Trump THREATENS Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala

Speaker 1: This morning, Donald Trump called into  Fox and Friends and it was brought up to him. Hey.   Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris. And  Donald Trump said she's going to pay a price   for this, a threat to Taylor Swift. Your ticket  sales and your music streams are going to be hurt.  Speaker 3: To finish up on that point anyway. Speaker 6: Lance is doing a very good job,   I have to say. He really is. Speaker 3: Doing a great. Hey,   I've got a quick question for you. Out of  nowhere, after the debate last night, Taylor   Swift endorsed Kamala Harris. What do you think? Speaker 6: Well, I actually like Mrs.. I actually   like Mrs. Mahomes much better if you want to know  the truth. She's a she's a big Trump fan. I was   not a Taylor Swift, and it was just a question of  time. She couldn't you couldn't possibly endorse   Biden. You look at Biden, you couldn't possibly  endorse. But she's a very liberal person. She   seems to always endorse a Democrat and she'll  probably pay a price for it at the in the market   place. But no, I like Britney. I think Britney  is great. Britney was get a lot of news last   week. She's a big she's a big MAGA fan. That's the  one I like much better than Taylor Swift, right?  Speaker 3: Yep. Britney is Mahomes.  Mahomes. They're great friends, The life.  Speaker 6: Of the great quarterback.  And he is a great quarterback.  Speaker 3: Favorite team. Kansas. Yeah. Speaker 1: Let me you know, to counter it I   love that to counteract the fact that Taylor Swift  has endorsed Trump. Let me explain to you who the   wife of a football player that Trump is referring  to as an alternative to the endorsement from   Taylor's. If there's you, you immediately realize  it doesn't have the same cachet when the Fox   co-hosts are trying to explain to you who Trump is  talking about that likes Trump. So, listen, when   Taylor Swift endorsed Biden, you had these MAGA  people going, she's going to pay a price for it.   She's going to pay a price for it. And then she  had a historically successful tour, has paid no   price for it is probably as important in the sort  of cultural narrative in the United States right   now in. Globally as she has ever been. Well, now  she's endorsing Harris and she's going to pay a   price for it. She's probably not. And if she does,  she's going to be okay. I don't know if she's a   billionaire or close to it, but she's going to  be fine. Trump's just upset. That's what it is.

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