Jets Vs 49ers Week 1 Reaction

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and we lost my co-host just as we're starting oh this is great uh what's going on everybody Aaron back in the building a little post uh post game recap a day later hope everybody's doing well I'm going to put myself on a solo screen here give me one second bada bing bada boom hold on where are we at this seems to be happening every time I go live guys isn't it great I love technology guys boom do I even have a solo screen I might not have a solo screen I might just have to take off this stupid thing what's going on everybody how's everybody doing today uh week one of the NFL season is officially over we are 1 and0 thanks to a pretty dominating performance last last night against New York Jets 49ers 32 Jets 19 I thought it was a a really gutsy effort I thought the ners I didn't know what to think to be honest with you I thought there was a chance that the 49ers come out slow uh with all the offseason drama um but they came out looking pretty strong um very impressed with the defense so far interior run defense uh Brock pie had a solid game I wouldn't say he played incredibly incredibly well but he played well enough um missed a couple throws uh offensive line was so so but I thought the 49ers overall played really well in that game uh defensively I thought the ners played well other than that one drive where they gave up a lot of completions I thought the defensive line especially in the run defense game looked really well uh bash any comments on how the 49ers just in an overall look as we discuss things as we go forward just overall what what do you think of the team uh I thought they looked really good despite the fact that you know they were just getting clowned on by the national media for all these people holding out and they were making it sound like the whole team was in disarray and freaking Manti I was going on national TV trying to say the team doesn't have the fire in their eyes and they no longer have the same chemistry as they once did and whatever bull crap that these Adit lists quote unquote want to come up with I think they look just fine and if anything you know if if they fixed like four or five different plays they probably they could have probably put like I'm not doing the math properly but just to be conservative they probably could have put up like 48 points on the board I mean I don't know I could be wrong somebody can correct me on how many more touchdowns they would have gotten but I mean if Jake Moody's going for freaking um six field goals you know I I totally thought we we should have scored okay you know I'll be we could have scored like you know three touchdowns easily on those drives you know maybe could have got four touchdowns so is what it is 32 to 19 is a pretty damn score for me I mean the only the only um touchdown that they Jets really really gave up to make the score look more signifant more closer than it actually did was in garbage time you know they already had Tyrod Taylor in there by that time um Fred Warner was amazing in this game he was just like he totally picked up the slack for green law um I I love love for war this not me try to rag on him maybe we're using him better with the new D coordinators un pluralized but um he looked like a manp possessed out there I wish he looked that good in the Super Bowl maybe just we weren't running him in proper schemes for the Super Bowl we had orren Burks out there because green law was hurt or whatever it was man I hope Fred Warner can ball out like that in real playoff games that that really really matter so because he totally has it in him he has a talent and if he keeps it up man he's going to the Hall of Fame I really really think he's our next Hall of Fame linebacker and the same goes for green law too assuming green law can um bounce back and be the same guy you know that's a major question mark But D line looked pretty damn good Malik Collins is really really nice I even I mean as good as his run stoppage was I even saw him getting um some some good pre pressure in the passing game um offensive line at time in the beginning it looked like crap because mavit was letting guys through letting qu Quint Williams through on some pass rush where they ran him at DN but later it it took me back to when um you know when we had when we had the real Mike binci when we first got him when he was about 330 pounds or something like that and not this like anorexic Mike 6 fo8 anorexic Mike mlinci that we had that couldn't do anything you know so what my point is like back when we had first had Mike mcin he was an excellent run blocker sure his pass protection was a little shaky or whatever but I mean mckivitz was was run blocking his ass off we could finally run to the right side of field and hey him having Dominic puny next to him helps a whole lot uh it just looked yeah so I mean Trent Williams looked really really good despite missing all that time um yeah so I mean you know I was happy with the overall production I mean we left a lot out on the field but at the same time you know we those are mistakes we can fix and it just week one R if you ask me so y uh sorry for everybody for our me and him for some reason me and Bashar have technical issues every time we stream or not something's wrong in the interwebs world where we're just not compatible when when it comes to the way the stream runs so if you see some glitchiness choppiness and stuff we've tried everything I don't know what it is uh anything short of throwing my computer out the window which I won't do uh I I had an interesting interaction for if anybody actually watches this stream either now or later uh for anybody who knows this this stream uh redjet shell she's a she does her own thing with pterodon and she also is a frequent participant in the streams uh I told her I said I I put an Instagram story up that said as much as I wasn't into it early in the game the 49ers they just have a way of reeling me back in no matter how much I say I'm not going to come back and then I'm sick of them losing Super Bowls and that I I can't emotionally invest myself anymore by the second quarter by the second quarter I was right back to my old self screaming at the television my brother heard me yelling at the refs cuz they were taking too long just moseying around and not really you know it kills drives it kills momentum when the refs are doing what they're doing so for all the doubts that I had that I could get re-engaged with the 49ers I'm right back at it um I feel like I want to enjoy this regular season man like just enjoy every single game like we had a game they won I'm cool for six days and then you know Minnesota's coming up and then we'll deal with that thing like I'm trying to learn the the uh the art of enjoying the moment instead of like making myself miserable thinking about February I think you're overthinking it man I think it's just so easy to just turn a Niner game and just sit back and relax and you know and for the most part our games are pretty good over the past like four or five years and you know I mean it's been a lot of fun to watch this team um sure not everything's perfect at points of times but you know for me football's the funnest thing to watch on TV so if I was just watching football in general and especially if it's my team you know I'm like okay cool I look forward to this all week hey I and I know it's not no win is guaranteed you know I I was telling myself and telling people hey um you know you never know Any Given Sunday or any given Monday you know I think we had games from Thursday to from Thursdays to I'm not sure if there was a game on Saturday but I know there was a game on Friday it's like you know you can almost say games every day of the week now but the quote unquote traditional quote is Any Given Sunday I get it you know you can you can't underestimate your opponent and I know they were hyping up this team because this Jets team because oh well Aaron Rogers is there and the Jets finally have a quarterback their defense is so great and they have all this Talent this imagine if they had a quarterback but I was just telling people like okay maybe I may Aron Rogers hater I've never liked the guy I think he's a jackass but amazing talent on Green Bay I get it but you know he's not the's he's no spring chicken dude he's coming off a major injuries so he looks old yeah he looks old he has a hell CM Punk Vibe going on everybody knows the wrestler CM Punk he looks pretty tattered he looks like he's uh he's he's he's seen better days I mean Aaron Rogers has always kind of looked old he just has one of those faces you know just like a weathered kind of tattered up fa I have one of those faces too that's why I wear the beard to make it look better but uh I just I told my brother I said man I don't care how good the Niners play uh Aaron roggers always scares me because at any moment he's Aon Rogers and I know a lot of for and9 fans are like what are you talking about we kicked their ass we own them doesn't mean anything like CU at any remember that one game we had a couple years ago we were up and you know Warner didn't play the pass right and it went over his head and they were able to get a field goal or a touchdown and beat us it was like 30 something seconds left the fact that they pulled him with four minutes to go I was surprised I was surprised I thought they were just gonna Chuck and duck you know what I mean just like throw the ball around and try to score some points um but the ners defense I wouldn't say they played incredible but I would I give them like a B minus grade I thought the 49ers probably gave a B minus effort and still beat a team pretty handily uh considering so like I said I'm trying to enjoy the moment this team is far from perfect uh we're gonna I'm gonna bring up the the whole Christian mcaffrey thing in a second um I'm gonna try to bring up some of the stats here I don't know if you guys be able to see it probably not so before you bring up mcaffrey um or after bring up mcaffrey and we're still kind of recapping the game because there's a whole lot of other stuff that I didn't talk about in regard yeah go right ahead okay okay uh so as far as Deo Samuel goes um we made a conf conscious effort to get in the ball I just I'm just such a bigger fan of him um as a rece I mean it's nice to run those little gimmicky trick plays every now and then but if you're running him like he's Jerome Bettis dude he's you can tell it's not his it's not fit for him sure he likes to do it he likes it to put his contact and put his online but is it smart you're paying this wide receiver so much damn money to be our wide receiver you're not paying him to be a fullback we just drafted Isaac gendo who I was dying to see in the game like whenever they Jordan by the way Jordan Mason had an amazing game everybody knows that I mean I'm preaching to the choir here 147 yards 5.2 per carry one touchdown he was off the hook dude but um whenever we tried to spell him it was always Debo Samuel why we just drafted a running back isaaco 6 foot two 230 pounds .3 yard 40 and and I know Bobby Turner is a pain in the ass when it comes to you know letting running backs go on the field he held Jordan Mason back all this time he was the reason why Jordan Mason wasn't getting on the field prior to to the season so maybe that's what it is I don't know we we draft we uh signed out one guy Taylor from Green Bay they said he's a strong powerful Runner and he made the team because he was really really impressive in pack practice whoever it is dude just got you got a couple of bigger dudes if you want to rest Mason they're actual real running backs not this w back BS that we've been seeing for God knows how long I don't want to like there were so many times where he was getting smacked out there and and sometimes they were just forcing it on these short they designed these short little pass plays and he was just getting smacked and it's like dude throw it to him downfield like why is everything such a like in the middle of the field where he can get pulverized by linebackers yeah get your knees caught up and everything yeah dude they were going low on him they were hitting him down low I was literally just talking about you before I said that the the Instagram story that I said where the Niners pull me back in every single year when I say it's not going to happen and uh red jet is the one who responded too she was right back in like regular season form just uh you know yelling at the TV getting pissed getting frustrated I'm the same way like as soon as that kicked in I'm like I'm back I'm back so you know when I first yelled at the TV um um it was one when they they they had that stupid that offensive lineman was freaking neck tying Bosa dude that was crazy man yeah such a throw it was such a throwaway clip right they were showing something else right and and I'm like whoa like what the hell I said this before with James on Sunday said Nick has to be the guy that goes to the ref and is like hey look I'm not trying to complain but so and so so say 70 I I keep saying 75 75 is holding and he's choking me put it out there ref's do listen they have little notepads like I said they write this stuff down remember the clip with Kyle talking to the ref about a certain thing that was going to happen and then it happened during it was like that Browns 49ers you know the one where we were like kicking their butt uh it was a 2019 it was that game where like you know BOS had the sa and they did the little thing with the Ohio State and all that stuff or wherever he's from I don't know anyways I kind of felt like the 49ers and I told lost my train of thought I freaking love it you want to you want to about the refs yeah I just thought that he needs to be more vocal he's one of those guys that will just sit there and suffer in silence yeah you you and James were saying that I'm not so I was too busy screaming my head off to watch what both both was doing after the play or see I'm pretty sure after that play he had to have said something I'm G I have the game recorded but I I didn't go back and watch it but I mean I it was funny though because I some my friends didn't notice Bosa getting getting um Bosa and Chokehold while the play was going they only saw during the replay and I thought that was like the most that that totally stood out like a sore thumb because BOS is like literally on the island away from all the other offensive lineman it's not like it was this huge CL cluster of lineman or whatever he like was so obvious when you see it but like Troy Aman and freaking um the Joe Buck or whatever I don't think they even said anything when while the play was going no they said it after when they they looked at the replay they said yeah they were they were like hey Nick Bose is getting choked out there I'm not exactly sure who said it could even been during the halftime highlights I'm not exactly but it was mentioned yeah uh I thought um listen all the talk about the offensive line as far as pass blocking goes I'm I'm gonna make a comparison to something so don't jump on me for the you know the three of you that are actually watching uh that looked like the old Dallas offensive line in the in the early 90s the way that the ners oh yeah they were blowing people off the ball dude py KN GNA wood because it's only one game and there's a whole season left to go and there's tape that's going to be put on him and all that other stuff so far he looks pretty good he's moving Heaven and Earth those holes were humongous uh I don't another mikati dude he that's exactly what I said during the game to myself I Tred to tell my brother but he doesn't know who Mike kupati is but I was like he reminds me of mikati uh and uh you know if and somebody tweeted after the game Niners get a right tackle in next year's draft this offensive line all of a sudden becomes really scary and that is 100% true Banks is really good Trent Williams is going to be here for a little bit still uh Center is he's serviceable but if you get a right tackle next to puny a Right Guard all of a sudden this becomes like you know then it becomes not fair you know it's like taking candy from a baby that's not fair um yeah so on three separate occasions Dominic puny um blocked two players at once I mean he when mckivitz makes mistakes he covers up those mistakes and and early in the game I was freaking out like what the hell are you doing pass protection but later as the game went on went by I was like okay you know what pretty actually has time to throw and sometime for Mo for the most part pry was making some nice throws every now and then I was scratching my head like come on guy you're a million times better than this there was one pass to the right sideline where PR tried to throw the Debo and I was like what who the hell is he trying to throw and then they and then announcers were like no no it's a miscommunication blah BL I was like okay okay they saw that Debo didn't you know go where he was supposed to go whatever but the announcers made a point to say that this team really hasn't practiced together as an offense since the Super Bowl yeah you can you can say that they looked at at times listen this was I would say offensively this was probably a C+ effort and then people like C+ Mason was amazing he was but there was so many points left out there if this is what the ners do at say like 78% of efficiency offensively it's a pretty pretty scary notion it's a pretty scary thing to think about that this is just the tip of the iceberg um yeah the worrying thing that I guess we can kind of go into since it has something to do with running back is this whole um tendonitis of the Achilles that Christian m Caffrey has I guess it's been something that they've known about for a while and I I read up on it and it said it could sometimes take a couple months for uh it's like rest and recovery and stretching and all that stuff to get it to go away are you comfortable with Mason for a long stretch of time or are you good like hey he's here for a couple games but Christian mcaffry is the the goat and uh does it make you nervous long term with the 4 ners this season I mean what what were they saying four games or three games I'm not sure what the exact prognosis was for for CMC to come back I have heard nothing as far as I don't know maybe you heard concrete yeah yeah I mean like there was a quote that said if it was a playoff game he would have been playing I saw that I saw that so that that tells me that he could possibly play in the Vikings game but it tells me also it also tells me that Kyle may take it easy and not have him play the Vikings and he'll have him play against the Rams I see him playing if that's the case I see him playing against the Rams um if if they if they [ __ ] use gando I wouldn't be really be too worried about that much I not not yeah I'm not saying the guy's polished or anything like that and you know I know the ners are really picky about certain guys they have but KY doesn't like rookies brother you know that but his Scouting Report coming out of college was he already knew how to pass block he already has hands um and obviously he's a nice little runner dude he's not not little but yeah I mean I don't know giving the ball at least three or four or five times a game tops he doesn't have to be out there getting 15 carries or anything like that but you know having spell Mason for those who missed it I was just scream my head off about I'm sick of Debo getting ran like Jerome Bettis I was saying it I was saying it that one year where where we lost to the freaking Rams in the playoffs you just got sick of them doing that with them and then we did it again but it is effective from time to time I understand but there's other things you can do you don't have to do that trickery all the damn time use actual running backs and one more thing earlier you said C+ about the offensive effort right right away it rung a bell in my head I was thinking the Christmas story remember that that teacher she was like C plus that kind of I remember I've never seen you've never seen the Christmas story they've only replayed it on T like during the Christmas season there's days million they literally replay it like a hundred times back to back yeah but you know um against the Vikings I didn't really Scout them too much but I know they won with Sam darnold that's interesting so and and I hate playing in Minnesota we did not play our best ball there so hopefully we can fix that ners haven't won in Minnesota and I know we're kind of jumping ahead here since 1992 I was actually watching the highlights I've been watching a lot of old Niner highlights back when Montana and then early young you know back in the early 90s when young took over some some games where the ners lost I don't know I just have this obsession with the past when it comes to the ners and watching old football um what was I gonna say about 49ers off I just think they look like a team that didn't all practice together I mean I really don't want to bang on iuk too much but man pton Manning pton Manning was you could see the competitive nature of pton Manning come out when he made the comment of like that's why you don't hold out and you get in Camp early and you and you practice and get in shape because that you have you have you have to catch that oh yeah yeah he he even told the media when in the locker room like after the game they asked him a question about that missed opportunity on that and he's all yep that was a dime like he he's he seems a lot more humble now like compared to when I saw him in the the Niners locker room cleaning out their lockers for the end of the season a few days after the Super Bowl like he he was pouting and whining I almost wanted to punch him dude it's was like dude shut up we like think of your teammates and how bad they feel don't whine and complain about your upcoming contract that hasn't even started yet negotiation wise but that's another thing we finally got that crap out of the way now it's go time I'll give you a pass iuke it was week one you've barely been with the team I know somebody who played High School football how how much how how much cohesion is important how how much how important reps are all that and I was surprised again TR Williams with all that damn time he missed I was surprised he looked like the real Trent Williams but auk looked okay at times he didn't look terrible um he didn't look slow or out of shape to me but you know there's timing and all this other stuff that you get used to and just the certain the feel of the game where you where things feel like second nature and you could you could tell it definitely had some Rust but hey after this week one okay what it's a scratch from here on out man you got a ball I feel like him and Trent Williams missing time was uh not a good thing you know uh Trent maybe it's a little easier for him because I don't know maybe he was doing I don't know pushing the sled the whole time he was out but auk he something was off with him yesterday I don't know it his his body language after the game was a little bit not unnerving it just you could tell that like you know Bosa came in last year late affected him Deo came in late on contract overweight it affected him um and now with this whole situation with uh Brandon auk it's 100% affecting him you could he doesn't I mean we got a long season and a lot of things can change but this whole waiting and waiting and waiting to put contracts on on the table and get them signed and all this funny business that goes on uh we're lucky that we have such a deep roster that we can do what we can do even when people aren't playing up to their uh potential but uh you know that luxury won't always be here so yeah I wasn't extremely happy with auk's performance yesterday but like you said give him a pass it's week one just get better as you go forward and yeah I was uh I wasn't too happy I I kind of glossed over it when it first happened but when I saw that clip with pton Manning just ripping his ass I was like whoat that I my own opinions though those other guys aren't going to influence me I I just knew going into the game he wasn't going to be the same auk in week one I knew I knew right away and there's guys who practice the whole SE whole um preseason in training camp and they um and they they aren't always the same weak on so I just I just knew he wasn't going to be the 100% same guy but then I was like okay well we got so many other receivers anyways somebody's gonna Step Up Joan Jennings was looking pretty damn good and times look pretty good in the passing game too Joan Jennings was a big time third down savior that he always is he's uh slow as hell he is what he is he does his job well uh troyan says you know maybe he doesn't get the attention and maybe he doesn't he goes maybe he doesn't deserve it but uh he when his number is called the PA nine out of 10 times uh Jan Jenning makes it the big catch you are right about Debo though too he lost weight to be in better shape right oh yeah we're running them like fat Debo like big heavy set thick tree trunk Debo what was the whole point of losing weight now you're G to put him between the tackles I don't know the logic of Kyle Shanahan and how he doesn't trust other than his guys like he has this like you know the the Cabo click whatever want to call it certain individuals uh it's like Kyle just reverts back to what makes him comfortable and it feels like that always affects us later down the line when you like you said we don't like get other people involved get them kind of up the speed get them kind of into the the offensive flow and so if something happens someone goes down they can be part of it instead of being like oh God now we're out of like the whole the whole narrative was what cmc's not here playing Brock P's going to play bad and then 49ers are going to lose and so they they kind of killed that narrative yesterday but you know there's other ones too well I mean what's your take I mean like I I know we keep reverting back to the Deo thing but why I I don't know um yeah hopeful hopefully when they start watching the film Kyle's like oh damn I put him in bad positions to possibly get injured and yeah let's use our running backs Kyle I think that might be I hope Bobby Turner if but he's the one because now everybody's saying Bobby Turner was the one reason why he Jordan Mason couldn't get on the field last year so those guys got to wake up it's Bobby Turner Kyle dude it's just like you got other guys on the team it doesn't hurt to to put in a rookie running back for to get five carries a game there's nothing that risky about that the risk factor in my opinion is pretty low dude um I just don't get it so you know and even if it's Taylor why not Taylor he's a veteran right you know doesn't have as much as I like gendo and I die to see him on the field okay well put in put in Taylor I guess and since he has the experience but um I mean they had actually gendo I don't know if gendo's ahead him on the death dep chart but he was actually in the game and um taking reps at running back and I didn't see Taylor out there so um that that's interesting I have uh I've had some reservations about the 49ers special teams they look pretty damn good yesterday uh mainly because Jake Moody the ever I don't even know what to call him Brian cul's hero Brian culp's hero yeah he loves him I wanted to see Brian cul's face yesterday when Moody went six for six you know it's like a it's like a fat kid eating a freaking Snickers bar just like I'm like a kid in a candy store uh yeah I mean they look good their their kick coverage is good their punt coverage was good uh other than the last Drive of the game I thought the defense was pretty solid that last Drive kind of pissed me off though I don't know how you feel about garbage time and and uh garbage time time and prevent defense and like the the tackling towards the end of the game was getting a little suspect some bad angles were being taken wasn't as crisp as early on does that ever bother you because that bothers me I feel like it could I don't know it bothers me right right when it happens I'm like oh that's stupid but then then you know I get over it because I look at the scoreboard I look at the time left I'm like God it doesn't doesn't matter anyways because we're going to win so I it it it pisses me off in the moment but then again it goes away like three or four minutes later so it never bothers me long term though because I know those are meaningless touchdowns when I play football we there are a couple teams were just blown out and beating the you know the pants off of them and then they throw in these like fifth stringers and next thing you know the other team scoring when we had a shut out you know me me and the other guys on the sideline was back when I was playing defense like oh man they put these sorry as dudes in here now they're letting them score on them and the coach is like dude shut up man dude shut up nobody nobody um cares about those touchdowns because they're getting their butts kicked and the only guy who cares about those cares about those touchdowns the guys scoring the touchdowns as I was like yeah such just I just got to have a short memory when it comes to crap like that unless unless it actually gets them in the game yeah it does ruin the stats I get that part the defense and all that it ruins the defensive stats yeah let's see if I could bring those stats up and nobody nobody's probably gonna be able to see them so you can zoom in on them you can zoom in on um on your browser on my browser yeah how do I do that on the top right corner where it has that little three dots thing on Google you're using Google Chrome yeah yeah just zoom in on it just just hit that hit that little thing with the um the three dots thing on the top right corner and then there's a zoom thing in the right middle it doesn't really work with video though unfortunately huh that's weird yeah so I can't really see that with my eyes if you want I could do it I here let me see are you doing from you're doing it from Yahoo I know from Google I mean no I just have it downloaded in the uh the actual oh that's why that's why okay okay I I got you so were were you trying to show the team stats or team stats uh gendo all that happy stuff it was on the 49ers you go to Google you can find it on there it's uh I'm gonna request to share my screen really quick because I I was I was able to zoom in on mine at least um I don't know if this is any better hold on a sec let me uh let's get this the only thing is I gotta scroll downwards and just let me know what you want to if you can read off what you see on my screen go ahead when I all right let's go here there it splits it yeah it splits it out let's get rid of the overlay here there you go yeah so you can actually take us off and then there you go so there you go so we got total yards 49ers 401 uh Jets wow 266 98 passing yards to 221 uh rushing yards 180 to 68 wow that's a big that's a big number that counts 37 carries the 49ers had too last night yeah dude I saw people on Twitter complaining that we didn't run the ball enough what yeah Kyle doesn't run the ball enough we kicked field goals we kicked field I'm like dude weird that sounds like somebody we know Outside YouTube yeah oh I I can't I can't stand the new it wasn't him actually was some other jackasses but yeah I mean yeah first downs 24 to4 man that's like wow they lapped their ass yeah we sure did third down off allowed though ners three Jets one we only got one sack last night yeah I know there was some good pressure here and there but I wish we have got more sacks that would have been nice that the one sack that we had was a split sack between um Bosa and Eli no why I always call him Eli Herold leoy Floyd I know exactly I get I hate that name that um so it looks like the Jets only punted three times interesting I thinkig they would have punted a lot that fumble that uh Fred Warner created last night wow tbook that was like Mike Tyson punching the ball out man I've seen dud punch the ball out before where I've seen dudes punch the ball out before but that was like one of the most epic punch fumbles I've ever seen or peanut punches whatever you're gonna call it time possession we were just killing them 38 minutes and 40 seconds to almost 40 minutes of possession time yesterday yeah that was crazy and we and we it could have been so much better it could have so much better yeah let's look at the uh quarterback stats so 19 of 29 which isn't bad 231 yards like he didn't have a great he didn't have a a a stellar game he I would say he had a he was good serviceable to good game yeah made a couple of questionable throws um but you know what we're so freaking I don't know if it's because we do this YouTube thing and a lot of us people that do this YouTube thing especially people that get a massive following like I think we just overanalyze they call it uh uh paralyzed paralysis by analysis that's what we're doing we're like oh God he didn't have like we look at a game where a guy only throws 231 yards as a a proof that someone is an elite like someone has to throw for 500 yards and throw 60 times like yeah what are we doing when you got 32 points on the scoreboard I mean that that passing number doesn't even really matter that much you know cuz the points are what matters at the I mean he should have had a it should have had a touchdown I mean you can make the argument that he pretty much had a TD pass and so sure it says zero right there but um you know D A dropped it Deo Samuel eight carries he had about seven carries too much and see how effective it was 2.9 yards a carry was is it really worth smashing him around like drone Bettis for only 2.9 per carry sure he got the touchdown but um yeah you got you got running backs use them the real running backs not this fake Deo Samuel crap that we keep doing over that's why people give them the grief that they do because the Niners use them interchangeable with uh even guys like uh caek Well here here's the thing though it's only effective when you do it every once in a while if you keep [ __ ] going to it there's no surprise element nothing they they're going to see it coming how about the um how about the uh Demetrius Flanigan F's interception off of the Lenor what a perfect what a perfect pass coverage on that play by dador the old Dion Sanders kind of bait the throw get the hand in there like he played off a little bit and then closed in on it that was very I no people I'm not calling him Dion saying it was very Dion S as far as you know D has been pretty much the steal of a pick so far dude it really is shearious Ward had another humongous game yeah he was really good Isaac Adam I'm not saying he's bad but I just I just need to see more of him to be to figure out who he really is at times he look good but there was one time he kind of looked bad so I'm just like whatever with him so far and what about uh we didn't find out I didn't even find out because they they they played it as if freaking uh hunga was playing yesterday even in like the if you look at some of the lineups like they didn't have they didn't have uh what's as nuts as the other starting safety until like I didn't see it thought J Brown J Brown was a starter so I said I I that's weird because I I had the I had heard it somewhere like way before the game started that huanga wasn't playing I thought I heard it the day before or something so ju Jennings speaking of which Speaking sorry speaking of which Jordan Mason did you see how that he was all almost about to cry in the press conference because Matt mioko asked him when did you find out you were the starter or whatever so they asked him postgame and he said he learned out Friday they asked Kyle Kyle said I never said that to him and then he had a pissy ass attitude when that's why I don't like talking in the media like dude it's part of youring job dude stop being a puss a I mean by I guess he violated a rule because Kyle didn't report it that that CMC was going to be out either way though if say CMC is healthy and they told him that he's going to be the starter on freaking um you know on Friday is that really a violation of the rule maybe they just wanted to make him the starter and maybe even though CMC was healthy doesn't you know I mean I just don't see how that's like a oh he told the like after the game when they came to him on the field and he like oh they told him he told the lady that he knew he was going to start so then like the media he feels like he was being grilled and attacked I don't know who cares if the ners get fine they have billions of dollars and millions of dollars right it's like what are they gonna do find him a draft pick they lying I know it's all right we don't draft well until like the third round anyway so it's all right yeah so you want to read their receiving stats go you go Jennings five catches 64 yards 12.8 a carry that's 12.8 reception that's not bad Debo samel 5 for 54 it's like every time you look at it it's like a first down per per uh per reception for all these guys George KD four for 40 use check two for 20 by or B why don't I call him by all the time I thinking of Brian Young uh two for 28 should have had a touchdown Jordan Mason one for five so rock pie doing the uh what do they call it the uh manager game manager uh stat line of just spreading the ball around you know he was thinking ding from time to time but he didn't have to be the superhero in this game he really didn't I really like one the one thing I really like about him that I hated about Jimmy Garoppolo is he doesn't he doesn't play Careless he'll have a couple throws he'll be like oh that's you know whatever but that's every quarterback right I mean freaking Aon Rogers threw an interception yesterday you know we're just overanalyzing because it's Rock pie a lot of people made a good point like if he was the first pick in the draft everybody would be praising him but because he is who he is every time he has a bad game or has a bad series uh I tweeted this yesterday I said the uh The Three Amigos and you know who I'm talking about bash you know you know they they they were gonna put him over the coals for having a standard game uh I'm I I don't follow any of those people or watch any of those people but I'm pretty sure there was a little bit of a pretty I don't know about him narrative going on last night in some of the postgame shows I'm almost positive well my narrative is is if this is pry when he plays bad right great because we put up 32 damn points on on scoreboard so yeah yeah it was tryman that was saying that by the way he was saying if had he been drafted higher people would hold him more in high regard did you want did you want to cover the defense yeah Fred Warner uh five tackles two assists uh Isaac gatum item four tackles damor Lenor George odm three tackles a lot of people are not big on this George odm thing because he's not this bigname flashy player like oh why didn't Malik Mustafa start BL blah blah blah BL like he's not experienced enough he's not a veteran yet there's probably things that George Odum can do within within the frame of the defense that are probably currently better scheme-wise or just better veteran wise that awareness wise that are better like like you gotta remember like malcol stuff is kind of more of a box safety anyways I don't know I don't know if he he's actually fit to be the strong sa free safety role at this point in stage in his career so you know just like hold your horses when they're gonna they're going to be out there when these guy these defensive coordinators the two defensive coordinators we have the DB coaches they know better than us dude I'm not tripping off a safety and who's starting what about de DeAndre Campbell didn't look too bad looked pretty good decent out there I thought he looked okay yeah I thought he looked okay not not anything super impressive I thought Javon Hargrave uh played with a little bit of fire up his ass yesterday Malik Malik Collins Malik Collins man this Niners run defense yesterday looked really really really good and pray to the injury gods that Malle Collins stays healthy because man then have the ners had a presence inside with defensive tackles since probably Bryant Young and Dana Stubblefield the way that they have with Collins and Har grave dude they have two legit defensive tackles well it's kind of like with hard grave though he's not the greatest run stopper but then now we have Jordan nelli in the mix so I'll totally give me that Trio any day over over paying Armstead all that money don't even ask me to say the last guy on the list because I can't s yeah you know what I kept thinking he was on the Detroit Lions now because some guy there's a number 91 on the Detroit Lions now that almost has the same exact last name I [ __ ] you not and I was confused I thought thought we had cut him and the Lions picked him up and um shout out to 49 media Ono and um you know we can we can go back to the video now now probably have to share this screen but I want show 49 media a shout out um his guy Demetrius Flanigan FES he put it in the chat did get it in interception I know that's like one of your favorite Reserve linebackers I was thinking he might get cut because we had Jaylen Ram in B dff guy I've never been I wanted Jaylen Graham on the team I was pissed when he got cut and I think he could potentially be a starter somewhere else our linebackers were super be deep but he heads up play by him off the de we mentioned it earlier but I'm going to mention again the hyena Deo Deo Lenor just made a great play on the ball and dff cat caught it it was a really really good catch it wasn't like an easy you know dime thrown to him or anything like that so shout out to him let me see if I can uh I'm gonna see if I can download for us and put it in the chat we got some newer guys in the chat if you want to shout them out give me one second and I will and yeah what else can I bring up for this game um let me glance at a few names I didn't see anything from Robert field Jr I know he was out there but I didn't see anything jumped out yeah obviously BOS Le Leonard Floyd are they they're they're the guys I mean those are two Star Pass rushers Leonard Floyd could potentially be the best pass rusher opposite Bosa that we've ever had and possibly even better than D Ford even though he's not necessarily um you know a young younger player so to speak so keep your eye out on that it's just a depth the depth at the end is really scary I mean I want these guys to be as healthy as POS as possible by the time you know Super Bowl Playoffs come wherever we end up so we'll see I'm trying to download the uh I'm trying to download the uh the clip of Payton Manning kind of unloading oh okay okay okay and what website you getting from because you could probably just share it on the screen oh I you're right I probably could do that yeah just sh sh it's just the Audio I me but you were telling me was I I know they had Adam Sandler on there by the way um I saw it on Instagram I don't watch those live streams when they do that when they have the Banning Brothers but I know Adam Sadler was in there for a man he's a Jets fan and they're like ragging on Adam s because a as um Aaron Rogers threw an interception it was off the Aaron Rogers interception play and Aaron R Adam s was literally saying he wanted to get off the air I think he was like he was trying to channel his anger um or qu bite his tongue even though he was angry and pissed inside so kind of funny and proper 49ers says Aaron Rogers Bean face I for those who know me well maybe I haven't said maybe I didn't say it much leading up to the game but I definitely said leading up to um Packers games whenever we played the Packers I I probably hate Aaron Rogers more than any other Niner person on YouTube as much as anybody who really really hates him and I hate very few people on this planet but I just think he's a prick um he disrespects his own parents thinks he's better than everybody um I can go on on on and um yeah so I don't know how I don't know how to load the screen and unfortunately you don't know how to share the screen just hit just hit present on the bottom of the screen or you can send me the link send me the link in the private chat I'll do it all right I'll send you the link in the private jet I want everybody to see this because I thought it was I haven't seen it yet yeah let's go private chat let's go link I'm sure there's other stuff in the game so many things happen that I can't necessarily think of but oh speaking of you mentioned special teams earlier really quick before we get into this um while the game was going because when I see these new kickoffs take place and I see other teams like haul ass on these kickoff returns I get scared like damn I know we have problems with coverage I know the preseason we had problem with problems with kickoff coverage and I and I tweeted something like um hey you can call me stupid all you want but I'm never gonna understand these damn new kickoff rules looks so stupid I they're trying to reinvent the wheel with this garbage what they're trying to do they're trying to avoid massive collisions I get it yeah I mean they got guys wearing the the the guardian helmet now on the field which looks absolutely the oh so so the players were wearing those puffy little helmets Yeah that's a new level of buffoonery if you ask yeah it it looks like something from a cartoon or something all right whenever you're ready I'll play um you can add it you can um play it P oops uh I don't know if you want want take the leay layout off yeah I'll take over to I'll take it off there you go we're at the bottom the screen my bad I'll make um py Manning full screen the two is the Manning brothers and talking about the iuk Play Let's Go y Jing you he's a little rusty Pate you know he's missed all training camp get signed get in training camp there's a reason for training camp you need it we need the Reps oh get those contracts done early so we can get in training camp we don't drop balls on opening night catching passes running routs all a sudden you're laying out for a pass full speed diving that's you know that's that's why yeah those those happen in Camp you make those you practice those that's just a little rusty right there you're still catching balls at a high school field from some quarterback that's 45 five years old my age you're not catching balls from your quarterback get signed get in Camp and we don't drop the ball freaking that's funny that no is he wrong though is is it is it fair is it fair like he was kind of be I mean part of me kind of says hey man cut the guy some slack but you know pay Manning's old school and I a lot of us are old school purus and you know people say like oh don't don't rag on the players for wanting more money they earn this they deserve this never get mad for out a players who who want who want more money and so there there's that camp and then there's the camp of hey you know why do these guys want so much money they're greedy ya ya y i you know I try to stay out of it but it's like I don't think players are greedy because they want a lot I I don't believe that it's the market it's the market if if if uh if me and you were both doctors and they were paying us $2 million a year are we being selfish no if that's what the market pids then pay it but he's right get in Camp that that he looked like he didn't want to smack his body into the ground I don't know if you notied that kind of a little bit of like a like a hesitation kind like a that little bit of alligator arms I'm like I'm not here bash I'm not here to bash an i you guys I'm just brand Lloyd or something he was trying yeah he was trying to channel his inner Brandon Lloyd but he ended up turning into uh his inner AJ Jenkins instead AJ Jenkins that guy was such a we had another bust wide receiver too soon after too left I forgot his name he was a first rounder that so the ners are tied with the Seattle Seahawks top of the NC West I really W I watched the game with the Seahawks uh against the Denver Broncos because I like to scout the west of course like I'm gonna watch other teams because they're in our division not just because of the YouTube thing but well part of is because the YouTube thing because I like to be informed but like Seattle it's hard to get a read on them with that defense because they played B Knicks and he was missing plays left and right so I don't know what's your what's your thought on Seattle I know we're kind of moving the we're moving to a different thing now but uh NFC I I want to cover again really really quick before I forget because this this is on the tip of my tongue um you know it's funny because remember when he signed the contract and then people were like it's the same deal the Niners offered from three weeks ago or something like that and then they're like then then there was people like no no no the hent debunk that blah blah blah blah that's not true blah blah blah blah blah blah and then now like like L like a day before the game they brought it out how like how he he he was at practice and Kyle Shanahan well hey guess what dude we're putting together a trade for you to go to Steelers and then brand auk then Kyle Shanahan's running back no no no no don't trat auk he said he take the deal that we gave him he'll take our initial offer yeah that was so it was it was Guy on Fox on Glazer Jay Glazer so are going to point some out some blame for for for him not taking that that same offer weeks ago that part is actually true so I wish he did take it take it back then so he could have been more season but but at the end of the day we still won the freaking game move on week two though no more excuses Brandon um let's get this going it's go time sorry you asking about the Seahawks I know that I forgot what yeah I just I just it's it's hard it's it's hard to tell if this is going to be another easy division title this year the Rams like even though puka n is going to be out for a bit which I think is Advantage ners Niners played the Rams early so winning this game and getting it's funny I worry more about division games than I do certain other games because you know if you win your division you're in the playoffs right you win the division you're in I uh anytime you can get up on your division even if it's in like the first five weeks of the season is always a great thing so they're tied with Seattle uh they played the Rams in a couple weeks um and so no I thought Seattle offensively looks anemic I think their quarterback as always sucks he is why they will not win the West this year I think the 49ers it's going to be be between the 49ers and the Rams which is kind of lazy uh reporting as they would say because it's kind of obvious that the Rams are at least offensively really really talented but um did you check out any of the other games on Sunday here's my story Sunday went to church early and then I'm my mom's um Chau first so I was driving her around all over town that day by the time I I was able to watch anything was the evening game and I didn't I didn't watch the very end so I barely caught highlights um I saw a little bit of the Seahawks highlights but they if you're asking me that they impressed me as a team no they didn't I have the Sunday Ticket because I live on the east coast so I watched all the games or at least the games that I think mattered I watched the Miami game with my brother that was a stressful game for him like I said he was in midseason for him too screaming at the he heard me last night okay I know I keep jumping around so the refs take forever and I was starting to get into the game I was starting to get out of crying about the Super Bowl and getting back into normal regular season erand which is I get really emotional watching games the rest pissed me off and I was like come on and my brother's like I heard you I thought that was hilarious I was like really he's like but I agree with you I just the refs I don't know if you've ever seen it was a uh it was Rock versus uh CM Punk 2013 they're doing their back and forth with each other the rock puts his hand out because he's about to say something really really impactful and CM Punk I don't think it was planned he just goes come on like let's go like talk so that's kind of what I did yesterday I yeah I don't you're always talking about CM punck I feel bad because I that that generation never captivated me the whole punk guy yeah I'm just I'm so 80s and 90s when it comes to wrestling that a lot of the new stuff just is just like oblivious to me I don't really watch it like that anymore either like I used to watch WCW and WWE uh like religiously you know I got into it in like I would say 99 probably post Owen Hart um up until about 2004 2005 and then I kind of didn't pay attention anymore so but yeah I was just I thought it was funny like that my brother could hear me screaming at the referees and I told him I said bro I'm back I'm back in regular season form as but as far as the Broncos and Seahawks games goes I mean if you're trying to tell me that oh the Seattle Seahawks they won 2620 I'm not gonna focus on the score too much but um when B Knicks um possibly looks more atrocious than um Gino Smith then that team has a problem I'm sorry I mean I mean and then on top of who do they have at running back I don't I'm looking at the who are these guys and and they literally played like no names I'm look at the stat line Jalil mclan 2.7 a carry javante Williams 2.9 a carry um their receivers other than courin Sutton um he he didn't have a good he's the only guy he had a really bad game as a quarterback he's I mean receiver but cour suton I mean he's the only name on that receiving CT I even recognize I like he was one of the people that they connected to the 49ers uh yeah if they were going to do a lot coming I like them a lot coming out of college but this looks like a really crappy roster to to to say that a good team right now the Seahawks won and we have to fear them I I don't no right no I don't fear them I just I don't know how to read them how do you read a team that beat on a team that's probably gonna win two games this year possibly yeah I don't know go watch your Caleb William highlights he's even worse oh I never thought Caleb Williams was goingon to be good coming to the NFL again you can call me hater all you want I know we're bagging on young quarterbacks but man I hate to do it when I Williams cry like a two year old on the [ __ ] sidelines of a damn college football game at the end of the game dude I was like dude if I'm in NFL GM I'm staying the [ __ ] away from this guy dude not drafting him 49er media referring to what we were talking about earlier about getting deals done early I think he was referring to the video I 100% agree for minor media says the Niners or excuse me the Rams have a lot of offensive line injuries good for the ners good for the ners uh I have no sympathy for teams when they have injury problems after what we've dealt with the last seven eight years I'm not going to [ __ ] at perogue though in the front office though because as long as they [ __ ] took we some for some odd reason in the universe have the most cap space out of any other team it's something ridiculous like that I could be wrong with the exact maybe we're top maybe we're top five in cap it's ridiculous it's no they're number one the Niners are number one the N it's ridiculous dude like like how do they come up how do they do the things they do I so I can I'm I'm perfectly fine for with with doing them doing all these last minute deals and they can create that much space I'll be honest about that yeah a lot of his uh money this year uh iuk is it's pretty low his cap hit uh my buddy from growing up he's a big Cowboys fan he said the boys look good we all know how it goes yeah no the Cowboys look really good I I will say that but hey their quarterback got paid he got paid all I gotta say this isan what does that mean what's that go ahead go ahead go ahead no I just the Cowboys I mean so far in the last I don't know however many years the Niners have kind of owned the series ever since we've been competitive I'll put it that way when we were bad they used to kick our ass but no uh I don't really have any hate on the Cowboys uh to be honest with you it's that was a long I I love I love playing them and and getting all the the silly stuff that you see on ESPN from Stephen A I think it's for comedy gold but they did they did look good in week one they did they look really good yeah uh I just want to say one thing Stephen if you're still in here what's your thoughts on Trey Lance 49er fans some of us 49er fans uh step still think that the ners made the wrong choice I think some some Cowboy fans should be the happiest fans on planet Earth dude because um they got the best [ __ ] quarterback in the NFL for only a fourth round pick from the the 49ers if you hear these dumb asses that [ __ ] on Brock pie so [ __ ] hard they they hate on pie more than fans from other NFL teams oh PR's garbage he sucks he's just like Jimmy G we gave up on Trey Lance he's gonna be so [ __ ] good if this Tre Lance was a quarterback last year we he'd be undefeated I'm not even making this up literally two days ago some jackass before the game was typing up this [ __ ] on Twitter it's like dude do you guys even watch football do you know anything about this [ __ ] game like dude I wanted Trey Lance to [ __ ] succeed I [ __ ] wanted him he not it it's because people who are part of the grant cone click the Hensley the nailor and all those other guys they all drink the grant con Kool-Aid when it comes to and this is this is fact I mean it's like they are not they're not on the the Brock py like oah whatever bandwagon they're not they push that near last year too and that that you know the Tre Lance that whole Tre lance thing that people were still talking about it late in the season posting memes talking about of well the Browns game if Trey Lance would have been in the Browns game last year the Niners probably would have won that it's just there's certain people they use that for engagement because it works they have massive followings but it also takes a lot of the stupid fans that are aren't really educated and that that's all they that's all they have that's all they ever go to when they you know they get confronted with facts uh or if Brock py has one bad game the guy's proven that he can't play in the NFL at least at a starter or even a second string level so but hey if I if I sold out for clicks and Views I would probably be very successful on YouTube too pushing that kind of [ __ ] narrative but that's just me yeah I I'm just talking about random dudes on Twitter have no name whatsoever just guys who claim to be Niner fans they're they're so unhappy that Brock per is our quarterback when okay correct me if I'm wrong or tell me I'm stupid 5 years or 10 years down the line if anybody has a chance to be the next 49 years Hall of Fame quarterback I think he has a really good chance at it not saying 100% it's gonna I'm not even worried I'm not even worried about I think has a really good shot to be something in this league he really best quarterback we've had I think he's the best quarterback we've had since Garcia I like him better than Jeff Garcia he does so so many things better the only thing Garcia has on him is better speed that's it you and Brock PR's fast enough he runs good enough um I don't need him to be um you know that the dude on the what Baltimore Ravens I forgot his name his name escaped my mind but Lamar Jackson yeah yeah Lamar I don't need him to be that guy I don't need him to be Michael Vic you know he's a Lamar Jackson is an amazing athlete but when it comes to just straight up quarterbacking to win be accurate he's not that guy he looked really really good against us I'll say that but playoff time is is a different different animal form I get that I feel like we go through this every year with Lamar Jackson every year he's an MVP and he's this and he's that and then he gets into the playoffs and what happens kind of like Josh Allen too right kind like Josh Allen yeah yeah and it's I was watching some old uh tape of when the Cowboys beat Buffalo those two uh Super Bowls in a row man Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas some players just when they get in big games bash I know they choke I mean they play their offense was so explosive at one and that's what I don't understand you had Andre Reed you had uh you had uh J uh James Lofton yeah you had Don BBE you Hadar all those guys roll all those dudes yeah and then you get into this I mean dude nine turnovers in the the 52 to 17 game don't forget Bruce Smith on defense one the greatest it just doesn't some people Marina was the same amazing player absolutely an amazing thrower of the football you put him in a clutch game he sucked Montana skinny undersized whatever you want to talk about him injury-prone anytime he was in a big game other than when he played the Giants for a couple years money chit Ching money four rings three MVPs you know no Lo care I don't care how far you throw the ball I don't care how fast you're inun the 40 I don't care how much weights you can lift I don't care about your vertical the one thing that matters most of anything and I think Brock has it is a clutch genan I I I really think he has a clutch Gene with him kind of like Montana not I'm like I say it's as good as Montana but you need that clutch Gan just if if those other quarterbacks you mentioned that are not succeeding probably if they had the clutch Gene they'd be hoisting lombardis by now yeah and really quick back back to D Dak pres for Dak Prescott what does that tell you about the other quarterbacks on the team they they saw lent every day um last year in practice and this year in practice so far and I'm throwing this at Niner fans again who think that Lance is the Lance is way better than pry prudy always beats Prescott when he pays him for when he plays him that that's one thing you want to throw out there but the cow are still really really high on Brock on Dak Prescott they gave all that that crazy extension and they're obviously not high on on Tre Lance who they see every day in practice the same way Kyle Shanahan saw every in every day in practice and then Kyle Shanahan wasn't being who they thought he was being he was just being a head coach just like the Cowboys are being being with Trey Lance you know you have to earn things in the NFL the draft position just gets your foot in the door that's all it does it doesn't guarantee [ __ ] in the NFL whoever said it was a meritocracy was that Larry Krueger a lot of people say yeah no it was Steve Young Steve Young it's a meritocracy man it doesn't matter where you're drafted if you help a team win that's who's playing that's it you're reading to tell me you're going to sit on a guy for three years who can't read a defense has bad foot pre uh pocket presents i i i r i but there's people like you said they're still on Twitter still on Facebook still pushing the Tre Lance narrative the brck pretty eight so that's okay I don't get it then you got we had this awesome quarterback and people aren't happy so whatever I I real quick we're gonna get out of here Niners are Sixpoint favorites going into Minnesota so far Niners haven't won there in 32 years do the ners break the break the I not really preview the game but just dick the ners uh take out Sam darnold and go two and0 in Minnesota or are they going to have another one of those house of horror games okay I know we lost to sorry as Christian Ponder in Minnesota we have it we lost to prie off of that not py bre Favre off of that Miracle throw um but I'm gonna I'm gonna go for the for the gold and on this one and go off the deep end and just say hey we finally went to Minnesota and we we we bring down the All Pro of Sam darnold so there you go yeah the ners you know if you want to make yourself look a legitimate threat you got to you can't go from beating a guy like Brett Favre and then lose to a guy like Sam darnold that yeah we beat D Rogers I mean yeah whatever you know what I mean but uh we're gonna get out of here uh John V we see you in the chat we're we're we've been about an hour We're G to get going uh thanks for anybody the anybody's the you know the five or six people on uh uh YouTube and all the people that are on uh Twitter thanks for coming through appreciate you guys uh we'll be back next week uh I would assume with a preview for Sunday's game actually no it'll probably be a post game right post game yeah we're gonna be talking about the the streak that was broken in Minnesota there you go yeah and uh I'll make sure that I get uh on the community tab let you guys know what's going on uh with any other streams this week everybody else do you have anything going on in your channel me I'm supposed to I don't know who's coming on yet so maybe tomorrow or the day after we'll see all right have a good night everyone everybody take care see y night

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Category: Sports

Good morning what's going on everyone welcome to first take thank you for being with us on this tuesday dominique foxworth is in the building i like the green sir ni great to have you with us thank you i think i won the fit check today well second place of you molly but no you no this is this is whatever... Read more

The 49ers 'DOMINATED the Jets' on MNF & Brock Purdy 'OUT-PLAYED' Aaron Rodgers! 😳 | First Take thumbnail
The 49ers 'DOMINATED the Jets' on MNF & Brock Purdy 'OUT-PLAYED' Aaron Rodgers! 😳 | First Take

Category: Sports

Dominant 49ers or bad jets? san francisco without reigning nfl offensive player of the year christian mcaffrey dominated the new york jets 32 to19 to spoil aaron rogers return from last season's torn achilles jordan mason replaced mcaffrey as a starting running back fellas he put on a show yes he did... Read more

KG & Pierce Debate: Jets or 49ers? 🏈 #shorts #NFL thumbnail
KG & Pierce Debate: Jets or 49ers? 🏈 #shorts #NFL

Category: People & Blogs

Monday night football yes sir i got the jets winning because i got 49ers slipping up they had too many guys in the last couple weeks doing contract negotiations they ain't even in shape right now trent williams just signed he been on the couch jess going to catch him slipping week one i don't know what... Read more

Rodgers on facing Leonard Floyd again for Monday Night Football.  #49ersrush #nfl #shorts #mnf thumbnail
Rodgers on facing Leonard Floyd again for Monday Night Football. #49ersrush #nfl #shorts #mnf

Category: Sports

I've always enjoyed some some side conversation with leonard over the years he's a great player played against him on a couple different teams now um you know i hope he doesn't in any way feel responsible for that at all um you know he's a a standup guy i've worked out with him in the off seasons i... Read more

NFL Update: Chiefs - Ravens WHAT A FINISH; Aaron Rodgers vs Nick Bosa in 49ers - Jets thumbnail
NFL Update: Chiefs - Ravens WHAT A FINISH; Aaron Rodgers vs Nick Bosa in 49ers - Jets

Category: Sports

All right that was a really fun start to what i think is going to be a really fun ride the 2024 nfl season the chiefs hang on to beat the ravens in a photo finish you literally had to look at the replay to figure things out there at the end yeah i can't believe that lamar jackson missed z flowers on... Read more

Dak Prescott's new deal means Brock Purdy is in line for OVER $60m per year from 49ers thumbnail
Dak Prescott's new deal means Brock Purdy is in line for OVER $60m per year from 49ers

Category: Sports

All right just hours before the kickoff to this 2024 season huge huge news that involves the 49ers the dallas cowboys have resigned dak prescott to record money he becomes the first $60 million quarterback four years 240 million and now when we look at the average per year at the top of the quarterback... Read more