Trump Is The Only Option!

by the way Arizona right now I I was looking this up ahead of this um it's like 1.6 trumps up and the real clear politics average in Arizona I I gota feel like I think we if he doesn't win Arizona I don't see how we win I mean just because that to me with immigration and everything else has to be a trump State what what's the vibe there speaking of Vibes on the ground um I mean when I was home just like anecdotally obviously I know a lot of like you know not thrilled Trump people people who aren't like you know the the noral Trump supporters um but the border is really scaring them and again it's the it's normal stuff it's the freaking economy and I know it's just I'm beating a dead horse with this but my my friends from home as a as a generalization like they're they don't make tons of money they're normal people and they've just been hurt so badly by the Biden years in so many different ways and they feel really unheard and even some of my friends who are like sometimes I feel like some of my friends are like sheepish like I'm voting for Trump Megan and some of my girlfriends are just like I don't have any other option he's my only option he's the only person put in front of me that is not going to like you know tax me 40% more and and like completely open the borders and and make America a reckless place and I just I don't know I feel like there's a lot of people in Arizona like that I I gotta believe in Arizona that the Border has got to be number one two three on the issue like I I can't imagine I see enough of it in Virginia in terms of the news and the consequences of Fentanyl and crime and whatever Arizona I feel like it's in your front yard every day yeah it really is and I also feel like they feel unheard and people are really sick of like uh being told that like they're inhumane or they don't care about immigrants in any way if they're they're worried about the border and I think Democrats have also completely gotten out over their skis with their messaging on that it's been interesting also to see Ruben GGO the Senate candidate running against car like moderate more on it because I think even he's like smart enough to he can't win if he's like open borders amnesty for everyone and um I think it's just a lose lose so I I know Elon put out a tweet earlier look let me let me give you my two cents on immigration and and either tell me I'm off Bas or whatever I believe that if you believe in a rule of law if you believe in not just a you know not a closed Bard I I'm for immigration I believe in in a in a system where we allow people to apply and that you follow the rules and you come into the country a great country because of it and this notion that you're either for immigration or not is ridiculous it's for legal immigration or not but I've got to believe that if you're a Democrat you know how to quote close the border right and and and make it tough to get into this country and make people and encourage them to follow the law to come through properly the Democrats have chosen not to do that they've made it very clear you come into this country however you want and then we'll take care of you we'll give you a cell phone a hotel room will give you all these free gifts uh you get all sorts of nice you know you get Hotel points and probably a free trip you know on vacation they know what they're doing and I can't help but believe that when you do that and you couple it with free licenses a pathway to citizenship guaranteed Etc that you know what you're doing you know that you are creating new Democratic voters do the people of Arizona see it that way or is this just do they say wow this is inep to do because I don't think it's inep to dude I don't think that the Democrats don't know how to do it they've chosen not to do it well there's actually data that shows that it's not just people of Arizona but specifically Hispanic people in Arizona agree with you because there's a feeling of we did this correctly we came here through the proper channels and we want to live the American dream and we love America and again I too am the more the marrier if you come through the proper channels and you're not coming here illegally and you know I I I you know anyone who has lived in a border state knows how integrally important immigration is to the the infrastructure of the state but that doesn't mean open borders like you said the the free everything free healthcare Free Housing free whatever I mean you see what it's done to New York City with the like Free Housing and the hotels in Midtown it's you know it's it's cataclysmic and I think Democrats there it's it's hilarious to me sometimes when I see pants on the left talking about the Hispanic vote like it's a monolith and I was like I just I you were hardpressed to find any Hispanic person in Arizona that is going to be for that policy because they know the negative ramifications for it and they don't they don't they aren't like that they don't want to be like that so I think they I think Democrats underestimate and stereotype a lot of a lot of not just Hispanic voters but minority voters in general by making them a monolith and they do it at their own Peril I I will be really interested you know I was at the RNC for quite sometime and we studied this whole how do we increase minority growth in the party and not for the sake of it the idea was I think for a lot of us we look at the principles of conservatism and the principles of the Republican party and say we align generally with a lot of the traits in your community I agree with you it's not a monolithic thing you don't go you're Hispanic therefore you should do this but but like a lot of groups there are traits and and you say well this should work with this group or not the funny thing about it was is that I think the way that Trump approached this was so unorthodox and he basically said hey look I'm going to fight for these five things think that you're with me on that I'm not going to Pander to you and he actually did better than a lot of previous Republicans because I think it resonated with them who said you know we followed the law we work hard we started a business we go to church we raise our family we don't want pandered to we want a fair Shake we want a system like maybe they have uh they come from a country that was ruled by a dictator or something like that and so they want rule of law but they don't want people to come in and be rewarded for breaking the law or not working hard and I think that the that the party because of the extremism of the Democrats that you're talking about it might actually see I think that there's going to be an uptick especially in male Hispanics male blacks uh this year probably on the younger side but I I I think that like they've gone too far well can I give you my just my analysis just from anecdotal experiences watching watching data as a generalization Hispanic people are more religious and more family oriented and I think even you know just friends in my life who are second or third generation Mexicans they came here or or even first generation Mexicans they came to Arizona they came to the Southwest because they love the American dream and they want to be a part of it and the messaging from Democrats is that America is like a a craphole that has no redeeming qualities that's been their message for like the past eight years that America is a hellscape that has no reging qualities don't believe any immigrant coming here that is leaving any kind of socialist country communist country or a country that just isn't giving them the opportunities that they are that they have here believes that and they don't want to be they don't want to be that and the other thing with the culture stuff which is fascinating to me is I think all these things can be traced back to Latin X which is something that was always in my teleprompter when I worked at ABC and I refused to say it because I said I don't know one Hispanic person that that uses this term this is a madeup term that some someone in Manhattan or San Francisco came up to say it there there is gender uh you know is is part of the Hispanic language part of the Spanish language so the idea that you're gonna remove that like and that you should not be okay with being a man or being a woman I mean they have misread so much and I just find it wildly entertaining by the way you bring up ABC you've worked at a lot of networks yes but but I have never seen maybe I'm just getting too old androgyny and like get off my lawn but I feel like I I have not seen you don't look that old I don't know how old you are but you it's all makeup it's makeup and moisturizer makeup moisturizer but but I feel like this cycle the the the gaslighting and the bias of the media is at a level that I've never experienced I mean you mentioned Tim Walt but like the idea that like it's sort of like when you're watching a football game or a baseball game whatever and there's this latent and egregious foul and no one calls it and everyone's looking going are you kidding me ref you just missed this like I look every day at an issue and say how did you guys not cover this how did I mean we talked about this KLA Harris clip right like kazinski Andrew kazinski at CNN's like we've got the audio we've got the written and aside from that one clip on on on CNN that everyone on the right is now passing around everybody else put blinders on it was like I don't see this I'm not going to pay attention to this or they excuse it she's totally changed her mind since then and it's like wait second are you guys literally letting this happen when you do you based on your experience in the media at these various networks is it always been there or has it gotten worse um you know I've worked so many different places I worked like Fox I've worked at MSNBC I worked at like startup networks I worked at ABC like I've worked at so many different ones and each network has its own problems for different reasons but I will say like the big network from my experience um there was at least like when I first started ABC in like 2017 there was at least this like illusion of like well we have to have one Republican and we have to pretend to listen to her and I do think that has shifted because if you look at the panels on like the Sunday shows there's you cannot be a Republican and be on the show or an active conservative you have to be like a never Trumper or I was a Republican and now like I absolv myself and it was the worst thing I ever did and I'm the last Republican Adam kininger style like you have to like embarrass yourself like I reject it's the worst thing I ever did I'm scarred for life I'm like you know Scarlet Letter like those are the acceptable Republicans on mainstream TV and I'm sorry but like when you one of your like hosts on the show I used to work with is the Republican and they're speaking at the Democratic Convention like where what am I living like what are you talking about and I find it disrespectful to conserv I mean I don't know who but conservatives are watching these things anymore but to Republican viewers and I also think that there are ramifications for this ratings across the board for everything are weigh down I don't know if you just saw this but Jimmy Fallon's show is now being moved to four nights a week There's budget cuts everywhere people in the industry just like from what I know there's rumors about like major major Cuts happening after the election and maybe if you had a republican on giving a different view on any of these places or you weren in a late night host just absolutely having like liberal group therapy every night making fun of Republicans maybe some people would watch and you'd have more advertisers and you have more money yeah I mean I late night in particular it's funny because back in the day um they they would rarely do politics now it looks like a Sunday Show lineup it's like Sten coar tonight Elizabeth Warren AOC and Bernie Sanders bring and like that's a Sunday show not a late night show and I I just but your point like when I watch these Sunday shows and I always tell the audience like I watch it so you don't have to it's it it is amazing to me that you you're right you get that their token Republican is always someone who hates Republicans but they want to be able to say oh we had a republican on and it's and that Republican hates Trump and and it's fine like you can that whatever but don't try to pretend that you're giving the audience like I want to know if I I I actually tell people all the time I like listening to some of the Dems because I feel like it makes my argument stronger I'm like okay that's how they're coming at this from okay good then I'm gonna go it this way they don't actually want Their audience to hear a trump perspective they they it's like what what are you scared of is kind of what I always think is interesting like do you not think the a you you think if you you're protecting your audience from possibly hearing somebody who supports Donald Trump because you dare not want anyone to hear that that's that's at least my take on this I think that they're scared of allowing the audience to see it I feel like they want to pretend it doesn't exist too and it's not as powerful as it is in the country we're talking about easily 50% of the American public you know if not more um that at least I you know I mean actually I don't know how many people maybe it's in the 40% I don't know I'm messing up that data point I'm sorry but it's a large swath of the American public support president Trump and or are Republicans or conservatives the thing I always try and do in my work in general is even if like you know I'm not a fan of trump I understand that I'm an avatar for conservative women in particular and they are fans of trump so I try and understand it and then try and sort of like speak on their behalf and speak especially like when it comes to policies and how easy vice president Harris has made things and and you know Biden before her um it's for me it's like no matter what my personal and you know political disagreements with President Trump are and there's many obviously um the left is so extreme and psychotic that it I could never like become one of these people that's like I absolved myself from what like not to like name names but there was a a person from the bullwark last night um I sent this tweet out that said um it has been hysterical for me to watch uh Progressive liberals become Dick Cheney fans and someone from the SCH work was like no this is the path forward and I was like what path forward do you want me to become pro-choice and like open borders and like like what are you talking about what am I'm supposed to give up everything I believe in it's irrational but do so so let's just I mean I want to before I I want to I got two things I so much trouble because I'm naming all names I'm like no no but I want to touch on two things first let me just ask you this before I um I'll go down this path first I guess so when you hear someone like Liz Cheney go on and say I'm a lifelong conservative I believe everything that you just said I'm Pro okay I'm all this conservative but I want to support kamla Harris I I go wait a second you literally are voting for the antithesis of every conservative principle possible and as I said at the Geto I don't know how you turn that page back once they codify all of these things whether it's social stuff on on on an abortion or where it comes to to National Security like you can't just put that Genie back in the bottle yeah anything have to do with Israel I mean they're like the the party of Hamas and the party of you know from The River To The Sea I mean there's so much the thing I don't understand the most is and like not to give you like TMI about my life but I have two kids I'm 40 next month okay um but I've had two miscarriages and I have two babies and I fertility was like a big Journey for me and I the one thing I've always been Pro lifee it's always been very important to me but when you get pregnant like for me you you just your body starts changing immediately and it really enhanced how I feel about life beginning a conception and I just it's so important to me it's so important to my husband so important to my family you know it's part of my big part of my faith so what you're asking me to do is to give up something that is part of my spiritual life and my political life and you're asking me to be for the party where Governor Waltz signed a bill where he's okay with abortion happening up to 36 weeks that's what you are asking of me so don't come to me with like it's about democracy and it's about whatever we're also talking about life babies children and that's the part for me with like alz Cheney I don't understand that's did it never mean anything does it not matter to you like that's a part of does that make sense to what no 100% I and the funny part is the media will go to defend the Democrats on this issue number one I hope this comes up tonight I really think that K Harris needs to be asked the question what week is too late for an abortion because despite kren Welker Kristen Welker and all these folks on the on the left in the media it was governor Ralph northr a physician from Virginia who said audio on WTOP here we've got the tape that we wait for the baby to come out and president Trump talks about this whole the time and then we decide what to do with it that was his words like no one no Republican put those words in his mouth he said it and we have a right to say that we believe in life and we will defend it and protect it and they should have to defend their stance and I think that that's your point like I couldn't possibly vote for somebody that has that kind of egregious and outlandish belief about life and so I on that alone I think that's disqualifying I agree and I just when it comes to like I said people on the right who just become Progressive so easily it makes me think you either never had these convictions were not real they were just talking as access to power or or be that like you just it doesn't matter to you and for me particularly the pro-life issue I would say like it's like it's it's one of the things my husband and I talked about on our first date because he was like so surprised like awesome first date yeah but it is you know it's so I think for women too like I I just it's so abhorent and I find the extreme radicalism on abortion on the Democrat side to be just monstrous I mean that we don't even have North Korea is the only other country that has abortions up to that late term there's all over Europe there are times and dates and whatever I mean I'm not for period but I just they're so extreme and I agree with you I hope they call her out and make her say what week because you know it's gonna be like week 37 no no I I agree and I I will be very excited not excited I think that because of like I I to me the role of the moderator what they ask how they ask it the followup do they fake fact check um and is this another candy corly type debate where they insert themselves or do they let them do what they're supposed to do and and contrast themselves I I I tonight is is to me GNA be just as much of a test for Cala Harris as it is for for the media and I'm excited I I you know we're a couple hours from this uh so I I I actually I'm I hope we can can continue this conversation in a little while and and see what we think of of where this debate shifted people because I'm I'm hoping and praying that President Trump does exact what you said and I think so many people are willing to go over to his side and give him a shot and recognize who Camala Harris is uh if tonight goes as I hope I can I just hope that all of the the radical issues that we know that she is for are exposed I have my hesitations just given that it's ABC hosting the event and I will say uh Lindsay Davis I believe her name is yeah I do like her I I have always found her to be pretty fair and understanding that like she can't pull a Candy Crowley Candy Crowley blew up her career and doesn't host anything anymore as a result of that that debate I mean not not to be whatever but she did ruin her career um so I hope that uh I hope it's fair um but I you know it I I don't trust mainstream media at all so I don't know they could just we'll see I mean lot lot to break down Megan I appreciate you being with us tonight thank [Music] you well if you enjoyed en this content make sure to like this video subscribe and click the notification Bell to get more

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