ELECTION IN THURINGIA AND SAXONY: Krumbiegel worries about democracy - "Stop bashing politicians"

We want to delve further into the topic. The musician Sebastian Krumbiegel, known as the frontman of the Prinzen, is joining us from Leipzig. Mr. Krumbiegel is a pleasure to welcome you. Hey, thank you and hello, dear people. You are a native of Saxony and are from Leipzig yourself. How do you feel about tomorrow's state elections? , in which the extreme parties are likely to do very well, the AfD could get around 30% in Saxony and Thuringia and the other extreme party is which, if I may ask, you don't see the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance as being on the far left or what do you think I would generally describe it as a left-wing party in social and economic policy, but in migration policy it is also more right-wing with the BSW, it is difficult. Yes, I always have a bit of difficulty with this equating of left and right. I think the danger is definitely there on the right side and I'm concerned about the questions that I have before tomorrow evening. I no longer feel like sitting like a rabbit in front of a queue and somehow I think you have to be on the right track here in Saxony and also in Thuringia I'll put it this way now and I've almost been tried and tested right now because I'm going out on a limb and promoting democratic parties and trying to stand up to the so-called Alternative for Germany because they're up to no good and I still want to Take advantage of the opportunity People don't vote for this party, they want to abolish cultural things, they no longer do anything for people with disabilities who have Björn Höcke wants to abolish inclusion in schools, the school community will be worse off, so I can only ask and encourage you to vote for democratic parties tomorrow evening during the day but then what did the established democratic parties do wrong in your opinion to allow it to get this far because I mean, well, we do n't have the election results yet but a survey of 30% doesn't bode well, it does n't bode well and what the established parties have done wrong I do n't think it can be said so quickly. You have to know that the world has changed, so if someone had told Ms. Baerbock or Mr. Habeck or even Mr. Scholz three years ago, if you have to come First of all, managing a war is an incredible challenge. The world has changed and the hope that we all had when the government arrived that a lot will now change socially and also in terms of climate policy, which has of course been diminished by the fact that This problem with the global problem has to be dealt with and I do n't mean that as an excuse at all, especially since the government has also achieved a lot, which unfortunately hasn't been communicated well, but we have to stop bashing politics in general We should stop bashing politicians , the first ones are already resigning because they no longer want to subject themselves to all this madness at the local level and we should be happy about the people who have democratic ideas in politics and are trying to save something there is, if I have answered your question, yes, you have just mentioned federal politics, the federal government. Do you think that in this state election tomorrow, federal politics will be more in the foreground or are they more regional issues? I think it is a very emotional one Election and I think that for many people it's about showing those up there where the hammer is and I think that has a lot to do with federal politics, that's a mistake and I do n't want to be precocious at all But that's why it's of course difficult for the individual to differentiate and then to distinguish between state politics and federal politics, between local politics and federal politics, which was noticed in the election campaign when many parties simply advertise that yes, here we want Peace, we want justice in some way, yes we all want that, dear people, how to get there, that's just the question and I'm very excited to see what happens tomorrow evening and appeal to civil society, that he is defending himself against what could possibly happen to us, her solo record Get Up is also being released in these weeks, to what extent is there a political message behind this title? Yes, music is generally what you experience and music reflects generally reflects that and I just made this album and there are some political songs on it too. I have to be a little careful that I don't get too involved in it because in the end I'm an entertainer and in the end I set out to make music and I love making music, I walk in it, I'm happy with what I can do, that I have the privilege of making the music, but I have a song that says, for example, the leader would have been happy and I sing about it like I did I did a counter-demonstration in Schleusingen last year in November at a so-called SS Heroes Memorial March and that's where I saw them. I saw these hardcore Nazis who were walking through the night around Tommy Frenck, with torches and we don't want that People and if you really see it with your own eyes then you'll just write about it again or hang out the window and say people be careful with this party because without shit it 's really not a good thing if you read the program uh other parties are good alternatives Alternative for Germany is not an alternative it is a disgrace clear words from the musician Sebastian Krumbiegel thank you very much for the conversation, thank you very much

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