GoPro Hero 13 Low Light vs Insta360 Ace Pro, Hero 12, DJI Action 4

right so this is the low light test we have the DJI action 4 the inst 360 a pro the GoPro Hero 13 and the GoPro Hero 12 the action 4 is on low light image enhancement which puts down to 8 bit the Ace Pro is 8 bit but it's got a dedicated low light video Mode called Pure video which is insanely good and it basically uses AI to get rid of all the noise and stuff and it looks absolutely f fantastic the hero 13 and the hero 12 are more or less similar and you'll see a lot of noise probably coming into those cuz I don't think there's too much difference between the sensors when it comes to L light I know a lot of people been asking for it but um I don't think it's happened now we're going to go out onto picosa the sun went down about 15 minutes ago so as you can see it looks really nice and funky I'm going to go into a dark era I'm going to go into some very very colorful area so P cost got off on um in wood and you're going to be able to see what it looks like with a whole load of neon lights and stuff and I might I might even run for you though there are a lot of people here it is a Sunday night this camera launches in a few days and I just wanted to get as much cool stuff out there for you so you guys can see exactly what this looks like now um the colorful lights that you're going to be able to see are right here and they're wild let me turn the camera around for you there you go this is what they all look like the few Wild Lights And there are a load of really really cool Neons there now I'm sure there are a few that do a fantastic job when it comes to um you know being able to keep the lights looking good now I am using a little tip that I found out the last time both the GoPros have hdr on that is like a trick and it makes them look way better um during low light shots and if you watch my hero 12 low light videos you'll see that when you put hdr on it keeps a lot of the highlights looking much better and um yeah it just works better here is some more footage now by the way these all have stabilization on this this is what they look like with stabilization on you can see there's still a little blue in the sky as it went down about about what 20 minutes go now but um yeah I mean if I stand next to one of these lights let's have a look that's what I look like so if you're out and you are vlogging this is what everything's going to look like um got some really bright lights here so let's check them out when I walk past them I should really be you know with the kids I did bath and already and then I ran out I'm like I got to go out and I got to quickly film this but um yeah this is basically what everything looks like here it's a little bit chilly but uh yeah here's the street behind me there you go here's um licked and here's the um massive massive red Tower ahead of me it's about 7 5 76 M tall so that's what everything looks like here so this is just my normal kind of walk around the city um in low light so you guys can just have a feel say you're out you know a lot of you are going to be buying one of these cameras one of these four cameras I'm sure there might be a few more out in the next you know maybe couple of weeks who knows but you'll probably be buying them you'll be like okay so which one looks better if I'm Vlogging during the day so probably seeing that video if I'm Vlogging during the night which one I'm going to be able to handle everything which one um has the best stabilization at night if I'm running I'm jogging I'm sure like there's probably 1% of you jogging at night with a GoPro or action 4 or whatever but um this is basically what it looks like if you are um it's nice it's nice it's it's I I love the big screen on the Ace Pro I'm not going to Li to you the screen is lovely and this is what let's have a look at some bright lights here and I'm not doing any crazy ninja walk I'm back next to the um flamingos you saw a little while ago and I'm going to I'm going to run why not so this is basically me running and this is what they all look like so there flamingos on one side there and this is what it looks like when I'm looking it down the road that's what um stabilization looks like they all do have stabilization on by the way so um you can see that quite clearly you probably see it in the um red Tower if the lights were kind of like you know flickering or juming or doing whatever so I think that's enough for today I don't really have much more to show though like cuz this is basically as low as it gets there you go that is pit Costa street so the longest straight Commercial Street goes all way from down there all the way down there very very far I think it's few km wide um and this what it looks like at night so if you have any questions any comments any of that stuff do drop them down below I'll be happy to get back to you about all of these cameras and um if you like my video give me a like subscribe All That Jazz and um I'm going to catch you on the next one this is 6 minutes long that's not too bad I'm sure that gives you enough time to see everything by the way all medium sharpness all 25 frames per [Music] second right this is me in front of a window about 40 minutes after the sun's gone down pitch black pitch black the only one I can see my face on is the Ace Pro [Music]

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