Top Tips for Go All Out Event: Catch Shiny Wooloo & Double XP in Pokémon GO!

Intro we have the go allout event in Pokémon go so today we're going to give you the top tips to help you guys max out on this event number one it's a great event number two we have brand new starters number three it's already out so we got to get into the details so welcome to the trainer Club here we [Music] go the go allout event in Pokémon go is Date & Time live all the way until the 10th which is going to be Tuesday at 8:00 pm local time so please make sure to go out there do as much of this event as you possibly can because we have brand new starters in the game obviously you guys have seen it pretty cool starters for myself especially the reloom I'm super stoked about this Pokemon I can't wait to see it get the frenzy plant at some point and I can't wait to max out one of those Pokemon I just think it looks incredibly cool and that's the only reason why but we're going to go over all the details so do not go away from anything because we want to make sure number one you Max on in the event number two check out any of the good Pokémon in number three see what's going on so let's jump into the Bonuses details for this event we are getting two times catch XP and two times Evolution XP so what I would suggest doing if you guys are going after this type of XP number one this is a pretty long event to have double catch XP guys this can give you a ton of XP every single Spotlight hour please make sure to take advantage of it all of the wulu please make sure to catch them because the excellent throws are very easy score bunny is actually a pretty easy excellent throw as well and make sure to hit curveball excellent throws even if you have to use regular raspberries to help speed up your catching to make sure this happens if you don't even want to use an egg that's fine but if you do use an egg you're in and around 4500 XP per catch which is nothing to look over guys if you think about it doing five catches like that is equivalent to doing one raid with a lucky egg and you don't have to pay for that raid which is very cool so that's something to look out for and then at the same time that you are catching on these lucky eggs if you're going to evolve these Pokemon you might as well do the first evolution of all of them on the lucky egg to get that little bit extra XP and if you're looking to capitalize on Evolution XP you're typically looking for Pokémon such as Weedle Caterpie Pidgey all those 12 candy per evolved Pokemon are going to be your best friends or even Pokemon that you have way too much candy of that you don't really care too much about and you don't care about blowing through all that candy make sure to do those Evolutions but the best and most efficient way to get XP in this game is excellent curveball throws and obviously Pokemon Debuts we have the groi the score Bunny and the Sable that are going to be making their debuts as well as dpy and dpy goes into dragapult and dragapult is going to be a ghost and a dragon Pokémon and let's not forget about all the people in the United Kingdom that are going to be getting the stone journer so we have a brand new Regional Pokémon that I'm excited to get in the very near future and for all of the brand new Pokemon it's going to be 25 candies for the first evolution and then 100 candies for the second evolution so for all of those out there from the score bunny all the way down to the dpy you're going to be using the exact same candy so please make sure to pinea them trade them because we are in the new season so you don't need any type of distance to get XL candy for these and please do not Shiny Debuts forget that we have the brand new shinies being introduced in the game which is going to be sovet as well as wulu so please make sure to check as many of those Pokemon as you possibly can because the shinies are now in the game starting off with all our tips tip Tip #1 - Spawns - Meta Attackers & GBL number [Music] one so as far as the spawns we are going to be getting the three starters we're also going to be getting sovit as well as wulu and then if you are lucky some trainers might be able to find a dpy so I have not seen a dpy yet have you guys seen one in the wild because they also going to be in eggs and let's jump into some of the meta attacker standpoint for some of these Pokémon well let's start off with our starters so actually the reloom is the 10th overall ranked grass type Pokemon in the game that is going to be not too far behind the Shadow septile and Shadow Venusaur as well as the shadow torta it's going to be 37.2 n as far as the fire type Pokémon we unfortunately do not have a present here and as far as the water type we also do not have a present here we still have the Gren ninja sitting at one of the top spots for the nonshadow budget water counters and unfortunately for the dragapults I mean you're looking at some of the top ghost and dragons in the game unfortunately that one is not going to stack up but that doesn't mean that we don't have PVP places for these Pokémon but most importantly before we go into that that re booom really impresses me that means once the shadow does come out that Pokemon is going to be an extremely strong Pokemon and once it gets frenzy plant Guys these Pokemon that are shadows that are above it already have frenzy plant once it does come out that's going to be an extremely impressive Pokemon as far as the reloom in the great League it's ranked 684 Ultra League 633 Mass League 362 so unfortunately for the re boom doesn't look too great as far as the cinder rase 703 in the great League 494 in the ultra League 273 in the master League which is not too great as well as far as the intellion 900 in the great League 651 in the ultra league and 398 in the master League once again not great but at the same time guys we have to give these Pokemon just a teeny bit of Grace because they do not have their com day moves yet but as far as the dragapult it's looking at 198 in the great League ranked in the ultra League at 83 with astonished breaking swipe and Shadow Ball 11515 as far as the PVP moves but the best ranking is going to be in the master League at rank 46 this Pokemon is quite nice to be able to play with so I'm excited to see some of you guys add this Pokemon to your team let me know in the comments below if you think that it could be as a part of your team and then as far as the stone Jer we have 774 in the great League 568 in the ultra league and 290 in the M League then as far as the double in the great League we have 131 at a 11515 in the ultra League 173 as far as the greedent in the great League 103 at a 01214 so nothing that is going to shake up the top meta for PVP Pokémon but that doesn't stop us there because CU we're going to go on to tip number Tip #2 - Eggs [Music] two tip number two is going to be about egg hatches because we have some of these Pokemon in eggs well for some of these Pokemon I would suggest that eggs aren't really the place to play for but if you are able to get yourself 10 km eggs which is basically just hatching eggs and trying to save up on those 10 km you can get a dpy in those eggs in the 5 km eggs we're going to have all those starters added in please don't forget that we do have Larvesta in there there in 7 km eggs we're going to be getting gallan and alolan Pokémon in those which you may consider hatching and then as the 10 km eggs this is going to be where you do find the dpy so if you guys are interested in trying to hatch this little friendly ghost dragon Pokemon this would be where you get it as well as some pretty good hatches in here as well and the 100% IV for the dpy coming out of eggs is 438 as far as hatching eggs do I really suggest you guys do this probably not I'm not the biggest fan of hatching eggs I feel like it doesn't really serve my gameplay I mean yeah when I do have them I hatch them I really hatch the 12 km eggs like you guys hear me talk about for the Stardust purposes and beyond that I don't really rely on eggs unless I know that they have really high shiny rates for certain events and this one is just trying to get a Pokemon that seems like you can still get in the wild so I'm not overly sold on hatching eggs in this standpoint which then leads us into tip number Tip #3 - Research [Music] three tip three is about the field research as well as some of the other research we have a catch five Pokémon task which I do like because you can get 10 pokeballs or five Great Balls three pineapp or 500 Stardust obviously the last two I don't care about but the great balls and the pokeballs is good to be able to do it because catching five Pokemon is super easy and then you can do catch eight Pokemon for the starters another very easy task for the groi 100% IV it's going to be 465 and score Bunny and Sab will make it easy at 470 so very close in all the CPS of this Pokemon which is quite surprising because usually the starters are tiered down from about the higher threes to the low fours and then up from there for different types and then we have use five berries to help catch Pokemon the squet is going to be 44 and the wulu is going to be 302 so those are all the field research but then we also have ourselves special research as well we have catch eight Pokemon which you guys should have done and then you can choose a path which is going to be groy Sable or score Bunny and I have seen from couple of gaming that whichever you choose it's going to change the background of your postcard book so if you guys do choose one of those paths you can go ahead and check out where your postcards are and see the background and all these are going to be similar um you have catch three Pokemon take a snapshot and then you'll get a grooki with 1,000 XP you have uh catch 88 Pokemon spin 25 Poké stops or gym explore 8 kilm evolve aie for 10 Great Balls then you have the catch 88 Pokemon send eight gifts to friends hatch eight eggs for the 50 groi candy evolv a thwacky for three rare candies and then a wulu encounter and then we have the reward WS are going to be coming back soon and so all of them do follow suit except you're getting different Encounters in different candy depending on each one that you choose I don't really think there's a right answer here I mean you're getting them in the wild anyway so whichever one you like the most please go ahead and choose that Pokemon and then there's going to be collection challenges as well but the overarching most important things is number one the shinies we have the sovet as well as the wulu that are going to be out number two two times catch XP please make sure to go out and throw as many excellent throws as possible and number three stack up on all the X sell candy for these Pokémon while they are prevalent use a mega that's going to match the typing if you guys do want a mega you can use Primal Groudon that is going to cover both of the grass and the fire for XL candy that's the easiest one to be able to go ahead and do but most importantly go out there catch Pokemon and enjoy yourself thank you guys for being here as always love and appreciate you guys to all of my likers comment subscribers patreon members Ure support subscription and participation to X miss you guys out on the next video Outro peace I want to take this time to thank everybody who supports me in every facet it means the world to me and an extra special thank you to all my patreons I greatly appreciate the extra support to continue to allow me to pursue Pokémon go full-time allowing me to create my daily video uploads in the most timely fashion for everyone's benefit plus I get the amazing experience of sharing my creative processes behind the scenes and raiding all around the globe with select upper tiers thank you everybody for being a part of the trainer Club you all mean the absolute world to me and I will see you guys out on the next video [Music] playing Gam

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