Should Trump FIRE his campaign managers and HIRE Corey Lewandowski?

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:03:15 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: corey lewandowski
the question I want to ask you in right-wing spheres there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Trump is being advised properly he has Susie wilds and Chris levita I think is his name yeah advising this campaign and I have to say and I know that you're going to notice this as someone who pays attention closely this campaign in 2024 is definitely not the campaign he ran in 2016 I mean you look back and it was much more populist he was I know he still talks about immigration but it was about trade and trade deals and I know he's already done usmca but a lot of that helped him in the Rust Belt states and my question is is he being advised properly at the moment no and that's why he brought in Corey lowski um and and then Corey lewandowski's first move was to bring in Bruce lval um so now they have a couple of um 2016 guys who are probably washing out um those other guys that are not giving him advice that's why you now see some interesting moves like him going on X to do his space with Elon Musk that's why he's constantly doing um interviews on YouTube with all these big streamers something he wasn't doing before lowski got there um another thing that he's done he's now gotten the endorsement of RFK something that he's probably wanted to do but but he's probably been advised against well lowski is there now um and saying to Susan and whoever the other guy is to just shut up you know um you've also seen some leaks in Politico where it kind of sounds like they are complaining that lowski is there I don't know how much he's affected it but it does seem like Trump's making a few better moves lately I I mean maybe you've noticed that too but um the um he's also brought in um Chelsea gabard and gabbard's couldna do a town hall with him in Wisconsin too that'll be interesting so um yeah those two campaign managers are not advising him very well um but Trump has noticed that and that's why he has I don't know why he hasn't fired them I I think he's afraid of the Optics but um he has brought I mean the Optics think think back 2016 he was firing them he was going through them by the week I know I know I know but um yeah I think but he has brought in other people to counter balance that might be the best we get um so who was it the lowski brought along that you mentioned because I didn't know that name Bruce LVL um that wasn't very well reported it just if you're following um leowski Twitter feed you would have caught it okay so no lowski was the one who got him through the primaries and then they brought in um who was the guy they sent to man Mana for to Wrangle the delegates and then he was out and B ran the general I mean I think that's who he needs if they can get a direct line to the um to the prison cell as bad as that sounds I think maybe maybe that would help him I don't know what

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