at practice I just call him a great day that's not really what he has been day in and day out but it certainly appears that is what he has been day in and day out and just continues get better and better as he continues to learn more about the offense and master the the technique that he's that he's going to be asked to to to master to actually get out there on the field and play meaningful snap War so it doesn't really matter who you talk to I mean every Source out there that I that I whether I've heard from them directly or I've read these things and again see my own two eyes has said the same thing about Nate Frasier this dude is the real deal again I can't tell you how many carries he's going to get and what his role will be exactly but what I can tell you is that this guy is just too talented to keep off the field he will play in some capacity it just remains to be seen what capacity that is however I also have to mention the rest of the running back room Nate Frasier was the guy that stood out to me more than anybody hands down for sure but the rest of the running back room they looked really good too and look I've had to own up to something I said a couple of weeks ago I did an episode on the glor UJ podcast where I ranked every single position unit on the team and I ended up having the running back unit ranked dead last that wasn't my intention I didn't come into into that that exercise saying oh yeah I'm definitely going to have the running backs in in the the very last spot that wasn't what I thought coming into but that's just kind of where things ended up and it was based primarily on the uncertainty yes we know Trevor Ian is going to be a fantastic player for Georgia we've seen him do he got proof of production at the SEC level and I'm very high on Branson Robinson but when I did that show like we didn't know what Branson status was we hadn't really heard much of an update since spring practice is he going to be able to help us early will he be able to help us at all when will he be clear what version of Branson do we get we had we had no answers to any of those questions so that uncertainty and then you have Roger Robinson who yeah I think is going to be a really good player for but it's like him and etn and you got these true freshman like they true freshman so you never exactly know what to expect no matter what their high school ratings say so I had some questions there I I didn't see the proven production outside of etn but now man I got to walk that back I got to walk that back in a big way I I I'll own it man I was wrong on that and it's because the questions I had have all been answered to the affirmative as far as I'm concerned and again I Assa my own two eyes Branson Robinson out there I reported it last week when I was at practice this guy if I hadn't not known that he has spent the past year recover from an injury I would have never guessed it because the guy was running full go out there without a BRAC on by the way was running through arm tackles we weren't in full pad so you're not taking guys to the ground but he was running with authority running with power cutting wasn't favoring the knee didn't seem hesitant or cautious which is something you have to worry about with guys coming off season ending knee injuries like that he looks like the Branson Robinson that we saw prior to the injury at the tail end of the 2022 season we ran for a couple touchdowns at the national championship game almost ran for 100 yards against Auburn in the middle of that 2022 season he was in line to be our feature back it was just a matter of like what what version of Branson do we get well guys I can't say he's 100% the Branson that we saw before injury because I haven't seen my there in full pads but man he Liv really close to it you really couldn't tell much of a difference so with that with Trevor etn with the emergence of Nate Frasier in Fall Cam and Roger Robinson who's done nothing but impress going back to the end of last year throughout spring practice and certainly through fall Camp caught a long touchdown pass apparently on a wheel route at the scrimmage on Saturday this this running back room is is has now gone from what I thought could be potentially the weakest unit on the team least certainly had a lot of questions to now a unit that I think is absolutely stacked loaded and we're now in a position where how do we get carries for all these guys that deserve carries I even mention Cass Jones who just is a really solid player for us out there can catch the ball in the back field can do some solid things run the ball of the Back Field had a couple touchdowns for us and like meaningful games last year so how do we get all these guys carries that's the question that we're facing right now and that's a great question to have because they've all had standout starts to fall camp and if you think about what we have in Carson Beck who I would argue is the best quarterback in the in not just the in the entire country this year certainly has a legitimate chance to win to both win the Heisman Trophy I think he's the setting second betting favorite now to win the Heisman Trophy and also a a strong possibility that he will be the first overall draft pick in next year's NFL Draft so when you have that type of quarterback the skill town that we have a receiver and tight end the offensive line that we know that we have and now all these questions that at least your boy here had had about the running back room and they've all been answered affirmatively to the degree that they have so far through fall Camp all that's going to do is take pressure off Carson backck take pressure off the passing game and make it even more difficult to defend this Georgia offense it's Paving the way for the Georgia offense to once again I think be the third consecutive year a top five offense in the country so love the running back room Nate Fraser just the headliner for me at least what I've seen what I've heard but the other guys have certainly made their presence felt as well uh let's see with the offense here another player that I I I saw do some really good things at uh at practice last weekend I've heard some good things about him and also uh coming out of the scrimmage on Saturday is wide receiver Dom MC Lovin now that should not be a surprise like this should be like the yeah duh obviously kind of guy that should be the name that we all expect because going back to Spring practice he was the guy that was that was getting all the attention was making the waves during spring practice we are feeding him the ball during G I know that's one setting but you see us do it again at practice and you hear everyone that I talk to says the same thing this guy is going to be probably the weapon in the Georgia passing game this year and is he gonna be Dom is he gonna be lad mcon is going be brought Powers no but we also have to remember that Dominic love it in 2022 LED Missouri in receiving in the SEC all right not Luther buron all right it was Dominic love it love it comes over to Georgia Luther Bon takes over and love it last year he came to Georgia when you do have L makoni when you do have Brock Bowers guys of of that stature and that ability level he's going to play a complimentary role and that's what he did he played a complimentary role for Georgia last year and he played that role very effectively but this year I fully believe as I I did a video on this a couple of weeks ago so check that one out on how we can how we can really use Dom increase our usage of him enhance our usage of him this season I think we will unleash number six on the SEC this year yes this guy can do a lot in the RPO game he he's a slot receiver he's he's he's elusive electric with the ball in his hands but this is a guy can also be a legitimate vertical threat and that's how Missouri used him in 2022 watch the video guys I laid it out with with full film cups and all that so check that out but this is a guy that can do a lot more for the Georgia offense than he did last year because he wasn't really asked to but this year with Bowers and mcon no longer in the pitcher I think domc glovin is going to be that number one option in the Georgia passing at least early in the season and through fall camp that certainly seems to be the case uh let's go over the defens side of the ball here now uh Jaylen Walker so I said Nate Frasier was the the number one player that stood out to me at practice last weekend a close number two would have been Jaylen Walker and I I have been an advocate for this guy for about a year and a half now as freshman year I saw him do some really strong things as SE as season progress I would like to see him get more opportunities but I again he's a true fresh we have a lot of strong players on the team like where does he fit in I understand that we won national title it's all good last year this guy just didn't play enough he was almost exclusively a situational third down pass rusher that's really where we used him and yes he was incredibly effective in that role we Ed him effectively there but keeping him only in that role reducing his role to just that that that third down package what that did that kept our most what I believe is our most disruptive defensive player off the field and that was for a Georgia defense that didn't have the disruptors that we've had in years past the quantity of them we didn't have a guy like Jaylen Carter anymore didn't have Devonte white didn't have uh Jordan Davis didn't have ncoe Dean and Quay Walker and chain didn't have those difference makers in the front six to the degree that we had in years past so when you have that guy jayen Walker he's there he's on the team but he spends the majority of the time on on the bench outside that isolated third down package that's frustrating because that's a guy that can make gamechanging plays for your own defense and I've said it many times I'll say it again here right now in the SEC Championship game last year which was a very small margin a loss by very small margins right the guy played 12 snaps 12 snaps in the most important Game of the Year our most disrupted Defender if you look at his PFF pass rush win rate he had the highest on the team he played 12 snaps man and he was on the field he made his presence known he had two sacks multiple pressures and hurries but but I mean when he's only only field 12 snaps he can only do so much so coming into this year one of the things I felt we had to do was figure out a way to get this man on the field more to expand his role whether that's inside linebacker be be beefing him up more so he can play more standard Downs at Jack whatever we got to find the way find the ways to get this guy on the field that's why we pay these coaches millions of dollars that's on them that's their job it's coming upon them to make that happen and what I saw at practice last weekend was our coach is doing everything they can to find ways to get this guy on the field playing some inside linebacker playing some jack linebacker third Downs doing what he's been doing in third Downs so a lot like Dominic love it I think this year the Georgia defensive staff is going to unleash number 11 on the SEC I truly believe that Jaylen Walker could have an SC all SEC caliber year I think he could be a guy that could approach double digit sacks I mean guys in his limited role last year he had five and a half sacks if this guy can double his his snap count this year which I think is very reason reasonable if you think about coming into his junior year coming his third year in the system and how we're using him in different ways trying to expand that role finding ways to this guy on the field I think it's it's certainly within the realm of possibility it's not impossible that this guy could approach double digit sacks I I believe that and if he does that this Georgia defense is going to not that we were bad last year our defense was good wasn't the same Calibur 21 and 22 but Jaylen Walker if he can be that guy for us if he can be what I saw and what I continue to hear about him from really everyone that's been at practice ice and again he had a disruptive day think he had a couple of sacks on Saturday during the scrimmage if he can continue to be that guy and carry that over into the season this guy is going to be one of the breakout Stars not just in the Georgia team not just in the SEC but potentially in the entire country I think that highly of him and I think he's poised to have a monster junior year another player on the defens side of the ball who now this guy has had a starting role he's played more than Jaylen Walker but maybe wasn't playing at at as high of a level as people were hoping that he would in his first starter and that's cornerback dalen ever yes we know he started last year opposite Kamari Lasser and early in the year let's just be real like he he took his bumps there were moments where it's like okay man like you've got a long way to go you got to grow but we also have to think about the context of this guy was a a first year starter and I know we all loved Kamari L I still love Kamari L that guy's about to start for the uh the Houston Texans it seems like certainly is very much in that conversation but Kamari as a true or as a first year starter in 2022 wasn't great ride away he was fine he was good but he certainly progressed as his as that season went on and then last year he just came out of the gates guns blazing man he was one of the best quarterbacks in in the SEC in the entire country was really a firstr cerber guy if it wasn't for the NFL combine and some of the the measurements stuff some of the metrics but I think that D Everett is going to follow a similar trajectory at least he seems like he's following that similar trajectory I saw him really improve as the season went on last year he was much more confident much more effective uh in coverage last year towards the end of Theon season I thought he had a really strong spring I thought he had a strong gday and what I saw from him out there last weekend at practice was a guy that is ready to take the next step like a Kamari ler level step in year two as a starter and again you see out there okay well this is just like am I just catching on a good day like is this really what's happening day in and day out but again a lot like with Nate Frasier everyone that I've talked to everything I've heard from all the reports that I read is that D Everett is taking that step and that a huge development for George now I came into fall Camp came in the springe practice in Fall Camp as well thinking okay like yeah I think he's he's got a he's got one of those starting spots but it's a very tenuous hold right now because we have so many talented options in the secondary at that quarterback spot be it Julian Humphrey be it Daniel Harris Elis Robinson the fourth number two overall player in the country got a ton of talented options there so yeah I think that Everett is out of all those guys is probably the one with the strongest hold on one of those quarterback spots but I don't know how strong that hold is you know Kirby's all about you know assume nothing is our Mantra this year right we can't assume anyone's a starter every job is open right so I thought there's a chance maybe somebody could come in and take that job from him but no that's not it's not happening man he is quickly disabused of that notion he is going to start I think he's going to have a big time year for Georgia and that's huge if you think about the other side of the field we're going to be working at a brand new starter whether it's Daniel Harris whether it's Julian Humphrey whoever that ends up being right now looks like it probably be Daniel Harris but that battle is still very much going on and it'll probably carry over to the early parts of the 2024 season but when you have a guy like dalen Everett who can I don't I'm gon hesitate to say shut down one half of the field I don't know if I believe in the notion of shut down Corners anymore because the way the rules have been adjusted to favor offenses I don't know if anyone's really allowed to be a shutdown Corner anymore but I think that Dan Everett is going to have a big year for us and play a Kamari last year type role for us and if he can be anything approaching what Kamari L year was for Georgia last year we're going to be in exceptionally good shape in the secondary and that will certainly ease any concerns I have about the quarterbacks out there that we that we're going to put a lot on guys you know we we put a lot on those guys to be stronger man coverage and if you have a guy like Dan Everett who can some way in some way take away half the field that is huge for georg's defense another player that really stood out to me last weekend but he plays a position where it's like when you're not in full pads you can't quite get the full effect but like Everett like Walker like Frasier everything I continue to hear about tyion Ingram Dawkins at the five Tech defensive end is that this guy is making play after play after play and that is what I saw last weekend so the thing with ti is he's finally healthy man he's finally healthy and he's making his presence fa who would have thought we just need to see it from like we need to see a healthy TI out there he made plays for us last year when he came back from injury but he still wasn't fully healthy he was still dealing with the injury he was just sucking it up and toughing it out for us but now that he's dealt with the injury he's back practicing full go let's not forget at least one recruiting service had this guy ranked as a five-star coming out of high school he has the profile he's always been the guy that has the tools to do it he just had to polish his game and mature grow up all those things a lot of young players have to do but he certainly appears like he is ready to emerge as a big time threat on the Georgia defensive line and that is huge guys tyon Ingram Dawkins could be one of the X factors for this entire Georgia team we know some of the issues I think issues might be too strong of a word there are some concerns on the interior of the Georgia defensive line not concerns as like oh my god do have anybody that can play concerns in that like do we have anyone that can be a game-changing Difference Maker the the caliber of Jaylen Carter and Jordan Davis and Devon sey first round guys and that is still certainly up in the air now with Jordan Hall's injury and the setback he suffered apparently that will cost him the next looks like maybe four to 8 weeks potentially that is more of a question so I think Christian Miller we'll talk about him in a minute here I think he's a guy that could have a big year for us at the three Tech I think it's more of a natural position for him and him and Warren Brinson think be a nice one-two punch while Jordan Hall is recovering from injury and we talk about n stack house in a minute so I think we're fine on the interior but we need to see it in terms of like do we have difference makers there but when you have a guy like Tyron Ingram Dawkins emerging at the five tech it does a couple things for George all right it mitigates some of the the issues you have like maybe not having a game changer on the interior when you have that kind of guy on the edge and it also frees us up to do different things with Mel Williams a lot has been made about us potentially moving Mel Williams over to Jack linebacker at times situationally Michel is still going to play a lot of five tech so him and TI they're they're going to rotate at that spot but Mel is a guy that has more positional versatility you can play him at Jack you can do different things you can move him inside on third Downs so if TI can step up which clearly it what I saw is like yes he has and that seems to continue to be the case with everything I've heard over the past week or so if that is indeed the case and he's that guy once the season starts on August 34th August 31st against Clemson we could potentially have situations we have TI and Mikel Williams on the field at the same time and if you think back to last year we were simply not as good against the run last year as we had been in the past three to four years the facts are the facts man you look at the numbers I've read for you on this show many many times so just go back and watch the videos I did one of the defensive line a couple weeks ago and I went through the numbers in detail about how our run production our run defense production declined dramatically last year a big part of that though was that we had difficulty defending the perimeter Run game the edges were very soft for us last year but if TI can take that step and be the five-star player that we've always thought he could potentially be and he's showing signs of becoming that guy right now and you have Michel Williams at the Jack situationally both those guys on the field at the same time all of a sudden those soft edges aren't so soft anymore and you are dramatically improved in terms of defending the perimeter Run game and if you can do that then that will help your overall run defense and if georg's run defense improves get back to like under 100 yards a game which is really where we were for like three or four years up to last year then this is going to be a very difficult team to beat with what we have offensively what we have in the secondary man if our run defense our front six can get back to that level of Dom watch out this Georgia team might just win its third National Title in four years so TI coming on emerging being a stand out the early parts of fall Camp is huge for this Georgia football team that's just hope he stays healthy fingers crossed and continues to carry that over to the actual start of the 2024 season uh So speaking of the interior of the Georgia defensive line one guy that I was critical of last year at times was nazer stack house it wasn't that Nas was bad last year Nas was good he had a good year I just thought he was was better in 2022 than he was last year and Nair stack house himself said essentially this very same thing in an interview late last year I think leading up to the bowls that he was talking about his season and kind of reflecting on it's like yeah I I didn't have the kind of year that I probably should have that I wanted to have and it was refreshing to see that kind of honesty and he comes back for his super senior year so I think that that shows you like yeah probably didn't have the kind of year that he wanted to have but he's come back on a mission I thought he had a really strong spring practice when I saw at gday I was very impressed with him I was very encouraged by that and again what I saw practice last weekend not in full pad so when you're playing like zero Tech nose guard like there only so much you can tell right because you're you're not tackling guys to the ground but we we are you're in shs out there and like they're they're going full speed they're just not tackling guys to the ground and this guy was consistently disruptive a week ago going against the number one offensive line and guys in case you don't know the George offensive line is going to be one of the best offensive lines in the country now we were somewhat playing out of position with Jared Wilson's injury right now looks like he'll probably be fine for the start of the season but he's been out through fall Camp so we've had to slide Tay rage over to Center but Michael Morris at guard and so there's been a little bit of of people having to play out of position so Tate can play center but he's played guard primarily most of his career so maybe that had something to do with it I do not know all I know is that he was going against one of the best offensive lines in the country and he was not having his way but he was consistently disruptive and that again like everyone else we talked about everything I've heard is that that has carried over throughout the past week had a really strong scrimmage as well and this guy is poised to be I think much closer to what we saw in 2022 probably the best version of n nazer stack out that we have seen and again if you consider the fact that we we don't have the known Commodities like we don't have a Jaylen Carter that way a guy that we know is Jaylen Carter or that kind of player if Nazir stack house can step up at the zero Tech and eat up those blocks more so the way he did in 2022 and if he can be more of a disruptive presence in the middle of our of our defense that is going to make a life a lot easier for those three techs for guys like Warren Brenson and chrisan free them up to may get more one-on-one coverage and be able because if those guys get one-on-one whether it's chrisan Miller or or waren Brinson those guys are like their strength is their quickness and their ability to penetrate in the back if you get them one on one with guards then you are going to see those guys be much more disruptive much more effective this year than I think they were a year ago so I think nazer stack house his his his uh emergence throughout fall camp and also going back to spremi practice I think that's going to be huge for this Georgia football team I just hope to God that continues to carry over through the into the actual season and finally one other player here that I got to mention now I I will be honest with you when I saw practice last week this guy I I was intrigued cuz I'm out there working with the twos but you know it wasn't making a ton of plays necessarily but I was like oh I made not like okay he's out there with the twos that's interesting cuz I didn't expect that to be the case but true freshman quintavius Johnson from maze High School here in the great state of Georgia 64 255 not one of the headliners in this number one ranked 2024 Georgia recruiting class A guy that was was down the list I he was a a fourstar guy but the I think on three was the only recruiting service to have him actually ranked nationally and this guyy is a former quarterback he played quarterback and so I I had honestly zero expectations for him coming this year because of his background I liked him long term I think he's got the the fiscal upside he's got the skill set he's got everything you would look for in in a really strong uh Jack linebacker in a pass rusher but the guy was incredibly raw again a former quarterback that we see potential we're going to try to develop him as a pass rusher so that's kind of guy you say all right you know we should take a mulligan year one we're get you get you ready we're going to develop you we're going to have you grow learn technique get stronger all those things maybe next year in the year after you start to take on more role in the Georgia defense well we might not have to wait until next year or the year after quintavius Johnson when I saw him last week was working with the twos and I was like At first I was like who is this guy the 33 who is this guy and I had at my roster like oh qu quintavius Johnson like that guy's out there right now with the number twos okay that's interesting again didn't make a ton of plays and great I was also watch the number one offense number one defense more than I was watching the two so maybe he didn't make plays I just should see it but this guy throughout the course of this past week you just keep hearing more and more and more and more about him and I I'm still somewhat hesitant to buy fully in because he is a true freshman he is a guy that was raw coming to high school but maybe he's just one of those rare guys that takes the coaching is really intense in practice and that seems to be the case again his skill set's there mean 6'4 255 he's got the size he's got the athleticism this guy has all the physical tools to be a dynamic dominant Edge rusher I just didn't expect it to be this year and I'm still not sure it'll be this year but all I can say is that there is significant Buzz around this guy's name and if you would have asked me a week and a half ago so I name your top five freshman that that could be impact players for Georgia in 2021 which I did a couple months ago on a video this guy was not even on the radar for all the reasons that I mentioned just not even on the radar but I was wrong on that apparently he's probably now I would say in the top three I would say Nate Frasier KJ Balton in that mix and then quintavius Johnson you know throw in Ellis Robins in the fourth those are probably the top Four Freshman right now I think have a chance to make an impact for this Georgia football team and I definitely would not have thrown quintavius Johnson in there up until probably a week ago so really exciting to hear him come on there and guys we are might actually be stacked at Jack linebacker too if you think about moving Mel over there some Jaylen Walker's been playing a lot of Jack linebacker based on what I saw at practice last week and what I continue to hear about him and where he's working at practice you throw cavius Johnson I think he's ready to be a a contributor there for us Damon Wilson Jr I know how people feel about Chaz CH but Chaz is a valuable player for us certainly set the edge against the run all of a sudden that Georgia Jack linebacker position is kind of like running back a position I thought like okay like do we have difference makers there coming into the season now it's like okay no the question is not if we have difference makers the question is how do we get all these guys reps all these guys that deserve to play and all these guys can help us win how do we get them reps and that's up to the coaches they got to figure out how all these pieces fit together but it's great to have all these options that are stepping up and and ready to make an impact at the Jack linebacker position four so those are the stand outs that I've heard most consistently again based on what I've seen what I've heard from people I trust and also the reports out there there a couple other names I'll throw out there kind of honorable mentions Oscar Del lost and lucky that combination at tight end Oscar was making some plays at practice last weekend he apparently made some plays during the scrimmage as well lost and lucky is getting a lot of work there with the number one unit in the Personnel sets Benjamin OS who you guys know I'm very very high on from Stanford I'm not backing down from that he was not here for spram practice he started learning what to do our offense from what I now when I was at practice last week he was working with the twos he was not really working much with the ones at all but as this week wore on he was getting more and more work with the ones getting more integrated into the number one offense and I think that's only going to continue it's just a matter of him learning the system again Kirby's not going to let a guy that just came here just you're not going to throw him in with the number ones right off the bat right especially when you have guys like lost and lucky and and Oscar Delp there but I still believe in benjam Ros I think he's going to be a big part of our offense but I also think Oscar Delp and laws and lucky will be big parts of our offense as well all three those guys will play Anthony Evans was another guy if I had at Le like a top five guys that I saw last week like the guys that stood out to me the most he would have been on that list and he's a guy that that's still young he has Misfortune right now playing behind Dominic love who I still think is going to probably be the feature guy in the Georgia passing game this year so he'll be on the Dom L will be on the field a lot but Anthony Evans a lot like Nate Frasier is just too Dynamic too good too explosive to keep off the field and he was working with the number one offense probably more than just about any receiver I saw last weekend he will play with the ones he will be in that rotation he'll get a lot of opportunities and he is going to make plays in Georgia whether that's in the uh the passing game The Run game as well we've doing a lot of like Jet Sweep fly sweep stuff with him Aran Smith a lot of different guys getting involved in the Run game in that way I mentioned Chris Miller a little bit earlier this is a guy that I believe I believe very much I think this guy can have a big time breakout year for Georgia I know people love Warren Brinson I love Warren Brinson Brinson was certainly ahead of him last year but now going to his second year of actually playing for Georgia really his third year in the system he's a red shirt guy really really played all his true freshman year I think Christian Miller has a chance to break out and become our top three Tech at some point this season I believe he has that potential certainly now with Jordan Hall going down the injury and missing the first part of the year but I think Christian Miller is a disruptive presence on the interior I think he plays a great leverage I think he's strong at the point of attack and now hopefully not having to play as much zero Tech which is not a natural position for him being able to slide over to the three Tech with the emergence of maybe a guy like JN Jarrett to play behind n stack house I think Christian could have a breakout year for Georg and he certainly had a good start to fall Camp as well and Carson back look Carson like you kind of just overlook him because you just expect great things from him but at practice last week what I saw I mean Carson was in full control of the offense he was making great passes now was every pass on the money not every single one but Carson was consistently accurate with the football making good decisions the one thing the one question I had like a lot of you was will you improve your deep ball accuracy and one setting it's one setting guys but what I saw last week was the answer was yes he was hitting guys in stride not under throwing them not making them stop and come back for the football he was doing a much better job of hitting those guys allowing them to continue to make plays with the ball in their hands so I think Carson had a strong start uh the number one offense apparently the scrimmage on Saturday the first couple of of possessions were three and outs didn't get off to a strong start but you also to remember guys you're in a situation well first off it's I'm fine with that because look I I have zero question about the Georgia offense the offensive line the quarterback off the uh receivers and now the running back room tight ends we are loaded on offense I think this is is poised to be yet again another top five Georgia offense so I was actually I can't wait encouraged to hear reports that the Georgia defense actually kind of had the better day got the best of the of the number one offense because if there was any concern for me it was on the defensive side of the ball I mean I know you think kby smart and George think oh defense yeah that's true for the most part but last year it's kind of reversed the offense is what drove last year team defense was still good but it was almost like the inverse of what we saw in like in 2021 where the offense was good but the defense drove the team last year the offense was top five Dynamic defense was really good but not Elite right and so like that was my question can the defense get back to being Elite so the defense is having I want say having its way but having success against that Georgia offense I think that's a very strong sign that we're going to get back the type of defense that we need to get back to if we want to win another national championship and then also you have to factor in this the defensive players they know our plays at this point guys they practice the same offense they see the same plays they see the same Tendencies over and over and over again so when you kind of have a pretty strong idea of what's coming it doesn't hurt but hey anyway exited here the defense is doing a great job at Carson I think has had a good start to fall camp and we'll carry that over to the start of the season so guys we're we're getting there man we are now just a couple of weeks away from game we got two weeks two weeks and then we will officially be in game week and I got a lot more coverage of this Georgia Clemson match up coming up for you guys I'm going to be breaking down the Clemson offense later this week a full film session I got film cutup I've gone and watched every single game that Clemson played last year I've charted every single one of them guys and I have pulled out a ton of plays a ton of Cups I'm going to show you exactly what to expect from the Clemson offense so make sure to check that out and next week we will do the Clemson defense and and we'll have a whole lot more coverage for you guys of course on the glor uja podcast wherever you get your podcast make sure to check that out but thank you for being here guys I appreciate you if you enjoyed today's video go ahead and subscribe to this Channel right now like comment check out the glor UJ podcast but I'm Tyler and as always go dogs man is there going to be some property destroyed tonight 26 to 21 dog top

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