Category: Entertainment
Sam fr was on hinge day after the wedding no he wasn't he was i was gonna say couples gosip together stay together but they don't do they let's just put this chapter behind us yeah hi i'm maria i'm ollie i'm catherine i'm freda i'm sabrina i'm steven and i'm tom i'm demi and we're playing most likely... Read more
Category: Entertainment
He does a great pirouette i do matt did ballet at school i did there you go there four and a half months exclusive and i can do my first time step at tap dancing mhm and my second time step mhm there you go i tau my kids to pirouette i'm emma willis and i'm matt willis and we are playing we're playing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Katherine and justin i couldn't even look at when we were shooting because it was just so stupid yeah how' you do the scene where he's just by writing poetry and everything you're just looking up at him he's so stupid i'm jon ora i'm katherine o'hara and we are going to get up close with cm paon talking... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Y'all welcome back to the channel uh listen jeff goldblum as zeus was something that i didn't know i needed but i'm so glad so glad they did it if you guys are new here my name is ashley and this is my sweet perspective where i give my take on all things tv and movie related and y'all know that i'm... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Asterisk jeff gold glum and janet mctier share how they prepared for their roles as zeus and hero in c. asterisk asterisk janet revealed that singing show tunes kept jeff focused between takes asterisk asterisk they had a piano on set and jeff often played creating a light-hearted atmosphere do asterisk... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro come in we say good morning that's important when you come to work in the morning it's good it's good to say hi to everyone a lot of people don't do that it freaks me out it's got the best sneakers i've ever seen they totally threw me while i was talking i was like what what who didn't he make... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Mortel je vous ai créé et c'est comme ça que vous me remerciez la nouvelle comédie noire de netflix chaos est un récit contemporain de la mythologie grecque rempli de rebondissements qui envoie des messages importants sur le changement de pouvoir bien le bonsoir mesdames et messieurs nous sommes l'animation... Read more
Category: Entertainment
If you love greek mythology but crave a modern twist then chaos on netflix is your next binge watch obsession imagine this jeff goldblum as a hilariously neurotic zeus dealing with a prophecy that threatens his godly status that's right goldblum brings his aame with humor and vulnerability that's simply... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's up netflix fans chaos is a contemporary retelling of some greek mythology starring jeff goldblum a lot of stuff happened let's discuss mortals i made you and this is how you repay me all right zeus is freaking out a little bit because on earth six humans unaware of their importance and their... Read more
Category: Entertainment
A modern-day twist on greek mythology where gods and mortals collide in a whirlwind of drama humor and epic adventures but who exactly is set to grace our screens in this mythological dramedy from the legendary jeff gold blum to the powerhouse janet mcer the lineup is nothing short of impressive so... Read more
Category: Entertainment
तो देखो भाई कल netfx3 मिनट के आसपास है लेकिन इसकी जो कहानी है वो सीजन वन में खत्म नहीं की गई है इसका सीजन टू भी आएगा एंड मेरे दिल में यहां पर थोड़ा सा डाउट है कि शायद ही इसका सीजन टू आए अब मैं ऐसा क्यों बोल रहा हूं आगे मैं आपको इस वीडियो में बताता हूं जो ये शो है आपको हिंदी डम में मिल जाएगा एंड स्की काफी बढ़िया की गई है साथ ही साथ इस सीरीज को आप अपनी फैमिली के साथ नहीं देख सकते क्योंकि इसका जो कंटेंट है वो फैमिली फ्रेंडली नहीं है इसमें... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] काउस ये एक फैंटेसी कॉमेडी ड्रामा सीरीज है जो की कहानी जिसको डर है कि एक ओल्ड प्रोफेसी यानी भविष्यवाणी बहुत जल्द पूरी होने वाली है और जूस की सारी पावर्स खत्म हो जाएंगे और वो एक गॉड से एक आम इंसान बनकर रह जाएगा तो ऐसे में जूस इस प्रोफेसी को पूरा होने से रोकने के लिए क्या कुछ करेगा वो सब जानने के लिए आपको देखना होगा इस सीरीज को अब बात करेंगे मेरे एक्सपीरियंस इस सीरीज को देखकर कैसा रहा तो देखो इस सीरीज में ग्रीक मैथोलॉजी को एक्सप्लोर किया गया... Read more