The Other Side | Auburn Football vs. Cal | A Bear Perspective

[Music] Revenge the return game two however you want to categorize it qualify it qualify it Auburn versus Cal is happening yet again one year later in game two of both our Seasons Auburn will welcome this time the Cal Golden Bears to the loveliest Village on the Plains and as they were so gracious as host yesterday or not yesterday last year here it feels like it was yesterday uh being host for us now the return trip is here we need to talk to somebody from the other side so I'm pleased today to have with me Thomas Dunn and he is what I will go ahead and categorize him as whether he wants to admit it or not an expert on all thing Cal Golden Bears and uh football for them so I would love uh to welcome you first of all Thomas but uh tell us a little bit about yourself what do you do in relation to the cow Golden Bears appreciate you having me on Kyle and glad to connect with your community and rekindle with the Auburn Community once again after last year so they had a they had a blast out here based on what I saw lots of Auburn fans mingled with the cow crowd that I'm a part of uh and mingled in tailgates pregame on campus before we matric matriculated up the Long Hill and the long walk up to California Memorial Stadium uh that walk uh I'm still not prepared for it uh after years of doing it uh it still agonizes me to no end so I'm hoping uh the walk to Jordan Harris Stadium from where I'm at Auburn's a little more flat uh per se but I grew up in the Bay Area grew up a cal fan I grew up around the 2000 late mid late to Mid 2000s uh era of Cal football right when Auburn was also at one of their peaks uh as a program back when we had Aaron Rogers back heading into like Kevin riy in 2007 um we ranked up to Second at that point so that was kind of my introduction to Cal and I think a five to sixy oldold me was a little too naive about what I was getting into because you get to you only get to so many games of how many times in a row can we lose to Nevada how many times in a row can we give their team the first one of the season and then you know I get to high school in college I'm like okay maybe I can seriously make a career out of it because I love my team so much that I become their biggest critic yeah so it becomes a point of you got to show me something I'm not just gonna sit here and blindly hold your hand as you try and get to the altar you got to make sure that this relationship is going to be worth it or else you're not going to get the full backing of what it could be so in my case once I turned into college and now as of right now just a recent college graduate I've been covering the California Golden Bears for three years now and uh I've seen some good I've seen some bad I've seen some downright ugly so and the funny thing is is you never know which one of those sides you're gonna get with Cal on any given week so that's the that's the story of being one a cow fan two covering cow and because you know it's never gonna be a dull moment well it sounds very similar to the Auburn experience and that's part of our name here and what we talk about and we call it in some sense a roller coaster ride so it sounds like we share that similar connection of one minute you're talking about a number two team and uh you know being the Talk of the Nation and the next thing you're trying to figure out how on Earth are we losing to this team right now we have faced our fair share even recently of those type of questions uh and that was last year and um so it sounds like we are Kindred Spirits maybe just on different Coast in some ways you know I would I would not rule that out I mean I look at the I hate to bring this up for you guys but the New Mexico State game last year there it is yeah I'm sorry you know it was low hanging fruit but it was there it was there and then for us 2022 Colorado went one and 11 right before they fired their coach and hired Dion I wonder who that one team was that they beat the California Golden Bears and I was there in Boulder to witness that um a team that was giving up 300 yards rushing per game 0 and five interim coach and then Cal per seed to give up 11 tfls that game so you just want to A vibe check of what Cal can be on any given week I saw it right then and there because other times it's oh there's an injury here and all of a sudden our 15th ranking from 2019 and four and0 is falling by the wayside and another time it's like we don't have the right quarterback what do we do when we have a star runningback that's sitting right here and he gonna go to the NFL after this year can we can we get it all lined up together at once so that's really what being a cow fan can be at certain times Well speaking of quarterbacks I'd be remiss if I didn't bring this up thank you for Sam Jackson although he receiver for us I don't know if I'm gonna end up saying you're welcome to be honest you you you may want to Return to Sender package at some point how about this he's already got a touchdown in game one and it was an incredible touchdown to playing wide receiver for us uh I did see that I will be I'll be honest I was shocked uh that he not that that had doubts in his ability as a college athlete I mean all these guys let's be honest that are out there are way better than you and I would ever be and we not even worthy of of licking their shoes essentially but it was just an incredible Play and play one and we've got all these great wide receivers at Auburn this year at least it seems that way so far and you you just kind of had him lower in the pecking order people to get a touchdown in game one uh but it's a cool storyline obviously connective tissue here for what we're talking about today between Auburn and cal um and in reference to what you said I heard story after story after story of the great experience that Auburn fans had uh visiting you all last year and that incredible Sunset View or just the mountains I believe what it what's in the background back there it looks like a great place to watch a college football game and uh obviously the game was pretty wild and a little I think frustrating at both times for everybody we'll certainly talk about maybe impressions of how especially you think it might go a little bit this year but I want to dive into before we talk about what's going to happen what do Auburn people need to know about this year's Cal team because we can talk about Sam Jackson and us having him now we can talk about last year's game but what we're talking what we're focused on is what may or may not happen within the confines of Jordan hair uh on this Saturday by the way it looks like it'll be okay weather the temperature looks pretty favorable for you guys we were wanting to give you a good old slice of that 95 high humidity that maybe you guys don't have over there but uh it looks like we might have mid 80s and a slight chance of rain so that humidity might come into play not um but not too much of the Heat we were hoping to give you guys I don't know if you're accustom if you've been down here and felt that ever yeah so just I'll start with the weather part uh my main experience with that type of weather is Houston Texas um I went there once and it was 105 in raining so that was a that was a fun time all things considered I've I've been to my fair share like Maryland DC North Carolina in that area with their type of humidity uh right now actually I'm in the Bay Area and our summers are weird I will say that there our summer is actually right now it's September October without fail years on end that's just how it happens to be and like today where I'm at I'm about five to seven miles from the Pacific Ocean in the coast and about 10 minutes outside San Francisco and it's about 88 degrees and it feels like an oven because you don't have that many people that need to enact their air conditioning because it's usually between 50 and 70 on any given day so when you get out here in Berkeley it's hotter Berkeley's about 30 minute drive away it should it should have been about 90 plus mid low 90s today so the team should have been practicing and rejoicing in the fact that they're probably gon to get at least somewhat of a simulated package for what the weather may be Saturday um and then when you reference like the new look team it's the the attempt at a revamp of a new offense so lots of new guys were brought into R Merryweather from Notre Dame Keon graay from Ohio State lots of new linemen Will McDonald from Coastal Carolina Rush ryer Montana State Lots just new injection of life really in an offense that really they gritted their teeth at times last year they're they have obviously their what can be classified as an All-American star and Jaden not but at some points it was only Jaden not and now it's getting to the point where we finally have someone who can walk with him and run with him and say here let me help walk you to the promised land um yeah issue is some of the guys are hurt already so I have a I had a sticky note here of all the injuries that we have right now this is just the one so we have Jade not starting running back all American like T level Talent uh he got hurt and we have no idea if he's gonna play just said probable I'm skeptical of that qualification to be honest I don't think based on what I saw I don't think he'd be any healthier than 80% uh on Saturday uh his backup running back took one carry uh got a helmet to the sternum fumbled scoop and score also injured uh starting left tackle got hurt came back starting center did not play backup center got hurt came back starting Right Guard did not play uh Maryweather from Notre Dame did not play uh graay the transfer from Ohio State did not play the wide receiver five also did not play um that's a lot of players very many players um so when you look at this revamped offense under Cal offensive 4er Mike BL it's largely now some of the same players from last year so wide receiver turn scholarship player Tron grelle who was really good last year had around 700 receiving yards or so really burst onto the scene and really was a gem for the coaching staff tight end Jack Andre the same thing walk- on turn scholarship player someone who we didn't really know what we had and then Chief among them Fernando Mendoza the quarterback who was third string last year behind Sam ja the fifth and Ben Finley and took the Reigns and took him by storm and never let go so when you look at Cal and their new look offense it's really of lots of new parts new parts that we don't really know if they work yet and still some of the old guard but they're gonna need that to mesh and hopefully mesh quick because some might play this Saturday some might not play but regard regardless of the fact at some point they will need to in order for Cal to enact the bigger ceiling that they really want again the connective tissue just continues because that it's a very similar story not with the injuries and you might probably been better served just to say with who is going to play rather than who's not going to play might have gone a little bit quicker y'all have just been hit by that injury bug I mean what's going on up there like is it just just one of those fluke things or the are these some of these nagging injuries that have just kind of gotten tweaked during the early part of the season in Fall Camp I think it's a mix of everything some guys it just like with Cal practices on Turf and we know how like Turf sometimes your leg can stick and then you get twisted and then you get a significant injury out of it so sometimes it's just like the variance of that other times some guys are were in not in a boot one day now all of a sudden they are in a boot the next day when we come back to practice and we're like yeah what just happened I saw our starting safety pull his hamstring during fall camp and was out for basically the next two weeks and was questionable heading into the Davis game in this past weekend and was on a bit of a pitch count so I'm intrigued to see if he's fully 100% right now or if he's at 90 or because we all know how nagging a hamstring is but it's really a mix of everything just the physicality of football the variance of football and then also just Camp injuries I mean some guys they get perpetually hurt that's kind of just the deal some people you have to take a chance on the transfer portal thinking I can give them a new start but maybe that ends up not being the case in the case of with the injur is just kind of like whacka mole of oh here's one here here's one there here's another one there it's we're trying just trying to settle it down and pull back the r and just see all right who do we who do we know that we're gonna have for the book of the season because right now we truthfully do don't know and when people have asked me hey who's going to play this Saturday against Auburn I'm like I wish I could tell you because the answer is I don't know and the coaching right the coaching staff is notorious for keeping their cards to the chest being very koi and not giving out like direct information unless like you're really pressing for it and even then they'll be like uh if it's a leg injury oh it's a lower body injury something like that so we just it's a lot of back and forth push pole and you kind of just figure it out when you walk in the stadium well New Look offense maybe some Familiar Faces by necessity of the injury situation uh either way I I'm hoping that that doesn't become a factor because as a college football fan I want a good game yes of course you want your particular team to win but to me I'd rather get someone's best and beat them at their best so hopefully whoever does play for you guys in this game it'll end up being a great game and a great performance out of all of them you did mention a obviously that's probably the one player that Auburn fans are focusing on you already answered the big question and what your speculation on that is if you had to pick one other player on offense that Auburn fans need to pay attention to who is going to be an ex Factor offensively for or Cal in this game who might it be yeah I'm going to go with someone who has been used in multiple roles at another school and has achieved a pretty moderate success and it's a tight end Cory dais a transfer from Maryland who's come into C with the with the role of being a receiving tight end I mentioned Jack Andre earlier he's mainly a blocking tight end and serve to be helpful in the Run game but can catch Cory Jes you can line up in the slot you can get a mismatch if you pull a linebacker on him and I think with the rash of injuries at the wide receiver position and the unknown status of everybody you can maybe push him towards the slot or even try and get him one-on-one on the outside with a linebacker pull him out and see what type of Defense Auburn is running just in terms of maybe not necessarily executing a 50- yard catch but just getting the playing getting to know what the playing Field's going to be like because he's someone where you have to put resources to you can't just let him run free and Fernando Mendoza did a solid job of hitting him across the scam for some catches last week against UC Davis and you'll need more of that considering you're not GNA you may not have some of your boom guys who can go game break for you so Cory J is a guy who I who I look at someone who's been a veteran over in the Big 10 conference and achieved some success over there and is a freak athlete in some respects to go out and be a guy that fernandoo Mendoza says I need you right now and yeah try and get to the promised land well it sounds like that will be a necessity especially dealing with all the injuries having some of those guys you can rely on whether 's in the game or not obviously that's a big factor but uh I I think we're going to get a good fight out of the Cal Golden Bears offensively regardless let's move to defense and talk about that I'm going to I think I have these numbers correctly because coach freeze for Auburn has talked about them enough in the many press conference appearance as he's already done this week 44 and seven on the defense I think is the numbers correctly you may be able to give us some names around that but those are the people that he continues to bring up when he was talking about who is Auburn paying attention to especially they got to find a way to lock them down they got to find a way to know where they're at on the field if I the numbers correctly or if you can clarify that a little bit more what what are your thoughts on defense yeah so this will be a bit of a two-part answer so freeze is correct 44 Xavier Carlton and seven David Reese are the two best pass rushers that Cal has but what Hugh freeze saw last year and what Auburn saw last year in some cases can be classified as an anomaly So Cal their conference last year in the Pack 12 they started on September 24th against Washington they didn't record their first sack and Conference till October 28th against USC a whole month without a single sack nobody in the backfield know nothing quarterbacks could five could have five course meals back there so you look at that and you're like Auburn f are like what just happened what happened to the elite defense that we faced and the truth of the matter is Cy's defense fell off a cliff last year compared to recent expectations that have been had under this coaching regime they gave up 52 to Oregon State gave up 59 to Washington gave up 63 to Oregon gave up 50 to USC that's four really really bad performances then you look at it they fac Utah they had a safety turn into a running back and rush like 170 yards on them so it just leaves everyone puzzled as what just happened here and I think Auburn would be Chief among them and that's not to say that Ree and Carlton can't perform because they single-handedly won US games against Washington State and UCLA and helped us rise from a three and six record and become bow eligible but it comes to a point of proof of concept they got to do it consistently for me I I'm not going to sit here and say oh it's just because they have another year in the system and a lot more Talent around them that it's automatic that Cal's going to generate more sacks sure it's just it's foolish to understand when you have the same nucle largely the same nucleus that you're going to get different results So Cal for me on that on that line they gotta prove it they gotta get multiple sacks per game each week and leave no doubt because if they don't it's just GNA be like well you're expecting the linebackers in the secondary to do more than is reasonably asked and I think one guy to look out for that Hugh frees does not know about because he didn't play against Auburn last year is now number zero Kate uluave who uh had his first start against Oregon State like week five last year took the r inside linebacker never let go and can almost classify him as like an agent zero if you will because he really really showed some things that people were not expecting and has said this is my linebacker room now and I dare someone to do something about it yeah one of the things that Cal as you address whether it's anomaly or whatever did very well was give the running game for Auburn a very difficult time which traditionally has been their bread and butter that seems to be at least in my opinion trending in a different direction under Hugh freees although we had success running the ball against an FCS opponents in Alabama A&M but you look at the score for this weekend 73 points for Auburn again against an FCS school does that worry you at all when it comes to um the Cal defensive back group we've got these young talented wide receivers that again in that particular game in that context did extremely well led by another trans for Keandre Lambert Smith from State How concerned are you what you saw at least on the surface with the score and what who all got involved for the wide receivers against your defensive backs yeah you look at the score at UC 73 you're like oh man that's obviously a big number one that that could draw the eyes and should draw the the P's and qes of your coaches and players alike um I look at the game last year against Auburn really only Jay far and raldo Fairweather could consistently get open at any given time uh this year it's a lot more different than that you still have Fair now you got Lambert Smith as you mentioned cam Coleman Perry Thompson Malcolm Simmons and the rest you look at that it's just a lot more booming boom ability for the Auburn offense in the same vein I think Cal also got injection of talent in the defensive back group Craig Woodson veteran safety is still there veteran defensive corner uh n Williams is there transfer Marcus Harris from who's an FCS All-American is the other starting corner he came from Idaho and then really it's that only that last safety spot that's a little up for GRS right now between miles Williams and Ryan Yates so I look at their job specifically and I'm thinking they can do it the issue is is that you also have offensive players who can also do it and be game Breakers at it so I've mentioned elsewhere saying you can theoretically hold cam Coleman to three catches but he could still have 90 yards in a touchdown because that's just the type of athlete that he is right and that even then they would you wouldn't say cow did did a bad job with that stat line but sometimes it's just like you get so many forces that come together eventually someone's going to have to win out and I go back to the discussion about the defensive line the defensive Line's pass rush and run support will make the secondary's life easier last year it didn't it didn't work that way the pass rush made life too difficult on the secondary they were expected to plaster way too long and as a result we're thoroughly ineffective in this case the pass rushes and runs supp four is gonna have to be big against jarquez Hunter and because of that it'll help these guys in a vacuum to try and limit Lambert Smith Coleman Thompson in the rest of the group well you've definitely familiarized yourself with the min threats that Auburn has found on its team offensively uh and as the Auburn faithful will tell you there is a lot of excitement about around them I again try to wave the caution flag a little bit just in terms of trying to help emotional stability for our Auburn faithful about give these kids some time great start already for them and who knows where they're going to head off but we're about to face an FBS defense whether it's consistent or not this is going to be an extremely more difficult challenge for all even at home we are excited to host you guys though and see where this is going to head finally special teams whatever you can share with us about that that you'd like Auburn should be either looking for where's their strength the weakness anything on your mind that Auburn P will need to know about the cow special teams yeah so I think Auburn fans are were very familiar with our kicker last year um he is no longer on the team so we have new kicker Ryan Co transfer from North Carolina made all his kicks week one did as well as could be reasonably expected p made a short fuel goal obviously it's one thing to be making those comfortable kicks against UC Davis at home and go make them in a loud environment and Jordan ha if you're being asked to make a 44 Y for the win for example so that's one thing I really want to see how far has the kicking game developed if called upon but so far early returns from camp in that first game are good that's something that Cal fans are like okay we can lower our blood pressure by like one unit only one unit um everything else uh the kick return and punt return game it hasn't been a strength of his coaching staff over the course of the time so last year towards the end of the season they said all right let's just put Jade KN back there sometimes it's just a matter of let's put our best player out there and see what happens and he had a monster kick return touchdown against UCLA that kind of shocked everyone saying well why not leave him back there all the time well the problem is as you look at it right now one he's hurt but two imagine he got hurt during a kickoff return when you need him to be the All-American level running back that he is right and you look at that and you're like well we can't really do that on it luckily that UC Davis they kicked away from o the whole time and one of the upb n Williams who's starting Corner ran all the way back himself so possibly uh the Special Teams coordinator Vic swo got some uh got some additional guidance into the room and make them understand hey you got to also be a weapon for our team because when we're a defensive we have when we have a defensive minded head coach special teams has to compliment every step of the way we haven't done that so far throughout this tenure so that's where I kind of look at it and see can Cal continually increase the level of play that they showed throughout fall camp and this week one yeah yeah well it's going to be one of those areas I think that you you never want to take for granted you and I discussed this a little bit pre-show about how Cal fans are are used to that I would say Auburn fans are as well um and I don't just say this as just a recurring theme for it just to be there there does to seem to be a lot of similarities and things whether we're at a different place as a program in a different time there does seem to be some some similarities out there the excitement is building for this game I hope Cal fans that are making the trip are really excited for this uh whether the outcome is in your favor or not um Auburn fans traditionally are known for being very good host um I can't vouch for certain sects of the fan base uh but I can say that by and large I continue to hear good things so I hope that's the experience for anybody that's traveling but let's get to the nitty-gritty here we we've talked about offense defense special teams what Auburn fans need to know about these cow Bears what do you think get paint the picture for me from your perspective where you're sitting now what how is this game going to go and if you're ready a score prediction yeah um I think all things considered you can think about it you're stepping into a new car you just bought a new car you're feeling great I've made my first adult purchase I just spent a lot of money to get a lot of things that I really want and then you sit there and you're down a few cylinders you don't really know why in this case with Cal football it's nothing really of their own doing injuries happen you know and in some cases you get stacks of injuries like you have right now because of that I don't Cal has all of the repertoire that they need to order in order to go in and win at Auburn if you would ask me the same question 14 days ago I'd be like all right we're gonna go have a one- score game and we're gonna find out with two minutes to go what both of these teams are really made of now when I look at I think it's gonna be a little bit more of a slow paced plotting game from the cow side and trying to limit the amount of possessions that Auburn gets and because of that I see it being like a ons score game heading into the fourth but one where I don't feel like Cal has enough in the holster to go out and get over the top so with that being said I have Auburn 28 Cal 17 um if Cal had the full complimented players and they might still have some of them this Saturday I would reconsider it because even then you still have to get into the discussion can Cal win a one- score game Cal under Justin Wilcox is about 13 and 24 in one score games which obviously no matter how you slice it it's just that's not good enough and I've stated on end that you got to prove it to me you have to show me that you're going to go out there and make a meaningful difference in a one-score game should get to that point and because of all the injuries and everything else I just feel like Cal may be a little bit Out Of Reach just if Auburn kicks like a late field goal to push it to 10 or 11 and Cal may not just have enough to punch back at that point and just go punt for punt or turn over on Downs versus punt the rest of the way but that's really how I see it going because you know you wish you had your full amount of guys out there but it's just sometimes just not how it works well and as I said earlier as a college football fan in general you want the best uh to appreciate that to see a good game all that stuff and I do believe that we're going to have a great game um I like the way you painted that out there especially with what obviously a little bit bias here but what we consider one of the most difficult places to play in all of college football uh there are Georgia players and Georgia's head coach has even talked about that at SEC media days I think that's definitely going to be a factor uh is it enough of a factor uh to really break that cow uh team in the end as you said maybe staying close moving into the fourth quarter uh we shall find out but the Auburn Auburn fans are definitely going to need to play their part in returning the favor of how difficult you all made it one year ago uh over there in Berkeley and uh it was a night I'm sure to remember for for good reasons and bad reasons alike but we're excited to complete this two this two game um event that we've been waiting a long time I know I have and uh we're just really excited to get this thing done and and and welcome you guys to the plane as a a final note or anything else that you'd like Auburn fans to know about Cal or anything that you're excited about seeing or experiencing yeah so we'll first Reference last year's game uh I think I would speak for both fan bases on this one after that one uh both fan bases looked at each other and they said did either of us really win you had Pack 12 after dark with West Coast Fans they're used to this we've seen this same movie uh for years on end you got people in the central time zone the Eastern Time Zone supporting Auburn and they're watching the TV and they're like what did I just watch I don't want to ever I don't have to fight that type of War ever again because there's no Rhyme or Reason to any of it that's really what act 12 after dark that's what kind of the Genesis of it was you don't really know what's gonna happen on any given week for any given reason um to turn towards this year's game I will be making the trip so I will be uh wheels up Friday in route to Atlanta and eventually Auburn and looking to experience uh Jordan her for my own uh with my own first experience so I'm intrigued to see what happens uh I would almost want to probe you about it what makes the game day experience uniquely Auburn in your mind what makes the game day experience tick for you oh man that that's such a long question it's a great question it's a long answer in fact we we're releasing a segment tomorrow for a recommendation of sorts that I have for all of you all I tried to utilize that what you just described a a Friday entering Atlanta coming to Auburn staying for the game I'm assuming you'd be leaving Sunday is that correct yeah about like either late Saturday night Sunday morning okay you're going to need to listen to that in full but in short uh you got if we're just stuff outside of football you got to go try tumor's lemonade uh tumor's drugstore I don't know if you're a lemonade person but uh strawberry Lemonade's my favorite uh that one I'd try to go eat at Mama Goldberg's definitely definitely go experience tiger walk uh you'll need to get there early because there's some construction going over in the area but you want to be in your seats uh about I'm trying to think about what the time frame will be for the War Eagle flight as long as you're in the stadium an hour before a kickoff you won't miss anything really of significance in pregame um but be ready for that War Eagle flight it is unmatched and it is one of the most unique and and a unbiased here all inspiring experiences in terms of traditions in college football um plenty of other things I could go into but I I think that would be the essentials for you tiger walk walk War Eagle flight go get you the tumors lemonade and if you need something to eat go to Mama Goldberg there's this not a sponsor here or anything thing but it's just a plug for a place that I love so much um if I don't that gives you a good perspective or just a washover of maybe what to expect there's a lot there let's just say that's another tick on a tumors Corner box right there so I think yeah the more I hear tumors I'm okay well we're gonna have to make it to tumors and yeah I think I can expect reasonably I think so because Cal played Notre Dame two years ago at Notre Dame and they traveled I would say about 12 to 14,000 fans showed up for that one I would say the ballpark number is around 7 to 10,000 that's the ballpark number I'm putting in for the travel team for Cal fans to come out and I know they're very excited because you know it's not your run-of-the-mill road game you're not going to sure to play Arizona State you're not NE you're not going it's not just Auburn it's a destination it's a college football destination a college football Cathedral if you will in some cases with Jordan hair so I think Cal fans are very excited to make the trip of course they want their team to come out on top will that happen we don't really know I wish I wish we had a concrete resolution to that if it were easy we would play the game on paper but it's not how goes we got to suit them up for 60 minutes and see what happens and I know Cal fans will definitely be excited and I know they'll definitely Embrace Auburn fans much out Auburn fans Embrace Cal fans last year definitely hope that that's the story that we're talking about at the end of all this no matter how it uh shakes out hoping you guys have a great experience as a final note to Cal fans if you are interested we do on our latest podcast have that segment recommendations for Cal fans of what you might do on a Friday through Sunday scenario uh we'll have have that single segment out uh probably by the time that you're hearing this podcast as well and if if you're interested a college football 25 simulation of what might happen in the game I don't know that I necessarily agree with the way things happen the result might be okay uh but that's something out there for you too for Auburn and Cal fans alike if they're interested in that uh before we head out though I would love for you to plug anything for yourself and uh your organization where can the Cal fans and the Auburn fans find all the stuff they need to know about you yeah so uh I write for WR for California w i t f o r fan site built by Cal fans for Cal fans and uh we pride ourselves on wanting the best for the California Golden Bears but not being afraid to let people know that things need to be better because we want when you're built by a fan base you want to represent them and make sure that you you understand that their plights are worth hearing so that's what we do that's what I try and do with me being the beat writer for right for Cal and something I'm gonna try and you know showcase the emotion of what goes on good bad and ugly out Jordan her Stadium this Saturday so I'm very excited and on Twitter if anyone wants to follow my escapades down into Atlanta Auburn for the weekend Thomas d24 on Twitter so very excited all around and I appreciate your time Kyle and I appreciate the armor Community welcome you back for another year and of podcasting yes thank you so much for joining us we enjoyed every minute of it and looking forward to the match up injur and hair game two of Auburn versus Cal coming up very soon till we talk to you again or eagle [Music]

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Auburn Football 2024 Predictions and Basketball SEC Schedules | TAE EPISODE 91

Category: Entertainment

It is sunday evening and that means it's time for another the auburn experience live podcast recording we are doing episode 91 for you today we're gonna obviously talk about auburn popery all that news that you need to know in the auburn sphere and then we're going to dive into our major topics today... Read more

Auburn Predictions for Alabama A&M Game 2024 | PREVIEW, STATS, and SCORE thumbnail
Auburn Predictions for Alabama A&M Game 2024 | PREVIEW, STATS, and SCORE

Category: Sports

Game number one for 2024 is at hand for auburn football it is time for us to preview and offer predictions for auburn versus alabama a&m let's get into it a lot of interaction from you guys and of course predictions from us all coming up right [music] now warle everybody welcome back to another edition... Read more

The Auburn Experience #91 | Official 2024 Auburn Football Record Predictions thumbnail
The Auburn Experience #91 | Official 2024 Auburn Football Record Predictions

Category: Entertainment

[music] this podcast is part of e2c network where we share the whole auburn [music] experience david housel described it best we are living the whole of the auburn experience you can quantify it you can qualify it through a variety of methods times people places things and experiences but at its heart... Read more

Postgame | Auburn vs. Alabama A&M 2024 | Stats and Initial Reactions thumbnail
Postgame | Auburn vs. Alabama A&M 2024 | Stats and Initial Reactions

Category: Sports

Your auburn tigers are 1 and0 on the 2024 campaign taking down the alabama a&m bulldogs by the score of 73 to3 you heard me right 73 to3 let's talk about all the stats the storylines of course our reactions and yours all that's coming up right now [music] war eagle auburn family in a special war eagle... Read more

Auburn Football Collapses In Disappointing 21-14 Loss Against California | Auburn Live Football Show thumbnail
Auburn Football Collapses In Disappointing 21-14 Loss Against California | Auburn Live Football Show

Category: Entertainment

All right welcome back into the auburn live football show appreciate everybody for joining us as always it's cole pinkston allen head i justin hokinson boy is it 2024 is it 2023 i thought we were in 2024 and i feel like i'm in september of 2023 recording the show um i feel like we're about to talk about... Read more

TJ Finely Leaves Auburn Football for the Transfer Portal! | REACTION thumbnail
TJ Finely Leaves Auburn Football for the Transfer Portal! | REACTION

Category: Sports

Who's in the auburn football sphere tj finley auburn quarterback of last couple seasons has decided to enter the transfer portal that's big enough news in and of itself what else could it mean for auburn football we're going to talk about it all right here on this live stream [music] war eagle auburn... Read more

Auburn Football Fall Camp Standouts | Auburn Tigers Football 2024 thumbnail
Auburn Football Fall Camp Standouts | Auburn Tigers Football 2024

Category: Sports

Welcome back to another episode of rock boys football we have talked extensively about this auburn program over the last couple of days but a lot of our conversations have gone to what auburn has done on the recruiting trail we are kicking off in less than a month we got to dial back in to what this... Read more

Head to Head: Auburn vs Alabama A&M thumbnail
Head to Head: Auburn vs Alabama A&M

Category: Sports

Well the countdown is finally over game week is here college football kicks off all across the country and auburn will be in the friendly confines of jordan hair stadium for the first five weeks of the season beginning with alabama a&m on saturday kickoff set for 6:30 on the planes he's cole cuck i'm... Read more

Week 1: Auburn vs Alabama A&M Pregame thumbnail
Week 1: Auburn vs Alabama A&M Pregame

Category: Sports

What's up everybody it's your guy ike jones we are live here it is finally game day time to get this thing started auburn versus alabama a&m the kickoff to year two under coach h freze hopefully everybody's doing all right make sure you're doing the necessary if you're out there in the land of twitter... Read more