Beetlejuice Beetlejuice SPOILER Review

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:16:49 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: michael j fox
hey guys welcome back to me watch movie I'm Mike I'm Jay this is a spoiler review if you haven't seen Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Jule don't watch this all right tapa getting all the way inside of it okay let's have it let's let's talk about it let's break it down let's wrap a little bit about it okay break out your trombones and let's have a talk what is going on with Beetlejuice and why is he back on the prow well it turns out that he just couldn't get over that sweet succulent Plenty of Fish non-stop on their app Lydia Deets she's all about that I'm kidding she was married before here's the thing about Lydia D the base no trouble I'm talking she had a baby that was Jenna Ortega I can't remember the character's name and as I recall it was a m her husband died getting eaten by piranha somewhere in Colombia or Brazil or whatever probably running with the cartel we don't know uh and then so she's tried to raise her daughter single motherhood but they don't really have a great relationship she's also running a ghost house which is the show it's like a Jerry Springer it's like Ghost Adventures or whatever so Lydia de can see ghosts which I never really here's the thing about Lydia Deets can see ghosts for real and she runs a show where she investigates she kind of uses them like um The Frighteners Michael J fox used the ghost that he could see to bang doors and stuff to make it look like he was clearing the house it feels like that it's very much like that but you don't they don't really tap that much into it because there's one scene in the particular in the movie at the beginning where she goes into the bathroom and she sees a woman that's dead and and she's like so she is yeah so they did kind of nail that over yeah they they kind of did that but so that's what she's doing and her daughter hates her she's just not having any and then um her mom uh Dedra is like the still you know drunk at 3:00 wine girl yeah and and art selling whatever uh and so that's what's going on with them and then Jeffrey Jones's character the dad dies that's bring that brings them all back together and we mentioned this in the N review but now why people hey chew your food chew your food what Che food what are you talking about you're just going so fast this is the last of the pett cat uh no no I said my part now you throw me off okay it's like you know doing a guitar solo and someone said [ __ ] you and they they they like unplugg the amp this is my M I like we were a rockar dude and like you unplug my amp and you're like [ __ ] you but you don't get into the meat of actual Beetle Juice I would say until that 40 minutes into the movie well this is the weird thing about it like when he does show up he he has a couple lines their bangers right like you were talking about earlier when he's like I'm going be so happy like he Nails a couple of lines and I I might be telling you say tell and tells out scoop uh with this one but I just wonder if there was something weird about Keaton's performance they decided to to to take some lines out because even when Beetlejuice is on screen since this is a spoiler review we can say this there's a couple times where he's hilarious but they have him lipsyncing songs and [ __ ] by the way that was probably the funniest part of the the name of the guy who does this song Richard Mor yeah the uh you go is that from [ __ ] no like put some respect on Richard there's a point where uh where uh Lydia like her non-believing husband says you know what we're just going going to nail this in the butt Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice it felt like you were waiting for that will someone [ __ ] say Beetle Juice three times for Christ's sake that sequence was [ __ ] badass dude when they shrunk down and they went into into the into the playset or whatever in the Attic like in the first movie and it was like I think we're inside the model and then Beetle Juice like you saw the trailer where he's like dressed like a cardigan he's like a therapist that whole sequence dude was [ __ ] amazing dude and when uh when Lydia's finally yeah yeah do she gives birth to like a like literally water breaks and a [ __ ] little baby Beetlejuice runs out of her vagina hole they're trying to sell toys it was gr I like what the godam I was kind of into it but I was like it gross too and then he was like be just like I don't know some people say that he's got my eyes on and then again they do it again in the in the final the final Act of the movie they do a whole dance piece well we got to say what the motivate Beetlejuice wants to marry Lydia like he never got over that so he wants to marry her but on the back end of that the girl that actually killed Beetlejuice in life the real when Beetlejuice was a human being he was a grave robber uh Little Miss hotti pants like seduced him like a soul sucker and like was going to kill him and then uh that's that's who's after him in the afterlife I love that that Side Story by the way when when they cuz they do this weird thing I feel like they could have kept his backstory in mystery I I kind of don't like that that's true too but they what they did with it was kind of neat cuz like you watch the movie and it just jumps the movie jumps around a lot but in a good way but then when they jumped around to this it's like black and white and he's he's telling all the shrunken head dud like let me tell you story and he tells about all that and how they were they had sex but he like a Spanish exit yeah the whole thing in spish which was [ __ ] cool that was great but uh yeah I thought the whole movie that was Katherine Zer Jones no um which I can't remember Catherine Zer Jones who Katherine Zeta Jones could have played that part but it's not her she was hot though yeah oh amazingly hot but she's a soul sucker and that that's what she does she like literally can suck the soul from those goddamn dead corpses suck my soul baby JX wife either way yes 100% do you see my face this is what happens the pale skin the weird eyes rumor has it she still has a piece of it today yeah she does uh no anyway uh but it's true it's true I ate my father you should see that bitch's eyelash she could catch [ __ ] goddamn typhoons with that [ __ ] uh anyway um yes so she's a soul sucker she could kill why when you die she can actually permanently kill you or whatever it's like erase you from exist existence she is after Beetlejuice so I feel like Beetlejuice wants to marry Lydia and I they didn't really explain this in the movie but I feel like if he married Lydia and he's married it would break the contract or like her being able to come after him since he's married like I don't know they didn't explain that but I feel I just feel like if he got out of the afterlife then he would be free of her cuz she stuck he I don't think well when when he makes Lydia sign the contract to marry him so the whole thing is Jenna orga's character uh gets tricked in by this guy that she meets or whatever he's dead which that was a good twist yeah it was that was a really good twist actually uh I was a little worried we're getting a little too Scream the TV series I thought we were also going to go with like Ghostbusters Frozen Empire I'm like oh God he was a good actor though he was a good actor yeah um but so she meets this guy she gets gooo eyes for him he convinces her to like well he tells her that he's dead and then convinces her to read this incantation from The Book of the Dead or whatever they go through basically she's traded her life for his so he can come back and so knowing that Lydia goes to the afterworld using beetlejuice's help and the only way that Beetlejuice will help her is if he marries her you know yada y y that's what happens but yeah I feel like I I feel like they didn't explain it but I I I swear to God I thought beetles juice was like so desperate to marry Lydia yes he he was fawning over her definitely but I feel like maybe some there was a loophole or something he could get out of that woman trying to suck his dick yeah I think he was trying to get away from her nonetheless or whatever but like I love the [ __ ] and we talked about this in the nons spooler review too like I love the underground stuff they they showed a lot more of the underworld and stuff like that I did think that like I i' like the story about um about Jenna Ortega and her dad like that [ __ ] actually teared me up a couple times just the age she was missing her dad and stuff like that when they found her dad in the Underworld it was kind of like well this is kind of silly he got piranha hanging off and you're like it's kind of why they do that like how you died in real life is how that you will appear in the afterlife but yeah it it was distracting I like the hot dog guy though had the [ __ ] stuck in his mouth there's some really if you're gonna go like listen that guy was like doing Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and you just can't go against like that one dude but um yeah I love the underworld stuff though man like they did a good job with the the effect with the lights the greens and the blues [ __ ] Danny DeVito in the beginning ofie Danny Deo dude he's so good dude he's like goddamn foreigners uh and then uh I guess another spoil that we could talk about is that uh well we already know Jeffrey Jones's character the dad does die yeah uh I thought they did that in a funny way because they went and did this whole Tim Burton ask thing with it with like claymation or whatever it was and they show she was like that was his big when when he was in the plane in the plane and in the plane crash she was like that was his biggest fear I knew that they were actually taking a shot they were they like [ __ ] that guy not only did he get in a plane crash but he also got eaten by a [ __ ] shark and then you realize I didn't that was a smart twist I had no idea that he was the guy walking around the entire movie without a top half just like shoo juices out of his [ __ ] I hate it when guys shoot juices at me but no well it's the thing it's like it was a way for them to get around having to pay him so they but they did feature his face because on the on the tomb or the grave Jeffrey Jones's face is like prominently displayed now again I'm not like all about they like oh let's burn it down [ __ ] them they used it you know what I mean like I don't know what the dealings are but you know they they probably don't maybe you don't pay him as much because he wasn't I don't know hopefully they found a legal loophole give [ __ ] but listen Jeffrey Jones is he's a turd dude like he's an absolute [ __ ] turd and like like I thought maybe it was overblown until we we I was reading to him like he was a blind person not good let me read you what this guy's done but anyway um so he he's gone uh and then um uh dilia she gets killed so she's dead now that was CRA that was that's one thing about this movie too they had a it had a bite to it like it wasn't afraid to get mean or do some wild [ __ ] uh with stuff like that when she brought out those snakes and it bit her I was like oh she's [ __ ] dead well but it's not that big of a surprise because Lydia can communicate with her so they can still have a relationship y y May well I I wonder too if if it was kind of like Tim Burton saying like I'm done with this no I think it might be because every was so old well and here's the thing too and like and I I um Gina Gina Davis I think that's her name from the first movie She they had asked her recently and I knew I knew what the answer was but they asked her in an interview recently they were like well why didn't you come back for Beetle Juice and she's like I think it's because ghosts don't age which is smart they don't ghosts wouldn't age so if they came back looking decrepit they wouldn't make any sense now you look at Beetlejuice though Michael Keaton he's he's up there in age he's still good-looking guy definitely still got all his wits about him but every sometimes camera angles sure it just I I feel like Tim Burton's like we cannot stretch this out for another movie yeah I don't know what I don't know if there was some weird line delivery going on or some jokes weren't Landing or whatever but it definitely felt like they were really trying to smooth out the edges uh with with his performance by either keeping him off screen or using some tricks like lip and by the way be again you I don't want people to think and get the wrong idea that we're [ __ ] on Michael Keaton's performance oh everything in the movie was great I think they edited really really well I think he's still Michael Keaton is still Beetle Juice like it's 100% the Beetle Juice like remember yeah I I wanted I I really wish the movie had been more focused on Beetlejuice trying to acquire Lydia again and I understand why they wanted to go the route of Lydia and her daughter and it kind of like you know it it it uh Echoes the the the first movie where she was against dilia and like the whole I get that whole whole thing but I don't know man I I I just want it more Michael Keaton's beetle juu is one of the best roles he's ever had in his life so and it's a testament to the movie by the way like if you again if You' have told me that there Michael Keaton was going to have very few lines in this and and I would have been like oh this is going to be a piece of trash the movie is actually still really great full of fun Halloween atmosphere a great time pacing is awesome which is so rare these days most movies can't pace for [ __ ] but uh and the end of the movie I did not you know and I will give it credit I totally thought I swear to God I thought that there was going to be some H moments like some like Nostalgia flavor and then the rest was going to be a bore Fest they did a really good job of not pandering like I I do yeah and you know I know I know the the term is used 100 million times a day and people are tired of hearing it but I'm just going to say it there was no virtue signaling going on there was no it was like a solid [ __ ] movie or fan um or fan or fan service over over fan fan service is fine but when it's done to the detriment of the film but I'm saying there was none of that it wasn't it was just a good movie you know what the last time I saw a movie like this and I was like man I'm having a good time just watching a good [ __ ] put together movie was Deadpool Wolverine and alien ramulus yeah those two movies so far this year and I'm glad that Beetlejuice Beetle Juice can be added to that those are the that's what fans want man that's what people want they want to just go to the theater and Escape all the [ __ ] going around and that's exactly what this movie did it it let you escape into a world that you used to love and know from the 80s and and bring in new fans and it wasn't pandering to one side or the other it was just a good solid like laugh your your dick off kind of film there were no moments in here where Linda Hamilton walked on screen she's like I'm a [ __ ] badass like it all felt it's a man baby all the characters were still flawed they still carried their personalities with them into the next there's one line where she's talking about like uh when the mom's talking to liia and she's like she's like no now look at us we get along great she's like yeah that's because I sold out and became famous and she's like no I liked you before then like everyone's still flawed everything's still a little bit [ __ ] up and dark but they do it in such a fun way you can just have a good time with and I love that dude I like that you can write characters that everybody can relate to regardless of gender or like race or or your sexual orientation that's how movies are supposed to be made yeah like these are characters that you can relate to no matter what spectrum of the of the world that you live on you know what I mean so at the end of the day dude again 8.0 is solid as [ __ ] for me I'm on an a as well and and it ends and they do they do the gag obviously with the with the Beetlejuice baby which I guarantee you'll see it Spirit Halloween by next year 100% they're going to sell some [ __ ] with that probably this year probably this year if they can without spoilers but uh the end of the movie does end with the Sim there's not a post credit sequence or anything like that but it does end with Lydia Lydia Deets opening her eyes I love she has a a dream about Beetle Juice and she opens her eyes and he wakes up he's like I just had the craziest dream did you hear his laugh dude sound like Freddy the movie and so like it was smart because like if they wanted to go forward with this they could but they're not promising you anything I dug the [ __ ] out of that yeah and you know what to be fair um I could see it having a sequel I really could because the way the way the title sequence Beetle Juice Beetle Juice is like like it feels like on that little plaque there's room for one more and you have to say his name three times right anyway so I feel like they could do one more and then Beetlejuice could because in this movie by the way I got I forgot we we totally forgot this part one of the dude one of the funniest [ __ ] scenes is when uh the the the ex-girlfriend or the ex whatever for Beetlejuice shows up at at the wedding to stop him from marrying Lydia and they summon a sandworm and he gets into a he gets into I forg that was good he does like what do they call like bull rider and he's like oh like dude that was a good scene I love that scene oh and the [ __ ] song that they did they do a song number when it's like I let the cake into the rain and it ruined everything and they do the whole uh like uhana thing but they recreated and everyone's lips syncing and dancing that was [ __ ] cool and that song is hilarious I want to go listen to I like that preacher he's like cuz he makes everybody oh that guy's great he was I I can't remember that that dude looked like he was the detective in The Frighteners and I know he's not so many things not je comes but no he's in so many things but yeah so again like Mike said it's like the daily you know D oh it's like that scene all over again but it's just a different song but yeah dude there's a part where that that priest is like that guy did such a good job like his obviously he's trying to portray to the audience that he's not in control of his M and he's doing this he's like old man playing checkers and the song is so weird and slow and it's like I left the cake out in the rain I don't have the recipe you know I was thinking while I was watching that I was like it would be so funny to have uh uh Jason Vorhees his mom have you do that as Jason I left the cake in the red that's what I thought of Jason's vor's mom marrying chalice just whatever just do that something weird yeah but yeah dude god dude there were so many sequences that were really good and fun um and not only I give it an 8.0 but like it's also a movie that I will gladly after watching Beetle juu one well 88 I feel like it it flows into Beetle Juice Beetle Juice perfectly so I mean I feel like I could watch that's how I always judge movies like if it's a sequel movie to a long you know older kind of film if I can fit it into a night of I'm just watching all those movies like like I feel like I could watch Ghostbusters Ghostbusters 2 [ __ ] 2016 and go into afterlife and feel like nothing you know it's all good well and that's the truest statement that I could make about it is that uh my wife and kids want to see it and we're going to see it in a couple days and I I'm not dreading it at all I'm looking forward to it and today there are so few rewatchable well Pace movies that are just a good time and this is just drenched in Halloween it's such a fun movie that says all you need to know it's not perfect no it's not it's not better than the original but it's about as perfect as it could have been i l it I [ __ ] loved it 8.0 for us well done Tim Bon hey you didn't just grab Johnny Depp and put him in white wake up do weird [ __ ] for once hello listener do you like scary movies what's your favorite scary movie well Jay and Michael like scary movies too you should go and subscribe to their podcast we watched a movie because if you don't I'll gut you like a well I think you get the idea enjoy yourselves while you still can

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