Who Won The Debate?

let's talk about Vibes how what did you think coming out of the debate last night Grace did you what what were your thoughts about how he did about how she did and and we got plenty of time so believe me when I say we'll talk about the moderators in a second yeah I thought that and the the assessment I think is pretty dead on that she did better than expected um I actually didn't expect her to do too poorly if you take five days in a hotel and you kind of hunker down and you memorize some slogans I I don't think it's that high of a bar reach I think that Trump got baited U more than I would have liked into certain conversations but I will say this I find it amazing how and I think this is a strength of Republicans conservatives can be so critical of ourselves we really can be I mean I I hear all these people saying everyone lives in a bubble the bubble that I was in last night was conservatives kind of hitting the panic button and saying this is terrible he's he's awful he's not a perfect debater never has been and and you know but he's a fighter and I don't mean to sound corny about it but I think people forget how much is getting thrown at him at once like people keep saying three-on-one it's not three onone this this is beyond three onone this is several different institutions several different media conglomerates going after this guy lying about this guy and well yeah would I have done some things differently I absolutely would have do I wish he could have stayed a little bit more focused on C certain friends sure of course I do but I'll be real with you the level of frustrated I got from watching it and I'm not even up on that stage I think people have to give him a little bit more credit for handling all of that without losing it because I was losing it sitting at home watching it so that that's what I'll say is I understand the assessments I wish Republicans wouldn't be so Doom and Gloom about things like because because it's not just and this is the last thing I'll say it's not just that Republicans assess it honestly and do hit the panic button and that's they get too high or they get too low depending on the day but it's also you look at the left and you go they're not sitting around here giving it an honest critique they're not saying hey she did better than expected they're saying it was masterful this was a moment that like so it's not like you have these people who are measured and they're giving their balanced approach to it they're going all in so I appreciate the the assessment of trump and I and I think there's Merit to what people are saying but it's like all right let's not let's not go too crazy on it being such a blowout I don't believe that and and one other thing sorry I know I'm sorry I'm already Sean look at this I'm already saying one more thing I like it now social media and Steve can speak to this more than I can and I really like the way my dad put it today I was talking to my dad and he said there's almost like the there's the debate and then there's the autopsy of the debate thanks to social media so it's not what you saw last night it's not over it's not black and white like oh he he lost she won because today we're getting all of these different stories coming out about the things that he wasn't wrong about that she wasn't fact checked on and I think it adds a different layer to it Steve can talk about that but just something else to keep in mind no I think that's Grace that's such an important point because look at all of us are our media people and I think we we realized that while there was surely a very big audience I haven't seen the numbers yet but there was surely a very big live audience in general people don't watch live television much anymore except for sports basically so the clips are more important often than the actual program and the clips can last for days and days they certainly last at least into the next day depending on the news cycle depending on how interesting and provocative they are uh it can last for weeks afterwards so I think you're exactly correct that we shouldn't you know in other words like whatever score was on the scoreboard at the end of the debate and I'm not even sure what you would fairly put on there is not necessarily the score that stays uh because it can change in coming days and also to your point I think this is really key um to to judge Trump fairly and in context of the incoming flak that he has taken that is absolutely unprecedented as a matter of fact speaking of my documentary my most recent one that is out is the persecution of trump and I encourage people to please watch it and I make the case that Trump is the most persecuted public figure in all of American history and I I think that is true based on the evidence if you look at all of the propaganda against him all of the legal case sham legal cases against him all of it leading to him actually being shot in the head uh I believe he's the most persec CED public figure in American uh history and if you view him in that context um I I I think you need to grade him a little bit differently regarding his performance last night which I think by the way was very very good now could it have been better of course for example I wish his closing statement which I think was absolutely excellent and compelling I wish that had been the opening stage yes yes yes 100% I don't know how many people were watching and paying attention by the end that's my worry right so she just started by saying she's going to do this she's going to do that she's going to do all these wonderful things why hasn't she done it she's been there for 3 and 1/2 years they've had 3 and 1/2 years to fix the Border they've had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about why hasn't she done it she should leave right now go down to that beautiful white house go to the capital get everyone together and do the things you want to do but you haven't done it and you won't do it that's your clip point I'm hoping that gets CLI I oh I said that after the debate last night sympatico on that bro because I was sitting there saying this is what you should have opened with yes so let me just give you my since we're in a sports metaphor clearly uh as Grace was talking I kept thinking about this like we are sports center right now we're stopping the clips after the game and like okay look at his knee he could have if he had pivoted right he could have gotten an extra five yards right that's what we're doing and I hope people understand that that are watching right this is sports center now for politics um that we are stopping and watching the tape and saying hey I I always tell people listen and you heard it at the beginning and it's I like I am a huge Patriots fan I don't like the Jets I I mean detest them that being said I think I'm an objective enough of a fan that I could say wow uh you know they had a good game that doesn't mean I'm rooting for them that doesn't mean that I want them uh but they if if they they were you know playing another team I could say wow I actually thought their their offense was good or their defense came up better that doesn't mean you're rooting for them I think you can objectively be a fan and look at another team and so here here's my two cents I I thought to to your point Steve uh and and to your point Grace like we we are being over analytical we're holding him to it's like it wasn't three-on-one and and when you said that Grace I wrote it down because I thought to myself you're right it was three-on-one on stage but behind stage was KLA Harris's best friend the head of Disney the head of ABC news that was like here's the question here's the topic here's whatever this wasn't it was the director with the angles somebody else asked show me like hey look at the angles they're shooting at Trump versus him I talked about this before the Optics matter they let her have the little Podium she didn't have the same siiz Podium they did so many things and that's not like like there were so many things to optically make her look better right so it wasn't and I'm glad you made the point it wasn't three onone it was like 3,000 on one they they there were a lot of people behind David Mir and L Davis that were like Hey we're going to help you right we're going to make sure that you do this I do think that being said there were some missed opportunities and I just want to be blunt because I I want him to do better I want him to win and when you love somebody it's like when my kid comes home and has a bad test I don't I'm not being critical I say hey okay why did we miss this one okay because I think I know why you chose a and not B but if you had slowed down a little maybe you could have understood the question was sort of a trick question right they were trying to get you to understand and blah blah blah blah and that was what the the goal was I I think when she came out of the gate first question and got asked are you better off four years ago David Mir said can you answer that question and she went off about my passion is small business even though I've never actually worked in the private sector uh and I'm going to go off on this Meandering word salad I would have said if I were Trump right afterwards David she didn't answer the question so let me do it you aren't better off four years ago from four years ago I had a better four years here are the reasons why the my record is better than hers she won't answer the question because she knows the answer and D it and by the way passion small business may be a passion of hers she's never worked for one she's never SED both sides of a check I have I know what it's like so these fake policies that she's cribed from Biden's website I don't have to fake him I know what works I know what works in business I know how to create jobs and I mean like he could have just from the gecko I think destroyed her um on that alone I I again there a lot of great lines we can talk about them um but I I just I want people to understand I think we could there there could have been a little bit more um okay I I want to play you guys a clip we have a mutual friend in all of us Tim myto he's appeared on the show a bunch he's now a senior adviser for him I want you to show how he answered this question because I I found I just I really thought to myself this is how you answer a question from the way that the media frames it let's see if we can pull that out Trump has been saying on Truth social just yesterday a couple days ago that he wants to prosecute uh people that are acting nefariously in uh the election already casting doubt about this election and still refusing to accept the results of the last election why well I mean first of all the the the premise of that question sort of presupposes that certain people are okay with people breaking election law and I don't really think that's the case if people break election law they should be prosecuted I don't think there's anything wrong with that they are certainly so why is this such a controversial thing it's something that we should all agree on but talking about extending it to Legal um you know other legal teams to donors uh you know it it it suggested the idea of Prosecuting political opponents if you're going to ask a question about someone Prosecuting political opponents and don't mention that Joe Biden and KLA Harris's Department of Justice are currently at this moment prosecuting Donald Trump then it's not an honest and forthright conversation they are currently Joe Biden and KLA Harris and the Department of Justice are currently engaged in a prosecution that could end up with them trying to sentence Donald Trump to Jail the way you ask that question it's though that's not even happening but it is happening I want to okay so so what I love about the way that Tim answers both of these questions is he goes after the question itself and I think too often we take the bait I love the first one which is so let's just be clear Donald Trump said I I just want to make sure that everyone gets this and this is what I thought he did masterfully if you break the law we'll prosecute you and she's just like do do you think that that sends the wrong me wait the wrong message what we're we're he he was like so let me get this then she goes well they are being prosecuted which is not entirely true but again he goes back to her okay so what's the problem then you you you object to Prosecuting people who break the law it's I think we he that clip exemplifies how we need to start going back at these guys like the prise of the question is so nuts sometimes because they they want to get them it's you're so dead on Sean and I love how she says like but what he's implying there well that's not what he said so unless again unless you're all mind readers everyone's like carnack the Magnificent when it comes to Trump they can tell you exactly what he was actually thinking that's not what he actually said and the other part about this and I'm so glad you played that cut and I just wrote put it down cuz I'm going to steal it and play it my show today but he in the Boston area you will hear it again today I come on Shan show and then I steal everything for mine but it's so true it's like the best people at this are Senator Tom Cotton for example he does this every single weekend on the weekend shows he never accepts a false premise he stops it right there and then when you do that when you don't accept the false premise you're able to Pivot into what people actually care about and it's not that hard to do now will say this Trump's not able to do it I think it takes a certain level of discipline and it takes a certain level of not taking things personally like being able to compartmentalize the topic of conversation and the questions and not take them as a personal attack now in the case of trump oftentimes it is a personal attack but that's not his strong suit he's not able to reject the false premise and there were so many times last night that I wish he had not taken the bait and in fact just completely ignored the question because you know what you noticed that last night with kamla she does it all the time she totally ignores the question she answers what she wants to answer and she'll pivot to whatever she wants to and there were plenty of times when it came to his real estate business or when it came to January 6th that I just wish he would have said and his advisers do this all the time that's not what people care about David that's not what people care about and I'm going to tell you what people care about and you're right to play that cut because the false premise that these people set up it's so dishonest and and it just takes a little bit of crafting your answers to be able to avoid that trap right and listen I think that was masterful of Tim MTO somebody I think we all know somebody I used to work with in the 2020 campaign that was masterful of him to just reject and deconstruct the false premise of that question you know who else does that really effectively is JD Vance and I think one of the one of the reasons that I think he is so effective as vice president I think one of the reasons the media goes after him so hard uh is because he is so skillful at deconstructing their false premises of their questions and they can't stand that about him I think it's one of the reason they attacked him you know so vociferously particularly right after he was uh was nominated I think he's largely weathered that storm and I think he's proving his worth uh so far to this campaign but for example I'll give you a specific example of him doing that last night when he was talking about this situation in Springfield Ohio a town of only 60,000 people that is overrun with 20,000 uh immigrants illegal migrants from Haiti 20,000 in town of only 60,000 people now uh whether or not things are happening to pets and animals seems to be debatable at this point According to some of the citizens it is happening now are they making things up we we don't know but but what JD did very but but but but but just I I don't want to interrupt you but I want to I saw online people showing the actual complaints with the police department right there evely right and and I I want to just distinguish this because the point that you're making is important where they may investigate and say okay but but but the complaints have been made they are lodged with the depart with the police department those complaints are on the web for us to see okay I apologize because I wanted to make sure people understood that that no no those and those complaints are not are are not manufactured right I mean we know that those exist so but what JD did when he was asked about this uh it was Kaitlin Collins from CNN and she tried to say well the city manager said it's not happening right and so as if we had to accept that premise and GD said wait a second the city manager number one could be wrong number two the city manager only said we don't have information that it's happening that doesn't mean that it's not happening and JD then also pivoted and he said the bigger Point here is okay Le let's say the animals are fine this is still a massive problem what's going on in Springfield Ohio it's wrong that we are doing that to the citizens of his constituents in Ohio wait wait this is the the one I'm sorry and this is the one thing that got me pissed off last night I I I've dealt with city government you know several times over my you know 20 30 years whatever on different issues right Le let's just stop and deconstruct what I said and what you guys said there are complaints that we can see online that people have filed with the police department in Ohio okay the police department and what's the answer of CNN and ABC we called the town manager oh okay do you think the town manager is like gets every police report that comes I mean are you kidding me what town do you live in unless that it's like you know know the Dukes of Hazard where Boss Hog is also the manager I mean this and he's not by the way uh because I did watch uh but my point is that like that's the dumbest you're gaslighting the American people right it's like saying there's no like he has no report of of a building code violation he's the town manager and it's like that so it is amazing the extent to which they went out of their way to fact check a guy using false information but the these these reports exist they're not to your point Steve it's a different subject whether or not when they're investigated whether it was entirely true or not but they do exist right and this is where they Gaslight us yeah and JD didn't fall for it thankfully uh and he he also I agree totally with Grace I think Senator Cotton's amazing at it maybe the best in politics uh at that uh deconstruction of of of false premises uh but JD is pretty darn good too uh and I think getting better all the time uh and I think we'll be valuable now into this closing stretch uh of the campaign if there are no more debates uh his yeah I was gonna say but his debate is something I'm really looking forward to that's going to be October 1st um and I think you know when you put his intellect up against Tim Walls I mean it is going to look like a giant beating on a dwarf I mean I really believe that because JD is just at an entirely different level of intellect persuasion uh eloquence and that that is going to be a heck of a debate to watch I hope it gets a big [Music] audience well if you enjoyed this content make sure to like this video subscribe and click the notification Bell to get more

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