Auburn Predictions for Alabama A&M Game 2024 | PREVIEW, STATS, and SCORE

game number one for 2024 is at hand for Auburn football it is time for us to preview and offer predictions for Auburn versus Alabama A&M let's get into it a lot of interaction from you guys and of course predictions from us all coming up right [Music] now warle everybody welcome back to another edition of e2c network live this time a live stream show for you previewing the first game of the Auburn football 2024 season we are excited to be back in the saddle doing this again for you this season and ready to have some fun with you all talking about this game previewing it a little bit but maybe even offering some predictions out there predictions not just in the form of a score for predictions in the form of Statistics things that you might need to know things that might happen in this game this is just let's get the table set for the game that is ahead that being game number one versus the Alabama A&M bulldogs and might I add might I just go ahead and say this so glad that this is I don't know if this is their new logo that I'm looking you can see on the Q card right now here on the screen but might I add a much better looking logo for them than uh the old A and M swiggle lines everywhere because this one looks pretty good even though everybody is a bulldog these days and everybody is like red and white colors anyway I don't know why we're getting into critiques of logos and stuff that's not what we're here to do but just where my mind uh went for me this evening so what can you expect in this show this is a live stream after all so if you're on the live portion of this show welcome thanks for being here smash the like button as you come in you guys are going to get the biggest benefit out of this portion of the show you get to interact a little bit you get to offer opinions and things like that that we can kind of bounce back and forth with each other but if you um are on the replay you can get the value out of what we're talking about here you just won't get the interactions and stuff what is on uh tap for you this evening we are going to start off our show by giving you some general info some things that maybe uh you want to know about the game about the matchup very hard to do in game number one because we haven't seen anything from Alabama A&M we haven't seen anything from Auburn but what we do know is that we can take stuff that we've learned about Auburn in the off season and try to apply it to what is probably going to happen in this game nothing is a foregone conclusion but what we do what we may feel comfortable gleaning from all of this stuff so we're gonna give you some general info we're going to look at their depth chart a little bit at least how it's listed right now we're going to look at some I found some uh things from their um Sid office about their roster about how there's how much turnover there's been and stuff like that that'll give us some better information and go off of what to maybe look out for what weaknesses there might be we're also going to look at not the last game but the ESPN matchup predictor we'll pull that up at some point and then we'll get to predictions and we're going to go through the offense the defense special teams and finally end up with a score prediction so please please please folks for especially those of you that are live hold your predictions until we ask for them we will get there slow your roll I know some of you are just chomping at the bit now uh to get all those things in so we'll get started with our agenda here in just a second want to say hello to a few people that are popping in Live on YouTube on Facebook thank you guys so much for being here uh you're about to be inundated with content from e2c Network this week and week and weekend and for the rest of the football season so I hope you guys are uh getting used to it uh Dalton is enjoying some other football games and I had a feeling we'd have some conflicts tonight with uh potential other games that were going on in people's interest in this game I know as we get to Cal as we get to really Arkansas is really where the interest is going to kick in but let's at least do the show let's get used to what we're wanting to do for the rest of the week uh or at least the rest of the season I guess I should say all right so let's jump into things here we want to start off by giving you guys some information to work with to go off of about the game and this is going to come straight from uh the Sid office for Auburn University the stuff that we're going to start with stuff that you want to know about the game give me some feedback on um if this is legible for you guys with the resolution that we're allowed to shoot at um on this particular setup I think it is and I've highlighted some things that I think are just of personally of note but maybe as you guys are listening to me talk if you're reading through yourself uh maybe you point out or see some things that are interesting to you those of you that are watching live and of course on the replay as well any feedback that you might have had so let's just goe and cover it right off of this top this game is Saturday the 31st uh 6:30 pm central time so nice kickoff time always love being prime time in Jordan hair stadium and if you wonder why I'm looking this direction on or this direction on the screen I guess is because my screen's over here it wouldn't be in a perfect world I'd be looking over here but that's just not how it works out uh so I will be looking off the screen these are the things that you don't think about till it's too late all right so uh 6:30 the game is on ESPN Plus or SEC network plus there's been a lot of lamenting about that over uh the past few days on social media I get it but folks there was a day where there was no option for some of these games just be thankful that you have one option looking at the series for Auburn and obviously if you're interested in the play byplay uh you can see on there the play-by-play announcers I don't I'm not familiar with any of them and where you can get the local radio uh broadcast and things like that series Auburn versus Alabama A&M has not happened a whole lot but you do have uh two games to go off of Auburn is two and0 two and0 in this series with the last one being 55 to nothing in 2016 I remember that game but that was a long time ago folks almost a decade ago that's just crazy and wild to think about obviously nobody is ranked right now U nobody or nobody's any rankings that happened or pre-season rankings nobody done anything to move up or down the rankings but that gives you perspective of both teams not being ranked in their respective opportunities to be uh that being FCS for Alabama A&M but you can see that both teams are coming off of losing Seasons Hugh frees in his second year and Coach conell mayor in his seventh season at Alabama A&M so it's been a up and down time for Coach mayor it seems like but um obviously this is a much different Beast literally for them when you're talking about uh playing SEC competition much less just FBS level competition uh a couple other notes for the game 132nd season of college football for Auburn opening up this 2024 campaign and you are wearing orange folks if you didn't get the memo don't worry about what I am or not wearing for the game uh I might wear uh some orange I have to but I will be wearing the e2c network shirt uh for the first couple of games this season until I get my new hat that's coming in or that I hope is going to be coming in soon uh but i' I've worn Orange in solidarity for that tonight wear orange to kick off on the planes drown out any semblance of red Crimson whatever they are I don't know what they call their color red uh from the stadium all right Series history we've talked about a little bit two and 0 all the time for Auburn they defeated the Bulldogs 51 to 7 for the first time in 2010 excuse me 2012 and we already mentioned that 55 to nothing in 2016 this is the first time that Hugh freeze has faced Alabama A&M in his 13 years excuse me 14 years of being a head coach so uh first for Hugh frees let's see if we can get him started off on a good note couple other fun notes that kind of come into the discussion point from this game Auburn's 4-0 all time versus the swack which is where Alabama A&M HS from in their conference that being two games with Alabama A&M all victories and then two games with Alabama State all victories sorry swack sorry uh but there you go Auburn holds an all-time record of 99 55 and two against teams from the state of Alabama now this is listen I know that some of this is not even related to the game but these are the things that crop up when we talk about some of like the nuances with matchups and stuff like that so I thought it'd be fun to talk about this look obviously look Alabama Alabama State UAB Alabama A&M but then you get into schools Maybe that don't exist anymore one recently and others that you maybe forgotten about or didn't know existed at all Birmingham southern camp Sheridan Marian Institute Maxwell field the army base I guess Montgomery I didn't know there was a Montgomery University North Alabama AC and Sanford and Spring Hill go figure y'all Auburn is 9955 and two versus the state of Alabama do with that information what you will it's just fun little tidbits of information um in August Auburn is seven and two playing in this month all time so pretty good track record there thankfully that we haven't had the opportunity to play in this month too much because it's gonna be warm first time in two years uh just the fifth time ER the Tigers open the season with five straight home games cool note there tigers have 799 wins coming into this game 13th among all FBA schools I want to put a pin right there folks this is game or hopefully what is going to be win number 100 and excuse me 100 game uh win 800 and that's going to be a big one a big celebration hopefully if we take care of business the way we should be expected to against an FCF school no offense again Alabama A&M couple final notes Here Auburn season tickets are sold out again for the second time in a row um that 63,500 with that capacity that you see there and then you can see some other records there uh playing in season openers vers and then breaking that down into home openers as well if you're interested in reading some of those things so that's a couple notes I just wanted to go through about the game things going into it I know sometimes that's not the most interesting thing excuse me thing in the world but I thought it'd be fun to talk about uh for a little bit so now in our agenda we've talked about the general info let's talk about Alabama A&M again we can't really glean a whole lot from this quite yet but I do want us to try to so let's look at their depth chart shall we let me pull that up for you guys right now so this is the listed depth chart as of me get to it as of what they put up online who you can see is likely to play don't know a whole lot about all these guys so I'm not going to spend a ton of time analyzing it but I did want to pull it up straight from their athletic Department obviously this is for this game week so anything that changes is due to injuries is due to there's decision to change things but this is the depth chart as expected for now one of the things that coach hu frees has talked about is that quarterback position where there was apparently not a decision publicly made yet on who would be starting two Juniors one is a red shirt Junior so lots of experience that's obviously something to keep in mind both they're fairly big guys one being bit taller than the other Cornelius Brown who is listed as the starter on this depth chart at least um so there's that as well we always look at the running backs you look at the wide receivers look how maybe tall they are six foot4 at The X position so that's pretty good um and then if you interested in any other things you can kind of see that or pause on the replay or you can pause now on the live if you want to you'll just be behind in the chat but wanted to give you guys a little bit of information about uh the dept chart before we move on to getting to predictions I know that's where everybody is itching to go to let's move on in our uh particular show here for some more information about the roster this I found actually most helpful when we're talking about a team that we know very little about that we don't have a lot of clue about what to think about Alabama A&M but I did highlight some things so again if you can see it I haven't heard any feedback on if the the picture is clear enough for you guys live so do let me know this is the first time we're trying it doing it this way but um obviously can see it very well on my screen over here but if you want to zoom in or kind of look real closely you can see some position breakdowns their Letterman who's returning who isn't returning all these things so I highlighted some factors here I think because I think these are going to be really big important factors in the game if you look for starters returning and this is a team that coach e frees pointed out in his uh press conference this week that has a lot of transfers in so how many starters are they returning on offense nine of them uh looks like these are people that played at least four games minimum of four Games Starting uh so five offensive lineman so it looks like they'll be experienced there two of their wide receivers um a running back and a quarterback it says Xavier lenford starters returning and he did not show up in the depth chart so let me go back and look at that real quick so that's may be a little bit out of whack there but at least we'll still look at it sometimes all of this stuff doesn't match up exactly right but nine starters returning on offense uh five on defense and then two potential starters as specialist place kickers returning um in the Special Teams category there starters lost figure that make that math how you will but according to this uh potential starters they have lost is four or five on offense offensive lineman a quarterback tight end wide receiver another offensive lineman seven defensive guys and it looks spread out amongst although they did lose a lot of defensive linemen so what do we make of all this is this important in the grand scheme of things I mean it is for the team for us as fans maybe not but I hope that'll give you some perspective of maybe what to be looking for this is a team that seems to be full of transfers lost a lot in the transfer portal so they may have a lot of work to do in terms of coalescing together especially Under The Lights especially in an SEC environment I don't think it bodess well for them to pull off an upset I said it there it is all right so there's information that you would find probably interesting about the team one final thing and we're getting close to our predictions fun time of the show and this is where we want to get interactive especially live so um do do that with us if you interested in doing that uh but the final thing that I want to do is share with you all our screen me practice a little bit about doing that so we're gonna share the screen and then bring it full screen for you guys this is ESPN's stuff in regards to this matchup again this is week one we don't have a points per game um that sometimes is below all that it's nothing like that's available right now but you can see Accord according to ESPN and I'll scroll up and down for you a little bit right now Auburn has a 99 CH uh percentage chance to win this game 1% for Alabama A&M and by the way there's the old logo too for them or at least the traditional logo I'm G like the new one better as I said earlier so there you go I think that says all that needs to be said about this matchup right 99% that's basically all you need to know um it's FCS versus FBF f BS Auburn should uh take care of business in this particular game uh if you look at if you're interested in the betting odds and stuff like that Auburn currently is a 47.5 according to ESPN favorite as of doing the stream at this time on a Thursday evening um we'll talk about that in a little bit I obviously don't encourage betting but it's always fun to talk about the spread and where we think Auburn may or may not be able to match up in regards to that uh so keep that in mind if that's something that's uh interesting to you and you can see the last couple games that we played and all the information that you need for the games uh heading forward so with that in mind that is going to be particularly all the information that we wanted to give you to start making informed decisions right now uh so what we're going to do from this point forward is we're going to move into our actual um let put all the stuff up here I'm still getting used to the pattern of it our predictions portion of the show we have talked about info about the game depth chart ESPN matchup no last game to really talk about that's probably where we'll uh do some of that let's talk about predictions now again I will ask beg plead for you all to do your best to refrain from skipping ahead a because I want to try to like calculate this a little bit with you all but um let's uh let's get the typing fingers ready here and I will ask for scores at the end but let's just ask the simple question for everybody who's watching live right now yes or no does Auburn beat Alabama A&M just type in yes or no this is the exercise and how we participate in the show if you guys are not uh trying to multitask too much and watch the football games are on right now I know that's part of the big thing that's going on this evening but just trying to get you guys used to that uh WT even said during the show um or during that portion of the show in the modern world of college football schools like Alabama am have effectively become the minor leagues of football really good players transfer to bigger schools and some people transfer up to them so keep that in mind yeah who you know it's just whoever's ready for what uh for what um particular thing lro says yes I like the outfit well thank you appreciate that all right so we've got some responses here so let's move forward into our show we're going to talk about the offense first we're going to do offense defense and special teams and different categories in that and our goal with this is for us to actually have conversations that will help lead you to a score prediction that is well thought through that is um more informed than just simply saying Auburn is going to beat Alabama A&M 55 to nothing like they did last time which you might be right but let's talk through it a little bit so what we're going to start with and we may change this over the few weeks but on offense the categories that I'd like to know here's your first question tonight in the chat I want to know how many passing yards and touchdowns will Auburn have now this isn't how many will Payton Thorne have because he's your starter get over it for those of you that haven't been able to do that yet how many passing yards and touchdowns will Auburn and passing touchdowns will Auburn have in this game in your opinion what this is going to do is help inform you to your score for Auburn because we're g to get to another thing in just a second again we have no information to go off of of this particular Auburn team which is going to make the conversation much easier next week but I'm going to say while some of you maybe are thinking about it the the passing yardage in this game will Max will hit 300 I would say that touchdowns wise you're probably looking close to three touchdowns WT seems to agree with me 300 passing yards three touchdowns close David says 275 three touchdowns so I think so far the majority of us are looking in that same vicinity 300 close to 300 three touchdowns as a complete thing for the whole um passing yardage unbeaten Lake says I wonder if Hugh is willing to air the ball out to see how much the passing game is improved maybe 300 yards I think 300 yards would would make a lot of people happy because let's be honest you're gonna have a lot of people that are goingon to be looking for things to complain about in this game about a particular player as well so you kind of have to find that happy Benchmark where you got the job done showed some things Latrell says five passing touchdowns so that's 40 points alone just in passing touchdowns right there and four 400 yards passing if that's the kind of day that they have passing there should be no complaints from any Auburn fan about the passing game no matter who it came from so it's possible good prediction all right let's cut it off there on passing let's go to the next category how many rushing yards and rushing touchdowns will Auburn have what say you how many rushing yards and how many rushing touchdowns will Auburn had again I can't reiterate this enough this is not about one player this is about rushing yardage for the team rushing touchdowns for the team so as you're thinking about this again this is an exercise and being more informed in your predictions think about what you just predicted in your passing and we you know we'll maybe flip-flop this and do rushing sometimes so it's not like skewing your thought process but how many rushing yards how many rushing uh touchdowns in this game for Auburn this is an area where you would traditionally look at Auburn doing very very well and really making a staple for himself but how well you've also got to keep in mind that the running back room is down one player for the rest of the season how much do you want to risk hurting some of these guys jarquez deari and Jeremiah I hope we're going to see Shawn Jackson a lot not because I value Shawn Jackson any way but because I think we need to see him to feel good about our health and meaning that we got didn't have to play our other guys as much so WT says 280 rushing yards three to four touchdowns rushing 220 plus three touchdowns WT says I'm still not slow on the offensive line so I went conservative on the totals um well Trail we're doing this remember we're doing this in bite-sized bits here so try not to jump ahead too much but he says two rushes with 400 overall yards so I can't I don't remember where that I got you now you're but two rushes is rushing touchdowns is what you're saying so try to keep it don't don't jump ahead too much in our exercise here that's it's always the struggle here is trying to get people to I want to give my score prediction I get it just slow down we're trying to help you out I'm gonna say that Auburn and I predicted 300 passing yards I'm gonna say Auburn does 250 rushing yards together keep in mind this is quarterbacks as well um because we know Hugh wants to be able to maximize that as much as you can safely so I'm gonna say uh 250 rushing yards and I think two rushing touchdowns is a is a gimme at this point so that's where I'm gonna go on that all right here's some of the Nuance things that are going to really form how well the Auburn offense may or may not do how many sacks will be allowed by the Auburn team the Auburn offensive line or the team as a whole because sometimes it's a running back missed the block a tight end missed their block a wide receiver missed the block on the cornerback or something that let him loose to come get him um what do you think how many sacks do you think that this offensive line is going to allow in this game keep in mind this is a team that we and this is this is why we go through some of this information at the start of the show this is a team that lost a lot of their defensive line starters they lost a linebacker as well it looks like um doesn't mean that they lost all their talent but you've got a FBS versus an FCS team you've got a Auburn offensive line that probably should be more formidable than them lost a lot of talent did they bring enough in so what's it going to be David says two sacks I'm going to guess blindly say four sacks well see it won't be blindly anymore because we've helped you think through some of these I think Auburn is gonna probably give up two sacks minimum because of and here's the problem with predicting this in this type of game the results of the team as a whole are going to be skewed a little bit by what happens when the backups hopefully get in very as soon as possible in this game so I think at some point you're going to get to the point where Auburn's backups of backups are in against some of their probably backups too but the Gap in Talent the Gap in formidability is going to be a little closer not that much closer but close enough so I do think that two sacks is at least something to be expected in this game all right couple more in offense and we'll move to defense um how many turnovers does Auburn CA I'm sorry let me back this up how many turnovers does Auburn's offense have in this game how many did they give away interceptions a fumble again we don't know a whole lot about this team right now so it's really hard to predict how improved is Payton thorn in is is passing proficiency slash people running the correct route so he doesn't throw it into an open field where someone just jumps in front of and takes it back um or getting hit and that you're getting picked off because it just fluttered into the air as he was releasing it how many fumbles you know that do our running backs take care of the ball do our wide receivers we've got some wide uh young wide receivers are going to be out they're ready to prove themselves how many turnovers are going to be out there I think if Auburn gets out of this game with less than three turnovers that's a good day because again I'm thinking about the potential for these young guys to make mistakes because we're hopefully going to see them a ton think about these wide receivers maybe some of our guys that have been here for a while but they don't get to play a whole lot that are just going to be a little bit Loosey Goosey with things WT offers up his opinions here four giveaways due to what I expect to be a lot of backups playing kind of what I'm saying here so I think if Auburn gets out of this game with three or less turnovers this is a good day you I mean it's a good day if you don't have any right it's a good day if you have one maybe but I I just got to think two for David that three is probably The Benchmark you would never say to your team we want none but if you're the coach and you're like well this is who all we played in this game we got out of here with three turnovers meaning two fumbles like in the fourth quarter we'll be all right and by turnovers I meant those that were lost that's the only ones that I'm counting there's probably going to be an interception there as well all right these are not about stats but maybe helps you uh think about the game and this is one where there could be some variability here so let's see what you all think who is Auburn's top rusher in this game who will be Auburn's top rusher this is where you got to think a little bit because your choices are now limited a little bit more because Brian B won't be participating this year but you got three obvious candidates that are going to be seeing the bulk of the time jarquez Hunter deari alustin Jeremiah Cobb a quarterback uh who leads in rushing hopefully you're not seeing jarquez as much as maybe we want to see him who is your leader in rushing in this game I'm gonna put it to you this way I don't think it's GNA be jarquez although I do think he'll get close to a 100 yards in this game I don't think it's gonna be probably not GNA be deari I think those of you that are already dropping in predictions of Cobb you're probably on the right track it would not Shock me if it's somebody we're not even talking about yet such as aan Jackson or one of the other quarterbacks let Hank go Brown go out there once business is taken care of by by um pton Thorne go have some fun sling it around but run it around a little bit wants to solidify himself as the number two position that'd be a good way to show that you're not just a throwing quarterback you're running quarterback although I'm I'm GNA lean with you guys on the cobb prediction as the leading rusher for this game which will continue to stir up that controversy that was there for a little bit I like is Cobb better than um jarquez Hunter not yet he's not but he'll be he'll be good enough soon enough all right let's keep moving along here who's who's going to be our number one receiver in this game meaning across the board I know some I've I've said this kind of to people in other chats when people ask who's going to be the best receiver this year it's hard to quantify that just you tell me what that looks like to you who's your top receiver in this game whether that's the most receptions that's the most touchdowns who's going to be um the one who has the longest catch all that kind of stuff I think your easy answers are sitting right out there for everybody to pick up on the starters right right but this is a game this is a game where you got to think about who may or may not be playing and how often they may or not be playing I do love that we're starting to get tired of saying Lambert Smith and just say kls kandre Lambert Smith so it's it's works so there's a prediction from David gandre Lambert Smith probably not a bad pick although he is nursing a little bit of an entry and here's the other thing too I don't know if I don't know if l tril's a little bit behind in chat if he meant this for running backs um but what about the running backs leading and receiving it's not as simple as as that and I guess I the question was who's the top receiver but I a running back can be a receiver too um so you got your cam Coleman's K's Robert Lewis I have a feeling we're gonna have one of these new guys either like a Caleb Burton uh go and Caleb Burton's not knew but and he's been around for a while it wouldn't surprise me that like he would do something like this but I think it's going to be one of these guys we're not talking about as much as the leading receiver in this game whatever that means for you touchdowns yards receptions the overall pitcher um but we've gotten probably some of the best options that people think Coleman K us I'm gonna predict it's gonna be Robert Lewis I think people I think obviously coaches do their homework and know that Coleman is who we think he is they know what Keandre Lambert Smith can do want to lock those two down it's gonna open up for a starter to do really well early I think Robert Lewis is going to be that uh for us appreciate that every once in a while I have a good take does it mean it's always there was one game last year we did this type of exercise and I think that's why I like doing this I predicted the game exactly I I I mean obviously there was some variation but the score was 100% right it went exactly how I said it was going to and somebody had came back on our postgame show and said Kyle you called that exactly it's like it's almost like I'm talk I talk for a living every once in a while we get this thing right over here could be Perry since Coleman will get so much attention that's a good take too not a bad take all right so we're done with offense let's move on to defense there's not as many to do in offense a defense and special team so we'll move a little bit quicker I know most of you are wanting to get to the score prediction I'm still rumaging through this in my head a little bit defense defense how many passing yards and touchdowns passing touchdowns will Auburn give up to Alabama A&M again keep in mind we are playing someone for the first time this season so are they don't know much about each other but this is FBS this is FCS keep in mind that you're going to be playing hopefully playing a game where your your backups are in after the first series in the uh third quarter so keep that in mind that's something that you want going to want to think about um this would be a good opportunity for this group of defensive backs that are having a lot of expectations put on on them because of what left all that Talent all five of those guys across the board minus keante are gone um that were utilized frequently so this is going to be a test for them 250 to 280 yards two or three touchdowns this is that a bad day for a first game especially if you're considering some of this is going to happen in I hate saying it way but garbage time um Dave is a little bit more optimistic one touchdown 220 I'm GNA predict two passing touchdowns and at least 200 passing yards for them by the end of this thing uh and I think if they hold them to that you look at the what who you're playing against who you're playing at what point in the game for Auburn and you're probably like that ain't bad that is not bad so there we go that is uh passing let's do rushing how many rushing yards and rushing touchdowns does Alabama A&M have in this game how many is it keep in mind we just talked about your receiving yards and touchdown Downs try to kind of juxtapose that with your prediction now for rushing and for Touchdown rushing yards and rushing touchdowns this is another area where there's some question mark does Auburn pass rush improve this year significantly slightly is the depth good does everybody stay healthy I get the feeling that if Alabama A&M is going to have any success it's going to be through the air and so I'm kind of wondering because you looked at their wide receivers in fact let me go back to it for a second uh on their starting lineup they're they've got six foot one 6 foot one 6 foot4 um looks like he was a transfer from Western Carolina actually all of their guys at some point were transfers one from FIU one from Western Carolina one from Jackson State uh so all these guys have had some experience it looks like um pretty decent Siz wide receivers I think that's where they're going to have success their running back is a 5 foot1 guy of 226 pounds so uh not the smallest not the biggest in the world but there you go oh look it's my wife checking in with the 100 are you predicting 100 rushing yards it's OB honestly not a bad take right there David says 145 um in terms of rushing yards no touchdown Downs looks like a lot of you may be agreeing uh for the most part uh with our line of thinking here WT says 180 200 yards 180 to 200 yards and one to two touchdowns due to what I expect to be a lot of garbage time you say you got it you got it uh you know I predicted 200 passing yards two passing touchdowns for them so I'm gonna say that they don't get any more than I my expectation and goal is going to be they allow 100 or less rushing yards in this game and just one rushing touchdown because you in garbage time we're going to get let them get down there and they're going to rush one in you know against our third string so that's how I think it's going to go down so right now I have predicted around 350 total yards for them across the game three touchdowns total yeah uh so that's 21 points right there um then i' I've potentially said that they they probably could get now keep in mind I'm saying that openly because that doesn't necessarily mean that's what's my score is going to be we're just kind of talking through things to help make better more informed decisions about your score predictions okay uh passing yardage let me pull that we already we already did that one all right who's gonna be Auburn's top tackler in this game may not be as easy as you think it is most people go to Eugene Asante some people go to jayen McLoud keldrick Faulk some people may go to a safety or something like that cleaning things up if it were people getting into the second level is it going to be a starter at all here's the problem I'd love to hear what you guys think I don't know who it's gonna be I I don't think it's going to be any of the starters because again my hope is that we're seeing these guys The Starters play so little comparatively to everybody else um so it'll probably be one of our linebackers and it's probably going to be Robert Woodard who's come along during fall practice wouldn't surprise me if it's going to be him um it looks like I think in our depth chart it was Dorian MSI Jr and um Eugene and Austin Keys If Austin is healthy we're going to be the starter so I don't think it's going to be either I think Austin's going to be probably not played a whole lot um so be him I think it's probably going to be a guy like Robert Demarcus reick anybody I know a lot of people have been excited about him based on what you've heard um but there you go faul maybe with a question mark WT says I don't think it'll be a starter be a third string player it may just be a second string player somebody that comes in just to give somebody a breather even when they're got the starter still in so you know maybe a Demarcus reick maybe a Robert Woodyard I think think I'm gonna go Robert Woodyard I'd like to see him after being here a couple years and kind of not getting lost in the depth chart but just not breaking through as much I'd like to see him have a a Breakout game this is one of those games where you're really looking for things like that all right last thing in defense and this one's a little bit kind of out there so you predict it how you would want to you don't but I'm asking how many sacks does Auburn have on how many Auburn sack like sacks does Auburn get against their offense um how many fumbles does Auburn cause and how many cause SLG because we're going to just call them recovered or however you want to do you can do recovered versus caused and how many interceptions do they get and this what was this a prediction for tackler JC Hart don't forget about champ Anthony either at the star position how many fumbles how many sacks how many ANS those thing uh those things that you need to happen in a game to really dominate especially at home uh I think sacks are are going to do very well for us I'm going to predict um five sacks for us I'm going to predict uh three caused fumbles one recovered and at least one interception that's what I kind of feel about David's got four sacks two fumbles two picks it's a mistype but I got it I got it there wt's got four to five sacks three fumbles two recovered three interceptions some of you are a little bit more bullish on your predictions with those but hey it's what it's your predictions um this is a team you probably could take advantage of but there you go uh so there's some predictions for that particular aspect all right one last group to go to we're right on time here as well to get to our final score prediction so hang on tight here let's do this last stuff special teams because this is important in the game this I think is probably in my opinion in determining your score maybe I want to say the most important special teams aspect but people don't think about this enough how many punts does Auburn have in this game how many times does Auburn have to punt because if you're having to punt a lot this means their defense is doing things to you if a guy doesn't have to punt at all it either means two things you're scoring a lot or you're turning the ball over a lot um I don't think Auburn's gonna turn over the ball a ton in this game at least the starters W won't um but I do think we're gonna have to have some punting happening in this game so what are we looking at how what what's your what's your prediction on that I think if we get off less than four punts in this game U by the end of it we're in good shape and if you know what here's going to be I'm G be the honest I want one punt with the starters I'm G allow one punt that's it so it needs it either needs to be score or turnover I don't care however you want to do it three to four punts three to four three to four looks but pretty consistent across our chat so there you go all right let's keep moving forward special teams how many field goals attempted and made keep in mind Alex mcferson is not playing in this game according to coach H freeze as of year yesterday on the SEC teleconference no Alex mcferson towns meoo looks good to go based off of aay what we've seen little of him in Fall practice doesn't like we have much to worry about there um so you should feel pretty good about your kickers that shouldn't really worry you at all but it is the first time against a big crowd that that's going to happen I mean he's literally last season playing for Auburn High in Sanford duck Stadium which is like a quarter of the end zone I don't know what the actual amount is of Jordan her Stadium but how many field goals are attempted and made we have got three of three three for three we have got three for three as well from our chat here three for three I think there will be two attempted he's going to go 100% there you go no just a Splat out 100% not a numbers uh I think that he will get two attempts and he will make one out of two I know look he's given us no reason to think that but I'm just I'm trying to put myself as a former kicker in his shoes and try to think about um what might be going through his head his heart his racing um and thinking about this is my moment to kind of not separate myself from Alex but to show that I deserve to you know start as well or get some type of role because for a while there I thought we were setting him up to be our next punter but as you've seen from our recruiting class that doesn't seem to be the case uh so I don't know we'll see uh with that in mind I'm gonna predict one of two two field goals attempted one made because we're going to see how much that leg how leg how strong that leg is under pressure with a big crowd uh I seen you kick on video games you should not compare yourself let me tell you this there ain't a kicker out there uh that will play in college football 25 and say that it's it's easy they definitely made this game a little bit more challenging and that is one of the aspects of it so anyway so there you go all right so we have made it through the offense we have made it through the defense we have made it through the Special Teams we have made it through different aspects of receiving rushing on both sides of the ball turnovers on both Sid of the ball sacks fumbles interceptions punts field goals uh top tacklers rushers receivers all of that stuff has led us to this point in the show about 45 minutes into it where we are going to offer our final score predictions for the game and I'm gonna be honest with you guys I use utilize what we talk about here a lot to kind of form those opinions a little bit better I ain't got no clue excuse the grammar history tells you so you guys can offer your score predictions now as you see fit I'm sorry about the dinging there is a a family chat going off and for whatever reason they come through on the on the phone for and and it's not actually you know what I don't think you got I don't need that on so it doesn't matter uh okay so what's your score prediction what do you got uh this will be the third meeting the last two meetings Auburn has scored 55 50 or more 50 go back to it and just quote it verbatim to you guys last two times that we played was 2012 51 to7 55 to nothing in 2016 that was four years removed from each other and this one will be eight years removed uh from each other so precedent has been set that 55 or 50 points is possible coach Derek Nicks the offensive coordinator wants his offense to average 40 points per game so that's got to start here and you would hope to help in that averaging that they would get beyond that into the 50s so given the expectations of Derek Nicks and I know that's probably a lofty goal but if he wants to reach that he's thinking about things like this I'm going to predict that the Tigers do hit the 50 Mark um I'm gonna say and I'm trying to think back to what I predicted here I think I predicted three passing touchdowns two rushing um doing the maass is hard so that's 30 points right there alone I'm going to think I think we're going to have a turnover for a touchdown uh so that's 36 of those points right there um and obviously there's going to be probably a field goal in there 39 so that's about 11 points at least that I haven't counted for based on some of my predictions so obviously there's a touchdown of a receiving of a turnover of all that fashion a kickoff return we didn't even talk about that aspect of it but I do think that Au will crack that 50 um that 50 point margin I do think they're going to give up more points in this game just because of the unknowns for both teams um if this was an Auburn team and a coach hu team that have been around for a while I would say they're probably gonna shut him out but I think we're still in some instability times right now so I will say Auburn wins 50 2 oh somebody else had 52 a bunch of you had 52 Auburn wins 52 to 20 in garbage time we give up two touchdowns we only give up field goals with the Stars 52 to 20 a 32o win should be very very convincing let's see some of y'all's uh 48 to 10 56 to 24 52 to zero 42- 14 52 to 13 so everybody well not everybody we've got two that don't expect us to hit the 50 Mark but hey that's nothing to get upset about because you're still having a 50 42 48 that's several touchdowns um WT has the highest amount of points allowed similar to me with 20 um everybody else is 14 or below so I think we could kind of make a composite average of all these things I'm not doing the full math in my head but it looks like we could expect us to get close to 50 points in this game if not 50 exactly and probably given up based on our guesses close to 10 points a game or 10 not a game but 10 points across our predictions so my prediction 52 to 20 I'm GNA just say an arbitrary group prediction based on what I've seen here with very minuscule math done uh 50 to 10 there you go all right so that is our preview and prediction show don't go away just yet we'll spend the last few minutes hanging out with you guys answering comments and questions so if you enjoy that type of stuff stick around for that let me give you the rundown of what to expect here I've got a couple of comments from you guys that I've marked uh to talk about um on the back end here too but keep them coming what's coming up next for e2c network and Auburn stuff boy oh boy folks it's here I'm so excited I'm going to Auburn tomorrow baring anything changing you know schedule wise things happen uh but here are some things that you have to look forward to this weekend these are the things that we are currently planning on doing there may be more but I want to make sure that you're aware of those things if you enjoy tiger walk YouTube is the place to be Auburn Alabama A&M game tiger walk will be broadcast live barring any unforeseen changes connection issues things like that hasn't really been a problem the last couple couple years but I just got that I got that feeling something's going to go down but tiger Walk on YouTube should be at 4:30 they usually do it two hours before kickoff join us on YouTube I'll try to put it out on other avenues when we get the opportunity to but there you go um tiger walk after that that evening we will do a postgame reaction show there is no set time for this the best thing you can do is be subscribed if you go uh when we make the page for this or the preview here on YouTube for it you can like it obviously to get yourself and hit a notify me Bell so you know when we're going to go live for that it will be late it will be late let me say it again it will be late game kicks off at 6:30 central time you know an average game is three and a half hour three and a half hours four hours so that puts us in the 2:30 Realm by the time we get done with tiger walk at 11:30 we're probably looking at somewhere between 11:30 and 12 at best case scenario get to that because we've got to capture a few media things so I hope you guys are ready to stay up late if not catch the replay but we'd love to see you live and after all that after an amazing weekend in Auburn we are going to have the Auburn experience show back here in studio I will travel back rush back here after just a exhausting weekend but a great weekend to the Auburn Experience episode 92 Austin will not be with me this week but we'll have a special guest and even if I'm not able to get a special guest we'll do a live show of some sort to kind of round out our thoughts and may just uh we we'll make it work is basically what I'm uh getting at with you all right there you go that's the main show that's the main um stuff we want to talk about you now kind of take Center Stage for however long you'd like if there's not any other things that you'd like to talk about um we can start to wind down our show but this is I always like to leave room for this for those that were watching live especially Corey said this a little bit earlier I'm going back to some of our comments let's hope Hunter has to has his act together this season and it took half a season for him to find his Groove now listen I don't think Hunter is gonna have a problem with any of that this season I think he's going to um really look at what this is his last opportunity to make a name for himself at Auburn and and solidify that name and I think he's gonna take it and we're gonna have one of the first times in a while where a running back makes his name known on like puts his stamp on a team I'm talking about like K on Johnson Level stuff here hopefully he can stay healthy because we need the running back room to stay healthy at this point I think he's going to take it seriously WT said a little bit earlier if you are betting take the under it's we didn't talk about that so I need to remember that uh so the under the over under right now is uh 47.5 in Auburn's favor so do you take that clearly I have said under based on my score again not doing betting but there you go it's the first game of the season the team needs the time to get on the same page I I wouldn't take I'd take the under this year if you're interested in uh U interested in that type of stuff all right let's see what you guys are saying couple other updates on games and things like that I definitely will go uh check out some of these games and we're done here uh WT says I think Hunter took time to find his Grove because it was a totally new offense to learn he also had some issues to in the season start off the season last year so there there's that aspect of it as well um a new team a new year a new offense not the best start in the off season all that's uh fair to say about the hunter situation but that's the great thing about this year and about this opportunity for him to capitalize on what uh lies before him all right folks let's call it a show that was a great uh first preview show I know that uh obviously there'll be a lot more interest in uh these as we get further into the season to some of the more prominent games and when there's not a ton of the first Thursday night of football on tonight but thank you all to our live viewers who joined us for those of you that on the replay that made it this far thank you guys so much for being here and supporting what we do you guys are the best little family within the Auburn family and I do mean that from the bottom of my heart you these are you are the reason we do what we do what we do what we do is orange and blue here at e2c Network thank you for joining me can't wait to see you on campus if you're going to be there this week and if you're a Conquer Club member you know some good stuff's coming up for you guys especially at that eagle tier level till then or eagle [Music]

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