Dak Prescott's new deal means Brock Purdy is in line for OVER $60m per year from 49ers

all right just hours before the kickoff to this 2024 season huge huge news that involves the 49ers the Dallas Cowboys have resigned Dak Prescott to record money he becomes the first $60 million quarterback four years 240 million and now when we look at the average per year at the top of the quarterback Market it had been 55 million Joe burrow Jordan love Trevor Lawrence all at that 55 million Mark now it's at 60 million so this paves the way for Brock pury who's next we've been talking about Brock pie and Dak Prescott being the the next eligible quarterbacks obviously Prescott eligible before pie pie won't be eligible until the playoffs the end of the regular season the 49ers can actually negotiate prior to the Super Bowl if they so choose to and Brock Pie has to choose to do that as well takes two to 10o but this sets the table for Brock pie to be the first quarterback North of 60 million apy Tom peliso I think reported the the initial numbers first then we got 231 million in guarantees now this is a little bit more complicated there's total guarantee money and there's fully guaranteed money fully guaranteed money is stronger than total guaranteed money because fully guaranteed money is guaranteed for skill total guaranteed money is only guaranteed for injury so Deshawn Watson had I think still has the high water mark in fully guaranteed money the Browns gave him an unprecedented deal that had 230 million fully guaranteed there no funny money on it at all they say you know the report here is that Prescott's at $231 million but the report is saying that it's just guaranteed money nobody's specifying that it's fully guaranteed money when agents first released numbers they'd rather just keep the guarantees General they just want to say guarantees so it seems higher if it was fully guaranteed money for Dak Prescott I think almost certainly we'd hear that it was fully guaranteed money it' be described as such right now so Prescott now has the most total guarantees in NFL history the total guarantee scale here it deshun Watson had been at number one because the total guarantees are also full guarantees for for for Deshaun Watson he had been at 230 million Joe burrow had been at 219 million Trevor Lawrence is at 200 million so Dak Prescott at 231 million now we're still waiting for the fully guaranteed total for Dak Prescott the top of that list we have got deshun Watson at at the 230 million that I was talking about followed by Joe burrow at 146.54 million Lamar Jackson at 135 million so you could see here that the league is likely still viewing DeShaun Watson's 230 million fully guaranteed as an outlier I'm guessing that Prescott will be at around 150 million fully guaranteed maybe 160 number two again is Joe burrow at [Music] 146.54 backs in the league as far as efficiency went were Brock pie and Dak Prescott this is from Ben Baldwin's website so this is why I say that the path is clear for 60 million plus for Brock P if he puts up another good season for the 49ers especially if he puts up another great season for the 49ers then the way that the quarterback Market works is that each subsequent contract Leap Frogs the previous number one so if you look at this by XY AIS completion percentage above expectation is on the x-axis so moving left and right and EPA Perl it's expected points added per play is on the y- AIS so that's going to be a nice objective measure of efficiency within the context of Any Given offense you want to be further to the right and further up on this graph that's where Brock pie is Dak Prescott is also where you want to be this is for 2023 by the way Brock Dak Prescott is in the upper right as well just like Josh Allen too vioa had an ice here last year Jaylen Herz Lamar Jackson Patrick Mahomes familiar names moving along the diagonal line toward the upper right but it's pie who is standing out amongst everybody if you look down at the bottom for the EPA and cpoa cpoe so EPA is the vertical axis and cpoe is the completion percentage OV expectation that's the horizontal axis they put a composite score at the bottom and they rank all that NFL quarterbacks well look at the top two it's Brock pie and Dak Prescott also if you you know look at qbr that I know that's proprietary but qbr has been a good way to uh you know reflect some of the the rankings that I just showed you in a simpler number it was Brock pie number one Dak Prescott number two so that's what's at stake for Brock pie and the 49ers this year you deliver another good season you have now stacked three Good Seasons on top of each other and the way that the quarterback Market continues to LeapFrog itself you put yourself into position if you're Brock pury to be at least a $61 million quarterback it's just the way the market works it was about I don't know four or five months ago and and I said Brock P's on in line to be a $60 million quarterback and a lot of people said no way that's crazy yes way it's the way that it's going this is exactly how things were trending and this is exactly how things have gone Dak Prescott has now hit the $60 million Mark and Brock pie is one of the next he's the next Elite guy in line to be paid now he's not eligible yet you're not eligible to be paid until after you've accured three NFL regular seasons that means that on I don't know the 49ers week 18 game against arizonas sometime in early January so after that is done Brock pie will be eligible for a new contract and the timing here is going to be super super interesting because Brock p is gonna have ultimate leverage if he delivers another good year it's it's just the nature of the game the quarterback position is so important to any team that I mean a hold out from that position threatens to derail and I think would derail an entire season I mean you saw what happened when Brock pie hurt his elbow against the Philadelphia Eagles it was over very quickly for the 49ers in NFC Championship game so Leverage is defined by the willingness and ability to walk away and the impact that walking away would have from a negotiation so Trent Williams had more leverage than Brandon auk just because he's Trent Williams and he's playing at that left tackle position Brock p is going to have more leverage than Trent Williams because he's a quarterback and if he walks away from the table because the 49ers don't give him an offer that he feels is satisfactory well the 49ers are in big trouble so when somebody has ultimate leverage and the quarterbacks in this league do which is why you've seen the pay scale erupt like this when somebody has that ultimate leverage uh it might be beneficial to recognize that sooner rather than later and get on top of things for an extension this is exactly what Dallas just did with Dak Prescott he was still under contract for this season but knowing that Prescott was gonna have a ton of Leverage as the number two qbr guy last year as a good quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys don't get me started with Trey Lance Tre Lance was never gonna replace Dak Prescott in in Dallas when when you have Prescott delivering at this level well you might as well get that deal done right now now before the 2024 season opener now the fort Anders can't get a brock py deal done right now because again he's ineligible for a new contract so he'll he'll have to make most of his money through endorsements for the time being because P's set to make only about a one million base salary this year talk about the best value in sports I think it has to be the 49ers and what they're getting from Brock pie right now Brock pie is over here delivering the most efficient quarterback play in the league by a lot while he is making 160th of the top spot in the NFL it's pie and Prescott one two in efficiency Prescott's number one in pay at 60 million per year and P's at about 1 million per year just adds another fascinating element to one of the great stories in American Sports maybe the one I would say one of the great stories in American Sports history and it will continue to Blossom if prie continues to play well but to go from the very last draft pick in the NFL number 262 Mr Irrelevant as they call that pick to MVP finalist in less than two full seasons including an elbow tear right the the UCL tear the fact that Brock Pie has gone through all of this and is still at the very top of the efficiency scale in the NFL is one of the most fantastic stories that I think anybody uh has seen as far as what the draft can produce in football so now we wait to see what the next chapter of this story is the 49ers obviously open up against the Jets on Monday night that leads me to what I put out this morning up on the athletic Brock Bird's College reunion why the 49ers opener versus the jet has an Iowa State flavor you should go out to the athletic and and check this out you know I I went to Ames over the course of the off season and Iowa State just beat Iowa yesterday much to the Chagrin of George KD but Brock pie was extremely happy about it in fact I think we've got video of Brock pie going crazy watching the game yes we do we're going to play that video here in just a second but uh Iowa state was where this this started for Brock so I you know it was a big deep dive that I did talking to Matt Campbell talking to a lot of the staff over there in Ames driving around town finding some Brock py memorabilia in in sports bars there's one place called wab in Ames where they've got Brock P's Jersey right next to Joe Montana's Jersey 49 both 49ers jerseys both both signed up on the wall so that was really cool but I said I've got to do a followup ahead of 49ers Jets because 49ers Jets features the most I Iowa State players in one NFL game in league history there are four Iowa State players that are going to be suiting up and it just so happens it's going to be a couple days after Iowa State won its instate rivalry game against the fighting George KD of Iowa the Iowa Hawkeyes the Iowa State Cyclones got the win Brock pie was extremely happy about it why don't we watch from inside the pry household five yes come on let's go yes yes let's go now that is not Brock pie celebrating the Dak Prescott contract although the Dak Prescott contract is good news for Brock Pie as it clears the way for him to make over 60 million this year anyway uh this game against the Jets for the 49ers has Brock pie Iowa State alumnus Bree Hall who was like Brock P's Christian mcaffrey in college really good versatile running back he plays for the Jets now Alan Lazard who actually did not overlap with pie or Hall at Iowa State he uh finished up there in 2017 and perie enrolled as a freshman in 2018 and will and Alan Lazard is a receiver for the Jets he's one of Aaron Rogers favorite targets uh and then there is Will McDonald I fourth defensive end first round pick uh in in the draft last year so he's in his second season looking for some more playing time with the Jets this year will McDonald was a freshman when Brock pie was a freshman at Iowa State and as you'll read here in the article he was a terror at practices at Iowa State they yank him off the field sometimes on these two-minute drills uh because they they they needed to to execute stuff during practice and he was disrupting practice way too much uh as this excellent Edge rusher for for Iowa State so he's going to be on the field and if Hassan reck isn't as we we don't expect him to be for the Jets with the hold out that's going on will McDonald May indeed have a larger role after he had three sacks last season so Iowa State now has 12 players in the NFL that's the most unactive rosters uh that they've ever had at one time and they have four in this game they've never had four in this game so you could be sure it's going to be a festive atmosphere in ases because they're coming off the win over Iowa that Brock pie was celebrating in that video that was what a 54 yard field goal at the end that was a hell of a Finish By the way and uh now they get to watch uh the New York Cyclones they were calling Brock told me at his locker the other day that they were calling uh the the Jets the New York Cyclones because they had they had three of those guys on the team well now it's going to be the uh the Iowa State bowl with Brock Birdie on one side and and those three Iowa State players on the other so check that out it's going to be a fun fun atmosphere I there's a cool video I was able to post it on Twitter from inside the Iowa State Facility here it is pop this one open for you guys get this up on the screen so I'm going to rewind this so you could see it from the start this is on the wall and I'll pause it for a second there's pie there's Lazard Bree Hall's at the very bottom bottom right and there's Will McDonald at the top so they have their NFL players up on the wall at the facility and then you have all these name plates now that I think the active guys I believe are no well I'm not sure who's highlighted in gold and and who's not because Lazard and Hall are obviously active guys but you can see Lazard Hall Will McDonald is is up on that that wall as well at the Iowa State Facility the NFL Cyclones so you're going to get a look at a lot of the NFL Cyclones at one time on Monday night there you go have it up on I guess they call it X now not Twitter anyway Dak Prescott has signed for 60 million a apy if you want some perspective on that number here as you're waking up on Sunday getting ready for the first football Sunday of the regular season that is clear of Joe burrow Jordan love Trevor Lawrence to aago vioa the path is now clear for 60 million plus for Brock pie why is that well because p is a top performer at that quarterback position you want to be in the upper right here he's number one in qbr Prescott was number two you know even if you're not the the very top efficiency wise at the quarterback position uh the way these contracts have worked because quarterbacks have such leverage because teams can't operate without them uh the way this has worked is that that a good quarterback has basically found himself at the top of the pile whenever he's negotiated his contract so all Brock birdie has to do is be good this year again he's been excellent Sensational great whatever you want to say over his first season and half of the with the 49ers if he remains good he should be in line to usurp Dak Prescot unless we see a market crash and with you know with the way that the game is set up with quarterbacks being as important as they are it's just really hard to see something like a market crash so uh the next interesting thing about this Dak Prescott deal it's going to be to see the guaranteed money in terms of a division between fully guaranteed money and total guaranteed money this is what's been reported so far but to me it's it's almost obvious that those are total guarantees because it would have been specified as full guarantees by the agents who are leaking this information had it been fully guaranteed money which is stronger than total guaranteed money so DeShaun Watson's almost certainly still at the top of the pile when it comes to fully guaranteed money but Dak Prescott now is the most total guarantees along with the highest average per year 60 million four years 240 million with the Cowboys they get it done a year early with it with Prescott still having had been under contract for this 2024 season that makes total sense because he's GNA have a lot of Leverage over the Cowboys uh or he was going to have a lot of Leverage over the cowboys after this 2024 season 49ers can't get pry done yet though because he's only been in the league for two years crazy right 2022 2023 two years in the league this kind of efficiency I mean I mean look guys you want to be further up to the right further up momes Jackson Herz Prescott tago vioa Allen all all good quarterbacks all guys that did good stuff last year there's pie he's only been in he's only played for a season and a half so it's one of the most fascinating contractual cases we've ever seen not because he's only making a million right now to do what he's doing up on that graph but uh because the sample size I think I think it's big enough now for the 49ers to be really comfortable but entering last season it was still way too small and it's still you know the and the rules are set up for for the teams to be protected here but this the sample size still has to be solidified a little bit and I think this this third season is going to be what what can solidify it for Brock pie because then you could go into the 2025 off season uh with you know two full Seasons so so two and a half total seasons of football under Brock P's belt uh to to enter this negotiation and that certainly seems a lot more sturdy than a season and a half all right I'm gonna open this up to 49ers Q&A it is football Sunday we can go through uh some of the games that we're going to be watching today that should be fun where's my phone at wish I knew where my phone was at I used to use it as my camera I no longer use it as my camera and I have no idea where it is so I'm gonna put up the NFL schedule on my screen instead seems just as easy NFL schedule and we open it up to a Q&A and we go from there the week one schedule here we go Sunday it is September 8th we're a day away from 49ers kickoff against the Jets on Monday Night Football so we've already seen the Chiefs beat the Ravens and the Eagles beat the Packers both games came down to the very end um glad that we didn't go overboard with our Jordan Love video yesterday A lot of people oh it's an ACL his knee popped it's like calm down wait for the medical professionals to do their job don't try to base stuff off of uh you know broadcast footage and you know there's so much premature hand ringing there it was an MCL right it was an MCL Jordan love should be back this year that's great news we don't want to see anybody hurt especially at that quarterback position because that derails an entire team so Jordan love will be back at at some point this year that was an unfortunate finish to the Eagles and the Packers game the Chiefs uh and the Ravens that to me that was super interesting just because of how that came down to the very end literal game of inches there I we're probably going to see those two teams play each other again in the in the AFC postseason at least I hope so because good football whenever the the Chiefs and the Ravens play in about an hour we're going to see the Falcons host the Pittsburgh Steelers so get the to see the start of the the Russell Wilson era in Pittsburgh we're gonna get to see the bills and the Cardinals probably not as much Intrigue about that game but hey Kyler Murray against Josh Allen could be watchable right uh we're gonna see the Tennessee Titans and the Chicago Bears so Caleb Williams is gonna make his NFL debut I I find that very compelling uh the New England Patriots and the Cincinnati Bengals that might be the least compelling game of the weekend the Houston Texans Deo Ryans and uh what 49ers South right down in down in Houston against the Indianapolis Colts could be watchable football Jacksonville against Miami after Tyreek Hill was detained this morning we saw that on video that was some crazy footage we're going to get more information on that but according to the Dolphins Tyreek Hill is going to play so that's going to be that I mean let's see what happens down there in South Florida between Jacksonville with newly paid quarterback Trevor Lawrence and the Miami Dolphins with newly paid quarterback to aago vioa throwing to Tyreek Hill in this game Carolina and New Orleans I couldn't care less about that game that's also at 10 o'clock uh the Minnesota Vikings at the New York Giants all right let's uh let's watch Sam darnold take over the starting role for the Minnesota Vikings that should be fun going to have to drop by the the the bell tower in San Francisco is the Minnesota Vikings bar maybe drop by and watch that the then we move to the one o'clock Slater games afternoon window Raiders and Chargers the Jim Harbaugh debut for uh the LA Chargers so that's going to be worth watching the Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks obviously divisional implications for the 49ers that game is up in Seattle the Cowboys and the Browns so that Prescott newly paid they're going to be facing Cleveland at5 that's going to be Tom Brady's broadcast debut and then the commanders and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that's going to be at 1:25 PM as well the Jaden Daniels game for Washington Sunday night footballs the Rams and the Lions rematch of the playoffs last year in Detroit Stafford against golf good stuff and then the Monday night game there are no dual Monday night games this time that's good because it's Niners Jets I think everybody would want to watch that that's going to be compelling the Iowa State Cyclone Bowl pry against three of his uh Iowa State fellow Iowa State Alumni all right I promised the 49ers Q&A you've had some time now I'm GNA move to it so we can check it out looking through some of your questions there's a lot of them we've got 3,000 people watching this morning we're on by the way we're on Twitter right now we're on YouTube um those are the video streams and then the podcast is is uh the Lombardi Lounge so if you're listening on the podcast you should subscribe to the YouTube you should follow along Along on Twitter if it's the other way around you should subscribe to the podcast so you have all the channels firing for you I don't think that Tyreek Hill was arrested I think Tyreek Hill was detained let's make sure that we you know whenever we're covering a potential legal situation I think the wording is is extremely important they they did not take him to jail they they I saw the video and then according to reports they let him go so I would say he was detained I don't see many questions here guys to be honest it's it's just people arguing in the comments section here's a good one Andrew Andrew you could always count on Andrew for good questions do you think Jake tonis will be a factor tomorrow well I he's going to be the third tight end I think sabert is the clear two on special teams yes one thing about Jake tanas I think he's reworked his body I've gotten a look at him throughout training camp and they really liked him at that backup fullback role when Kyle yusek was unavailable due to a vet day so I think tonas is is very very capable of delivering what the Ford aners need however probably would take an injury at the tight end position to slide Jake tonas in there that being said I think he's he's going to be a factor on on special teams if he's active in this game let's get some more good questions up there I'm only going to do this for a few more minutes because I got some football to watch in about 45 is mcaffrey 100% or is he still hurting mcaffrey says that he's feeling feeling good he's not concerned at all about the calf I mean when something is on the injury report it some it's like a Mand like if there's anything that's been lingering or a player is working on it usually has to end on the injury report so you're compliant with what the NFL is asking so I don't think it's something worth worth stressing about if Christian mcaffrey is not stressing about it let's just sit back and watch how this unfolds no I don't do not think that you trade dos to Green Bay you don't give up your quarterback insurance policy if you're the 49ers in a Super Bowl or bust season just to help out one of your primary Inc conference Rivals for what a bag of chips I don't think that Green Bay would would be willing to pay the farm for Josh dos considering the fact that Jordan love looks like he's going to be back this season the 49ers of all teams should know the value of quarterback depth 2022 they had to get down to their number three quarterback in so if you're San Francisco I think you hold on to your assets at that position unless somebody offers the farm and the Green Bay Packers are not going to offer the farm if Jordan love is going to be back this year all right 29 minutes I think I think I we'll go 30 I'll answer a couple more questions I think 30 minutes is good then I have to go watch some football do I think Tre Lance can start for the cowboy after dak's new contract is over no I I don't Tre Lance has not shown us that he's capable of being a starter in the NFL up to this point so I mean Prescott's one of the best in the game and until Lance actually proves something uh he's not GNA be a threat to unseat Dak Prescott in Dallas now I mean Prescott's still going to play for a while it seems like he's in his in his physical prime so um I I think that another team if if Lance is going to start in the next couple years which again we haven't seen many signs of that being the the trajectory of his development they they let him throw a lot this this preseason and it still looked really rough it still looked really inefficient um then that that starting spot what in in the remarkable occurrence of of things turning around for Tre Lance and him becoming an efficient quarterback it probably won't happen in Dallas now that Dak Prescott has been resigned and Trey yeah Tre is going to be a free agent next year so they would have to resign him why would if unless they can resign him at the league minimum if they like him as as a backup in that room but I still think he probably would want a little bit higher of a floor to be a backup that was the issue with the 49ers and Trey Lance they're like yeah we think he has some potential we might be able to work with him but Sam darnold definitely had a higher floor so he won that qb2 job for the 49ers Mike thinks that Tre Lance needs to go to the CFL or or the UFL to be honest I mean he came out of North Dakota State and what he needed you know were a lot of reps reps reps reps reps because he didn't have a lot of those in college raw Prospect the problem is he's stuck in between a rock and a hard place now because he's NFL veteran now and you know but he still doesn't have a lot of reps under his belt the only time he can get them is the pre-season so the Cowboys gave him a lot in the preseason but then they have a much better quarterback in Dak Prescott polished guy that's ready to go for the regular season so he can't get them in the regular season so where do you get the Reps maybe it is in Canada maybe it is in in one of these secondary leagues it's a very unique situation because Lance was drafted so with so little experience and at some point you have to fill the Gap and and get that experience and obviously he he just doesn't have it yet all right Dak Prescott 240 million over four years 60 million per year opens the door for Brock pie to make over 60 million per season everybody enjoy football Sunday we'll talk to you soon

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