"State Election: Painful Result! Green Party Leader Nouripour on the Election Defeat in Thuringia"

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:03:33 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: thuringia
You are pragmatic enough. Go deeper now. We want to listen now. A reaction from the Greens at the federal level. Omid Nouripour has already commented. Yes. Welcome this evening. I would like to start with a thank you. I would like to thank everyone who trusted us and gave us their vote in these state elections in Thuringia and Saxony . Cast a vote for climate protection, for good jobs and for confidence. I would like to thank our people who campaigned under the most adverse circumstances. People who have completely used up their summer vacation in this election campaign. Our top people, who stood at the front and got the wind from the front and stood, ran a very great and committed election campaign , we would like to thank you very much for that. If the results we have currently hold , then we will be very relieved about the result in Saxony. We managed to get into the state parliament there and therefore have the opportunity to continue the successful work of the coalition of the last five years in Saxony. That's pleasing. In Thuringia the result is very painful for us. If it stays like this, we will not have managed to get back into the state parliament. We will of course talk to each other in the next few days and see what can be improved. And of course we will talk to each other about how we can still support our people during this difficult time. A support that is a given and will last beyond the day. Omid Nouripour is usually a man of his words. But if you listened now, he was so frustrated, can you understand? No, low blow for the current ones. According to the current forecast in Saxony, the Greens are at 5%. They can still get below 5%, then they will be out of both state parliaments. A bit of hope flown out of both state parliaments. Which, by the way, also influences the formation of the majority in Saxony. But the hope for the direct mandates, which hope to get a direct mandate in Leipzig and Dresden and then a mandate clause, is still there. That is, the question of whether the Left will get the direct mandate? We'll see. Anyway, those. The Green Party's great times are over. Incidentally, the Greens are also in the process of saying goodbye to green history a bit nationwide . It doesn't work anymore, it doesn't work anymore. They have lost their attractiveness . Your program completely focused on climate protection is starting to get on people's nerves. Everything they have installed on the side, the gendering in the language and the wokeness in all kinds of public statements, is getting on people's nerves. They want to free themselves from it a bit , the heating chaos is still in their memories. They are also a bit too belligerent for the green story, too belligerent when it comes to Ukraine. They would like to deliver everything possible, and they would also like to deliver the German cruise missiles if they had their way. All of this is a mixture that former Green voters can no longer understand. In every way. And that's where a lot of people end up with Sahra Wagenknecht.

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