Category: News & Politics
Helikopter black hawk elang hitam milik zionis israel jatuh di dekat rute philadelphia dekat perbatasan antara gaza dan mesir rabu 11 september kecelakaan helikopter black hawk mengakibatkan terbunuhnya dua tentara israel dan melukai tujuh lainnya menurut idf hingga saat ini alasan di balik jatuhnya... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Dikutip dari al-arabya kementerian luar negeri iran menyebut inggris perancis jerman dan belanda telah dihasut oleh amerika serikat washington sebelumnya menunduh iran memasuk rudal palisti ke rusia untuk digunakan dalam perang ukraina rudal itu dilaporkan sudah tiba di moskow dan bakal dikerahkan ke... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[música] hoy de nuevo muy pendientes del calor porque hay aviso por altas temperaturas en ocho comunidades los termómetros van a rozar los 40 gr pero esto solo es un anticipo prepárense de lo que llegará esta semana en navarra prácticamente toda la comunidad se encuentra en aviso naranja por altas temperaturas... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Iran dituduh telah melatih pasukan rusia di ukraina namun juru bicara kementerian luar negeri iran nasir kanani membantah tuduhan tersebut dilansir dari almayaden iran menegaskan bahwa negaranya konsisten menentang perang iran bahkan menganjurkan diakhirinya konflik dan penyelesaian perbedaan secara... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Part of a surge in activity we have seen in hostilities in that area since the war began after october 7. what you see is going on here? is there activity in the west bank that the fighting in gaza is coming closer to an end? >> i don't know if they can assume that. i would hope the conflict in gaza... Read more
Category: News & Politics
E min more do no these murers executed six of our hages and now this we asked to show serious we asked to make concessions what alors l'annonce de la mort de c a provoqué évidemment on en a parlé tout à l'heure avec george malbrau colère stupéfaction tristesse évidemment surtoute la mass promet de livrer... Read more
Category: News & Politics
A sixth person has died from the triple e virus here in michigan the most recent death was in berrien county county health officials aren't releasing much information only that the person died on saturday night the victim was one of two people who contracted the virus in berrien county overall there... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
It's good are you to use it let me just it's a great pleasure to be here uh i want to thank everyone for their kind words about me and the university for hosting me and my publisher for inviting me to hungary this is the first time i've been to hungary although i've been to europe many times i regret... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Intro zurückhalten bloß nicht eskalieren die usa russland europäische und arabische staatsvertreter waren sich glaube ich lange nicht mehr so einig sie waren gemeinsam die situation in der ost darf nicht hochkochen aber die beiden konfliktparteien iran und israel verschärfen ihre rhetorik irans reaktion... Read more
Category: Education
Imagine a country under heavy international scrutiny fain for its controversial politics and ambitions what if i tell you that this nation transformed into a missile superpower almost under the radar iran a nation long perceived as a regional pariah has quietly built one of the largest and most diverse... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Seem to be having a good time and you know what you're right your morning routine just got better cbs mornings weekdays at [music] 7 i'm john dickerson join me for the daily report weekdays on cbs news 247 hello and welcome to the daily report i'm john dickerson at the democratic national convention... Read more
Category: Education
Okay thanks for uh coming in and joining this is a great question that came from troy hi pastor brian very much appreciate your ministry thanks for your insights is your view that the temple spoken of by ezekiel in chapter 40 to the end of the book the temple in the millennium uh if that is the case... Read more