Dr. Alice Weidel: Klare Worte zum Kurswechsel in Deutschland – Rede in Dresden

ity and justice and freedom for the German fatherland let us all live fraternally with heart hello Dresden hello Saxony I would like to warmly welcome you all here today thank you very much for coming here despite the strength many thanks also to the previous speakers andre wentend thank you very much for the great moderation to my dear coso speaker Tino kropalla and my heartfelt thanks go to the next Prime Minister of Saxony jör urban and I would like to warmly greet one or two people here today, not on stage but here somewhere among the people, I would like to warmly greet them Welcome the former head of state and Federal President of Switzerland with his partner on a bike tour, welcome you, I'm glad you're here, I know she's listening, we've just heard it Dresen the city of the brightest minds of the inventiveness of ideas börg urban said it Kaspar David Friedrich Kaspar David Friedrich spent most of his life here in Dresen, the cultural capital. He dedicated his pictures to nature and the beautiful Saxon Switzerland. One of the most famous dear friends is the hiker above the sea of ​​fog. You may have the picture in front of your eyes, you can see him standing in the back how he has the foresight to stand above the fog, the view over the fog and why do I say that this picture is so beautiful because it is symbolic of you, you are the hikers above the sea of ​​fog Dresen is the city of inventions, we have it I've just heard, I'd like to add, I looked at it. The steam lock was invented here, the toothpaste mouthwash Odol, maybe the people back there can use Odol. I don't know, I think so. Filter bags, not the filter bags that we were forced to put on the coffee filters and filter cigarettes I also find it quite interesting but Dresden is also known for the wonderful Christmas Stollen and what else is Dresden known for? Dresden is known for the blue miracle and the blue miracle and the blue miracle will not only happen in Dresden on Sunday but in all of Saxony and in In Thuringia we ensure the blue miracle the blue miracle in Saxony in Thuringia and in Brandenburg the future of Germany will be decided in September I admire Saxony I admire you for the tradition of freedom I admire you for the history for the courage of 1989 and I say it again we need a second 1989 the blue miracle the second 1989 if we look there then we see the outflow there the thugs of the Politburo which we believe we have overcome in 1989 that is the thugs of the national popular front of all the other parties and why say I think it's very important and I know it will be in the newspapers again tomorrow but I just can't hold back we just have to imagine what would be going on, that would be the other way around, Ricarda lang God forbid would be standing here today and we would all be there stand around it as a mob and shout down other opinions, I believe the public law round-point of the will be thrown out, headlines up and down, special broadcast here and there, none of it, it's all going on, this is the left-wing woke culture war and this is one of the crimes of one of the crimes in the Federal Republic of Germany Attempt to destroy our culture through this WE left-wing fuss supported by state broadcasters like the GDR had no better. I can also tell you we are against every form of extremism, we are against right-wing extremism, we are against Islamism, we are against left-wing terrorism and when we sit in the government the antifah will be banned as a terrorist organization, the national popular front, all the other parties, I'm not finished yet, I'm really keen on something like that. We have to imagine the soil on which this seed of hatred, incitement and violence has fallen. It's the seeds the dehumanization of people who think differently when a Markus Söder goes and calls us, when a Steinmeier calls AFD voters rats, when the FDP aunt with the four names calls us brown shit I'm just quoting it, I would never think of something like that and you're lying to me, then it's nothing other than the language of the Nazis, what's happening here is the language of the Nazis and I can tell you that the AFD stands and fights for freedom with us It's not appropriate not to dehumanize your political opponent and everyone else just has to get on their face and answer the question: how do we actually want to overcome the deep social divides when something like this is allowed and when people complain about us like this ? Everyone has a responsibility, the other parties, especially the CDU. Henrik wüst applauded how our party conference in Essen would have been smashed to pieces by Antifa. You have to imagine that there are CDU mayors in the front and that's also the reason why On Sunday only with the AFD can we bring about a real change of course, let's look at the sins, the crimes of the past years, the borders have been opened. Germany de facto no longer has any borders, the destruction of our energy infrastructure, the destruction of our economy, the destruction of the middle class, the destruction of our culture Destruction of our historical consciousness, the way we treat our pensioners is not a sin, the way politics treats pensioners, the people who built this country, who raised their children, their grandchildren. I passed the info post yesterday and an older lady came to me I said, do something for the pensioners, I asked her what pension she gets, the woman told me and you can speak volumes about that, but I would like to repeat it here again for everyone because I also have a lot of young people here, the woman said me she would have worked for 47 years and she gets 11 EUR in pension 1100 € for 47 years of work a country a government that treats senior citizens like this should no longer be allowed to look in the mirror and sink into the ground in shame, another crime Crime and I am consciously talking about a crime of destroying gender identity. How can it be that with all the problems that we have already discussed in all our speeches today, how can it be that a federal government prioritizes that young people can choose their gender once a year and that If a man who feels seven months pregnant has his tests paid for by the health insurance company, how is that possible, that's total madness and I have to be completely honest when we 're in government then this madness is simply over, it's embarrassing the young people It is damaging our society and the CDU is also taking part in this and I haven't even talked about this terrible incident in Soling. I would just like to keep it brief here. Soling is in North Rin-Westphalia. North Rin-Westphalia is led by the CDU. The attacker would have been deported long ago The CDU-led authorities must have simply turned a blind eye and I ask, are the authorities so weak in enforcement if they drove too fast or if they somehow have to pay their taxes, are they also so weak in enforcement in Mannheim in Badenwürtenberg? CDU-run federal state, this criminal should also have been deported years ago and that is also the reason for everything you are hearing now. Today the traffic light has brought out a wonderful package together with the Union, you know what that is, it is pure panic about them State elections are voter deception in the best form. If you had the political will, you could have done something long ago and then it's no use just short of cutting off the AFD program because we've been demanding for years and that's part of the truth, not a cash payment Foreign citizens here have the right to social benefits. That's quite simply no one can and may be naturalized if they don't speak the language and don't work here Moratorium calls for a stop to admissions and a ban on naturalization for at least 5 years while at the same time closing our borders we are allowed to naturalize people in this situation where we don't know who is with us but what is being done look at the Ministry of the Interior there are guidelines a ten point plan from Nancy Feser where It says in Arabic how you can best hire a lawyer to sue your own, that's all just window dressing. We're being completely ripped off here and that's also the reason why reforms are needed in Germany. Reforms are a state matter Another federal matter, what we need is a functioning constitutional state, everyone is equal before that, that's where it just starts and we all have civil rights that are protected in the constitution and these civil rights were once simply wiped off the table by an infection protection law. You have to imagine that During the Corona campaign, our constitution and civil rights were simply suspended. I can say that with the AFD something like this would never have been possible and I would like to thank all the Monday walkers who took to the streets against this policy and we are calling for investigative committees are also blocked by the Union and therefore all votes go to the AFD so that these people can be brought into law. That's what it looks like: we want more democracy, we want direct democracy, we want a referendum based on the Swiss model and I can tell you the first thing What we would do is put the abolition of the GEZ fees up for a vote because SST suddenly all the wave journalists who haven't learned anything are on the street. We have to get rid of the taxes and fees. We need affordable energy. That's only possible through a reasonable energy supply, so we go back to nuclear power back to coal power, we had the most modern nuclear and coal-fired power plants, especially here in Saxony, this is relevant, back to a sensible, sustainable energy policy, dear friends, we have responsibility for the next generation, for our children, for the young people who need a sensible education, what is happening here? the schools also have to be turned upside down again, the children shouldn't learn what gender is here and choose genders and free smoking weed for everyone in this hippist stat no the job of the schools is to impart knowledge, to be able to write, to be able to read math to be able to count on to be able to receive a reasonable education for one's later professional life, that's what it looks like, that's how to do responsible education and that's why I say thank you to all the young voters, I see so many young people, we want you to have a sensible future, that you have a sensible one Education, you got a good job and that you can live from your work and because you are smart, you young people are smarter than all the Claudia Rot and Ricarda Langs and all the dropouts who are sitting in the government together because you know that in the U18 survey made the AFD the strongest force, thank you so much % % because you understand what it's about and that's why we do n't need a 360° turn in this area but rather a 180° turn. We also don't need a 360° turn in a feminist foreign policy, which is what we need there is no war in Ukraine, that is not in German interest, German interest is in peace between Russia and Ukraine, it is our job as responsible politicians to end this unnecessary, senseless death in Ukraine as quickly as possible and I say it here and today no Germans, no sons, no fathers, no weapons in this Ukraine , never and personally I'm ashamed of it. I'm ashamed of the fact that after the Second World War, German tanks rolled against Russia. It's a disgrace for our country. We know from history that you don't have to be particularly smart But this government bank doesn't have that kind of wisdom anyway. We're giving up on the traffic lights, it's pointless and I hope that they all get out of the state parliament together egen in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg and get their due for irresponsible actions. Everyone knows that at the end of every war there is peace, so why continue the war unnecessarily and let people die every day. A diplomatic solution has to be found and that would actually be Germany's task as a neutral To bring about a diplomatic peace, this option has been blocked. I can promise you that with the AFD in government responsibility and I don't mean in the state but in the federal government next year, we will force the peace negotiations and make an absolute change of course in foreign policy and that's why is a very important building block, dear friends, on Sunday we will make the East, the beloved Saxony, the beloved Thuringia, we will make the East blue, dear friends, on September 1st, vote for the AFD, I would like to thank you, thank you Dresen, thank you Saxony is taking advantage of the opportunity and right and freedom for the German fatherland We all live fraternally with heart unity IT and law and freedom are of happiness underf hü W of this happiness for German fatherlandüze this ке е дойче

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