Category: Entertainment
[music] [laughter] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] a number of things that u i've heard from people in the pentagon that the buzzword in in the secret of secrets in the pentagon is uh the surian gods are returning and that's what they're referring to is that whole area uh that peter... Read more
Category: Comedy
Get into it coach colin here we all know camala harris has been hiding from the media and you know a lot of the white dudes for cala are saying no she's not hiding she's in the rallies she's doing rallies and that doesn't count as media we're talking about podcasts we're talking about interviews we're... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey what's up guys up here so today we're going to be checking in on the hooe boycott because genin impact recently announced a collaboration with another corporation that is facing a similar boycott now in case you didn't know the natland region of genjin impact was previewed back in july sparking... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[musique] [musique] bienvenue dans votre futur bienvenue sur la vidéo qui va vous parler des prédictions qui concernent le mois de septembre 2024 alors que au moment où je cette vidéo je suis le jeudi 22 août à 20h pile alors qu'allons-nous voir je vais faire comme au mois d'août comme pour le mois... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ô rony o que que você acha da gente acionar a karine roma aqui antes da escalada convin tudo manda ver aí sala digital na área direto da sala digital uma parceria band de google como é que você tá karine tudo bem tudo bem joel tudo bem ronald boa tarde pr vocês bem você tá voando lá na sala digital... Read more
Category: Comedy
-finally, guys, it's monday. it's time for "wepost." here we go. -whoa! -♪ wepost ♪ ♪♪ ♪ wepost ♪ -welcome to "wepost." this is where we, as a group, decide something we should post on socials. i'm gonna show you five different posts, and we're all gonna vote on whether you like each one or not. and... Read more
Category: Education
Este é o giro da bolsa então vamos lá esse é o giro da bolsa um programa semanal com as principais notícias do mercado financeiro na semana e hoje o que que a gente tem aqui baguncinha baguncinha hoje o programa tá simplesmente sensacional vou te mostrar o que que aconteceu aqui nessa semana um pouquinho... Read more
Category: News & Politics
अब एक्स प्लेटफॉर्म को पूरे देश में बैन कर दिया गया है और कोई भी अगर इसका इस्तेमाल करेगा तो उस पर जुर्माना भी लगाया जाएगा एक्स प्लेटफॉर्म को ब्राजील में बैन किया जा चुका है जिसकी वजह से यह चर्चा में बना है इसके बैन करने की वजह फेक न्यूज़ को बढ़ावा देना और देश के लोकतंत्र के लिए खतरा बताया है इसके बाद एलोन मस्क ने एक्स प्लेटफॉर्म पर एक पोस्ट किया और बताया कि एक्स प्लेटफॉर्म का एल्गोरिदम कैसे काम करता है एलोन मस्क ने पोस्ट में कहा एक्स प्लेटफॉर्म एल्गोरिदम मानता... Read more
Category: Comedy
-enjoy yourself. enjoy yourself. welcome, everybody. welcome to "the tonight show"! you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. well, guys, tomorrow, in philadelphia is the big presidential debate between vice president harris and former president trump. which, of course,... Read more
Category: Education
In a surprising turn of events twitter also known as x suffered a major outage on thursday morning that is today december 21st leaving users unable to view tweets on their timelines while the website and apps were operational all tabs including following for you and lists displayed empty feeds the outage... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Vorspann [musik] und jetzt das heute journal mit christopher wermann und christian sieers guten abend ihnen allen man soll ja vorsichtig sein mit stimmung vor der wahl superlativen aber was unser land morgen erleben könnte kann man durch aus historisch nennen nicht umsonst sind presseleute aus aller... Read more
Category: Comedy
[music] 5 minutes later now you got to remember this is a community like any other the city there's some tensions here that existed before this uh and that's what bubbled up here when you had uh people taken into the street them wearing different colors is significant and they were linking arms they... Read more