NASA decides to keep 2 astronauts in space, nixes return on troubled Boeing capsule

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:02:04 Category: News & Politics

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Williams launched into space back on June 5th, and liftoff of Starliner and Atlas five, a test flight mission that was supposed to last eight days. But now they will not be returning home until late February, stretching their time and space to eight months. >> Space flight is risky, even at its safest and even at its most routine One. And a test flight by nature, is neither safe nor routine, NASA announcing Saturday they will return home using a SpaceX crew nine Dragon capsule instead of Boeing Starliner. The decision to keep Butch and Sunny aboard the International Space Station and bring the Boeing Starliner home uncrewed is a result of a commitment to safety issues with starliner's thrusters and helium leaks led NASA to make the decision to bring the troubled spacecraft back to Earth unmanned next month. >> NASA now turning to Boeing's competitor in the space race, SpaceX, to bring those astronauts home. >> It became very obvious that crew nine was the best option. Fly up two empty seats have Butch and Sunny join. Uh, the increment crew and return on crew nine. The SpaceX crew nine mission will launch no earlier than September 24th. >> NASA and SpaceX are working on several details of that launch, including reconfiguring seats on the crew. Nine Dragon and adjusting the manifest to carry additional cargo, personal effects and Dragon specific spacesuits for Wilmore and Williams, all of this is a stunning blow to Boeing's space program, which is already massively overbudget. Its Starliner has been plagued with a number of issues over the years. Before June's test flight . >> How certain are you that Boeing will ever launch Starliner with a crew on board again? >> 100. Chuck Severson

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